Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 23, 1954, Page 10, Image 10

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    Pan 10
Saturday, January 23, 19S4
Oregon Ducks Elide First (Place in Northern iivisioira Today
Idaho, U-0 I
Beat OSC,
Oregon held undisputed first
place in the Pacific Coast Con
ference Northern Division basket
ball standings Saturday as Oregon
State's Beavers, pre-season title
favorites, mulled over wha' hap
pened Friday night.
Oregon, now boasting I 4
record, just barely managed a
77-76 victory over Washington Fri
day night, and Oregon State took
its second licking at the hands
of Idaho, 70-55.
The loss dumped the Beavers
into third place with a 3-2 record
and shoved Idaho into the chal
lengers role at 4-2.
Washington and Washington
Slate share the cellar with 1-4
records. The Cougars were idle
Friday night.
Oregon had its way during the
first half of the Ducks Huskies
game at Eugene, but the Wash'
ingtons struck back in the second
half and had the Ducks tied at
70-all before the Webfoots snapped
Jerry Ross walked off with high
point honors with 17 for the Ducks.
Dean Parsons dropped 14 through
the net far the Huskies.
Idaho, rated the division dark
horse before the teams started
playing for keeps, played the part
to the hilt. The Vandals punched
the Beavers, Wade (Swede) Hal
brook notwithstanding, into the
ropes after the opening buzzer and
kept them there all the way.
Halbrook did his scoring best to
keep the Beavers in the game,
with 35 points for his night's
work, but the Vandals team play
speed and clever ball handling
more than offset Halbrook s per-formance.
Oregon and Washington hook up
again Saturday night at Eugene
and Idaho again hosts Oregon
State at Moscow.
4 13 W'r.f-lf 3 2
9 S llnlin .f 3 S
4 14 And .c 4
9 12 Holl .K a
9 10 P.lgo.g 1
1 4 Rnss.f il
1 .IStnul.r 0
3 lOBell.c-f 0
1 1 Gla's.c 0
Ha'es.f 4
Voest.f 9
Bryan, f 4
Para'ns.c 4
jonn n.g a
Trlpp.g 4
Olson, f 1
Cosh'w.e 1
Patn'e.g 3
Halle.g 0
2 12
9 14
3 11
1 2
0 17
2 0
9 3
0 0
3 10
ri w
nPFln I OW Don Kndres, Sacred Heart forward,' bends low to
JbliU ivn keep lhe bali away from saiem Academy, which
the Cardinals did pretty well throughout the game. At left,
arms, high is Bruce Daik, while at right is Loren Heman (No.
11) of Salem Academy end at far right is Jim Moriarly, Sacred
Trio Still Tied for Lead
In Capitol League Play
Totals 27 22 29 7fl Totall 25 27 20 77
Washington 2.1 8 21 2478
Oregon 19 21 19 1877
Free Ihrnwi missed Washington
Vnegtlln, Bryan, Parson fl, Tripp 3.
Olsen, Patnce 2, Halle. Oregon Hal
berg 4. Anderson 4, Bell 3. Ross 4.
Official!: McCullough and Oakland.
(70) Idaho
lx F P T
9 21
1 19
9 JO
3 S
2 2
9 4
1 3
O 0
Oregon lute (55)
V!ai..f 4 0 1 SMTn.f S
Hallg'nr 2 0 9 4Flynn.( t
Halb..c 11 13 2 39 Morr .c 4
Unb ns.g 1 0 2 2 Gar'n.g 3
Toole.g 0 0 3 0 Fal'sh.g 1
Whit'n.f 0 O 1 OKulll .c 1
nnm'ff.f 0 O 1 OTolt'ng 1
Patilua.f 0 0 0 0 Bau'r.g 0
Jnrboe.g 2 2 5 9
Fund..g 0 0 10
Totali 20 19 21 99 Total! 29 20 21 70
Oregon State 19 fi 1:'
Idaho 17 13 13 2770
Free throw! miffed: Oregon Stale
Vlaatcllca 4. Halbrook IS. Toole 2.
Jarhoe. Idaho Melton, Flynn 2, Mor
rison 3. Garrison . Saltier.
Officials: Al Llghlner and nil,
Central, Sacred Heart, and Stay
ton are slill tied for the lead in
the Capitol league, after all three
came through with wins last night.
