Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 27, 1954, Page 17, Image 17

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    Wednesday, January 27,
Tell me whem he's eaten
Tele -
? Radio -
Matinee Theatre, 1 "Girl From Alaska."
Life Is Worth Livinj,7 Bishop Sheen will devote this telecast
to a discussion of "work."
Coke Time, 7:30 Jill Corey, singing star of the "Dave Garroway
Show," is the guest of Eddie Fisher. Her solo will be "I've Got a
Crush On You." Fisher will sing "That's Amore," "You Alone,"
and "Ebb Tide."
I Married Joan, 8 "Mabels Dress" Judge Stevens hides a
dress for a friend until the friend can smuggle the present to his
own home to surprise his wife. Joan finds tne dress and the
trouble starts.
My Utile Margie, 8:30 "The Health Farm" Margie makes her
father's life anything but healthful when she changes identities with
a rich friend to save a romance.
Kraft Theatre, 9 "The Atherton Boy" starring Louise Albritton,
Grant Sullivan, Marjoric Gateson and Lydia Reed. Story of a young
man's determination to raise his social standing by fair means or
Death Valley Days, 10:30 "Land of the Free."
Nitc Owl Theatre, 11:01 "Hideout" starring Howard Keel and
Valerie Hobson.
3:30 p.m., Armchair Theatre "Yokel Boy" starring Albert Dck
ker and Joan Davis.
5:30 p.m., Kit Carson The hazards of hauling freight by wagon
across treacherous terrain and through the bandit-infested moun
tains nf the Early West provide a colorful background for "The
Adventures of Kit Carson."
7 p.m., Blue Itililion Bouts World light-heavyweight champion
Archie Moore of St. Louis puts his title on the line when he meets
former champion Joey Maxim of Cleveland in a 15-round Pabst
Blue Ribbon Bout to be broadcast exclusively over the CBS Tele
vision Network from the Miami Ball Park, Miami. Fla.
10 p.m.. Wrestling from Hollywood The Semi-Main Event fea
tures Wild Red Berry and Jerry Woods vying for top honors. The
colorful Main Event finds The Great Bolo contesting strength of
Sandor Szabo.
II p.m., Showtime on Six "Cross Street" starring Anita Louise
and John Mack Brown.
3:15 Armchair Theatre "Three Little Sisters" starring Mary
Lee and Ruth Terry.
8:30 p.m., Four Star Playhouse Ida Lupino will make her sec
ond appearance on Four Star Playhouse in "Indian Taker", a comedy
of errors. Miss Lupino, in the role of Ginny, an insurance execu
tive's wife, who takes her first drink in seven years at a party,
decides she would like to be a Robin Hood and proceeds to steal
the jewels of the wealthy guests, all of whom are insured by
her husband.
9 p.m., Viedo Theatre "Lux Vicdo Theatre," half-hour drama
series broadcast from Television City, Hollywood, will present a
nerial fiill-hnur nroeram. The full-hour telecast will be an adaption
of "A Place in the Sun", Paramount Pictures' award winning film ;
of 1951 based on Theodore Dreiser's famed novel "The American '
Tragcdv". Ronald Reagan, Hollywood hcadlincr, will be host.
lo'p.m.. Philip Morris Playhouse A wealthy playwright tries;
to res tin the mood and inspiration he once had when he wrote sue-1
cessful Brondwav plavs in the original Charles Martin teleplay,
"Make Me Happy, Make Me Sad", starring Donald Cooke and Janis j
, r"iRJ1 p m showtime on Six "Charlie Chan at the Opera" star
ring Boris Knrloff and William Demarcst.
Matinee Theatre, 1 "Murder by Invitation" starring allacc :
Fo.-d and Marion Marsh. ;
Oroucho Marx, 8 Comedy quiz with Groucho Marx. j
i . i-.l, U'ahh cMn
Ford Theatre. 9:30 -"Mantrap" starring Shelley Winters and
William Bishop. Story of a young woman with definite ideas about
the kind of husband she wants. ,
Martin Kane, 10 A wise aunt asks Kane to check her niece s
strange behavior. ... , . , ,
Nitc Owl Theatre, 11:05 "Law of the Jungle' starring Arlinc
Judge and John King.
