- W " V , .. , Thursday. January 21, 1954 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Page 14 Bills to Free Indians Offered WASHINGTON UD Bills to end federal jurisdiction over eight In dian tribal groups, including .the Klamath and the Grand Honde- Siletz groups in Oregon, have been submitted to Congress, Secretary of Interior McKay said Wednesday. Also affected would be all Indi ans in California, Florida, New York, and the Flatheads of Mon tana, the Turtle Mountain Chippe- was of North Dakota and four tribes under jurisdiction of the In dian Bureau's Potawatomi field office at Horton, Kan. McKay said the bills vary in de tail, but that all provide for an eventual end of federal trusteeship over Indian property, and i Id make the Indians subjo.-t to the came federal and state laws as other citizens. He said the bills would affect ebout 66,000 Indians, roughly -ne-lieventh of the Indian population s estimated by the Indian Bureau. McKay said federal responsibil ity for such special services to the Indians as roads, health and edu cation also would be ended. . "Ample time Is allowed, how ever, for the completion of ar rangements under which the Indi ans would receive customary serv ices from slate and local agencies on the same basis as other citi zens," he said. The bills contain provisions de signed to protect the interests of minors, incompetents and other in dividual Indians whrj will need such protection after federal trus teeship ends, he said. Rushing Named Albany's Citizen Albany Clyde Rushing, president of the Albany Cham ber of Commerce, Tuesday night was named winner of the Junior First Citizen award for 1D53. Rushing was selected by an anonymous board of judges for "rendering the most outstand ing contribution to the commu nity in the past year." Besides being elected presi dent of the Chamber of Com merce for. 1954, Rushing was chairman of the Albany area Red Cross fund campaign dur ing March. He also has served on the board of directors of the chamber and of the Rotary club. Rushing, manager of Plct swect Foods since he came here in 1947, also was active in the industrial committee of the Chamber of Commerce. Presentation of the award was made by Harold "Hayes" Evans, 1952 Junior First Citi zen. The honor is given annually to an outstanding young man of Albany between the ages of 21 and 36. The Albany Jun ior Chamber of Commerce sponsors the award banquet. Dr. Victor P. Morris, acting president of the University of Oregon, gave the evening's ad dress on "The Measure of a Community." The speaker was introduced by Rex Putnam, state superin tendent of public instruction and former superintendent of Albany public schools. French Troops Begin Offensive Aboard Troop Transport Off Tuyhoa. Indochina Uh French l-'niom lorcps stjrming ulme on the C'jist of Annam in drive to r vjnwA of the area from U Cwumunmt 14 Vwtminh uAhrA Tr.uTviuy kl'jer oc mi.')' iTjf Tvynm. Zl miles Hirth- t ihf'. .':: th first big Male! ftwtrWn'. N.'n '.'Misivt in Uit I "Ifur n-wrad mft U French Vih'MTJ Vk: iiv tmen A 6V";: ," Hiokrwium tJtS. '"Ti-. it rvWC. It Hi' )tr ,"iitji pre&Mre . . Tut iiwli kjt- x to t (. itii'.ujtiv in an offrntive kuhh ! n Vi-iin- jy wr,f-,'j 'i'ffi ytnv.b Lrnon U'Mpt tWa wsr t - twn Sup pruitg l';rn i'J,'wj icrth mg ii i',.t''.i f.ad from YtW)t-Ml Nl..tii.tf. 44 unite to the ffJ'h. Censorship Law Brines Protest l'(lltTI.AM) 'ft On j.m limn hdvp made riiwmlu hhmI,Ic in puliln ii(in ' the Si.iir lii,m merit of lliiihrr Kdudiijun, ilif premdent of Orognn Stule (.'ullice warned Wednesday. He siiid llic lnus now give the Ijfpnrlmrnt of I'lnanie power to scan ropy and decide whether lo prim it. Dr. A. I.. Slrnntl, head of OSC, wild