, 18 Salem,. Oregon, Thursday, January 21, 1954 ! East Salem EAST SALEM Several parent organizations are discussing den tal health problems at this month's meetings. Dr. Harold Hutchipson of Snlem was the guest speaker Tuesday night for the meeting of the Parent Teachers association at the school. First a film was shown in which the proper brushing method was demonstrated by an adult, and this was followed by the speaker dis cussing the special care oi cnu. ifron'c tooth. A discussion period followed and fluoridation of drinking water was the subject of most questions. Musical numbers were given by Terry Meisinger on his accordion. Serving on the reiresnmeni com mittee were fourth grade mothers . Mrs. Delbert Mammett, Mrs. Paul W'odrum and Mrs. Melvin La Due. The awards for last year's 4-H club members were given out bv Chet Loo from the First National bank. Bronze pins, first year awards, were given clothing memDors, un da Miklia and Virginia Forsc; cooking to Margaret Gilman, Mary Gilman, Gerald Gibb. Sharon Ber nardy. Allen Gardner, Dennis Krueger and a second year certi ficate to Beverly Gardner; in wood working first year pins to Michael Le Due, Steven Holler, Stanley Masters, Richard Given, Oliver 01. 'son and John Jayne. The United States National bank ' presented the leaders' pins and certificates, and Mrs. Harold Hol ler was given her bronze pin and - a certificate for her fifth year in this community service and first year pins were given V. M. La Due, Mrs. Keith La Due, Mrs. Royal Wenig, Mrs. Phillip ichra and Mrs. Scott Foster. Mrs. Lillian Schmidt, third grade teacher, has been in the hospital. Mrs. Evelyn Fox is her substitute. Salem Man Seen With Slain Woman LITTLETON, Colo. (IP) John E. Bancy, 32, sailor from Salem, ' Ore., was seen with Mrs. Dorothy iau snoruy ociore stie was killed net. here last September, Dist. Atty. Georgo Priest asserted Wed nesday. Baney, who is on trial In district court on a murder charge, denies any connection with the crime. . Priest attempted to introduce a coroner's certificate giving the cause of death as "injuries re ceived by beating and raping." Judge Harold H. Da vies would not admit it, saying that the jury must decide the cause of death. ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED . . . Too Late To Classify. $ BH. HOUSE.- like rent to respon sible folks, good district. 4-545(i. MoT5FSNMrm7hmHe7Hdwrfloors, Venetian blinds, oil heat, garage. At 4 Corners off State St. $ per month. Ph. 4-4708. 1 BEDROOM, wood furnace, $50. N. 16h. Ph. 3-5118(1. IHo ACCEPT any kind of common labor. 4 yr. cxp. as Serv. Sta. Opr. ant lube man. Chauffeur's license. Ph. 2-7421). ARE YOU a rich housewife? Would you like to pin a few orchids on your budget. Beautv counselor can show you how. For appointment call Thursday 3-4151 Room 334 or write Beauty Counselor, 1000 S.W. Vista. Portland 5. Ore. WANTED: Permanent part time bookkeeper, must type, age J5-4S. State experience. Write Box is Statesman-Journal. ANDERSON'S green slab, a cd. $14. Ph-7751 or 4-4353. ODD PIECES of ,"," In V plywood and 14 Delta band saw. 3615 Gar den Road. LOST: Army discharge papers. Tues day. Rav Edwin Northness. Reward. 1073 7th. 300 Personal 312 Lost and Found LARRY and Glen mUs their bluett cocker do very much. "Please." If anyone has any Information to Rlarky's where-ahouti, call 3-lM3. LOST: Brown leither coin purse. Be- twion Church and Broadway on f.ainc. Penmnal papers vaiuamt, Rewnrd. 2-1IW.7. LOST, near PGR office, lady's Omen wriFi watch. Reward, call .vhuhh. 314 Transportation WISH TO CONTACT someone driv infl from Salem to Corvallts dally except Saturday, rn. a-aiw. 916 Pe HOT RKSPONKim.K for anr dpbts otner than my own. rxiwm J. m tnnJ PRIVATE INVESTIGATIONS Civil, criminal, dnineMlr recovery. R"a sonahle Phnne 3-5073. Salem. Popular Piano LeMom A ltfe time of fun. Our course, bitted on 17 yn. en. offer valuable Khorl cut thnl Rive all busy people the rhancr tn knew the thrill nf playing the piano. Beg. or Adv. all agrv For a per sonal meeting call Salem Music Co., 2-07Ofl, Absolutrly no ohltga lion. SAFE, permanent rsmovsl of un sightly facial hairs. Erich of N Y. PALMISTRY HKAOINGS Tells part, present and future, advice on all n.Htters. Will solve wur problems. This nd with one duli,r. for five dollar reading Optn 0 a.m. tn 10 p.m. Miway PP. next tn North Salem Drive-In. LabjshGrden. MI'SIG LESSONS, piano and violin. State accredited teachar. Phona 2-C013. 400 Agriculture 402 livestock For Sale LIVESTOCK liuver. I buy cattle, horses, hogs, sheep, goat,, boars, veal. Emerv Alderman. Phone J- 78i or a-nvon. LOCKER BEEF-ftistern Oregon, 'i or whole, Sac, tront quarter 10c. Custom killing. Trailer loaned free. Salem Meal Co., 1.125 S. 25th. Phone 3-485(1 POTTED POLAND weaner pigs. Rt. , Box 62t. Pil. 3-4261. 400 Agriculture 403 Livestock Wanted CATTLE BUYERS. E. t. and H. Sne. then, 4297 State. 2-1345 orJjWHK. 