Ttf I THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salon, Oregon Thursday, January 21, 1954 Capital AJournal An IrKiependent Newspaper listablishd 1 E88 BERNARD MAINWARING. Edits or.d Publisher GEORGE PUTNAM. Editor Emerifui Published every ofremoon except Sunday ot 280 North Church St. Phone 2-206. rK Vmmt Ima f IM trtml4 hn T er Tn Smwlf'TH ma to rit!ui:vf.T cntlllM t in ttM let pukUMUs all em .tpu Ji ervdivrt u U r ciii.' :. crmiti I tfe u SUBSCRlrTION HATES: r dtiwr: Mmthu. tlA Sti itaw trs Om Imi. : QrK IfemWl. toe CIS Host, a. Od Tu. UJb. Bt Stall OUUl &m Ibaalx, tlA OS Monti 1 : On. Tnr. . . I THE WORRIER j TROUBLE WITH I irj nhrjM HAVING SUCH I I GOOD HEALTH t I J YOU'RE ALWAYS J Ty AFRAID OF 7 kU'WVVl $ u it-; r 4 S V v. $ j . Salem 24 Years Ago I I POOK MAN'S PHILOSOPHER Type of Pictures to Be Hung In Nautilus Still Unsettled IKE'S NORTHWEST POWER BUDGET President Eisenhower in his voluminous budget message n mnPTPjui. railed for S65.5 billion expenditures for the fiscal year ending June SO. 1955, slashing $5-25 billion ; from tntaJ mpnrlinir but nrtmosinir record outlays for atomic energy, continental and oversea military - aid. Despite the ven and a half per cent f iasn over esa- j mated expenditures this fiscal year also lowered, the jrov- j ernment will end up the 1955 year nearly $3 billion in the ; red. ; j The northwest expenditures requested by the president are of chief interest to this reyion. The Ror.nevilie Power , Administration budpet is placed at 36.B nillion. Ee-1 quested operations and maintenance funds of f 6.600.0(0 nf I5?tfi.O()0. while nrwosed construe- tion funds of f 30.200.000 showed a reduction of f 3.666,000 j from 1954 appropriation. Included in 1955 fiscal year construrtior. plan were prid facilities from Grand Coulee and Chief Joseph dams to the Pupet Sound area, and from McXary dam to the Walla Walla, The Dalles and Willamette valley area. These projects are already approved by cOTjrress and tinder con itruction. Other funds were asked for startinp of 230.000-volt transmission facilities from Oreron City to Chemawa.1 Ore.; facilities to service new or increased load areas. j The president alx asked for funds to allow army enpin- eers to do work on five multipurpose projects in tne ra cific Northwest They were Detroit reservoir. Ore.. $772, 036; Lookout Point reservoir. Ore $6,543,800; McNary lock and dam. Orepon and Washinpton. J24.2O0.OO0; The Dalles lock and dam. Orepon and Washinpton. $38 "32.000 j and Chief Joseph dam. Columbia nver. ash, $29,000,000. The Northwest has not heenoverlked despite ' WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND shrieks of public power fanatics. G. P. , t DEMOCRATIC LEADER BACKS IKE The president' recommendations for charges :n the Taft-Hartley act have met with a mixed reception in con gress and it is freely predicted that either (1) Nothing will be done, or (2) The chances finally voted win show little resemblance to the recommendation. In short that the president may take quite a beatinp on his red hot issue. and where he mipht have least expected to score an ad-; debated Hswaisan statehood be- nr,t indicate any reason in believe vantage. Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas, Democratic party bind closed doors. However, thu that comumsm' is a prcater men leader in the senate, supports the president. Here i what column can report that the state- a t the present lime than it he savs- DMr"'!r'Pty h"ric? room was wa in 1P50. Af a matter of iart. ' ; racked bv political thunder and the known member of the com- "I believe it it fenerafljr agreed that some clarifying amendments tc , lithtninE I preview of the munist party in Hawaii appear to the Taft-Hartley ad are needed. Senator Tatt himself thought o. ; normv debate to come on the ten- be tower in nuxber at present "L preadent wss nht when be aid the Taft-Hartley art. , flow. thtn thev were in W50. Vndoubt- ri .stands. s Jr?islaboa I certamly J ! The Demteraw ar.crilr accused 1 edly the' recent conv.ction of the the basic proruaons of the present law. I will oppose any TORfeBed i ,. rnD , ... -..,r,ir( amendment that would