... j
Arty lime a liml
or Coca-Cola, but ,
Eddie Fisher
7:30 p.m. KPIV (h. 27
Coke" k s reentered rrode-mork.
By Ketcham
a nickel's worth
skoL'L UP South Korea has
askcd the United Stales to help
j nulla nuft arnica m u nmn
M-hoNt Kniiih Korea ran defend it
self without aid of foreign troops.
Prime Minister Paik Too Chin
said Wednesday.
4W A.
Tonight 5:30 P.M.
KOIN-TV Channel 6
rf-if 'y
On Television
KPTV (27
10:00 t in. KPTV -Dim Dour School
10 JO im. KPTvv,nit'i cuokmi?
KOIN Spotlit Revue
10:iS a.m. KlTV-Whale Cooklne?
11:00 a.m. KPTV Hewlclna fall ,
KOIN-Koln Kitchen
ll:U a.m. KPTV 3 Steps to Heaven
11:111 em KPTV-Prleud ol Pnmlli
KOIN Koln Kitchen
ll:5 a at. KPTV-Frlend ol family
.KOIN Koln Kitchen
12:00 noon KPTV Bride and Oroom
K01N-BU Payolf
13:15 p.m. KPTV Tho Bennett!
KOIN-Blr Pajoll
11:10 p m. KPTV-TBA
KOIN Bob Croibr
1:00 pm. KITV Matinee
KOIN Love of Lite
1:15 p m. KPTV Matinee
KOIN Search Tomorrow
1.30 p.m. KPTV Matinee
KOIN-Ouidlni Lliht
l:t P.m. KPTV-Mallnee
KOIN Valiant iadj
3:00 p.m. KPTV Uatlnre
KOIN Double or Nothlnr
3:30 p.m. KPTV On Your Account
KOIN Strike It Rkh
3:00 p a, KPTV Kate Smith
KOIN onrrjr Moore
3 30 p.m. KPTV-Kate Smith
KOIN Armchair Theater
4:00 p.m. KPTV Welcome rraveleri
KOIN Armchair Theater
4:30 p.m. KPTV The I'uymaker
KOIN Mr. Moon
4:45 p.m. KPTV The roymalter
KOIN Cartoon Time
5:00 p.m. KPTV- Howdy - Doodr
KOIN-Saddle Pale
5:30 p.m. KPTV Bar 37 Corral
KOIN Kit Carton
00 p.m. KPTV Name the Same
KOIN Mr. Weatherman
0:15 p.m. KPTV Names the Same
KOIN Photo Quia
5:30 p.m. KPTV Sid Porter
KOIN-Doun Edwards
6:15 p.m. KPTV World on View
KOIN This I Your Music
7:00 p.m. KPTV-Blshop Sheen
KOIN Plant
7:30 p.m. KPTV-Cohe Time
7:45 p.m. KPTV Kewa Caravan
KOIN Flsht
1:00 p.m. KPTV-I Married Joan
KOIN Arthur Godtrry
30 IX. KPTV My utile March)
COIN Arthur C-od'ie
:00 p.m. KPTV Krult Theater
KOIN strike It Klch
0:30 p.m. KPTV-Kroft Theater
KOIN I've Oot a Secret
10:00 p.m. KITV This Is Your Lite
KOIN Holls'woni) v, rest Ins"
10:30 p.m. KPTV Death Valley Days
KOIN Wre.stllna
11:15 p.m. KPTV Nile Owl Theater
10:00 a.m. KPTV Ding Doni Bell
10:30 a.m. KPTV Whafa Cooklne
KOIN flpotllta Revue
10:45 a.m. KPTV what's Cooklne"?