Sacred Heart beat Salem Academy
58-43, Stayton trounced Philomath
71-41, and Central edged Cascade
All three top teams have 3-1
records while Cascade is next with
a 2-2 mark. Philomath has one win
and three losses while Salem Aca
demy is 0-4.
W L Pet. W L Pet.
Central 3 1 .750 Cascade 2 2 .500
Sac. Hrart 3 1 .750 Phllomth 1 3 .3.10
Stayton 3 1 .750 Salem Ac. 0 4 .000
Friday results: Central 51, cascade 47
Sacred Heart 511. Salera Academy 43,
Stayton 71, Fhllooiath 41,
Basketball Scores
Central Rallies
In the Alleys
Cardinals Drop
Salem Academy
By 58-43 Tally
Capitol Alleys
Snider Klertrle (4) Hoover 'MH.
Drake 473. Klrkniitrlck ;CB. Holtnn
2!I4, Atkinson 354. Marion Creamery
(O) Herrlg 335. Goode 25". Feld
irhatl 2R5, Knox 303, Payne 203.
5 Wrong Numbers 4 Turnhull
412. Dougherty 225. Hlldrcth 4H3, Mer
rell 4U4. Bun h 303. Illue Lake 0
Bower 1IM. Unman 2IH. i;eyer 2H7.
Slnltenberg 2H5. Sinn 355.
Illrkson's Mkt. (4) Mehnn 3flt, Mr
Morris :too. lltrons 111, Muther 2fir).
Frtess 3!i7 The Hub () Amen 332,
Drfieer 351, Nolan 35B. Fields 370.
Aliney 310
Cascade Meal (4) Admits 327. Vogt
314. Amumi 204. Monner -UK. Huul
401. Fed. tire. AK'y (01- Wolte -Wit.
ttlind 273, Blind 375. F.sch 313. Urnim!
W. C Over A Son I4 Davis 30
Scott 454. Davis 410. Over :!.'.. Teke
351. filesy A t;reer (Ol I'avlow 3fi3.
r.;irdnrr 312, Shndof 2H, Hewitt 2AH.
Meffert SSI!.
Wllrsis. lafe CO-Wllitu 451. fa-e
350. JenMns 410. Heinonen 305. Shjitld
4L'7 l.add's Market (I) -Hannum 4ll'J.
Black 413. W.ltller 21. Mmlrv 341.
W.lkalls 3S0
High '.earn series. Wilcox Cafe. 2012:
hlfh lean game. Wilcox (;fe, T'.:
hifh erles. I, Drake. 473:
hieh individual game, F. H.iiinttni.
To Top Cascade
The Central high Panthers came
from behind here Kriday night to
beat the Cascade Cougars 51-47.
Central is tied for the Capitol
league lead with a 3-1 mark,
while Cascade has a 2-2 record.
The Cougars led 11-9 at the
end of the first quarter and 26
19 at halftime. Cascade held a
Bv DON WICHMAN 5",m MM miru quarter iraa dui
fU- t- 1 II 1 l;l,. " .....v
took a little stronger hold on the I Tim Alsjp,s 20 poin(s d
first place posititm in the Capitol j ,c winnerSi wh,le his teammate
league Kriday night when they , (:,irri.. Drunk- hart 13 Hill nn.wn
iook a aa-tJ win ironi ine lour
time losing Salem Academy Cru
saders. Vincc Malt took the spot-light
for the Cardinals, pushing
through 25 points, a total just
four short of his record this sea
son. Staah followed Matt with 11 1
counters and Kladwood took in J
ten. The two top men for the
West Salem quint were Virgil
Fanrnrccht with 14 ann rnunps, c n
who hit is. ! Stayton Romps
tiic HiDie Acatietny commuted
22 fouls as In a total of nine for
the Cardinals, giving tr Sacred
Heart squad plenty of time at
the free line.
The Cards took a Ifi7 lead in
the first quarter and stayed out
front all the way with a halftime
had 10 and Gene Winkle had 14
for Cascade. Central also' took
the junior varsity game 5641.
Johnson ifi) H F 101 Mickey
Brunk (131 F ifli Spcer
Freeman i0 C (II P. Klnlon
Nelson 131 tl (161 Brown
Fratzke 171 G (141 Winkle
Reserves scoring: Central Alslp 20,
Cascade Wlpper 2.
Officials: Kolb and Bates.
