Page 2 THE CARITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Oregon Friday, January 22, 1954 In The Valley Edited by MIKE FORBES Lyons LYONS Sanliam Valley Grange held its regular business meeting nt the hall last week. Giles Wagner, master, presided over the business meeting with Fern Sletto secretary. Committees appointed were: agriculture, John Lambrecht, Frank Bcal, Lloyd Sletto, Virgil Rogers; legislative, W. R. Stev ens, Jerry Coffman, Robert Dra per, Albert Julian; executive, Lloyd Slcttn, Elmer Taylor, W. R. Stevens; building, Jake Myers, John Lambrecht, Frank Basl; re lief, Mable Bass, Alia Bodcker, Jerry Coffman; youth chairman, . Jerry Coffman; Blanche Wagner, home economics chairman. The third and fourth degrees will be put on at the next meet ing, Feb. 5. it was also announced that the Farmers Union will hold a box social at the club house in Me hama, Friday evening, Feb. 12. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sletto were honored on their 25th wedding anniversary with a gift from the grange. Mr. Adams of Gates who was working with the construction work at the M and M Woodwork ing plant in Lyons, received se rious injuries when he fell from ladder striking his back on a rock. He was taken by ambul ance to the Santiam Memorial hospital In Staytnn. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Roye were Sunday visitors in Florence, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Skoogs. Mrs. Roye and Mrs. I Skongs are cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bodeker were Sunday dinner guests at the home of their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Johnson in Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hamilton Douglas and Mar go Lee also were guests at the Johnson home. Mrs. Hampton also is a daughter of the Gode-i kers. Mrs. Russell Thiel who was overcome by gas in her home Saturday morning and taken to the Snntiam Memorial hosnital, was able to return home Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Smith took a groun cf Girl Scouts on a skat ing party Friday evening to Leb anon. Girl Scouts enjoying the party were Mabel Nydegger, Marporic Nash, Joan Trahan. Sharron To land, Knthryn Johnston and Knthryn Carr. Mrs. E. L. Roye, Mrs, Alex Bodeker, Mrs. Alice Huber of Lvons and Mrs. Corbin of Mill City, went to Lebanon Friday evening where they atlcended a shower honoring Mrs. Laddie Tesck, a daughter of Mrs. Roye. j Mr. and Mrs. George Huffman, and daughter, Miss New Highways To Be Built '54 Here is a list showing the mile' age of new construction which the Oregon Highway Commission plans to contract in the first six months of 1934, and the total amount of contracts to be awarded in each county: Baker 2.8 miles and $44,000; Ben- were over night guests at the ton and 210,000; Clackamas home of her Braandoarcnts. Mr. anl tf'8.000; Clatsop 1.99 and MAN ON THE OUTSIDE guests at the home of Mrs. Huff man's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hubbard. Saturday evening dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Le land Manning were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Weldon of Salem. They and Mrs. Barney Kirsch in Me noma. The business men of Lyons are taking a step toward having street lights installed. Some of the business men already have contributed thecir share and some of the residents have been contacted. Plans are underway to hold a benefit to help with the installation cost. Monmouth MONMOUTH Mrs. 0. A. Macy, a director, presided at the meet ing of the Civic club when they met recently at the club rooms in the city hall, beginning with a 1 o'clock covered dish luncheon. Prizes were won by Mrs. II. Hargreaves and Mrs. Clares Pow ell, chairman of the "Welcome to Monmouth project, reported sne had named