KOIN Brlahler Day
11:00 a.m. KPTV Hawkins Pallet
KOIN Koln Kitchen
11:15 a.m. KPTV J steps to Heaven
KOIN Koln Kitchen
11:30 a.m. KPTV Friend 01 Family
KOIN Koln Kitchen
11:45 a.m. KPTV-Frlend ol family "
KOIN Newsreel
13:00 noon KITV Bride and Oroom
KOIN Pie Parotr
1315 n m. KPTV DennetU
12:10 p.m. KPTV-TBA
KOIN Bob Crosby
1:00 p.m. KPTV Matinee
KOIN Love ol Lire
1:13 p m. KP1 V Matinee
KOIN Search Tomorrow
1:30 p m. KPTV Matinee
KOIN Guldini Llehl
1:13 p.m. KPTV-Matlnee
KOIN Valiant Lady
I 00 p m. KPTV Matinee
KOIN oarry Moore
3:15 p.m. KPTV -Hollywood Reel
KOIN Oarry Moore
3:30 p.m. KPI V On Your Account
KOIN Strike II Rich
3 00 p m. KITV Kale Smith
KOIN Oarry Moorf
3:15 pm. KPTV-Kate 8mlih
KOIN Armchair Show
4 00 p.m. KPTV We'cr-iTte Travelers
KOIN Armchair Show
4.30 p m. KPTV Tnymirkrr
KOIN Mr. M"on
4:45 p m. KITV T oy maker
KOIN Cartoon Time
6:00 pro. KPTV Howdy Doody
KOIN Saddle Pals
5 30 pm. KITV Bsr 21 Corral
KOIN ansce Ranter
6 00 p.m. KPTV-TBA
KOIN Mr Weatherman
I 15 p m. KPTV THA
KOIN Photo Quia
6:30 p.m. KPTV Huntlne and Plrhlni
KOIN rjoua Edwards Newa
6 13 p m. KPTV-Wor'd on View
KOIN Sports Scholar
7.00 p.m. KPTV Sports
KOIN Cisco Kid
7:30 pa. KPTV Dinah Shore
KOIN Place the Pace
7:43 pm. KPTV News, Sports
KOIN-Plsce the Fac
6:00 pm. KPTV Oroucho Msrs
KOIN M'et Mr. McNultr
6:30 pm. KPTV Chevron Thester
KOIN Four Star Playhouse
00 p m. KPTV Draenrt
KOIN Video P'.ayhoiue
6 30 p m. KPTV Ford Tliealer
KOIN-Bls Town
10 00 pa. KPTV Martin Kane
KOIN The Playhouse
10 30 p m. KPTV Arthur Murray
KOIN Mr. end Mrs. North
II 00 p m. KPTV Stra. Sporta
KOIN Showtime on Sit
11 OS pm. KPTV Nile Owl Theater
2140 S. Commercial
Open Evcnines Til 9
Sales -Service
flpcn Friday NiRht Til 9 .
355 ( enter Ph. 3 3139
v '-o
Shown is the home of Don Dill, 975 Morningside, as it ap
peared Wednesday morning as improperly drained water ap
proached the floor level. Dill believes a drainage line, clog
ged or fractured by last summer's street improvements made
under county supervision, may be responsible for the small
geyser spouting from a catch basin at his curb.
Mrs. Annie J.
Of Pioneers,
One of Oregon's oldest residents,
Mrs. Annie J. Tuttle, a late resi
dent of 1445'i Center street, died
at a local hospital Tuesday follow
ing a short illness. She had been
ill since Friday.
A native Oregonian, Mrs. Tut-
tie was born at Pleasant Valley,;
near Lents. Oregon, February 22,
1855. Her parents, Stuart and Sa
rah Richey, had come to Oregon
from Iowa, crossing the plains
with oxen and taking up a donation
land claim at Pleasant Valley in
1S52. The home where she resided,
which had hand-hewn logs and
shingles, still stands.
Mrs. Tuttle spent her girlhood
at Pleasant Valley and in 1875 at
Pleasant Valley was married to
John E. Tuttle, one of the first
students at Willamette University.
He taught school at Milwaukie and
at Lafayette and the couple made
their home in those towns until
moving to Union, Oregon. They re-
U.S. Contracts for
Unemployed Areas
dent Walter Reuther says a top
administration official has indi
cated that about 20 per cent of all
government contracts will be car
marked for areas plagued by ser
ious unemployment.
