Wednesday, Janunry 27. 1954 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem, Oregon Seattle U. Mofc Central, Sacred Heart Tied for Capitol Lead CAPITOL LEAGUE w L Pet. w L Pel. Centrel 4 1 .soo Cascade 1 3 .ioo Sac. Hurt l .joo Phllomth 1 4 MO Buyton 3 1 .7S0 Sal. Acd. 0 1 .000 Tuesday results: Central . 54. Salem Academy 34: Sacred Heart 40, Philomath 14; Stayton at Cascade postponed. Central and Sacred Heart ob served the halfway mark in the Capitol league schedule Tuesday night with victories which kept them tied for first. Their records are 4-1. . The Stayton-at-Cascade game was postponed because of weather conditions and it was re-scheduled for next Tuesday night at 8 o'clock after the 6:45 preliminary. Central won from Salem Acade my and Sacred Heart from Philo math. The league slate Friday night will find Central at Sacred Heart, Cascade at Philomath and Stayton at Salem Academy. Sacred Heart Edges Philomath Overtime 40-34 By DON WICIIMAN PHILOMATH The Sacred Heart Academy Cardinals of Sa lem scored their fourth league win, and the Philomath War riors their fourth league loss, here Tuesday night in a 40-34 overtime duel. The Warriors stepped out in front 9-5 in the. first period, with the Cards taking the lead 16-14 and 28-24 in the next two. The Thilomath squad then made a comeback in the fourth quarter to knot it up 32-32. In the three minute overtime the Cardinals kept control of the ball long enough to push through eight points, holding the Warriors to only one field gdaL Big "Boe" Moriarty marked down 18 points as his share of the Cards tally and Matt fol lowed with eight., Top scorers for Philomath were Kemp with 16 and Lorain, scoring eleven. The 4-1 record keeps SHA in a tied first place in the Capitol League, but the test will come when they play Central Union, who also occupies that number one spot. The Cards again play on Saturday night, a non-leaguer with Woodburn. The Cardinal JV's took a SCORES in Duck Pins MEN'S CTTT LEAGUE Risen florist (i) White 383: Barker 21; wsldlns 300: Junsltns 438: Wood 440. Dr. Pepper 431 Lenper 413; Ramoy 171: Evenden 448: Bishop 419: Capps 305. Woodroffrs Ran Shop D Duane Frank 435; Knuths 381; 8charti 343: Wayne Frank 424; Bye 309. liters Ins. (.! Srharf 4.19; Frye 504; Tejcs 418; Pollnskt 383: Penny 479. Quality Used Cars (I) Campbell 405: B. Snelsrove 387; Short 484: Miller 385; Frank finelirove 483. Ilal oil C'e. (31 Blsnton 473; Adams 398; Datls 533; Omo hunriro 3f5; Scherf 498. Willamette Art Tile (I) Capps 412; .Tarohrr 375: Bush 311: tlober 441: Meyer 458. Le Newmans Cll Nelnast 473; Howe Williamson 349: Mrdulre 444; Davis 438. Modern Woodmen Ins. 31 Les Dolte 4(4: Capps 359; Frlc Dolio 331; Thellade 479; Smith 459. Hare Radio TV (II Prsn 429; Hrnsle 379: Harold 308; Still 42.1: Kaye 405. Hish team series and tame. Dyers In surance. 2223 and 792: huh Ind. series, Jerry Davis (Davis Olll 623: hish Ind. ssme. Frank Snelirovo (Quality Used Cars) 202. University Alleys JIFRCANT1I.E LraOfl! Shrora .Motors (4) Anderson 441; Har mon 440; Ollson 531: Lebold 452: Bun nell 504. Crarroft Tesaeo ( Healh 411: Redke 371; Hardy 419; DeLapp 423; r.rntt IDS Navv-Marlncs (J) Ollmore 388: John son 417; Doyle 378: Templar 44S: Biaca 487. Banner's Brvrraees ID Ade 447: Anderson 405; Kuebler 551; Dulfy 430; Nlrhols 474. Brmlnston Band (tl-Sprlts 5.2: Kim., mrll 470: Raboln 41J: Harden 518: Col. burn 