J HI 14 Capital Journal, Salem, 400 'Agriculture 42S Auction Salei HOMES BUILDINGS AUCTION SALE JANUARY 28. 1954 To clear right of way for the Hayesvllle Interchange north of Salem. BUILDINGS TO BE SOLD: The former Clarence D. Smith residence, garage and chicken houje at 4405 Portland Road. The former Gilbert A. Benton reildence and outbuildings at 4433 Portland Road. The former Anton Benes residence and motel cabins formerly known as the Hayesville Motel. These cabins are furnished and are to be told complete .with the furnishings now in them. IALE DATE: 10:00 A.M. Thursday, January 28, 1354, for these first three sets of buildings beginning at the Clarence D. Smith residence and proceeding Immediately to the othertwo In order. To clear right of way for the Portland-Salem Expressway north of Che mawa. The former I. L. Phillips residence at 2805 Chemawa Road. The former Edward Radke residence and outbuildings at 21B5 Che. mawa Road. The former Arthur H Olson residence and outbuildings at 2775 Che mawa Road. ' IALE DATE: 1:00 P.M. Thursday, January 28. 1954. for these last three lets of buildings beginning at the Arthur H. Olson residence and pro ceeding to the others In order. tUILDINGS must be removed from present location wllhin 30 days of notice of acceptance of bid. INY FINANCING MUST BE ARRANGED BY YOU WITH THE FINANCING COMPANY OF YOUR CHOICE. IF YOU ARE CONTEMPLATING MOV . ING A BUILDING. CONSULT WITH YOUR MOVER PRIOR TO SALE DATE AND ASCERTAIN IF A PERMIT CAN BE HAD FOR THE ROUTE CONTEMPLATED. .. TERMS OF SALE ARE: Cash at the time of sale. The above buildings are to be sold to the Highest bidder at public auction, but subject to the approval of the Oregon Slate Highway Commission with the right reserved to reject any or all bids. All of the bid price must accompany rORFORMATlON: Contact C. W. Parker, Phone 4-2171, Ext. 717, State Highway Building, Salem. .uctionerr. Claude M. Kilgore -aiern. uregon 408 Pets PARAKEETS i: All colors. Con tinuous control ed hatches. All babies full light ed and guaran teed. Cages, seeds and supplies. S p e ciels on Chart reuse breeders young, $5.50. i1 JREGISTERED Pomeranian puppies, 540. Call lizia -eoanon MAT.F Rnxer 4 mo. old. A.K.C. reg istered. Call anytime Sat. or Sun. after 0:30 weex. aays. oj. wain Ave. Keizer Dlst. Ph. 4-1824. CANARIES Orange & apricot (train. Phone 3-4385. 1340 Chemek eta. BOXER female. Moore's tropical fish equipment. Parakeets, pets. Mac leay Rd. 4-3773. Closed Wed. PARAKEETS, Cages, supplies. Rea sonable. Bird Paradise, 3180 Living ston 2-1842. HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM. 1058 Mc Coy 1 block east of N Capitol. H4 hlnrks north of Madison Ph 2-r,m7 PARAKEETS Choice (election, babies and breed an. Cages and supplies. Reason able. Bird Paradise, 1180 Living ston. 2-1142. 4i2 Fruit and Farm Produce Ton SALE li bales grass hay. Ph, 3-740. GOOD GRASS HAY for sale. Phone s-jiea. ALT A TESCUE hay. $12.50 ton. Ph. 4-4.110. FERTILIZER Rotted manure, weed free. 2-0774 414 Farm Equipment MACHINERY for sale D-2 tractor, A-l hape, steam plant, garden tractor, 8' disc, chain saw, A. C. Combine. Mile north of Brooks on 9!E. Rt. 1. Box 72, Brooks. 425 Auction Sales Final Closeout AUCTION i Mon.t Jan. 25th 3 p.m. Sharp Bargain Bnrn, 4 Mi. N. Salem 99E (Labis.) many hundhf-ds new a- vsvn ITEMS MUST SKM. WITHOUT HE SF.HVE F S. HITTER LITMHKH (O. MOVING IN FKH. . AM. STOCK MUST t.O OUT AT ONCE. New bedroom lu.tm. New tprlnEn, maUrrxBe. New deikf, rocker. Occasional chain. New rugi. linoleum. New floor and tahle lumps. New davrno tet. 10 med davenport tetn. Club chairs-dining chair. Electric rente. od and used. Electric washer Refrigerator. Cher.U and drawer, dresser. Garden and hand tools. Dishes, utensils. Dinette sets, new and used. Box springs, mattresses. Kitchen cabinets. Pictures misc. New and used desks. Vacuum cleaner. fllnociilari. Antique runs, Baby equipment. Sewing machine. New electric inner, Beer stems fiffLtrine. Minors, picture frnmes Electric, steam. Irons. Oil circulator heaters. New fjre screens. Clocks, misc., etc. Notice All mdne. suit J ret in price sale. VKKN LKKK, AUCTION; Kit ' ' Trhamlise 451 Machinery and Tools W. K. A. C. Crawler with 10 ft. angle blade, good condition. $1250 ur no reasonable offer refused. Write W;l Ham Kaiser, Rt. 1, Box 462, West Linn, Ore. 455 Hsehold Goods For Sale I PIECE twin bedroom set. $40. Phone jl-4777 d.iytlme. AUTOMATIC wilier. Treadle Singer Sffwlngniachine. Ph. 47F22. AENDIX automatic washing mi dline. Clean, good cond.. 55. Ph. J-!707, frjOTJMC Hotpoint rangerReaVon- - Me- I7pit Markfl St. lOR SALE, furniture Provincial atyle 2-cushion davenport. $75 00. Call between 5:30 and 7:30 p.m., I MM. y HMIH Ore., Saturday, Jan. 23, 1954 400 Asrriculture 425 Auction Sales OREGON STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION STATE HIGHWAY BUILDING SALEM. OREGON ISO Merchandise 455 Hsehold Goods For Sale USED FURNITURE Terms! Yes Valley Furn. 219 N. Com'l L & If. ELECTRIC range. Excellent condition. $90. Ph. 4-1607. 