Fafte IS Salem, Orejron, SURVIVE PLANE CRASHES I , . J1'! I Ml ii r Novelist Ernest HeminRway ana nis wile, aDovc, were re ported safe and unhurt after two plane crashes in the Upper Nile country of Uganda, East Africa. A charter plane carry ing them on a sightseeing trip cracked up near the Murchison Falls. Picked up unhurt by a launch taking tourists to the falls, they were taken to Butida on the shores of Lake Albert where they boarded a rescue plane. That plane crashed and burned on the takeoff but all aboard escaped unhurt, They continued the trip by road. (AP Wirephoto) News from Keizer KEIZER Mr. and Mrs. Sam Orcutt of 980 Cade St., are the parents of a baby boy born on Jan. 21. ' Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Peilcrson went to Eugene on Saturday to celebrate "Dad's Week End" at the University of Oregon, with their daughter Dorothy Pederson. Dorothy played the "MacDowcli Concerto" with her professor, Mr. Hopkins, playing second pi ano, at the music school on Sat urday morning. The Keizer Garden club met Tuesday at the fire hall. The speaker for the occasion was A. G. Bouquet from Corvallis. His subject was "Vegetable Garden ing." President W. E. Savage an nounced his committees. They are as follows: Friendship anda welcome, Mrs. A. Burr Black and Mr. Win. H. Nelson: flower show Jn the city, Miss Kllcn Quail; in the country, Mrs. James C. Mount; publicity, Mrs. Onas Ncl aon, Mrs. J. A. Pankratz and Carl J. Wilson; social, Mrs. John Touchie, Mrs. Archie Claggctt and Mrs. Emma Six; member ship, Hal Reefer, Mrs. Carl J. Wilson and C. T. Dancm; remem brance, Miss Lois Keefcr, Mrs. W. E. Savage and Mr. James C. Mount; visitation and photog raphy, V. R. Ballentyne, Jack Ourican and Fred Rodgers. vis- itort at the club were Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Fleming, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Etlncr, Mr, and Mrs. Paul Jones, Mr. and Mrs. JIanuolph, Miss Johanna Wehncier and Mrs. Freda Henfor. The Keizer Ladies Sewing club met with Mrs. Hoy Mogster of 605 Chcmawa Rd. They had their baked food sale along with a day of acwing. Those present Were Mrs. H. M. Broadhent, Mrs. James If. Jennings, Mrs. R. I. Kinney, Mrs. J. E. Whitehead, Mrs. Nick I.eltud, Mrs. Luther Mellon, Mrs. John H. Derrick, Mrs. A. A. Niederberger and Caroline, Mrs. Nora Pcarcc, Mrs. Arthur Cummlngs, Mrs. Dora E. Mason, Mrs. R. B. McClay, Mrs. M. O. Nichols, Mrs. Jacob Wei gum and Linda, Mrs. Roy Mou nter and Mrs. Onas Olson. The next meeting will be February 4 at the R. I. Kinney home, 1225 ; narmony orivc. Mr. and Mrs. It. James Dun- can visited Mr. and Mrs. Onas Olson recently. Mr. Duncan is a nrpnew. nc rrcenuy wa ui- charged from the army, and now plans to bring his wife and make their home in Salem. Mr. and Mrs. F.sbcnshadc of SO 10 Ttohindale took a train to Detroit, Mich., and drove home new car. Tommy Frigaard, now in east ern Oregon, was back visiting .1.- t. ' inn wrrn run Brownie troop 21 has resumed j lis regular wecklv meetings fol lowing the Christinas holiday. New ofliccrs are: President. Zcl lamae Miller; treasurer, M.trria Karrell: monitor, Lin Meade: song leader, Jones Denison. and reporter. Judy Sake. On Jan. 14 the mcrtint: time was taken up hv making Valentine name cards, These cards are to be Used nl the February meetini? of all the 1 . ', .-... 1 1 Itrownie and dirl Scout le.idcrs of Salem. Pack 41 Rave out awards as fol lows: Year pins, liichard Yunker. 2 years; Steven Wanner, 1 vear: Joe Hiley., 1 year; Hay Kllis, 1 year: David Hehfus. 2 years: Stev en Hillings. 1 vear. New hob cats, Allan l.ightner, Steve Ha gen, Jackie Watson. Wolf awards, Hubert Downs, Jolm : Bealy. Itillv Nygren. Wolf gold arrows. John ftraly. Wolf silver arrow. Done ns Mrkkers. John Pealy. Crirc Sinnin. Desr awards -Michael I'splin. Hear gold ar row, Michael Ksplin. Hear silver arrow, ftnh (ietlis. Linn award, Pillv Walker. Linn gold arrow. Dwighl Triplet Linn silver ar- j TOW, Dwight Triolet. Wehclos' ; ' . . . ., i sward, Richard Yunker. The planning meeting was held Ihn himi. nf Mm riniietiK . ' White with Mrs. Wiliinmson as hostess. February 2fl is the time for the Blue and Cold dinner. Ralph Wostcnhtirs has rontt'tl j a now shop just fast of the Kcijit Builders Supnly anil Irn an ttn-to-diilc shop (nr m.ikini; nil kinds of cahinels. He will also cut dimensional