Page 16 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Wednesday, January 27, 1954 GOP Declines Debate on McKay PORTLAND Wl County Repub lican officials Tuesday declined a challenge to debate Interior De partment policies advocated by Secretary McKay. The challenge was issued in letter from Ken Rinke, county Democratic chairman, to Philip LnKlehart, Republican chairman. The letter suggested that "a pub lic debate on the question of Sec retary McKay s policies be ar CAROL CURTIS Bond Issue for New Bridge in Portland PORTLAND W A bond Issue to finance a new Morrison Street Bridge will be on the May election ballot, the County Board of Com missioners reported Tuesday. The proposed six-lane bridge and approaches would cost about (million dollars. ranged between Sen. (Richard) Neubergcr and some Republican spokesman" to be designated by Englehart. The GOP chairman said that un til all the evidence was in, a de bate on the Hells Canyon issue for example would serve no good purpose. HOUR F KOCO Magic KGAE News Sm RUIN Godfr The Hereford breed of beef ca tie was first introduced into America in 1817. ksi.m Fulton Lewis KOCO Campus Chat uir, rive Mr rinai OKW feunrter KIX rinal Edition The exotic, ' fringed tulips called "Parrot 'iuiips" are done in lipstick red and moss green in trie color transfers which re quire no embroidery. Just iron them onto fabric! Ten motif: six large tulips of 4 by 2 inches lor tne corners of c cloth, a run ner or place mats; four smaller lowers of 2Vt by 3 inches for use on matching napkins. Designs arc equally pretty on curtains, aprons. Send 25c for the "Parrot Tu lips" (Pattern No. 555) color transfers, transferring and laun dering instructions, YOUR NAME, ADDRESS, PATTERN NUMBER to CAROL CURTIS, Capital Journal, 652 Mission St., San Francisco 5, Calif. Patterns ready to fill orders Immediately. For soccial hand ling of order via first class mail include an extra 9c per pattern. ENJOY WHAT YOU'RE DOING! , Designed especially to flatter and to fit the half-size figure is this fashion headline style. Your choice of collar or sweetheart neckline; three-quarter or short cuffed sleeve lengths. Gibson tucks soften shoulders. No. 2739 is cut in sizes 14Vi, 16V4, 18Vi, 2014, 2214, 2414. Size 1614: 37 yds. of 39-in. or 31. yds. of 54-in. Send 30c for PATTERN with Name, Address, Style Number and Size. Address PATTERN BUREAU, Capital Journal, 652 Mission Street, San Francisco 5, Calif. Patterns, ready to fill orders immediately. For special hand ling of order via first class mail Include an extra 5c per pattern. Just off the press! The brand new 1954 SPRING SUMMER FASHION BOOK is agog from cover to cover with exciting new-season styles and ideas for easy sewing and smart going from breakfast until bedtime! IN COLOR, this book Includes up-to-lhe-Iast-minutc fashion fore casts for every age, every size. every occasion! Yours for only an additional 25c. Feel satisfied... Chew Wrigley, Spearmint Cum. Helps relic ve monotony, boredom. Makes time pan pleasantly. You (eel better - do better. pleasant chewing help. you neep nappy wmotm Delicious Refresh ii-itmJa odor ACROSS L Brazilian timber tree 4. Savory meat jelly 9. Outfit 12. Place 13. Selected 14. Room in harem 15. One who