Payelt THE CAPITAL JOURXAL, Salem, Oregon Tuesday, January 26, 1951 blem Senator ' Directors-to Attend W IL AAeetong Luby to Try for Player Deals Friday, Lewiston General Manager Hugh Luby will try to fatten up the Salem Senator baseball roster with some player deals when the Western International league directors meet Friday and Saturday in Lew iston. Idaho. Attending from Salem will be Bruce Williams, club president. and Luby. while Walt Zosel, new ly elected director, and Director George Paulus will go 11 uey can arranee it. What Luby Is looking for will Include two outfielders, a first baseman and a shortstop, plus some power on the mound to re place Joe Nicholas, the 23-game winner who win eel a cnance with the Portland Beavers along with Shortstop Gene Tansclli. Luby said also that that he will try to book a home-and-home two game series during spring train ing with Yakima. Harvey Storey, Salem's new manager who replaces Luby as playing manager, will not be at the meeting. The Senators will plan a dinner in Storey's honor in February. League Issues Listed Hottest issue at the WIL ses sions will be whether to adopt split season, whether to keep all the gate for home games, and adoption of the league schedule, which was drawn up again by Luby. Luby said that the schedule calls for the Senators being at home Decoration Day, but will be on the road July 4 and during state fair week. AU 1953 teams will return. The season of 136 games will find 68 of them being played at home. It will open April 29 with Edmonton in Salem and will call it quits Sept 7 on a trip to Cal gary and Edmonton, Luby point ed out. Favors Splitting Gate Luby said Uiat he favors the Bromwich Spills Trabert Dream Of Fourth Title SYDNEY, Australia Iff John Bromwich, the two-fisted swatter who won the Australian tennis title back in 1939 when Tony Trabert was an eight-year-old. upset the American Davis cup ace Tuesday in the second round of the cur rent championships 1-, 1-6, 6-2, 6-1. i The SS-year-old's victory smashed Trabert's dream of sweeping all four major tennis titles in the world Australian, U.S., Wim bledon and French this year and seemingly paved the way for little Ken Rosewall to win his sec ond straight Aussie championship, home game split of before 40 i Rosewall advanced to the quarter per cent for visitors with a $250 a game guarantee, or whichever is larger. The tendency at the close of the season would be for a lower division team to trim its roster and traveling costs if it were to get none of the gate on the road, he observed. Luby said also he favors a split season. The general manager also said that be is sending out envelopes on the subject of bonus tickets to stockholders and fans who had them last year. They offer 11 grandstand tickets for the price of 10 ($10) and can be obtained by anyone else by writing to the ball club here ana sending a check. finals with a machine-Uke M, 6-3. 