Page 12 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Wednesday, January 27, 1954 MOTHERS MARCH THURSDAY fi I'M . J? u o ! y-'Vlj : : Coast Guard Has Line on Steamer SEATTLE UP) The Coast Guard Cutter Yocona has taken the fuel short Greek Steamer Aristotelis In tow 1,200 miles off the Oregon Coast and is scheduled to transfer the line to a private tug late Wednesday, the Coast Guard re ported Tuesday night. The private tug is we salvage Chief from- Astoria, Ore. it is expected to bring the Aristotelis into Astoria for refueling before It completes its Yokohama to Van couver, B.C., trip which was in tcrrjpted when the ship ran short of fuel last Thursday. The Yocona met the cargo ship Tuesday while the Salvage Chief still was bucking ncavy seas en route. They arc expected to ren dezvous at a point 300 miles near er the Oregon shore for transfer of the line. Due Thursday evening Is the annual Mothers March for polio funds. Mrs. Roy Hamilton, shown above with her two children, Kodney, 3, and Pamela, 5, was striken with polio in 1046 and gets about in her wheel chair. Last year, the Mothers March supplied $7005 toward Marion county's drive for polio funds, and this year it is hoped much more may be taken in as the mothers do their bit toward funds going to research to help in prevention of the disease as well as helping in treat ment The Mothers March Thursday will be between 7 and 8 p.m. in all parts of the county, the mothers to stop at all homes where porch lights burn. Power Distribution In N.W. Increases NEW YORK - Electric energy distributed bv U.S. utilities declined to 8.976.088.000 kilowatt hours for the week ended Jan. compared with the record 9,013, 905.000 kilowalthours in the pro ceeding week, Edison Electric In stitute reported Wednesday. However, the latest totnl was 10 2 per cent over the kilowatlhours in the comparative 1933 week. All sections of the country reported percentage in creases over the vear-nco week Including the Pacific Northwest 30.6. Relieves tuiui rani yj Faifh Luihewn Annual Meet Members of Faith Lutheran congregation, 4505 North River road, held their third annual meeting following a no host din ner Sunday. Actions included the election of Waldo Carlson, William Esp lin and Gordon Gcttis to three- year terms as councilmens Jumes Lakie for a two-year term and Oscar Bjerkc for one year. At the organization meeting of the council Monday night, Gettis was named lay .vice president; Gnylord Hibbs, secretary; Waldo Carlson, treasurer; Wm. Esplin, financial secretary; T. G. Scholtz, building fund treasurer; Mrs. James Lakie, financial secretary of the building fund; Norman Bagger and Stanley Hammer, fire men; Oscar Bjerkc, sexton; Pas tor llolmquist, choir director; Mrs. Collins pianist; Mrs. llolm quist, Shirley Scholtz and Shirley Bagger, assistant pianists. Aims for the year Include the crystalization of plans for the first unit of the church building to be constructed in the orchard north of the present house-chapel: and the grading of the lawns of both chapel and parsonage. More weddings were performed in the church during the year than all the three former years combined. There was not a single death among the membership. New Law Service Placed in Nail The first edition of the Negli gence Law Service, edited by Prof. Reginald Parker of the Wil lamette law school staff, was is sued this week to casualty insur ance lawyers, claims executives and supervisors throughout the country. As editor of the monthly serv ice, sponsored by the American Mutual Service, Dr. Parker offers an annotated digest of more im portant court decisions in the field of personal injury and prop erty damage. The January issue covers 24 such cases. The law educator, appointed professor of law at Willamette last fall, Is the author of numer ous IcroI works, Including "Ad ministrative Law". He is former editor of the NACCA law Journal in Boston, and holds several de grees from the University of Vi enna School of Law and Political Science. Linn Co. Shows Sound Finances ALBANY While current cash balances together with impending revenues must be applied on county governmental expendi tures for the remaining six months of the fiscal year, the re parts of the Linn county sheriff, treasurer and clerk for the first half of the 1953-54 fiscal year and the last half of the 1953 cal endar year revealed Tuesday that the county's finances are in good condition. The sheriff's report shows a total of $1,609,737.33 of the 1953 54 tax levy released to the county treasurer for distribution after deduction of $49,146.35 in re bates and additional delinquent tax payments of S154.716.63 of the 1952-53 tax and $7,142.63 in delinquent taxes and interest on the 1951-52 levy, making a total Of $1,771,596.59. Left in the sheriff's depository account was $1,829,550.27. This balance plus the turn-overs totals $3,601,146.86 in taxes collected by the sheriff since July 1, 1953. From Jan. 1 to June 30 the total of turn-overs was $2,017, 158.57 turned over for the 12 561.98, making a total of $3,789, months ending Dec. 31, 1953. Students, Cops Clash in Spain MADRID, Spain W) Spanish students and police clashed here Wednesday for the third day in succession