404 Poultry and Rabbits FRYERS tor sale. Ph. 4-288$. Rt. i Box SI Macleay Roud. CHICKS for layers. Leghorn Austria, white or New Hampshire. PalnW, Poultry Farm. Rt. 1. Brooki. Ph. J-6343. WING needs rabbits. Phone 4-3918. 3985 State BABY CHICKS Hatched year round. Order now for choice of breeds. Special New Hamp pullets, 19c. Valley Farm Store , Salem. 4-4624 408 Pets l-Month-old puppies. Part Cocker. 12 each. 5425 Dallas Ruad. rPUPHIEsTamail breed. S3 each. 1805 Blrchwood Dr. GERMAN SHEPHERD IS months. Buff color, excellent pedigree. $33. H. W. Peyree. It. ml. S. lndep. REGISTERED Pomeranian puppies. S40. Call 11215 Lebanon. WANT GOOD home Bird dog. 3775 Monroe after 5:30. Ph. 8-4928. FOR SALE, 6 Siamese kittens. Phone 2-B488. TO GIVE AWAY, black female pup py. Very friendly with children. Ph. , 2-0530 after 5:30 p.m. MALE Boxer 4 mo. old. A.K.C. reg istered. Call anytime Sat. or Sun. after 6:30 week days. 4B34 Clark Ave Kclzer Dlst. Ph. 4-1S24. CANARIES Orange St aorlcot strain. Phont 3-4385. 1340 Chemck eta. BOXER female. Moore's tropical fish equipment. Parakeets, pets. Mac lfay Rd. 4-3773. Closed Wed. PARAKEETS, Cages, supplies. Rea sonable. Bird Paradise, 3180 Living ston 2-1842. HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM, 1858 Mc. Coy, 1 block east of N- Capitol. Hfc hlocks north of Madison. Pb. 2-6B97 412 Fruit and Farm Produce GOOD GRASS HAY for aale. Phont 4-3163. ALTA FESCUE hay. $12.50 ton. Ph. 4-43I0: VEATCK 4c OATS hay for sale. $25 a ton. Ph. 4-1357 FERTILIZER Rotted manure, weed free. 2-0774 425 Auction Sales CORRECTION The BARGAIN BARN ad on Jan. 20 erroneously stated: Open Wednesday 4 davl SHOULD HAVE READ OPEN WED. 3 DAYS WED., THURS.. FRI.. SAT.. SUN BARGAIN BARN 4 MIL. N. OF SALEM ON 99K AUCTION . Rain or Snow. January 23 at 10:00 p.m. Oak Cr. Rd. Rt. 4, Box 110, Cnrvallla, Ore. MUST SATISFY CREDITORS. LARGE LOGGING TEAM 1 SET OF HARNESS A- COLLARS 43 G.M.C. DUAL AXLE DRIVE 31 Model-Ar SEDAN 755 Mcculloch low boy trailer 22-ft. flat-bed trailer 43 federal brownie st 5th WHEEL CRAFTSMAN CHAIN SAW MALL CHAIN SAW PORTABLE GAS WELDER OTHER MISC. ITEMS 'SO Morrbnndise 451 Machinery and Tools SHOPSM1TH. late model, never ued. Many extras. Ph. 3-4057. 15.15 Nor way. W. K. A. C. Crawler with 10 ft. angle blade, good condition. $1350 or no reasonable offer refused. Write Wil liam Kaiser, Rt. 1, Box 4H2, West Linn, Ore. 455 Hsehold Goods For Sale USED FURNITURE Terms 1 Ye Valley Furn. 219 N. Com'l FOR SALE, furniture Provincial style 2-cunhion davenport. ITS 00. Call between 8:30 and 7:30 p.m., 3B514. CRIB AND MATTRF-SS. elec. r.insje and refrle.. 3-pc. ftertinnnl. oil cir culator, chest, ixS run. brrakfnit set, gas range and refrlg. 2040 Portland Rd. GAS water heater. Like new, 1040 Hunt St. Ph. a-.14R3. 120. 1-P1ECF. sectional bed riavenn, $15. 7 5. com'l. 456 Wanlftd. Hsohold Good 1 s i essn aaca CASH TODAY Good used furniture or will sell on consignment Ph. 3-60M Sudtell'a Auction. WANTED USED FURNITURE TOP PRICE Valley Furn. Co. 2-7472 457 Radio and TV PACinC MERCURY TV. "Jf eon sole. In Salem area. 130, installed. Total prtco. 1-37B4. 458 Building Materials Garage On your lot to your uprcificrillon!. .18 mo. to pay. Free estimate. Hark man l.br. and Hlw, Co. Ph. .1-.170I. 24RO State. AI.Ij NKW Inmhrr nhtplap 90 m -r M and up. 2x4 at. (I Uruer $-. (HI per M and un, Pome lumber f 1.1 00 per M delivered. Phone 3-3042. KEITH BROWN' SPECIALS iiiMjuaiisiiiaaj imiawiij'iiMi ,. aim I DOORS- REG RALE J-0-Bxt I panel $ 7 02 $6 38 24x6 8.l , 17 58 MH-bl , 27 6 68 2 8x68x1 " I 30 6 75 J-OX6 8x1 a, Col 15 85 10 41 8x6-6x1 , -UI sash 14 0 151 1IARDWAR1C Wruer KnlTsnce Handle Srt. 1256 1 8.1 Kry-in Knob Lock Sel 6 98 S 56 Passage Sets !6l 2 03 BHFETROCK- ion 1 83 ea 4 X I x , 76 I M Cl Keith Hrown Luniber Yd. Front Court Streets Phone .1.9111 W Civs I&H Green StampsI 4 "ft IWerrhandSse 458 Building Materials PLUMIHNG rnlletl - M Ualhlubs - $7.50 Shower Cabinets $39.50 Wash Basins 118 4 in. cant Iron soil pipe, per fct....69c Complete line of all pipe and fittings. Tremendous savings In colored fix tures. CAPITAL BARGAIN HOUSE 145 Center Salem ROOFING AND REPAIRING KIEFER ROOFING CO Phone 2-5008 BUILDING? New bath tubs complete SM.50 M gal. water heaters $8l 50 PI is lie dralnbd. covering- $.30 iq. ft Hdwd. plywd.. ideal for paneling or cabinets ........ Cheap Loose Insulation per bag ..$1.00 Fiberglass roll blanket lnsul. -Cheap 11- 2 eicc. wiring , 3'.ic 12- 2 clec. wiring ...5'ac Nulls $8.75 St $8.95 keg Asbestos riding per 1 $0.50 Pi:inted shaken with uuders ...... .110. 50 New doors, all sizes .,..$5.50 Used windows 30" X 43" ....$2.60 lno used doom with frames New toilets with seats $24.50 Dm. hi ft kitchen links, complete $11.50 40 gal. elec. water heaters $68.50 Laundry trays, pipe, basins -.-Bargain 500 gal, steel septic tanks ...$02.50 4" cast Iron soil pipe ......76c 4" solio orangeburg pipe - ...38c Roll roofing, large supply $2.25 S tab comp. roofing - $7.55 Cedar shingles. 