Reuther said Tuesday night De
fense Mobilizer Arthur S. Flom-
ming hinted that such a propor
tion of defense contracts would be
set aside for areas of "substan
tial labor surplus" more than 6
per cent out of work.
929th Field Artillery battalion, at
USAR armory.
Organized Naval Reserve sur
face division at Naval and Marine
Corps Reserve training center.
Company D, 162nd infantry
regiment, Oregon National Guard,
at Salem armory.
D battery, 722nd AAA.AW bat
talion, Oregon National Guard,
at qunnset huts on Lee street,
Seabcc Rcserver, f. Naval and
Marine Corps Reserve training
Pfc. Kenneth J. Lawrence, U.S.
Marine Corps, one of the seven
men from this area who left for
duly with the Marines with the
Second Salem Canital sauad Octo
ber 26. 1953, is spending a leave NEW YORK ifl Profil-laking
with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ed-! arising from Tuesday's sharp ad
ward A. Lawrence, 1186 Chcmawa ! vance came into the stock market
road. Lawrence, a Salem high : Wednesday and cut prices down,
school graduate with the class oil Thc market advanced at the
1953, has just completed his basic ,lart- slowed down and went low
and San Diego. He ariived home ! Thc decline went to between 1
Januarv 15 and reports to Camp ! ann 2 Pln,s at N" ""t-iifle with
Lcjuene. N. Carolina, where he will "a'n at ,lmcs lending to be
attend dicscl school. I l'nn 1 aml 2 P0ln,s-
Does TV Hurt Your
PHONE 2 1!)13
2303 Fairground Rd.
Valley TV Center
Salr-t. i Swiff Inxlalblion
Open Till 9 P. M. Daily
.Sunday frnm 1 In 6 P. M.
Do TV Prices Have You Worried?
rfffj.. Trader Louie will solve your problem
V. vs. with ease so that you can own beau-
TL Kaytneoni
Tuttle Scion
Dies at 98
sided there until Tattle's death In
November, 1903.
After her husband's death Mrs.
Tuttle made her home with her son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Lee Warnick. They first resided at
LaGrande and 18 years ago moved
jo Salem. She was a member of
the Presbyterian church.
Alert until her death, Mrs. Tuttlo !
recalled Uic first Fourth of July
celebration held in Portland, with
the picnic in a park where Olds
and King is now located, and re
called the first circus that came to
Portland. She could also remember
back when Meier and Frank was a '
little one-room store. j
In 1950 when the Oregonian was ,
checking on its oldest readers Mrs.
Tuttle was the oldest reader in the
i-iini. vuuic&aiuiiui tiiMiivt. one
had read the paper since 1863.
Survivors include two sons, Floyd
C. Tuttle of Portland and Walter
J. Tuttle of San Francisco; two
daughters, Mrs. W. G. Hull of Los
Angeles and Mrs. Lee Warnick of
Salem; five grandchildren, Frank
Hull of Oakland, Calif.. Mrs. Rus
sel Mason of Los Angeles, Mrs.
Charles Kennedy of Eugene, Mrs.
George Clinton of Portland and
Mrs. Norman Wood of St. Louis,
mo.; ana seven great grandchil
Announcement of services will
be made later by the W. ,T. Rigdon
company cnapei.
Portland Livestock
salable 300: quality mostly com
mercial and below with light steers
and heifers predominating; market
ramer slow hut mostly steady with
canner-cuuer cows strong; utility.
commercial sicers 14.00-19.75; in
dividual good steers 21.00, two car
load fed steers not yet offered;
utility . commercial heifers 12.00
17.50; canncr - cutter cows 8.50
10.50, shells down In 6.0,1; utility
cows 1I.00-I3.50; bulls slow, few
cutter-utility grades 12.00-15.00.
Calves salable 25; marl.ct steady
on limited offerings: few eood-
choice vcalers 20.00-25.00. nrimo
grades 27.00, commercial-good
slaughter calves 15.00-19.00.