have such as effect Perhaps certain parts ; G0PC o! p:aj'nf. P"'" bjr ifhncrf .ol the communist ron Vlr t-TtB v-. rr,mv,pt ; turning Senator McCarthy loose spirao in Hawaii has contributed "What we want is a law that wiB be fair to both labor and manage ment and also, and this is most important, to the people generally." Johnson probably will not agree with Eisenhower on verythiDg. Bat he" is open minded and will support changes substantially in accord with what the president; Stormy Debate Preceded Committee Hawaii Vote i By DRfW PEARSON j WASHINGTON The press was ing aloud, Butler quoted the at- j shut out and the public shooed : tamey general's letter as follows: i away the other day while the , The tacts known tt me con- By BEN MAXWELL January 21, 1S38 Temperatures bad dropped to two degrees below lero and sub zero weather had come to Salem for the first time in 10 years. Salem city council bad for its immediate consideration the se lection of a new alderman to re place I. M Doughton who had indicated his intentioin to resign. By HAL XEW YORK (AP If you were , fitting out a new submarine, what kind of pictures would you hang: on tne walls? A portrait of Whistler's mother? j An autographed photo of Adm. j Bull Haisev and maybe one of Marylin Monroe? Or perhaps a. water color of Pike s Peak during j a snowstorm at sunset? j This was one of the problems faced by a commercial designing firm called in by the V. S. Navy i to make the Nautilus, the world's first atom-powere ' submarine, a comfortable underwater borne to the sailors who man her. "We thought pictures of peaceful country scenes would be more ; restful." said Walter P. Margulies. j partner in the firm of Lippincott I and Margulies. "But some Nary men figured pictures of famous j fighting ships would be more in-, spiring. ! "No final decision has bees , made." Margulies previously kid design- i ed everything from motor can to ' cocktail loucges, from vacuum ' cleaners to soup and beer can labels, and one of his firm's beer j can labels won first prize in a na-! tional contest But he found his two-year job 1 of making the new submarine more habitable one of the most chalieng-! ing of his career. And the result i would amaze the shade of John ! Paul Jones. It is a submariner's dream. i The Nautilus is able to Ray sub merged for two months and sail around the world in that time. But : men in close Quarters often get on ; each other's nerves, and fighting ' efficiency falls off with lowered morale. "Our task was to use color and design to fight monotony, improve living conditions, and provide as I much privacy and variety as was possible," said Margulies." In the bBttle control areas of the Nautilus the colors are crisp and sharp, the lights brighter, and even the equipment control knobs are rough to the hand to keep the crew alert. In the relaxation areas the re-1 verse psychology is employed. Col- i ors are subdued, noise is mini- i BOYLE mized, and there are no plaid pat terns a complicated patterns have been found to increase sea sickness. What does the Nautilus have that John Paul Jones lacked aboard his ships? "Well, the crew quarters on sail ing vessels in the 18th century were only about 44 feet high," said Margulies. "In the Nautilus there are separate decks for the officers and crew, and plenty of room to stand upright. "The mess hall has yellow walls and red seats. Each sailor has a fluorescent bed lamp, and he sleeps on a foam rubber mattress. He can sit up without bumping his head on the bunk above him, and the men don't have to sleep nose-to-toe as in the old days. "There are outlets for electric razors, showers, a phonograph with plenty of records, a movie projec-! tion machine, and litirary sneives. Each man has a personal locker by his bunk, instead of a duffle bag. There is even a place inside the locker compartment where he can hang a picture of his favorite pinup girl and keep her to himself. "The crew messroom can be cleared and bold the entire ship's company for Sunday church serv ices. It can also be used as a gym for boxing matches or calisthenics. No. there isn't space to play bas ketball, but it is