4 Grades .Cheap New Calv. iron roof Cheap Plywood, new carlond .Barga.n9 New picture windows $8.00 New weather stripped windows $14.20 Cedar fence uosta ....Cheap New plaster boar a xu Steel earaee doors. comDlete..M,.$44.00 Over-head garage hardware .M..$13.95 C. G. LONG & SON ph. 4-5051 1 ml. N. of Kelzer 460 Musical Instruments BALDWIN Acrosonic piano. Phont 2-4il. 462 Sports Equipment 1951 JOHNSON outboard motor. 10- hp5MN.20th. 1 30.09 RIFLE, with scope, WO. Ht. 3, Box H31-E, Salem. Inquire at Rob erta Market. NEW 30-3(1 Winchester carbine, $33. , Ph. 4-41135. 468 For Rent. Miscellaneous McCULLOCH chain saws and post hole augers by day. Towne Equip ment Co. Ph. 4-1541. SOR RENT or lease, Ige. warehouse space cement floors, orick bldg. down town. Inquire H. L. Stiff Fun 3-s;P5 470 For Sale, Miscellaneoui ANTIQUES pair ot Victoria ladles chairs, roiinisnea, rcgiucu, anu re built with muslin covers. Ph. 3- B476 between 8 and 5 weekdays. 5 PC. DINETTE, closing out $12. Bar gain Ham. 9'JE. 1 NEW matching Mr. and Mrs. Oak chest of drawers. 3-4049. Open for otlcr. SINGERS uxvd machine clearance sale. See on KOIN TV Thurs. eve.. :: n. m. Come Kri. earlly for good selection. All machines In A-l con dition. Slnccr Sewing Center, 130 N. Commercial. BARGAIN BARN qultlng business. CIRCULATING oil heater, 5-room size. $10. 1596 Franklin, W.Salern. TELEVISION New 1933 Admiral 27" console with donrs 2 13" Kpcak cris, new guarantee J495.00, 21628 74B E. Ewald. 30" MONARCH uleclric rnnge, 73. Woodry. 1005 N. Summcr. FHmLIZER rolled cow manure, compost, rot ted mulch, and chicken manure for lawn dress. nc. By sack or cubic vd. Pick up at form or wo enn de liver. Phillips Bros. Rt. 5. Box 43. Ph. 43081. 2 ml. K. 4-Corners on Slate Si. . BARGAIN BARN sacrificing every Item closinK out inurs.-rri.,-Snl.-Sun; BarKalnsKalre- Special Sale Closing out stock on ornamental stones, inducting lava ana iisr stones. Also on rustic cedar fencing and cedar posts and poles. Our sup ply Is limited so cheek now for good buys. Phillips Bros. 111. 6. Box Vi. Vh. 4-:tuai, i ml. t. 4-corner on State St. PAINT -1.0Bgal.B.Barn. 1 INFRA RED heaters, 17.50 each. Ph. .1.6277. ltd 50 B1ILOVA wrist watch. Slightly shopworn. Closeout price 24.Uj. Ilnrlinan Bros., 3IW State. SMASllINGPRlCTllargaln Barn. LIBRARY tables. 4.50. Clen Wood rv. 1(105 T . Summer. LATE model Klrby vacuum rleaner, $30.50. Including all attachements Ac waxer. Pn. evenings 4-5864. VANITY TV stools, reg. 117.95. 6.!15. Hargaln Hariv LADY'S fur coat. Sire 14. Can't tell ever been worn. $500 value. Cost much more. Traded In on late model car. Sell for $385.00, terms. Lee s. 240 N.Churc)v FOLDING baby buggy and fold-a- cart. Phone 2-0504. 3 ANTIQUE guns, cheap. Glen Wood, rv. 1005 N. Summer, BROWN Maple drp leaf table, 4 lad- flerbacK cnairs; a pc. green enrome set. Must sell. 3-111)8. WILTON RUG xl2, $12. Bargain nam PPE. DISHES. TOOLS, rlose-oul. Bargain Barn. 4 ml. N. OflF. Vacuum Cleaner Kenmore cleaner regular $77 45. Slightly licit. $1) 95. 15 00 down, $5 00 month. Sears Roebuck Ai Co., 550 Capitol St. Ph. 3-9191. $24 95 FIRESCRCKNS, 112.05. Bargain Ham Closing out. NOIKJE Refrigerator. 6 ft., good con dition. 2aurn. 3-14H. FOR SALE, equity In 1S54 Arvln ron.nle net. with 20 ft. arrl.il and antenna. $40. Impure at 1765 Ever green Ave. atlcr 8 p.m. 6 WAY floor lamps, new 7 86. B.ir e.mi Hun. USE. XU LINOLEUM "russ $j 95. Wool Irfl 50. Cotton $-4 50. Hai cam Barn. Closing out. i'SF.fl TRAILER oil heater. A!o p.mcl ray heater. -'to Poitland Rd. FRENCH ninocHlais. 5. Cllen Wood rv. 1(505 N Suinim-i. 5-PC. BEDROOM ' set, $65. Elec. mix er. $10. Ph. 2-4M5 alter 6 pm. Sewing Machines Trade in Clearance Late model White Rotary elec. console $59 9$ fjite model electric console .. $10 05 Singer round bobbin portable. Veiy gtKl condition . $19 50 1 late' model Kcnmoie portable, new guarantee. Verv reasonable Liberal trade In allow ,mce on old ma chine. Balance $S ixi month. Se;n s Roebuck ft Co., 550 N. Capitol. I'll. J.9191. NEW DAVENO sit, closeout $0!l" Bargain Barn. 9iK $5,000 NEW' STOCK. Closeout, quit ling. Bargain Barn. 1430 Merchandise ! 470 For Sale. Miscellaneous ( SEAT COVERS slashed I Buy em now at close-out prlcesl Check these! plastic qullt-tilm . . . good selec tion . . . re. Ian. US . , . now Just $23.50 Woven plastics, leatherette trim. reg. $26.50 . . . reduced to $18.50 Oust a few of 'emj a few reg. IIS). as woven plastic, leather ette trim. Many other bargains. All seat covers sold Installed FREE. Easy budget terms. Green Stamps. Pay $1.00 $1.25 per week. Master Service Stations. Inc.. In Salem. SANITARY COT J1.50. Barsaln Barn, QUITTI.NG business. Bargain Barn Thurs.. Fil.. Sat.. Sun. COLEMAN oil circulator. 