,. r r i ' 1 t;i' 800 Real Estate BOO Real Estate 700 Rentals 800 Real Estate POO Real Estate 800 Real Estate SPACIOUS CHOICE HOME-East Englewood, lovely lge. liv. mi. with built-in bookcase and fireplace, din. rm. with built-in chinT VinSf tiled bath and kitchen, heated utility room attached garage A oui tty home thruout. $13,500. CALL J. E. LAW. Qfat- VIEW FROM EVERY WINDOW-Lovely West view overlooking river towards Independence. lame lov.lv hirnk u.i,.. ua...! r. " . L-shape liv. rm. and din. rm. Philippine mahogany mantel and trim! L,n'c,e iSESa, "Sffi ,bA,h-,..A-d-. GRABENHORST. r vnlT WANT Trt HW Vmm muu v -v " Y." "vjLio Lwm mis over, aervice station and f"ge. Also good home good location in suburbs. Lot 78 x 300 fat. Prica 12D Oftn. fAT.T. f. 17 rDnln'MUnncn .n CREEK PROPERTY A neat four bdrm. home on a quiet street in a friendly neighborhood. Good school location. Price $11,500. Terms. CALL GRABENH0RST BROS. REALTORS 134 S. LIBERTY PHONE 2-2471 Evenings J. B. Law. S-S113 Nelson & Nelson . WEDNESDAY TRADES OUR TRADES ARE BRINGING RESULTS" TRADE . EXCELLENT 1-BDRM. HOME FOR 2 BDRMS. The family is expanding and this neat enterprising young couple are looking (or something up to $3,000 In a 2-bdrm. home. Their s Is priced at $3,000. What have you? Call Al Watts, slm 3-7265. TRADE 3 BDRMS. IS OUR NEED Will trade $6500 two-bdrm. home on N. Liberty lor a 3-bdrm. close to down town up to 11,000. Would like at least 2 bdrms. on main floor. Call Al Watts, lm., home phone 3-7265. TRADE WASHINGTON SCHOOL DISTRICT Our client needs a three bdrm. home and have their conveniently ar ranged, 2-bdrm. home to trade with you. This 3-yr.-old home Is ex ceptionally well insulated, has good plastered interior, deep lot 63 x 130. Bus stop V,k blocks. Can be handled on a GI loan. Price $7,600. Call Mrs. Wootten. TRADE SUBURBAN HOME FOR CITY PROPERTY Ideal small acreage with nice 5-room home completely modern. You can raise a nice garden this spring in this excellent soil. !i acre of straw berries pays your taxes and then some. Family orchard, large barn. North of Salem. Don't miss this opportunity to live out a ways from Salem and yet be close, too. $12,500. Owner wishes to be closer to work. We are easy to find Plenty of free parking. NELSON AND NELSON, REALTORS "COMPLETE REAL ESTATE SERVICE" 1590 S. COMMRCIAL ST. PHONE 2-3669 700 Rentals 705 Apartments For Rent WARM 1ST FLOOR small apt. Lady preferred. 645 Ferry St. BACK upstairs apfs. Ph. 3:6680. 266 S. Cottage. 3-ROOM furn. apt. Private bath. 3235 Portland Rd. Ambassador Furnished apts. 550 N. Summer J-ROOM furnished apartment, second floor, for I or 2 women. $28. util ities pa. 1MW wnicroi. MOD. UNFURN. court cottage, re- decorated, walk dlst. Ph. 3-5211. CLEAN 2 rm. furn. Private entrance, bath, grouna. voy a. 3-ROOM apt. for rent. 4 blocks S. of Ladd & Bush hank. 310 Bcllevue St. Evenings aunoays. LARGE, well furnished 2-room apt. on 2nd floor. Laundry fac lities. Adults. No pets. D. S. McGlellan, 2164 Maple ave. MODF.RK, nicely furn. 2-bcdrm. apt. in l urner. rn. jtncu, NEWLY decorated, furn. oil heat. Private bath and entrance. Clean and close in. 48Z a. nign FURNISHED 3 rooms. $30. Private bath. 1968 nonnuiin i 2 ROOMS. Private bath, entrance, re frigerator. Adults. Reasonable. 735 S. i:ilh St. FURNISHED modern 2 room apt. Within 5 blocks of down town. $05 per month. Ph. 2-1887. 444 N. Cot tage. J-ROOM Furnished Court Apt with garage, $55. Close in on No wm l, l'n. ;c-ooio ui d-u". CLEAN, furnished. Close to stores I'h. 2-714H, i-REDROOM furnished apt. Utilities included. :a. hijmic lint t vu-i-ir rum .mall, base ,At tin Unite. 3-8642. 1990 McCoy. ATTRACTIVE unfurn. 4-rm. apt Rante and refrlg. 1140 S. 13th. MODERN nicely furn. 2 bcdrm. apt iiirner ure. rnoHicm rinrTriT PT.A7A 1 bedrm. furn & unfurn. 1165 Che mekcta. Ph. 3-8C30. rir.v i rm fnrnlvhed aot. Util ities furn. $27.50. Ph. 2-9084. 2261 Hazcl Ave . - r...n rnef in. Private entrancebathJ3bib Vlr-r Dvi turn ants. Close In. Private bath, $35 to $35 per month Inn 105 N. Cottage. PRIVATE 3 room court apis. Clean, furn.. $45.Jdult.W0rtlandRrl f-nrRM "modern lurn. court apt. $55. Ph. 4-1761. . 