a chairman for each of the 12 months and that two newcomers were called upon in last month. Mrs. E. K. Gentle,, finance chairman, announced a dinner, Friday, Jan. 22, at the city hall club rooms from S to 7 o'clock. The Well Child Conference for next time Is filled but one may now enroll for the Feb. 18 con ference. Mrs. Lester Colgan is chairman. William Barnelt Loch, student, and Joanne Marilyn Fisch, state employee, both of Monmouth, were issued a marriage license in Salem this week. The daughters of the late Ulysses (i. Heffley have sold his home on East Main St. to Kenneth Draheim, who has lived there the past year. Heffley had farmed in this area for 37 years and retired to this home in 1928, which he built. The daughters are Mrs W. J. DeBoer, Salem; Miss Florence Heffley, Portland; and Mrs. Paul Kiley, Monmouth. Hofflcy died $125,000; Columbia 20.98 and $!, 13fi,000; Lous, no miles and $145, 000; Crook 9.92 and $180,000; Curry 5.56 and $1,457,000; Deschutes 10.5 and $53,000; Douglas 25.38 and $4, 875.000; Gilliam 9 5 and $35,000; Grant 2.79 and $93,500; Harney 20.02 and $672,000; Hood River 1.1 and $42,000; Jackson .3 and $531,- 000; Josephine, no miles and $40, 000; Klamath 15.4 and $684,700; Klamath-Lake 43.6 and $131,000: Land 35.47 and $3,885,000; Lincoln 1.91 and $166,000; Lincoln-Polk-Yamhill 15.1 and $78,000; Linn 11 and $269,000; Malheur 20.3 and $980,000; Marion 29.18 and $4,997, 000: Morrow 18.9 and $77,000; Multnomah 5.85 and $2,950,000; Polk 3.18 and $133,000; Umatilla. no miles and $605,000; Union 13.6 and $78,000; Wallowa 6.77 and $191,- 000; Wasco 10.5 and $l,660,u00; Washington 15.93 and $1,265,000; Wheeler 6 and $54,000; Yamhill, no miles and $240,000. Hubbard HUBBARD The charter was draped Tuesday evening at the meeting of Arion Temple Pythian Sisters for Mrs. C. R. Amrine, and members arranged for grave side services Thursday. Mrs. Tom Baldwin resigned as press reporter and Mrs. N. A. Mann was elected to that office. For the .gram Mrs,' Baldwin briefly told about her trip flying 10 luano over me Holidays. A practice session for initiation was set for Jan. 27, at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Duane Hatcher, a MEC, and Mrs. Jack Moomaw were on the social committee and used a winter motif with 3 small snow-j men featured on the table and tiny red mittens at all the of ficers stations. This is ham radio operator J. Stan Surber, known as "Stan the Man" to the GIs at Arctic weather station, at the controls of his short wave station W9NNZ, in Peru, Indiana, through which their messages to the outside world are relayed to rela tives. His free service won him General Electric's Edison award for outstanding public service by an amateur radio operator. (AP Wirephoto) Measure for O&C Timber' PORTLAND (UP) The Oregon California Railroad Grant Lands Advisory Board, in a reversal of a ! previous recommendation, has j agreed that either scaling or cruis ing be used to measure O&C tim-! ber for sale depending on the phy- j sical and economic factors involv-' Lea. In November the board had re commended to the Bureau of Land Management that scaling be the . method used-to measure the timber. The board, meeting here yester-, day with 8LM officials, also ap-! pointed a subcommittee to work with the Bureau of Land Manage ment in studying O & C logging roaa ngm-oi-way regulations with a view to simplifying present pro cedures, and recommended that I when there were no bids for OHC ! wmoer ai ine initial sale within the specific marketing area, the BLM have authority to waive mar- neung area requirements, has been named Kim Richard. and weighed 8 pounds, 9 ounces. He has a brother, Rob and a sis ter, Kathy. Mrs. F. M. Dyer was hostess Wednesday to the Women's club and was assisted by Mrs. Lyle Kitner and Mrs. Glen Edwards. After a no-host dinner, Mrs. Herman Amos, president, con ducted the business meeting. Mrs. Glen Edwards and Mrs. Lyle Ritner were appointed to see about buying rong books for the club. Fifteen members, seven chil dren and one visitor, Miss Al berta Ronco of Newberg, were present. Mt. Angel Falls City HUBBARD Thalia Rebekah Lodge wil Imeet Tuesday eve ning, Jan. 26 at 7:30 p.m. at the Rcheknhl H.ill. A nr.