2 years old. Pipe and 2 oil drums Included, $65. Phone 4-5495. BARGAIN BARN closing out Wed., Thur.. Frl., Sat., Sun., 10 a m. to 6 p.m. SPECIAL Sewing machines values to $22.50 NOW CHOICE, $10 SNOOKS BARGAIN CENTER 2305 State BETTER BUYS Glen Woodrys. STORE SAMPLE: 3-tube radio, com plete with tone control, phone-Jack for record player, bullt-tn loop an tinna. Was $3C.!IS: sale $26 BB. Mont gomery Ward St Co., Appliance Dept.. Phone 3-3MI1. OFFICE CHAIRS $3.50. Bargain Barn, closing all stocky SALES may come and sales may go but Glen Woodrv always saves you more douflh, SINGER SPECIAL Electric port ables from $24.50. Trendies from $9.95. Treadle combination electric irom $29.50. All machines A-l con dition and guaranteed. Include free sewing lessons. Singer Sewing Cen ter, 130 N. Commercial, BKDROOM SET sale terrific buys. Glen Woodry. 1805 N. Summer. MANGLE Thor Gladiron" 43. Dish- washer Kaiser Standard $40, 3-5556 after 1 o'clock. PAINT $1.00 GAL. Bargain Barn. ZENITH radio-phono, comb., swing rocker, end tables. $50. Ph. 3-5303. SU0S.14th. NEW DAVENO .ale, Glen Woodry, 1005 N. Summer. MINK-DYED muskrat coat. Size 14. Ph. 3-6353 after 4. ADDING MACHINE, Column, $45. Electric $!I5. Ph. 2-5375 BEDS $2.50. Bargain Barn. FLOOR SAMPLE: Oil circulator, 411,100 BTU: beautiful finish with very few -scratches. Reg. $57.95, sale $49.88. Montgomery Ward St Co., Appliance Dept., Phone 3-3191, APT. SIZE electric stove, $49.50. Glen Woodry. li3 N. -Summer. PORTABLE radio. AC-DC, conven ient and well-built case, -fine for hunting, picnics and parties. Was $28.95, sale $14.77. Montgomery Ward & Co., Appliance Dept., Phone 3-3191. BEAUTIFUL knotty pine bar, cost $300.0(l. Closeout, $100.00. B. Barn. 9x12 LINOLEUM HUGS. $5 95. Glen Woodry. 1()5N. Summer. CHEST-O-DRAWERS $3.50. Bargain Barn, closing out. CHAHIS foundation girdles, bra. Ph. 3-5!18or .1-5072 Mary E. Bales, BATTERIES AH cars, 6.95, 7.S9 $8.fi5. exchange. 12 mo. guarantee. I.vtlr's Tire, N. Com'l St Pine. 4-i033. WOOD RANGES. SIS. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. S-PC. TWIN bedroom set, 48.50. Closeout. Bargain Barn. HOSPITAL BF.O for sale or rent. H. I,. Stilf Furn. Co. Ph. 3-D1H5. CAS WATER heater, lis. Glen Woodry. UK'S N. Summer. FOR SALE new Mayflower forced air oil furnace. Complete with duct work, controls, 275 gal. tank. Half price t4')0.00. Phone 2-4002. WALNUT Dining set. J35. Glen Woodry. 11105 N. Summer. RECAPS $6.BJ. 600-16 & 670-15 sizes. Nationwide guarantee. 100r cold rubber. Lytle', Tire, N. Com'l At Pine. DAVENO, very nice. $40.50. Gleil Woodry. 1603 N. Summer. ANTIQUE CLOCK closeout. $5o7 Bargain Barn, 4 mi. N. 99E. 472 Wanted, Miscellaneous SET or part Franciscan wild flower pattern dlsnes. Ph. q-aiw. TREE SPRAYER Not less than 350 lh. pressure. Ph. 2-7522. Logs Wanted Good 2nd growth logs. Prem paid for No. z logs zs ana longer aiso 8' stud logs or multlpes of 6' plus trim 6" to 16" dlam. BURKLAND LBR CO. Ph. Turner 1125 Eves. 2502 Turner or 2-7B26. Salem. 474 Miflcellaneous BFE-HIVE TRUCKS U-DRtVE MOVE YOURSELF SAVE 'i CAR RENTALS - STAKES . VANS TEXACO STATION 6IS COl'HT ST PHONE 2-1911 PAGE STEVENSON andAL MEFORD "" DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HIl. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DH HARRY SF.MLER, DENTIST Adolph nidg Stat a Com'l. SU. SALEM PH. 3-3311 476 Fuel Pickup Your Presto-logs Briquets and wood at 198 S. Coml St Phone 3-7721. Highway Fuel Co. Dean sawdu-t- wood, green or 1ry. Stove-Diesel ells. Ph 3-6444 West Salem Fuel Co. Tube or Puih Out Sawdust Ah, Maple and O-ik Wood Creen, drv alab, Pl.iner Find 1523 Edxewater Phone 2-4031 500 Bus. !t Finanro 510 Money to Loan WHEN YOU NEED MONEY See Us All typrn nf personal ln.ui. Trnnj ti. (.ult No in rti:,itinn charges. All de.ilmgx Strictly Confidential Home Owned, Hume Oprrateil Hollywood Finance Co. i?iao Fairgrounds Road (Next Door to It.mki Free Parking Lot. Call 2-70:1 M 369 S 291 AI'T(TlOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 162 South Church Parking a-Plcntv Ph. J-HS; Lie No M-50. S-154 real estate loans lULUPIIAl mUMfflLill tu. 6S7 Court 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loan Pl'.'VATB mnr.ev to loan Ph $-0794 Consolidate All Bills Twenty-ftvff years ago General Pi nance Corps was organized by Sa lem business and professional men U give you a loan service. We have lent millions. TRY OUR SfcRVlCB you can reply anytime to reduce costs. No endorsers or help (rom friends longer time to rspir Ph. li3t for a one trip loan. Loans 2l 00 to 9300.00 on signature, furniture and equipment. Loans to $500.00 on cars, trucks, and trailer houses. free customer parking at "Marlon Car Park'' across from office 136 S. Commercial St. Lie No S13$ and M33$ 600 Employment 602 Help Wonted BOO". -KEPER-CASHIER under 35 yr. work Sunday. Ho phone calif. North's Restaurant. 1170 Center, WK AHfc now taking applications nr Paper Routes at Carrier Divi sion, Statesman Building Boys nv'st be 13 years or over and have the written consent of their par ents If you have already applied kindly do so again. THE OREGON STATESMAN 604 Help Wanted, Male SALESMAN for well established Real Estate Office (10 years In the same block). Heal Estate Ex Deri enee Not Necessary. See Burt Picha, Realtor, 370 N, High St 2-4047. USED CAR salesman, near Salem. Excellent opportunity. Write Box isa, c-o statesman-journal. 