lumber tn order. Vlncenr Orion, rlauc-htr-r of Mr. and Mm. G. L. Orion, ftl45 Kcwbcrg drive, celebrated her I Wednesday, January 27, 1951 ;7 "I'vwj 4 7 'i:f 10th birthday at home. Refresh ments were served by her moth er, tier guests were: Diane Red inger, Barbara Pierce, Alice Pen- rod, Kylo Collins, Carol Sittser, Barbara and Sue White, Norma Luckcy, Lee Pierce and Florence, Joan and Bill Orion. Bob Barrett's shoe shop, of 960 Chemawa Rd., which burned out recently, has been redone and is open for business. The Keizer Karl Abrams Hi-Y group, coached by Bob Barrett, won their opening basketball game from a downtown club with a score of 60-33. High point man was Don Vejlupck with 34 points to his credit. He was followed by Hal Cowan and Chris Johanscn with ten pointh each. Mike Groat stacked up six while Dave Jtelifcis bagged two. 1 livir next wame is with Portland. The Keizer PTA mothers' choir will meet Tuesday at 7:30 at the Keizer school. They will begin work on their numbers for the March mothers' program and the PTA state convention which will be held in Salem in April. Mrs. Shirley Scholtz, director, announced that due to the illness of the present pianist, she is look ing for someone who would he Interested. It is not necessary for those participating in the choir to be a PTA mother or to have children Jn school. Bernard -Snook, assistant fire chief of Keizer fire department. was elected president of Marion County Firemen's association ro- ccntly. The other officers of the organization are Dale Jeffries. assistant chief, of Four Corners Rural Fire district, first vice pres ident; Orvillc Wymorc, assistant chief at Brooks, second vice pres ident, and Delbert Cittern, Sub- imity fireman, re-elected secre tary. The association voted to contribute S250 to the March of Dimes, as it did last year. Two fire training films were shown. T. D. Pomeroy of 3935 River- crest drive, is now selling real es-1 ate at 2084 North Commercial. The "Knit and Rip" 411 knit ting club met at the home of Patsy and Judy Lnckling. A bus iness meeting was led by the president. Judy I.ockliiiK. Ue- Ircslimcnls were served by Mrs. Lcx-klin?. Other chili olfirers arc: vice president, Patricia I.ocklint-; secretary. Lois Cilliland: report- cr shcrrcll Kriesen, and sonB leader, Carol Ruck. An open house was held this week end at the kindergarten in structed by Mrs Ruth Dempsey, 735 Chcmawa ltd. Keizer tiremen have been at tending a school in Albany cen tral fire station nn (ire fic.btini!. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett L. ('.ti mer, 1310 Minium drive, arc the parents of i baby boy born a.ln 1!. Miss Verna Hcrl7lor, mission LEGALS NOTICK TO CtlNTItAfTOHS Sealrd propo-al fr luriii-htng r-..,.u t...n c. ...... ...ii u. .... ....., i nt I he nffio n( Ihr Citv Miin;iRcr. r,lv ,n- "rmon. untu 2-45 pj - 'hii'opVned" ! p m. n the same date by the City I Manager at ln oiine ' 7 In proposal im Wulfs fmnl.hlnr ,, ,,.m,,oi,.. I. ! M.Mihole li.unt-s HO M. oil,, tie covi'ia IMI ('.111 hlMMO ll.lllll'S II. ii t'al, lih.im cnvris 40 - l.joiptitile Ii .inn s 40 l.amphole covers ldi Ail.iplor rlncs Plan, St-rilli-aiion ami other doc litnelils 1 i-iiiit ,-it fur Inditing rti.i v lie liistH-i-ted Hi the offli-e of the City Kiicmi-ri All pi np1.--.1ls must he mvn irmilar blank imms nn unhid nh the ..-ii- ,hi is rr . ,(r,i by the civ ;to mn i .mv .,r .ill hm.. ..r to ac-i rot r" nicn appears msi ai vanlaceous Al.rttrn MI-NI1T 3 ?7 l llv tl., .,..( r I M CI TDK . I IN . l)1 It V. i NflTICF- IS HF.IiritV (ilVf'.N II. l flt.t N.ittoiiil Pink ol Po;tl.ind Otrconi. Slr.-i P-snr1!. evrculiii- of ()' c.nic nt r ni-ir r 'rriwn. iv. ceased. h .filed H final account as such anil bv order nt the ( ircuit i - mnt of tur sute ot oier-n tor the county ol Mam.n. the r ii.t d.n- or ' ruai v. 1:.4. Hi the foienoon of fhM dav has been fixed as the time and the courtroom of said mutt ha. htvtl fied a the place fur the hear in of ohiecdons lo said tina? ar- mt and the sttllroient ol s.ntl ute Dated ami first fnihM tied Jnn- ii.ii i'i. ro4. FIHST NATIONAL HANK OF Oini.ANl Kifll'.C.OM, Stlrm lluinch. Ke i:lor of Pie F t.ite of (."h n!f K Cnrl.in Vre.ird. nllOTK.N. KHOTKN K SI'LKKSIHA Pioneer Trut Rmlrting " x ecu tor J :(,J7.F.S..MT, ary to Japan, has Just retired from active missionary work af ter spending most of her life