570. User A Sons niirenee ( Simons 495: Bolser 438; Koake 507; Tal hot 511: Cook 533. Borkland Lumber (41-H. Webb 494: B. Burkland 440: P Webb 517: Schuets 444: D. Burkland 801. Snider r.leelrle (O) Arthur 453: Jacobaon 453: McCain 402; Morris 427; Coover 450. Hoy's Automotive (21 Dutolt 505; Mr. Oulre 47.1: Kern 4.17: Carr 504; Hoy 498. Moolrv Pharmacy (D-Mootry 469. Rati er 411: Collins 4.15: Leach 587: Smith 459. Marlon teed A Seed (4) - lsell 4J; Prrlth 5.17: Ltcnhard 559: Holmes 513. Carlon 510. Herman's Shell Service as Sooth Sslem Pharmacy (01 Brown 4J3; Ounderson 364; Mastlano 448; Dye 311; Burnelt 493. , Hish team tame and series, B'mlr.' s n.nri inc.. 1005 and 2918: hlshind. isme. Bill Leach of Mootry Pharmacy, 218: hish Ind. series, Rrmlntton Band. 512. Walt Sprlsss ol I AlllFS' CLASSIC I.EAGl'B farrs lllthland Market (3) l.ein hard 415. HopfmKer 468. Murray 4.1. Carr Sti. llerrold ("-Krel-ci 44S Garbarino 515, Cuiry 543, Laird 40S. Muellhoupt 405. ..,,,, Slmmnns Insurance (J)-Smlth 528, r.raffius 391. Moon 419. Haley 401, Johnson 4H2. Oskn Ins. Afcy l-VP-ston 3.12. I.ulr. 3S4. Colvin 44., Gould 4113. Thompson 532. .-..... Rm. lit Aleshlre 317. Jackson 414. Steltler 407. Pnssrhl M10. Mlhrteht M'-,,"""""? fchV 427 Rounds 4A Hansen 446. Riches 42(1.'s Fine Cars (3) Merr.ll 3S7. JOE PALOOKA There HE GOES WHOOOOO... ANOTMf". Rl&HT TO ' THE JAW... PlGGErV PC4VN... smashing victory from the war less Warriors 43-20. Sacred Heart (10) (.) Philomath Morlarl.l e 1 in Vlncent.I 0 1 1 Brsbrry.t 1 0 1 a Lorsln.l 5 S 1 11 Staab.c 1 J 1 4 Leach.c 114 1 Pldwood.e 1 1 o 5 Olsen.s 0 10 1 Matt.c 14 4 1 Kemp.i 1 1 0 1 Endrrs.f 1 o 0 1 Wooley.l 0 0 10 Joseph.! 0 10 1 Scarlh.i 0 0 3 0 13 14 1 40 14 14 34 Officials: Anderson and Petersen, Central Beats Salem Academy CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL Central Union high school used winless Salem academy to keep step with first place in the Cap itol league Tuesday night here, beating the Warriors 54-34. Coach Warren Schue's Pan thers from the Monmouth-Independence area used sharp team play and superior height to lead all the way. They held the Cru saders to five points in the first period and four in the third quar ter. Salem academy's best quarter, as it has been most of the sea son, was the fourth when it scored 17 points, although Cen tral equalled the tally. Quarter time figures were 11-5, 25-13 and 37-17. , Gordon Brunk scored 11 and Tom Alsip 11 for Central. Harold Allister notched nine for Salem academy. The junior varsity of Central handed the junior Cru saders its second loss of the sea son, 62-34. SAL. ACAD. (.14) (54) CENTRAL Allister (01 F (3l Johnson Wallace (11 F (121 Brunk Schreder (31 C.... (11) Alsip Fadenrceht (6) ...G (71 Nelson Phillips (7) .. G (5) Fratike Reserves scoring: Sal. Acad. He man 5, Pierce 1. Warkentln 2. Central Loy 4. Hagerman 4. Freeman 2, Dunn 6. Officials: Brown and Ireland. Sal. Acad 5 1.1 17 34 Central 11 25 37 54 Amateur Champ Littler Decides to Turn Pro PALM SPRINGS, Calif. Wl National Amateur golf champion Gene Littler has decided to cast his lot with the professionals and will play for the Thundcrbird Country Club the rest of the sea son in the pro ranks. the ALLEYS Relnke 421. Kaneskl 456. Aaron 472, Mackey 359. China City 1 Thomas 404, Ade 420. Hillerich 357, Lemke 405. Aneove 394. HiKh team series. Carrs lilgniana Market, 236U; high team game. Carr's Highland Market. 