Mem cSIM2iilTi$ai ASSOCIATED PRESS Page 14 Salem, Oregon, J ,lpvsj6sir'j.'jwjrt' r r Snow Dog! Snow held no lamette Valley (hey ran their black dogs at Camp Adair last week as sched uled. Above, a contestant takes a live duck from his Labrador retriever. OREGONg& 97 ArisTT n AFIELD By BOB THE MAIL MUST CO THROUGH Last week we received a card in the mail which we feel should be answered in this column. The correspondent, (we couldn't tell from the signature whether it was a man or woman) undoubtedly sincere, feels that the killing of wild game Is i horrible thing. The letter rebuked the local Ike Waltons for presenting the Jim Bond show, saying "it is very unfortunate that the Salem (IWLA) branch has chosen to sponsor that brutal hunter, Jim Bond, who exemplifies all that is base in man's attitude toward other living creatures. You need to study the lesson of Bambi, Instead of sponsoring a man who makes a bulcner snop of the wilderness. ' . . BONO STRESSES CONSERVATION ' Obviously, this individual never has seen the Jim Bond show, which shows scarcely any killing; at all, and stresses the study of wildlife more than hunting. Bond came to Salem after a sii-day show in Portland, sponsored by a church group, whose minister! recomended the show as wholesome entertain ment for the entire family. Jim Bond is a conservationist primarily and a hunter secondly. . We would like to remind the critic that "Bambi", the Disney cartoon, was intended as entertainment, not as a lecture on natural , ism. As a result of the picture, many ovcr-sentimcnlnl folk have "rescued" deer which later grew up and discmbowled their owners. Also, facts wilLyevcal that there are more deer in Oregon now ' than there were years ago as a result of sportsman interest If these animals were not systematically harvested, they would even tually reduce the available forage, and starve by the thousands. Without the "brutal hunter' deer and many other forms of wild game would have a hard time fighting for survival. CONSIDER THE POOR COW FAMILY If the writer of the bitterly critical card Is reading this col umn, we UHuest he or ihe look down at his or her shoes. Vnlcss that person is wearing sandals or rubber boots, it is pretty certain that a member of the cow family gave up the 1 ghost to provide a pari of those shoes. And II must grl very tiring tor the critic to eat nothing but vegetables naturally such a person would not think o( eating meat, fish or fowl. Undoubtedly, that person must go Into a frrmy at the sight el fur coats. Remember the lesson of Bre'r Rabbit, Rrddy Ko, t., ad Infinitum! Certainly, there are "brutal hunters" but they are a minority, growing less each year. Hunters and anglers spend millions annual ly, on one form or another, to produce crops of game game that would not, it left to itself, survive under the stress of modern civilization. It behooves an Individual to study these facts, before letting sentimentality overcome good judgment. Yamato, Von Squeeze Out The stage was set for the re turn of (he Gorky brothers to defend their tag team tillc next wcrk after a victory last night neas. of their nearest rivals in mean Bearhugs and sleeper holds were mixed with malice afore thought at the Salem Armory as The Creat Yamato and Kurt von I'oppcnhcim squeezed a de cision from Ivan Kamcrolf and John llenning in the tag team finale. For three falls and 40 minutes the uproar continued until Yamato administered the anesthetic to llenning in the five