Central 9 l!t 34 31
Cascade . 11 2d 33 47
IK as four Kagles hit the double
ligures. M.iyton tok the JV con
test 38 34.
Duck Pins
Mixrn iru.t K
tWavtri Cliff R(tffra tnlrf
Ooltinh r.1 Rfrttftn 17; AnrJr j
nolflby 404. Hrrlplnnrr lit Car)
Onlrifthy 33K: Norm Oolrtiby 310: Rrmpfl
Wood 13
FlnM (I) NHnt Ml: Klnflflfl 37f:
rvfn(1n Jft: Wtvi .H TfrmtlM t
RnT.tfl in?, fForffil 4 (.rrif
tlrtrlfrr (3. Oltlrnwiifr mi. Yount
110; rrKlr 3i.: I.npfr 411 UrniUrt il)
Nrln..! iM; fnfon tn. Tffiy Crh!rf
44!: Loiitnf rrhtrt? ?M
H'th tmm rrtr, I.inri7rr jwi: huh
tm nmf. l"-nirr. Sr huh in-l m
n and titn. Troy CmMm, 449 n1
Over Philomath
Stayton The Stayton Eagles
scored a convincing 71-41 win
over Philomath here Kriday
night to keep the Eagles in first
place in the Capitol League race.
Stayton jumped into a 27-9
score of 30 24 and third period ! first quarter lead and held a 43
tnllv nf 43 31 The final Bun c.ive I 1 halftime margin. The third
the' Cards a 5K 43 victory. ! quarter tally was 65-32. Wayne
Thi. uin nivn SUA a 3.1 win. I Minion paced the winners with
loss record and throws them into I
a three way first place tie with
Stayton and Central in the Cap-'
itol League circuit. The Cards
next league go is with Philomath 1
on the Warriors' floor next Wed
nesday. SUA took the JV mix. I
Sarr Heart OS) (II) Sal. Illhle Acad
Mon.irtv (71 F nil Wallace
HonilHNry (41 -. F i3i Schnrdcr
Staah ill) .... V . (141 F.ulenrecht
F!.idoid IIUI .. i . (131 Phillips
Mitt 1251 f!
Reserves scoring: MIA Barr (Cl 1
SUA fierce ic I. Halftime score:
Sac lit :.n. Sal Acad 21
Officials: Nelson and Fvans.
l.ebatn. Wash . high school, lin
be.ilen in 12 tames this season,
will play at Salem Academy at 8
o'clock tonijhl hut will he minus
its big center who averages la per
game. Coach Boh Kunk ot the
Xcademy said he probably will
Eugene S3, flalem 52
Kuiene JV 62, Salem JV 4t
aervala 88, Sublimity 4!
Mill City ,, Chtmswa 57
Jefferaon 73, Oetiolt 41
Sclo 45, OSD 41
St. Paul 43, dates It
Yamhill 45, Sherwood 31
North Marlon SO, wiUsmlna 34
Sheridan 53, Dayton 47
Stayton 71, Philomath 41
Central SI, Cascade 4T
Sacred Heart 88, Salem Academy 43
Sstacada 43, Mt. Ansel 37
Sandy 81, Sllverton 47
Molalla 69, Woodbum 4t
Dlllas 84. Canb; 49
Falls City 59, Valsets 58
Perrydale 50. McLaren 45
Tillamook Catholic 73, Star of the Bea.