856: high Individual series, pnvms uurry, 542: nign tn dividual game. Gertie Carr, 216. Capitol Alleys INDUSTRIAL NO. t National nattery 1 G. Lewis 535. M Dnbbs 372. R. Moodt 556. W. Wells 397, H. Bartholomew 476. Stevens Jewelers 3) K. Clark 54R. J. Alhrlch 593, L. Jones 556, B. Geddes 479. J. Olney 5:12. Elks (2) T. Thompson 523, B. Osko 468, C. Reese 441. L. McKinney 451, W. Wall 549. Salem Police (2) D. Nicholson 511, S. Frlese 456, W. De. yall 44B, C. Creasy 476, M. Mathers 539. Postal Clerks (4) M. Hadley 47, R. Switchenberg 424, J. Daley 494. D. Torgeson 339. J. Burkhart 495. Blue Lake (0) P. Avres 456. J. Kckley 343. D. Dragcr 4:8, R. Lewis 490, G. Lloyd 450. Ciirly't Dairy (4) K. Valleau 4B4, A. Wright 479, B. Shawn 459. J. Schimberg 469. L. Stanley 500. Jim's Richfield Service (0) B. Ekslrom 472, B. Hauser 432. B. Clark 480, D. Ale shire 480. 3. Hurd 525. Kl wood's Masonry (2) H. Elwood 472. B. Gravcrott 5113. F. Karr 507. E. Wilkalis 523. K. Busch 471. Valley Motor Co. 2 J. Farley 467. G. Schroyer 411. A. Holmes 3f,9. C. Park er 475. E. JtUUOCK 40. Cal Pak (3)!,. unce ooo. 1. moan 447. F. Heinke 514. R. Werbowskl 473. F Srheidegger 414. Mivllosver Milk (1) D. Vrown 422. J. McFarlane 363, B. Halstrom 4(. J. airona oi. High team game and series Stev. n JAurelers. 994 and 2708. High Individual game and series Dr. Joe Airmen 01 aievcns ifcwnci,, 246 and 593. ixnrnTitiAi. no. Reiser Merchants (t'4 While 389: Money 4.14: Myera 539: Bressler 308; Coomler 448. Berse and naosworin . i i. Reeves 394: Martin 397; Btanelr 520; Causey 511: Boyee 572. Host Brothers (4) Carter 488: Coe 416; r.rii.nwn 4: Reynolds 493: Nuss 4e4. SmlNns Jacks Inc. () Landls 391: .. .... ill. B.nniim 101 CTOmwill 00, rainc nv, Notdurlt 497. Valley Oil Ci. (SI Werner soa; nn 433: Lien 460: Prsnte 456: Clausen 548. Browss Jewelers 11) V. Hausen 513: Barnwell 4S5: C. Hsuten 420: Tandy 5S0; H Hsusen 441. Portland Oas and Coke (4) Laudle 459: Keller 465: Sleley 476: Pendertaat 529; Westphal 454. Ken Polls Insaranre (Ol Ksy 381: Johnson 415; Schick 404: grhnell 344: Sullivan 468. Franks lloo.e at Rats 13) Elwood 4S1: nrhfoeher 44S: Bolre 496: Morris 500; Sullivan 541. West Salem Hardware (II Bertram 503: Wacken 401: uay jyo; Bchlmbert 497: Ksrr 618. McCone Faed Ssles (t) Thompson 534: Ucmne 617: Odom 404: Wilkalis 535; Comstoek 438. Kennys Real Estate (11 nrises 479: Amunos sou; ow ' 447 Hish lesm same and series. Kennvs Real r.sieie. 837 and zse-s; nisn ini. ssme snel series, cnei p"yra oi err,, end Wsdssrirlh. 370 end 373. ' DI66EB. OQOPPtO TO HIS KNEES THE PEFEREE STARTEO The count AND DIGGER tXeOPPEO TOTHf CANVAS,.. its Tvmtf ' FOOH-' Pinned Don Pack of Salem top Piio as he tries prevent being pirncd by Phil Atkinson of Sweet Home. Atkin son,, on top, got the job done in the 122-pound class. The ref eree is Don Hendrie. Below, Wright Noel of Salem (right) and Dick Arthur go rolling across the mat in their 156-pound bout, won by Noel by decision. Scio, Gervais To Mill City MARION COUNTY B W L. Pet. W L Pet, Mill City 9 0 1.000 Jefferson 5 4 .556 Brio 6 2 .800 sublimity 3 6 .333 nervsls I a .SOOChemawa 2 S .200 Bt. Paul fl 4 .600 Detroit 1 .100 Gates 5 4 .556 OSD 1 9 .100 Tuesday results: Oervsll 48. St. Paul 40; Sclo 46, Chrmawa 33: usu si, u trolt 41: Mill City at Clates postponed; Jefferson at Sublimity, no results avail able. Scio and