Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 20, 1954, Page 6, Image 6

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    I Capital
Edited by MARIAN
Wife. Plans
At Homes
Mrs. Paul L. Patterson, wife of
Oregon's governor, has planned
two Informal at home affairs next
week for local and out-of-town
friends to call. They are the first
at homes of the season arranged
by Mrs. Patterson.
On Tuesday morning, friends
are invited to "call by" for coffee
between 10 a.m. and 12 o'clock.
On Wednesday afternoon, Mrs.
Patterson will be at -home be
tween 2 and 4 o'clock.
Annua! Reports
Given at Chapter
. The annual committee reports for
the year were given on Tuesday
night at the meeting of Chadwick
chapter, Order of Eastern Star, at
the Masonic icmpie.
.Timinr nast matron and patron
Mrs. Paul Griebenow and Paul
Bramble, were honored. Mrs. Opal
Heffley was taken into the chapter
by affiliation. Mrs. Ethel Clemens,
Santa Cruz, Calif, and Mrs. Mary
Imlah, past matron from Gervais,
were guests.
An invitation was extended to
attend the installation of officers of
Chadwick assembly, Order of Rain
bow for Girls, on Tuesday night at
the temple. Mr. and Mrs. Emery
Woods were refreshment chairmen
Miss Gans Wed
Recently in South
Announcement has been received
by local friends of the marriage of
Miss Ethel Gans, lormeny oi sa
lem, to Jack McMillin, on Decem
ber 24 at Leggett, Calif.
The couple will be at home in
Sebastopol, Calif.
The bride, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Jesse Gans of Winlock, Wash.,
is a sister of Mrs. Francis Lawson
of Salem. She worked for a time in
the parole and probations board of
fice here. Mr. McMillin is the son
of the Rev. and Mrs. J. McMil
lin of Sebastopol.
Mothers Meet
Sigma Kappa Mothers club met
Tuesday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. V. D. McMuNcn with Mrs,
Bruce Crandall co-hostess for the
dessert. Attending the meeting
were Mrs. Glen Weaver, Mrs
Fred Vicsko, Mrs, Winston G.
Burris, Mrs. A. If. Fish, Mrs. If.
J. Eastman, Mrs. R. J. Davey, Mrs.
A. F. Marcus, Mrs. G. A. Hcchcr,
Mrs. R. G. Lively and the two
War Mothers Meet
Mr. Minnie Humphreys, Mrs.
Martin Viesko and Mrs. Ben Ran
dall were honored on their birth
days at the social luncheon of the
American War Mothers on Tuesday
afternoon. Mrs. Edward R. Cook
was hostess.
Twenty-four meirbcrs were pres
ent and Mrs. J. C. Morris, mother,
of the president, Mrs. Howard Hun
raker, was a special guest. Mrs.
Carrie Bccchlcr and Mrs. Eflic
Mudd won the story telling contest.
Plans Parties
Among hostesses of mid-Jan-tiiry
li Mrs. Charles A. Sprague
who has planned a series of three
informal luncheon and bridge at
ternoons through this next week, I
the affairs to be at her North
14th street home.
rluh nn Thiirr4v In, Hu,. I i
the aftirncx.n h Mr. J,.h
ton road will be hostess at her
home lor dessert to the Merry
Time club on Friday at 1:30 p m.
47S Cantor St.
I Now I ndrr New I Js - T t l'i -.-V jL
rhursitay. Jan. ?ll mil havr W 3i 1 " .. a'v' "V f v
Mill Jtn StlnnMlr. Rpprrenuilv ' r f 4 "1 ' ' T '
ot Ui Balllr rrk lilrirllr n . iiiii lii n lni m -f ' V
la hMp jroa wllh itir problem u, ah.i j 1 ,' -At k
At Uil llm nr MI ollrr our . .j --"""i,' K ' X
IIN BKI.VKX to you lor Mr, a N, iVlC
Mrlnf of II U. J Ai3Cl3y
IFOIM'Q I 1 Av "Hi?! with
2 far I nrA
L lLsssrru
I I lir prirr get the second I
VJ pair FRF.EI
Tells Betrothal The engage
ment of Miss Joanne Van de
Wicle, above, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. C, L. Van de Wiele
of St. Paul, tc Richard Kirk,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester J.