Afttorla, 50
Wet Linn 88. McMlnnvllls 11
Tnledo 41, Lebanon 38
Alsea 39, Blleli 38
Forest Orove 54, Tlsard 48
Monroe 38, Halsey 37
Nestucca 81, Taft 50
Medford 41. Ashland 37
Corvallls 58. Sprinsfleld 43
Prlneville 88. Madras 48
Willamette 84. Oskj-ldse SI
Cresw-ell 85, Elmlra 85
St. Francis. Eusene. 58. Plssnt trm
Neshkahnlt S3, Knappa 30
Harrlsburi 43. Shedd 34
Uaupln 48, sisters 40
MrKensle 70, Lorraine 40
La Orande 70, John Day 40
Burns 87, Redmond 45
arson Pass 84, Klamath Palls 80
lone 84, Lexington 47
Clatskanle 82, Scappoose 45
Kesdsport 88, Roseburg 48
Newport 41, Sluslaw 36
Cleveland 65, Lincoln 63 overtime
Jefferson 86, Grant 88 overtime
Roosevelt 44. Ilenson 33
Wsshlnston 62. Franklin 61
Mllwaukie 85. Park Roje 35
asuion-rreewatrr 77. The Dallas
mp:ric.n So. Cohore 41
Prairie Cltr 51. Dayvllle 50
Joseph 46. La Orsnrie JVs 45
P'ndlston 64. Hermliton 57
Chile 47. Days Creek 37
O.ikland 72. Camas Vallcv 26
Ukton 63, Canvnnvllle 30
Yoncnlla 53. Huidle 32
Ihain illi, Waldport 41
Clcnd.ile 47, Phoenix 43
Hciclsport .VI. Itnschurg 40
lleaveilon 54. Ilillshoro 33
North Bend 65. Mvrlle l'.nnl 45
.Mnrshflrld 73. Cuciuillc 46
OTI 73. OCF. 33
Irialio 70. Oregon State 53
Oregon 77. Washington 76
l.inlield 68. Pacific 6;
Seattle 72. Colorado A Si M 37
Oregon Frosh 38, OSC Books 50
t.corgc Fox B2. Reed 77
Idaho Stale 611. Western State 47
Seattle Tactile S7. Portland State 67
Set for
PORTLAND ( - The 1954 Ore
Son trout season will open May 1
and close Oct. 10, the State Game
Commission announced Friday.
The winter steelhead season will
close March 1, the commission re
ported after a second public hear
ing on tnis year s fishing regulations.
The commission turned down re
quests lor extending the steelheatf
season to March 15 and for con
tinuing of the practice of opening
various zones to trout fishing at
staggered dates.
Only minor changes were made
In tentative regulations which were
announced following earlier public
hearings. These included:
The winter deadlines on Wilson
River and Drift Creek, tributaries
of the Alsea River, will remain the
same as last year.
Lake of the Woods in Klamath
County will open May 29 along
with most other Cascade lakes
The Metolius River opening was
changed to close the river to angl
ing for a distance of 100 feet above
and below the bridge at Camp
The winter deadline on the north
fork of the Scappoose Creek was
changed to a point 200 feet below
Bonny Falls.
The winter deadline on the South
Santiam River was changed to the
Cascadia Ranger Station.
The middle fork of the Santiam
River was opened to winter angling
up to the confluence of Quartzville
The 400-foot closure below the
diversion dams on the North San
tiam at Stayton was amended to
include both the north and south
Diamond Lake opening was
changed to May 1.
The commission reDorted that
printed copies of the complete reg
ulations will be available about
April l.
Iliissiilj ipiisssn .asnsiss sl jf l jtyypitygfpst.ffmimi J.siW'i I
I A 1 m miilM f M jmMt
Martinez Stops
Casillo in Third
Round of Bout
NEW YORK br) - Once again
Vince Martinez looks like the
bright young prospect of a year
ago ail oecause he showed a lit'
tie more tiger."
Martinez grinned la it night as
he talked about his new found
"tiger" spirit after he stopped
riocKy (jasliio of Blue Island, 111.,
at the end of three rounds at Madi
son Square Garden.
Referee Ruby Goldstein and Dr.
Vincent Nardiello of the New York
State Athletic Commission teamed
up to stop it after Casillo had been
on the deck four times. They do-
KfirrVflfl P AniM. G up for the elusive ball In this
ruijuuiG hiiiuii perrdale.MacLaren game actjon Ire
left (o right, Benny Rempel (No. g), Dick Cooper (No. 7) and
the MacLaren center, No. 4. No. 5 in white is Sam Stewart
and at far right is Bob Mcintosh of Perrydale. Perrydale won
last night, 50-45. (Photo by John Bartb)
Mill City Wins First Half
Unbeaten in Marion 'B'
Mill City continues to pull
away from the other teams in
the Marion County B League
race. Mill City downed Chemawa
63 57 last night to give then a
9-0 record at the end of ,hc first
Scio and Gervais are tied for
second with 7-2 record as both
von in play last night. Gervais
beat Sublimity 56-49 and Scio
opped the Oregon School lor the
Deaf 45-41.
In other games St. Paul heat
Gates 42-34 and Jefferson defeat
ed Detroit 73-41.
Scio Outscores
W L Pet. W L Pet.
