Page 22 mis irirAu juuiuiali, aarrm, irrejjon Thursday, January 21, 1954 P;; ) B 1 ft. .1 ' 1 Wish Dear ' Se their nlng dent talne majo: ment cials. with assist partr were ty. :l. at th tie," to si thou men , and fxce . a fit '. ficu) rent ally : com the , sion, gow; seer? dec) coat, lor i tra, ! whi, cou of eac gra an me one J ma his lo lex rui th ha - 1m thi foi m up mi th to qv B tb lii til bi sr di si ci tr ai n c tl r r i Evaporated Milk Featured In Many Ways in Cooking By ZOLA VINCENT Five per cent of all the milk produced in the United States was delivered to the consumer last year in cans which are easy to use, conveniently kept on hand, low in cost. A boon to generally overcrowded refrigerators, can ned evaporated milk furnishes all the nutrients of whole milk with the bonus value of extra vitamin D added. Speaking of evaported milk, reminds us that nine big com panies with 19 plants are engag ed in evaporated milk production in the dairylands of California and Oregon. In the Oregon area are three big plants, Albany, On tario and McMinnville. And a fine dish using this milk is this lima bean offering com bined with a savory tomato sauce and cream cheese sauce made With with evaporated milk. Western Lima Beans 1 cup large dried limas (Vi pound) iVt cups water 1 teaspoon salt 1 recipe savory tomato sauce 1 recipe special cheese sauce. Rinse lima beans. Place In saucepan with close fitting cover. Add water, bring to a boil and let boil 2 minutes. Remove from heat, cover and let beans soak 1 hour. Add the salt; cover and let cook gently (simmer or low er) until tender, about 1 hour. Drain liquid from beans if neccs sary. have liquid lor soup or gravy. Turn beans into buttered IVi quart casserole or baking dish, four savory tomato sauce over beans and mix lightly. Four cheese sauce over top. Bake in moderate oven, 375 degrees until bubbly and cheese sauce is liivty browned, 20 to 25 minutes. Makes 6 servings for four persons. Savory Tomato Sauce While limas are cooking, melt 2 tablespoons butter in large skil let. Add 1 small clove garlic, finely chopped and Vi cup finely chopped onion: cook gently over low heat until onion is yellow and transparent, about 5 minutes. Blend in 1 small 6 ounce can tomato paste; add 1 No. 2 can tomatoes, Vt teaspoon salt, Vi tea- i SIFT FIRST Always sift flour once before measuring when you are making cakes and cookies. Then pile the flour lightly into the measure you are using and level the top with the edge of a spatula or case knife. WELL SEASONED Planning on meat loaf for sup per? Season it with minced gar lic, marjoram and thyme for good flavor. spoon pepper. Vt teaspoon rubbed sage, V teaspoon crumbled sweet basil. Cover and let simmer gent ly aDout 3U minutes. Special Cheese Sauce When lima Ivans are 'nearly tender, melt 2 tablespoons butter in saucepan. Add V cup finely chopped onion and cook gently until onion is yellow and trans parent, ttemove Irom heat. Blend in 1 tablespoon flour and add 1 cup evaporated milk. Cook gent ly, stirring irequently until mix ture is smooth and thickened. Add 1 cup shredded process Cheddar cheese (Vi pound) and teasooon salt. Continue ing gently; add V cup Parmesan cheese. Stir frequently until cheese is melted. Pour over to mato sauced Umas. MRS. IRA J. FITTS' Seafood Recipe OF THE WEEK "CLAM FRITTERS" i 14 2 cup flour tsp. salt eggs Bacon fat 2 cups coursely chopped clams 1 tsp. baking powder 3 tblsp. milk Dash of popriko Sift flour, baking powder, salt ond paprika. Mix to a batter with beaten eggs and milk. Add clams to batter. Drop barter by teaspoonfuls in to fat in a skillet. Brown on both sides. Serve plain or with seafood sauce. Serves 4 persons. FRESH Razor Clams FRESH EASTERN OYSTERS FRESH