minute third fall to beat him. 1 Atlas Surprised uanny Airunnaitl surprised i , . A, , the muscled menace, the MiKhty Alias, to win the other main! event from the vain and indig n a n t strongman. McDonald took the first fall by having no mercy when Atlas turned his back on the Scotchman. Atlas dared McDonald to put his full nelson on Atlas again after Referee George Dusctte forced McDonald to break it the first time. When Atlas haughtily turned hit bark, McDonald drop kicked him and pinned him pron to. In the second fall, Atlas was disqualified for not breaking a . full nelson on McDonald in the ropes and Atlas took a punch at Duseltc, a lad for whom Atlas has low regard, in toe crown - pleasing nrsi , match, the acrobatic Pepper Go-1 $ UNITED PRESS Wednesday, January 27, 1954 r ;,,,WH. fear for the members of (he Wil Retriever club. Despite snow, BROWN Poppenheim Tag Victory mei drew with Oino Nicolini of Buffalo. The fast and clean ac tion was featured by Gomel and his riropkicks applied graceful ly as he landed a blow to the face with one foot and landed on the other. The tag match found I'opnen hrim pinning Kameroff with a rrossovrr toe hold in 30 min utes, then Kameroff nearly ruin ed I'oppcnhcim with his bear hug in five minutes for the second (all. Jesuit Colleges Ponder Peinlri!inn of Football 3 mc ivwi. ii.-c . ...i...i:- i.v.i i.T ionium univrrsitirs of the Jesuit order in ing reinstating football, the Los 1 Angeles Times reported Wcdncs. day. Sports F.ditor Paul Zimmerman wrote that students and alumni, of Loyola ot Los Angeles are working on the problem of resuming foot ball and that alumni ol Santa Clara I'niversity are meeting here Thursday night for the same pur pose. There are also Indications, the Times said, tout reactivilnllon ol thr sport is being considered by tile University ot San Francisco and also St. Mary's, although it is not a Jesuit school Football was abandoned hv m- nia and .Nan r rnnrism i: by Santa Clara in 1952. 19.M and Mighty feiec! Viks Move Into 2nd Place Tie BIO SIX STANDINGS ( W h Cornllli I 1 Altinr 4 J Eusene 2 1 Biltm 4 S Bend 0 4 Sprlnifltld 0 Pet. .131 .467 .447 .447 JOOO .000 By PAUL HARVEY, III Salem high's Vikings stopped the sixth-ranked Albany Bull dogs 8-44 here last night as the Vikings played their best ball of the year to beat the highly ranked Albany team. Salem center Bob Wulf helped hold high scoring 6.7 Dave Shelby to two Held goals and Albany could get only nine to 23 for the Vikings. Harold Hauk's Salem team con trolled the backboards through out the game although they didn't have as much 'height as the Bulldogs. Albany just couldn't hit its field goals. A field goal and a free throw by Jim Knapp and a field goal by Wulf put Salem into a quick 5-0 lead in the opening moments of the game. With several minutes gone Albany moved the score to 7-8 but then Salem moved away for a 20-10 first quarter lead. 34 22 at Hairtime Jim Knapp led the Viking drive in the first quarter with six points while Gordy Domogalla and Wulf were getting four each. The vis itors had two field goals in the initial quarter, both by reserve forward Don Stamps. Six free throws kept them from falling farther back. The play slowed down in the second quarter slightly as neither learn could hit at the start of the period. Salem extended their lead two points for a 34-22 halftime lead. Herb Tripled led the Vik ings with seven points while Phil Burkland had four in the second quarter. The Bulldogs fell