Gervais kept up a run ning battle for runner-up honors to m II I itv last nieni. ootn winning handily to remain tied for second with records ot 8-2. Meanwhile. Mill City couldn t get to Gates because of the weather and results of the Jcfferson-at-Sub-limity games were unavailable to day because of long distance ob stacles. Orcson School for the Deaf trav eled to Detroit not knowing De troit had no lights, but electricity was 'restored by game time and OSD carded its first victory to gain tie for the basement. j Scio Outscores Chemawa 46-33 SCIO Scio high school stayed in a tie for second place in the Mar ion County B league by nudging Chcmawa's Indians, 46-33, here Tuesday night. Scio is shoulder to shoulder with Gervais with records of 8-2. The Loggers held quartertime leads of 13-9, 28-13 and 36-17 be hind (he even distribution of scor ing by Gordon O'Reilly (11) and Jim Dain (9) and three others who made six apiece. For Chemawa, George Umptuch w tops with 8. Chemawa jayvecs won the pre lim. 44-29. ( HKMAVt A (33) (16) SCIO umptucri (l r (in o Hellly Tellier I2I F (61 Badger Laplante (4) . C..... (9) Daln Morin 141 it (0) aiover 12) G (2) Stewart Reserves scoring: Chemawa Lane 2, Blackwater 2. Galllneu 6. Race horse 3. Sclo Jarobscn 3. Strong 2, Wicklyer 2. Thurston 1. Gibson 4. Officials: Anderson and Rawlins. Chemawa 13 17 33 Scio 13 26 36 46 Gervais Upsets St. Paul, 48-40 ST. PAUL The St. Paul Buckaroos failed in their bid for a second place tie in the Marion County B league as the Gervais Cougars defeated them, 48-40, here last night. The Cougars, who now hold a league record of right wins and no losses previous- y had beaten the BllckamoS, i at. o, Gervais jumper! to a 17-6 lead r- 1- ., 1 f THERE'S BEDLAM MEPt:...OIGGE I j5ZZJ5iL Ci BUT FAILED TO 6ET DR.. LOOKS LIKE ITS I fK JLL: ALL OVER IN THE FIRST BOWO.. I Is getting the business in the to form a wrestler's bridge to Runnersup in Marion B over the cold Buckaroos at the end of the first quarter and St, Paul could never catch up. The score was 23-13 at halKime and 43-27 at the sUrt ot the final stanza. Gib Thompson scored 20 points to lead the Cougar attack. Team- mate Don Reiling added 12 count ers to the Gervais score. George Smith hit 17 and Sam Smith hooped 11 as they were high for St. Paul., Gervais won the J game, 69-22, as Williams scored 21. Ted Frith and John Coleman each counted for six to lead the losers scoring. C.ERVAIS 4) 40) ST. PAUL N. K'ppincer (4) r. nil u. amnn Renins: (12) r (11) S. Smith Laley (2) .C (21 Morten Thompson (20) ...G (1) Klrsch Espe (61 0 (7) WoU TEjrvc srnrlnff: Gervais R. Kep- pineer 2. Sclilecter S. St. Paul Van Damme l. M , Officials: vanaervori ana iriar- etlo. Gervais 17 23 34 46 St. Paul 13 27 40 OSD Registers First Victory DETROIT The first victory of the season was a sweet one for the Oregon School for the Deaf here last night Cheat ing Detroit high school, 47-41. It ties the two teams for the cellar in the Marion County B league with records of 1-9. OSD went into the fourth quar ter four points behind, then be- can h ttinff while homing De troit to five points. Quartertime scores were 11-9 for OSD, 22-21 for Detroit and 36-32 for Detroit. Detroit was called on 25 fouls, of which OSD hit 21 free throws. nsn rnmmittcd live louis. De troit jayvecs won the prelimi nary, 43-17. Roy McCann was high scored, hitting 17 lor utu s varsity, nsn (47) McCann 17 . Thompson 1 . Maynsrd 11 Lrwln 7 (11) Detroit ,.. 