606 Help Warned, female LADY to keep house for family for one monm. Keierences exchanged. fnone j-jjio. LADY WANTED for Salem office of Western concern. Retail specially selling. Exp, required. Salary and commission. Apply Mr. Jones, Jio wouri. WAITRESS wanted. Night work. Part time to atart. Apply colonial House afternoon or evenings. EXPERIENCED kitchen help, part ume. Leuane i, 4kj court st. 610 Sales Persons Wanted EXPERIENCED roofing salesman wanted. Call for appointment. 3-4823. 612 Work Wanted. Male 19 YEAR OLD expectant father needs work. Driver's license. 2-HB28. WANTED Bulldozing, land clearing, etc. B. V. Stoops. Ph. 2-3326. PROFESSIONAL upholstering done In my home. Reasonable. Pick up St delivery. Call 2-4290. TAX RETURNS prepared In your home at reasonable rates. Phone 4-203.1. . HEDGES and shrubs trimmed, yard cleaned up and trash hauled. 2-7464. CEMENT work, all kinds. Ernest Drake. Phone 4-5129. 1165 S. 14th. 614 Work Wanted. Female WOULD like to do kitchen work In restaurant, dish washing, cleaning of public ufflca bldgs. Ph. 4-3208. MIMEOGRAPHING, typing, reason able. Mrs. Poe, 663 N 16th. 3-3643. HOUSEWORK or rooking company meals. Phone 3-5860. 615 Situations Wanted WIDOW wishes housekeeping Job In motherless home. Box 162, Statesman-Journal. COMPETENT child care my home days. Hollywood District. Phong 4-5489. DRESSMAKING and alteration. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Judy Polston, Ph. 3-5677. EXPERIENCED comp. opr. wants permanent position. Ph. 2-4J79. INCOME TAX blanks prepared rea- sonablv. Phone 3-6641. EXPERIENCED clerk-typist, Ihlp- Jing clerk, desires steady job. Ph. -7481. WOMAN wants Job housekeeping for widower. Write Box 160 Statesman Journal. YOUNG, clean, neat, ambitloua Kor ean Veteran wishes full, part-time employment. Own car can be used. You can beat $:W week, please Ph. Silverlon 3-4274, Mr. ASbert A, Jairl, HI. 2, Box 96. Sllverton. Ore. i'OR PRACTICAL nurses or domestic help, phone 3-5072 or 2-06:16. WE SPECIALIZE In repairing dry rotted houses. Ph. 2-1459 or 2-1842. TREES topped St removed. All work guaranteed. Ph. 2-1962. J. H. Davis. HOUSEWORK or" Ironing by the day. $1 hr. Ref. Ph. 3-7695. DRESSMAKING, alterations. Drap eiy. 2nd floor, Roberta Bros. Pat Smith. PAINTING and paper hanging. Y-O-U-R S-A-T-I-S-F-A-C-T-I-O-N spells "my success." E. F. Waters. Ph. 2-1070. PART TIME bookkeeping .either In linn or home. Phone 2-1740. LANSC APING, com. lawn, garden service. r,ervice center. 4-35 13. PAINTING. Paperhanging. Free es tlmalcs. Don Lurcro. Ph. 3-5522. PAINTING St decorating. Ph. 3-7532 35 vrs. exp. in Salem. Free esti mates. GENERAL cleaning by the hour. Ph. -B20!'. PAPER Hanging and painting. Jerry Jnhnon. Phone 2-0794. ROOFING, new work or repair. All types rooling. Call Klefer 2-5908. Free estimates anywhere. 1'RF.E work, topping, trimming, re moving. Insured. John Tayne. Ph, 2-ltKl.i PAPER DANCING St Painting. Jerry Johmon. Phone J-0794. GOOD CARE for your child". 1180 Snipping St. Phone 3-9924 TREES TOPPED, trimmed" and re ttlovrd. Free estimates. Ph. 2-7464. NEW Construction, remodeling At rrpalr. Free estimates. Dale Biles. Phone 3-60!"l. PAINTING, P A I ' K R 1 1 A N G 1 N G . Cm trsct. sma'l Job welcome. Phone 2-7PB2. QCALITY wood work n. . home cab inets store fixtures. Dick High- berncr. 3-89114. HAVING AufoADlATOR TROUBLES? Vi '.ey Motor Co. experts will solve f n:r oioblems and nave vou money. re utlmatev speedy service. Center and Liberty HF.I.1ARLR baby sitter Will go davs orniRnii. i-iionc a-iwn or a-3J.j LIGHT crawler doter. dirt leveling. rradlng Phone 2-3220. CARPENTER New, remodfTlng er repair Contract orjlmc. Call 3-502S. CARI'KNTER'WOIIK Any kind Rea". sonsble. 4240 Mscleay Rd. Phone 4591. CARP EN T ER work Ti 1 lk i nd s . 3180 Livingston. 3-1SU, 2-1459. To Place Ad Call 2-2441 616 Employment Aqenclei YOUR JOB r. Sales Mgr. Dersonnel exp. ...OPEN r. Inventory elk. Must type 175 F. Recpt. typist JS-3 tl5 F. Bkkpr. 23-30 1225 F. Recol. Lt. shthd. 1185 F. Cen. ofc. Ins. exp. OPEN f. Steno. 18-25 flM M. Mgr. trainee Col. grad. 25-40. (350 M. Sales college grad $.100 M. Ofc. Mgr. Bkkpr. . 400 M. Olc. elk. 25-35 1275 COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGCY. 494 State St. (Oregon Bldg.) 4-3351 TOO Rentals OFFICE St warehouse space for rent. Up to 2,500 sq, ft. Arrangements car, he marls for taking calls St or ders. 3055 Portland Rd. Ph. 2-7042. LARGE warehouse space for rent or lease Cement floors, brick build ing. Down town. Inquire H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Phone 3-9185. 702 Slaipinq Rooms, Boara BOARD, room downstairs, $60 mo. TV privileges. Ph, 4-2B85. HOUSEKEEPING rm. Private bath, entrance. 1st floor. $30. Ph. 4-5885. RM, WITH bath, close In, Gentle, man Telephone 3-4791. ATTENTION Studenta or employed men. Nice room ready for you, only $15 mo. 534 N. Winter 3 ROOMS, private bath, $30 month, 2770 N. Front. WARM, attractive room. Gentleman. !8J N. Summer. Ph. 3-6368. , CLEAN, quiet, near state buildings, shopping dlst. Breakfast privilege. Ph. 2-1440. SLEEPING ROOM, kitchen facllitlel. For 1 or 2. 