completely out of the picture in the third quarter as the Vikings tallied 22 points to eleven for the Bull dogs and "it was 56-33 with one quurlvr left in the game. In the third period Salem hit for seven field goals. Domogalla led with a quarter mark og eight points, Knapp had five and Tom Pickens had four. In the final quarter neither team had much of an edge as play slowed down from the torrid pace of the third quarter. Springer Leads Quarter Salem reserves added another point to the Salem lead with Lar ry Springer leading Salem to 12 points for the quarter to II for the Bulldogs. Springer, had live of the points. Emmons was the high scorer in the quarter for the losers with seven. In the first half it was Wayne Erlcksen, Wulf and Pickens get ting the majority of the rebounds and in the final half Burkland, Pickens and Wulf held control of the harhoards. Shelby, a sen ior, had little luck in getting off shots and getting rebounds. Knanp led the Vikings in scor ing with 17 points on six field goals and S free throws. His team mate Gordy Domogalla had 12. For Alhany Shelbv had eleven and Stamps had eleven, shelbv had the two Held ro-ls and seven field goals. The Vikings missed ' 24 free throws in the game. In the preliminary clash the Alhany JVs scored an exciting 56-54 win over the Salem JVs. Snlem led almost the entire first half but in the third quarter Al bany overtook Salem for a 45-40 third quarter lend. Then Lee Gtistafsnn's squad came back to take a 84-52 lead on Harry San tee's field goal with a minute left. MarsMlrld Next Ilidingcr tied It tip for Albany at 54-54 with less than a minute remaining hut free throws by John Causbie and Move gave the visitors the win. Dan Lubv led the Vikings in scoring with 12 while Don Zeh had eleven. Caus bie had 17 for the winners. Salem now practices for a weekend series with the Marsh field Pirates at Coos Bay. The games are Friday and Saturday in which the Vikings will he gunning to upset the strong Tl rates. IAI.KM (til (44) A.I.RANY r P T G r I' T 9 4 1 wur iota) 0 1 S H r'd.f 0 12 1 PUVns.f 1 Enr'sn.f 1 Wulf.e I Knapp. f DomoK .( S Ilurkdf I Hanlus f 0 Cr h .c-f 0 PatVn.f 0 Whlt.c 0 Spr's r.f I Trlp lt.s 4 Paw'y.g 0 1 3 SSn'hv.e 7 3 II 5 3 17 S T sn.f 0 1 1 S II Hur d.f 0 1 4 3 1 Haal'd.f 0 1 1 3 I Mixire 0 0 0 I OSl'm's.r 4 3 0 1 0 E'ns.f-c 1 4 0 0 0 D rr'h.f 0 t 3 1 5 Ab's'n.a: 1 1 s 3 1 0 1 0 J I 5 4 ! I I SRld i r 0 ' ' , 1 1 1 Totals 3.1 13 r s Toll M ? 4 ! mi'XviSn ': i i. D. i itiatlT Till- '"' ' H""1"1 ' """ ' . shiT I. ! mm"M "" Salrm JVs S4) (54) Albany JV s Rhine (SI T (4i Movn Piattey di - r i si Fox Jones (71 O . H7I Cauabie St-hledrl (Jl G 0 Shannon Mirharlls (0) .. . (1... (11) Kittincrr Reserves scoring: Salem Sanlee 4. Zrh II, Foreman fl. I.ubr II. Alhanv - Mr'onnell IL.l.udlow 3, Cox 7. Halftime si-ore Slein 19. Alhanv S. Offlriala: lioltfiied and MrVallls ter. PRO BASKKTRAI.I, By TIIK ASSOCIATED PRKSS Tuesd'y's Results Boston 94, Baltimore 69 Svr.vuse 79, Philadelphia 7.1 Minneapolis 84. Milwaukee 69 New York 74, Rochester 71 Ld J 22. J Equally Divided this third quarter photo of game here last night won Confers Salem's Bob Wulf (left) looks like he is centering the basbetball. football style, in this action shot last night at be recovers a loose ball. Others are Jerry Ilazclwood, Don Stamps and Dave Shelby, all of Albany. Salem won, 68-44, over the sixth-ranked team in Oregon. Moore Favored to Keep Title From Maxim Tonight Bv BEN FUNK MIAMI. Fin. -A moody, light-! !iin,.,i A,-,-!,,. 