Hogs salable 100: market active.
steady; choice 190-235 lb butchers
29.00-29.50, small lots choice No. 1
Tamworths on bought to arrive
basis 29.00, choice 250-290 lb 27.00
28.00; choice 350-550 lb sows 23.50
25.00. Sheep salable 200;market Bbout
steady: few lots choice-prime fed
woolcd lambs 20.00-20.50: one lot
mostly choice 19.50: no test on
feeder lambs: individual good
slaughter ewes steady at 550:
choice young ewes quotable to
Wall Street
1 iraaing was swiu in me Begin-
ning but tapered off later to an
estimated two million shares.!
Tuesday s total, second largest of !
thc year, came to 2,120.000 shai f.
Chicago Onions
rr tJnlled Press!
Supplies Molerste, demand slow, mr
kel Bbout .tendy.
Track .ale. SO lbl.V US. 1 unless
stnted: Idaho Rpsnlsh 3-lnrh and tarter
1. 11.
Street Seles (SO lbs : Tdehri. Oreeon
and Dish ftpenbh 3-lnrh and larger
I r: Idsho. Ore. on and California
WM'es l.ineh and lers.r. euo 2 to 1.
Inrh. 3 2S-3.S0; Mlda-e.t Yellow Olohes
meflium tto-l.ts. Irretiitar .7S- rar
ion. I -pound Cellos I M-I.JS.
Practically Anything Taken In Trade
lna Ave.
Phone 3 85t
fr IB??
Allied Chemical
75 V4
Admiral Corporation
Allis Chalmers
American Airlines
American Power & Light
American Tel. & Tel.
American Tobacco
Anaconda Copper
Atchison Railroad
Bethlehem Steel
Boeing Airplane Company
20 W
48 Va
12 ', a
31 't
54 '4
52 V
81 't
10 V
24 14
4!l Va
Borg Warner
Burroughs Adding Machine
California Packing
Canadian Pacific
Caterpillar Tractor
Celanese Corporation
21 '.4
81 h!
20 I
94 V,
109 Mi
50 y4
93 V4
j Chrysler Corporation
Cities Service
Consolidated Edison
Consolidated Vultce
Crown Zcllerbach
Curtiss Wright
Douglas Aircraft
du Pont de Nemours
Eastman Kodak
Emerson Radio
General Electric
General Foods
General Motors
Georgia Pacific Plywood
i uuonyeur me
Homcstake Mining Company 34 T4
International Harvester 30 ',4
International Paper 59 Mi
Johns Manvillc 70 4
Kennecott Copper 68 M
Libby, McNeill 9
Lockheed Aircraft 28
Loew's Incorporated 13
Long Bell A 24 A
Montgomery Ward 60 V
Nash Kelvlnator" 16
New York Central 20
Northern Pacific . 59 '4
Pacific American Fish 7
Pacific Gas & Electric 40
Pacific Tel. 4 Tel. 117 ii
Packard Motor Car 4
Penney fJ. C.) Co. 78 ',4
Pennsylvania Railroad 17
Pepsi Cola Co. 14 -H
Philco Radio 29 H
Radio Corporation
Rayonier Incorp.
Rayonier Incorp. Pfd
Republic Steel
Reynolds Metals
Itfiesair I
56 74
7fi 4
Richfield Oil
Safeway Stores Inc.
Scott Paper Company
Scars Roebuck & Co.
Socony-Vactium Oil
Southern Pacific
Standard Oil California
Standard Oil N. J.
Studcbakcr Corporation
Sunshine Mining
Swift St Company
Transamerica Corporation
61 "i
37 "Si
57 "4
20 V4
20 H
39 'A
24 'A
Twentieth Century Fox
Union Oil Company
Union Pacific
United Airlines
United Aircraft
United Corporation
United States Plywood
United Stales Steel
Warner Pictures
Western Union Tel.
Wcstingliouse Air Brake
Wcstinghouse Electric
Wool worth Company
?, ;f
Chicago Grain
I An Irregular I
njarket spoiled with mostly small
Rains ana losses was rceoraea in
grains on the board of trade
Firmest tone developed in corn,
reflecting light cash receipts and
wintry weather in the Midwest,
although Into in (he session new
crop wheat contracts enjoyed a
small price runup.