big enough for table tennis. "Our aim was to have a well rounded pattern of comfort so that a sailor could leave a c-tj' post take a few steps and enter1 as homelike an atmospnere as pos sible. Cutting down the hardships; reduces the tensions of underseas life in crowded quarters. j "Paying attention to human ; needs pays off in higher morale. ; and we have only scratched the ; surface so far in making fighting machinery more adaptable to the men who Cght with it" Naturally, the Nautilus will car ry an ice cream freezer. As any in fantryman knows, the modern Navy rarely steams into battle without a full supply of ice cream. But the doughboy would like to do it, too, if he could just figure out a way to carry it Still for Warren Pendleton East Orefoniaa In a powerful address at a Columbia university bl-centen. nial dinner Chief Justice Earl Warren had something to say that the hysteris peddlers need to bear. He told them: "When men are free to explore all ave nues of thought, no nutter what prejudices may be aroused, there is a healthy climate . . . Our unlverrities and our colleges are, therefore, even more precious to us now than in normal timer." This writer was s Warren-for-president man. And while h doubts that will come about he always will think it was a good ides. fit' Ji TEXACO j j IJ1. rNI TISAI COKfAKT Ice conditions in the Lower Willamette had closed all saw mills on the Portland waterfront, save one. P.epresenutive Mary K. Nor ton of New Jersey bad declared "as an experiment noble or oth erwise, prohibitiom has tailed" and demanded a referendum on the question of repealing the 18th amendment to investirate corruption in Dem- to this decline in party ocratic Alavka. but at the same membenhip. I bebeve it in time refusing to investigate com- evjtalle that this conviction will monism in Reubplican Hawaii j have a weakening effect on the ' The session hadn't been going ' strenrth of comunism in Hawaii ! five minutes before Senator BROWVELL'S OPINION -rnt Thi. TTiAn Vht h n-.Il refna tn nrnl-A 1h iii George Smalhers, Florida Demo-; - do not mean to suggest how- a nartr matter and his lead is likelr to be followed bv a i cr,L P01 dt"rn ,0 ,hf nub of thf fver- th8' thF seriousness of the amended "to make any violation of War department had disclosed that army regulations had been number of southern senators, if by no northern Demo crats. This makes a realistic new congressional look at the con troversial T-H'' much more likely. "That's the rumor that is going around," snorted Smithers. Isn't it all in your mind?" piped up Senator Arthur Wat kms. l uh Republican. "It begins to look as thouch it is in somebody else s ir.ind. we recognize that if we get Ha jwaii in. we probably will get two i Republican senators, and if we get SALEM'S FIRST CITIZEN S tn " It would be hard to imagine a more suitable choice for ; "There is no cinch to that I Salem's first citizen award than Carl Hogg, who was hon- can assure you." disagreed chair- nrM lfict nicrht sit 1 h snnns award nflrtnilpt PoT-1 WrAir V.. rw.Tit hi. lif in lVi. Wi'llcTTiott. roller PablicSh. Oregon City and Salem, and it has been a fruitful one in deed, as even a brief recital of his achievements will re veal. Best of all he has as yet shown no tendency to relax and rest on his honors, as one who has so many of them mipht well be pardoned for doing. The first citizen award is naturally cumulative, for achievement over a period of rears. It would be hard to "hezu right at this time, we vote imagine any man who had done nothir.p in a public sv !h hearings and they before staging a burst of civic activitv and winning this f.u? !' "J 'J J0 "TUP"pn ln award in one 12 mor.tha period. Carl Hogg's activity hug covered a long period. shoulds t vote Alaska in at this Yet the past year has seen one of the prea test of all his tinw." retorted Smathers "It civic achievements here in the implementation of the new tnw be admitted thct this di- tiem Industrial Development Council, whose supporters believe is destined in the coming years to bring to Salem new industries and expansion of existing ones. Carl Hogg has surely been the leader and