4 Hopson 2 Lady 7 Rics .... ( Vlckers ...c. ...a.. Healh 9 .a.. S Taylor Reserves: OBD Whittle. Detroit-Bow. ers . Snyder 3, Ketchurn . Oftkisls: Al. brucht and Reder. TUESDAY'S FIGHTS Bv THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PHILADELPHIA Gil Turner, 1 157 Vi, Philadelphia, outpointed ! Pierre Langlois, 157 'A, France. 10. j TORONTO Tommy Harrison. 1R.1, Los Angeles, outpointed Earl Walls, 190 ,4, Edmonton, 10. LOS ANGELES Zora Fnllry. 190 'A, Chandler. Ariz., stopped Howard King, 1M, Reno, 7. By jHom Fisher J. 1? ' , Salem High's Matmen Top Sweet Home Salem high school wrestlers turned in nine victories in 12 matches, plus a draw, to defeat Sweet Home' here Tuesday alter- noon, 37-12. Vikings included three pinnings among the wins and lost only by a pinning. The draw was between balem s Ray Taylor and Fred Spurgeon of Sweet Home, heavyweights. Next Salem match will be here next Wednesday against Spring- tie m. Varsitv results: 81 Dean Vanek (Salem) pinned Ron Weaver ISH). , 105 Dave Morran (Salem) dec. Mark sjusaravo (SHI. 114 Roser Morse (Salem) pinned An- cel Honeywell (SHi. 133 Phil Atkinson (SH) pinned Don Pack (Saleml. 128 Dick Pearson (Salem) lost to Jim Olmsted (SH) by pin. tis rnhn Ciimmlnti (Haleml . dec. Jerry Rogers ISH). 140 Bob Cameron (Salem) dee. Larry Cummlnss (SH). 147 Bob cotner (Salem) dec. Charles O lchrlst (SH). ... Ua.I ja.l-mt ft-,. l)lrh art Arthur (SHI. 167 Layne Caswell (Saleml dec. Jerry Reller I8HI 177 Herb Jurao (Balem) pinnea isass Jordan ISH). Heavywelsht Bay Tayior wsaiemr orrw Ith Fred Bpurseon (SH). EXHIBITIONS: 7 Blirlon Miller (Bill pinnea Buicn Benson (Saleml. 109 David vsnea (Bsiemi oec. orn Bower (SHI. 114 Draw between Marvin jsressicr (Saleml and Mike Powell (SHI. 122 Draw Deiween jerry xuo iotviui and Larry Summers IBHI. 123 Claude Beard (Balem) oec. rrana Gillespie IBHI. 134 LeRoy wuilams inaiemt p.nneo Bob Taylor IBHI. 124 Calvin tanf isaiemr oec. waviu Hslstead (BID. 133 Don Phillips (BSiemi pinnea oo Bishop 'Bill. 121 Dsvs Adams inaiemi pinnea ito Evens ISH I. 136 Ron Coon (Saleml aee. Aioen Hsrvey ISH). 142 Hsrry juul issiemi oec. Jim osr tell (SHi. 14S Prsnk Williams (Salem) dec. Jim Arthur (SHI. 147 Jack Berser (Saleml dec. Dean SCmiUnn IftHl. 142 Norman Bllscher IBHI dec. Ted stnook Iflaleml. 156 Vernon Coates (Salem) dec. Bill CMson (Hfll. Ka Jack Strylfeler (Salem) dee. Jack Everett IBHI. Hialeah's 40-day racing season Is its 27th since the track openrd in 1925. There was no racing in 1828, 1943 and 1945. WHAT'S j NEW IN w F I z E R 1 1 1 1 Western Kentucky Has Same By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Seattle University, which start ed the season with a loss to Wi chita, Wednesday was the proud co-owner, of the longest winning streak of the country s college basketball teams. 1 Only undefeated Western Ken tucky can match the Chieftains' skein. Tuesday night, they won No. 18, a 55-49 decision over Okla homa City, the ninth-ranked team in the country. It was the second successive night Seattle whipped OCU. which now shows 11 tri umphs and four losses. , Al Rrio'htmnn'e laHe linirn a noorl rchance of going through the rest of the season without another de feat, too, because, of their eight remaining games, four are with Portland, two with Goniaga and one each with Puget Sound and Pacific