3 RMS. fiirn. Utilities paid. Women intirrii'ii. inoj m' l-niRM. apt . unfurn, steam heat $50. I'h. 4-1452 alter 4 pm. 2iw S. CnmJ.St. . CLEAN 3 room furnished apartment. Private entrance, bath. Utilities furnlshed.419S.19thi fvnn. 2-rm. court apt. Av'Wble Feb. 1. 1065 Madlscm,4-4 ', . FURNISHED- aparlments. Close-in. Ph. 2-8740. 325 S. Winter. 707 Houses For Rent TO RENT to reliable Pft-3-rfm house, 1059 N. Frn'',v?0?,-"rJ: $40 per month. C.ll 23856 Wood burn. 960 Leaiure St. 1 ROOM furnished cabin. Gentle man. Phone 3-701$. FOR I.EASE Feb. W. New 2 bedrm. house. East. Oil wall furnace. $ References. 2-4983; 2 BEDRmT" house, 1175 S. Wh. Ph- 3-W22 . LARGE well-furnished 1st fir. near Statehouse. Rent reduced for Jawn are.eJcPh-ii5i'i 1 BEDROOM all electric cottage. furn. or unfurn. Bus ""?f.,n'A,' avallahle Feb. 1st Inc. $ St. Th. 2-0986. """" "lt,uulu nnra t .1. . & Sundays call Salesmen H. K. Laymon 2-5193 700 Rentals 707 Houses For Rent COMPLETELY furn. 1 bcdrm. home. For more Information Ph. 3-3289. 255 Center. General Real Estate. 1 BEDR. house, floor furnace, range. Hollywood section. $35. Ph. 2-2918, MODE HN 2-hcd room house. North District. $60 per mo. Phone 4-1761. Dealer. NEW onc-bedroom court, stove and refrlg. furnished, adults, $50. Ph. 3-0440. VERY NICE 1-bdrm. house. Unlurn. except refrlg. and stove. 2445 Mar ket. Ph. 2-1858. FOR RENT or sale. 2-bedroom house. Partly furn. $250 down. Rent $57. Ph. 2-508 or a-aiu. 2-nEDROOM house. Near buses and Richmond scnool. ya monm. -mwo. 4-BEDRM. house at 1138 Waller St. $50 montn. inquire ioua o. mui. Ph. 4-6215. 2 BEDROOM house. $83. 2 bedroom house. . ln. -Jirw. OLD REMODELED house with base ment JIN L. f. Suhurban home. Ph. 2-1316 eve nings. 3 BEDROOM home on S. Com'l to rent, also suouroan nume ivn acres. Call or Mr. Leavens Sim. Eve. 3-4735. Al lt.sk Realtor 3035 Portland Rd? Phone 4-3311. 3 ROOM and i room house. $30 mo. each. Across roan ir-mi ih:,j Food Store. Ph. J-.nw 1353 S. COM'L. 4 room unfurn. home exceot stove refrlg. Ph. 2-48.T9. OLDER TYPE 5-room house with hisr-inem ana ii.r.iK'-. -w. Portland Rd. Ph. 2-2707 2 BEDROOM home, unfurnished, oak floors, alt. garage. N". on Larsen Ave $50 00 Mo. Bert Plena Real EMate. J79rit hh?4i 1 bLuROOM house in court unfur nished except stove quire station Corner Lee-Mission $30.50. 2-nETJROOM house. $50 mo. or less with l?ase. r.xcentii, 2525 Prlngle Road. Contact Rodney Miles co Garette Times. Corvalhs. ter. garbage rd. Laundry room. floor furnace. $40. 3-8t.i. CLEAN, 4-bdrm. hm. Wood furnace. Full cemeni oasm i. - drrsen. 4!'9fl Lancaster, i-BEDROOM house, everything fur nihed. monthly or weekly rate. Ph. 3-8723. CLEAN, cozy older type house. Stove & retrig. Mm .ji".. 57p.M FURN. cottage. $40 Couple onlv. C. E. Andresen, 4090 L.-ncast- 4-124 fin S WINTER. $42 50 range and oil neater 1 bedroom, 2-car garaee. Call Kd t.iikinbca. JealtorL 280. Wnlkine dls- .'... smith. Ph. 3-3101. Ed Byrkit. SMALL 2 '"bcdrm. nlre, clean, close 'in. $55 nn.Ph2-5115. UNFl'RN! "a'hdrm. house. $35. 1480 Park. rn. i-n.in OnkURN". 1 lee. bdrm.. eleclrlc heat $.15. l'n. 3-j"s H'jjri.". P BEDRM. duplex with store room. No children. North Dlst. $45 per month. l'n. s-iiri HBDhM. furn hou-e. Couple only. 1 ' .... n ion a. 9.'J.'tQ9 NO pen nvE-BDRM. furn.. clean and dlf .r.nl lna. 147 N. 16m. iRM. UNFURN. toXtnt. t ! Ijeat. elec. range, m is. s-h"" TVRX SINGLE & double Apt 44 N Cottage. Ph. 2-1887. KirF UNFURN. 1-bdrm. court cot N'.. rsnee wslklng dlst Ph. 3-5211 KPTdRM. modern, range i refrlg fuin. S4S. rn. FijrN . 1 or 2 bdrm. duplex PL race! 9i9NWlnter, Ph. 3-8f80. SKI'AHATE ,'nlrance 3 rm. duplex. r..1ratM1Ph. 2-3325. jTnDRM unfurn. older house, $47 50. ' No pets.jnq. 141 N. 18th. CLEAN, furnished l-bcflroom house. 707 Homes for Rent I BEDRM unfurn. house, attached garage, elect, heat. $69. Also 1 Dear, uruurn. house $55. No pets, li ml, . 4-Corners. 4673 State. Ph. CLEAN. FURN. cottage, garage, utll ities turn., $45. Ph. 2-9084, 2281 Hazel Ave. 708 Farms, Tracts For Bent SMALL farm with modern house and other bldgs. Ph. 4-2675. 