loves his country 17. Hospital attendant 19. Military assistant 20. Volcano In Italy tl. Flics lightly 23. Checked 26. Crescent, shaped figure 27. Fun 29. Note ot the scale 30. Half cms 31. Possessed 32. Southern constellation 33. For example: abhr. 34. Web-tooted birds 36. So be it 37. Holding at bridge 39. Coasters 40. Winglika 41. Anchor 42. More do mesticated 44. Creasing 47. Poem 48. Headdress 50. Note of the dove 51. Strange P O L oflfZ R All O D O RllR J0 ITIEiPIIIDHEiU k t SIA A R r.N cat GlRit A R 0 A RfjL I TBI ELSEvfAl Solution of Yssterday's Puma 51 Come in 63. Also DOWN 1. Serpent 2. Vegetable 3. Reaches 4. Sour substances 5. Foot covering ' 1 3 I "A1 V s V I" I -I '' l'v ' 7T It n ' TV t . Vi Ui . , V ""J W"7 Jf 1-u - Z ; jS if j3T jf .. .o" tfT - 'fyW ' -i 1 93 -,( ' M wmKmm j- STEVE ROVER ImJSvilll THAT BE I V HO --BUT I'M- ALSO SET 7 " f f1 ?j's j GOOD.' ThE SUR3EON isll 'l T""" 1 ''-' nr :at pcoof ENOUGH PHOTOGRAPHIC COPiES OF ANY j'-'1 s'te- f. 1 READY TO PESFORM A JI V P05ING AS YOUR HUSSANOAto CONVICT HIM DOCUMENTS HE MAY FLASH J ' HESE ABE THE DELICATE OPERATION fX ' I'LL GET A SERIES O? J OP FCAUP. MR. ON YOU.' , "Vj TELES3AMS VOU ESSSmCWi fill ' ' ' I'i'i-. PICTURES WITH MY H'DDEN v--. COPER? S ft- SENT, POP.' .. r-reb II "V 1 J" iC- CAMERA, SHOViNS FLEECE JiVVal r V tl m ZZZZ - 17UII ill .'A I V. H-L TAKIN3 MONEY FROM YOU, h: !ttjA ILffl: 'VTi I 1W STJ- iMgS. BBEWST6R WKKI XilC ! jfi tiiHClll KXimmmi Mmmm.w rfmmmm I 1 " ... . i . . M ii n 1 1 1 i in t j ii I rrv 12 CAiMvoiay 1 ius TiVBiut I nAMJtZ DAW3BaN6iNM6a II WHVffw sot i8irtxCaffPftr. 'S V million dollars. I FWP5 SO P5f USSlON I PIVIION Of THE I 03UNTIT CiAJfOV I I 0njJ H A VOU &OAPTIY 1 1 TO 1AftJCT OiZ i HONEST.NATiVS I O ioro -a-v-v V- fc . , , 'WurWMAVIN'6(fAIeVweATHEI?BureAUUALU9Me,)VOlCSOP I"'' MtT,eie...fOeAU.WBAlU&?.kMwm&CM& SiS AtfMW B The Hereford breed of beef cat- 4 BMW A EXTItEMeW Vi CAN U6S A r VfTAeeWiWl i-W TOOLONS.Weve ToOK U6 ABLE TO J BUILT ANVrVHK61 W koin tf4S2rS5rJ K e was first introduced into A(f7'-AM!(7V5V' CON' fn7 MAN Lcg--yi,,i , OUK rtS4WiSFI?Qvl 1 COCX IT UP C?JW55WW 7 tr? IAMl i A in 1817. JiCTIIW.tAM, , crU rKJWrtNW7 pA".ORF5SW V iPI 0RPI,ANANN1E '" " " 'mmm ir 1 f" ff l A 'v- .j? , j.'i'l ,p, i. . i ,,., r - Z' NOW YOU CN GET YaI ( THAT WOULD BRIN! ER-smflNKe-Tl T JocO j I Y'lVia", "''T I I f ER-WHAT ABOUT Y WELL,GWOft6tr PERHAPS FOUR PER CSHT POOR YOU A THOUSAND A I 1I'U- I K01N I V;l Kr" fi t I investments bonds are sqfe on some bonds -but per cent? I yeari wouldn't , I think it sen II ' I yilVv'v'J BONDS, MAYBE- BUT THEY PrtYLitnE HK3HER THAN THAT .YOU'D V J 4DVISE ANVTMIN& OVER, I I KEX t l MORE THAN WE DO- iACJ.a UVEIS Ks, M "A ' 1 1 1 I 1 ("''111 I Wiivf r"""Lin iwwjHii j r 1 ui 1 1 1 ' I I till UZu:I SSKU'i IMW rW'lS iione aju:,. 1- h-r nowi? I I I I 1 'm..i -. .ii,,.,. - . r-i 1 . I ili 1 r... .. I I 11 bai nowsAii-ff nir ; i j. n jj.t Lwtn fob sn 11 1 i 1 rui Bar i n i 1 5,.D.r jp i- jui rivhH iwji J rsn iviri,.T;:isr;-i . . i w-ifspi f syy 1 1 "a M&J "srt. HOUR HOPALONG CASSIDY ltT:riTri-'irV-,w-iJ';a'-TTri J- "y l ( wait ustem J VO listen weve seei i looc what' f fojns what ' C . ... I OOT A pax ' -r-Jf -EN UEAD INTO THaT SWiMP IM TM' STCgET OjE M IS iTf II rVrO F8SK09 0FCUW AR WST SafWHEeEV WIP6M' bS3ZS BE?CCE. NONE EVES CAf 0'TkES STBANGEiS W J, W W THAT JUNGLE .'ALL V;E AS - K.'OP' WZl BC.. THERE SNT A UVi4' MUSTA LOST IT ' 0 Ti is lJ-elp to ooiNTueaEANY 0o'IL0q FK? mul hereabouts whun' to " vfcfrj MUTT & JEFF kg'w KEX LeJitf j-,, irfHII.