Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 20, 1954, Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday, January 20, 1934
In The Valley
TURNER Fidelity lodge and
Ideal Rebekah lodge held joint
installation in the Odd Fellows
hall Thursday night.
Oicar Jensen and Mri. Roy Hat-
field, District deputy president
were installing olficcrs. out
ccrs Installed were Fred Pierce
and Mrs. Lloyd Sidwell, noble
grands: Carl Graves and Mrs,
' Manuel Keene, vice grands; Mr.
and Mrs. L. W. Oswalt, Wardens
Chester Stewart and Mrs. Robert
Mitchell, treasurer; Albert Kae
nilli and Mrs. James Verstceg,
secretaries; Mrs. Albert Robert
son, financial secretary; Albert
Jensen and Mrs, Mike Micnelson,
conductors; Scott Anderson and
Mrs. Arnold Phillips, chaplain
' Oscar Jensen and Mrs, Chester
Stewart, right supporters to no
ble grand; Roy Stinnett ana Mrs,
Howard Harris, left supporter to
noble grand; Raymond Titus and
Mrs. Arthur Robertson, rignt sup
porters to vice grand; Manuel
Keene and Mrs. uuy unapman,
left supporters to vice grand
Jerry, Ruby and Mrs. Albert Kae.
pilll, inside guardians; Roy Hat
field and Mrs. Carl Graves, out
side suardians: Mrs. Fred Pierce,
color bearer and Mrs. Roy Hat
field, musician.
Mr. and Mrs. Brutus Ashcraft,
Junior past noble grands, pre
sented the lodge with two new
tables for the dining room. Lloyd
Sidwell took moving pictures of
the installation; these will be
shown to the members at a later
Mrs. Louise Irving, associate
grand matron, conducted a school
of Instruction for the officers of
Victoria chapter Wednesday eve-
nine. Mrs. John Peterson appoint
ed the following on committees
for the year; Carl Booth, Mrs.
Sam Drager, anil Mrs. Don Burk-
land, finance: Mrs. Lorcn mew.
kirk, Sr., and Mrs. Olln Spiva,
visiting and relief; Robert Mitch-
p 1. Mrs. Ulwin uenyer ana
T.nwrenee Edwards, examining
and instructions; Mrs. Arnold
Phillips, refreshment and decora
tion; Hugh Webb, Mrs. Ed Dim
bat, Sr., and Loran Newkirk,
home endowment; Mrs. Carl
Booth, Mrs. Karl WIpper, pro
gram and hospitality; Mrs. J. M.
Bones, historian; Karl Wippcr,
refreshment toastmaster.
Mrs. Mary Peetz, who suffered
a heart attack Wednesday is in
the General hospital in Salem,
her condition Monday was about
the same. Mrs. Peetz has been
chief telephone operator for the
company for 39 years.
Coming as a surprise to her
friends is the marriage oi mrs.
Lettie Spencer to Robert Garr of
Newport, iney , pian i m""
their home in Newport, iney
were married in Dallas Jan. 4.
Mr. and Mrs. George Browcr
have returned from a trip to Mo
desto, Calif.
Visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Waller are her
brothers from Canada, Mr. and
Mrs. William Simpson and John
Mrs. Edith Manning has sold
her heme to Mr. and Mrs. David
burn, district deputy president,
did the installing with the as
sistance of Mrs. Lola Osborne,
President of the Rebekah as
sembly of Oregon, who made her
official visit to Home lodge that
Harmon Yearny, who was
taken to Salem General Hospital
Sunday evening Is reported to
be holding his own.
Tuesday eveninz the Mothers
club of the Donald Grade School
had its regular meeting. It was
decided that children having
birthdays in January and June
would be honored with a party
Friday, Jan. 22.
There are now nine pupils in
the Donald 8th grade. Three
new pupils came in the last week,
they are Betty Dodd, Evelyn
Endlcott and Robert Endlcott.
Patty Endlcott entered the 3rd
grade nt the same time.