709 Wanted to Bent WANTED Outstanding Auto Club from Salem would like to rent double garage or good barn to use as club house and work shop. Rent must be reasonable. Phone 2-1065. ask for Gary. 710 Wanted to Bent, House FAMILY desires unfurn. 2 bedr. du- i iiuur. witn uimiy room and garage. Ph. 4-6534. 714 Business Rentals STORE, office space: 400. 1500. 1000 sq. ft. new bldg. 144 S. 13th. 3-5222. VERY CLOSE-IN 8 rooms, offices or man Dusiness aownstalrs, and liv ing up, or two families. Ph. 3-4359 evenings. LEASE BUILDING 4.000 sq. ft. on turner im iu?iiiAi. aiua rairgrounas Rd. Ph. 3-7124. 800 Real Estate GOOD INCOME PROPERTY Owner not able to manage 12 apts. pius owner, t urnisnea. T.ce Only $18,500 Will consider house in trade. $7450 VERY NICE HOME 1 Bedrm. Large den with fireplace. Dbl garage. Will trade for trailer house. 5 CHAIR BEAUTY SALON GOOD LOCATION $2,500 TERMS FOR RENT, MCB FURNISHED Ant. with ttSTABP. S3R mnnth. CALL OSCAR SEDERSTROM, SLM. Wllrt JUHrt J. UAWN HlSALiTUK 415 N. High, Ph. 43482 Eve. 25219 Planning on Buildinsr? Exceptionally well located building pioi i acres wun 2za u. iromage on SUverton road. This won't last long. Price: $2,500 cash. 20 acres. All under cultivation. In Prune orchard now. Perfect build ing site. Has complete view of all of the valley. No buildings. Situated south of Salem. Price: $2,950. $500 will handle or will trade. 168 acre farm with 142 acres under cultivation. Good older type home. New 24x56 machine shed. Seven miles to Salem. Raised over 90 bus. per acre of oats last year. This is a good grain farm. Price: $26,500. $13,500 dn. Will trade for coast property or what have you. Ask for Roy Benson Farm Sales man, Eve. Ph. 4-1419. J. E. LeClerc, Realtor 1696 N. Capitol St, Salem Oregon Office Ph. 3-3255 19 ACRES $9950 full price for land and 4 -bed room nouso pius a gooa oarn. House has extra large kitchen. Part basement with oil furnace. Assorted fruit and nut trees. Plenty of water available. About 3 miles to down town Salem. Would consider trade zor small house. $500 DOWN 4-Bcd room home. Ideal for growing lamuy. neeas some worx on insiac. Good location close to Baker School. Lot and half on paved street. Plenty oi garaen space, uaiance line rent. West Salem 2 Bedroom Over 1100 sq. feet and built to lat owner naa mis one duiii lor ms lifetime home, but the stork came too many times. Now he will sacri fice on the price in order to get more room. $9700 for this late-built home. You'll agree it's worth every penny when you see it. 201 South High Street. Phone 3-9203 rnone evenings inu aunuay 4-1671, 3-3858, 4-5319, 3-32t ROY TODD REAL ESTATE LITTLE RANCHO Here is the home In the country fit for a king. 9 Acres of the finest land with a new 3 bdrm. home with over 2.000 sq. El. oi floor space. 16x30 liv. rm., large din. rm., large kit. Basement Modern as any city property. Will trade for .astern Orrgon Farm. Price $20,000. NEAT AS A PIN 2 bdrm., fireplace, oil furnace. Uv. rm., din. rm., metal screens, com pletely insulated, cyclone fence, alt. gar. I9.5O0. ENGLEWOOD REDUCED TO SELL One bdrm. dn.. 2 bdrms. up, Llv. rm.. full nasemeni. garaRe. w 50x100. t9.!50. Will taKe laie moaei car as part payment dn. Mckinley district Ijree llv. rm. with nice fireplace. Din. rm.. nicely arranged kitchen. 2 large bdrms., roomy closets. Big basement with spacious knotty pine party room with fireplace. $13, .50. ROY TODD REAL ESTATE 2319 State St. Office ph. 2-8591 ' i ... ii . D,..ii l.lOH VinHnr. vnrt 2-6268: Ellinger 4-5328: Simp son 3-8239. 801 Business Oportun.tiea ALVIN'S Cafe for rent or lease. Fully eq uo. i ppcfl . call ancr .w. TAVF.RS FOR SALE Fully equipped, pool, cards, lunch, nootns ana wain-in comer. -i. good huMncss. No competition. Long establishment. Living quar ters. Sacrificing due to death. Mon itor Tavern. Monitor. Ore. FOR SALE Garage and marhine shop. In Wil lamette vallev. Plenty repair work, body and fender repair, gas, tires and batteries. Good location. Write Box 164, Statesman-Journal. 80b Houseg For Sale HOMF. WITH Injome. large living room. ainuig rumii breakfast nook tt kitchen. Base ment. Beautiful yard, furnished apt upstairs. 17,000. Tel. 2-W.2. BY OWNER-Very good older home with five B. H. oouoie piumoing, fireplace and full dry basement Sell or trade for a or 3 B. B. Ph. 3-6350. OWNER transferred. 