t s ' if f Page 12 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL,, Salem. Oregon Saturday, January 23, 1954 STEVE ROPER HOUR TTSSS you HAVE SEEN T THE TIME HAS COME 1 Me9nwhtli- wpu Fftln un..m mm it mi 2S P"1" RCADINO MY M!ND, I TO PLAY HEB PABENTS HHt-l IC BENT YOU A WOULDN'T WANT 'T AFTER I kSIV1NS BOSEBUO V 60LDIE .-ossl FC THE S BILLS r BOBE, MS. COPER ) !- MAKE CERTAIN CHAN3CS J BCEWSTER DICTION aWTAWI :SrY-rTT aTv IN IT-v r -tV . LESSONS AT 50 A A S1 J IX Vl j? Q r- L fTffcl il bubp 13 okay pop eirr ) J--fcJCj ' - rTvv a-lU-X IK-tll I . I IT'6 A SLOW WAY TO yrWpO"? f( TfLs " V A .j3 .rf I BVT'pTf I J eamVHi TMATJ HAW )t WH.i tOA UTTifc fTfa 5USOT AWlFlr AN'HINETEEM i(&U 19 MORTAL GOTTA 1 poe tuMMWimttHT a May a mimANct policy cmw ma aeMiPAM stav mate rx -rue teeter n irfi uh"xyi -v, 'i l in.vr i -ssak Rfflri ha?. a ORPHAN ANNIE ' " -iZ j I ay v 1 WE SURE WORKED FOR FORTY 1 M RICH! I ALWrlYS DREAMED pUft FKKER THIS ISO X T ABOUT l J HftRD FOR THflT f VEARS-LET I IP O' BBN' RICH SOME DAY-WELL, YpS f H W A DAY A6 ANY TO HtVEA HVESmj : 3 TWBITY-FIVETHOUSfiHD, H tT WORK FOR C p!J NOW ITS C0M6 NOW ELLA I I TALK WfTH THflT FELLER OUR V. EDWARD- D 7j NOW, EH? I AND I ARE PIXEO FOR UFE ? : ' Llh ABNER ' ' ' 9. ( Z HOPES Wl ( MATURALLY.r- IF HE. ISN'T V- A 1 J I AND WHEN THAT Y AH-o".'.'- 1 W WE GITS A 1 OH V- THOSE HORNS V OPERATED ON I OANQEROUS 1 HAPPENS,THE U.S. k LOVES . i I Ak,viMr CUSTOMER rDOCTOR'M ARE SQUISHING A IN SO DAYS- N ONE.' GAME WARDEN (tH'U.S.- 1 HOPALONG CAPSIDI " HOUR ESBnBRBBCZrZPmmmS!3 sosev. ouea ) its a LOTwoess'N twat.' cont risk, if sandebAon wi6 6iwf P S- I... F0B3OT. J VOUNEeO FRE.SW AIB THlSMlNft'S FILLED WITH FOlSONGiSES h VOU'VI GOT A KEV Y WHAT'S EATIN'VOU, I'M BUSTIN'OUTTH'LOOt THB FUMS PBmvOU GUNP 05ULP 0 SJS'WI ?,ZJIKI'T SHV0'19 VAULT DOOR J KOWUSBOTHTO &UW SSSfeSS1' JS'fSSy, . T&rlhSsimL rUO SMITHEREENS.' THEBS'5 ff JNLE5S TH SAMCCSiON X.Mi'S 0ON8 kil "w"" J 1'Kf Ci II ANOTH6R. WAV OUT... I FUWES'KILU i fypi- Jt'u-d'I WEgES VfiiVi'8 RtBT, 7 MUXT te JEFF w ' ... KRX i Ka,-'.WELL' NIX, ( THEN WHAT) (WELL,1 ( IMTlREO TONIGHT' 1 f i.A I I THEN ILL SING V DiD I 1 CAM T no ILL I ...I?' I wcul,ci sci n, i uei9 ill . . . . 7 n rT -. II I WHY LION r YOU 1 t TOW fiUT r i?ycj 'jj r pop .7l HEX MOItOAN. IM P. V y --"BLrHI H r I'VE BEEN ROPS60.' V I I jlfiEfil (UlLl CONE.' LANDROS TI 1 as conkad bl'odin6ton goes to l L. fTSl ?YS??Xift'tw .-. .TJT check mis safe in the ubkarv, y f W5 V l'i l - o. il&''A Irt" DONALD Dt'CK , tl (S) f li I JU3TAAMMUTE!lCOUTh!N. A L. I fe i 'I nsrsr"!! t VOU'RE OlNki ON A PICNIC (JIT fTO 6Et? EA5LV m-.v ': fT Z-lfiMi1 I AT ThiS TiE QC NIoHT.. lOg A CNASoS.'j S; - . SI TfWSDjL Ti 11: PSrS!!! IplcTl I TWT TWO A ONLY 0 . M,,W0RT,... . "1 j I ' v wol RADIO PROGRAMS 00:00 MONDAY P.M 00:15 00:30 00:45 ROOM & BOARD By Ahrrn KILM Top Tridel ROCO World New! KGAI Noon News ROIN MaclfiJ w-w GW Archrr. Newl KCX Haul IUrvr Nwi IGT Midday Mullc IMidday Mutc I Spider ISpidet Come Get II Home Party IRoad of Life Pepper Vouni Noon Edition San) Hayea Slrala Melodlet