In contrast, old crop soybeans
contracts went through a selling
squall laic in the session. Prices
i """'V , ,'Y-i- X
Wheat closed 'i-l'e higher,
i March 2.13V2.M, corn 4-Vi high -
er, March l.M'a. oats unchanged
lower, March 79's-Tii. rye 1
higher. March 1.254, soy
2'i lower to V higher.
to 1".
3 11'. 3 11. lard 10 to 22
a hundred pounds lower,
Portland Grain
PORTLAND W - No bids.
Wednesday's car receipts: corn
; mill fee.; 3.
All Channel tllF-VHF
Low Down Payment, Trades
Complete Repair and
Inetpli-r-n bv
Rondrd Lie; . . . i hniclan
Northwest Television
3SR0 State Phone 4-5032
M A R K f T
PORTLAND I Butterfat
Tentative, subject to immediate
change Premium quality, maxi
mum to .35 to one per cent acidity,
delivered in Portland, 68-71 lb;
first quality, 66-69; second quality,
64-67. Valley routes and country
points 2 cents less.
Butter-Wholesale, f.o.b. bulk
cubes to wholesalers Grade AA,
93 score, 66 V4 lb; 92 score, 65 V4;
90 score, 64 Vi; 89 score, 62.
Cheese Selling price to Portland
wholesalers Oregon singles, 42 tt
45 lb; Oregon 5-lb loaf, 48 tt-51.
Eggs To wholesalers Candled
eggs containing no loss, cases in
cluded, f.o.h. Portland A grade,
large, 51 tt-53 W; A medium, 50 Vj
51 V4; A grade, small, 45 tt-46 4.
Eggs To retailers Grade AA,
large, 54-56; A large, 53-55; AA
medium, 52-54; A medium, 51-53;
A small, 47-48. Cartons 3 cents
Live chickens No. 1 quality,
f.o.b. plants Fryers, 25-26; roast
ers, 25-26; heavy hens, 25-26; light
hens, 15-17; old roosters, 14-15.
Rabbits Average to growers
Live white, 3 Vi-5 lbs, 19-23, 5-6 lbs,
20-22; old docs, 10-12, few higher.
Fresh dressed fryers to retailers,
57-CO; cut up, 63-66.
Wholesale dressed meats:
Beef, steers, choice, 500-700 lbs,
40.00-42.00; good, 36.00-40.00; com
mercial, 32.00-37.00; utility, 28.00-
34.00; commercial cows 27.00-33.00;
utility, 26.0-31.00; canncrs-cutters
Beef cuts (choice steersUfind
quarters, 45.00-50.00; rounds, 44.00-
48.00; full loins, trimmed, 68.00
78.00; triangles, 29.00-34.00; fore
quarters, 33.00-37.00; chucks, 38.00
42.00; ribs, 54.00-58.00.
Pork cuts Loins, choice, 8-12 lbs,
59.00-62.00; shoulders, 16 lbs, 41.00
45.00; spareribs, 48.00-56.00; fresh
hams, 10-14 lbs, 61.00-6.00.
Veal and calves Good-choice, all
weights, 36.00-46.00; commercial, I
Lambs Choice-prime 41.00-43.00;
good, 36.00-41.00.
Wool Grease basis, Willamette
Valley medium, 51-55 lb: Eastern
Oregon fine and halt blood, 55-62;
Willamette valley lamb wool, 42;
12-month wool, 45-50.
Country-dressed meats, f.o.b.
Beef Cows, utility, 24-28 lb;
canners-cutters, 21-22.
Veal Top quality, lightweight,
33-35 ;r oughh eavies, 24-30.
Hogs Lean blockers, 39-40; sows,
light, 33-35.
Lambs Best, 34-36.
Mutton Best, 12-15; cull-utility,
Fresh Produce:
Onions 50 lb sacks, Wash. yeV
lows, mcd., 1.00-10; large, 1.10-25;
Idaho yellows, med., 1.25-50; large,
1.75-2.00; whites, 2.25-50.