PACIFIC OYSTERS FRESH OLYMPIA OYSTERS FRESH STEAM CLAMS lb, 35c FRESn FILLET OF Flounder ,b 59c SKINNED SOLE lb. 39c FRESH FILLET OF RED SNAPPER b. 39c FRESH FILLET OF CAT FISH lb. 45c FiNNANKADDIE 60c FRESH PAN-READY FRYERS Ib59c FRESH OVEN-READY HENS lb.55c FRESH FILLET OF SOLE lb. 59c We Have a Full Line of Cut, Spiced Herring and Holland Herring IF II ITS MARKET 216 NORTH COMMERCIAL PHONE 3-4424 Use Winter Pears While On Market Plenty of those "russet skinned beauties, the Bosc pear, for bak- ing. Enjoy them now for they'll I soon be gone. The cream color flesh becomes tender and full of I juice while the golden brown I sKin retains ine cnRracterisiic shape of the pear, when you oake tnem. Select firm, ripe fruit; wash and core each pear, leaving cen ter hollow. Place pears in bak ing dish and fill each center with one of these fillings. Pour Vt cup sugar syrup over pears. Pre pare syrup Dy neatlng v cup sugar witn V4 cup water until aissoivea. I'lace pears in mo derate oven, 375 degrees: bake 45 to 55 minutes or until pears are icnacr. serve warm or chil led with cream. W..UUUIIJ A 1JUV1 t, i'illlHK. combine lA cup chopped cran berries with 2 tablespoons sugar i (or use canned cranberry sauce which Is so inexpensive) and 2 tablespoons chopped filberts (or I any other nuts you have left ' over irom tne holidays.) I Date Marshmallow Filling. Aaa 'ft cup chopped dates to Mi cup cut marshmallows to fill the ' pear centers. Coconut Orange Marmalade. Use Vt cup shredded coconut and l Vi cup orange marmalade. Mix together until moistened. Coconut Spice. Combine Vt cup shredded coconut. 2 table-1 spoons brown sugar, Vt teaspoon I cinnamon. Raisin - Nut. Add Vi cud rai- i sins to Vi cup chopped nuts. Fill : pears; dot with butter. Mincemeat. Use Vt cup of mincemeat and Vt cup of chop ped pear from hollowed center. Speedy Pear Pudding One of the fastest puddings on I record. Feel and slice 3 Anjou pears. Place in 8x8 baking dish. Combine 1 cup all-purpose flour and cup sugar. Stir 1- tea spoon soda into 1 cup buttermilk and add to the dry ingredients. Pour over pears. Bake in mod erate oven, 375 degrees, 45 min utes, serve witn sweet cream. Six servings. VEGETABLES ' Stacks of them fresh and crisp! Head Leituce Romalne Endive Parsley Cucumbers H.H. Tomatoes Tube Tomatoes Green Onions and Radishes Parsnips Turnips Ruta bagas - Squash Brussel Sprouts - Green Broccoli Cauliflower Thick Hubbard Squash Cello Salad Vegetables Green Peppers - Carrots Fresh Spinach 7 70 a, for ' in cello pkg. 1 Fancy Celery Hearts, pkg. . 19c Olive and Carrot Molds Colorful Nice little salads to serve for lunch or dinner are "Olive Car rot Molds." And you can be sure to please all your guests when you serve them for they have the gay comomatlon oi ripe olives and shredded carrot in a lemon gelatin base. A little chopped onion and parsley lend added taste appeal. Serve them on indi vidual salad plates with a creamy mayonnaise dressing. OLIVE CARROT MOLDS 1 package lemon-flavored BIGGEST LITTLE MARKET IN TOWN Where Your Dollar Gets Time and a Half PICNICS PPYPPC "P0M.IZ!D $139 Ground Beef Cooked R.ady to Eat rKICIO UrQ UCH jrunu eeF 49c u. FRYERS c7f fMl59 3 u 1.00 M7rr.ll.Prld. riVf" h"l8 CH Best in the West ii R. I. Redt RIB STEAKS 7 TiT HSil SAUSAGE 45c , Aged Cheese Lb. 49 3 ,i.oo D"'''yT""1" Year Old by forth. Best Chee,. and th. best price In fure Po Fresh Oysters j: Sliced Bacon 55c pi. Beef Roast ih 39' 69c Lb Medium Si,. VVI iVVMJI U). VW Swift's or Armour's GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES CELERY 15c Bunch BANANAS 2 u,. 