in Japan. She spoke to the Women's Society of World Service meet in gat the home of Mrs. Max Kle man, 390 West C'hcmawa road. The CIEOTTO 4-11 cooking club officer are: President, Shar on Clements; vice president, Diane Ewmg; secretary, (ierald- ine Dotson; news reporter, Norma Draff; yell leader and song lead er, Anita Moore, assisted by Kar en Fleishman. The Dine and Do club met with Mrs. M. C. Green, 685 West Dear born, for a 1 o'clock luncheon. Mrs. Lloyd Severn gave a report on the needy family the club helped with gifts, food and cloth ing at Christmas time. Those present were Mrs. Lloyd Severn, Mrs. L. P. Bagger, Mrs. Mary Sloan, Mrs. G. C. Pomeroy, Mrs. Hugh Adams, Mrs. T. O. McFar land and the hostess, Mrs. M. C. Green. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Hugh Ad ams, 4090 North River road, on Feb. 11. The club will nave a silent auction, and will celebrate the birthdays of three members. Mrs. M. C. Green, Mrs. G. G. Pomeroy and Mrs. L, C. Wood. ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED . . . Too Late To Classify. 8 UNIT cottage court, garage, close j a nm hulrm V. turn hrrirm. All with .loves, and refrlgeratori. M. 000 will handle, balance monthly. Consider home tn trade. JOE NOONCHKSTKR Heal Estate 1105 N. Cottage. 4-3661 day or eve. FOB SALE rhnir hulldine lots, some In re Ktricted areas, sumo suburban. At tention Builders, one block ol 13 lots In gnod residential section. Call Mike Haschko. Phone 4-3482, Eve. 2-7401 JOHN J. DANN. Jiraltor 41.1 Nn. High St. tton Neat, clean shake home on bus line. F.xtra lot. jii.swi. 11,000 DOWN 3 bedroom shake. 3 yrs. old, ww car peting, fireplace. 19.750. RANCH TYPE 3 bedrooms, two baths, douhle ga rage. Near school, large lot. $.1,000 down. fial. like rent. SEAL REALTY Day AV eve 5!,.45,1 MYliuiTy In South Salem business frontage. Ph. 47K22. WANT In rent 3 bedrm. home. Pre fer north. J. K. ICIerc, Itealtor, mm N. Capitol. 3-3255. K0 A.- Ul Utilities turn. Jnq. 827 N. Liberty. Apt. 4. ' WAITRESS wanted at North's Res taurant. Shopping Center. 3 BURNER Monarch electric range. Oven and broiler. Good condition. SIS. Ph. 2-1100. WANTED: Fir, Hemlock. Cedar. Spruce logs. Terms cash. Telephone collect ATwater H433. Nledermever Martln Co., Portland Trust Bldg., Portland 4. Oregon. HOLSEY B2 camera, carrying case, flash attachment. Like new. ifiu 1)5. Phone 2-0134. LOST: Bunch of keys. If found, phone Salem 4-275H. Reward. 300 Personal 310 Meeting Notice A Salem, Lodge No. 4 AF & AM Wed. Jan. 27 MM De gree 7:30 P.M. 312 Lost and Found LOST black spaniel. Answers to Sambo. Green collar, vicinity s. High and Leslie St. Reward. Ph. 4-6.168. LOST. JAN. 20 One lever lilt, 10 ft. long, wooden handle, steel blade and wheels, marked C. F. Salem. Call Consolidated Frclghtways, 3-0137. FOUND 8 months ago . Fraternal pin. Phone 3-3070 and Identify. 316 Personal DRIVING to St. I-oiils. Mo. by way of Tucson. Ail. Have room for 2 passengers. 3111) Knox Ave. 2-0362. la-avtug Salem Frl. or Sal. SAFE, permanent removal of un- sichtly facial hairs. F.rlch of N.Y. PALMISTRY" HK.ADINC.S Tells past, present and future, advice on all imitlers. Will sulve your problems. This nd with one dollar, lor five dollar reading. Open 9 a.m. to 10 pm lltway HO. net to North S.ilt-m llilve-ln. Lahish C'.ardens. MUSIC I.KSSONS, piano and violin. State art-.reditcd teacher. Phont 2-D0I3. MJO fiillurt? 402 Livestock For Sale LOCKK.tl ItF.K.F-Fj-tcrn Oregon. , or whole. ?.c, irimt quarter 20c. Co. loin killinc. Trailer lo.ned free Salem Meat Co.. LT.'i S. 2Mh. Phone 3-48.1. 403 Livestock Wanted LIVESTOCK buyer. I buy rattle, horse, (iocs, shrrp. goals, hoars, ve.il. F.nn-rv Alderman. Phone 2 "HiiO or 2-lxnifi. CATl'I.F, hor.ves. nl vmir farm. F C. Mi Candlnlv 1127 S. S.MIi. J-h. 3-KI47. I.IVFS'IOCK buvcr. A. F. Soiunier. I2iij Haim.iny Dr. Ph 4-21.17. i'.vm.i: llHYKItS. F- I "mil ll."sne- then. 41'o; .Stall . 2-1.H5 or -4:iH0. 1 404 Poultry and Rabbits IIAItV CIIICKS-tl.u-hcd year round Willi these special.. N It pullets IIH P.n. 'ted masters 5c. (luler now tor choice of breeds. Special New llatiip. pultel.s. loc. Valley 'alm Stoic. S.ilcin. 4-41,24. WINC. needs tabluts. 30S5 Slate" Phone 4-:i01fl. IIAItV "( MICKS -"- Matched ""vear r.Minil, Older nv f'r choi-e nt hreeds Sivecial Nrvv Maiup pullels, lOe Vallei Farm Store . Salem. 