-iHinp cm. last April. Mrs. Heffley died in sion will be held. 1043. The Hubbard Ladies' Aid will Cpl. Charles Carver, son of Mr. meet at Fellowship House. WpH- and Mrs. Fred Carver, Monmouth, nesday afternoon, Jan. 27 at 1:30 Huffman, and Mrs. Vernon Diger ness and little son went to Eu gene Sunday where they were IU. 1, returned to the States from Germany recently after serving there with the 43rd Division since July 1952. Carver, a rifleman in 172nd regiment's company E, en tered the army in February 1952. A new Livestock Club in Polk County was organized at the George Knaupp home Jan. 12. Knaupp will be the leader and was named Grasman of the Year In 1953 for Polk County. Officers are Allen Tow, presi dent: Jav Mcf'lintock. vice Dres- Jcanetle I ident: Pat O'Brian, secretary- If your child suddenly becomes ill Do you know how to tike over until the doctor mm,,, what you on do that may be in mpoitant help to your fluid? Can you give your doctor a goo j deicription of the symptom! by phone? You'll find complete instructions on what you can ind should do if sudden illness occuts, in February Belter Homes ft Gardens. On your news sund now ... gel it todayl Belterllomes and Cardrns treasurer; James Tow, ieporter, Mrs. Gertrude Paterson was guest speaker at the meeting of the Martha class of the EUB church Friday. She told of her recent trip to Washington. Mrs. H. Schucrmnn, Mrs. M. B. Laytnn and Mrs. Ira Davis were hostesses. Mrs. Hattio Winegar and Mrs. Viola Skinner told of taking i Christmas treats and gifts to 22 persons. Mrs. William Hadc machcr was program chairman. p.m. Attending the Marion County Council and Assembly of the American Legion auxiliary and meeting in Salem were Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Soderholm, Miss Le norc Seholl, Mrs. Duane Halchor and Wencel Doubrava of Hub bard post 166 and unit, Installation of new officers was nelfl with Miss Schn of the Hubbard unit accepting the posi tion oi sergeant at Arms. A no-host dinner preceded the Monday evening meeting of the Hubbard Parcnt-Teaehors' asso ciation, at the grade school gym. Mrs. Ambrose Heer. vice nrpi. dent presided over the business session. Sam Smith led group singing. A report on the county council was made by Mrs. P. H. Hostctler. Two films on winter sports MT. ANGEL Allie Schmitt, of the Schmitt's Feed and Seed Co., fell Monday fracturing his left leg below the knee. He was taken to the Salem Memorial hospital where he will remain for sev eral days before a cast can be applied, and he can return home. Mike Melchior suffered a heart attack at his home in Salem and was taken to the Salem Memorial hospital. He is the husband of Mrs. Melchior, proprietress of the Flora-Jo Ladies Apparel shop here, and the brother of the Rev. Hilricbrand Melchior, OSB, as sistant pastor at St. Mary's par ish. Mrs. N. O. Mickel relumed home this week after an extend ed stay in Washington with rela tives. She was a house guest at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Mickel at Port Angels over the holidays, and spent two weeks as guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Jerry Ward of Seattle. Sublimity St. Louis ST. LOUIS The St. Louis Altar Sublimity Mrs. Gilbert Kintz and (laughter, Angela, arc now at the home of her parents, the Urillinm T ,,Uc ihilA h t,,o. !TVnby "mas LUPP- band, Gilbert'Kintz. USN, is