Kirk, also of St. Pnul, has been
announced. ,
Toastmistress Club
Meets at Mill City
MILL CITY Mill City Toast
mistress club mcl last week for
their first event since the holi
days at the Bank cafe. New offi
cers were elected.
Ruby Crosier, chairman of the
nominating committee, presented a
slate of officers, unanimously
elected to include: President.
Edythe Means; vice president, Ma
rion Todd; secretary, Harriett Le
Cours: treasurer, Faustina Nesbitt.
Installation date was scheduled for
the next meeting with Edna Hutch-
eson acting as toastmistress.
Speakers for tho evening were,
Dclores Stewart, "Dear to My
Heart; Ruby Crosier, "Early Ex-
plorcrs in America;" Barbara Yar-
neli, ' "Architects of the Constitu
tion." Critics were Faustina Nes
bitt, Gwen Jones and Marion Todd.
Evaluator was Edna Ross and
Ifmer was Harriett LcCours. June
Miley acted as toastmistress: Ma
rion Todd was topicmistrcss with
her subject. Dreams."
Guest of the club for the evening
was Mrs. Robert Thorpe.
HOSTESS to her bridge club
on Tuesday evening was Mrs.
Donald Barnick. Additional guests
were Mrs. Robert Strcbig, Mrs.
Robert Elgin and Mrs. Robert
ROROl'TIMIST club jilans its
social meeting for this evening
( Wednesday) at the homo of Mrs.
E.' H. Kennedy with Miss Mary
Brady, Miss Alice Crary Brown.
Miss Irene de Lisle and Mrs. Mar
garet Callaghan as co-hostess.
Dessert will be at 7:30 o'clock.
A fl.l'B hostess this afternoon
is Mrs. William Schlitt. Invit
ed as additional guests were Mrs.
E. R. Vicsko and Mrs. Herman
Lions Auxiliary
Nyhiu, president, directed the
brief dinner program of the mem
bers of the Silvcrton Lions club
auxiliary, Monday evening, at
Toneys. Mrs. Mac Higinbotham
assisted Mrs. Nyhus as secretary
Mrs. William Bloch was In
(charge of a enmecly nnrlinn fol-
lowing the dinner which added
to the auxiliary budget
February meeting also
will be a dinner meeting at
i loncys,
February 15. The meet
ing of the third Monday in
March is to be at the home of
Mrs. Ernest R. Ekman for a 7:30
dessert, the business and pro
gram hour to follow.
Willlf' llMH M MM
Miss Hayes
WOODBURN Mr. and Mrs. D.
D. Hayes of Woodburn are an
nouncing the engagement of their
daughter, Miss Claudia Hayes, to
David Springer, son of the Rev.
and Mrs. George Springer of Wood
burn. The wedding date has been set
for Jufje 27.,
Miss Hayes is a senior at Wood
burn high school and Mr. Springer,
who was graduated from Woodburn
high in 1933, is attending the Puget
Sound College of the Bible at Seat
tle, Wash. .
For Polio Work
The West Salem women partici
pating in the Mothers March for the
polio funds are meeting Wednesday
evening at 7:30 o'clock at the home
of Mrs. C. A. Rust, 1362 .Elm, to
organize for the march.
The West Salem Woman's club!
and the West Salem Lions auxiliary j
are cooperating jointly in sponsor
ing the drive. Mrs. William A. Wil
son is chairman from the Woman'
club. Mrs. Chester Douglas from
me Lions auxiliary,
Mrs. Seine Named
LEBANON Mrs. Monte Seine
was named president of the
Toastmistress club last week at
the semi-monthly dinner. Her
staff will include Mrs. Fred
Spores, vice president; Miss Bar
bara Mason, secretary and Mrs.
Ross C. Youmans, treasurer.