- mutt. im ming V but we'ue got W PHOOEy o 1 rTTi u,uatv tiyllllfmFCCt DOWN TO THE BEAN SOME UERV f THAT CKEESE ) f 1 I GOT FOR A SANDWICH J I f i WAGON FOR A "jSafE WASN'T IMPORTED.' I . j I 1 Ksa'ka at t aa V I BSS35 iff COSO,T..OS NO. V5 B.30.S3TCN. f IT A ... MEAS A VS AO PC-.SA-A vXfpjgagl Jljf; VfllllfA--ISfy B EllTisI nONAI.Ii III l K X v- nQY; 0-1 ' CTrw JLUV UL- Vl I U RADIO PROGRAMS 00:00 THURSDAY-00:15 -P.M. 00:30" 00:45 ksi Ton Traaea INwi IGay 901 ISieaU Malody K !AK N. I 2?id;r;. .. , ?irp. HoPu, Part, 7 Kr.w NoonNcwi Road of Lite (Pepper Young KEX Paul Harvey 'Noon Edition Bam Hayes IHaDPlnrst The lodda KSI.M Better ShopperlMusic Room KOtO Magic Melody IMagic Melody KCiAK Newa noss Hndzvoas RUIN Hilltop House Godfrey KCiVT Bckltage Wlla I Stella Dallas KEX Kay West I Kay West Music Room Wujlc Room Magic Melody IMagic Melody Ross Rndzvous Ross Rendrvoul Godfrey Godfrey Wlddi r Brown Woman Ip Hsa. Kay West Kay West c Melody odfrev Plain Bill Martin Block IStar Time I Magic Melody I Spider I Godfrey IFrl. Pg. Farrell I Martin Block .News IBands I.Masic Melody 'Magic Melodr I Spider . ISpldcr IGodfrey Curt Masiey Lorenzo Jones Pays to Marry I Martin Block i Martin Bloc k Hughes Reel Tello Test News Tune Time News I Spider Wizard of Odds Mjke Up Mind Travellers ITravellers For the Girls For the Girls J. Kirkwood J Klrkwood Piano Patterns Guest Star I Spider ISpider Robt. Q Lewis iTuneflly yours IDr Paul I Life Beautiful I For tha Girls iFor the Girls Pulton Lewis llemlnrwav Curt Matscy Hjm Haver. Music U Want iMusic U Want iMusic U Want IMusic U Want ws ISpider Aign uti - rknamNewi IJ. Berch snow iRimnam ncwi r.irin.m Star Time IMusic Box IMusic Box Music box Aftrnn.Edltn. ISquirrel Cage Squirrel Cage iHuur ol -Stars Sgt.Preston Sgt.Preston 'Sky King Showtime Showtime Second Look Murrow (News I World Today Sports Dally INcws-Archer I Hour of Stars IHour of Stars Ichet Huntley Sky King SongtoRemembr (Goss. News I Peterson IB. Garred Gab. Heater Eddv Fisher IV. Pinkley Sam Havas Candlelight I'nnUlellglil .News 88 Keys Comedy Iheaterl Comedy theaterlTime for Love Time for Love J.C. Swavze IJ.C.Swayze Eddie Cantor lEddie Cantor Home Edition 1 Bill Stern ISports Edition I Happy Time I Detective Rosary 21st Precinct Fibber McGee Starr of Space (Detective ISIars Sing 121st Pr?cinct I Alex Dreler IStarr of Space IMy L'l Margie My L'l Margia IMusic . ISports Report I IChorallers Choraliers Ralph Edwards (Ralph Edwards I IGath'nngStormlHeadline Ed. Cisco Kid Track 14S0 Meet Millie 1 Man's Family Symphonette ICisco Kid Track nail Meet Millie World News 'Symphonette Harmonaires IWhitlin Tunes ITrack H0 ITrack 1490 ILowell Thomas IFam. Skeleton ISix Shooter ISix Shooter I J. Vandcrcook Favorite Music ?len Hardy Track VM Beulah Dad Knows George Jcssel INewsreel ITrack HS0 IBallnce. Show I Dad Knows IGcorge Jessel Sweet. Swing ITrack 1490 I This I Believe I Bandwagon IMusic I Harry Wismer INight News I Dance Orch. Bandwagon I Music IPIatter Parade IN.W. News I Nocturne I Nocturne ICouke'sGestbk 'Nat l Guard ISports Final ll.ast Man Out ID-ice Time 'Dance Time Platter Parade Nocturne IDcsert Inn Orch. ILast Man Out Danct Tim KSLM Crime Fighters ICTlme Fighters I Melodies IMelodies KOCO Nocturne INocturne INocturne INocturne KOIN Record Show IRecordShow IRecordShow IRecordShow 1KRW News ICitv Council IClty Council ICity Council KEX DanctTlma 'Dance Time lUanceTimt iD-i.