4 bdrms., I baths, I lirepiares, unouy pine plavroom, double gaiage. view. Cash, trade, or terms. 3-444. BY OWNER 2 bdrms.. fireplace, at- tarhed garage, electric neat, l v aerial. Completely furnished. M.000 down. Ph. 4-S39B. 1730 S. Summer St a rir.unt jt.i.in. ,(.t' uyju.-w LH 12x1". large kit. (dining spacel. ail. gar., nice lawn, tu'wrt., i"i 65x120. In city limits, N. Ph 2-1174. l iiLULJiJliimiiaia.irrni-"l 1 1 "'"i THREE BEDROOM 1650'SQUARE FEET STONE FIREPLACE Central hallway gives access to any room In home without going through another. Very attractive flagstone fireplace, colored bath ' fixtures, double garage, all plastered. See this one. You will like It, only 115,900.00. F. H. A. terms. Call Jim Rawlins, Salesman, NEW THREE BEDROOMS, TWO BATHROOMS iocaiea east one diock from city umni, duiii oy one oi saiems best builders. Natural birch kitchen, large inside utility, plumbed and wired for automatic-dryer and washer. Full price only $13,800.00. For appointment to see call Chet Rawlins. Salesman. THREE BEDROOM DOUBLE GARAGE 1650 SQUARE FEET Only by careful Inspection of this beautiful home can you be con vinced of 1U beautiful design for perfect living. Two bedrooms ara approximately 14x18. The third a little smaller. Forced oil and beau tiful fireplace located north In the city, all for only $19,000.00. For appointment to see call Chet Hawllns, Salesman. TWO BEDROOM, SMALL ACREAGE NORTH Two bedrooms, nice, llyjng room, large kitchen and dinette, nlca fiarage, small chicken house, paved street, school bus by door, excel ent soil, home seven years old. 16.300.00 $1000.00 down payment, fSS.OO per month. Call Jim Rawlins, Salesman. TWO BEDROOM PERFECT LOCATION NORTH with nice 1 living room, large kitchen, kitchen stove and oil circu lator to go with sale. Lot 50x420. Full price 5,750.00. For appointment to tee contact Dale Kayburn, Salesman. , MOTEL NORTH This motel has 11 units plus two bedroom owners' home, units have garages. TV In five units. Lot 90x130, paved. Owner w'H take good two bedroom home. To see call Dale Rayburn, Salesman, RAWLINS REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT REALTOR) 2060 N. Capitol Street Phone 24694 or 4-1'fjl Evenings Phone Chet Rawlins 3-6238 Jim Rawlins 2-8S78 Dale Rayburn 2-2045 GRADE "A" DAIRY FARM 145 Acres, 100 A. In crop land, bal. pasture and timber, all yr. creek, also Irrigation well 38 Stanchion barn. 2 silos modern ized 3 bdrm. home, 8 miles from Salem on paved rd., good valua here for 120.000. Will take smaU place In trade cows and ma chlnery can be bought. Call Hen ry Torvend. LEE OHMABT HOW COME???? This large 3 bedroom home is selling for this price I! Has hard wood floros, fireplace, basement with oil furnace, extra nice lot and located in the Englewood Dlst. All for JUST $18,000 Better call Ralph Maddy right now. WHAT A WONDERFUL PLACE TO LIVE!! Can you picture yourself in a home where one complete side of the living room and 2 sides of the dining room overlook a beauti ful valley? Besides the 2 bedrooms on main floor there's a huge, Jorgeous daylight basement with bar, fireplace. Priced at only 17,500. Owner anxious to sellli See Ted Morrison. HARDWARE BUSINESS In nearby town where rent is low, nice up-to-date stock with $50,000 a yr. gross business, large turnover of sporting goods, our price is at inventory cost appx, $20,000 and fixtures of about $2,000. Call Louis Lorcnz. OHMART & CALABA, Realtors 477 COURT ST. PHONE 2.4115 2-41H Eve, talesmen Ted Morrison 2-5046, Henry Torvend 3-3632, Ralph Maddy 2-3488, Louis Loreni 3-5500 ST 'or SAHTV SICU8ITY V r?tfMftii.S!Vii!i,SSi?' 806 Houses For Sals COLBATH'S NO PORCUPINES IN THE CLOSETS of this late built two bedroom home with beautiful oak floors, fireplace, nice kitchen, bath and utility rm. 2 car garage. Located on corner half acre. Price W950. POSSIBLE $730 down. READ THIS AGAIN NEARLY TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE Only $400 down buys this six year two bedroom home with hardwood floors, living rm. and dining rm. combination. Large kitchen, utility rm. Garage. Lot 60x110. Close to .New Washington School. ONLY !tl down and $f,50 per month. TOTAL PRICE ONLY $7500. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. SOMETHING TO SHOUT ABOUT TAINT OFTEN WE HAVE A BUY LIKE THIS ONE. ONLY $KM down for this large two bedroom home, fireplace, oil heal, hard wood floors. Upstairs wllh room for more bedrooms. Garage. Beautiful hark yard fenced and rustic rock patio. YOU LL BE SORRY IF YOU DON'T SEE THIS BUY. PRICE $8500. Eve. Ph. 2-5373. V., ACRE $1200 DOWN and modern two bedroom home located northeast with all furniture. TOTAL PRICE $3100. EVE. PH. 4-2714. FOUR Ic HALF ACRES (Close In). Nice two bedroom modern home on highway. Good land. Excellent garage. ONLY $9250. Eve Ph' THREE HUNDRED ACRES NEAR PEDEE HO acres In cult. Three bedroom modern home. Lots of good farm equipment. Irrigation right. PRICE $30,000. EXCELLENT TERMS. EVE. PH. 4-2714. FULL PRICE $1600 EIGHT AND A HALF ACRES WITH CREEK. Located near Pedee. ONLY $125 down. EVE. PH. 4-2714. EVENING PHONES OF SALESMEN: KIGGINS-4-5404 MRS. OGLESBEE 2-5373 T. T. ANDERSOV-4-2714 MAKE MONEY HERE 4 year old court of 7 furnished Units plus owners. iso iv umi trailer court and plenty room for expansion as there Is 400 feet highway frontage. This Is located In a valley town that Is buzzing with Industry. ANOTHER TEMPTING BUY $8 .ViO This 8 year old home located MSI has HIIXI.IU lOt. L.1VII1K l'Niri 13x24. 2 bedrooms with lartic clos et space. Kltrhen very modern with bright cheerlu.1 eating spare. Oil heating piped to each room. Utility room. Attached garage. A good huv. ARE YOU LOOKING? One of the best turburban grocery stores In Salem. Has comlorlablc 2 bedroom living quarters. This Is a money maker. Owner will trade Must sell because of health. This trav he It. RICHMOND DISTRICT $10 500 Home with an apartment. Close to bus, stores, and walking distance to State House. Apart ment Is furnished, has private en trance, rented for $."A The home Is verv spacious. Kitchen has lots of bullt-lna. Basement, eawdust heat. Large lot with shade and fruit trees, garage. A wonderful home plus an Income. Terms. Call O. V. Hume Wllh State Finance Co., Rltr. 167 S. Hirh St. Ph. 1-4121 Eves. I-52M ' RUDY CALABA SATISFACTION 806 Houses For Sale BY OWNER, suburban, northeast, 3 bdrm. nm., z yrs. oiu. an i.h, lawn and shrubs In, big garden space. Covered patio. Big windows. Everything auto. Will let nut;, washer and dryer go If needed. Price $12,500. Ph. 2-0001. BY OWNER, sell or lease with op tion. Now 1 vcar oio completely furn. Including TV. washer and drver, .1 bcdrm. flrepl.. 60x180, large ba-k yard. Ideal for children. Call 3-7323. DUPLEX Nice location, Income $r5. mo. Price $i;ooo. UNFINISHED 1 Bedrooms, nice lot. close to State llosp. oir t'srx Ave. rutc $"00 dn.. $25 per mo. on the above. Call Carpenter, ph. 3-5580 2-8812. Eve. 3-6648. Art Madsen, Realty 1328 State St. FOR SALE or trade by owner 1 Bd. Hm. house. 2 lots, gaiage, utility & Fruit R-n. Clear title $3MiO or or 3 Bd. Rm. home. Phone 4-4586. BY OWNER Kelrer dlst. 3 br. home to be com pleted about Feb. 10. Located 2 blks S. At 1 block W. of Kener school. 47A". Elvira St. FADE Ar KEEN HOMF. BUILDERS LET US BUILD YOUR HOME Phone $-760$ or 21434 HI, 806 House For Sal IF YOU CAN AFFORD RENT You Can Afford to Own t Look wood Home. GI & FHA No down payment and just $7450 on your own lot or $8250 and $800 down FHA on our lot. $450 down GI. 3 bedrooms. 687 s. ft. Your choice of exterior and Ulterior col ors. Stewart-Warner furnace. Fire place and oversized garage avail able at slight extra cost. Come and see, then compare, and you'll want a Lockwood Home. Open Evenings Till 8 p.m. PHONE 2-0971 This Is not a prefabricated house. It is a conventionally built home made of the best materials $600 DOWN!! Very easy monthly payments on this o-Dcuroom noma wiui pan case ment. Garage. Not far from school and bus. Full price 16,500. St. Vincent's Area Clean and modern 3 -bedroom home. Nice living room. Good dining area. Compact kitchen. large utility. Ga rage. S9.390. LIST WITH US 1 1 RAMSEY, REALTOR 2084 North Comercial Office 4-6211 , Eve. Al Bonder, Salesman, 2-7646 Ev. Tom Pomeroy, Sal'sm'n., 3-7072 Eve. Jim Ramsey. 