Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 20, 1954, Page 4, Image 4

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    Pa 4
Wednesday, January 20, 1954
Capital jkjJournal
i An Independent Newspaper Established 1888
BERNARD MAINWARING, Editor and Publisher
GEORGE PUTNAM. Editor Emeritus
Published every afternoon except Sundoy of 280 North
Church St. Phone 2-2406.
full U4 Win Struct ! Ibt ACMiltttS rmt Tht Unlin mil.
Tht AsBoeltted Preu li txrlutlvtir tntuled to (hi ut for publication o(
all nwi dliptlchw crfdltm la u or othflu orodlKd In tltlo ptpor tod
Iaq oewi pubiubed tbircln.
1 Cirrlir! Unnthl, 11.11: an Uonthi. IT.Ml Out TT. 115.00. Mj Mill b
Ortion Uonliilr. 0c; au Montru. II K: Ont Ttr. 19.00. Br Uill OoUMt OrtiM
llontrilp, 11.11; ail Uonthi. 17.10; Oof Ttir. Ili.OO.
An article in the December issue of the Harvard Law
Review by Prof. A Ipheus Thomas Mason of Princeton
credits the late Chief Justice Harlan F. Stone with having
by his lifelong protests checked the practice of presidents
and politicians of drafting members of the supreme court
for outside public service at the expense of the docket
and established the concept of its ivy, tower aloofness
from politics.
As Prof. Mason is compiling Stone's authorized biogra
phy, he has access to his private letters and papers and
they will shortly be published. Some of the information
is contained in the Review, revealing his lifelong opposi
tion and protests to the drafts of the court for public
service. In, a letter to President Roosevelt in 1942, declin
ing to serve as "rubber czar," Stone said:
"A judge, and especially the Chief Justice, cannot engage in
political debate or make public defense of hii acts. . . . When he
participates in the action of the Executive or Legislative department
of Government he is without those supports. He exposes himself
to attack and invites it, which because of his peculiar situation
inevitably impairs his value as a judge and the appropriate influence
of his office."
Back in 1931, in a letter to Newton D. Baker, Stone said
the supreme court's "long tradition that its members do
not serve on committees or perform other services not
having direct relationship to the work of the court, and
he consistently, as Mason says, "thrust aside all such spec
ulation as prejudicial to his position.
Most every president has however tried to draft su
preme court members for tough jobs, and Stone's letters
style such proposals as "singular lack of appreciation on
the presidents' part of the proper standing and functions
of our court in government structure."
Stone evidently resented the employment of Justice
Byrnes for war assistance and when he left the court to
become Economic Stabilizer Stone regretted losing him
but was glad to see him make up his mind on the meg-
ship. He was similarly annoyed when Justice Roberts
headed the Pearl Harbor inquiry, ' deeply disturbed when
Justice Jackson became American prosecutor of the Nazis
at Nuremburg, and refused President Truman's offer to
head a traffic safety commission.
Anyway most of the court's members seem to have
accepted Stone's views but there are some exceptions
and some of the justices who owe their appointment to
politics still concern themselvg with it to the damage of
the court. G. P.
Possibly Senator Morse has now given up hope for a
genuine, full dress depression this year. Anyway, he's
ready to settle for a "recession." Providing it's an "Eisen
hower recession."
The senator, said the other day "the administration's
economic philosophy is a duplication of the Hoover admin
istration." This immediately after Eisenhower's message
advocating an extension of social security, higher mini
mum wages, more federal encouragement for housing, a
national health plan, etc. One wonders whether Morse
pays any attention to what goes on, or merely assumes
that the public doesn't.
Meanwhile we note a dispatch from New York which
says the most pessimistic of the country's leading eco
nomic prognosticators expect only a modest drop this year,
to a point slightly above the 1949-50 levels. Which you
may recall was back in the midst of the "Truman boom."
If we recede it will no doubt be. an "Eisenhower reces
sion" in the eyes of partisan critics. But last year, which
Saw more wage payments and general business activity
than any other in our history wasn't an "Kisenhower
boom," so far as we can now recall. Nor is a brisk revival
such as many experts predict late this year likely to be
an Kisenhower boom.