Lutheran. They've beaten them all but Portland in the course of their streak, and Portland's rec ord is not impressive. Joe Pehanick, the lad who never played high school basketball, was high man with 30 points. OCU led, 27-25 at the half mainly on the efforts of Arnold Short, who wound up operations with 28 points. But in the second half, Peha nick got some help from his mates, Cal Bauer, who found his shooting eye, and Ron Bissett. who took over control of the back boards. Elsewhere the action was thin. from . Rio Grande crushed Morris I Harvey, 74-62, but Bcvo was held to a tray 26 points, far below his 48-point-a-game average which is leading the nation s college scorers. This was Bevo's lowest output of the season, but Coach Newt Oliver said he was suffering from intestinal flu. He made only eight field goals in 20 tries. Lawrence Tech, one of the seven remaining undefeated teams, won No. 17 by defeating Tri-State of Angola, Ind., 89-54. Wichita, the team that beat Se attlethe Chieftains got even the next day polished off Tulsa, 65- 51. Wichita, which had run up a 14 game winning streak before los ing to St Louis last Saturday, took only 48 shots from the floor but made good on 20 of them. In two Big Seven games, Mis souri defeated Iowa State, 62-57, and Kansas State turned back Ok lnhnmA. 6.1-K3. Stanford defeated San Jose State 70-60; Fairleigh Dickinson edged American University, 79-74 for ninth straight; Sacpson Air Force Base throttled Ithaca College 76 59 and Baldwin-Wallace took Kent State 67-56 in other games. Nazarene Quint To Play George Fox on Saturday NEWBKKU JVorWweSt INaia- rcne college S high scoring basket ball team will play at George t ox college here Saturday night at Hester Memorial gymnasium on the tail end of its tour of the north west. The Namna. .Idaho, Crusaders arc led by Mickey Dean, a sopho more who is the brother oi jay Dean, Oregon State college player. George Fox players include Dar win Grimm, Lcwiston, Idaho, the conference's leading scorer; Roily Hartley; Dick Zcllier, Salem; Orv Shedd: Don Lamm, urecnieai, Winters, Grecnlcaf, Idaho; Verne Martin, Ncwberg; Clint Brown, Idaho; Dean Priddy, Corvailis; Steve Ross, Ron Barnick and Har lan arnett, Salem; and Bill Hamp ton, from the Salem area. Since 1947 the Cotton Bowl game . in Dallas has been a sellout be-! fore the identity of the competing ; teams was announced. v ave a for dinner, TV viewing or trrterlaining imsirt housewives have Hoidelborg handyt ot, the moderate always a ploasant addition to any occaaion and Holdolborg Is an ospecially plsjaaing boor I Weather Socks Yawamo League; One Score Told TAWAMA LEAGUE W L Pet. W L Pet. N. Marlon ( 0 1.000 Amity 3 4 .333 sanas t 3 .714 Wlllamna 1 4 .333 Yamhill 4 3 .687 Sheridan 14 .200 Dayton 3 3 .800 Sherwood 1 S .187 Tuesday results: Banka 38. Yamhill 3U Dayton at North Marlon postponed; Am ity at Shertrood and Sheridan at Wills mlna unheard from. ' ' With only one Yawama league precinct heard from last night. North Marion still was assured of remaining on top with a 6-0 record. Dayton at North Marion was postponed and two others, Amity Warner Praises Bobby Garrett PALO ALTO, Calif. Ml Glenn "Pop" Warner says Stanford quar terback Bob Garrett is "one of the greatest passers I have ever seen. The former Stanford and Car lisle coach expressed his senti ments Tuesday night in present ing Garrett with the "Pop" War ner