IRitrhie I Spider Diouw Party Happinew The Todds Kil.M B't Shopper iMulc Boom Music Room Muiic Room KOCO Magic Melody IMamc Melody IMafic Melody IMalic Melody BOAE News pack Horner Uak Horner 4acl( Horner KilIN llillino Houe Arthur CodfreylArthur GodfreyiArthur Codfres HOW Backilare WlfelSlslla Dallas llWldder Brown Woman m Use IX Kay West iKavWest IKav West IKa Welt RiLM News ISIar Time INew iBtnd to Remem OCO Magic Melody IMaglc Melody IManf Melody Magic Melody KOAI News ISpider ISpider ISpiaer . . A.l.... rull..uUriki.. r!MlfravUFlliiir ft w fr.t- 'flirt UllHV Just Plain BIU F. P Tarrell ILorenw Jones Pa-s to Marnr Til 1. lUn.t.H Qluk. lLln...H DWk iVl.Ttm KOIN KflSI tlX Marlln Block KKLM Hughes Reel Tello Test KOCO Aflern'n News iTune Time KGAB News ISpider ROIN Wliard of OddslMake Up Mind KOW weJcrs iTravelere KEX For Clrls IFor Girls IKIrkwood lKtrkse4 (Piano Pattern 'Rewarch ISpider tSvoder iRobt. Q. Lewis TuneriiUv ymiri iDr. Paul jl.ife Beanllful I For Culs IFor Girls K8LM t'ullon Lwla OCO Music u want KGAI KOIN BOW iH.mlnrwav I.Music U Want News IDisk Si Needle Klrkham News 'Berch Show Ray Anthony IMuslc Hox KEX Afternoon Edit, liuuirrel Cafe (Curt Masaey IMusic V Want IDisk & Needle iArt Kirkhatu IMusic Box 'Squirrel cage. tsam Hav iMumc it Want Off IArt Ktrkham IArt Baker 1 11 Hour of Stars K0LM Babby Benson KOCO Show Time KOIN E. R. Murrow HOW Bill Stern KEX Hour of Stars IBabbv Benson IWld Bil Hic'ok ftV Id BUI HlcVok IShow'Time ISecondLook IResenvd for U News I World Today Go?a News I Archer. News IJcs. Mason iKaltenborn IHour of Stars lllunllev News Bob Caned KII.M Gab Heater KOCO Candlclmht KOIN Radio Theater KGW Relax Music KEX Home Edition Perry Como ICandlelight Radio Theater IRelax Music I Bill Stern IVirgU Pinkley I World New s Radio Theater I Sam Hi rat !88 Keys Radio Theater (Can U Top ThisiNatlon's Busna ISports Edition l Happy Time KSLM The Falcon ITh! Falcon ICud This Be UlCud This Be U KOCO Rosary (Stars Sine IMusic ISports Report KOIN Camel CaravanlCamel Caravan! Talent Scouts Talent Scouts KOW M'Gee ii MollvlAlex Dreler IStevens Show IStevens Show KEX Lone Ranger ILone Ranger tHenry Taylor Headl. Edition KSLM Memory Rocm IMemorv Room ILet Geo. Do ItlLet Geo. Do It SOCO Track 1400 ITrack 1490 ITrack 1490 ITrack 1490 OIN Movie Theater Movie 1 nearer wwcil laoinai ramuy OKenon KGW I Man's Family News of World Railroad Hour Railroad Hour KEX Symphonette ISymphonette IJ. Vandercook IFav. Music KSLM Hardy News Mut. Newsreel IPlatter Parade Harry Wismer KOCO Track 141)0 ITrack 1490 ITrack 1490 I Night News KOIN Beulah iPaulii Ford I Suspense Suspense KGW Phone Hour IPhone Hour -Bandwagon IBandwagon KEX Hollywd. Thtr. Illnllywd. Thtr. iDccision IDecision KSLM Fulton Lewis KOCO Nocturne KOIN 6 Star Final KOW Richfield Repr. KEX Final Edition Platter Parade I News iNocturne INocturne ICook Guest Bk IChmbr Forum ISports final I Heritage IDanco Tim I Dance Time- IPlatter Parade I Nocturne Chmbr Forum iHeritase I Dance 'tm KSl.M Under Arrest KOCO Nocturne KOIN Record Show ROW News KEX