6-1 victory over Abe Segal of South Africa. Vic Seixas, Trabert's Davis Cup sidekick, advanced by beating Aus tralia's Neaie Fraser 9-7, 8-6, 7-5. Ham Richardson of Baton Rouge La., also reached the quarterfinals as he made short work of Ian Ayre ot Australia 6-3, 6 4, 6-0. The Americans got only an even break on the day as lefthander Mervyn Hose scored an expected triumph over Bob Perry of Los Angeles, 2-6, 6-4, 7-5. Littler Wins Actress Esther Williams looks en as Gene Littler of San Diego displays his prize of a sliver set after Winning the San Diego Open Golf tournament. Littler, who posted a 274 total, received no money since he is an amateur. (VP Telephoto) 8 Coaches Rate Milwaukie First In U. P. Survey PORTLAND (UP) Oregon school basketball coaches today rated Milwaukie as the number one prep cage power in Oregon in the Oregon Journal's first weekly poll. All eight coaches talcing part in the poll rated Milwaukie as the top team. Milwaukie got 80 points. Other teams and number of points included: Cor va His 72 Marshfield 60: Eugene 52: Roose velt 49; Grants Pass 22; Albany 21; Gresham 15; Willamette 12; Redmond and La Grande 10 each; Baker 8; Madras 5; The Dalles 4; Cleveland 4; North Bend, Jefferson and Central Catholic 3 each, and Salem and Burns 2 each. Coaches taking part include Harold Hauk, Salem; Bruce Hot line, Marshfield; Ward Palda- mus, Astoria; Jim Partlow, Lin coln; Frank Rnelandt, Medford; Ojp Sarpola, The Dalles: Marv Scott, Redmond, and Ted Wilson McMinnville. Jackson Whips Layne in Sixth By JACK HAND NEW YORK tsV-Hurricane Tom my Jackson, a "new face" fight ing his first main event, has nudged bulking Rex Layne a little closer to the end of the line. The 22-year-old Jackson, a sur prising 8-5 favorite over a man who once beat Jersey Joe Walcott ana tzzara uiaries, wore down Lavne. riranrwf him Iuiii anH forced Referee Mark Conn to call a merciful halt at 1:44 of the sixth round last night at Brooklyn's Eastern Parkway. It went as a technical knockout with the com pletely exhausted Layne unable to continue. Next in line for the Negro youn ster from New York will be a Feb. 22 Parkway match with Clar ence Henry of Los Angeles if matchmaker Teddy Brenner has; his way. j Furillo Agrees To New Pact NEW YORK CB - National League champ Carl Furillo signed his 1954 Brooklyn contract today, Ezzard Charles, former heavy-i weight champion, had 42 amateur ! fights and won them all. THE PIKE Raspberry Ribbon ICE CREAM 138 S. LIBERTY crossed his fingers and said: "Here's hoping for another good year." Thus within less than 24 hours the Dodgers reached contract agreements with the batting cham pion and the league's most val uable player, catcher Roy Cam- panella. ITS GREEN'S SPORTING SHOP FOR . . . EVENRUDE 1201 So. Commercial SHELL Heating Oils Larmer Transfer And Storage 889 N. Liberty Ph. 33131 Tri-City Dinner To Hear Dressen Oakland club or the Pacific Coast League,, resigned as Dodger pilot PASCO. Wash, tin Charlie Dressen, who quit Brooklyn after guiding the Dodgers to the Nation al League pennant last season, will be the main speaker at a fund-raising dinner for the Tri City Braves of the Western Inter national League here next Monday night. Dressen, now