sta- , " ," ".'"7 wuii tinned at San Diego. demonstrated at the meeting of Mrs. otto j. Krwert am, lnfant the Hubbard p ension Unit,!soni Ronal, Eugene, have re Wednesday Mrs Floyd turned to lhcir homc near Mt. and Mrs. John Doubrava led the Angel. Their small daughter, demonstration. , K.,thv Ann wi rcmain wi;h hcr During the I'usiness meeting j ran(,1)aren(Si ,hc E. A. Ditl(,rSi advance information fot - the !a whijc lnnm. M iking of Fabric Lampshades ... i D..1..1. ,..i,..,;..,i iu in- inuii- ,11 inr rco. w meet' Falls City Mrs. B. Y. Allen fell and seriously injured her knee and ankle. Her doctor fears a slight fracture. Mrs. Norman Camper has been ill with flu. Mrs. Eifagene is visiting her sister, Mrs. Stanfield at Junction City. Mrs.' Allen's grandson. Mr. Kreiss who recently suffered a fall, receiving a broken neck and other injuries, has had a bone grafted from his hip into the neck verteDrae. Mrs. John Chamberlain is Bet. ting her strength back slowlv. after hcr long illness, and has re turned trom her daughter's home in Portland. Gwendolyn Hurst has a diffl. cult walk of over two miles to High School, coming into town, irom me old Murray place, be yond Oakhurst. Arthur Ronco of Newberg will spend the week with Warren Graham. Wilbur Burkhalter, of Crescent City, Calif., recently called on Mrs. B. Y. Allen. Among those from Bridironnrr who heard the Newberg singers in "The Messiah" at Dallas High Sunday afternoon were the Ma son Shutt and Curtis Lamb fam ilies. The Dorcas Society will hold a Missionary sale Wednesday. Jan. 27, in the Tom Murphy store building. Cooked foods .quilts, pillow cases, new aprons and good used clothing will be on display for sale. The meeting dale and place of assembling of the Falls City Gar den Club has been changed and they will meet with Mrs. Clict Bcncficl at 2 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 40. Mrs. Hazel Peterson of San Francisco has arrived for a two weeks visit with her sister, Mil dred Wray, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Snmnlos' baby boy was brought homc from the hospital Monday. His tem perature had attained a high of juo v.-nue at the hospital. He is much better. $aving Centers at the ioot of the Bridge West Salem Vi Mile North of the Underpass Salem New Strawberry Stands Rigid Tests CORVALLIS VFI A rWkmn .;n ue maae in me next 10 days on whether to release for planting this year a new strawberry that pro- uulcu iiiku yieios in a test here. Earl Price, director of tho Ore gon State College Experiment Sta tion, said it produced nieM ton of berries an acre on relatively pvui. nun in mis 9rea laS year In addition it is highly resistant rea steie disease and fairly re sistant to viruses. Frice said still another new sirownerry witn even greater promise is being tested now. He said it might be ready for use by giuwers in a year or two. Open Every Day ... 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Prices Good Friday - Saturday - Sunday NO. 2 DESCHUTES Potatoes 50 & 59e LIMIT Sweet Home Talbot TALBOT Frank Gilmour, who was shot in the arm by a deer society is planning another enrd ,., ,... ivnn .., ,,,,,, 1 ' .,c .,.i hunter last fall, entered the ho i..t , if I in.. ' ' - ' hiwnilnl N:il lirrlnv. : . ... j pirni aain yesterday Jor surgery. He was to have arm surgerv i several weeks ago, but developed I other complications which de layed the operation. iMACLKAY Macleay Grange i LrneM Freeman will en- socinl next Wednesday evening, L,,,i.,i' i. i i,....i... . " hospital Saturday Ja'!' :7' ".V f.rC "V.Mrs. A. L. Murphv. ami Mrs. Met Burriick, Mr. and A ,.mniitlop cl)nsistinK (lf Mrs. Mrs. George Jungwtrlh, Mr. and y -r n. ., r,,::i, ,j Mrs. Loo KliT.ynski. Mrs. C. It. Mains was annoinled SWEET HOME The Sojourner club met at the Timberline