784 Ferry St. 705 Apartments For Rent LARGE apt. with garage for rent. 710 Cross. Ph. 3-5S54. VERY fine 1 bedroom apt., furn. Refrig., stove, water furn. Ph. 4-5996. 1C56 S. 13th. 2 BEDROOM very nice apt. Furn. and unfurn. Refrig., stove, water furn. Ph. 4-6447. 820 N. 14th. PRIVATE 3 room, bath, all elec. range, refrig. 1460 N. Summer. WARM clean small apt., close In. Lady. 645 Ferry. FURN. attractive 3 rooms. Den, bath, ullllltes, private. 330 Mission. 4-4001. 1 OnriMG furn nrlir.tn .ntr.nn. and bath. Newly decorated. Near cap Itol bldg. 940 Mill. FURN. 1 bedrm. apt. All electrlct. Close-in. $45. 640 N. Com'l. COMPLETELY (urn. apt. Close In. 960 Parrish. CLOSE IN Clean 1-rm, furn apt Utilities. 763 Marlon. 2 CLEAN, well-furnished apts. Steam heat ana waier iwiuancu. "j wood Dlst. Very reasonable. Phone 4-1720 or a-asia. FURNISHED 3 rooms, $30. Private batll. lyiio worm l-oiii i. 3 LARGE room apt., nice and clean. good location, utilities xuin. a- onaoie. r-n. i-ooai. NEWLY FURNISHED one-bedroom apartment, iota ot ciosei, ccuing fan, double sink, ample rupboards. large sunny room, hardwood floora, handy laundry, garage. W. Salem. r-n. d-o.ii i. 3-ROOM furn. apt. Priv. bath. 705 N. Liberty, pn. n-oiw. CLEAN, close In 3 rms. furn., utll- 1UCS paiQ. I'll. -avoo. i RM. APT., newly decorated, furn. 1 DIOCK IfUIll UUB. .NUltf. FURN, 2-rm. court apt. Available Feb. 1. 1065 Maanon. 4-4754. NICE 3-RM. furn. apts. Close In. Private bath, 33 to aa per monm. Inq. 1595 N. Cottage; 2 ROOMS Private bath, entrance. refrigerator. Adults. rtcasonaDie. 735 S. 13th St. MODERN, nicely turn. 2-rm. apt. Private nam Ac entrance, iaaa Winter. Phone 2-3747. Ambassador Furntshed apts. 550 N. Summer PARTLY FURN. 3-rm. apt. Private entrance. Heat, water turn. rn. 3-8983. FURN, 3 rms, private bath, utilities. 450 S. capltol! FURN. APT. Within 5 blks. down town. Modern equipped, est ci. t-ot-tage. BACHELOR apt. furn. Within 5 blks. downtown. Modern equipped. 444 N. Cottage. ROOM furniahed apartment, aecond floor, for 1 or 2 women. $28. Util ities pd. 1580 Center St MOD. UNFURN. court cottage, walk dlst., available I8th. Ph. 3-5211. 3-ROOM Furnished Court Apt with garage, $55. Close In on No. Com'l. Ph. 2-8648 or 3-6644. Frm. FURN., 2 rm. furn. Close In. Private entrance, bath. 3-8768. PRIVATE. 3 room court apts. Clean, furn.. $45. Adults, 3560 Portland Hd. 1-BDRM. modern furn. court apt, $55. Ph. 4-1761. 3 RMS. furn. Utilities paid. Women preferrrd. 1553 State. 1-I1DRM. apt., unfurn., steam heat, $50. Ph. 4-1452 after 4 pro. 2153 S. Com'l. St. CLEAN 3 room furnished apartment. Private entrance, bath. Utilities furnished. 419 S. 19th. CLEAN 1 rni. furnished apt. Util ities furn. $27.50. Ph. 3-9084. 2261 Hazel Ave. FURNISHED apartments. Close-in. Ph. 2-8740. 325 S. Winter. 707 Houses For Rent 2 BK.DRM unfurn. house, attarhpd garage, elect, heat. $05. Also 1 bedr. unfurn. house $53. No pets. , ml. E. 4-Corneis. 4575 State. Ph. 3.li52. 2-RF.DROOM furnished home, elec tric heat. Insulated, close In No. 4th. $75 r o. Inquire 4450 StlvpTton Hoad. 2 At 3 ROOM modern furn. cottage. Phonc 2-H61R. 2-UEDR.M. house. Fireplace, auto matic heat. $65. Rrlcrences. 2335 Center or call 2-6551. I REDR. h'-use in rrsiarntial court. Vnfiun. except stove A- refrig. In quire Gas Station, Corner Lee and Mission. S.MALI. ONE bedim house. eiecT range. $;m. 18.13 Berry. 83921. UNFURN. one bedroom home at 2295 N. 4th. $30. Phone 2-10112. UNFURNISHED, clean, 2 bedroom house, garage, gas range, refrig, and oil heat. Close-in. $45. Ph. 2-0858. 2-RDR. unlur. home with alt. gar. $o5 1- RDR. unfur. home with att. gar. $45 2- BDR. Hat. stove and refrigera tor furnl.hed, clo.,e In north 535 See JOE L, BOURNS, REALTOR, at 1140 N. CAPITOL. Ph. 3-8218. 2-BDRM. 4 years old. $60 month. Ga rage. Ph. 2-5115. UNFI'RN. 2-bdrm. house, $40 mo. Call a-4008 eve. 4-KF.DROOM furnished house. Auto. oil furnace. Close to shopping cen ter ad town. Adults. $65. Ph. 3-49.U after 5 p.m. ,F.WLYnM)ECORATED""inodern J bdrm. unfurn. home. Garage, nice vaid. bus by door. $60. Ph. 3-9634. 1-RDRM. COTTAGE. Elec. stove, oil stoe. refrig. $.15 month. Renter pavs utilities. 1092 Eighth St. Fac ing McN'ary Ave. 700 Rental 707 Housei For Rent FURN. HOUSE. Carafe. Sleeps I. Water furn. $60. Ph, 2-7835. LARGE 2-bdrm. new house and ga rage, hardwood floors, fireplace, oil furnace, 2 miles out. To re sponsible parly. Phone 2-2673. FURNISHED small 2-bdrm. home, $57 month. Inquire at 2130 Brown Rd. (near Swegle School). NEAT, CLEAN, lovely, 1-brm. house, $50. Ph. 3-7132. VERY NICE 1-bdrm. duplex. Partly turn., auto, laundry. Garage. TV antenna. Ph, 4-8375 or see at 3282 Livingston. CLEAN, 3 bedrooms, unfurnished. Wired for range. 2317 Lee, 2-9888, JUST r.EMODELED. Nicely fur nished 2-bedroom home. Electric heat. North Salem. $78. Ph. 2-7787. CLEAN. FURN. cottage, garage, util ities fnrn., $43, Ph. 2-9084. 