4 -11..' I 48 PfltS 3 Lt'FT rureNed bl-k rntkfr pvp, 7 0 eicrt. Ph TO ftlVF. AWAY " tale p, u-. p t eV Mnt'irr i pine hied Spnnun Span Irl. I'll 4-.VUIA. l All U'lfTl! tlKl.a .. n V. .1... IVnlrr St M.irk.t lh5 Pentrr - - -1-. PAIIAKKLTn babies raised In our U" honie $7 50. all colors. Mrs. Pow . '... 13' rANAniK.s " o'rVnp ' iTtni itT.im. plum a..uv " i rh..mk. tj MNM Ivu.tlr Mimrea tiipicl nh ru.mpiM(iit P.u.ikeith, ix-ts. M.ics I. ..V Hd i-rr,A Clcsrd Will PAHAKKI-'l'S " Cages. upnUe"' Ilea- sonable. Mid Paiadife. JIM Living- HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM. Ifl.M Me. Cot. 1 bloeK eat of N. CapttnL li blockj north of Madiion, Ph. I-M97. 40ti Agriculture 410 Seeds and Plants GOOD Alti rescue hay. Wire baled in Darn. li mi. s. pringle srnool. Battle Creek Rd Frank McKennon. Fit. Salem 4-J3J1. 412 Fruit and Farm Produce COOD onU and vetch hay. 135 ton G. T. Andreien. 4859 Lancaster Dr. FERTILIZER Hotted manure, weed free. 3-0774 425 Auction Sales FURNITURE AUCTION Wed., Jan. 27th at 7 p.m. Com Die t houseful at annti fnmf. ture to be sold to highest bidder. 1952 I lot point Refrigerator (with 3-pc, blonde bedroom aet. JO-pc. blonde twin bedroom act M-pc. Wal. bedroom set Eastern mahogany chest-o-draw era. 3yr. size baby bed (paneled nds) Aamirai refrigerator 40-Ral, elec. water heater Youth bed complete Student Desk Davenos & Davenports, oec. chair Rock erf, Washers, Mitt tresses fe coil springs & many misc. article of furniture. Come to buy or sell. Open every weejt aav. LANE SUDTELL'S. AUCTION SALES YD Phnne 3-BOOa .11)19 Sllvcrtnn Rd LIVESTOCK SALE I THURS., JAN 2RTH ' 10 A. M. Misc. furniture, produce, farm machinery, trailers, 7-t. ced ar posts. 1 P. M. Livestock, chickens & rab bits, baby calves, veal, feeder stock, weaner & feeder pigs, beef & milk cows, heifers, bulls, steers, sheep & goats. Livestock sold by the head or pound. Our current livestock sales have been bringing prevailing market prices. Come to buv or sell. i LANE SUDTELL'S AUCTION SALES YD. Phone 3-60M 3015 SilvertonRd FURNITURE AUCTION tnnitc at 7 o'clock at LANE SUDTELL'S AUCTION SALES YARD, lo cated 1 miles cast of Salem on Silvorton road. Ph. 3-6098. rtO Mrrrlianrlfae 455 Hsehold Goods For Sola THERMADOR electric range with built-in heater and fan. Excellent condition. Ph. evenings 2-8886, USED FURNITURE Terms I Yes Valley Furn. 219 N. Com'l 456 Wanted, Hsehold Goods CASH TODAY Good used lurnltura or will sell on consignment. Ph. 3-M08 Sudtell'a Auction. RANTED USED FURNITURE TOP PRICE Valley Furn. Co. 2-7472 458 Building Materials TLUMB1NG ..$24.50 . JD7.50 ...J30 50 llathlubs Shower Cabinets Wash Basins SIS 4 In. cast Iron so.l pipe, per fet .. (ioc Complete line of all pipe and fittings. Tremendous savings in colored Ma tures. CAPITAL BARGAIN 1IOUSK 145 Center Salem METAL FENCES Permanent. No upkrrp. Free esti mates. 3n mo, to pav. Borkinnn l.br Ar Hdwr. Phone 3-Jul. s-lbO Sl.itc St. GALVANIZED eave trmiRhs. Uc per It, a Jt. sti-el punter ff.ir.iKe dmr with hnrdwiirc. llaraRe ilr, IriurtwaiP only $1.1 Tan aslu'stn nh.ikrn $11 per q. Knotty pine panel ing nnit Fhflvinp. 125. KITING LBR. CO. 3740 Silverton Rd. Phone 4-612.1 Open nil flay Snhmtayi :W Mos. to Pay ROOFING AM) REPAIRING kikffh nonviNO co LUMBER SALE 2x4 No. 4 $15 per M. In full Jitnv load lot?. Many other Ai.'es at Ix'low w. liole.nle t'.ir load I1 1 1 irs Come m or rail V Salrm .iiml.fr Co. llf.0 Wallace Rd. Ph. AIU NKW lumber pinplao M.W per; M ami up. -4 and larger JJ.' hl per AI am) m. Some lumber J15 00! per M ilehr'ed. Phone I'-LWiV BUILDING? New fir door Jambs . $2 SO UK ll.tomm .. low price New bath tubs complete toy 50 Hdwd plywd , tde.d for panrhntf or catuneK Che.ip I oi-c iiwil.itum per ban ?l W Kil'rml.isA toll blanket insut. Chr in ; M-i elec. tttrinc -.:t'jC elrc. uirinjc 5'iC Nails ?R 75 A; M VrC , Ahrtos ntitt pr jq t;i M i t'mrii nnnr won unarrs .yio.i(i New doot. all Mres -V Ird windows W x 4.V $ 2 50 "::,.;r"m" ,?, w $310.00 10 nr .iohnsoy m so IVnible kitchen sinks rnnirlfle 1 1 ?w J Gearshift model with MiIpixt 42 cii. elrc. wnter heatrrt . Jti .VI tank Runs like a new witch' I aundrv tr.ivs. pipe, bavins . Hainm I (Skin will scrrat' H) Kl Stfel SrptlC tanks 4' cast Iron soil pipe T.sc Me solid oranrrhurs pine Hnll rootinn, larce supply 3 c,,nip rooting CVd.ir shinvles, 4 Krndet Vhrap Nw O.iiv. iron rif.... t heat Pivoih!. new c.nload I);irg.in New picture window 8 00 ( Nrw weather uttippeil windows $14 :'D ttVd.ir fence po: Cl ean j ,la,trr Kvud 4S Jl 40 ' ST,,'I loor. run'pktr 4 0t' i tHer-head yar.ice hardwaie $3? C. G. LONG & SONS fh. 4-5051 1 ml. N. of Keizer 4Z0 Mercliamllse 470 For Sale, Miscellaneous SALE! SALE! SALE! GET YOUR SHARE OF THE "CLOSE OUTS" AT THE BIG ORE. F.U. CO-OP LIQUIDATION SALE GOING ON NOW. EVERYTHING MUST GO NOTHING RESERVED Here's a Partial List of Good Buys Still Here QUANTITY ME 12" Tiller ME 24" Tiller ME 26". Slightly used Kultor King Gdn Tractor i i 2 2 1 . 