456 Wanted. Hsehold Goods CASH TODAY Good used furniture or wtu sell on consignment. Pa. 2-8098 Sudtell's Auction. WANTED USED FURNITURE TOP PRICE Valley Furn. Co. 2-7472 457 Radio and TV FOIt SALE WestinR house 17" TV table model, all-channel, mahogany with stand. Like new. with juar- aniee. rnone a-7a. PACIFIC MERCURY T.V. "21" con sole. In Salem area. 8. Installed, roiai price. 2-37B4. 458 Building Materials GALVANIZED eave troughs. 14c per H. 8 ft. steel primer garage door with hardware. $44. Garage dr. naraware oniy sia.yo. Man as Demos mnaKeB per xq. imoiiy pine panel- in ana sne.vinjr, 912a. EPPING LBR. CO. 1740 Silv.rlon Rd. Phone 4-9123 -pen all day Saturdays .WMos. to Pay LOOK WHAT 0. W. KLANG & WRECKING CO. HAS TO OFFER Flooring, $15 a thousand. Sheet ing $10 a thousand. Windows 50c up. Complete steam plant, radia. tors, pipe, fixtures, all kinds of plumbing way below cost. V plv wood. 10c (I. 3-7205. Old Cannery Bldg. on 12th. ROOFING AND REPAIRING KIEFER ROOFING CO. Ph. 2..1!MI LUMBER SALE 2x4 No. 4 $15 per M. In lull J.tny load luti. Manv oilier Mt' at brlnw wholesale vur loud pi lees. Come In or r;tll W S.tlrm l.umher Co. llt.0 WrIIikc Rd. Ph. ALL NKW lumoer MilpUp 30 m per m inn up, 2x ana larger 9.00 per M and u. Some lumber 415.00 per M delivered. Phone 2-2042. KEITH BROWN SPECIALS Esm - noons ... hkc: sale 2-Ml-l , I panel I 7 92 f :i 2 ixd-Bxl a, ,7 M 2-xlt llxl 27 a a 2ax Bxi " n a 75 Axes axi Cot 15 aj 10 42 i a.xa 8x1 P. hie sash 14 0.1 1 Jl HARDWARE - Weiser Kntianre Handle Sets 12 VI 7 sj Key-ln-kni.h l.ock Set HR a 58 PastaRe Sets 2 fin 2ft1 SHEETROCK I X R X 1 1 2 08 1 85 r 4 X I x . 1 7 i.m ra I Keith Urown Lumber Yd. ! Front A- Court Street Phone 3-fil 11 we divf A- I) C.ieen Sf.itnpn' New bath tubs complete Wi gat. water heali-rs Plastic drainhd covering Hdwd, nlvwd., ide.il for $50.50 f Hi' SO $-30 sq. ft. Cheap p.incling or cnhincls MOO Chc.ip 3',c .11 .e ! Fibcrul.isj roll blanket instil J 14-2 rice wiring 2 elec. wiring ..... N.tlis ttf 73 & ffl HA k Asbestos muting per iq ... $;i.50 I r.iinted shakrf. with undent $10 50 w doors, all sires ........... $5 50 l;sed windows 3C" x 43" . $2,50 loo used d(Hrs with frames New toilets with seats $24.50 iiounia Kitcnen sinks, complete $41 SO 40 Riil. elec. water heaters $t.8.M i .a unary irnvs. pipe, basins ..Bargain 500 a il steel seplic tanks $62 50 4' c.st Iron soil pipe 7V 4' solid orangehurg pipe .,,.,. -Te Roll rooling. Inrce suptily ..$? 25 J t b comp ro(ing . ...... $7 85 Od.ir shmitles. 4 (trades Cheap New C.ilv, iron roof Cheap Plywood, new carload Harg.iins New pu-ture wtndnws . . M no New v.e.ither stripped windows $14 ?0 Cedar fence posts . Chean New planter board 4xS $1 40 Steel mte rloors. rnmnlftn n on Over-head garage hardware!... 113 95 C. G. LONG & SON Ph. 4-S0M 1 ml. N. ol Kelrrr 450 Merchandise 468 For Rent, Miscellaneous McCULLOCH chain saws and post hole augers by day. Town Equip ment Co. Pp. 4-1541. sOR HLNT or lease, Iga. warenouse space cement floors, brick bldg. down town. Inquire H. L. Stiff Fur.. 3-8185. 470 For Sale, Miscellaneous ELECTRIC RANGES, S5.00 up. Some need minor repairs. Bargain Barn. SACRIFICE 12 ga. pump shot gun. , Equipped with weaver choke. Ex cellent condition. Phone Jefferson 474 after 8 p.m. FOR SALE or trade for anything 1 can use: Oil circulator, 2 to 6-room size steel tank and stand. Copper tubing, valves and pipe. New con dition, 35. 4845 Harris Rd. Ph. 2-5805. 50 TABLES, all kinds, 11.00 up. Bar gain Barn, sax., aun. USED SEWING MACHINES CLEARANCE All with standard set of attach merit. Guaranteed. Easy termi if desired. Ken more cabinet model f 139.50 New Home cabinet model 139.50 Franklin cabinet model 72.50 Universal Zlg-Zag 179.50 Domestic cabinet model . 