2261 Hazel Ave. 2-BDRM, HOUSE $45: and 2-bdrm. bouse $65. Ph. 2-3486. 1 BEDRM. duplex with store room. No children. North Dlst. $45 per month. Ph. 4-1761. FOR RENT A selection of 2- and 3-bedroom homes for rent. -Some with option to buy. Relmann Real Estate, Phone 3-9203. 1-BDRM. furn house. Couple only. No pets. Ph. 2-1862 or 2-2392. ONE-BDRM. furn., clean and dif ferent. Inq. 147 N, lBth 2-BDRM. unfurn. older house, $47.50. No pets. Inq. 147 N. lath. 2-BDRM. house. Everything fur nished. Monthly or weekly rates. 3-8723. 3 BDRMS. Stove St refrigerator furn. $75. Call 3-7887. MODERN one-bedroom house, at tached garage. Newly painted. Partlv furn. South on 99E to Bax ter Rd., left on highway, 3rd house on right. MODERN 1-bedrom court, adults preferred. Stove and refrigerator furnished. $30. Phone 3-0140, 1-BDRM. house. Clean. Suburban, Year's lease. $65. C. E. Andresen, 4990 N. Lancnstcr Dr. 3-RM. FURN. house. $40. Couple only. Year's lease. C. E. Andresen. 4990 Lancaster Dr. CLEAN 2-bedrm. unfurn.. oil heater, hardwd. floors, att, garage. Avail able Feb. 1st. Ph. 2-6259. FOUR-ROOM hse. 1240 Clearview Ave.. Salem. Ph. Albany 1462J. HOUSE AND LGE. barn. Equipped with furnace, power, phone, refrig eration. Suitable for rabbitry, hatchery, or light industry. Ph. 4-5233 after 6 or Sun. FURN.-unfurn. 3 rm. Laundry, ga rage. Reasonable. 3843 Portland Rd. 4 RM. UNFURN. cottage. Elec. heat, elec. range. 744 N. Capitol. 2-8682. FURN. SINGLE St double Apt. 44 N. Cottage. Ph. 2-1687. 13TH AND STATE Furn. house. 2 bedrooms, adults, $50. NICE UNFURN. 1-bdrm. court cot tage, range, walking dlst. Ph. 3-5211 1 BDRM. house furn. basement, fire place, garage, $65. 1020 Maple. Call after 5:30. 1-BDRM.. modern, range St refrig xurn. $43. rn. 4-1701. FURN., 1 or 2 bdrm. duplex apt., ga rage, my n. winter, pn. 3-huho. SEPARATE entrance. 3 rm. duplex. special rates, pn. 2-3323. CLEAN, furnished 1-bedroom house, garage, $50. 4135 Portland Rd. FURN. 1-bdrm. stucca cottage with garage. Near Sears, Adults only. No pets. Call after 10:30 a.m. 930 Garnet St. Ph. 3-7645. NICE clean 1 bdrm. house in court. Att. garage, hardwood floors, Elec. heat, stove and refrigerator furn. $53 per month. 1846 N. 6th, or Ph. 2-7430. 708 Farms, Tracts For Rent 240 ACRES of land with about 1 mil lion ft. timber, good nouse, barn, grass for about 30 head. For lease reasonable. 20 A. 6 rm. house or 2 A. with 3 rin. house. 24x40 chick en house. For rent or sale, easy terms. D. A. Fish, I486 S. Commer cial. Ph. 3-4706. 709 Wanted to Rent WANTED Outstanding Auto Club from Salem would like to rent double garaga or good barn to use as club house and work shop. Rent must be rcasonaole. Phone 2-1065, ask for Gary, 1 710 Wanted to Rent, Houses RETURNING to Salem from two years with Marine Corpa and would like to rent a nice two or three bedroom home. Please call Bob Aiken, 3-9119 or 3-7550. 2 OR 3 BDRM. house in Woodhurn or vicinity. $40-155 mon. Call Dallas 2039 collect or write Rt. 1, Box 249, Dallas. 714 Business Rentals LEASE BUILDING 4.000 sq. ft. on corner lot 70x100. 2195 Fairgrounda Rd. Ph. 3-7124. FOR RENT Two business buildings, one 21-ft. front bv 50-ft. deep, for $1U0 per mo.; aliio one 18-ft. front bv 45-ft. deep for $33 per month. Located at 1141 and 1145 South Commercial St., which also Is High way 99E southbound. More than 10.500 cars daily average pass here. Plenty of parking both on and off street, lree. Free parking lot 75 x 150 ft. next to buildings. Clayton W. Jones. 1147 S. Commercial St., Phone 3-6755. Salem. Oregon. WANTED TO RENT Building suit able for machine and welding shop. Prefer Norlli Salem. Fiaticis Nys, Ph. 3-6144 or 3-9019. H00 Real Estate 801 Business Oportunlties MODERN 2 bay Texaco atatlnn at Commercial and Bellevue. Call Mr. Delapocr. 4-3298 evenings. RESTAURANT $5?"d6"wN OR TRADE Wilt take car. trailer house or real estate Equipped and ready to go. only $1950. ALLEN C. JONES. REALTOR 231 N. High Ph. 3-5838 Eve. 41689 or 2-0848 80b Houses For Sale MORE (for only $9".Vi LOOK what we can offer you In spanking new, top quality home. Ranch type. 3 larRc bedroom?, hard wood f loo is. piped forced air fur nace. Roman brick fireplace, 1 fx 1 7 1 B living room, Rrpubltc steel kitch ens, attached Karaite with overhead storage. Located on ftlxWO city lot. City water, newer and paved street. Best of all. ONLY $1175 Down, balance FHA. terms I fill 00 per mo. Priced to sell at $9,750.00. Aik for CLYDE FCHILK, Salesman. Eve. phone 2-3IW. If no answer dial or 3-ftl'M, PHONE 1980 Fairernunds Road HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT FOR SALE. Furnished 2 bdrm. house. Small down payment. Ph. 3-7018 2-BDRM. hm. ww carpeting In liv ing rm. St hall. Will take pickup or panel In trade. Call 4-4567. 2-REDROOM 4 year old house. Large lot. Suburban. $?oo down. Phone 2-3954. 2 BDRMS.. basement, furnace, fire- rlsre. garage, redecorated, clean. 