One recalls the tart reply of France's great World War
I General Joffre to a question: "Who won the battle of
the Mnrne?" Said Joffre: "I don't know who won it, but
lit II
r II III l . llr'Vfflk. JrevJ
JfcNtut Sjmdjcalo, Ino
Ike Now Working Harder
And Is Less Conservative
WASHINGTON It is now ex.
aclly one year since Dwight Ei
senhower entered the White
House, a year that has been one
of great education and has seen
great changes. Here is a thuumb
nail sketch of the Ike of todavl:
Ike and Business A year ago
Eisenhower's economic theories
sounded like a National Associa
tion of Manufacturers pamphlet.
Now he has swung back halfway
In the ideas expressed at the F
Street Club right after the war
which so shocked republican
backers. "If men's lives were con
scripted in wartime," Ike said at
the F Street Club dinner, "why
shouldn t profits be conscripted
too." . . . Ike is more conserv
ative than in those immediate
prewar years, hut less so than
a year ago. Today he doesn't
believe in a complete hands-off
policy toward business. Nor does
he believe that the doctrine of
states' right, so loudly proclaim
ed a year ago, constitutes a cure
all for everything.
Ike and Kconnmy No longer
does the President believe he
can balance the budget. Nor does
he view government-spending
with anathema, as he did a year
ago. He is willing to put his
font in government-spending wa
ter as an offset to recession wor
ries. Iltil he is a lung way from
taking the big spending plunge.
. . . And some of the economists
around him recall that it takes
a lot of spending to h.ilt a busi
ness slide once it starts. . . .
1kf ha rhanonrl hie wiml ohniif
I Know wno would nave nccn uiamcu li it. nao neen iosi. j creeping socialism and the Ten.
Kisenhower will get no booms named for him, but look nesscee Valley; has already aet
out if there's a "recess on" that w st 11 look 1 ke a boom s"(lc i'ra.uuu,uiiu io siari anmn
to fnrr-iirn viiitnrx lrr ""ecping socialism project
w ioreign Msuors. th s, ,.. ,h
seaway project passes congress.
. . . The economy bloc in the Ei
senhower administration, notably
Secretary (ieorgc Humphrey and
Budget Director Joe Dodge still
remain Ike's close friends, but
he doesn't follow their advice as
much as formerly. . . . Sometimes
;he chief executive is unhappily
torn between the two wings of
his official family.
m:w advisers
Men Around Ike A man who's
had little experience in civilian
government is almost completely
dependent on the men around
him. That's why it's significant
Delaware Senator John J. Williams and Representative
Katharine St. George of New York, both Republicans, have
introduced bills to prevent payment of government pen
sions to government workers convicted of crimes involv
ing disloyalty and dishonesty in office.
We doubt that many realize that Alger Hiss, now serv
ing a prison sentence for what was in effect treason, will
under present law be eligible for a government pension
from age 62 to the end of his life. The .ame is true of
any other government career worker who has been con
victed of any crime, whether treason or bribery.
Here surelv is a loonhole in the laws of an overly iren-
APiiua nntmn I Viut ntitrhr in rlnapil nt thp rl-ppnl apaiimi lat a new fin Ilk of advisers has
moved in around the President.
. . . They aren't liberal by the
Harry Hopkins standard, but they
are far more progressive than
I tic big-business golling partners
who used to move over from Sea
Island In Auyusta when Ike went
tn the "Georgia White House."
. . . Some wiseacres call them
"hucksters" rather than liberals,
and it's true that the new flank
is passionately concerned with
'crime did not pny." Second, the apparent culprits were lPP,n. Ikr (,alluP 7j lln-
captured and can be made an example of, to disc.u.ragel-K''".
! ance College; Charles Moore, up
1 and coming former public-rela
tions adviser to rord Motors; Dr.
Arthur Hums, liberal head of the
Council of Economic Advisers; C.