award as the Pacific Coast's most valuable senior college foot bail player lor 1953. Garrett, selected by West Coast sports writers and coaches, called the award "the high point of my entire athletic career." He led the nation's collegians in passing last fall. Women Amateur Golfers to Play MIAMI, Fla. W The nation's leading amateur women golfers began qwlifying play Wednesday in thb iliid annual Helen Lee Do- herty golf tournament "with 210 competing. Defending champion Mary Lena Faulk of Thomasville, Ga who also holds the national champion ship, leads the record field. Included among the players arc Barbara R o m a c k, Sacramento, Calif.;. Bobbie Dawson, Piedmont, Calif.; Mickey Wright, San Diego, Calif., and Edean Anderson, of Helena, Mont. City League 1 Woiiamotta 44) (36) Salem Sophs T (6) Weaver - "A" " Htleake (S) . Ictt-ui,.- im T () Karl -C (S) Carlten Hausen (l) .G (11 Backstrand N" i Sr ,' p"s Its Syring 5. Wolgamotts Harvey Nlmms 4, Horrert 2. Simmons 4. Half time score: Salem Sophs 20, Wojga moua n. Officials: Don B. Bowers and Jim Hartley. . Aumsvllle P. D. t33 (37) Marlon Mo. L. Dalkt (10) ..... (15) McCalllster Blssell () F. (l) Miller R. ki linger (9) .t; (9) cnanda B. KllllnKer (9) Ci (4) Jassman Bushy (7) a (9) mis) Reserves scorlna: Bardslev 1. Half. lime score' Aumsvllle 18, Marlon Mo tors 30. Officials: Don Bowers and Jim Hartley. MCA (33) (33) MAV. RRSERVK Zeuske (7) F (fl Roe Unruh (13) F . (4) Werner Coen (13 C (J) Chsmberlln Bates (14) C (SI Cross Wlnkleblack (3) C, ID) I jn Reserves scoring: ivaval reserve Rieizenstlen 3. H.ilftillie score: Y. M. C.A. IS. Navy 13. Officials: Bowers and Hartley. THE PIKE VANILLA ICE CREAM 138 S. LIBERTY Hickck and Swank Accessories for Any, And All Occasions SHRYOCK'S MEN'S WEAR Capitol Shopping Center . ' at Sherwood and Sheridan at Willamina, unreported because of a telephone -tieup last night and today. . The one game listed is Banks 38, Yamhill 31, to move Banks into second place for the day at least. Banks Gains 2nd Beating Yamhill YAMHILL - Banks high school climbed over Yamhill into second place in the Yawama league last night by shading Yamhill, 38-31. The winning Braves picked up their margin with an 11-point ef fort in the third, quarter during which Yamhill could score only four. Quartertime figures, all in favor of Banks, were 8-7, 18-16 and 29-20. ' Ralph Jackson, a forward, ac counted for 14 points for Banks and three ethers made 7 each. For Yamhill, Larry Hermans had 11. Taking the preliminary were the Banks jayvees, 28-23. BANKS 3 (31) YAMHILL ,raul U) T (11) L. Hermans arkson (14) F (71 wim Sellers (7) C (6) E. Hermans vandehey (7) G (1) Morlev Kreps (1) G......:.. (S) Sweney Reserves scoring: Banks Peters 2. Yamhill Mallery 1. Officials: Robins and Rogers. Banks i, 8 16 29 at Yamhill 7 16 20 31 POOR BOY SANDWICH AT NORTH'S 1170 Center 1 1, - - WW Ml M fsstssT n s ' Jr. ?,,. -,1 , ,Mt . . ei it If 111 1 ii mil viii . si i sssT mm am mw mammm p I -1 I I Northbound AialnlllMrs Issavo est K I s is a aa . A as mm m . l i.rn b as una u.jv r. ns. J a MMiun a . I rUKIUSnV wsesiMW SB SEATTU .... IVahr. I I I tovlhbeund Mainline! lam at I II 9:50 A.M.; 4:25 P.M. I I and 7:50 P. M. I j I MEOFORD . . . 1 Jj hr. I I LOS ANGItIS . . d'ahr. I I for freea iirformoffon, I co"1 Of wrilo Unlttd. ' Airport Terminal. Coll 1-2455 or your trervel ogant, COMMM 7 HE MU AND rotm oo ir ai