173 S. 13th. $6500. Ph. 3-4434. 800 Real Estate LOOK! $6450 LOOK! Hurryl 3 bedroom home priced t ell. Plastered, attractive fireplace. Bus right past door. School t blocks. Inside city on paved street, f a rage. Both bath and shower, immediate possession, .5 ACRE RANCH With good bam. nice 3 bedroom home. To be sold fully furnished In cluding 90 laying hens, dandy small tractor. Deep well. Paved road, close to city limits. Good buy at $HS00. NEW 2 BEDROOM Only $7350 buys a cute plastered home. Beautiful hardwood floors. Inside city limits with city water and sewer. Close to bus line. $750 down. 201 South High Street Phone 3-8203 Phone Evenings and Sunday -je71. 3-3B5B. 3-32fi4 LSESBG $500 DOWN Smaller 3bedroom home. Living and dining room combined. Kitchen. Bath. Garage. Paved street. Fur nished, $5,100. Unfurnished, $4,950. 3 Bedrooms $11,600 Only 5 years old. Combination living and dining room. Fireplace. Bath. Inside utility. Patio. Garage. Lot 97x150. Near bus and school. FARMS ' ACREAGES LOTS RAMSEY, REALTOR 2084 North Commercial. Office 4-6211 Eve. Tom Foroeroy, Salesman, 3-7072 Eve. Al Bender, Salesman, 2-7646 Eve. Jim Ramsey. 4-1696 GOOD INCOME PROPERTY Owner not able to manage 12 apts. plus owner. Furnished. Price only $18,500 Will consider house ki trade. $7450 VERY NICE HOME 1 Bedrm. Large den with fireplace. Dbl garage. Will trade for trailer house. 5 CHAIR BEAUTY SALON GOOD LOCATION $2,500 TERMS FOR RENT, NICE FURNISHED Apt. with garage. $35 month. CALL OSCAR SEDERSTROM, SLM. WITH JOHN J. DANN REALTOR 415 N. High, Ph. 43482 Eve. 23219 $1000 Down Balance like rent on this 3 bedrm. suburban home with large lot. Nice living room, dining room, and kitch en. Inside utility. Immediate pos- session. Total price $7500, "SUBURBAN FARM" Nice 3 bedroom house with LR D.R., and kitchen. Oil heat and fireplace. Double garage. 1 acre ground with nnrn, chicken house, silo. Total price $13,300. 22 ACRES Older type bedroom house, LR, Kitcnen, Almost all cultivated, some timber and brush for pasture, fenced and cross fenced. Also barn, hog house, other bldgs. Total price $14,000. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 3055 Portland Rd. Phone 2-7642 Eve. Richard Klumpp. Ph. 2-3M4 Harvey Lively, Ph. 3-1350 806 Houses For Sola $6950. Lge 1 BR 4 yr. old. Llv. rm, UxU, BR 13x15 St 11x12 ft., plastered, cor. lot. Reduced to $6930. Set It to believe It. $4650. $650. DOWN Attractive nearly new one BR hwd firs, attached garage, $50 mo. A real Rent beater. 2BR. DELUXE Din. rm, Llv. rm, and Master BR all have window wall with wonderful view. Fireplace, covered patio and many other extras. $11,500 with CI loan available. WILL TRADE Nice suburban acre with good, well built modern home. Full bsm't, fireplace, Din rm, hwd firs, 3 huge BR, $11,500. Will sell or trade for cheaper house In town. 4 BR. HOME With full bsm't, din. rm. fireplace, nice yard, in good neighborhood $13,850. BURT PICHA REALTOR 37$ N. High St. Off: 1-4047 Eves: Mr. Conklln. Sim. 2-2598 Candalaria Heights Lovely 4 yr. old home. 3 br., spacious Formica kitchen and nook. Sep arate din. rm. Ir rm 13x20. 2 beau tiful fireplaces, fine hdwd floora, finished daylight bsmt, fenced back yard. Owner now available. 2-ROI5. 4 Bedrooms And den, living room, dining room, kitchen with nook. Full basement. Fo-ced air oil heat. 45 x 156 lot. This is a good family home, near Englewood. Jr. Senior High Schools. Bus 1 block. Price $12,500. Terme. Zwaschka 1745 Grant St. Realtor Phone 3-4035 NOT SPECTACULAR" Just a good 2 bedrm home. Approx. S yrs old. Nice kitchen, dining space. Insulated, dble gar., out side fireplace. Fenced yard. Priced At fair market value of $7,900 $1,000 cn or take car as part pay ment. C. W. REEVE, Realtor I860 Mission St. Ph. 3 4590, Eve, 3-953 What Can You Get For $11,600. Superior type construction, best of materials and fixtures, a real roomy 2 bedrm. home that's brand new, yet the lawn, sidewalk, Ac paving are tn, Iron Fireman furnace, one of ht nicest utllilT rms. and all birch kitchen, with plastic linoleum on drain boards and floors, fan over range, light roman brick fireplace with mahog any paneled wall In living rm. Will go GI. or FH A. Call Ed, 2-6704. Ed Lukinbeal, Realtor 433 N. High Ph. 2-6680 NOW SEE THIS 2 t.g. Bdrms. 14x19. Living rm. din ing area, den. handy kitchen with nook. 3rd nicely finished bdrm In basement, oil heat, partlv covered patio, nice back yard with trees, wide lot, close to but service, l East Salem. Priced for bargain For appointment to tee call Don Hem with W. Musgrave, Realtors 12U Edgewtter St. . Ph. 8-3109 Eve. J-644I Summers E-Z Buys REAL LOW DOWN PAYMENT. J BR., only 7 yr,. Hwd. firs., Inside utility, garage. Nicely fenced gar den spot and play yard, Pvd. street, real handy to bus and Highland School. Ready to move Into. We will gladly show Price $7,750. NEED HELP? We help with down pavment. Wt have assisted dozens of ftmilles. We can help you. Comt In, talk It over. SUMMERS. REALTOR 1729 Slate St. Phone 2-4602