Page 10 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Wednesday, January 27, 1951 ' Values to 17.95 3 Styles Size 7 to 12 Widths A to D Reg. 2995 1 3500 rv r 1 1 y SALE ENDS MONDAY NIGHT AT 9 P.M. Here they are . . . Nationally famous men's fashions from our regular stock-reduced to a fraction of their original prices! We've just added hundreds of new reduction for a final big cleanup! Joint the crowds to Shryock's and SAVE! Final Clearance ODDS and ENDS 38 Pairs Broken Lots and Sizes Co) (o) Fit Yourself And Save FACTORY INTRODUCTORY OFFER FINEST SHOE STOCK IN SALEM! JOHNSON-MURPHY DO 0FF Final Clearance PLASTIC JACKETS AND RAINCOATS Reg. 5.95 And 6.95 n Terrys Nylons Seersuckers II Jffipr FIND YOUR SIZE ON THE CHART BELOW I V'' lffk 11 Jilp . i35 T36l 37 I 38 I" 39 f 40 I 41T42 I 43T44T45 1 46 I 47 , 48 I illlv if U Whil Olw M-utAl!J 1 1 1 i i i i i i i i rr i n -'wi W Thcv Lost! Val. lo 55.001 I II I I I I i I I Tl ml ll -X li Vario6s;oo i i i i iji i rrm n i i i t $f Vai. lo 75.001 i i i2i i i rn iii r i i 1mm : '" vf Sf fioNM- i i i i j i i i j i i i i i Jsmk- :wPf Val. lo 55700 i 1 I 1 I t I 2 I I 5M T?-! i I 1 1 1 1 ? wf Vai. iojs.ooi i i i i nr i i i i i i i ? vair to 75,001 i i i i i i rn rn i i i i i mm I ft 1 shorts 1 i r i i i i i i I i i i i i W1 I f:. t M I. (Ml I 111 III. I I I 1 1 1 1 i yiViW-. 3 . ' l I HI J 6 a a VmL 5s:oo- rmtoo Jlrf j FORMERLY TO 1 9.95 B RlSf. 3 M S M Ji jfP.'V' I'M 81 PAIRS fesw . Y TO? Rayon and Nylon Blends B S Vi Mf Sizes 28 to 40. Formerly 0.95 (ffsE I IBM ill 5 Pair J 1 fBS 2 m., 10.95 sap Water Repellent Gabardine 95 Final Clearance ROBES AL CLEARANCE I ON FURNISHINGS! Odds and ends and broken lots of January Clcoronce Sale items. Many new items have been added in all departments! 2 Price mMm Reg- to 69.50 ( V IM Regulars I 1112 OUR ENTIRE STOCK 58 TOPCOAT FIND YOUR SIZE ON THE CHART BELOW; "T34T3S " 36 137 I 38 T 39 T 40 141 i'42 T43T"44 ij'2 l" l I I r I r I I I f i 2 r I 1 I 1 .f J f , V v ' 0lWv longs Reg. lo 55.00 " Regulars ' longs I I 4 I I I I Reg. to 69.50 Reg. to 79.50 s Cold Weather Is Here... Save Now! 1 .. 1 1 m r r -i Bells Sweaters Coat Sweaters Boxer Shorts 1 Pc. Underwear Sox Sweatshirts All Reduced To Neckwear Billfolds Novelty Gift Hems Vests Dress Shirts Wool Jersey Shirts Sport Shirts (Lour and short sleeves) Y2 PRICE rrif r 7 OPEN 'TIL 9 P.M. MON. & FRI. In The Capitol Shopping Center One Table Plain and Fancy Long Sleeve T-SHIRTS and GAUCH0S All Sizes Values to 4.95 1.00 2 for 1.95 One Table Odds & Ends Values to 5.00 Final Clearance JACKETS and SPORT COATS Reg. 5.95 to 43.50 Z PRICE 1