manager ot the after the Brooklyn front office re fused to give a contract of longer than one year. Brooklyn lost the World Series to New York of the American League. Dressen is also scheduled to speak at Wenatchee Feb. 2. SCORES in the ALLEYS University Alleys CLASSIC LF.AOIE Wrt talrm Mftthlnerr C. () Bont I Si; prlct 61; Obcrmtn 6M; MtcPar Iknp 511: Straw 630. Harbi Rperllng Ceodi l Valdci hit: Parley Mi; VeJ lutwk 4U; Robs 491; Hartwcll frt. Smaller Oil Co. 4fl MaUon 54t; HU Icrlch 631; KrtcJl M: Yotms 444: lni 4rnU til. Um Hardware (4) Thetit S1: CurtU t2i Morria I2; pail til; tt ftM. Traltwara Cafe (D Upilon 131; Kits- KiiUrr 640; MrNall 610; RlrhM 613; Lutt 644. Frank'! Predate l TtirtmpMm 411; Haugcn all; Junta bit, Waitttr 432; Jarbton 4fll. Taller Oil Te. Ml -OMibtih 641; Mr Cune 130. DBo 481; WltkalU 4M; CotnilocK 6S1. lapWirJ Cafe U) Brauflht 634; BunntU 131; Wbite 131; Hendenoa Hit; Olodt 606. ltllh team tame. Weal lalem Margin try Co. 4: hlsjh learn aerlea, ftalem Hardware. 3?3. huh ind. tame, Oene Brauchl Cnpoard Cafe lit: huh ind L- Morn HUleta Hardware) 613. with 1W8: high tram scries, Starr Foods, 2U:t9. I Ladles Minor League U-Bowl 1 Krebi Forfeit i Moen aw; Nhi 4 V. Gannon 360, J. Gannon Wi, Fallen 320, JMdrcih 348. Vay Less Drugs S D. Valdez 360, 1IIIU N. Vfcldet 334, W. V aide I 417; Moore Bus, Forms 1 Mulchay 39ft, Blind 360, Handle 374, Gout 220 ( 2 lames). Western Paper 1 Klrny 368, Hall 285, Cngiwell 433, Arnhold .142; John son's 3 Llnr 3M, Johnson 32B, Nich ols 3!'9. Lan ' 382. Meadows nest. 1W Fx-kstrnm rurrer W7. Arnold 361. mind 33B. Salem Builder S imply 3', Ander son 34X Curtis 415. r red rick 453. Coon 411. High team erle & fame, Salem HUjuiem MinplY, r21, M; high In dividual lertea. Dot Fredrick. 43: high Individual fume. Elite Furrer, lot). Duck Pins I llll. LKAIll S w.fttfr.rr.. aaaa isi wam.r rtt. Rkhtrdton 411. R,itt,f 21(2; Alrlwr HI. fnUbrKk tflrrt . ft,a,i, on m :,n it js. Wood 3e. iku.ii ja;; nrt 2H, Oiuth.r 34. niltaili V.Utr Vink (It Bkrottt M .hop 141: i,l Hiuhri JM; Btr BKt Mulht, 211; Crartr, 2(1. Millar Bi.a, hi Hin.ia J20; riulir ul; lour, 21(1 Thlllld. Ill; U.iult, J,J. Hun Ind. ,imi ind inui. Edith Bich. tmoB. 201 ind 11, h:n unii md film wimniiu R.nk. m in i,;0 Capitol Alleys tiplul Ijnrt (I o.nmrtrlil No. I) I.ANA AVKNTK M-.IIVICK n lirfibrr 44fj. K N.Unn dHA J c,... Ilrr Mo, H (iunn M. K. JIlVM J7; bi-nt Tr.m OnVAI.S USED CARS S. Kllcli- n Mri w. Mr liry M4, lllind 4.VI. l,u.l.,.l5rj,on.4W' c"" " "0 JCNKillTS OF COLl'MnllS 0 I. Knutn.y m. T. Ilkjlrr 448, W. Link 44, f. Prinjo 477, H. Hicdrr SI6. woodhys i-urni-wri: j d r",ul1" Mj. '"'"V M. D. Wooilry SI. C Fi.-mn (4. R Ailolnh H2; WICKLUNUS SPORTING COODS 1-1). llrnrtrlr ami. 1.. Harra 413, B. ljlti J7, B. llayn. 