-eTlmt 12:00 to 1:00 AM. High Mass; 1:00 to B 00 A.M. Music KOAC SS0 kc. 10:00 News & Weather: 10:13 Especially for Women; 11:00 Oregon School of the Air Stories of Oregon: 11:13 Concert Hall: 12:00 News and Weather: 12:15 Noon Farm Hour: 1:00 Ride 'Em Cowbov: 1:15 Oregon School of the Air Let's Sing. America: 1:45 Radio Bookshelf: 2:00 Especially for Women; 2:30 Mem ory Book of Music; 2:45 Oregon School of the Air 19th Century Medical Discoveries; 3:00 Oregon Re porter; 3:15 Music of the Masters' 4:00 University Hour; 5:00 Children's Theater: 5:30 They FouEht Alone; 6:00 The News and Weather. 6:13 OSC Department of Music: 6:30 Headlines in Chemistry: 3:45 Russian Area Studies: 1:15 Evening Farm Hour; 8:00 BBC Theater The Wom an on the Beach: 9:00 Music That Endures: 9:45 Evening Meditations Dr. Hovland. OSC Dept. of Rehcion; 10:00 Sicn Oil. FRIDAY 6 A.M. TO 11:45 A. rjV 00:30 00:00 00:15 00:45 KSLM News KOCO Early Worm KtiAl Brk. Nook KOI R.F.D. Oregon KGW Dave West KEX Ore Farm Hr. fl'imckeeper I Early Worm link. Nook IKOIN Klock I Dave West lure Farm Hr. (News I Early Worm I Brk. Nook IKOIN Klock I Dave West (Or Farm Hr. March Time I Early Worm I Brk. Nook i KOIN Klock I Dave West lOre Farm Hr. KSI.M Hemingway KOCO News KGAE News KOIN KOIN Klock KGW Johnny Wills KEX First Edition Break. Gang IKaily Worm I Brk. Nook l Macleod, News IMusic Box Agronsky iRreakCang News lEarlyWorm !E:irlyWorm I Brk. Nook IBrk. Nook Goss News tiabbilt Show INews. Buthcrus Knox Manning IBobGairea Bob Hizen Cecil Brown Early Worm News Cons Newa Old Songs Break. Club Family Altar IKarly Worm ISpider iValle News I Old Songs 'Break. Club Hinle Inst IBlble Inst IKarly Worm I World News ISpider ISpider IMorning Vane. Roscmarv lOld Songs 01d Songs (Break. Club I Break. Club Dr. Sword Cap. Comment It'astors Call I Bargain Counter Rays' Records I Hays' Records I Rays' Records 'Ray's Records News ISpider I Ranrhn Grande Ra'nrho Grande Wendy Warren Aunt Jenny IHclen Trent Gal Sundav News.Msc.Bx. IGucstStar IRocky Fortne. IRotkv Fortune a.m Edition IStan ol Today iM'rn Romances Lum' It Abner KSLM Glen Hardy ITelloTest IBallad Box KOCO Rays' Records IRays' Records 'R.ivs' Records KGAE News IMr. Smythe I Mr. Smvlhe OKOIN RoadofLlfe Ma Perkins IDr. Malone KGW Hostess House IHostess Ho. Strike It Rich KEX Chet Huntley ITony Martin (True Storv Ballad Box 'Rav's Records I.Mr. Smythe IGuiding Light Strike II Rich I 'True Storv KSLM Wonderful City Wonderful City Queen for Dav (Queen for Day KOCO R.ivs' Records IHavs' Records Records R.iv s Records KGAE News ISpider ISpider ISnidrr KOIN 2nd Mrs. Burton Perry Mason iNorah Drake Brighter Dav I KGW Bob Hope IPauI. Frcdr'ks ! Phrase Pavs I Second Chance KEX Whispering Sts IGlrl Marries Grand Central Grand Central KOAC 350 kr Pacific Standard