139.50 M. Wards cabinet model B9.50 Singer treadle 17.50 Singer treadle - 10.00 beamsiress Portable 52.50 WestinchOuse Portable 49.50 Sewmore Portable 89.50 sew E-Z-Y Portahle 79.50 Necchi cabinet model 206.50 At Halph Johnson ADnlfance Co. 355 Center St. Phone 3-3139 PLATFORM rocker, rose color, $25. uunis Rumen apple, 11.25 per box. 4230 N. Lancaster. 4-2552. 3 THERM ADORE elec. wall heaters. Ph. 2-7083. CHINA CLOSETS, roll-away beds ana paint compressor. Ph. 2-8025. ELECTRIC motors $5.00. B. Barn. PAIR of roller shoe skates, size 8. zzpu Simpson, z-2500. GARAGE doors with hdware. pr. 25117 Portland Rd. Singer Sewing Center Demonstrators , AND Floor Models Savings as high as $40 on some mod els, new machine guarantees on all models, plus free sewing les sons. Singer Sewing Center 130 N. Commercial BEDS, $2.50 up. Bargain Barn. 1st $75.00 takes this de luxe electric range. Bargain Barn. BOVS 20" BIKE. Concert snare drum and sticks. Solid walnut dou ble bed, coll spring, spring mat tress COm Diets PhilH' bIaH Man'i English all-wool heavy belted top coat. Lady's natural baby-lamb mill, nitvs I1-IO. All ROOCl COnfll , 'Ion and reasonable. Call 2-2110. PAINT SPRAYER, roll-away " bed, platform rocker. 2-51)52. ANTIQUES pair of Victoria ladles cnairs, rellnlshed. reglued, and re built with muslin cover. Ph. 3 8476 between and 8 weekdays. 2 NEW matching Mr. and-Mrs. Oak chest of drawes. 3-4049. Open for offer. GOOD refrigerators, Bargain Barn. 148.00, $89.00. ALMOST giving 'em away 1 1 New bedroom seta. Bargain Barn, S9E. N. 4 ml. Sat., Sun. CLOSEOUT end & lamp tebles. $9.88. Bargain Barn, Sat., Sun. CIRCULATING oil heater, I-room site, $10. 1598 Franklin, W. Salem. FERTILIZER rotted cow manure, compost, rot ted mulch, and chicken manure tor lawn dressing. By sack or cublo jn. rjcit up at jarm or we ran de liver. Phillips Bros. Rt. 8, Box 493. Ph. 4.1081, 1 ml. E. 4-Corners on State St. Special Sale CliKlnff out stock on orn.'iinental stones, includini; lava and IlaR stones. Also on rustic cedar fencing and cedar posts and poles. Our sup ply Is limited so check now for sood huys. Phillips Hros. Rt. 5. Box 4113. Ph. 4-3081. 1 ml. r. 4-corners on State St. WASIIERS-$2.50 to 150. Bar(aln nam, ur. n. 4 ml. BARGAIN BARN open Sat., tu 10 a p.m. HUH N. DAVENPORT sets. $5 00 up. Davenos st.ou. nargnin nam. Vacuum Cleaner Kemnure clrantr regular $77.45. Sllshlly jsed. tb.9S. J5.00 down, 5 00 month. Scars Roebuck i Co., iM Capitol St. Ph. 3-11191. FOR SALE. cquitln 19J4 Arvln console set. with 20 ft. aerial and antenna. 540. Inquire at 17M Ever- arecn Ave, after 8 p.m. REO. .12.50 swlns rockers. $15m OarRairinarn. 9!tE N. 40 EXT. dinette tahles, clinlre. $.75. nai K.tn Bain.I)rtE. Sewing Machines Trade in Clearance Late model White Rotary elec. t-omole . S.WOS L.ile modrl electric consitlr . y3 Siniter round hohbin portable. Very good condition $49 .VI 1 late model Krmiiote portahle, new guarantee. Very reasonable. Liberal trade In allowanre on old ma chine. Iittlam-e tsoo month. Sears line buck Co., 550 N. Capitol. Ph. 3-9im. DAMl HK.RG hearing aid. Complete. $25. Ph. 2-g.H.a. FINAL ; dav ys closeout. ItniKain Ham itl'E N. 4 MATTKKSNKS - ipRINGS - "llKDS , Cotton it-It inattirsM'". t I t rt... i c .i i. on nr(prinE, lull !i7e $7 Mr1.il hc1?.. full sl7e. 5!'5 11" eg Pros. I'ncd stare. 137 S Com POOL TAIII.K llh halls rue lor sale. I'h. 2-4MJ WKSTINcmoilSlTi)rlux rani!f7wrn IhRhiiusp OcIuk rrlnir.. a cubic fl. wilh l.iisc rrrrirr. Thcsf appll. ani-.s arc i.nlv 1 vrs. ulrt and luck like new. I'h. a742!. TWIN IIOX Sl,HIN(is7"$:.."oil.w"5()" Harcnn Ham. Sat., Sun. 3 I'OHTAIII.K haltcrir. No. JO Mont, leonicry Ward. rt-K. S4 o.s. sal. oniv il 5. Montcomcrv W.nd A; Co. Appliance Drpt , Ph. 3-3191. 1 SOCIKTY brand sulst. like new, regular. 3-9677. 40 UATTF.RIKS All cars. 16 95. J7.95. ts 95. exchanxe. 13 mo, f uarantec. Uylles Tire. N. Com'l it Pint. 4-6033. AUTOMATIC toasler, W.SO. Swivel bench vise, new, $7.50. New w.iffle Irons, $9 50. Automatic irons, 14 00. Bar stoolj, 3 Ml. Imkl Item. cloj. lust out Sat.. Sun. llarealn Itarn. 5-PC. 'lIN.TTK.$U.SO."n. Barn. ilOSPITAl. BKO t.it salt or nnt if L Stltt Furn. Co Ph 3-913J FOR SALE new Mayflower (orced air oil furnace Complete with duct work, control. 275 nal tank Half nrtce M.MIM Phone S-4062. fine APS 95. (I0O.H (M sires. Nationwide fuarantee. 100r; cold nibber. L-tl Tir, N. Com'l A Pint. 450 Merchandise 470 For Sale, Miscellaneous SPECIAL Sewing machines values to $22.50 NOW CHOICE, flO SNOOKS BARGAIN CENTER 2565 Slate ADDING MACHINE, t column, $45, Electric $05. Fh. 2-5375. SMASHING VALUES here II 400 solid oak office, dining or TV chairs. Good value at $8.50. Like finding them at $3.75. Your choice. Bargain Barn. Frl. & Sat. Last 2 days. 10 a.m. to fl p.m. QUE N. 4 ml. DAVENPORTS to re-cover. Make an offer. Bargain Barn. 09 E. CHARIS foundation girdles, bra. Ph. j-aaiB or 3-rre. Mary K. Bales. 