4nnri nltlmnh neaviv bcsct by marital troubles. is'a 2-1 favorite to defend his light ; heavyweight championship sue-! CCSSIUIiy HKiilllM JBIIOing .i y . . t- Maxim tonight in their I5-round outdoor fight in Miami Stadium. Archies wile Alice dealt the champ a legal blow that hurt him worse than anything the light - punching Maxim can throw when she filed a separate maintenance suit yesterday that tied up his purse and will keep him in Florida until a settlement is reached. The action was particularly pain-! Scattered showers were forecast, up again alter the meeting con ful to Moore. 37, because it prom- bu' nothing bad enough to post-. venes Friday, ises to be the richest payday of his I Pne ,nc show- ,n evpnl of heavy Some directors arc expected to 17-year career. If predictions of a $100,000 gate hold tin hi share will he In the 'V ?:u.hi', ","'" in- kiuhji muni ut j,mrtp. ne s n receive 40 per cent and Maxim 20 , t , , . . . L h trUi i vision and radio receipts. Moore had been qmct and edgy Trabert-Seixas Team Defeated SVIVNKV. Australia Mn Amer. icon Davis Cuppers Vic Seixas ! and Tony Trabcrt dropped a tight scmilimil doubles match 6-4. 12-10, 111-8, Wednesday to Australians Clive Wildersuin and Neale Fraser in the Australian Nationnl Tennis Thev were the last Americans left in doubles plav. The finals will be an all-Aus Inlim on u .lh U .l,W.,n on.) r'raser meeting young Mervyn Rose and Hex Hartuig. who uiimMl vetcruna .inhn Hrnmu.h anH ..jr.n 0l,:,, 7. "l?9"'!:5: N CONVENIENT CRE0IT PR. R. REY HOLDS CLIHIC NATUROPATH PROCTOLOGIST 1144 Ctntar Straat Mhmy m The basketball was hared by three in the Salem-Albany by naiem in an even before his wife brought the ' r. 1, oinicuiiv in niiiKing mc K.i pumui w'Kht limit. During a strenuous two-week training program, he wnrc euner ncavy wooicns or a nl.nulie cnil in inn rinff - -" .. . . He had no weight trouble Deioro. ! He scaled 172'a pounds when he lined me line irom Maxim in at. I Louis Dec. 17. 19S2. and 1734 when 'he defended it against Maxim in i their return match in Ogden. Utah, last June 24. Tonight's fight will be broadcast . and telecast nationally by CBS starting at in p m., l-.M. u,e "Snl '' De. Postponed a WCi, "nd m" W,T"ktWM-niPr,sent lcaue limit niiddlcwcighls Bobby Dykes. Mi- players as a means ami, and Johnny Lombardo. Mtr 'ooeratin costs hut oil wren anu me M-iiiiiuidi ueiKt-vu i n. .. ii u- -i iL.i, , , . V . ?Trui rrf',m f. ihi Vv h'Shcr r n ,,m,L Coral wables Coliseum as the TV . , f'S"1 o( "K" night. Maxim has looked sharp and r:J . i.:- . .: . : , hfrc and wme Xmi ohscl.v.; ers are picking him to outhox Moore and become the first ox - light heavyweight champion to win back the title in the ring. Maxim says he'll weigh about 174 K,i:,IT .ov TKI.KVISIOV The Archie Moore-Joev Maxim tanglp for the world light heavy, weight title will be telecast tonight over station KOIN'-TV of Portland starting at 7 o'clock Pacific time. TV TROUBLES? Technicians on Out? Till 9:30 p.m. Daily TELEVISION SERVICE Co. 1410 S. 12th rh. 45512 Hemorrhoids PUIS" 'Prolapse" Oparation No Hoipltalliallon PRIE DESCRIPTIVE IOOKLE1 Salam, Oregon upset. Left to right are Bob Wulf and Don Crothcrs of Salem, Jerry Uaielwood of Albany, Wayne Erickson of Salem and Dave Shelby of Albany. ii 11 7 WIL Bosses List Issues To Consider I.EWISTOX. Idaho Wl - A pro - a . ,i im (lunai tu it i. i if it IV team i h. k I ih ,h .1 Th. II be high on the agenda at the Western