Dance Time Under Arrest IMidnight MelodiMldnlght Melodl INocturne INocturne INocturne Record Show Record Show 111:55 News I Jess Mason ICity Council ICIty Council I Dance Tim I Dance Tim I Dance Tim KOAC 550 ke. Monday 10:00 a.m. The News and Weather; 10:15 Especially for Women: 10:30 Home Economics Extension Specialist: 11:00 Oregon School of the Air Standard School Broadcast: 11:15 Concert Hall: 12:00 News and Weather: 12:15 p. m. Noon Farm Hour; 1:00 Rlde'Em Cow boy: 1:15 Oregon School of the Air Land of Make Believe: 1:45 Phil Kalar Sings: 2:00 Especially for Women: 2:30 Memory Book of Music; 2:45 Oregon School of the Air Fire Legend of the Kllkltats: 3:00 Oregon Reporter: 3:15 Music of the Masters: 4:00 Adventures In Re search; 4:15 On the Upbeat; 4:45 News Commentary; 5:00 Children's Theater; Jerry of . the Circus; 5:30 Industrial Safety; 8:00 News and Weather; 6:13 Tom Roberts Organist: 6:30 Flying Time . 6:45 Let There Be Light; 7:00 General Extension Jour nal' 7:15 Evening Farm Hour; 8:09 Unlv. of Oregon: 9:00 Music That En dures; 9:45 Evening Meditations Dr. Hovland. OSC Dept. of Religion; 10:00 Sign Off. TUESDAY 6 A.M. to 1 1 :45 A.M. 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 KSLM News Summary Music TlmekprlNews March Tim KOCO Early Worm lEarlyWorm lEarlyworm lEarlyWorm i MrK. ivook lurx. nook inrK. ook IKoln Klock IKoin Klock Koin Klock iDave West pave West Dav West lOre.Farm Hr. IOre.Farm Hr. tore. Farm KGAB Hrk, Nook KOIN R.F.D. Oregon KGW Dave West KEX Ore Farm Hr. Hr. KSLM Hemingway KOCO News KGAE News KOIN Koin Klock Johnny Will News Break. Gang Break. Gang INews lEarlyWorm IF.arlyWorm lEarlyWorm IBrk. Nook Brk. Nook Brk. Nook Macleod News IGoss News IBabbittShow Country Editor IButher's. News iKnox Mannlnf f v Acronskv Bob Garred iBob Hazen . 1191. 11 LSC1I Druwn rainu.r iulri nesi ii.v.ii nm n.v.u l KOCO Early Worm lEarlyWorm lEarlyWorm INews fi KGAE News ISpider ISpider ISpider KOIN ;onsum. News IValle News Morn Varieties I Rosemary KfiW The Old SuiigslTh Old Songs Old Songs lOld Songs KEX Break Club Break Club Breakfast Chlbi Breakfast Club KSLM News ICap. Jomment KOt'O Ray'F Records iRav's Records News ISpider Wendy Warren (Aunt Jenny News, Mils. BoxlFor You News IStars Today Pastor's Call Ray's Records Spider Jlclen Trent Worn, in Love I Bargain IRay's Records ISpider IGal Sunday woman In Love Mod Romances! Ever Since Eve KSl.M Glen Hardy ITelloTesI I Ballad Box IBallad Box KOCO Ray's Records I Ray's Records IRay's Records I May's Records KGAE News IMr. Smyth IMr. Smvthc I Mr. Smyth OtVUlI" mian or Liie i ivim rcrmns lur. iviaiono ItiUining Light KGW Brad Reynolds ! Brad Reynolds Strike It Rich Strike It Rich tl W fTh.t H lintl.V I I.nm X, Ahnur iT.,.. Gin... IT-... Cln... KSl.M Wonderful CttyiWonderful City Queen for Day Queen for Day KOCO Ray's Records I Hay's Records Rav Records IRav's Record KGAE Dinner Winner Spider ISpioei ISpider KOIN 2nd Mrs BurtonlPcrry Mason iNorah Drake HrlghterDay KGW Bob Hope IP. Fredricks IPhrase Pays 'Second Chanc KKX Whispering Sts.l Girl