8x12 LINOLEUM fugs, $3.95 It $5.95. Bargain uarn Closeout. 3-WAY floor lamps, $1.95. uarn. vuiiilng. 18x24 PLATE mirrors, $1.85. Bargain nam, sal., sun. RADIOS, electric heaters, garden tools. Rugs, 1000 items, closeout final 2 days. Bargain Barn. 472 Wanted. Miscellaneous WANTED, Clipper or Alrstream trailers. Approx. 20. Cash. Brown ft Walker, 702 W. Walnut. Yakima, Wash. . Logs Wanted Good 2nd growth logs. Prem. paid tor no. 2 joes ztr ana longer. Also 8' stud logs or multlpei ol 8" plus mm e 10 itr mam. BURKLAND LBR. CO. Ph. Turner 1125 Eves. 2502 Turner or 2-7826, Salem. 474 Miscellaneous BEE-HIVE TRUCKS U-DRIVE MOVE YOURSELF SAVE 'i CAR RENTALS - STAKES - VANS TEXACO STATION 819 COURT ST. PHONE 2-1D31 PAGE STEVENSON and AL MEFORD DENTAL PLATE REPAIR J-HH. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER, DENTIST Adolph Bldg., State & Com'l. Sts. SALEM PH. 3-3311 476 Fuel ANDERSON'S green slab, J cd. Ph. 2-7751 or 4-4253. 114. Pickup Your Presto-logs Briquets and wood at 19S S. Com'l si none a-nzi. Highway Fuel Co. Clean sawdust, wood, green or dry, Stove-Diesel oils. fn. 3-MM. West Salem Fuel Co. Tube or Push Out Sawdust Ash. Maple and Oak Wood Green, dry slab. Planer Ends 1525 Edgewater Phone 2-4031 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money lo Loan AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 182 South Church Parking a-Plenty Ph. S-5457 Lie. No. M-50. S-154 REAL ESTATE LOANS COLONIAL INVESTMENT CO R0BCaTW.G08MSCN.Pai 687 Court ' 4-2283 PRIVATE money to loan. Ph. 2-0794, Consolidate All Bills Twenty-five years ago General fi nance Corps was organized by Sa lem business and professional men to give you a loan lervice. We have lent millions TRY OUR SERVICE Ysu can reply anytime to reduce costs. No endorsers or help from friends longer time to repay- Ph. first for one trio loan. Loans 2j.00 to $.100.00 on signature. furniture and equipment. Loans to $500.00 on can, trucks, and trailer houses, free customer parking at "Marlon i.ar rarx : across irom outce. 136 S. Commercial St. Lie. No S138 and M3S S12 Loans Wanted LOAN WANTED Construction loan of M.0O0. secured by lot valued at SI. 500 and house to be constructed OR loan of $12,000 to $13,000, se cured by two lota one house al ready built and one house to be constructed. Write to; Carl H. Rrv an. 2325 E. Noh Hill. Salem. Ore Ron, or Telephone 4-I7R4 Saturday or Sunday. 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted FREE RENT A- utilities for managing ants. Box 167, Statesman-Journal. WE ARE now taking applications fit Paper Routes at Carrier Divi sion, Statesman Building Boys mojt be 13 years or over and have the written consent of their par ent If you have already applied kindlv do o aram THE OREGON STATESMAN KflA 1-1 a In VWi Ml- K DIESEL HEAVY EQUIPMENT WE Nh'.En sever.tl mechanically In clined and rcll.ible men to train for positions in the Tractor and Equipment tndusry. If you are not making better than $!41 per week, or you don't have all year Job secur. it y. you owe it to yourself to write for free facts, without obligation, about this training' and our Advis. orv Placement Service. THACTOH TRAINING SERVICE Box 1H5. co Slatcsman-Journ.il IMMEDIATE opening for 2 men :i yr. or older. Permanent position. 1 . Sales experience helpful, but not necesary. Call between 10 and 12 a m. Mondays and Tuesdavs. H. L. Elfstrom Co., 2P0 S. High. 606 Help Wonted, female WANTED (1 women over 111 yrs. of age. Mut N neat aiM-earing A- have a tvlca ant prr.iiahty. Thi l a good ioh with gn.vl hciir t good pav. Call 1 at R.H.m 210. .MS Hood St. between f A- II anv weekday. WANTED: Permanent part time book keeper, must tvpr. age 25-45. St.te experience Write Box 1W SiatesrtianJournI. LADY to keep house for family for one month. References exchanged Phone 3-3345. 600 Employment 610 Sales Personi Wonted WANTED Men or women for sales work. Ex cellent chance for advancement. We are offering the best deal in Salem. You can make better than average earnings to start with. For details call at 515 Hood St.. Room 21(1 between S & 11 any weekday. WANTED Salesman to take addi tional line of men's and ladies' merchandise, with their present line. Write Box 166, Statesman Journal. 