Mill City O 1.000 Jefferson 5 4 .556
Sclo 7 2 .778 Sublimity 3 6
Gervais 7 2 .778 chemasra 2 7 .322
St. Paul 6 3 .667 Detroit 1 8
Oates . 5 4 .556 OSD 0 9 .000
Friday results: Mill City 69, Chemawa
57; Scio 45, Oregon School for the Desf
41: St. Psul 42, Oates 34: Jefferson 73,
Detroit 41: Oervala 46, Sublimity 48.
play. It was the fifth league win
for the Lions.
Jefferson led 17-12 at Lhe end of
the first quarter, 36-22 at halftime,
and 56-27 with one quarter left in
the game. George Marlatt and
John Wright paced the winners
with 15 apiece. Bob Lady led De
troit with 12. Jefferson won the
junior varsity game.
OSD by 45-41
Scio downed the Oregon Deaf
school 45-41 here Friday night to
keep the Loggers in a second
place tie in the Marion County B
league race.
Th T1-,r l,,.l 1,1 la 19. -.1
cided Rocky was in no shape to the cnd of the irst quarter and;"", 5, "J"" Jefferson 36
, .. .' i k"T" . iV,:.j I 22 21 . tnc "e Scl! pfluMal,: Albrlch and V.ide.
moved out in Ironl With one ; 1st qtr. Jefferson 17. Detroit 12
quarter left 35-26.
Gordon O Reilly led the win
ners with 19 while Jim Dain had
17. For the losers, Dave Maynard
had 14 and McCamni, Lcwin, and
Neath all had eight apiece. Scio
took the junior varsity game
it went into the bonks as a third
round TKO.
The next big step in the career
of the 24-year-old Paterson." N. J.,
welter is a Garden date with Billy
SCIO (43)
O'Relllv (ID)
Bidger (7i .
Dain (17i
I'lillmath (41)
I.e.nh 141 F
l.nirainc lit) F
Vnu-cnt (41 t'
Mcaith Cll I
Kciihi ii t;
l(c-i-r'S Ncormg
olv (II, Means
(71) Htavton
l II i Neitlmg
(12) Neilson
(101 D. C.ohl
(It,) Minton
(41 Wilhulsen
Hi. (..iitcl (6
Arlrona 7, Arlrona Slate tTcinpe)
.N.l'w Western 64. Arliona
State (Fla::staffl 57
Pieclmont 7fl. The Citadel 53
"Jver-StocKton 69. Westminster
Xavlcr 74. Baldwin-Wallace S7
Dayton 71, Cincinnati JI
Stetson fC. Oeorcia Teachers 60
Morris Harvey B4. Beckley B2
Virginia Untnn .",. Moruan State 71
Howard so, Florida Southern 62
Monmouth SC. Coe 73
Cornell (Iowa) tl, Knox 73
Utah 74. Utah State 62
Hrlghain Young 2. Montana 34
Stanford SI, Alhens club t Oak
land I 5fl
Chlco Slate 55. Southern Oregon 54
Carroll 7L rn Montana Cll
Oiccon Dental 64, Oregon Medical
Trabert, Seixas
Win at Sydney
SYDNEY, Australia. Wi-Tonv
Trabert. the U.S. chaninion from siover 101
Cinrinnali nnrl Vin (soivne iKn : Mewrt (21
Wimbledon titlcholder from Phila
delphia, won their first round
matches Saturday in the Austral
ian National Tennis Champion
ships. Trabert beat Warren Kennedy,
an unseeded lefthander from Vic
toria. 6-4, 7-3, 6-4, and Seixas de
feated 20-year-old John O'Brien of
Sydney, 4-6. 6-4, 6-1. 6-3.
F IRi McCamm
. F .. (It Thompson
. C ... 114) Maynard
.. C, 1S1 Lcwin
C. 1B1 Ncsth
I Reserves scoring: Whittle 2. Half-
time score: Scio 21. OSD 22.
Officials: Reder and Cooper.
ceo. Marlatt (13) F (5) Hopson
Well! (10) F (12) Lady
John Wright (151 c in, .ram.
Cotrnan 181 o (fl) Vlckers
Meyeri (9) G IS) Snvder
Reserves scoring: Spencer 7. Wat
kins 2. Whorton 4. Daulton 5. Bow-
3rd qtr Jefferson 5fi. Detroit 27
. game Jefferson won.