Potatoes Ore. local Long Whites,
2.00-25; Deschutes Russets, No.
2.15-25; size A, 2.50-75; 25 lb sk,
80-85; 10 lb mesh, 40-45; paper, 30
33; windows, 35-37; No. 2, 50 lbs,
80-85; Wash. Russets, No. 1-A, 2.25
'50; Idahos, 3.15-25.
HayIf. S. No. 2 green alfalfa,
mostly 28.00-30.00, delivered car
and truck lots, f.o.b. Portland and.
r llberlS Wholesale selling price at 10 a m. In the St. Joseph's Calho
f.O.b. Oregon plants. No. 1 jumbo "e Church. Concluding services at
nl. so Ik. a r n a eiii.
"lV.lM..O, W . . . S V,
mnH i,m 9C !.
U'nln'lcWhnlncnU Bslllnff
prices: First quality Franquettes,
32-33 Vi lb; light halves, 79-83;
shelled light amber halves, 70-75.
Comnllrd frnm report t mt flalrm dpjlrri
tmr iht tnldmiire f Capital Japrnal
reader!. (Revised tfallr.)
Retail Feed Prlecai
Rabbit Pelleti 13 45 tlO-lb. bat),
H3S-3 00 UfJO-lb bail
Pit Mash $4.9D-!. 20.
lUIrr Peed 13.35-3 63.
53 90-4 90 (100 wl.l.
Panllrr Bnvlnc Prleea Colnrrd fryer.
Stir: old rooster. 15r; rolored fowl, 3iV
lethorn owl, 17c; colored roaatera 26r.
Rorlnr Prlrei ES, A A, 41rl larva A,
39 -45c; medium AA. 30ci medium A.
37-42r: am all A. 31c; Etta, wholesale pri
es tfnera.'.r 6-7 centi hie her than price
above: large trade A enerallr Quoted at
53r; tnerituma at 4fle,
Rnllerfat Ilu?lnt price: Premium. 70
71 cents: No. 1. 17-65 cental No. 2. 60c.
Portland Eastside
' PORTLAND (UPl EUld Ptrmrri'
! rairltet olltrinii lodmr were limited to i
'fc t ttw e-ittrrrd lot of potitoefl, cbbt
and rrot rropi; bct fabbtfi to whole
jialrn wi 2.50: Willi melt Tillrr ptus-
nlM told It 1.331.35 In volutin loti.
! Chicago Livestock
: CIIICAUO tin Hog prices
t bounced back up Wednesday as
i salable receipts of 8,000 head fell
j below the advance estimate,
Buyers paid 26.25 to $2G.8S for
j most Wl to 2.10 pound butchers
with a lew loads bringing a top of
Most high-choice and prime
sleers sold at $20.00 to $29.50 with I
R few high-prime loads going at '
$30.00 to $31.50.
kiwu auu vivi"- iwis.waj " '"
'and prime tvpes $21.25 to $22.00.
' Salable receipts were estimated
at 8,000 hogs. 11.000 cattle, 400
calves and 2.500 aheep.
Mid Willamette
Daniel M. Molver
ALBANY Daniel M. Molvcr,
I fi7. a resident nf the Albany area
for 50 years, died Mnnriay. Thc
Sales Service.
1880 STATE ST. PH. 37577
Page 17
funeral will be held at the Fisher
Funeral home at a time to be .
A former Mountain States Pow
er Co., lineman, Mr. Molvcr spent
his early life in North Dakota,
coming to Albany at the age of
7. After living in Albany for sev
eral years he lived in Coquille
and Powers for a time, then re
turned to Albany.
Ho was married on Dec. 13,.
1914, to Marguerite Dupee, who
survives. In addition to his wid
ow, survivors include four sons,
Dan, Albany, and Kenneth,
Mickey and Vern, all of Rose
burg; three sisters, Mrs. Frank :
Opitz, Salem; Mrs. C. W. Mosier,
Independence, and Mrs. Carl
Tangen, Toledo. .