1 1 4 4 1 1 1 Ml 1 2 100 6 10 6 3 10 a 6 1 2 3 1 3 3 20 4 sooo - 2 1 2 8 18 13 Hand uwn Mowers 2-wheel Handi-Carta Hand Fertilizer sprdr Snap-Turtle 25" Pwr Mower Spike Lawn Areator Garden and Yard Wheelbarrows . Iacar Alum Tray Whl Barrow Knapsack type sprayer Roll 38" 2X4 welded fence 36" . Wld Hdw cloth 7' Studded Tee Posts . Lawn Cute Set Lawn date Posts Sets Field Corner Posts . Lbs. Lawn Grass Seed Large Garbage Cans Garbage Palls Move Boards Large M31I Boxes Markel Fan Glo Heaters Markel Wall Heaters U hp Elcc Motors to . BOO chick elec brooder Beautiful Elec Ranges Bath Tubs Complete - Cast 2 comp Kitchen Sink - Ldry Tray comp. Thermo Jugs Kemco Elec. Port. Htrs lngt. 2" Irrigation pipe . . Ingt. 3" Irrigation pipe sec of Wyss Harrow ft. Plastic Pipe, all sizes Cummins Do-It Shop V Drill Press Stock Tanks 8' Rolls 47"-12-12i Fencing Rolls 26"- 6-12'i Fencing . rolls 14 ga Barb Grab Tables 10c 35c 75c 1.50 VALUES to 5.00 ' UNABLE TO STOP JAN. 1st SHIPMENTS OF SOME GOODS, WE HAVE HUGE QUANTITY ELECTRICAL AND PLUMB ING NEEDS. LOWEST ANYWHERE ON WIRE 12-2 LOOM, 5c FT. 14-2 LOOM AT 3c FT WITH EXTRA 5 DISC 2 ROLLS Slill a number of Collins Water Htrs 42 gal only $67.50. 1000's of other items don't miss this Sale nothine like it in the Valley. Jtemcmbcr, we gotta sell everything. Oregon farmers Union Co-op N. Com'l. St. Salem 460 Musical lnfcuuments LEARN MODERN PIANO You'll realize enjoyment that only goes witli personal accomplishment. IK YOU PLAY CLASSICAL I.KARN POPULAR IK YOU PLAY POPULAR MODKHNIZK YOUR STYLE NORMAN STUIJIO Or MODERN PIANO offers new raptci sunpunea courses In keyboard harmony and modem Improvisation, that enable you to play very competent piano in a really short time. Call SALEM MUSIC CO. Ph. 2H708, or SARC'IIETS In Al. bany Ph. 352. Beg, or Adv. All ages. CRAND PIANO 5' X' slr.e. Completely reconditioned. New hand rubbed mahogany finish. Fully guaranteed. A beautiful in strument bv one of the world's fin est Piano Makers. SALEM MUSIC COMPANY 15.1 S. High St. Phone J-870II Across from Elslnore Theatre SPINET PIANO Slightly used, lop name. Perfect condition. Big savings. Cash or terms. SALEM MUSIC COMPANY 153 S. High St. Phone 20708 Across From Elslnore Theatre BUNGALOW PIANO Verv small, plain case. Made by Baldwin. A real instrument A real Buy Fully guaranteed cash or terms. SALEM MUSIC COMPANY 15.1 S. High SI. Phone 2B708 Across From Elsinore Theatre 462 Sports Equipment THE SKIPPF.R HAS ' GONE HOG WILD! Skip Taylor cnlled me today mad den a hornet. :in lie uiea 10 mak a ileal vsilh Umk- Sam to pay his lux m a "No Down PnymeiU" b.isis. Secins they wouldn't deal with him. "Why null" Ho shouted into mv ear (1 ran still hear the eehnl. Thal'i the way eveiybody wants to deal with me'' 1 don't pay much attention to Skip when he groani about nmnev . , . icvervbody knows he's loadrdi . . . lle'i just getting cabin lever nt linB there on the river w ith no arlivlty . , . hot If be wants ac tion let's Rive it to himf Mires what he wants lo sell . . il figured out the trductions . wait until he sees this ad1) BOATS Skip needs money for his sinking tund ... so I'll rrdu.-e all new and used boats in MocK irorn $30 to $100.00 AM exrept flirrhcraft and C.lasspar, thai is. 79.50 10 ft. Kit ...39.50 And we'll throw in the scrrw driver. No hrninn nerd . . . lust muscle. Whv pav some other muscle head to J put it t.iriMhcr' M ft. JIatrohanv deck Speed Koat . . . .SW.oO This tout va only used twice. Has nc.ulv Kilns brass strews in it f't.