48fl, Blind Sno NICKS INN 4-B. WlllM-rj 323, II nartman 4H4, I. Dirrki 497, II snrl 'f;n.ll. W. Mlllrr 52.1: HAWUN. f.VNS, iAUNUIlY ttu. Hinjland SM, W. Sprlmii Ml. W. Knsllih 421, H. Ou1atm 4M. n Mrflrrt 4fj.l STARK FOODS 411. Nkhol, mi, n. Unirrrn 4Bi. W. Wnlli SMI. II Diiffm Ma. J. MD; NICHOl,. SONS INSURANCE O-F. Ilollnn 4B.1, J, Ramwy 442, M. Coilv .124, II. BirrKilr m, D. Cuahman 4M, OOI.WES OF SI1.VKKTON 2-0 Tlirr 4J. f. Frank S17, C. C Mnwrll 4H4. J. Merr 432. o. Rrnlnon 4S. JAYSONS TLOTIItNO 2-11 Rvan HV4, II. Hauvrn j. .ri,nW 411, C. Bnvrr Ml. T. Ilri-nnan 5-6 Hlrii Indlvdual ramo Wall Cline Jr.. Bill Havnr. Clavl Fornnan 2:1.1 hih Individual frrlrj. clavt Fore- ; man, 014 . hlnh train samp, Wfwdry'a I Bearcats Back To Conference Wars Saturday With same catching up to do In the Northwest conference in spite of leading the pack, the Bearcats of Willamette get back to practice today after struggling with exami nations. ' Willamette has played only four games, winning them all, while Whitman and College ot Idaho, In second, have played eight each for .900 records.' Next venture into conference wa ters will be Saturday night at For est Grove against Pacific, now in the cellar with a 2-5 mark. It is the only circuit game of the week. The Willamette varsity scrim maged with Coach Jerry Frci's irosn, center Tom Gooding stand ing out offensively. Sports in Brief By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS BASKETBALL NEW YORK - Kentucky, Du quesne and Indiana continued to rank one-two-three in the weekly Associated Press poll FOOTBALL RALEIGH, N.C. - Earle Ed wards was named head cnch it mil i,. in- North Carolina State College to amnio 101: , i,.j n.... i..rf,ii.. COMMERCIAL NO. t linn an, rur Rilrlnrallin (SI Oirdn.r szl: Willrt Sj4: Krli sit: Uotrf- ).r 27. Brtnhlo &22. Trrmli Ui limv 111: noun 471 Horn MO. ouno lUll.wsitd llmnir (tlR.rir 503; Tlar- ; RAm'ltil I ra 454: Mrllrrl ill I'.k.r IM HlMil naoioaUi sn. iw jr.ri in, i5: nop. I HHOOKLY.V Catcher Hoy iini.r 7i: rw.oo tni ix.n n n., Cainpanclla of the Brooklyn Uod Mini. tin n..o hi,o. m . ur.r ii'rs siifcd his contract for a re- J71. 411; V lliui.n 4!; II poncH SJ2.000. iiiuirn tm man 107. lioodli, Mirhrl III Willi 414: miliar 4SII Ooodlt JH. Wrniiwrom J7; Nubir il. ' Fire Oil, (II lahida 111: Kvatii 414: aimnonl 407: Wood! 3)1; Otlttbr 114. Thi Rindl 111 Jamtl 44); PrpoM 11)1 Aihwtll 411, Brnilrom U; Knot 411. Al La lirrlnrallia III H l.ul. 4: D Lukl 411: J l.uki 411; R, l.K, 4,. V Lull I'.l Min'i Tiiffrn III Nniin 1" Knpir 4l. Js. MlllHla 4'"" ll.. riii 4v j IViodhoro i-li wt'vnrtli m,. IVi,rn .4. Au.iln .14S. Ill, k. ,14. ,rt 411 ! I .111.1 lli.t HI Uul,..n 4,J: nlr,, I In. Boihm 17; R..,M 471: Rhoili 4:4 I IM An. no 111: 11,11 i14 i.,i Huh trim ,imi ind null, Thi J.o.l t.l IDO 2701 hl.h . Ouifn of Tiriamil In. J17: M,' lnj rrlw. Ilnb llr.n of Mirl.n Rroi. 007. GENERAL CORTINA D'AMPEZZO, Italy-. bobsled championship with rcc Italy won Its first world two-man ice mile long slide. Iloi POOR BOY SANDWICH AT NORTH'S 1170 Center n WITH FARMERS INSURANCE Auto-Truck-Fire George OSKO INSURANCE AGENCY 1465 N. Capitol $1. Phone 3-5661 Between Hood anil .Shipping Sis., on lliMny Going North "I MB Bill X JtlNSUHAllCtK X January 26 thrU February b r K (-o Uv l t upen L- 'Til 9 P.M Fvorv Nil. Bay Now and Save We are Clearing the Ceclu for New Merchandise Arriving