Marries Or. C'cnl. Stn. I Gr. Cent. Stn KOAC 45U K.c. 10 00 a.m. The News and Weather; 10:15 Especially for Women: 11:00 Oregon School of the Air School Health Committee 11:15 Concert Hall; 12 00 The News and the Weather; 12:15 Noon Farm Hour; 1:00 Ride 'em Cowboy; 1:15 Oregon School of tue Air; 1 ::to Guest Star 1:45 Reading for Fun: 2:00 Especially for Women Security for the Home Front: 2.30 Memory Hook of Mllstc: 2:45 The Oregon Sr-honl of the Air Whal's that Word; 3:00 The Oregon Reporter: 3:15 Music of the Masters: 4:00 Spot light on Asia: 4:15 On the Upbeat: 1:43 Poetic Patterns: 5:00 Children's Theater; 5:30 This Week In Wash ington; 5:45 OSC Air ROTC: 6:00 The News and Weather: 6:15 Folklore of Indiana; 6:30 Tom Roberts. Organist: 5 45 The Torch Bearers; 7:00 Oregon Milk News of the Air: 7:15 Evening Farm Hour: fi 00 Music nf Crcchoslo. vakia: 8:30 Electricity nd You: 8:45 The News and the Weather: 11:00 Mu slc That Endures: 9:45 Evening Medi tations Rev. Ed Svenrlsen. Grace Lutheran Church; 10:00 Sign Off. GOING MY WAY? hum ifelR fKi .P" i-' f THERt'tL EE A LOT OF WtSHLY SklLtED ARTISTS ENTERING PAiTlNJoh IN Tti.VT ABT C0.WPETITI0M -AND TKEML TAkt ALL Tt-'t TCP C(Ct AW Vf THE J 2000 PRlZt MO'EY' " DO YOU FEEL "VOU HAVE TKt . - TALENT KJ MIX -V IN THAT I HMP INDEED I'LL HAVE VOU KNOW LAD, THERE WAS A PUFFLE VAN REMBRANDT INI MY ILLUSTRIOUS FAMILY TREE.'- AND THAT GREAT ART GENIUS MAY WELL KINDLE AGAIN TO BLAZING BRILLIANCE IN MY WORK.' t V hirrrn krtW Z'Sk class? genius LI 1 1 '' vXW ri i tAn for tm?E; H ir--jfy Z ; BH!ita ACROSS I. Upper part 4. The rainbi-. 8. Book of the Bible 12. Danish money of account 13. Large body of land 15. Former Rumanian, queen 17. String 18. State of the Union: abbr. 19. Kind of Egyptian' crown 20. Labor 21. Large weight 22. Bushy clump 23. Area 24. Give tern porarily 25. Alterna tive 26. Wheeled vehicles 27. Deposit of loam 28. Perform ance 30. Black wod 32. Location 33. Exists 35. Repose 36. Celestial body 37. Insect 38. Card with a single spot 39. Mimic 40. Too 41. Therefore 42. Smooth 43. To the time that 44. Heights 47. American humorist 48. Tear apart CRAPEISflBRA I IN S R ATillJEA RIUE J ONQTIA MEN TOGO " D nTTHrE GnB A R NORliTylAniiti SIMfeJUT ' P1E1S TAlsaYitiiA" rnll1n!g OR "I rlEnSpP YflUAR a vDa pEEEkSHkE LfSSElllDEAF EN "SlTlElElRlstlDlRlYlAlDlS Solution of Yesterday'! Puzzli 49. Unit of force 50. Legal action DOWN 1. Garden fruit 2. Eloquent speaker 3. Peeled 4. Frozen water 5. Artificial language i t s -jM s e j H a ) it u " p ' if " " ZZP!lZZ8l! llZEZZZZZlzZZZlZ lZll Jit . M. H 11 IS 16 W,. 17 fd 6. Want oi agreement 7. Mercantile 8. Also 8. Myself 10. Edible bulbs 11. Small tables 14. Weary 16. Provided that 20. Tidings 21. And ten: suffix 23. Clown 24. Pillage 26. Copper coin 27. Prevarica tor 28. Ascended 29. Laceration 30. Rubber 31. Pass from one state into another 33. Within 34. Neck pieces 36. Payout 37. Place of sacrifice 39. Mail and farewell 40. Article 42. Termination 43. Utilize 45. At home 46. Type measure Ar Ntwscolvss SIZES 2 - IMPERSONATOR