-t I87 . to build . . . PU'S i months muscle, (I know- I'm the liiUH-le head that built ltM MOTORS 7W UP JOHNSON $f!0 Vmo rutnwrr irtdiv c'1 H If nt j jdild in ftrjit rn'-lnmrr. rnce C'fs I up 1 nfl Pfr hoii' ' ! $151 (HI .1 UP JOHNSON. Sllfl.VVc' ft- h.irl lrv thai' ID "Mnir n-M i ("hit"! nindel Loced If thn 5 li;2a0;Vsen Hoaui and .Motors taKcn in trade. CASH VH.I, NOT BE RKFl'SKIV SALEM BOAT HOUSE rhenirkfta at the rivrr CASH p.nd for Hed Runs. monVn ml untiriue. Cascade Were. i:;t0 ProAdway, 450 Merchandise 470 For Sale, Miscellaneous REG. S.170.00 560.00 7.W.O0 SALE $300 00 4.00 325 00 155.00 7.50 900 15.00 108.00 13.00 7.50 27.75 25.00 13.60 25.00 .05 5 00 375 6 no .60 4.25 1 00 .85 6.75 1500 Half Price 11.00 37.50 150.00 afl 50.00 21:10 5 00 3.00 12.02 17 88 40.00 40'i off 50.05 3.50 25.50 15.20 ' 1340 5.55 205 00 15.00 . 12.00 21.05 .......... 331). 00 17.75 15.00 , 35.00 31.75 17.00 38.00 120 7.15 675 900 l.:0 . 5.75 1.50 1 25 823 22.9S 22.00 57.50 25.1)0 72.00 7500 24.80 8 25 540 18.15 22.35 47.50 70.50 4.05 , 33.50 462 Sports -Equipment WINCHESTFJl Mdl. 12 ahotgun. Skies, 6'8" and Pole. Doodle bug motor scooter. 25368. 1575 N. 18th St. 14 FT. factory built trailer house, a teardrop camp trailer, also 45 automatic: two 32 automatics; electric drill, 1060 Hllfiker Rd. 464 Bicycles ENGLISH Schwinn 3-speed trans mission bicvcle. Late model. $50. 1765 S. Capitol. 466 Trade. MisceDnnnous TO TRADE for typewriter, either used oil circulator or automatic washing machine. Ph. 2-9330 days or 3-7276 eve. 468 For Rent, Miscellaneous McCULLOCH chain saws and post hole augers by dav. Towne Equip mcnt Co. Ph. 4-1541. FOR RLNT or lease, Ige. warehouse space cement floors, brick bldg. down town. Inquire H. L. Stiff Fur.v 3-91H5. 470 For Sale, Miscellaneous CRIB, like new. "Lullabye." Ph. 2-3135. ELECTRIC range and oil circular HO eacn. pn. 1 ONLY 7-pc walnut dining suite. i .iy. nogg mos. usea store, U7 S. CnnVI. RAHHIT equipment feeders, hutches ana new nrow water system. .Sea sonable. Call Saletn 3-9063 between 9 and 4 SMALL upriphl Kohler-Camphcll piano, S125. Two, 5-foot sleds, $7.50 each. Call 2-4977 after 6 p.m. 3-170 SilvrrtonRd. 2 NLW Allstate tires and tubs. 5.30 x 17. I very Rood standard tire and tube never punctured. 1 .10-gal. hot water tank. Ph. 2-3j85. 1647 Waller St. 1 ONLY fl-pc. mahoKttny diupleaf dinette. $jf50. Hopg Hros. Used Store. 137S. Com'l. CHHOMKI) dinette set, bargain, $45. MINCF.H POHTAIH.E liehtwriKtU. ilor denioivstrators. Sly. 50. Limit ed time onlv. Ph. 33312. Sinter Srwui)! Center. LiO N. Com'l. CONTHACTOH-TYPE ruhber - titid hcavv tlutv wheelbarrow, good con dition. SM. 4-410. BAKGAIN Late modelde luxe" el ectric range Has lamp, clock, timer and plass oven door. Like new. $ltij. See at 22,25 Fairground, FLOOR SAMPLE-3-5pred automaf ir record rtiaucer with bt-auttful leather case. Plays up to 12 rec etds without chancinc. Wat $M M, sale S IR. 77. Two only. Hurry t Mont comerv Ward Co., Appliance Dept.. phone3-.il !1. 1 ONLY-7-p . rlininp Mute, 1.19 .W. Used Store. 137 S. Com'l FLOOH SAMPLE: 10 cii. ftrrefnVer" atoi; full Riarantee: tn excellent condition. One only: Was 250 US. s.le 52,i. 77. MontRomery Ward iV to. Appliance Dept.. Phone 3,1191. FUtTlLl.F.K totted cow man arc, tvnpod. rot ted miiltii. and ctiickcn nninuie for lawn liicMn,. !ly s.u K tr cubic d Puk tip at farm or we can tie-' her. Plullit Bros. Hi. S. liox 4'C Ph. 4.WI, 2 n.t. 1 4-Curiuis uiiSiateM. COLLECTION of baskels. Colli-ctiun iif antique and modern buttuns and bu kpsLn5 N'. Sth. 2-1442 1 ONLY - 5-pc walnut dinette set. Hock Pros. l'rd Store. 1.17 5 Coni 1 Special Sale put tfvk r-n ntniMim'ii rd cod ir p":-ts irnd rls. Our Hup. rtv 1 Iprit'H o re.-k nw fnr r'd bxiv.i ??i1Iip? Prn P. J. Pny 4''.l Ph. 4-081. 2 pi). F. 4-cnrnrri on St,i!e St. Kt.OOH SANU,LK.t"ric','tcium tn excellent condition t'wll su.i:r tee. Was JVi9?.S. Mir $59. 7 M.tnt. cn-rery Ward A Co., Appliance IVpt . pt-.one 3-.U91 I ONLY 7-pc litved onk dininir ui1e, $'. Moff Hr4, I'srd Store. l.: S t ivtn l. iTo s p i t a Li i k iTTo rTi71.rVi CTi . L Stiii Furn. Co I'h. .l-'Jlio. NtHiliK Oil. t inuLUorTjiV i n. 4-ilHO or .rc LCI ltiu'fiv..d Vt MANS Sl'ir in ?e 4i-44" $1J ItovT lined heitrJ jAkrt, nm repVint, n.'e If. like rr f.'i Ph, AI MOST N'F.W nutmntic" " SiTnip pn-'ip, utility tub ana und. J'h. H.'O Mfrcliamlisp 470 For Sale. Miscellaneous BATTERIES All cars, S6.9S. 17-95. W.05. exchange. 12 no. Lvllr'l Tire. N. Com'l & Pme. 4-6033, LARGE DUO-THERM heater; Ten), co gas healer; gas range; Singer button holer. 