I) Jackson, lormer publisher of
Fortune Magazine and the man
who pushed Ike into the atomic
pool speeches and Hubert Cutler,
Iloston banker who got into the
White House through Justice Fe
lix Frankfurter. , , . This group
is unanimously anti-McCarthy
and unanimously opposed lo the
right-wing HOI', They are pulling j
Ike to get back to the midillc-of
Ihe-rnad course where he
of congress. There should be no pensions for those who
have sold their country out to a foreign foe or to domestic
That San Francisco kidnaping had a happy sequel from
three angles.
First and foremost the victim was rescued without in
jury and without the payment of a cent of ransom, so
others who seem not tn have been impressed with what
happened recently in the gns chamber of the Missouri
state penitentiary.
Third, and we take a little professional pride in this:
The supposedly sensation mad San Francisco newspapers
cooperated with the officers of the law by keeping quiet
so the family could contact the kidnapers the police
grab them. Not always have they behaved so well and
they deserve a pat on the bnck for an important assist in
the play.
The Willamette valley's traditional winter rains will be
better received when they return as a substitute for this
brief cxnerience with "east of the mountains" weather
White House luncheons, personal
conversations would keep con
gressmen in line. . . . Now he is
a wiser man. Nothing but a
strong and successful policy, he
has begun tn realize, can keep
congress with him. . . . And he
still hasn't learned this com
pletely. . . . When Senator Know
land kicked over the traces on
tunneling of defense orders to
depressed areas; when Sam Ray
burn reacted vigorously to criti
cism of democratic spending, the
President was hurt and bewild
ered. He still is a long way from
understanding politics.
Ike and Foreign Policy Thil
is the field that Eisenhower
knows best and where be is de
termined to chalk up notable
achievements. Here he has been
more consistent than in domestic
policy, but sometimes so cautious
that his own admirers get impa
tient. . . It took time to get him
to make the $15,000,000 food gift
to East Germany last spring, a
move actually initiated by the
State Department and which met
with immediate success. Later,
when an old-clothes drive was
planned to help the East Ger
mans, the summer White House
in Denver misplaced Chancellor
Konrad Adenauer' letter for
three weeks and the clothes
drive never did get under way.
. . . The President also hesitated
three months before he made his
speech proposing the pooling of
atomic energy, and the speech
was rewritten more than 20
times. ... On foreign affairs gen
erally, Ike has switched from
the China bloc's view that the
V. S.-A. must concentrate on the
Far East. He is now veering
more toward Europe. . . His
over-all policies remain the same
as those laid down in the Tru
man administration but, after all,
both Dulles and Eisenhower were
among those appointed to carry
those policies forward.
Ike the Man After one year
in the White House, the Prest
dent works harder than before
hensmve to criticism that he is
lazy, he plays less golf anil makes
more decisions himself. During
! early months as president Ike
lnea to aeiegaie almost every
thing, even bawled out his staff
when they called him back from
Kurning Tree on the instruction
of the National Security Council
to make a major decision nn Ko
rea. . . The President still loses
his temper, still chews out his
staff, still likes to delegate au.
thority. It is these bursts of
temper that send up his blood
pressure and worry his doctors.
. . . Hut Ike knows that his en
tire career is now in the balance
and is determined that the vcr
diet of history will be favor
ble. ... In many respects he does
not like the presidency, wishes
he had never been persuaded to
run. Few people realiz the lone
liness of living in the White
house, the inability to relax,
the impossibility of obtaining pri
vacy. . . . Though he doesn't like
his job, Dwight Eisenhower is
determined to do the best job
he can, but he is alsu determined
that he will not run again.
Cecil C. Curl Named
Manager for Newbry
PORTLAND Cecil i" Curl
rw i Titncilnv unc tviniivl nmnsinnr nt
W are enjoying (7) this wreK. ine rains arcn l so mid had the support of many demo-.' Secretary of State Karl T. New
,er all, for when it rains it isn t com.
Salem 39 Years Ago
January 20, 1915
For the first time in history
hostile aircraft had dealt death
to Englishmen on British soil. In
dividual German planes had drop
ped bombs upon Dover.
W. H. Parry (founder of the
Capital Journal in 1888) had been
chosen by President Wilson to
become a member of the federal
trade commissioner. (He had dis
posed nf the Capital Journal af
ter a few months because of fail
ing eyesight.
Marion county court had re
fused to purchase either tobacco
or bird seed for its pauper wards.