St. Paul Edaes
Gates, 42-34
Mills City Whips
Chemawa 69-57
MILL CITY The Timber
wolves of Coach Burton Bor
oughs notched their ninth con
secutive Marlon County B league
victory here Friday night as Mill
City beat Chemawa, 69-57, to end
the first half on top.
Mill City has averaged 73
points per league game to get
it well on the way toward suc
cessful defense of last year's
championship. '
Chemawa was ahead for the
first three minutes, but Mill
City took over with quartertime
leaas 01 JS-H, 31-23 and 50-39.
Fouling out in the fourth quar
ter were Phil Carey of Mill City
and Pat Warren of Chemawa.
High for the Wolves were El
ton Gregory with 21, 12 of them
in the first half; AI Ward, with
18 and Jack Melting 17. For the
Indians, Warren posted 14 and
Farrcll Gallincau 13.
Chemawa pocketed the prelim
inary, 53-42, led by Robert Sam's
16 points. Don Allingson had 17
for Mill City.
Gregory is high scorer for the
season for Mill City, with 186
points in nine league games, an
average of 20.7.
Umtuch (8) ..F. (21) El Gregory
Telller (81 F (18) Ward
Leplant (5) C (6) Carey
Morin (141 G (17) Melting
Swttzler (4) G (Si Cook
Reserves scoring: Chemawa Gal
lagher 2. Callineau 13, Blackwater 3.
Mill City Thomas 2. Halftime icnre:
Mill City 31. Chemawa 23.
Officials: DILoretto and 7,itn.
7 of 10 Leading
Prep Fives Win
Seven of the top 10 teams posted .
victories Friday night as more
ST. PAUL St. Paul hich ; lnan 120 n8h scno0' basketball
school forged ahead in the sec-1 s9uads saw ac,lon throughout the
ond quarter to defeat Gates, 42 i slalc
34, in a Marion Conntv B League I , PerhaP U1" """tor upset of the
game here Friday ni"ht ! busy n'Snt was fiedmond's 67-45
ui-icttL uy purns. ncu-
Stavimt Kt-v 4 1 . E- (Iuhl Ml, ll.ttVli
Mi. Wrillrji (til. Maltlimr storr :
Sl.ivtun -4:1. riiiloiiKilh Ifi. OH Mali.:
Wnkeit nnd lirl.ind.
'Car Pool1 tn ThIcp Fnnc
Grid Giants Sign
yfetlTo Banquet of Champions
"at,r"i!,':ji, r-- . e. i. '. ., in
gcsl man ever to ioin the National ln(' ni,nlUPt of Champions at 1 bchaU of the Chicago Cubs and
Football l eague Club. A M. 275- I'ortland Feb. 4, when Bill Vecck 1 r,5jJnsi"n nf ma'"r leagues. He
pound Al.ib.imn larkle who served will speak, may sign up at Wick- B! 'a,k al 'he banquet, which
in Korea. Sliipp hopes to play this lund's sporting goods store. The Wl" b' ,n hnnnr nf outstanding
fall al 2K.Vpounds. Salem Breakfast club is sponsor- lnllv'ria's in every sport and at
tin ...... n ...1,11- i- il. i Ine a nr ,,;l c 'Which the Bill HavwarH ferhv
fi. , ., , ... ' ",,3 n v,, Willi.' Ml mi- .rillV '" - t'.'.'i ... ni,i,.niiiiH.,, C. C. 1 ...
inc Aatmnai LCSBlie 15 H fars start V trll FaHonro,'hl Mat.M 1hil. nnJ nn,,A....n -;a . I : Wl I en In hl nno whn nntmh.
i . , r. .. . . . . v . , nun tii one huh Hfimiro more man " i mi , i'n-nu-ni, sain. i . " - -- .-,,
iiki i.nrrrn i. I. io I. its inn, I..... L'.. 1 it u . . ... ...