Mrs. Pansy Rogers
ALBANY Mrs. Pansy Adela '
Rogers, 74, died at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. Emil Winters,
Albany, Monday. Services, under
direction of the Fortmiller-Frcd-erickscn
Funeral home, will be
held at the Church of God Wed-;
nesday. Mrs. Rogers was born in
Kurness county, Mo., and was
married to Leonard G. Rogers,
who died in May of 1952. She
made her home in Nampa, Idaho,
before coming to Albany nearly
two years ago. Surviving are her
daughter, Mrs. Winter,;
a son, Harry L., Cheyenne, Wyo., .
and three brothers.
Katherine Ann Goin
Karen Sue Goin
ALBANY Katherine Ann and '
Karen Sue Coin,-: infant twin
daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Pearl
C. Goin, Albany, died at birth at
a local hospital Monday. Grave
side services, under the direction
of the Kortmiller-Fredericksen
home, will be held at the River
side cemetery Wednesday. Sur- t
viving the twins besides their par'
ents, are two sisters, Esta Lou
and Barbara Ellen; their grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lance
and Mr. and Mrs. M.O. Goin, all
of Albany; and a great-grandmother,
Mrs. Bella Rodgers of
Annie j. ituue
In thli city. January 86 at the ate
of 88 ycara. Late resident of 1445'j .
Center. Mother of Floyd C. Tullle. .
Portland, waiter J. Tutue, San t ran
cisco, Mrs. W. G. Hull. 1-os Angelo.
Mrs. Lee Warnick; Salem: xrand
molher of Frank Hull. Oakland, ,
Calif., Mrs. Russell Mason, Loa An- ;
eeles, Mrs, Charles Kennedy! Eu
gene, Mi. George Clinton, Portland,
Mrs. Norman Wood. St. Louis. Mis
souri! 7 flreat-srandchildrcn. Private
servleea will be held In the, W. T.
n . -.I- r.y.ti Tiniuru ?n
at 1 :30 o.m. Interment at Belcrest
Memorial Park. Please omit llowcra.
William 1. Van Hatten .'
At the residence, B8 N. cnurcn i.
Jan. J6 at the age af S8 yr. Hushnnd
of Selma Van Hatten. Salem; father
of Mra. Ted Barry, Seattle. Wash.:
brother of Mra. O, J. Relets. Middle
Ion, Wise. Mra. Teas Schlotthniir.
Madison. Wis., Mra. Morie Marks.
Sonoma. Calif., Mrs. Henryetla Gol
rhlcaero. III.: 3 grandchildren.
Recitation of the rosary Thurs.. Jan.
2fl at a p.m. in the W. T. Rludon
rh.n.l r,n,,lm maa K-pf . Jan. 3f).
IM . Angei uemeierjr.
Ray M. Sllffler
Late resident of 30.1 N. 21st St. in
this city, January Sflth. at the aifr
of 73 viflrs. .Survived by wife. Mrs.
Essie Stiffler. Salem; tons, Robert R
Stifflcr, ArllnRlon. Calif., Albert F.
Stiffler. Albany. Oregon; daughters.
.Mra. Glenn Kay Frecburg. Loma-
lindA, Calif.. Mrs. James W. McAivin.
Arlington. Calif.: brother. Mrri few
flcr. Cheney. Wash.; sifters, Mrs.
Mabel Knanp. Crcsent City. Calif.,
Mrs. C. II. Schenk. Salem: lr grand
children. Services will he held Thurs
day. January 28. at 2:00 p.m. in the
Moweil-f.nworas Ln.ipri. e.nirr
Frnxtnn and Elder R. G. Shaffner of-
fi l.-illnr. Concluding services, at City
View Cemetery
Abraham liavid Tom ,
Late resident of 1R2.1 N. Front M.
at a local h05pttal Jan. Zfi. son or
Mr. rnd Mrs. Anranam torn. :a.em.
Announrement of service will
ride late, by the iicweii tawaras
lamea Varek
Late resident of Rt. 1. Sclo. Oregon.
it a local hospital January w at
the ae of 71 years, survived ny
wife, Mrs. Emma Vasck. Sclo. An
nouncement of services will be made
tote- bv the Howell-Edwards l
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