4-1686 E-Z BUYS $350 DOWN Large 3-br. home, nice vi acre, close in, aoutn. A steal, ' $6,750, LATE-BUILT S-br. nice lot, pvd. atreet, north. $500 down. Move right it $7,750. S-BR. at 2013 Hazel St. Move right in. $8,750. Very easy terms. Call us. LOW DOWN payment. We can help you with down payment. Why rent when lt'a so easy to own? Come In and talk It over. SUMMERS. REALTOR 1725 State St. Ph. 2-4602 ATTENTION! Owner will sacrifice for a quick sale. Hal reduced Drlce over S1500.00. Located near hospital. Just the house tor a nurse or auenaani. 2 Dea rooms. kitchen, bath, lnmide utility room, lovely living room with pic ture window, h.w. floors, automatic furnace, attached Karase. lawn. shrubs, shade trees, fenced In back yard. Only :i block to bus. Will finance F.H.A. or G.I. See this at the reduced price of anly Si). 000. ABRAMS, BOURLAND & SKINNER 411 Masonic Building Real Sstata Insurance Mortgage Office: S-9fl7 Eves: 2-4709 or 3-7388 WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES FEDERAL GI 4 FHA MTCS. $4975. FULL PRICE For this 2 bedroom home. Inside city. Good foundation. Only 8 yr. old. This ii a good smaller home. Very comfortable. Either for yourself or m choice rental .property. Liberal terms. (Call for MR. CRAWFORD, eve. pn. 4-3020 sun.) OUTSTANDING BUY 4 Bedroom home in Enalewood dlst. it s spotlessly clean, in tne very best of condition. Copper plumbed. uii ncau t'avea a rive way. uarRc deep lot. Choice Harden spot plus jou or room tor piay yam. 4 uikb. to school. 2 Blks to bus. A bar pa in for sil,tf50. (Call for WH, uium METT, eve ph. 2-7679 Sim.) CAN'T LAST A very modern home in Highland and Bt, vinceni viai, me uaui. in aulated. In the best of repair. Own er ha left city and very anxious to sell. Deep lot. Full price only ftftfOO. Liberal terms. (Call for MR. HARE. eve. Dh. 3-M52 Sim.) QUICK SALE VALUE Well located modern home. In good condition. 4 HlKs to scnool. 3 to bus. Pvd. St. Nice lawn and shrubs. Garage. Only 6 yrs. old. Full price only $7950. Liberal terms. (Call for MR. GRJMMETT. eve. ph. 2-767 Sim.) LARGE FAMILY Here's one you'll like. Ifi new. Spacious 4 bedrooms, well locatca for school, bus and store. Wonder ful view. Insulated. Weather-strip-pcd. Forced air oil furnace. Lawn and shrubs are In. Spacious corner lot. A barcaln for $B50. (Call for MR. GRIMMETT, eve ph. 2-767 Sim.) BUSY SHOE SHOP And we mean Just that this is one or ine nusicsi piaces you ver mw, It's wrll located and established. Equipment is In fine condition. Everything koch Including stock for t-i.VW. (Call for N. G. "DAN" IS A AK, eve ph. 4-3S.13 Sim.) 5 LOTS . Zoned for apts. Insld,e city. Total of 4n,ono sq. It. inis is almost an acre of land. Well located. Full price $12,500. Terms If desired (Call for N. G. "DAN ISAAK. eve. ph. 4-3533 Sim I MONEY MAKER Implement business In one of the best farming areas in tne vaueyi na tionally advertised line of mach inery. Hardware stock. Owner will sell bldg. or lease at buyer'a re quest. Full price for all equipment Including tools for repair shop for $12,000. plus stock at Inventory. (Call for N. O. "DAN" ISAAK, eve. ph. 4-3533 Sim.) 26 ACRES And a dandy. 20 Under cultivation. 1 A. raspoernes. uniy miirj from town. Very modem 7 room house with full basement S2 by 40 barn. Chicken house. Garage. This Is value for $14,750. (Call for MR. LEAVENS, eve. ph. $-47.15 Sim.) AMITY SOIL And no waste land. All under etilll vatlon. Onlv 12 miles from Salem. In an excellent farming dlst. Trac tor on rubber. Garden tractor. Mower rake. 2 Discs. Harrow. Plows. Drill. Good modern 3 bed room house. Ijtrge barn. Hog house. Chicken house. Machine shed. Ga rage. All this for only $1.8'A Terms arranced. (Call for MR. LEAVENS, eve. ph. 3-4735) 5 MILES FROM SALEM It all. 88 Acres plus. 80 A. In fescue. 2 A bovsenherrles. 3 A. cherries. Modern 4 bedroom house In good condition. 2 Barns. Shop Fenced. Pvd rd. Full price only $15,500. Call for MR. CRAWFORD, eve. ph. 4-5020 Sim ) . FHA CONVENTIONAL MTGS. 20 Yrs FEDERAL GI MTGS. 20 Yrs. LICENSED ALSO IN WASH. IDAHO AL ISAAK & CO. REALTORS Office Phones 4-3311 or 3-1820 Wm Portland Ro.. 1 S-3715. 4-3533. 4-5020. 2-7879. 