526 Belmont. SPECIAL New G. E. Chromalox 1500 watt elec. healers with fans. Only 113 50 Supply limited. Snooks, 2565 Slate. Open Sat. Till 9. FLOOR SAMPLE - Tank vacuum cleaner with attachments. Was $56 95: sale. $40.77. Montgomery Ward & Co.. Appliance Dept.. phone 3-3101 SCHOOL desk $2.50 Ea. See at Capi tol Shopping Center Custodian Off. 420 N. Capitol in rear on wed. 3 to 5 P.M. MONTAG enamel range in good condition Ph. jiw-u. 1 ONLY 7-pc. dining suite, walnut. $69. Hogg Bros. Used Store, 1J7 S. Com'l. . 3-SPEED record player. Portable. Damaged case on bottom not noticeable. Montgomery Ward & Co.. Appliance Dept.. Phne3-3191. 16 CU FT freezer. Double doors. Fully guaranteed. Holds 600 pounds of frozen meats. Freezing walls will not sweat .in humid weather. Montgomery Ward A: Co. Appliance Dept., Phone 3-3101. BELCREST Burial Lots, terms. Phone 4-4367. Cash or FLOOR SAMPLE 3-speed record player-radio, reg. $3695, sale $29.7i Montgomery Ward & Co., Appll ance Deot., phone 3-3101. FOR SALE new Mayflower forced air n 1 fiirns.n rnmnM Wlin OUl'L- ,. work, controls. 275 gal. tank. Half ; price $4jo.qo. r-nonc Mwi. j 2 ONLY 5-pc. chrome set. Good buys. $60.50. Hogg Bros, usca aiore, 137 S. Com'l. RECAPS 16.85. 600-16 & 670-15 Ei?o Nationwide euarantee. 100' cold rubber. Lytle'r Tire, N. Com ! & Pine. CHARIS foundation girdles, bra. Ph 3-5918 or 3-5072 Mary E. Bales, FLOOR SAMPLE 21" TV set with doors, 12" sneaker, mahogany cab inet. Full guarantee. Was S389.95, sale 5349.95. Montgomery Ward Ik Co.. Appliance Dept., Phone.l;.liiil. 1 ONLY 4-pc. chrome set. round ta ble, $44.50. Hogg Bros. Used Store, 137 S. Com'l. 472 Wanted, Miscellaneous WANTED TEETER-BABE Phone 2-8671 WANTED, 2 Clipper or Airslream trailers. Apnrox. 20'. Cash, nrown A- Walker, 702 W. Walput, Yakima, Wash. Logs Wanted Good 2nd m-owth lofes. Prem. paid for No. 2 logs 28' and longer. Also 8' stud logs or mulUpes of B' plus trim 6 to 16 dlam. BURKLAND LBR. CO. Ph. Turner 1125 Eves. 2502 Turner or 2-7828, Salem. 474 Miscellaneous BEE-HIVE TRUCKS U-DRTVE MOVE YOUHSELF SAVE '.i CAR RENTALS - STAKES . VANS TEXACO STATION 619 COURT ST. PHONE 2-1D.11 PACE STEVENSON and AL. MKKOHU DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-1IR. SERVICE IN MOST CASFLS DR HARRY SEMLEII. DENTIST Adolph Bldg., State A- Com'l. SU. SALEM rn. j-ajii 476 Fuel OAK wood. Partly dry. Any length. Ph. 4-2.108. Pickup Your Presto-logs Briquets and wood at 198 S. Coml St Phone 3-7 ANDERSON'S green slab, 2 cd. f 14. Ph. 2-7151 Or 4-42.13. Highway Fuel Co. Clean sawdust, wood. Kreen or dry. Stove-Diesel oils. Ph. 3-6444 West Salem Fuel Co. Tube nr Push Out Sawdust Ash, Maple and Oak Wood Orren, drv glaD, Planer Rnd 1525 Edgewater Phone 2-40?l 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money lo Loan Consolidate All Bills Twcnty-ftve years upo General Fi nance Corps wr.s organized by Sa lem business and prnfelon it I men U give you a loaa fervlce. We hav irnt millions TRY OUR SF.RVICR Ysu can repiy anyttnie to red tire cots. No endorsers or help (mm friend lonprr time to rcpa? Ph. first for a one trip loan. Loans $2.'. 00 to $.100.00 on signature, furniture and equipment Loans to J 500 00 on cars, trucks, and trailer houses. Frre customer parking at "Marlon Car Park' across from office. L'J6 S. Commercial St. Lie No S138 and M338 $.VO0 TO LOAN on improved prop rrtv. See Star Realty ph 22d:,. fn&SS REAL ESTATE LOANS COLONIAL INVESTMENT CO. OFF RT CORMSt N PH 687 Court 4-2283 n . PitlVATK money lo loan. Ph. 2-0734. AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE C'KEDIT CO. J l2 South t hurih Parking aPlentv P'i. 5-:i57 Lie. No. M-50. S-I54 investments (0(1 Employment 602 Help WanlBd WE ARE niw taXllit apDllrttlonl l ir Paper Houtf, at earner llivl f.on. Statesman BinUlinit Boy, rrv-jt ft IS year, or over and hav, th, written consent of their par ent If you have already applied kind' do so ajrain. THS OREGON STATESMA.N 600 Employment 604 Help Wanted, Mala YOUNG MEN 17-21 free to travel Calif.. Texaa, New York and return for National con. cern. Transportation furn. All ex penses. Advanced salary. Cnmmla ion and bonuf. See Mr. MeClellan. 