and again there were wounded on both sides. At one time some of the students blockaded themselves in the uni versity when police officers tried to enter to .talk things over. The police wanted to persuade the students to cease their demon strations which began Monday with a manifestation for the return of Gibraltar to Spain. One of the city's central markets was invaded by the students, who overturned a vegetable stand. The police intervened and a free-for-all resulted. Police headquarters, meanwhile denied reports published abroad that a student had been killed in Monday s bloody riots. SHEPHERD IN A TROUBLED LAND v. .."van The traditional shepherd's crook of biblical times has been replaced by a rifle in the troubled Holy Land. An Israel herder keeps his weapon handy as he walks his flock, a common sight on both sides of the Isi-acl-Jordan armistice line. The fighting ended in 1948 but bloody incidents have been frequent along the border. (AI1 Wirephoto) BPA Building May House All Agencies WASHINGTON UPI A new building being constructed at Port land, Ore., as headquarters for the Bonneville Power Administration may be used to house all Interior Department agencies in the city, an interior spokesman said Tues day. D. ptis Beasley, assistant to Secretary of Interior McKay, said the department is sending two men to Portland to investigate the possibility ot moving 400 to 450 interior employes in Portland not connected with Bonneville into the building. More Money for State Project Asked WASHINGTON W - Rep. Pelly (R-Wash) Wednesday called for a $3,782,000 increase in appropria tions requested by President Ei senhower for the Columbia Basin reclamation project. "I am informed," he wrote Chairman Taber (R-NY) of the House Appropriations Committee "that the $8,818,000 presently in the budget is sufficient only to keep existing contracts in effect In Strong Drive SAIGON W) The Communist led Vietminh Wednesday launched a strong offensive on a 187-mile front in central Indochina. The rebel troops have captured one French post and 65 miles of a strategic highway, in the little kingdom of Laos. The full scope and Importance of the attack were notyet known here. A French spokesman said the French-held post of Seno in the kingdom of Laos and the town of Quang Tri to the east on the An nam coast. The assault paralleled the key highway No. 9 -across the narrow f kwaist of Indochina. Sixty-five miles of me nignway were overrun by the rebels and the French post of Muong Phine, 40 miles east of Seno, was taken. The French garrison of Muong Phine withdrew to Tchepone, 25 miles farther east. The announcement said French losses had been light and air at tacks had inflicted heavy losses on the rebels. in the Columbia Basin, but is far from sufficient to keep the work on schedule. "It is absolutely necessary, in order not to fall behind, that at least $12,600,000 be made avail able for the Columbia Basin project." World's Latest Seller at m k Ktl of DOCTORS' TESTS 90 CASH OF PILES' PAIN RELIEVED! WITHOUT lUIOfRYl In omt came of Maple W. bferiinf ttopprri. wain . fluent, tnckirf heeled. plr ihnmi W I ill OUT SUNUKRY. Ihanki to amaimf I'AZO Ointment! la 9 earn am of 10, jwrn wm pf4 or materially reduced law m 10 lubrtral. reltere Hclnni nianf, Huralretli kf rincinr prtimhe In tube. tW twVrn EAT ANYTHING WITH FALSE TEETH ! Lebanon Hospital Board Re-elected tERANON Six present mem bers of Ihe comnninily hospital board nf directors were re-elected Thursday night, and John Durst, Lebanon druggist, was named to the group as the association held Auto Driving Course Held Frill An additional mill would be added to the tax levy of the Salem school district to cover the cost of operating a course of auto mobile driving Instruction for the aproxlmately 740 sophomores in the system. This was the estimate given by Director Gardnar Knapp follow ing a report on driver instruction presented by Superintendent Waller K. Snyder during Tues day night's board meeting. The superintendent stated that several additional Instructors would be needed to handle the course which would mean a cost of $28,000. Cars would he fur nished by automobile concerns with the district to take care of the expense nf maintenance, gas JAPAN TO STAY WITH FREE COUNTRIES TOKYO Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida, in an address to the first 1954 business session Japan's Parliament, Wednes day firmly tied this nation to the anti-Communist nations of the world. "Japan will adhere firmly to its existing policy of coopera tion and collaboration with the free countries, he declared. Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH With More Comfort FASTKKTH, plnuitnt mitaJIne (non-Arid) powder, holds falsa teeth tnorf flrralr. To nt and talk In moi comfort. Just sprinkle little FAS TKKTH on your platrs. No gummy. Roocy, pasty taste or ferllnK. Checks "plate odor" (denture breath). Oet FASTEtTU at any drug counter. of coldi thousands of For croupy coughs mothers hail PERTUSSIN PERTUSSIN'! fut-actinf formula wot In inirntolly to relieve coujhl ot eoldi and loosen iticky phlesm.Tt'i M safe and effective thousands of dor ton hare prncribed PERTUSSIN. II you hare trouble with plslet try Brimeii Plstti-Lintr One applusuol ! jiger. Keith Rhodes and William aislres pines ni tmmgh urtfteaf ettfrri' ! ';irdcn prcauie nrimrot nam uner namcm perms . ....I. . .1... u.i . i ' plates in s wst no Dowder of dsiis rsn do ' " ilirriiurs mri nun rt-i-irriru Seeaennldnibbcrplairiyougeteondretule ' the present hospital officers in- its meeting In the city anil oil hall. AI Kinnell was chosen to while no action was taken, it fill thp unexpired term ot the was evident that the proposal was late Fred Johantuen. not greeted with any degree of A report on the hospital's c- enthusiasm bv the board, tlvities for the past year wasj Director liarrv Scott pointed given by Bishop Allen Erh. ad- j out that the school system had minlstrator. come in for considerable criticism In addition to Durst, others (,,r adding so-called "frills" to the named for a three-year term on . curriculum. Introduction of a the hosnital board include hold-1 drivers' instruction course would overs Richard Davis. Hiram , bring more adverse reactions than Groves. Robert Johnson. Dan N'of-: favorable ones, he added. is months to s year or lonsrr. you CAN KA1 anvVHtNtti Simply lay soli strip ot PUtri Liner oa tmublriome upper or lower, bin and it faoldi perfectly. it re tr. tstirleis edorlns. hsrmletl to you sad your plates ftemovahts ss directed. Moory bstk il eo mmpletely ssli'tinl. 4iS rr trwrrulf Happy Is The Day When Backache: Goes Away .... Kstt (tif barVftt h, lou of ptp and enrrr. hiUch and ditiincM may ba dua to kw. down of ki rif.y function. Doc tort j food kid nay f Diet ion la vary important to food baalth. Whan aoma avarylay aondit Ion, inch a atraaa and train, caur thin Important function tnalow down, many f ulhn nutter naf fitif tarkarha-ffW miMrattla, Minor blad df r Irrttat loni dua to aM or wrrnif diet may UuaffHtfna;upnishtanrfriirn.paAaffta. Don't nrtflart your kidiiry I' lhaaa eondl tlona bother yon. Try Onan'i I' ill a mild d( nrrlie, Jt'i amailnf how many timea Donn'i Siva happy relief from theaa dicmfortn Hp the II mile of kidney tube and flit era Dunn nut watta. Auk for new, larve, eeonmy iM and aara money. Uat Doan'a Filla today! ( h.iirmnn Hoy Stewart staled thp firm with which he is After the electiun. the board , connected had inaugurated a driver instruction course some time ago. At no time ha th pro gram broken even, he added. eluding John Nylund. president: Keith Rhodes, vice president, and William 1 homas. secretary. YICOSI.AVIA (ITS ikh;nsi: rrxn nKI.C.HADK. Yugoslavia Vuuosl.'u in pl.iiis to cut its de fense sendinfE II 6 per cent in 19.VI Observers here view the slash os reflecting a belief there's less chonce of a Soviet-led war on President Tito's government. Don't ForvShA CHEST COLD TbH PROVEN tYf Rl1cvfli W straw -Bratki Up local Confeitronl Btib On hlRhly medlfatw!, concn. trotrH Muaterole, It promptly rrttee counl.i nnd breaka lip loenl ronn lion. M uaitrule crrniea protective uarmth on cheat, throut and bark, i aasiiint amaatiif rTliff" ! MUSTER0LE RKX Pl'TNAM FILES Krx rutnnm, slate supprinlpnd trit ot public instruction, filed for rocloction Tucsdny. pra Painful cramps of "Monthly Periods" stopped or amazingly relieved Nk (jvv. In 3 out of 4 casts In doctori own ttittt Womrn and girls who an ffer f rom t hose t unct ion -flllv-rautrd cramps, back aches and headaches of menstruation who feel unset and Irritable on cer tain "particular days" mny often be suffering needlessly! Such Is the conclusion from doctors tcMs In which Lydta E. gave eompltte or striking relief of such dis tress in 3 out of 4 Vfs! Mrrliral iilfncf proves l.ydia Pinkham a is modern in action. It evert a rtmarkably raJmtnp effect on Ihr litems. . .without tin oi patn-araurninc ututtl Tie effect tveneM of l.vdta PinKhatn a neel no pr.x."f to the millions of women and ctrls whom it ha benefited. Cut have you tried it? In l.ydia Pinkham's through tha month See If you don't get the same relief from the patns and weak nesa of "those davs"! Sre t( you don't frel better be or and duririt; your period" CeteltherLvdiaPinkhrn's omptund.or ne ir.ifiproi'etl Tablets, with added iron I If you 're troubled with hot ft ashes" and other fum-t'onal diure of "chance of lire" on II find 1.dia FMnkham wonderful for that, tool m hit n j titer effect oi tfif UU'fflt C."'rii. tion.t iee fiSneH srhichoMetraine menttrudl pain three easy steps to getting the best car buy! come in and compare the features. The new full-time power steering that means easier parking and driving, extra safety on bumpy roads. The Hy-Drlwe no-shift driving smoothest, least expensive no-shift drive in the low-price field. Plus many features not found in other low-price cars or even among some of the high-price cars I Hy Drive and Power Steering each available at low extra tost take a new Plymouth for a trial drive... give it a real workout on the road. then tell US which of Plymouth's beautiful now models you prefer and how you'd like to pay. We'll work out a deal that will be easy on your pocketbookl K Plymouth hy-style new WQ Plymouth solid value Plymouth's solid value is in established dctl for ttamplt, then in mora Plymouth! used as taiicabt than ill othet standard-built can combined.