3-5452 If no answer, call4-2248 foRSALE. Furnished 2 bdrm. boost. Small down payment. Ph. 8-7018. 850 Automotive 852 UmkI Con For Safe THESE MAKE A USED CAR THE ' . BEST BUY EXCELLENT MECHANICAL CONDITION FINE PERFORMANCE ' GOOD ECONOMY EXTRA FEATURES FAIR PRICI , HONEST VALUE DEALER BACKED WARRANTY LOW DEPRECIATION LOW UPKEEP - LOW INSURANCE RATES THIS CAR HAS EVERYTHING! A 1950 NASH STATESMAN FORDOR SEDAN, PURCHASED NEW FROM US, SERVICED REGULARLY BY OUR SHOP AND COMPLETELY RECONDITIONED BY OUR MECHANICS. . ORIGINAL BLUE METALLIC FINISH, DUAL SPEAKER RADIO, OVERDRIVE, WEATHEREYE HEATER, FAMOUS TWIN BEDS, FOAM CUSHIONS, SEAT COVERS. LIKE NEW IN JSVJSKY WAY. FULL PRICE $995.00 WITH FULL GUARANTEE MARION Center and Commercial 1938 CHXV. $39. It runs. Ph. 8-6061. 4V3 a. winter. WANTED Real Estate. Late model Chevrolet trade or part payment on good lot or medium-priced 2 bdrm. house. B. M. Mason, 164 S. commercial. 1039 CHEV. Club Mechanic Special will run. call 2-7282 or 3-4610 1948 KAIZER. Good work car. Dirt cheap. Ph. 2-1484. 1952 CHEV. 4 door da Lux Excellent Condition Ph. 24931. PRIVATE PARTY S3 Tudor Cranbrook Plymouth-low mileage, top cond., excellent ruo ber will trade for older ear. Ph. 3-4948. 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Sola FORCED SALE Owner leaving city, must aell, large 2 bedroom nome, oest ox con struction. Insulated, weather atrlp ped, 1,100 square feet, Appraised at 19.100 take it for 18.000 with $1,000 down and $70.00 per month. 3-BEUROOM NEW HOME A truly fine home of the best eon- atruction. Fireniace. oil near, larae utility room first grade Oak floors throughout, utility room a at tached earaee. Located on a knoll, South, only $9,750 about $2,000 to handle. STATE STREET BUSINESS LOT 46 by 200 located in 2400 block teal at $5.5W. CALL DICK SEVERIN ON ABOVE LISTINGS MADSEN REALTY CO. 132$ State St. Ph. $5580 Eve. 4263J CHOICE LOCATION, by owner, En glewood, 4 bedrooms, on xurance Formica cabinet top in kit. $10, BOO. 2-865D. NEW 3 bedrooms, l.l baths, base. ment, i fireplaces, close to hospit al ana schools. 1139 icei court. 803 loti For Solo BY OWNER. Choice lot on oak St. between Liberty ana mgn. mono 3-3KS1 or a-wisi. 810 Farm. Acreage Fot Sal ABOUT 2 ACRES WTTH a real Blood 4 bed Rm. home. Bain at nan. l.K. living tuning Rmt. Carpetea with new. carpeting. lire Pic. Lg nook, XUll dry uatms. with nil fired. Fur. 2 car Ga, chicken Use. Outside fire Pic. 6ood variety of fruit trees. $14,000. i the price. $3500. down. Eve. call 2-8704 4-5917. Ed Lukinbeal, Realtor 433 N. HIGH PH. 2-0080 20 ACRES S miles city limits south. 7 A. firs, balance under cultivation. Livable house with some repairs. Wired for electric range, auto, table top hot water heater. Bath tub and sinks in. Beautiful around . Loads or flowers and shrubs. Year around spring and pool. Must sell 1mm ed, Sacrificing for $6S00. Phone 44210. 812 Exchange) Heal Estcrf FOR TRADE Equity In home plus 2 FJymouin cars xor jaie moaei car. rn. a-ijua. FOR TRADE: Income property with business rroniaite jocaiea ixw Angeles Harbor area near aircraft factories for farm or dairy farm In Salem or Portland area. Box 177. Statesman-Journal. 818 Wanted, Real Estate" PRIVATE party wants S to 5 acres, North or basi. aiaie price ae scriplion. Box 176 Statesman-Jour nal. Biifiinpps Directory CAPITOL Bedding Mattress reno vatort. Full line. New mattresset. Phone 3-4089 m i l i)().ino Bulldozing, clearing roads, ponds D-4. D-6. carryall. V. tiuskty, Ph 2-3148. DKK88MAKINO bPIilNO outfits styled to Individualize you. Exp, dressmaker, fleas. 3-B5I4. Painting U paper hanging. Free estimates. 857 Shipping. 3-0513. PI.UMBINO 24-HR. PUMP service on all makes water systems. Brownie Valdez. 2-3788 PBl'NINO SPRAYING Pruning tt spraying. Insured op erator. L. W. Caudle. Ph. 4-1481. 8KPTIC TANKS Mike's Septic Service. Tanks cleaned. D'rooter cleanl aewart. drains. Phone 3-9488. Ilamel'i septic tanks clesned, line service. Guaranteed work. Phone 3-7404. 2--0774. Statesman-Journal Newspapers .an HrtnTH CHURCH STREET STATESMAN 2-2441 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING I (Mln. i lineal 'Weekdayi Sunday! per line, 1 time JS per line, 3 timet 0 net line, 6 times $1.30 $1.20 oer line. 1 month -..