International Baseball League's winter meeting here this hceKcna. . "lra- "' w a league also are expected io ais - russ possible changes in player limits, and club salary limits and: also to near a linancilal report Irnm VfL-,m anri Unnn chMi u-n ", '""""""". cuius won money prooicms last season. , majority of directors voted at, the last meeting at Victoria, B. ! c. to give all gate receipts to i the home team. However, one di-! rector who favors continuing to split receipts with the visiting team withheld his vote and the ' matter is expected to be brought speak out in favor of lowering the . present league limn ot 12 veteran of reducing others favor a STANMiRlt-ORKCON :.MI.- AT VlflllT pA,0 ALT0 f ,if ford's Indians, who haven't played ja night football game in 24 years, will play two next fall: College of , the Pacific at Stockton Sept. 18 and Oregon in Portland a week , later. For Dependable Service Cascade Transfer & Storage Wallace Bonesteele & Son Warehousing Custom Lift Trucking Servica Car Unloading 1625 Front St. Phone 3-4444 WVL Slots Cot in Holf By Weather; ..uuw, VAI.I.RV LEAGUE VI ' h Pet. W L Pet- D. ll.l 1 -15 e.ndr 3 3 500 E. C.c.d. 1 1 .433 Ml. 1U1 3 J .333 BIlmtOB 4 .447 CnbJ 1 J .143 Mol.lli 4 3 J7i Wooduurn I i "1 Tuf!r rUlU: D.IUi 74. M0UI14 B3. Woodburn W. CnD 49; 8tnd at Mi. Anitl nd Elcd ! eilrerton post poned. Two postponements because of too much weather stifled Willam ette Valley league play last night but the lead, Dallas, was able to win another to step ahead of idled Estacada. Woodburn broke into the league victory column with a 50-49 edging of Canby to gain a tie for seventh with Canby. Sandy-at-Mt: Angel is to be play ed tonight, and Estacada-at-Silver-ton was rescheduled for Saturday night. Woodburn Tops Canby for 1st W.V.L. Victory WOODBNRN The Wood burn Bulldogs scored their first Willamette Valley league win as they edged Canby, 50-49, here Tuesday night. Woodburn and Canby are now tied for the league cellar, each with one win six loss record at the end of the first round of league play. Bob Higgins, Woodburn guard, made the winning point on a free throw after the game was officially over. Higgins had been i fouled when he was shooting, just before the final buzzer and he made his first shot at the free throw line count. The entire second half had been nip and tuck with the score tied on almost every other bss- ket. Canby had held a 13-8 first quarter lead but the Bulldogs closed the gap to a one point, 24-23, Canby halftime advantage. Basketball Scores HIGH SCHOOL Salem 68. Albany 44 Albany JV 68, Snltm JVs B4 Sacred Heart 40, Philomath 34 overtimel Central 54, Salem Academy 34 Woodburn SO. Canby 4S Dallaa 76. Molalla S3 Gervali 48. St. Paul 40 Scio 46, Chemawa 33 Banks 38. Yamhill 31 Deal School 47, Detroit 41. (Portland I.raciiei Roosevelt KU. Jefferson 42 Grant 60. Franklin 50 l.inrnln 76. Washington 54 Cleveland 61, Bennon 49 Corvallis 8, Newport 43 Eugene 75. Willamette (Eufene) 54 Greaham 54, Parkrose 36 Cottage Grove 63, Junction City 51 Unapine 76, Weston 49 lake Oswego 53, Portland State Frnsh 50 Hillsboro 50. Oregon City 39 Mllwaukle 56. Central Catholic 50 McMinnvllle 55. Beaverton 51 Mosier 72, Rufus 40 Recdspnrt 69. Waldport 58 Corbett 61. Perrydale 54 riavville 59, Crane 40 Central Point 61. Ashland 42 COLLEGE BASKETBALL FAR WEST ' .1 V'f. c I. c l C-.isl. s- 1.1l-n 14. art oitiliiuru u, ottii uuw oimt: ou California Pa) 87. Fairmont R3 c . . , n,;, nu.. oa Salcm W Va ' "' Davis-Elkins 90 ?OUTH T' . ' ; ... t0,,isiann College , - Emorv ft H 95 Marj-villc (Tenn) 72 MIDWEST Ifn.o. Klnl M nkthnm. M ;, ",. .w'STa m TnUa c'? , n-'CTka ei i n ''m rJ?nf e , 1 c5" 8,3.' lri s,a,e 54 K' t,ran(lc 74, Morns Harvej 62 SOl'THWEST VVest Texas 93. Midwestern M Howard Payne 108, Sam Houston State 101 otepnen r. Ausun io, lexas mm- eran 58 Arkansas State Tchrs 80, Arkansas College 74 ffWPgf ." ' IN1.SJ..M,, ,,.,1 mmm-SVmmmm 10 DAYS ONLY! SPECIAL LOW PRICES ON USED CARS -- PLUS SURPRISE BONUS 1051 FLYM0UTH Cranbrook Sedan. 2-tone raint. Heater, seat covers, excellent ' Only $1197 EVERY CAR GUARANTEED! 30 OTHER BARGAINS FOR YOUR SELECTION STAN BAKER MOTORS UNION AND HIGH ST. Dallas Wins Mnh Rrabour's Bulldogs were leading, 36-34, at the start of the final canto. Jerry Plank scored 17 and Bob Higgins pushed through 10, counting his game winning foul shot, as they led the Woodburn scoring. Areland Bigham hit 17 and teammate Rayley added 14 as they led the losers. Wnndhurn won the JV game, 47-32, led by Ahrens and Wads- worth who each had eignt. y berg was high for Canby with seven. CANBY (49) (50) WOOUBUKM Woodburn g 23 36 so Berg (1) F . (2) ! Stafney Farmer (71 F (5) Norria Bingham (17) - C (17) Plank Rayley (14) O (101 Higgins Knox (3) G D. Statney Reserves scoring: Canby Henry 5, Worrenon 2. Woodburn Eskelson 7, Havnes 4. Carnero 3. Hastie 2. Officials: Richardson and Kolb. Canby 13 24 34 49 Woodburn t. . -. 8 23 36 50 Dallas Topples Molalla, 76-52 DALLAS Defending Champion Dallas high school claimed victory in one of the two Willamette Val ley league games Tuesday night, beating Molalla, 76-52 here to break a tie with idle Estacada. Estacada and Dallas have one loss each but Dallas has won more. The Dragons of Coach Gordy Kunke meant business from the start and built up quarter leads of 15-9, 34-17 and 55-31. Dewayne Hoffman, a 6-1 non letterman forward, led Dallas with 17 points, while his teammate Herb Brandli added 15. For Molal la, Jim Alexander, senior center and team captain, scored 22. Dallas won the preliminary, 45 37, over Molalla jayveos. MOLALLA (52) Howell (9) (76) DALLAS ...F (10) Ray Doma'y ..J (17) Hoffman Day (51 Alexander (22) C (6) Hex Doma'y Childers (tl) G (15) Brandli Freyer (2) G (Ill Holdorf Reserves scoring: Molalla Aho 1, Peoples 2. Dallas Hinds 2, Read 2, Wlldt 2, Wade 2, Davis 7, Cooky 1, Moser 1. Officials: Lee and Slrnlo. Molalla 9 17 31 32 Dallas - 15 34 35 7 Schools to Have Athletic Setup Again Next Year A junior high school athletic program similar to that now in effect will be set up for the 1954-55 term. This was indi cated during Tuesday night's meeting of the directors by Supt Walter E. Snyder after consult ing with supervising personnel and coaches. There will be no West Salem junior high school beginning with the 1954 fall term. The pupils will be transported to Les lie where they will be absorbed in the system there. Leslie and Parrish will field two football teams each next fall with a round robin sched ule of games in effect. A course Of instruction in football funda mentals will be given 7th and 8th graders. The basketball program will be continued to take care of all I whn kh to mrtiein... - Pick Bartell, new Cincinnati Redlegs' coach, broke into major league baseball with the Pitts burgh Pirates at Cincinnati in 1927. Barbecued CRAB NORTH'S 1170 Center 1050 CHEVROLET Fleetline 2 door sedan. Heater, new paint, good rubber. Verv clean Inside. Only $797 PHONE 2246S i