Topic mistress was Mrs. Seine.
Key speakers were Mrs. John
Galey of Sweet Home, who talk
ed on parliamentary procedure,
Mrs. Maude Kobow and Mrs. Ken
neth Wilshire, who gave bio
graphical sketches. Evaluator
was Mrs. John Walstcd.
The new slate of officers will
be installed at the next meeting
on January zv.
To Visit Chapter
LEBANON Mrs. Louise Ir
ving of Madras, associate matron
of the grand chapter of the Or"
dor of Easter Star of Oregon, will
be in Lebanon Thursday to con
duct a school of instruction for
officers of Marguerite chapter.
Members of the Flora club are
arranging a no-host luncheon for
Mrs. Irving at the Masonic hall.
Mrs. Albert Carlson, worthy
matron of Marguerite chapter, is
asking a few guests to her
that evening for dinner and to
meet Mrs. Irving.
Today's Menu
Like the flavor of Chinese
food? Then try this recipe!
Chicken-Noodle Soup
Oriental Steak Dish Rice
Dean Sprout Salad
Pineapple Almond Cookies
Ingredients: 1 pound flank or
round steak, 2 tablespoons oil, 1
clove garlic (minced), 1 cup beef
consomme, 1 teaspoon salt. Mi tea
spoon ginger, 1 cup diagonally
sliced celery, l'.i cups diagonally
sliced raw carrots, one 3-ouncc
can sliced broiled mushrooms, Vi
cup sliced scallions, 2 tablespoons
cornstarch, 1 tablespoon soy
saure, 1 teaspoon sugar.
Method: Cut flank steak across
the grain in 't inch strips about
2 inches long. Heat nil in frying
pan. Add meat and brown quick
ly. Add garlic, consomme, salt.
ginger, celery and carrots. Cover
and bring to boil. Cook until
vegetables are barely snder.
Drain mushrooms, reserving the
broth, then add drained nush
rooms and scallions to meat mix
ture. Blend together and stir in
any saure and sugar. Cook and
stir until sauce thickens. Makes
4 servings.
Lovely . . .
at the
115 North High
t' f i ..' 5. i V ' f , V"' j-f
M ixes-- , c y .-. -sc mmm
DAR Event
WOODBURN Belle Passi chap
ter, Daughters of the American
Revolution, will meet Thursday,
January 21, at the home of Mrs.
Tom DeArmond north of Wood
burn. Mrs. Clair Nibler will be
A group of members from Che
mcketa chapter of Salem will be
present and will have charge of
the program. A talk will be given
on the topic "Searching for An
cestors," and there will also be a
report on the state board meeting
recently in Portland.
For the February 18 meeting
Mrs. W. J. Wilson and Mrs. H. F
Butterfield will be hostesses.
BROOKS Mrs. Bertha Johnson
entertained the Brooks Garden club
at her home in Salem, Thursday. A
no-host luncheon was served at 1
o'clock followed by business meet
ing. Topic, questions and answers
were on root pruning and mulch
ing. The next meeting will be at
the home of Mrs. H. H. Bosch
January 28. The topic will be, "Se
crets of Successful Pruning." Those
present Thursday were: Mrs. H. H.
Bosch, Mrs. Elmer Conn. Mrs.
John Eggers, Mrs. A. H. Jensen,
Mrs. Virgil Loomis, Mrs. F. J.
Morisky, Mrs. P. J. Moritz, Mrs.
Silas Perlich. Mrs. Willard Ramp,
Mrs. A. P. Sidebottom, Mrs. Julius
westting and the hostess Mrs. Ber
tha Johnson.
Legion Auxiliary
SILVERTON Meeting at
Legion hall on Monday, January
25, is Delbert Reeves unit No. 7,
American Legion auxiliary, the
meeting to begin at 8 o'clock.
A joint session is planned with
members of the post and visitors
of district No. 2, who are to be
present to make final appoint
ments and plans for the Febru
ary 7 district 2 concerencc in Sil
verton. Mrs. Clarence B. Grund of Mon
mouth is district 2'president and
Harold N. Lichtentheler of Day -
ton is commander of district 2.