the Intent of the laws obvious ly was to give the Department of Finance power tn eliminate un necessary puhlicitioni. The result, lie added, is In give the depnr'.ncnl director the power of censorship. Harry Uormnn, the finance di rector, agreed, although adding that he has no Inlenlinn of exer cising any power of censorship. In The Copitol Shopping Center tf) So special, we re limiting 3 pairs to each customer! B8VMUIJBQ (DO E7Gft 51 GAUGE 15 DENIER mm mm ? - Lightweight tor i Bed Patients to Usel , BED TRAYS Wing, coiorful Jans on bated enamel treyl, so My to eleonl Metal 19 U flat n wt is ' REG. $1.19 'Sheer Flattery rr Perfect, full-fiihionod sheen wWi high-ityle hW, pentine ttamt, lovely thtdti. You'va btan paying over a dollar for thtiel $1.09 VALUES! 3 Pairs for $1.09 $1.00 Saving! ELECTRIC HEATING PAD WashobW outer cover. 3-ipoed sw'rlch; cord. GENERAL ELECTRIC HEAT PAD Three Positive Heats $5.95 Wrislty BATH SOAP n t tart In r.ttle t. with FREE W.ik Cloth wm i.ifi" REG. 98e KLEEN-ALL Spot Removing KIT AQt rAmnUIji . Box of 4 Different fluids. Remove all kinds . of spots. Was 60c IEG INHALER 3c 4-Way (Pack ol 36) COLD TABLETS 49c Package of 16 Tablets GROVE'S L.B.0, 39c Metal POT CLEANERS Reg. 10c 4c Serve 20c Fulton Fever THERMOMETER Orai Only; With Catt 1 Black, White SHOE STRINGS OC V-:! 12 Oi. Clear Glas TUMBLERS With graceful finger butgel Think of git- fl m ftf ting e doi.n (or enly 40cl 3to10 Deeorafed Fibre Waste Paper BASKET R.inforc.d rim d m.t.l bet., Ai lort.d colon. Yoer Choice 23' RES. 6c VENEIIANlg J" lumvnuL ... 16" MIRROR 69 1 or. Tube BAUME BEN-GAY 1 ounce Jar i MUSTEROLE 79c Reg. 29c ASPIRIN TABLETS U.S. P. H.nd.rd Quality 54c Reg. 23c BORIC ACID POWDER 9c Whit, flor.l border. R.idy to hangl Now 37c & ITo.t 1 0r TINCTURE IODINE 3c Cough Syrup PERTUSSIN 8 ozs. 89c wvs $1.00 Jene Shampoo S4WAVE J Sev on fViit Special Cloieouf 9 Reg. 39c RUBBING ALCOHOL Isopropyl Compound For Sick-room Rubdowni.' Cough Syrup, 4 ois. VICKS ME-I-TRATING 57c (i Save on the Large Slrel w - - ; . 0 REM Cough Syrup, 6 ozs. Reg. 10c POWDER PUFFS Save 52c UTILITY COTTON Regularly 98c m mmm POUND ROLL .Jh KAZ ELECTRIC Vaporizer Reg. 39c Medicinal EPSOM SALT 1 lb. 15c Reg. 19c Bottle CASTOR OIL 2 , 12c Owl's 12-oi. Bottle CIT. MAGNESIA 1 -ounce Jar MENIH0U1UH 39c I Men's or Women's CANVAS GLOVES 19c Poultice in 5 oi. Tin ANIIPHLOGISTINE 54c Powerful Germicide ZONIIE . 89c St. Joseph's, 50's ASPIRIN For Chililren 39c 4 Lucile Straight or Bent DRINKING TUBES 15c Parke Davis 50cc ADC DROPS 22 J Meads Oleum (10 cc) : PERCOMORPHUM Full Pint Helps Soothe Throat CRE0MU1SI0N , 1 12 Pint capacity. Mad of 2oo Reg. 15c DISH CLOTHS 3J2ci Stniarioriol luyl 72i4" 4uTomotie ELECTRIC BLANKET Guaranteed Molh Proof UL Approved 5 Colon! 3v.95 Value! Save Over Vitamin A Capsules .ld stlt, ,p 98e 25,000 Unite 100 for One Holt 1 M SPCALf U Snap-Sock Vinyl PVoillc ....... 1 1' DAMrtNINu 1 BAIi You don't even shake the bag!, mm: Put clothes In Ihe bog, pour in tome water, lit thut & leave overnight. Cut-lass Type RELISH DISH FREE! Bottle of 25 RBUTOL GELUCAPS Multlvltamine wik . .... . ortle of 100 G.l.top, oth p95 For S He Pemc l-Compl.il KAZ VAPORIZER Pint. Aluml- .Mi..,:i..B" r2s lottle of lop fl VITAMIN C SO mg. Tableh J& tC WES. 87c 10Q-. f F WHEAT GERM 37e l! VACUUM BOTTLE Tint size 79c i limit Rights Reserved CAPSULFC Diet additive! joHle ef 50 tor UPJOHN'S UNICAP VITAMINS BOTTIE 100 Mmoo'i Thiamin Chu.tj.. "'wi iwb; VITAMIN B-1 Tablets 25 mg. SR2l9 QOC 100 for SQUIBB foi 'nerapeutpc Formula MuhWan,;,, rn r- Tim. S.xl.11 MILES ONE A DAY MULTIPLE VITAMINS defl r vita mm cieneiei. 30 C 98 opt. m Bollle 25 LtJB 98c Tri.ro9reri.M J0 CopirM . 33! CSOJSBKIIOI V