6-8 pjn. Salem Hotel. No phon. rail!. DIESEL HEAVY EQUIPMENT WE NEED aeveral mechanically in clined and reliable men to train for positions in the TracUir and Equipment indusry. If you are not making better than 90 per week, or you don't have all year Job secur ity, you owe it to yourself to writa for free facts, without obligation, about this Irainine and our Advis ory Placement Service. TRACTOR TRAINING SERVICE Box 163. co Statesman.Journal 606 Help Wanted, female URGENT! Care for Invalid and wift in Silverton. $100 month. Ret. Live in. Ph. 2-7i67. YOUNG LADIES 18-21 free to travel Calif.. Texas. New York and return for National con cern. Transportation furn. All ex penses. Advanced salary. Commis sion and bonus. See Mrs. MeClellan, 6-8 p.m., Salcin Hotel. No phone, ills ; . CARE of child, vicinity N. 16th, Nebraska. 5 day wk. 2-6025 after 4. WOMAN to care for lady In country. UEi.t housework. Room, board, was.es. 4-1759 after 4:30. 612 Work Wanted, Male TAX FORM completed. State, Fed eral. Prompt accurate service Ph. 3-6S57. WANTED Bulldozing, land clearing, etc. R. V. Stoops. Ph. 2-3326. INCOME TAX returns prepared. Reasonable. Ph. 4-6228. PROFESSIONAL upholstering done in my home. Reasonable. Pick up Ic delivery. Call 2-4230. TAX RETURNS prepared in your home at reasonable rates. Phone 4-2033. HEDGES and shrubs trimmed, yard cleaned up and trash hauled. 2-7464. CEMENT work, all kinds. Ernest Drake. Phone 4-5129. 1165 S. 14Uu 614 Work Wanted. Female PART TIME office work. Typing. Phone 4-3611. mornings. PRACTICAL nursing & baby sitting. 1325 Lee. Phone 2-5487. MIMEOGRAPHING, typing, reason alile. Mrs. Poe, 065 N 16th. .1-364.1, HOUSEWORK or cooking company meals. Phone 3-5860. 615 Situations Wanted WILL ACCEPT difficult and par ticular mending. Specialty-knitted garments. Also, sewing knitting. Ph. 2-8048. CARPENTER New. remodel or re pair, time or contract. Ph. 2-5025. ELDERLY man. life long experi ence. Hotel and restaurant, wanui part time work. Box 178 States-man-JournaL ' HOUSEWORK by the hour, will give good references. 3-3504. TREES topped, trimmed and remov ed. Fruit trees pruned and shaped. Free estimates. Pli. 2-7464. DRESSMAKING and alteration. S.it isfaction guaranteed. Judy Polston. Ph; 3-5677 INCOME TAX blanks prepared rea sonably. Phone 3-6641. WE SPECIALIZE In repairing drv rotted houses. Ph. 2-1459 or 2-1812. DRESSMAKING, alterations. Drno erv. 2nd floor. Roberts Bros. Pat SmlthJ LANSCAPING. com. lawn, garden service. Service Center. 4-3571. PAINTING. Paperhanging. Free es timates. Don Lucero. Ph. 3-5.122. pXlNTrNG& decorating. Ph7"3-755r 25 vrs. exp. In Salem. Free esti mates. GENERAL cleaning by the hour. Ph. 2-8259. ROOFING, new work or repair. All types roofing. Call Kiefer 2-5908. Free estimates anywhere. TREE work, topping, trimming re moving. Insured. John Payne. Ph. 2-o:ta5. PAPER HANGING &- Paintinj. Jerry Johnson. Phone 2-0791. GOOD CARE for your child. 1180 Shipping St. Phone 3-9924. NEW Construction, rrmorlclinc At repair. Free estimates. Dale Bilrs. Phone ,1-fiitfl. PAINTING. PAPERHANGING. Con tract, sma'l jobi welcome. Phone Z-TfiBjT QUALITY wood work'n,'. home cah- inns store fixtures. Dick High nereer. 3-8904. HAVING A'lJTO RADIATOR TROUBLES? W'.ey Motor Co. experts will solve yu;r oroblems and save vou monev. Free estimates, speedy service. Centerand Liberty. RELIABLE baby sitler. Will ajcTdavi or niKhtsPtione 2-99C4 or 3-.i.)2.1 LIGHT crawler dozer. dirtlevehn cradtne. Phone 2-32M. CARPENTKRWOHKAny kind R7a sonable. 4C40 Macleay Rd. Phone 4.rMI CARPENTER work of mi kinds' 31i!0 Livingston. 2-1R4;. 2-Ub9 618 Education MRS FRANKMN L. Ward. .1,'. ,r. cn-ditetl teacher nf piano. IH13 w. hull Hill. I'h. 2-6TI5. 700 KrntaN LARGB warehouse vnre for rrnt or lca.M. cement :ln0rs. brn k htulfi inc. Dov, fi low n. Jrqjjie H L, Stiff Furniture Co. Thone S-sias. 702 Sleeping Boon, Board LARGE beautiful furn rm. Grn'l,. nian onl-. N. Wintrr. SLEEPING room,. Pjione 3-43:i.i. .V Cliufrh. t'OMf'OKTAlU.E larw (rontTw, str.l!U IK'.I. iavatot. 4:2 N, jb. CLEAN. ,ui.-t. n.-,r -1ti- lH11jrf,riK,T S',rIV'rMi;;:i,ni;;:;''i LARC.K aurnct!vefuin! uZr,tn': m.in IUjU Nora. ih. 2-4ji; ;705 Apqrlments for Re nt 1 HtWMS. pr.v.t, t,h ,p , ri'RN. ""APT. pnv,;,"",.,,; I'll. rir. pirn t .,,..n 2H T) S Illll-t (tl!- l.-n S cr't I rfali.v t i.i - t-.'... 3-ROOM iurrnrrd .'.". Pn. 4-n:;-. ' COL'RT APT-Br7J furnisr.pd. 7 V Parkins. launHr,. uimiirr i.mh ;t;. rvns lTa"n.,r;,er '-"'1JH1 1 n." I'llMPLEI Ll.Y "i ai-ls i'f,,:,.. ' A-Llit. Irr. . i r.,nni (ifr..ril u TRAILER Hcir.sf- . , - 3 HHRM je. $'..- p.. Z-l'n.-,!. TWO kh in apt. Private f,.. r.'-r tate. 37 X. H-:g'fx :&' T"