Casual Shoes
Reg. 8.95
S Reg. 10.95
Til 9
Plan for Dance On the calendar for the week-end is the
Salem Women's Army and Navy league winter formal dance
on January 23 at Izaak Walton league club house. The theme
is "Plantation Time."
On the committee arranging the affair are these four above,
left to right: Mrs. Harold Fox, who is general chairman; Mrs.
Victor J. Collins, Mrs. Robert L. Irving, Mrs. Cecil DHL (Ken-ncll-EUis
studio picture)
Silverton Rebekahs Busy
SILVERTON New year acti
vities of Tryphena Rebekah lodge
No. 38, have included installa
tion of officers jointly with the
IOOF, a practice meeting, spe
cial, for initiatory work in in
ducting new members, and the
activities of the Triple Link club.
The installation of officers was
open to the public with many
guests and members present
Thursday night. The hall and
serving tables were decked in the
lodge colors of forest green,
lighted tapers and pink carna
tions. Airs. Mary Howell and
Mrs. Mike Hannan were in
charge. The entire program was
formal. Announcements includ
ed the district convention to be
Saturday, February 13, at Moni
tor when Silverton will exempli
fy the Memorial and Draping
the Charter." Following the
Thursday, February 25 regular
session. Miss Marjorie Prichard
will show pictures and will speak
on the "united Nations." The
last meeting in the month, Thurs
day, January 28, initiation of new
members will be featured.
At the Thursday installation
program hour, Miss Delorcs De
Peel was featured as "vocalist"
in record impersonations.
Installed ' jointly as noble
grands were Mrs. John Beals and
Walter Rowan.
The installing group included:
as grand mashals, Mrs. I. L.
Stewart and George Christenson;
as district deputy president, and
grand master, Mrs. Lial McClure
and Robert Gchrke; grand war
dens, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lar
son; grand treasurers, Mr. and
Mrs. Clay Allen; grand secre
taries, Mrs. Carl Rutherford and
Charles Huntington; grand chap-
1 lains, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jones;
'grand guardians, Mrs. John
9 Reg. 12.95
Peg. 14.95 .
Now "H
Gchrke and F. B. Renwick. '
Officers assisting Mrs. Beals
and Mr. Rowan this year will in
clude' Jack Morton and Mrs. Wil
bert Peron. vice grands; S. A.
Gay and Mrs. Ernest South-
mayde, financial secretaries; John
Gehrke, Perry Nofsker; Mrs.
Jasper King and Mrs. Ida Ma
kinster, secretaries; L. D. Saw
yer and Mrs. Allan Foster, war
dens; F. B. Renwick and Mrs.
Melvin King, conductors; Joseph
Jones and Mrs. Ida Ideen, I.G.;
Joe Cook and Mrs. Lloyd Taylor,
O.G.; Robert Gehrke, Charles
Amos, Mrs. Mabel Monson and
Mrs. Frank Giroux, S.N.G.;
Chancy Beesley, Mr. and Mrs.
Clay Allen. Mrs. F. B. Renwick,
S.V.N.G.: Mrs. Chester Mulkey,
color bearer; and Mrs. Walter
Larson, musician.
Mrs. Lial McClure, past nobc
grand, presented Mrs. Chancy
Bceslcv. junior past noble grand,
with the PNG pin, and Mrs. Wil
bcrt Peron presented Mrs. Mc
Clure with a gift on behalf of
the 1953 officers.
Meet Tonight
Mrs. John Beals, noble grand,
and her recently installed assist
ing officials of Tryphena Rebek
ah lodge, No. 38, are meeting at
the IOOF hall Wednesday eve
ning, January 20, (tonight) for
special session and practice for
initiation ctremonii-ls for new
The initiation is to be featur
ed at the regular meeting Thurs
day evening, January 28.