Calef Brothers, home furnish
ers at the corner of High and
Court streets, were offering reg
ular. $7.50 oak back rockers with
imitation leather seats for $4.85.
Alma G 1 u c k, Metropolitan
prima donna, had been billed to
appear with Efrem Zimbalist,
violinist, in a joint concert at
Salem armory.
Wexford theater in the D'Arcy
building on Court street had Mary
Fuller in "A Girl of the People,"
a five cent show.
New uniforms for Salem's po
lice force, cut in a military style
and fashioned of blue serge, were
soon due to arrive.
The local wholesale market
had a cash price nf 24c a dozen
lor eggs. Butter fat had a price
of 27c. dressed pork 8'4c, cab
bage 2c a pound and bananas
Would Junk T-H Act
Roseburg News-Review
Congress, it appears, is going
to spend a great deal of time
during the present session kick
ing the Taft-Hartley Act around.
President Eisenhower proposes
amendment. Quite naturally, no
amendment will be entirely sat
isfactory to either side.
We agree with organized labor
that the Act should be repealed.
But our reason for advocating
repeal is a different reason than
that given by labor.
The federal government, in our
opinion, has no business med
dling in labor-management re
lations. It should resign its job
as an umpire and leave labor
and management to settle their
own affairs in their own way,
The government is spending
millions of dollars uselessly, is
wasting time and effort, is giving
Congress a political football to
boot around.
If we would junk the Taft
Hartley Act we could lop a siz
able chunk off the federal bud
get, get rid of a political white
elephant, and injure no ope.
Democarts Still Dominate
Social Life in Washington
Will Ike Quit in '56!.
Albany Democrat-Herald
President Eisenhower let
hint slip at his press conference
the other day that he would not
be a candidate for re-election,
He has plenty of time to change
his mind, however.' An incumbent
president is always under a cer
tain amount of pressure from the
men around him to remain re
ceptive to renomlnation.
There is a general feeling that
the President is not keen about
more than four years of his pres
ent "man-killing" job. He wasn't
eager for the post in the first
place, but still he finally became
a successful candidate. It is too
early to be sure that circum
stances may not persuade him to
run again.
Meanwhile, let's not begrudge
the man a bit of golf to heln him
stand the pace. He can be a thor
oughly adequate president with
out punching the clock.
Name Changing Hard
The U.S. forest service may
find that it is easier to declare
the Douglas fir is really a tree
named after somebody named
Menzies than to make the change
in nomenclature -.tick. Genera
tions of western Oregonians and
Washigtonians have grown up
with the idea that a Douglas fir
is a Douglas fir so firmly implant
ed in their minds that they aren't
going to accept a new name for
it just because the forest service
says so.
We bet the Clalsop county
court won't change the name of
David Douglas park just because
the forest service says somebody
else identified the tree a year
before David got around to it.
We feel sorry for Mr. Jtfcnzies,
but doubt if people are going to
start accepting the Douglas fir as
his tree for some time to come.
from a capital visitor's diary:
The Republican took power
politically in the nation's capital
a year ago, but socially they have
not been able to knock the Dem
ocrats off the ramparts. .
The Democrat-) refused to don
sackcloth and ashes after their
defeat. This has led to some
grumbling that under the Eisen
hower regime the minority party
members, gay as jaybirds, still
rule the social scene. Certainly
it is true tpat few retired to her
mitages. One disgruntled lady, who ob
viously regards Democrats as ir
responsible grassiioppers and Re
publicans as earnest ants, wrote
to a local newspaper:
"Why aren't they, the Repub
licans, throwing more and better
shindings with gin, orchids, mink
and caviar? . . They have tak
en over the serious side of run
ning our government and are not
so concerned over entertainment
and the social whirl.
"Let the Democrats dominate
the scene; that's one of the rea
sons they were relieved of pow
er." Another lady, perhaps more
neutral in her polities, told me:
"This should be one nf the most
active seasons socially since he
fore the war. The biggest differ
ence I have noticed under the
present administration is that the
parties are smaller and more for
mal." But nobody in a responsible
post foresees an earlv doom to
that famous institution the
Washington cocktail party.