612 Work Wanted, Male 19 YEAR OLD expectant father needs work. Driver s jUcense. z-aMZB. INCOME TAX returns prepared. Reasonable. Ph. 4-622S. WANTED Work of any kind. Car penter, cement, brick, pruning, hedge trimming. Good worker. 1300 Shady Lane. WANTED Carpenter work by con tract. Reasonable. Age M. fnone 3-8434. WANTED Bulldozing, land clearing, etc. R. V. stoops, rn. z-ajzo. PROFESSIONAL upholstering done In my home. Reasonaoie. ncK up Ac delivery. i.:au z-qzau. TAX RETURNS prepared In your home at reasonable rates, fnone 4-2033. HEDGES and shrubs trimmed, yard cleaned up and trash rtauieo. z-7m, CEMENT work, all kinds Ernest Drake. Phone 4-5129. 1165 S. Hth, 614 Work Wanted, Femak MIMEOGRAPHING, tvnlnir. reason able. Mrs. Poe. 665 N 16th. 3-3643, HOUSEWORK or cooking company meals. Phone 3-3BbO. 615 Situations Wanted NURSING experience. Will take care of tick or clderiv person in ineir home. Georgia ehiqu, rn. TREES topped, trimmed and remov ed. Fruit trees pruned ana snapea, Free estimates, rn. mm ACCEPT any kind of. common labor. 4 yr. exp. as Serv. Sta. Opr. ant. lube man. Chauffeur'! license. Ph, 2-7429. WIDOW wishes housekeeping job In motherless home. Box 162, States man-Journal. COMPETENT child care my home days. Hollywood District. Phone 4-5-itty. DRESSMAKING and alteration. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Judy Polston, fn. 3-5t77 INCOME TAX blanks prepared rea sonably. Phone 3-6641. FOR PRACTICAL nurses or domestic help, phone 3-5072 or 2-0636. WE SPECIALIZE In repairing dry rotted houses, fn. z-i45 or z-ib4Z, TREES lopped & removed. AH work guaranteea. fn. z-iwz. J. ri. uavis. HOUSEWORK or Ironing by the day. II nr. Ker. ijn. a-76i5. DRESSMAKING, alterations. Drap. ery. 2nd floor, Roberts Bros. Pat Smith. PAINTING and paper hanging. Y-O-U-K S-A-T-l-S-F-A-C-T-I-O-N spells my success. E. t. waters. Ph. 2-1070. LANSCAPING, com. lawn, garden service. Service Center. 4-3573. PAINTING, Paperhanging. Free es timates . Don L.ucero. rn. 3-5522. PAINTING & decorating. Ph. 3-7552. 25 yrs. cxp. in Salem. Free esti mates. GENERAL cleaning by the hour. Ph. PAPER Hanging and painting. Jerry jonnson. fnone Z-07U4. ROOFING, new work or repair. All types rooting, call Kieier a-as Free estimates anywhere. TREE work, topping, trimming, re moving. Insured. John Payne. Ph. 2-0385. PAPER HANGING & Painting. Jerry Johnson. Phone 2-0794. GOOD CARE for your child. snipping a i. none .i-razi. NEW Construction, remodeling A repair. Free estimates. Dale Biles. Phone 3-6091. PAINTING. PAPF.RHANGING. Con tract, sma'l job3 welcome. Phone 2-7692. QUALITY wood work'n , home cab- incis. store nxiures. uick nign- bergcr. 3-B904. HAVING AUTO RADIATOR TROUBLES? Vi'ley Motor Co. experts will solve four Drorjiems and save you money, ree estimates, speedy service. Center and Liberty. RELIABLE baby sitter. Will go days or nights. Phone 2-9964 or 3-5323. LIGHT crawler dorer. dirt leveling. gradt n g. Phone z-32.ro. CARPENTER WORK. Any kind. Rea- son a Die. zw Aiacieay na fnone 45961. CARPKNTKR work of all kinds 31R0 Livingston 2-1B42. 2-1459. 618 Education GENERAL Bookkeepers, file clerks, all businesses, many government positions. Learn at home for these welt paid positions. Write Box lt8. BORDER Patrolmen, customs, post oftlce clerks, federal and state po sitions. Home Instructions. Pending examinations. Write Box 1R8. MEN and Women wanted to train for Motel and Apartment mana gers. Prepare at home. Excellent opportunities for those who qual ify. Home interviews. Write Box 168 WOMEN. 17-60. urgently needed to prcpaie tor Practical Nurse. Home study High school education re quired. Write Box 168. r00 Rentals OFFICE At warehouse space for rent. Up to 2.500 sq. ft. Arrangements can be made for taking calls .V or ders. 30.V1. Portland Rd. Ph. 2-7M2. LARGE warehouse space for rent or lease. Cement ;loors, brick build ing. Down town. Inquire H. I Stiff Furniture Co. Phone 3-91R5. 702 Siloing Rooms. Board COMFORTABLE large front room, steam hrai, lavatory. 472 N. Lib erty. LARGE beautiful furn. rm. Also bachelor apt. Gentleman. 539 N. Winter. SLEEPING ROOM loiVntir7n"atv Outside entrance. $4.00. week Phone 3-37HH. HOUSEKEEPING rm PnfebTith! entrancr.Jstf1oor. $30. Ph. 4-5R85. CLEAN, quiet, near state buildinsis, sh'sppinc dlst. Breakfast privilege. Ph 2-1449 SLEEPING- ROOM, kitchen fart lit li. For 1 or 2. 754 Fcrrv St. 705 Apartments For Rent NEWLY decorated, furn. oil heat. Private bath and entrance. Clean and close in. 4t2 S. High. LOVELY 3 rm. apt. Close in. Pri vate entrance. 