Mrs. Joseph Jones, 332 Welch
street, is entertaining members
of the Triple Link club of Try
phena Rebekah lodge, No. 38,
Wednesday afternoon, January
27, for their regular business and
social meeting. Mrs. I. L. Stew
art will be co-hostess.
Dress Shoes
16.95. Now
Costume Jewelry
O 466Sfale
Pan American Theme
At Auxiliary Meet
A Pan American program fea
tured the meeting of Capital unit,
No. 9, American Legion auxiliary,
Monday evening. Mexico, its geog
raphy, people and customs were
topics for the program at Salem
Woman's club house. Mrs. A. W.
Lovcik as pan American chairman,
arranged the program. There was
a display of pottery, tapestry, bas
kets and miscellaneous items: cos
tumes worn by members of the or
ganization and a travelogue on a
recent trip to Mexico by Mrs. Don
ald Madison. Mrs. Lovcik furnish
ed the geographical background.
As a means for getting acquaint
ed and of raising funds for 'he
work of the unit members were
asked by Mrs. T. J. Brabec, presi
dent, to sponsor social events in
homes, inviting members and
friends to participate.
Clothing and glasses have been
purchased for children of needy
veterans, it was reported by Mrs.
H. J. Smalley, child welfare chair
Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding was
congratulated on her election as
president of the Marion countv as
sembly at its first meeting of the
year at the Woman's clubhouse on
Friday evening.
Mrs. Rose Habemacht, sewing
chairman, announced that the sew
ing committee will meet all day,
Furs Exclusively
For 35 Years
1348 Ferry St.
CALL 3-3165
Rawlins o
Wednesday, January 20, 1954'
2 Entertain
At Coffee
Hostesses at an informal cof
fee party on Thursday morning
will be Mrs. Harold T. Irving and
Mrs. Louis Lorenz, the two to
entertain at the Irving home on
North 21st street.
Guests are invited to call be
tween 10 a. m. and 12 o'clock
noon. .
Mrs. Kenneth King, Mrs. Harris
Lietz, Mrs. T. Harold Tomllnson,
Mrs. Raymond Busick, Mrs. How
ard Kutrz, Mrs. Evert Givens,
Mrs. Lawrence Brown and Mrs.
Herman C. Jochimsen are to as
sist. Pouring will be Mrs. James L.
Payne and Mrs. Harry Wende
roth. with a no-host noon luncheon at
the home of Mrs. Carl Chambers,
1925 South Commercial street, on
Thursday, January 21.
Salem Federation ot .Patriotic
Orders invited representatives of
the unit to attend a meeting at the
Veterans of Foreign wars hall on
Wednesday, January 27 at 8
o'clock. Plans are to be made for
a banquet.
A district conference will be on
Sunday, February 7 at Silverton
with the unit and post there as
hosts. Department officers will be
present and participating in the
program. A dinner has been plan
ned and reservations for it may be
made with Mrs. Ralph Francis,
Salem American Legion post No.
136 extended an invitation to all
unit members to attend a lecture
by Mrs. Louise Gronnert whose
topic will De "iney omear ineir.
Enemies," The meeting will be
at the Izaak Walton league club
house on January 28 at 8 o'clock.
Past presidents will meet for a
no-host dinner at 6:30 o'clock at
the Salem Woman's clubhouse on
Thursday, January 28.
The unit was reminded of the in
vitation from Salem's all-woman
post, No. 149, of the open house
at the Legion hall on South Com
mercial street, Friday evening,
January 22. All unit members are
The regular monthly meeting of
the executive board will be at the
home of Mrs. N. P. Witting. 2340
South High street, on Tuesday,
February 9.
Tne Pan American theme was
carried out in the decorations in
the dining room of the club bouse
where refreshments were served
Mowing the meeting. Mrs. Jen
nie Bartlett and Mrs. Walter
Saulding presided at the urns.
Lovely Selection
Infants Sweaters
Capitol Shopping Center
New . . .
Feels New!
Colors sparkle; all dirt
Spots banished
Perfect press last longer
Fabrics recapture soft,
like-new feel
Men's or ladies
Dry Cleaned