Thursday, January 21, 1954 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Pag 13 NAVAL COMMAND HERE CHANGES HANDS 15 If) fe K Lt Com. Walter P. Skinner, left, a veteran of 26 years of Navy service, who becomes commanding officer of Salem's Naval Training Center, succeeding Lt Com. George Bunn, right, who is leaving the Navy for civilian life after 37 months here. Bible Tells When Maw Quit Paw HOUSTON (P) The social security office here got a terse bit of family history from an old Bible brought in yesterday to establish an age claim. The Bible's family record section listed the births of five children, then ended with: "Maw quit paw June 1923." , , Changes in O&C Recommended PORTLAND UV-Several chances intended to help in the sale of tim ber from O&C land were' recom mended by the O&C Advisory Board Wednesday. O&C land is in large tracts in Western Oregon, once grantee" to the Oregon and California Rail road, but taken back by the federal government years ago. It is ad ministered by the Bureau of Land Management as timber and graz ing land. One of the recommendations would allow loggers outside a given marketing area to bid on green timber tracts if the first of fering brings no bids from loggers Inside the marketing area. Another would allow the Bureau of Land Management to determine whether to measure timber in the tracts by scaling or cruising. The board earlier had advocated scal ing as the only method. Sf AR TOPPER dlf ' v MINOR FLOODS IN N. ENGLAND LONDON Wl Freakish spring like rains pelted Britain and much of Western Euorpe Thursday caus ing minor floods in north England and playing havoc with winter sports In Switzerland. Frank W. Bishop who will leave Sunday with Mrs. Bishop as delegate to convention in Havana, Cuba. Frank W. Bishop Leaving Here Sunday With his selection as a Star Topper delegate, Frank W. Bish op, manager of the appliance de partment or Master service aia tions Incorporated, leaves Sun day by air for H.-rvana, Cuba, scene ofthe 1954 Tonoer conven tion, honoring outstanding retail salesmen of General Electric ma jor appliances. Joining some 300 other dele gates, one of six selected from the entire Pacific Northwest, will enjoy one-week with all ex pen ses paid in the Cuban capital city. He will be accompanied by Mrs. Bishop and upon their re turn from the island meeting, they will travel along the east ern seaboard visiting mends ana relatives. Skinner New CO in Salem Lt. Com. Walter P. Skinner, who comes here from duty on the Air craft Carrier Sitkoh Bay, will sue ceed Lt. Com. George Bunn as commanding officer of the Salem Naval Training Center Thursday night. Bunn has been on the local as signment 37 months. He is leav ing the Navy and with his wife will locate at San Francisco with the General Petroleum Corporation, He is a reserve officer. Skinner has recently completed a 16-monUis tour of duty in the Pa cific aboard a CVE aircraft car rier. Previously he had been on the staff of the 13th Naval District as functional officer of reservists. He is a native of Indiana. In World War II he served in the Pacific theater and received a Navy cita tion with one Bronze Star for tak ing part in the Hollandia opera tion with a fire-fighting support unit. He was also in the Wake Is land operation and received other awards. Cmdr. and Mrs. Skinner live at 455 Oxford street. Snyder, Armstrong Talk to PTA Meeting Members of the Englewood PTA, meeting Tuesday night, heard a report by Supt Walter E. Snyder concerning schools of the district ana another oy Tom Arm strong regarding the development of Englewood park as being car ried out by the city. The annual Englewood school carnival will be held Friday, Feb. 17, under the general chairman ship of Mrs, Fred Davis. Refreshments were served by a group of fourth grade mothers, including Mrs. J. W. Muller, Mrs. J. F, Causey, Mrs. W. Eubanks, Mrs. Fred Montgomery and Mrs. William Porter HomeRebekahs Hear History WOODBURN Home Rebekah Lodge No. 58 celebrated its 60th anniversary at the regular meet ing Tuesday night at the I.O.O.F. hall with Mrs. E. C. Peyton, the