29c Golden Ripe Angtl Food CAKE MIX 55C Pkg. Pilltburyi SOUPS Compb.lls IOC Con All Kinds 9 oi. NUCOA 29c u FRESHEST THING IN TOWN OUR EGGS Dirtet from th Hon Houio CABBAGE 3c Lb. Solid H.odi Snock 39c LUNCHEON MEAT CATSUP X boHlel 29c Cop Brand SANKA COFFEE 99c u HOT MASTER BREAD :30 P.M. Every Day Kxce pt Tue. It Sat Tomorrows Bread Today Fve ry Day GRAPEFRUIT a Lb. B0g 45c Ariiono BISQUICK 39c Pk, Lorgt Sii GREEN BEANS 2 con, 29c Cop. 103Sito HONEY Big S Lb. Poll 89c Heins POTATOES 50 Lb, 69c U.S. No. 2 POTATOES 100 Lb, 2.49 U. S. No. 1 Sweet Corn 2 con, 25 c Toiry Pok 303 me MARARINE 2 Lb, 45 c Sweet Sixteen STRAWBERY JAM 25c Eltinoro 1 2 ot. Tumbler BROADWAY GROCERY BROADWAY and MARKET 51. Store Hour, 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. Erery Day Including Sunday Price, Good Fri., Sat., Sun. !i ROME BEAUTY APPLES Fine for Baking and Fles 3.45 Box 3 lbs. 29c Nucoa Special The Quality Margarine 29c lb. CENTENNIAL BEANS Beans, the Great Winter Dish Calif. Sm. Whites, 2 lbs. 35 Idaho Reds 2 lbs. 35 Pinks 2 lbs. 35 Pintos 2 lbs. 29 Red Kidney 2 ibs. 39 Large Llmas 2 Ibs. 39 Blackeye 2 lbs. 39 Green Split Peas. .2 lbs. 33 Yellow Split Peas 2 lbs. 33 Large Tapioca, 12 o 29 WANTED 200 lbs. Grade A WALNUT MEATS No. li . 2 for 2 for Pints Good Grocery Buys CLINES'S GRADE A LARGE EGGS .... Doi. 63c CLINE'S GRADE A MEDIUM EGG5 DllI 61c KLEENEX TISSUE 200 3 for 49c KLEENEX TISSUE So . 2 ,ot 49c ZEE WAX PAPER 12S feet . , SWIFT'S CANNED HAMS MtB... $2.19 SWIFT'S PREM DOLE'S FRUIT COCKTAIL DOLE'S FRUIT COCKTAIL No. ,0, LINDSEY MEDIUM OLIVES ,u, LINDSEY MAMMOTH OLIVES LINDSEY COLOSSAL OLIVES . MANZANILLA STUFFED OLIVES , ,. MANZANILLA STUFFED OLIVES , 0I. . 32c MANZANILLA STUFFED OLIVES Quart, $1.79 ORANGE MARMALADE . . .2,b. c.n59c LADY ELBERTA PEACHES N,, .. 2 ,or 75c YELLOW FREESTONE PEACHES ,w 2 for'49c (In Light Syrup) DEL MONTE CLING PEACHES No. 14 2 for 65c COTTAGE MARGARINE ... 2lb, 45c LOG CABIN SYRUP 24o, ... " 55c LYNDEN CHICKEN BROTH PInts ' 19c CROWN FLOUR.. ib Ib, 95c (Bleached or Unbleached) LARGE OREGON PRUNES 2lbI 49c CANNED NEW POTATOES unt, 2 f0 r 25c BUTTERMILK PANCAKE MIX SET , 25c 49c News Hems lor Your Snack Shell Hawaiian Cocoanut yi C Chips, can t3C ?reiBns: 49c Filler's Cheese Pods VC Filler's ' AC Bake-n-Crisp ....... tWC Fritos Corn Chips r JJC Cheetas C Corn Chips JJC """".........SOc Brandled Babas Spiced Crabapples Ef, lar OJC Sweet Pickled CC, Watermelon Rind Sweet Pickled Tt, Cantaloupe C Bendlckson Smoked 7 K Oysters, jar WC Pacific Pearl 1Qf Smoked Oysten J'C Ernie's Meats Swill's Premium SMOKIES (Smoked Pork Sausage) van Model Food Market 275 N. High (Next to City Hall) Phone 3-4111 Swift's Premium Smoked BEEF TONGUES 3 to 5 Ibs. each lb. Swift's Branded BEEF POT ROAST gelatin cups hot water cup ripe olives cup shredded carrot Va cup finely chopped onion Vi cup chopped parsley Salad greens Mayonnaise Dissolve gelatin in hot water. Chill until thick but not firm. Slice olives. Add olives, carrot, onion and parsley to thickened eclatin. Pour into individual molds. Chill until firm. Unmold on garnished salad plates. Top with mayonnaise Serves 6 to 8. CREAM O'TUECROP BUYS I tM'MW 01 MBB REGULAR OR DRIP Efifil S&W COFFEE CHILI CAN CARNE DEI MONTE O Ofll GRAPEFRUIT JUICE .. VELVEETA CHEESE i,-.79c LIMIT CARNATION MILK 2 for 27c CATSUP Dennisnn's 2 for 29c SWIFTNING 3lh, 79c FLOUR Occident 10lbs.79c FRUIT COCKTAILS 2for49c NABISCO SNOWFIAKE Dtf CRACKERS .a LUMBERJACK SYRUP.... 29 BAKED BEANS 2, .45' BROCCOLI LARGE GREEN STALKS 2 for 35 MARGARINE DELRICH 2 ibs. 43" f&k BUTTERMILK PANCAKE MIX Th Buttermilk's In Ih Mix I Pk9. 25c ' EATMOR Cranberries f b 9 25c YELLOW Onions 5 . 19c Oranges 252 Sin . . 2 lr 49c SWIFT'S BRANDED STEER BEEF ffe Swiss Steak u Cubed Steak i Ground Beef IB. 391 Ground Round LB. 69' ran FOOD, MARKET 120 S. Lancaster Dr. Ph. 3-4489 Prices Effective Fri., Sot. ond Sunday