Daily. bee lor Yourself. Fishing Tack le, Tents, Tarps, Sleeping Bags, Hany, Many Items for the Sports man. AU at Heretofore Unheard of Prices. Limited Stock of Some Items ; . . Hurry! JACKETS 100 nylon outer shell .. . Quilted wool lining. Warm ond wafer repellent. Worth $14.50. NOW Glass Arrows Motched sets, hollow gloss shafts. Hunting or target points. Reg. $27.50 dor. NOW Doz. 18 95 See our Power-Master Cross Bow USED MOTORS See our selection of used, guaranteed OK outboard motors. Most all sizes. Pric ed as low as $25.00. Easy Bank Terms, too!!! BICYCLE Ladies' English style with lights. generator, hand brakes, gear shift, pump, etc. REG. $79.50 COMPLETE '39.50 Complete Having Trouble Catching A Sfeelhead! - Let us iielp you. We've the proper tackle and information. SLEEPING BAG SCOUT BAG Kapok filled, zipper closure, water re pellent ballon cloth cover, canopy head flap. Reg. $i 11.95 NOW SPINNING OUTFIT Top quality throughout. Includes famous Mitchell Keel (with Z spools), a top line Actionitlass Rod and Line. Nothing but the best in this outfit. 1. Mitchell Reel (Bale pick-up.) 29.75 2. Actionglass tubular Rod 14.95 S. Your choice of line 2.00 TARPS Your Now lor Only Total 46.70 $OA50 Complete stock of Sierra and Horna- day bullets, gas checks, loading tools, etc. All sizes in stock. Lowest prices in the valley. Special sizes made to order. Spec. 5x7, 13-oz. Waterproof Duck. . y Spin S i Fishermen X AHPnlinn 1 I f Let us wind our bulk ny- I f 5311(1 SpilC6 f Ion line on your spool. X t-. . yy Fresh Salmon Re&ow25 39c ' X FfintRvThp SS S I Pounfl I X jr Our own preserved f f tresh eggs are for su- I S S perior to any other egg x ci v ner ,or s,ee,heaa ,itnin9- s jf I TLI IVUI -; ; j jT I 2-piece Montague tub- Leader Wilson Athletic I I UlflF s7l9 Pin aHlnti WammmW- I locking reel seat. 1 f S .g 99s 095 I B UAUf " m w II w I X IE 1 monuEut pacK rou, lull jt I I S f i,e "y rotl- Breaks into J I f J 27" length for conven- gr- X I lent carrying. f""" X Leader Material 15-lb. DuPont nylon 10-yd. coils Reg. 30c NOW Save More in '54 at Cascade Merc GOAT-HAIR SOX An excellent long wear ing work or boot sock. tog. 85c Pr. a f NOW Pr. 49C IS INTER-IINED SOX BOOT SOX Famous for long wear. Heavy duty fleece lined. gfr X All cotton. Will out wear For the hunter or fish- Jr any 3 pairs of sox. erman. ft' ... 29c St" 79c MAGIC REEL JEEP CANS COVERALLS Famous tor trout fish- r..i. r i nn x- in, may be used with a r.enulne O.I. Mke new. 1, ' NeW'' fly roil or .spinning rod. peneci. Reg. 16.50 a af Coif Oovl. 7.80 1 rft Coil Gov't. 6.90 t gm NOW V.7J NOW yj Pr.HOW 3.95 Wilson Athletic Equipment Just a few items of the many money severs in stock. Basketball Official liit ind weight, rubber covered. Reg. 8.35. Basketball Official ifzt and weight. Rubber covered. Reg. 5.95 Football Leather, official tin and weight. Reg. 8.45 Football Rubber Reg. 5.95 4" 3" 3" See our selection of tennis rackets, ping-pong sets, bad minton sets, everything for every sport need. ii imw i i yn s n my OPEN TILL 9 P. M. EVERY NITE m at mm m w at m m r at