guiding light of this vjjul presect Salem activity. lu many other civic endeavors where he is not the front man he is in there pitching, doing his bit as a captain, lieutenant or private in the ranks, inspiring others by h.s example. communist menace in Hawaii can "I think." be declared, "all of measured by lhe farts us are practical to the extent that alone." the Browne!! letter added ; the national prohibition law military offense. rautiously. "These convictions hrve a relation to the convictions of communist leaders in cither parts of the United States . . . The fact that it has been necesssry to prosecute the leaders of the com munist conspiracy in Hawaii is. man Hugh Butler. Nebraska Re- f "pin'on no more of jn in- UJl'tJl'll ' 111 PUl kill IIIC At Champoeg the Wiillamette had frozen over from bank to bank. Said a Capital Journal head line: "Lambing Goes On Despite the Weather." reM-rv nf romiption in Alaska as timely." ' Let i go ihetd with the con-fiderati'.-n of the Hawaiian bill and leave the Alaskan corruptifn ur.til it come here as an issue." pleirted Bu'.'ier, swinging h-s tie! HAWAII COMMir.S "Tne McCarthy committee has pzrty in that area thin the con viction of the communist leaders in New York. Pittsburgh. Seattle and Los Angeles are indications of party control and donlnnnce :n those tre." ln other words" commrrted Scnitor Smothers. "Browne 11 just give? us his opinion " "That is right as did Governor Stainback." snipped Ser.itor Guy Cordon. Orerrni Kenub'ican. COP SENATORS The Perr'icrats also charged thrt the Republicans favored Hawaiian statehood m order to get two mure GOP srnilors and bolster their slim control of the sfnste. However. tV wis hotly denied bv the Republicans. Let me repirt this to the com mitter." declined Senator Wat kins, "a Repub'icrn se-.ptnr. who is opposed to Hrira:i coming in. to'd me just a- u'-e as ?ou vote them m. vou w il hrve two Dem- MotorisU. wbo on Saturday had placed lighted candles behind their car windshields to keep ice from shutting off their Vision, had by now discovered that the brown spots which had appeared on the windshields were there to stay. Brow., snow tailing oxer BeDd had been attributed to pumice, a volcanic dust that may have been discharged into the atmos phere dunnc Aleutian island erruplions through the past summer. An old fashioned bob sied hitched behind a Ford car had made its appearance on the st-eets of Independence, Thomas A had revealeti, shirts. Edison, his wife wore silk night DUTCH RATIFY EUROPEAN ARMY Ot of the curious things about the mentality of present dty Europe is the courage of seme of the small nations, in contrast with the cowardice of some of the tip ones. The Netherlands has just given a new illustration of the former in ratifjirp ;he treaty ior the creation oi a Euro;in army. The Dutch sen.:e voted approval Y-d-liesday. The house had voted ir. Juiy. The d.Tumu.t now goes to the qaetn for an assured signature. been busy m est: gating comma- orrntic senators from, out there nism around, but even thouch "How msr.v drtri'icmts have there are icry serious chatgrs of bee'i elected on a trmlnris'l basis . rat e t many, t ranee and It;y as l .g nati"ns. K 'i.anJ ana s-uxemwurg . srr.t .s. or. y ( s'. Germany is su-e to come in as a major p: wtr. Prance and Italv tire the two chief holder-backer. The defense setup rr.i.y bc-i! down to four. Wet C,r. many, Holland. Kelgiun. Luxembourg. W-avirg out Com rr.unist infested Prance and l;;.'y but inc.'uctrg virtual! v jiil the reliable fighting aiuiity West Lur;ie p .e.