Manor ana winning high places were Miss Gloria Barry, bridge; Miss Pat uaouiet, pinochle, and Mrs. Ella White, canasta. Guests for the evening were Mrs. Paul McLain and Mrs. Joy Costello, Mrs. Anton Bloomgree was taken to Portland for sureieal care Sunday by Sweet Home Am bulance. Mrs. Lester Burnett. practical nurse, accompanied hcr. Mrs. spam Trask fell at her home Monday and was taken to a Eugene hospital for treatment of a broken hip. Hcr stepdaughter, Mrs. Glen Palmer, is caring for me irasK cniiurcn. A scoutmasters ovcrniuht wn VioM al Qih.Ap rnn. -nll- ut uit.v, vivtft i-aiis leiemiy. 1 1 Dncnilp mid uMnlhA.. ihnn, 'I r ......,., tunc v ao a large attendance. i The Explorer Scouts will hold the first "Explorer's Ball" Satur day, January 30 in Sweet Homc. Mr. and Mrs. Rov Clover rirovn their grandmother, Mrs. Howry, to Bremerton, Wush., over the week-end. Mrs. Howry had been visiting since the Christmas holi days. Bob Brandt, who until recently was an insurance and real estate broker, has been notified that he has been accepted as the caretak er for the Clear Lake resort for tlic summer. He will assume his duties in May. Gregory liecd was guest of honor at a dinner on his seventh birthday. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan Arnold, Sandra and itogcr, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reed and Conrad and Tommy JU'CU. Macleay Other committee members are, Pcllrc " blackboard for use i Mr. and Mrs. Frank Saaltrld; Mr. i by n,p un;t N . r 6:15 2 Top Hits In Colorl "TAKE THE HIGH GROUND" Richard Wldmarlc Karl Maiden Technicolor Co-Hit "A Lion Ii in th Streati" James Caaney Barbara Hale Hollywood Kids' Matinee Tomorrow 1 to 4 p.m. 3 CAItTOONS MIKIAI. Special Matinee l'e.ilurr "AI'ACHK ROSi:" Roy Rogers and Trigger also Benson's Birthday Cake for Jerilynn Gardner, Michael Patterson, Mary Jill Coyner, Sunny I'eavy, Kathleen Eaten, Carol Benner, Mike Starck, John Stiffler, Dennis DuMnnd. Sunday Duncan, Ronnie Max well, Carol Gumlcl, Karen Meier, hay Meier, Marsha Mill. ler, Paul Roth, Pat Kolb, Linda Crom, Paul Fontanlni, Alan Ficklin, Kenneth Dowens. mpinhpri attpnclinc Pomona , tertain members of the Tnlhnt and Mrs. Joe Meithotf, Mr. and i dessert and coffee were serv. i Grange at North Howell Wcdnes-1 omen's club in hcr homc Wed- Mrs. David Duliois. Mr. and Mrs. I a k.. m. t , ,:. j i Hay worn Mr and Mn riaronre i ncsaay atternoon. Leonard Fcrschweiler. Mr. and I Mrs. willinm Vrriernff i Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Ma-'. -Mrs. Jack Whittington of Fruit nns. ,'ii'x manning, mr. aim Airs, Clarence Grassinan, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allenhack Jr., Mrs. Jess Lucas, Mrs. Opal Mahoncy and son James, and William Manning. Pedee gee, Mrs. W. A. Jones, Mrs. Har- lana wa '"e house guest of her rv Martin, Sr., Ben Newell, A. i J','" Mrs- Ernest Freeman and Cromwell and Cornelius Bateson. ! Mr- r rccmi,n ov" the weekend. Pratum-Macleav Home Exten-' 7r- anl Mrs- Fd Shumaker sion unit will meet Tuesday, Jan. !?"'' n,ccc- JIal"y of Rockland, 26, at 10:30 a.m. at the homc 1 wc"", reeenl Rcl of Air. of Mrs. K. Schenk. and Mrs. Ole Jorgenson. The project subject will he "Simple Home Repairs.' Mrs. James Laudcrbark and Mrs. Cornelius Bateson will he the project leaders. I'KDEE P. O. Rurbank of rive Hundred and pinochle will i nionmoutn is building a garage be played. j for C. M. Ritner. Al the last card social prizes' S"'s Alberta Ronco returned were won by Joe McCormii k in ! her home at Newberg Sun five hundred. George Jungwirth in ; day. after spending the past pinochle and the special prize was "cck Wl,n "er brother, Paul Ron-; won by Ed Grassinan. 'c". nd family. Mr. and Mrs. David Duliois sold : Grant Kerber of Gold Beach. ' their place to Mr. and Mrs. Ron-i wh is attending Oregon State i ..,, n,...