The recine for one of these is:
Take 50 assorted politicians,
military leaders, diplomats and
their wives; garnish well with
bourbon, scotch, gin and sherry;
season with assorted canapes.
Let stand on one foot for two
hours in a crowded, smoke-filled
living room while airing politi
cal views and exchanging inside
information on government; host
then opens front door, pours the
whole group intn the night, takes
aspirin and goes to bed.
Leavesl If all has gone well, the host
later should receive at least five
invitations to attend similar par
tics. The main thing is not to
vary the recipe by introducing
ribald old party games such as
postoffice o r pin-the-tail-on-the
The exodus of Democrats and
the reduction in the number of
federal employes here is solving
the Washington housing short,
You no longer have to trade a
landlord a key to Ft. Knox in or
der to jet a key to an apartment.
One lady told me there were
five vacancies in her building.
Before he could even move into
an apartment he had leased, a
newcomer here was given a new
lease by his landlord cutting his
rent $13 a month.
The falling federal payroll has
many businessmen worried. An
organization of 100 small firms
has started a campaign to lure
new industries here in an at
tempt to make the Washington
area less dependent on Uncle
Sam's pay-checks.
Hurdles to. be cleaned are the
lack of trained factory labor and
antiguated zoning laws. Natur
flly, many nf the older residents
don't want the Washington Mon
ument tn be mistaken for a
Best anecdote I heard in Wash
ington: An elderly public serv
ant here retired after 49 years
on Ihe government payroll.
But soon his wife cobplained
. . ! she found him underfoot when
ever she tried to do a housenom
"I told my husband he should
have rounded out a full 50 years
before quitting," she confided to
a neighbor. "But you know him
always so impetuous."
It isn't often that we down
here on the cloudy coast get a
chance, in midwinter, tn look
down our noses at other parts of
the nation because we have clear
weather and they don't There
fore it is quite pleasing to read
that from New York tn .Portland
people had a terrible time seeing
the moon's eclipse due to clouds
and overcast, while here in As
toria evcryona ha a fine view
of the event, during several
hours' time, in a bright and al
most cloudless sky.
NEW DELHI tm The release of
Korean War prisoners which be
gan Wednesday does not lessen the
need for a U. N. General Assem
bly discussion of the whole Ko
rean problem, Mrs. Vijaya Laksh
mi Pandit told a press conference
here Wednesday. Mrs. Pandit is
president of the U. N. Assembly.
In recent years, the earliest
proved date at which man is
known to have existed in Amcri-1
ca has been moved back from
10,000 years to about 20,000
years ago. 1
-it's history
-it's sacraments
-it's ceremonies
-it's customs
-it's faith
St. Paul's Church
1444 S. liberty
Class Thursdays
7:15 8:00 P. M.
Rev. Geo. H. Swift
III fib t.
r - liii;Mininr;-
Oregon's Largest and Finest Equipped. This Is the Serv
ice Department ior Holder's Sales Outlets located at 1120
Center St., 428 Court St. and 395 N. High St. Holder's
have been In Salem ior over 30 years. (Adv.)
valley community
To the North and Weil of Salem Is th Keixer
Oistrict, one of th Willamette Valley's fast
est growing suburban communities.
Pleasant, well - kept homes . . ..modern
school facilities . . attractive stores and
shops all are within the boundaries of
the Keixer District, where more than 5,000
men, women and children enjoy life to the
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vui-icl - T in jrii S '
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HEAD OFFICE, 1990 fairground! Road
valley community
Krces.sion note: General Motors is planning to spend a
billion dollnrs for plnnt expansion. Evidently the directors
haven't been reading some of the political predictors.
crats. hry's campaign lor llepiiblican
Ike and Congress Congrr-j nomination lor governor relation is a field that: Curl, a I'malilla County rancher,
greatly worries the President. At has served lor many years as
lirst he figured he rnulil "good-'chairman of I'malilla County Be
will" members of congress, that publicans.
As Salem's Independent, home-owned bank,
we ere interested in the growth of the Kei
zer District and the welfare of its people, and
invite them to call on us for all their banking
HEAD OFFICE 1990 Fairgrounds Rood
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