-ses" St. Lawrence in Senate , communism existing ir. the island of Kfi::i. it seems to me a bit inconsistent that the VcCarthy committee should not wint to m vestiiate communism there." shouted Smathers. icnorir.g the Ciel 'They htie indicated in the past that comunism is the that they realiy want to investigate, but they suddenly turn their attention to some al-ieg-d ccsTiiplKin in Alaska " "1 want to ssy to the senator that this committee quite thor ouchly lr.vestigtted the commu nist situRlton in. Kiiwaii quite some time ago bristled Butler "Governor S'. irbark says it i worse since ISM." retorted 5 ma? hers, referring to a recent st;',emer.t by Hswau's ex-Governor Infrim Stainhark that com- siren rtta hus lDrreased on the is'.rnd since ISM "Ttie I'jstice department says it his rotten better So there your a-f ' blurted Senlnr Russ Long. Louisiana enocrat who recently s.ded w.ih the Republicans ir. iaior of statehood lor Hiwaii but not for Alaska to the concress in tne Ian 20 years"" dcnunded Sen-tor Henry "Scoop" J.'ickson, Washington Democrat. "The last vote was so clo that anxthmt could hrpfien. barxei Witkms In the end. the committee ap proved the Hawnian statehood bill and sent it to the senate floor, where ibe debate will be con tinued out in the open (Copyricht !M government miirmants raiv-d a se-;ojf question as to whether their eountry as st.ll inter es'ed ir. V. S partictfiaiitiB Aher related failure of sea ay legisU'joa in Congress Canada WASHINGTON JP - The Senate. u, go It aione In Of.a after slapping down St Lawrence 1s; B!P- Je-nmen: Krnrces said seaway legisiaUon for twti decades. wastry r.U wou',3 push for ha, fmaCy taken a huge rep Z-TZS. rCant wares aiXJKrmr4 uif unn ojM gwemmrot as represented the tail, handsome Senator frftn Statesto join Canada in carrying .;!nf ths. Vni. yMn ril6l oat the prt'-nct 'ispending 1W mi'iitm dollars would. At this point. Chairman Butler But ater as enabling measure getting toe much of a bargain trriimnhantb' puiied rut a letter ailed through the Senate last a joint control of ravauos arid 'hat he had jut received fro aim so a il ii vote, canacjai smppuji sot. Risky to Ridicule The Ladies Anywhere AslvriaB Under! The Yusiiavisn v ire presiripnt who has just ioen kicked out if the communist party of that n tion bv Dirtitor Tito is accused of h:b crimes and misoerrieao ors including lean.ncs toward capitalism and democracy His true crime. boeer. seems to ha'-e been a criticism of wires of other top-ranking officials. The unfortunate vice-president Yamhill Scores McMinnville Newt Register Tuesday's report of 1953 sales of Si-rics E and H savings bonds in Yamhill county K4 per cent of 1K sales is rem.irkable in the lace oi constant talk of hard times and declining income m this area. Not only duel- the 1S53 sales record reflect public confidence in lbeu' government but also funds in the hands of individuals ths.t they can put into savings. It demonstrates the nmiona! sit us ion of he greatest volume of sav.ngs ever held in the nation's history It reveals a cushion thft w.H maternity help to pad any elfecls 'f a declining econ omy. And. ;t inrfiraies a con tinued prosperity lor the Ameri can people in the year ahead PORTLAND STATE GAINS Portland i t'F Enrollment at Portland State Coliepe for the winner term is up II per rent over last rear, collece officials The anti-f ubrersive committee . hs prtibabhr now learned, to his re por.ed today. An additional the Terntorr of Hawaii sy cost that a woman scorned and jjrj ft jdents matnculated to ritiicuiec. 1 a terr,rie ins'jummi briTir. .he present total to of vrncetnee. and that a combs- ntmn of such women is too much tor any on individual. Even in cor-munut dictator ships, wives of p"liucini can wield a tremendous influence if t'Ul ri is worse, snd they Med a rrpeirt m March WW. repnea ( Attorney General Browne!!. Read-, thej put their tnmds to it Is the preparing of catgut (usually made frnm the intestines of sheep) it has been found that lean and ill-fed atu.-Mlj usually l product the best material. i DIZZY DEAN'S SERVICE STATION 1898 South 12th St. 1 Wk JAN. 22 FRIDAY I J SATURDAY I f SUNDAY "Vl Jon. 22-23-24 . m l FF Gallon ON TOP QUALITY "M GASOLINE HOW MANY GALLONS OF GASOLINE WILL Wt SELL FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY, JAN. 22-23-24? Ask for Entry Blank at Statics For the Best Guesser 50-GALLON GASOLINE AWARD 500 FREF ORCHIDSf PICKED IN HAWAII JUST 24 HOURS AGO! ONE WILL BE GIVEN FREE TO EVERY LADY VISITING US FRIDAY, JAN. 22! WESTERN OIL qt. 10c In Your Container . . . Gal. 35 EASTERN Oil. Q, 25e In Your Container . . . Gal 79 BATTERIES. Grp. I $6.9S 1 Year Guarantee Exch. Owner Hillatd Hansen Operator Dizzy Free Candy and Balloons for the Kids