Gervais Spills
Sublimity 56-49
Gervais The Gervais Cou
gars won their seventh Marion
County B League game Friday
nicht with a 515-49 win over the
CIIICO BEATS S.O.C.E. Sublimitv Saints. Gervais trailed
finrn cur ,n c..,( , ...:.u , u...
x-ttiti. -n' ouuillt-lll li-l Willi .IIIC qUtllll'l 111!.' UUl ,
Oregon, playing without two high-1 bounced into a 24-18 halftime
scorers, was beaten 55-54 by Chico ! lead. They led 44-33 with one
Stale College in Friday night's period remaining,
non - conference basketball game; Norm Keppinger with 19 'and
ncrc- Gib Thompson with 18 paced the
winners while James Lew.s had ,
Concotdig il'oitiandi To. Muitno- lor lhe losers. Dave Parrishl
",nL,V"'"l.-Al'r!lt'i",y,,",J , had 13 als0 'l,r Sublimity. Ger-
.SrJZ.2J- .''".!!'i1I.1h vais won the junior varsity game
1 SI IU.IM1TV (49) (5) CRKVAIS
' Parush (1.1) F(I9i H Keppinger
, Sullivan (3) F (121 Reiling
Lewis (14) - C Ill Sihlccter
Frank (21 C. 1 1 R I Thompson
Bentr. ill) . G . . 5i Fspe
Heserves scoring: Suhlimltv Wel
ter I. Ricsterrr 2. Gervais Lacey 1.
Officials: Allen and rtrown.
Siihhmlty II IS 33 49
Gervais 7 24 44 SS
Gates led 11 10 in the first
quarter, fell behind 22-15 at half
time and pulled up to within two
points. 28-26, as the third quar
ter ended. George Smith led St.
Paul with six points in the final
period and ended with 12 for the
game. Sam Smith, no relation,
had 14 for St. Paul. For Gates,
Herb Romey scored 13 and Gor
dan Devine 10.
In the preliminary, St. Paul
frosh won from the St. Paul
tirade school, 2618.
mond, which had been beaten only
once, was rated No. 7 in this
week's Associated Press prep poll.
Gresham. No. 6, lost 66-53 to
Central Catholic of Portland, rank
ed ninth.
The other favorites won easily.
First-ranked Milwaukie High over
whelmed Park rose 65-35 for its
13th victory a;ainst no losses.
Corvallis, rated second, downed
Springfield 56-42. Marsh-field. -No.
3. whipped Coquille 75-16 and Eu
gene. No 4. beat Salem 63.S2.
CATER (34)
tarnhardt (3)
Devcne (101 ....
Ham i4)
Momev 1 131
Lorson 1 2 1
Reserves scoring
Paul Rainheau 2. Halftime score
Paul 22, Gates 13.
Officials: Rawlins and Vandervort
(12) ST. PAI'I.
.. 1141 S. Smith
ifi l Merten
141 Kirsch
(4) Wolf
(121 G. Smith
Gates Vail 2. St.
Jeff Trounces
Detroit 73-41
DETROIT The .loffcrsnn Lions
trounced Detroit 73-41 here Friday,
night in Marion County B League
20c 25c
Pound Pound
1'oiing Steer lb. 30c
1325 S. 25th Ph.3-4858
lips. Ken Schreder. Harold
Icr and .lint Wallace.
-Mlis- 300 pounds. The Giants nlan to
keep him away from the kitchen. ;
Vecck. fnrmrrlv nf the Cleve
land Indians and St. Louis
By Ham Fisher
uled most tn amateur athletics
in Oregon the past year.
Sport shirts will he the attire,
since Vecck is a major exponent
of no neckties. Press for women
will be informal.
Sponsors are members of the
Oregon Sports Broadcasters and
Writers association, who will
honor the late track coach at the
University of Oregon. Past win
ners have been Morris Rocnwav,
1S48: Nick Srk.ivnne, 1!4D: Chuck
llnlloway, 1SS0: Rill Bowerman,
1951 ,and Pella Sehorn, l!).'i2.
Writers and broadcasters will
present medals to persons, am
ateur or professional, who have
been champions in their sports
the past year.
The banquet will Vie at the
Portland Columbia Alhletic club.
Charlie TjtFranchisp of station ;
KPO.t. Portland, is association
President i
another member of our team of special
ists providing you with the best of
transportation services. Jim's specialty
is packing and crating a very Impor
tant part of Twinway moving service,
as well as crating for regular freight
movement. The Klukis's are long time
Salem residents who own their own
home and are the parents of two fine
1 U3 F. Ilnvt SI. Telephone 3-9137
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fy! Send Fireplace opening
width and hcieht for nrie ind
other complete details.
1260 Woodrow-Salem