LEAVES JAIL HONG KONG Wi Ma Kwing Hsi conic out of jail Saturday wearing trousers and a short hair do. He said his days of being a female impersonator are over. Ma was accused of marrying I.eong Chi Hung and keeping his sex secret while he swindled Leong out of 26 Honk Kong dollars 'about $5i. The hoax lasted 10 days. I.eong went to the police and Ma was sentenced to six weeks for obtaining money under false pretenses. CAROL CURTIS '1 fJl. 3 f -t .... 8 I illimaiilJ ... , .... .,.-&kMKMMmiJ$l& l'adio and television star Arthur Godfrey gestures to tele vision cameramen just before nationwide telecast of the General .Motors Motoratna at New York's Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. With Godfrey in the electrically powered vehicle is Harlow H. Cur tice, CM president. Earlier the Civil Aeronautics Administra tion recommended to the Civil Aeronautics Hoard that God frey's pilot's license be suspended because of the irregularities of a Jan. 7 takcott at leterboro, n. j., airport. (Ai' Wirophoto.) i ii-ii.v as a oirintiay cuke are these two dresses: oasy-to-mako : for the youngest style-conscious lady of the household wonderful ! spic and span ideas for school davs, too! ; No. 2833 is cut in sizes 2, 4. fi, , 8. Size 4: party dress, 2'n vds. 35- j in. School dress, 2U yds". 35-in. with 4 yd. for contracting col-1 lar. ; No. 2526 is cut in sizes 2, 4, 6 8 Size 4: 2'n yds. 35-in. (TWO SPEAR ATE PATTERNS!) Send 30c for each Pattern, with name, Address, Style Number rnd ' Size. Address PATTERN BUR EAU, Capital Journal, 652 Mis-! sion St., Son Krancisc-. 5, Calif. I Patterns ready to fill orders Immediately. For soerl.il hand. ling of order via first class mail include an extra 5c per pattern. Just off the press! The brand 442 NAVY AT OCE OREGON COLLEGE. Mon mouth Representatives of the Naval Aviation Cadet roctire moot Office at the Navy Air Station, Seattle, Wash., will be new 1954 SPRING SUMMER FASHION BOOK is agog from cover to cover with excitine new. - j season styles and ideas for easy on the OCE campus Jan. 29, from ! TW'iK fnrt "11,r, Rin from , , breakfast until bedtime! IN COL- 9 a m. to 3 p m. Draft problems i Oil. this book includes up to-the-as well as Navcad Flight training la5,-mln,f' fashion forecasts for and Naval Reserve Commissions .. k. j;.-.....j ,, ... m "v "v ul'"' tionai .v. A soft, draped hat which is flattering to almost any age is easily and quickly knitted of one 4-ounce skein of knitting wor steds in navy, brown, Kelly green, aqua, lipstick red or white. The I separately-made "pom poms" can be of the same color or a con trasting color. Complete knitting instructions for hat, detailed in structions for making trim arc in cluded in pattern. Send 25c for instructions for the KNITTED HAT (Pattern No. 442), YOUR NAMS, ADDRESS, PATTERN NUMBER to CAROL CURTIS, Capital Journal, 652 Mission St., San Francisco 5, Calif. Patterns ready to fill orders Immediately. For sperial hand- tins' nf nrHer 1-14 fit-. l.-. j ' ' ,,,:. lllrtll 1 include an extra 5c per pattern. L Mw.-ty.