435 N. Winter St. Girls preferred. 2 ROOMS. Private bath, entrance, re frigerator. Adults. Reasonable. T..5 I S i.-th St. 1 f.5 UNFURN. Utilities paid 1 bed- room. t-;tf-i2. 12th and Chemekcta. Ph. FURNMSHED modern 2 room apt. Within 5 blocks of down town. 15 per month. Ph. 2-1M7. 444 N. Cot lage. COMPLETELY furn. for gentleman. 1 and 2 rm. apts. 255 Cenier. Gen. Real stat. 700 Rentals 705 Apartments for Rent 3 ROOMs and bath furn. utilities. Paid except (as. Adults. 137.50. 1301 S. Com'l St. Ph. 3.6254. REALLY CLEAN 3 lge. rm. and bath. Utility rm. and auto, washer, rcw f airgrounds Ka. Ph. 3-BS11. FURN. 3 RMS. Prl. bath, entrance. Clean, light, adults. 660 N. High. 3-6375. 3-BEDROOM furnished apt. Utilities included. 55. ZU5U Myrtle. I WILL rare for children. Nice apt, for mother. 4-3580. MODERN furn. court apt., close-in, bus by door, garage. Available Feb. 1. Ph. 4-4936. 3 ROOMS and bath, quiet apt., $30. Water paid. Conveniently located, 2-bBlM). HOLLYWOOD, furn.. small, base ment apt. 126, single. 3-8642. 1990 McCoy 2 BEDKM. (urn. apt. Private bath and entrance. 4U. pn. 2-ma. CLOSE-IN. small, warm, furnished apartment. $27. utilities. Vba Mar ion. 2-RM. FURN. apt.. $16 mo. FJderly gentleman only. Can give work for part rent, pnone a-ozio. FURN., carpeted 3 rms., bath. Adults. $65, Including utilities. 1133 Che meketa. Phone 2-5430! 2-R.nnM.. FURN.. main floor ant. Private bath and entrance. Light and water furn. $25. 1620 terry. Phone 2-3101. ATTRACTIVE unfurn. 4-rm. apt. Range and refrlg. 1140 S. 13th. MODERN nicely furn. 2 bedrm. apt, Turner Ore. Ph. Salem 4-3497. CAPITOL PLAZA 1 bedrm. furn & unfurn. 1165 Che meketa. Ph. 3-8630. LARGE apt. with garage for rent, 710 Cross. Ph. 3-5954 VERY fine 1 bedroom apt., furn. Refrig., stove, water lurn. Ph. 4-5996. 1656 S. 13th. 2 BEDROOM very nice apt. Furn. and unfurn. Refrig., stove, water furn. Ph. 4-6447. 820 N. 14th. PRIVATE 3 room, bath, all elec. range, refrig. 1460 N. Summer. 3 LARGE room apt., nice and clean, good location, utilities furn. Reas onable. Ph. 4-6551. NEWLY FURNISHED one-bedroom apartment, lot of closets, ceiling fan, double sink, ample cupboards, large sunny room, hardwood floors, handy laundry, garage. W. Salem. Ph. 3-8347. 3-ROOM furn. apt. Prlv. bath. 705 N. Liberty. Ph. 2-6SM7; FURN. 2-rm. court apt. Available Feb. 1. 1065 Madison. 4-4754. NICE 3-RM. furn apts. Close In. Private bath, $35 to S55 per momn. Inq. 1595 N. Cottage. Ambassador Furnished apts. 550 N. Summer l-ROOM furnished apartment, second floor, for 1 or 2 women. $28. Util ities pd. 1580 Center St. MOD. UNFURN. court cottage, walk dlst.. available 18th. pn, 3-5ZH. S-ROOM Furnished Court Apt with garage. $53. Close in on No. Com'l. Ph. 2-8648 or 3-6644. 3 RM. FURN., 2 rm. furn. Close in. Private entrance, pain, j-bius. PRIVATE 3 room court apts. Clean, furn.. $45. Adults. 3560 Portland kq. 1-BDRM. modem furn. court apt. $55. Ph. 4-1761. 3 RMS. furn. Utilities paid. Women preferred. 15M state. 1-BDRM. apt., unfurn., steam heat. $50. Ph. 4-1453 alter p-m. ?ia-i S. Coml. St. CLEAN 3 room furnished apartment. Private entrance, oam. utilities furnished. 419 S. 19th. CLEAN 1 rm. furnished apt. Irttl- ltlea furn. $27.30. rn. x-whm. zmi Hazel Ave. FURNISHED apartments. Close-in Fh. 2-8740. 323 s. winter. 707 Houses For Rent FEB. 13th, lovely, nearly new, large. 1 bedrm., nv rm., ameiie, umiiy. Lots of cupboards and closets, range and refrig. All electric. In Court ne.ir General Hospital $60. Ph. 2-1005. BEDRM. furn. hm. Walking dis tancc, sou th. Ph. 3-3101. Ed Byrki t . MALL 2 bedrm. nice, clean, close in. $55 mo. Ph. 2-5115. NEWLY decorated 2 bdrm house at 3375 Nee f Ave. Phone 4-3902 . CLEAN, furnishrd. Close to stores. Ph. 2-7148. LGE. LIVING rm. 2 bdrm. Birch kitchen, utility Ac garage. Close to Super Market and school. $1.7.50. 2-2114. UNFURNISHED new one bedroom. large rooms. Lots of closet, cup boardspace. Auto, heat. $50. 4-3602. RM. HOUSE, garage. Good loca tion. Call week ends or eve. 4-6398. UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom modern home, .-itt.ir.icd gar.iRe. garden sn.K'e. on bus line. Close to shop pins: renter. Adults nnlv. $35. Smith Heal Ks I a t e . P h . :i-7007 . BEDROOM house, auto, oil cir culator. Electric rnnEP and water. Ali-o furn. and unfurn. bungalow. Ph. 3-7448. COMPLETELY furn. 1 bdrm. home. For more .nformatinn ph. 3-3289. 