-VT. aid lt.'llcuue. Mr. and Mrs. Duliois college, spent the weekend with , M i'-" . . "A Mr. are mnviiut to v.wii,,,rn : his crandino! her. Mr. Ittttln k'er. i ALBANY The Santiam Mrs. It. P. Horning who has ,lpr ! I.Mmbcr company, doing bust- 'treatments at the Salem General been visiting' hcr daughter. Mrs ! Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Hoxit. i ness as Valley Yards, has in-nosP"al for a week she is rc J. Knappcs of Sonoma, Calif . and ,or,lanl: Mr 'rs. Howard stituted action In circuit court "'ng satisfactorily. also hcr other daughter. Mrs. Joe 1 "uhhard, Clackamas were week- j here against Darwin Long ask- l.assard and family of North Bend, !rn" fc'iests oi Mr. and .Mrs. How-1 jug a $2121 judgment, claim- PHONt J.I7M Robe, i ..j..,.-. Ann Blyth ail-wan t, ranger iieita m. John "ALL Til F. BROTHERS WERE VALIANT" Short Subjects -"Laurentian Sports Holiday" and "WINTER PARADISE" Wheatland Wheatland Lyncl Braat, 13-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Braat of the Wheat land district, was brought to hcr home Sunday after receiving IP PMONI J47 SOc Till 5:00 Alan l.add James Mason in "Boliny Bay" Also Waller Brennan In "Bjnjo On My Kne" returned home last Saturday I""' ''erry and Mrs. James Hoxit The SI. I.ouis Altar socieiy met (;,'"'v Hubbard returned In the St. Iims hall Tuesday eve- h"mr wiln ,,is Parents after mng. ' spending several weeks with his Officer, nt,.ei..H ur Mr. tv-.i : grandparents, the l'errys. r.. , , 'iv noy norn to mt. ana Mrs. Kenneth Kilmer al the Bar tell hospital at Hnii;is Jan. 15, this amount dun on merchan dise sold by the plaintiff to the defendant. Saalleld. president : Mrs. M. J. I Muhoney. vice-president, and Mrs. ! Robert Zclinski. secretary and treasurer. The reliring officers are Mrs. Cv. . ril Si'homus. president: Mrs. Clar ence Grassman. vice-president, and Mrs. Io Andreas, secretary and treasurer. JANUARY & FEBRUARY SPECIALS 20 DISCOUNT On Our Choice T-Bone, Rib or Fillet Steak Dinners also $i on Complete VV Dinners Bring the Family Counter Booths Table 2'i miles S. on !WK Ph. 2 ??!f) Cherry's Plataiion Dinners Open 4:30 lo 10 p.m. Sun. 12 noon -9 p.m. Closed Monday ' Wood finishing made easy You tan firmli ooJ tth pro frMonj) result whfn tou tot low ihc duration outlined in l hi u j i v Ik iter Home A Gar den. Rcj.t Wood lirmhrt... IjKc our iliouf," p-icefrS Com pUtr dirtttiom tor ny hmth inq oi rthrmhint; tJk in vour homc. Rctter Home & Garden nucmnr i on your nes stinl no. Get it today' Bellcrlloiucs and Gardens C-Hifili'l-i 1 BOYS and GIRLS Tomorrow at 12:30 SPECIAL KIDS SHOW SEE . . . Tht Great Adventures of Captain Kicfd and , 3-Color Cartoons ALSO Alan l irtd "BOTANY BAY" ALSO Walter Rrennrn in "BANJO ON MY KNEE" mom i ioso NOW PIAYINGI Prices This Engagement Only! Kvrnine . Adults: SI .20 1atinee, Adults: .!() Children Anytime: 50c t ; ft PASSION AND POWER ... IT COULD HARDLY BE SURPASSED! This 'Martin luther" it a titan... brilliant . . . forceful . . . commands attention." r in LOUIS H HfXNtlMI -U MteCilNiS MMAIIINiUtHtl tS'trttl t UViPift fiCNU t4vf4 It lOTHAI VOifl ScrtMtf ttv kr AU UOANf t loimt waiff ONCE AGAIN! MULLIGAN STEW PARSNIPS CARROTS RUTABAGAS TURNIPS CABBAGE ONIONS Lean Short Ribs of Beef 19c There Ii Nothing Else So Downright Good Ealing Thai Coils So li lb. RADISHES and GREEN ONIONS 3 hu 10c GRADE 'A' CREAMERY BUTTER lb. LIMIT BIRD5EVE FROZEN g Peas and Carrots Packa'el Mixed Vegetables J(D)c LIMIT HUNT'S 46-oz. Tin C Tomato Juice )9 GERBER'S Strained or (hopped C Baby Food 1 2 ; LIMIT SWIFT'S CIJ BACON Ends JlltUU and Pieces lb. 29 BY THE PIECE Slab Bacon lb. Eastern Oregon Baby IF BOILING BEEF .19c BEEF ROAST - 33c SIRLOIN STEAK - 39c RIB STEAK 33c PURE GROUND BEEF 29c ASK ABOUT LOCKER BEEF