Time. 10:1X1 a ni. The News and Weather: 10:15 Especially for Women: 11:00 Oregon School of tne Air: 11:13 Con cert Hall: 12:00 The News and We.nh- Jer; 12:13 p. m. Noon Farm Hour: 1:00 nine r.m LOWDay; i:ia vrcgun School of the Air Stories In Rocks: 1 .'10 London Forum: 2:00 Especially for Women: 2:30 Memory Book of Music: 2:43 Oregon School of the Air Adventures in Research: 3:00 Ore gon Rrcoripr- :J5 .,.. c p hr Mas ters: 4 on Sports Forecast 4:13 On the I' 4:43 News Cnmmcnl.uv; 5 00 Children s Theater; 5:30 Voices M Europe: 6 OA The News and Weather: ;S New England sance; S 43 Radio Workshop Pljvs: ' 13 Evening Farm Hour: 7:53 Basket-hall-OSC v Univ. Ore : 9 45 Eve ning Meditations Dr. Hovland. OSC Dept. of Rrli3ion: 10:00 Sign Off. ,AJT NiViF'N T l tlB&;f-EjPS uf.HmIi Id'd l e aBeiairBLe'y'f. RlElNlTjOlN S EIDIlNlAITiAiL 6. Cooking vessel 7. Kxist.i 8. Middle t. Moham medan icrip lures 10. Small flsh 11. To: Scotch lfl. Ceremony 18. Sinple thing SO. Wear away 21. Hapid 22. Thrust 24. Made a mistake 25. Colleco officials 27. Very thin 23. Pi nee step 32. Western continent .14. Strong; wind 3.V Old eard game 38. Land held absolutely 38. Called 39. Of the sun 41. Greater mount 42. Beside 43. Put with 44. Corpulent 45. Negative prefix 41. Deitv 49. At home Silverfon Centennial Postmark Approved j WASHINGTON. UP Rep. Wal-! ter Norblad. (R., Ore.) today said 1 the Post Office Department has i Dilnrni-Arl el ennAiiil ncfril nlnnnl l lation to commemorate the 100th ! Pursc, sna'ch" af'cr two-block anniversary of Silverton. Ore. ! 'Prinl "1(1 ll,rn,d h,m m" l0 TL. ...! : P0,l, lilt: sin-lldl ft wds tiu-! besinnins rcb. , VSKS HIS SPEED BALTIMORE l Clyde Sla cum, 48year-old store manager, said he used to run the 100 yard dash in 10 seconds as a hich school track man. He's slill pretty fast. Yester day he cauKht a 26-year-old I honied for use ; 15. hut there is one hitch. The . mark as proposed by the Silvcrlon Milk produced from a Irce in the tropics much as latex for rub- Chamber of Comerce contains ton her is produced by rubber ti ee.4 many words and the Post Office tastes like real milk to human he Department says the wordase will inss hut dogs and cats won't touch have to be cut down to fit within it, says the American Museum of the cancellation circle. Natural History. -3 ROOM & BOARD By Ahem MARY WORTH ' A;AeveMT roe LJ n KM1 lit FOC Mt SMIUtY rco MAM MlftT HAVE 51'0 II L'MPCR THL DOOR AND It WEST USJDU THE LIT Tit THCilw C!'. I it HAvrT HFFM TOLf "LO if' - . ' JB " 1 UF fk' ITS tCOM iuU CJl -Ji PS0CMf.Cs.: h ,...rrrtiiMir..itnii .r Ar?0uT T.,SALE OT TW- Kut-- A0 0 'SiV'iTt s'L TOv sit TMtst n.rv ti:i tu.'Li'nNi iitn.LT: rn -r-r- "t. f-'sLS on" "-E 3 ivsvKKun ?L-'X'E A?r Jt a-lc; o ,N A V, NlflHT.'.-SET-F.1 .T , NLA ftsj Try VSANT t- '"'.'illvajH Vt AT ra-- cr'N'Vi yC C'v.I'lE.A: CiCv.' fell PON'T TELL ME YOU'VE DECIDED TO PAINT TWAT OLD HACK OF FRUIT ASAIN AS YOUR EMTRY IM THE ' ART COMPETITION'-'WELL IFY0UAU5IWHVN0TT?y A K'EW SLAVJT"'PA!NJ7 EM IM A BON VOYAGE u? fey ' WHAT'S WRONG WITH FRUIT AS A SU3JECT?- ALL THE GREAT MUSEUMS HAVE PRIZED CANVASES OF FRUIT PA'NTED BY THE DUTCH MASTERS 'SOME OF WHOM ACE MV ANCESTORS' ""AND THIS FAINTING u L EMirMtL run MJV.t FORTUNATE MUSEUM ' 'm UJ y" VA