255 Ccner St.Gcn. Rral Estate. ONE HEDRM. unfurnished house. Ga rner, water turn. 625 E St. UNFURN. 2 bdrm. house. $35. 1480 Park. Ph. 4-5718. CLEAN, 2 bdrm. house. Near 4 Cor ners, inquire 4081 (.lenwnod. Ph. 2-0416. CLEAN, neat l'i bedrm. home. On acre, l.lose-m. Last. 4-4Bfi2. 1-P.EDH. home. H50 N. 17th. Wood Ph. 4-1R73. furnace, ref. required. FOR SALE or rent 5 bedroom mod ern house. 3-bedroom modern house. 2-room house. modern house. Good repair shop. Ph. 47F22. FOR RENT or sale, modern 2-h&rm. unfurn. home. Garage. 3lfi6 Brown Rd. $50tno. Ph. 4-5705. UNFURN. $75 per mo. Modern with firepIace;Ph..,.-572a. UNFURN. I Ire. hdrm., electric hrat" $:.5. Ph. 3-,H;;4 alter 5. ONE bedrm. house, newly renovated, auto. heat, g.irace. Next to busi ness (hsl. Fruit and garden space. $4:t Water and garbage paid. Ph. NEA1 one bedroom house Wired electric range. Inquire JW5Shlppin. FURNISHED clean 1 bedroom house. 22 fit h St. $45 per mo. Ph. 2-OtM. BE SURE to see the nice newlv dec orated I bedrm. houe and "utilitv room. Elec. refrig.. 2 gag heaters, water heater and ranee. Venetian blinds 1 block from bus. $40. ph. 3-K.M9. MODERN 2" bdrm. h ou scT 1 1 d w .' "f i oor s. Venetian blinds, oil heat, garage. Al 4 Corner off State St. -5 pei month. Ph. 4-47;p. FURNISH FT sTnaJl-hdrrn. ' ""home! $57 month. Inquire al 2130 Brown Rd. incar Swegle School 1. NEAT, CLEAN. lovelv, 1-brm. house. $50. Ph. 3-71.12. VERY NICE 1-bdrm. duplex. Parllv furn.. aut-. laundry. Garage. TV antennj. Ph. 4-6375 or see at 3262 Livings n. JUST rFMODELED Nicely fur nished 2-bed room home. Electric heat. North falem. $75. Ph. 2-7787. 1 HEDRM. duplex with store room. No children. North Dtst. $45 per month Ph. 4-Kf.i. 1-PDRM. furn house. Couple only! No pet. Ph. 2-lfiKi or 2-2392. ONE-BDRM. f urn . clean and dif ferent. Inq. 147 V IRth. - I RM. ItNFURN. cottage. Elec. heat. viec. range, it. r. apiioi. a-l.tu. 700 Rentals 707 Houses For Rent UNPURN. one bedroom house 2295 N. 4th. 30. Phone 8-1082, 2-BEDRM. house. Fireplace, auto matic heat. 565. References. 2335 Center or call 2-6554. UNFURNISHED, clean. 2 bedroom house, garage, gas range, refrig. and oil heat. Close-In. $45. Fh. 2-0856. NEWLY REDECORATED modern 2 bdrm. unfurn. home. Garage, nice yard, bus by door. $60. Ph. 3-9634. FURN. SINGLE Ic double Apt. 44 N. Cottage. Ph. 2-1837. NICE UNFURN. 1-bdrm. court cot tage, range, walking dlst. Ph. 3-5211 1-BDRM., modern, range & refrig furn. $45. Ph. 4-176L FURN., 1 or 2 bdrm. duplex apt., ga rage. 949 N. Winter. Fh. 3-8980. SEPARATE entrance. 3 rm. duplex, Special rates. Ph. 2-3325. CLEAN, furnished 1-bedroom house, garage. $50. 4135 Portland Kd. 2 BEDRM unfurn. house, attached garage, elect, heat. $65. Also 1 bedr. unfurn. house $55. No pets. i mi. E. 4-Corners. 4575 State. Ph. 35652. 2-BEDROOM furnished home, elec tric heat, Insulated, close in No. 4th, $75 r o. Inquire 4450 Sllvprton Road. 1 BEDR. hoie In residential court. Unfurn., except stove & refrig. In quire Gas Station. Corner Lee and Mission. ' 2-BDRM. unfurn. older house, $17.50 No pels. Inq. 147 N. 18th. MODERN 1-bedrom court, adults preferred. Stove and refrigerator furnished. $50. Phone 3-9440J CLEAN 2-bedrm. unfurn., oil heater, hardwd. floors, att. garage. Avail able Feb. 1st. Ph. 2-6259. FURN.-unfurn. 3 rm. Laundry, ga rage. Reasonable. 3845 Portland Rd. CLEAN. FURN. cottage, garage, util ities furn., $45. Ph. 2-0084 . 2261 Hazel Ave. 709 Wanted to Rent WANTED Outstanding Auto Club from Salem would like to rent double garage or good barn to use as club house and work shop. Rent must be reasonaole. Phone 2-1065, ask for Gary. 710 Wanted to Rant, Houses 3 BDRM. ON 1 FLOOR. Prefer N. Phone 2-1105. SHOPPING CENTER executive and family need a 3 or 4 bdrm. home close in. 1 bdrm. and bath must be located on ground floor. Ph. 2-6765. 714 Business Rentals VERY CLOSE-IN 8 rooms, offices or small business downstairs, and liv ing up, or two families. Ph. 3-4359 evenings. SERVICE station and garage and house for rent. Ph. 2-4962. LEASE BUILDING 4.000 sq. ft. on corner lot vuxiuu. zi&a f airgrounds Rd. Ph. 3-7124. FOR RENT Two business buildings. one 21-ft. front bv 50-lt. deep, lor $100 per mo.: alao one 18-ft. front by 45-ft. deep for $35 per month. Located at 1141 and 1145 South Commercial St., which also is High way 99E southbound. More than 10.500 cars daily average pass here. Plenty of parking both on and off street, free. Free parking lot 75 x 150 ft. next to buildings. Clayton W. Jones. 