$5.00 (incl.Sun.) . rimd ads will bt run in both papers to give advertisers the id vantages of the tremendout pulling power ox aa.ow comme tlons. When en ad It ordered three or tlx times and a Sunday tssut It In ;ludrd (for txample: Friday. Sttur dav. Sunday) tht lower Sunday ratet applv because only tht Statesman oublithea Sundays. Classified ads will ttart In tht morning Oregon Statesman, conclude In the evening Capital Journal. But ads will be accepted for Sunday Statesman only. Tht deadline for classified adt It i :M n m the dav befort publica tion. Emergency adt and small lint 850 Automotive 852 Usd Cart For Solo - MOTORS Call 3-S288 SNOW MUD OR RAIN WILLYS 4 -Wheel. Drive .Will Get You Thru. 1952 WILLYS 4-WHEEL DRIVE ' STA. WAGON. TOP COND. 1949 WILLYS 4-WHEEL DRIVE PICKUP. VERY CLEAN. 19S1 WILLYS 4-WHEEL DRIVE . JEr. LIKE NEW. 1948 WILLYS 4-WHEEL DRIVE JEEP. NEW TOP. A DANPY. - ELSNER 1 MOTOR CO. 352 N. High Salem, Oregon PACKARD - WILLYS WHY WORRY? CASH W YOUB EQUITY NOW. WE WILL TAKE YOUR CAR OFF YOUR HANDS AND PAY OFT YOUR LOAN UNDER REASON ABLE CONDITIONS. '60 Chevrolet club coupe, par reci conaiuon inrougnoui jws 50 Ford, 4-door, gleaming )et black finish. R&H MS '47 Dodge deluxe, new overhaul. a perxeci car M, , - 999 '47 Chevrolet club coupe, lata than 10,00 miles, now urea, paint and seat covers, radio ana neater , am Chevrolet 1-door sedan. Nlca I .nrl clean, nerfect nmnln. and clean, oerfect runnlnf condition i - 4SS '46 Ford deluxe 4-door sedan. R&H, complete overhaul 495 '41 Chevrolet special deluxe 4 door sedan, new overhaul, 1- tone finish. KtfcH, new tires, new batterv . IDS '47 Chevrolet ii-ton, heater, 4- speed transmission, mechan ically perfect, srood rubber 05 '40 Chevrolet panel, o r 1 g i n a I SDarKJinr jei duck ximsn. 4-speed trans., heater - -, 495 35 Plymouth 4-door sedan, ex- eel lent motor: it a food WE WANT TO BUY , M GOOD. CLEAN, PRE-WAR CARS, IM- MfiUJATS CASH IU XUUI MMIER'S USED CARS H. I. (Hinevl Neufeld. Mr. 520 Hood St. Ph. 3-9862 and 4-3593 WHY NOT? '80 Chev. 0 past, coupe. Perfect condition. White wall tires, dual pipes, undercoat, radio and heater, ' paint original and good. Phona 2-1741 between 8:05 and $:48 p.m. $303. . 1950 FOHD 2 dr. radio, heater, a good buy. 1191 xiawinom oir u pt. 1941 CHEV. club coupe, radio, heat. er, good iiret, aw uecinc rn. 2-7580. CLEO'S SPECIAL '40 FORD. Dual pipes, white walls, loaded wltn extras, oeautiiui oiacx finish. See at 597 S. 18th 81. GOING Into service. $100 tor equity 1950 Olda deluxe club coupe. $930 ' owed on alance. Phone 3-3952 or call at 2450 8. Collage after 8 p. m. 851 Trucks, TraQera Fot Salt) 4-TON CMC pickup, 4-speed, $180. 1215 Wallace Ha 1952 CHEV. 2-ton, long wheel base: flat Heel bed with power Uke off and winch. Excel, cond. 1-ton Ford pickup, excellent condition: ' 1941 and 1942 Dodge 1-ton power wagon trucks, 4-wheel rubber tirt trailer. Ph. 4-4504. 862 Hour Trailer 8AVE $210033' de luxe house trail er. 1953 Vagabond. Cost $6030. Sell for $1900. Fir. ht, full bath, extras. 2 bdrms. See at Tip Top Motel, 3580 8. Commercial, btwn tt 3. Ask for Rev. Gaverlulc For the best In Trailer homes, new or used. With terms available. Set JAVHAWK TRAILER SALES 2840 Portland Road adt received after 1:00 rm, may . be placed In the "Too Lata To Classify" column for tht following morning. The Statesman-Journal Newspaper! reserves tht right to reject quel- tlonable tdvertlting. It further re serve, tht right to place all adver tising unoer tne proper ciassmca. tion. The Statesman-Journal Newspaper! assumes no financial responsibility for errort which may appear in ad vertisement! punnsnea in us column, end In easel whert thli paptr It tt fault will reprint that part of an advertisement In which th typo, graphical mistake occur,. A "Blind" Ad tn id containing Statesman-Journal Newspaper! bos number for in addrest it for th protection of tht advertiser! and must therefore be answered by let ter. The Statesman-Journal Newt papers ara not at liberty to divulge) Information at to the Identity of an advertiser using I "Blind" ad. I r 1 1 . '; I Mil