newly installed noble grand, pre siding and her new officers in their station. Frank Wricht was program chairman and t surprise skit was given under "good or tne order" honoring Mrs. Dorothy Garrett. junior past noble grand, and she was presented with a gin irom the officers ana members. During the birthday celebration Mrs. Myrtle Hall read a history of the lodge and Mrs. James Live- say, a member lor 83 years, iignt ed the candles on the birthday cake. Talks on the early days were also given by Frank Wright and Guy Jfingle. Business transacted included a donation of $9 to the "March of I Dimes" fund. A committee was j j . ;f . h. afjuiiiicu tu ocicth a gut w wig district convention at Monitor to be held Feb. 13, when Home lodge will seat the officers. Ap pointed were Miss Mabel Jack son, Miss Laura Bonney and Mrs. Arthur Burt i Appointed on the refreshments committee for the next meeting, Feb. 2, were Mrs. Charles Dean, Mrs. Roy Arney and Mrs. W, M. Burke. Mrs. Jay Weber will be good of the order chairman for the evening. Mrs. Peyton announced the fol lowing standing committees: Finance, Mrs. Mae Otjen, Mrs. Alice Symmonds, Miss Mabel Livesay; community service, Miss Laura Bonney, Mrs. J. B. Gay, Mrs. Earl Allison, Mrs. Dorothy Garrett, Mrs. Edward DeHaan and Mrs. John Dickson; reception and courtesy, Mrs. Nettle John son, Mrs. Maude Scott, Mrs. James Livesay; non-payment of dues, Mrs. Thomas Engle, Sr., Mrs. Myrtle Hall and Mrs. Alice Doud; publicity, Mrs. Edith Frentz, Mrs. Arthur Burt, Mrs. Frank Wright; cards and flowers, Mrs. George Slyter; by-laws and constitution, Mrs. .Edith Frentz, Mrs.-Alfred Moon; fraternal press, Miss Mabel Livesay; edu cational committee, Mrs. Doro thy Garrett, Mrs. Clara Stange, Mrs. Guy Engle; membership, Mrs. Myrtle Hall, Mrs. Edith Frentz and Mrs. Thomas Engle, Jr. Reports were given on recent installations attended with Mrs. J. B. Gay reporting on the instal lation at Salem, Mrs. Frank Wright on Thalia lodge at Hub bard and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Conyne on Frances lodge at Mon itor. Refreshments were served aft- ,l. ...:,. V. Mm Tin.-, rn Mrs. Blanche Wagenvcld and Mrs. W. W. Sporalsky. Tables were decorated jn. tne "nooo theme. , The Italian government estimates that it will require 75 years' more work to complete the excavation of Pompeii. Enrighf fo Speak ' To Portland Group Thomas C. Enright, Salem at torney, will be the speaker at a meeting of the Multnomah Coun ty Democratic committee in Port land tonight. Under the toDic heading "Your County and Mine," Enright will discuss organization and activities in areas outside of the Multno mah county Democratic strong hold. Enright is chairman of the Mar ion County Democratic club. in - ,1 1 i. p Va krQL jwiitfs first ojok Ml II I I I II Wife UW .t.iSA... ... ...i , ...:,. ... , Register now! At your favorite IGA Store and win this 1 954 Chevrolet Bel-oir Sedan, to be given away FREE by the Independent Grocert Alliance . . . Contest blanks are available at any Salem IGA Store. Pictured above it the featured display at Emery's IGA Food Liner, West Salem. Contest ends Jan. 30. Shop at These Independently Owned IGA Stores EMERY'S IGA FOODLINER Wallace Road at 7th West Salem VISTA MARKET 3045 S. Commercial STATE ST. MARKET 1230 Stota St. ORCUTT'S ' MARKET 4200 N. River Road DIRTY SPARK PLUGS ROB YOU OF MILEAGE? PERFORMANCE? GASOLINE? MI l u (Sflnnafks Friday & Saturday, Jan. 22-23 8 A. M. TO 5 P. M. EACH DAY! Have Spark Plugs Cleaned, Adjust ed and Tested Free of Charge by the Champion Co. and Smiling Jack's. m iir y) All work done by Factory Trained Spark Plug Technicians. The scientifically Designed Champion . Spark Plub Servico Unit is the result of yean of testing and research. It TESTS and CLEANS all makes of Spark Plugs revealing to you as well as ourselves the true condition of your spark plugs. The Patented Sparking Comparator enables you to see end judge the efficiency of your spark plugs. Open Evenings 'til 9 p.m. SMILING JACK'S PHONE 3-9600 PLENTY OF FREE PARKING ON OUR LOT 'gP Corner Center and Church I