1147 S. Commercial St., Phone 3-6755, Salem, Oregon. WW Ronl Estate CORRECTION DORATHY S. NELSON IN YESTERDAY MORNING'S OREGON STATESMAN, THE ABOVE NAMES WERE PLACED UNDER THE WRONG PICTURES. NELSON & NELSON REALTORS NEW LOCATION 1S! S. Commercial 3 BEDROOMS SUBURBAN - $8950 Thai's right!! and you should see It!! A very neat, well kept home only 4 yrs. old. a 13 x 20 living room with offset dlnlnc area, a cute kitchen and Inside utility 1 All this on a 90 X 200 lot. nicely landscaped with Harden , spare, owner will sell on CI or LwO f HA and even take a car In trade. Ask for Ted Morrison. LEE OIIMART IT'S POSSIBLE 3 large bedrooms, fireplace, oil heat and Inside utility, all. tarage Thi. S' l;,'"""'d in South Salem, owner will consider $1000 down. Call Ralph Maddy anytime It's brand new!! CAPE COD COLONIAL Northeast, st. a spacious home, perfect for lovers of period furniture garage, utility, large kitchen, separate dining, living room is 'J!..?? ,ndn-. 2 bedrooms down and 2 more up. a famllv ELUXE-prlced at 115.500. - See Louis Lorenz. y aoutile large home DELUXE priced at 115.300. NEW SUBURBAN Close in. a w,u pilnnrt 3 bedroom home with lovelv birch kitchen lots o huilt-lns and storage space, large roman brick firepl.ee. forced air oil furnace, double garage - will consider car or vacant lots Ton down payment. A nice home for JI1.500. - Call Henry Torvend OHMART & CALABA, Realtors 477 r-OlITIT ST PHONE 2-4115 . 2 41 III Eve, salesmen Ted Morrison 2-504S. Hrnrv Torvend 3..W.12 BEDROOMS-Hoine In excellent condition Corner lot. nice vard rloe. CAI.LaHnnK!ni.AYMON?ne' COnV",lon ,0 PU- c' lms. LOVELY CONTEMPORARY E.VCLEWOOD HOME-2 bdrms., plu, den .. ... .IU-,,u mm mcrior. corK BENHOr""' b"u,i,ul SELF-SERVICE LAUNDRY-Comrlelelv equipped. Doing food business rm. location. CALL G. H. CRABENHORST. JR. ' DuslnM- '" ARRESTING HOME APPEAL-Spaciousness Is the kev-note In this beautl. .' , h""1'. .Convenient to all school,. 2 lge. bdrms. with uof.K.; amc. sunapie lo expand Into, 2 bdrms. and oath. I.lv. rm din rm CAI I. J E LAW ' " W"h drCS"n' ,oml i" ir he.tln",: GRABENH0RST BROS. REALTORS 134 S. LIBERTY PHONE 2-2471 Evenlnf It J. X Law, 1.J111 R00 Real Estate ROY TODD REAL ESTATE $500 DOWN Buys l'i acres in city. 2 large build ing lots facing paved street. A 4" ACREs'viEW PROPERTY Unimproved J.nd with several ex cellent building lots. Will trade on a small farm. Good buy at $1ONE BLOCK TO LESLIE SCHOOL Liv. rm., kit. din. comb. 2 bdrms. and bath down. Unfinished attic with room for 1 rms. Basement with sawdust furnace. Corner lot 65x105. Only $7500. Roy Todd, Real Estate 2319 State St. Office phone 2-8391 Evenings call: Ruch 37915: Vander vort 26268; Ellinger 45328; Simp son 38239. 2 UNIT COURT Perfect setup for ownrr who de sires extra Income. One house has 2 bedrooms, the other 2 bedroom. 5 years old. You can iind extra value in this excellent buy. Ph. 13353, eve. 20422. Bowel & Wood( Realtors. 224 N. High. McKINLEY DISTRICT Beautiful large living rm. with nice fireplace. Din. rm., nicely arranged kitchen. 2 large bdrms. with extra large closets. Big dry basement with spacious knotty pine party room with fireplace. Price $13,750. Call Mr. Vandervort. Slsmn. 2-6268 or 2-8591 ROY TODD REAL ESTATE 2319 State 2-8591 MONMOUTH, ORE, ACRE 2-bedrm. modern home, furnished. Including 13-ft. new freezer. Good buy. $5.900. 310 S. Broad St. Forced Sale Owner leaving city, must sell, large 2 bedrm home, best of contraction, insulated, weatherstripped, 1050 sq. ft. Appraised $9100. Take it for $8000 with $1,000 down and $70 per mo. MADSEN REALTY 1326 State St. Ph. 3-5580, Eve. 4-2633 801 Business Oportunitiea FOR SALE, stock of garage and wrecking yard. Give lease to prop erty. Phone evenings 4-2941. TAVERN FOR SALE Fully equipped, pool, cards, lunch. oooins ana waiK-in cooler, very good business. No competition. Long establishment. Living quar ters. Sacrificing due to death. Mon itor Tavern. Monitor, Ore. NEAR SALEM THREE LARGE GREENHOUSES. PLUS LIVING QUARTERS, PLUS 10 ACRES. Owner wants to sell or trade down for a smaller ope.a tion. Olaf Thonstad Realtor 941 N. Capitol St. Salem. Ore. FOR SALE Garage and machine shop. In Wil lamette valley. Plenty repair work, body and fender repair, gai, tires and batteries. Good location. Write Box 164, Statesman-Journal. 800 Real Estate LYD1A T. WOOTTEN Phone J..W.9 RUDY CALABA L mm noors. DCi,..ed eel mg. lge terrace J-"1- CALL RICHARD I. CRA.' Sundays call Salesmen ,rl I H. K. Laymon. 1-51 S3 I 4 ,1 I '.'.