Oak Point
Falls City
FALLS CITY Falls City has
organized a community band, but
needs more players.
Rehearsals are being held ev
ery Monday night at the Falls
City high school from 7:30 to 8
Fred Lnhde Is band leader.
Mr. and Mrs. Alva Ford and
Hons of Mcdfnrd called upon Mrs,
Ford's uncle. Robert Fletcher
and wife, Saturday and brought
a gift of an arzalca in full bloom.
The Fords were also visiting
his parents at Salem and Mrs.
Ford's brother, W. E. (iilmore,
and wife of Oakdalc ave., near
John Rasmussen have announced
the engagement of their daugh
ter, Joyce Loralne to Norman
Roy Colvin, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Walter R. Colvin of Aurora.
No definite date has been set
for the wedding, but it will prob
ably take place in the late sum
Miss Rasmussen is a graduate
of North Marion Union High
school, class of 1951, and is em
ployed by the personnel depart
ment of the First National Bank
of Portlund as a receptionist. She
also attended Pacific Lutheran
college for two years.
Mr. Colvin is now engaged in
farming and logging operations
In the Union Hill district. He at
tended Canby Union High school
and was discharged from the US
Air force about a month ago hav
ing served hifi tour of duty.
Sunday dinner guests in tne
Carl Peterson home were, Mr.
and Mrs. Erven Miller, Dr. Edna
Northey, Mrs. Harmon Yeary and
her mother. Mrs. Grace Bishop,
Mrs. William Bittick and Robert
Mrs. Erven Miller was present
ed with a gift from her officers
and a pin from the temple, at
the meeting of Una Temple
Pythian Sisters, last week. Mrs.
Miller was Most Excellent Chief
lost vcar. and she was initiated
into the Past Chief's club at their
meeting in Canby on last Friday.
F.ichtccn children were ex
amined at the Well-Child Con
ference held at the North Mar-
on Union High School Tuesday
for the Butteville, Aurora, pon-
Id, Hubbard and Broadacres
area. Dr. W. G. Stone and Mrs.
Mary Tcsterman, nurse, were
from Salem, and they were
niiid bv Mrs. M. A. Rogel, re
ceptionist, ana Mrs. nnipn nan,
doctor's assistant. The nex-'
meeting will be at the high school
Tuesday. Feb. 9.
OAK POINT The Independ
ence rural Worn, n's club met re
cently at the home of Mrs. Ed
ward Harnsberger with Mrs,
Clyde Chapman co-hostess.
Mrs. Clara Lewis, president, pre
sided over the business meeting. It
was announced that the County Fed
was announced that the County
Federation meeting will be held
at Dallas Wednesday. Several com
mittce reports were given num
bers on the program were. Bead
ing by Hazel Hughes, Salo, Mrs,
Don Bisbee and group sinning.
Mrs. Don Webb and Mrs. Clifford
Dougherty will entertain the club
f eb. 11 at the Web home.
The Oak Point School Society will
meet at the school house Friday
evening, Jan. 29 Miss Hazel Pet
erson will show travel pictures
taken last summer on a trip to
The Oak Point school's Health
Club received a $20 award from
the Kellogg company. Mrs. Wilma
Young is the leader.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Creech and
Clayton of Tillamook were week
end guests at the A. B. W. Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Don Webb enter
tained with a dinner honoring Mr.
and Mrs. Bob Dougherty and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Alexander
and Michael, Kay Linn Leonitls,
Mrs. E. Comstock, Sheron and Rob-
The Leonltis family left for their
home In Waughegan, 111., after
spending a month at the Webb
Sharon Webb was the honored
guest Sunday when her mother en
tertained with a birthday party.
Guests were: Martha and Michael
Gries, Potty Hardman, Nancy Ter
jerson, JoAnn Housley, Clifford and
Billy Doughtery, Sara K. Lauder
back, Karen Wagner, Michael Law
rence, Mrs.,Lydia Carmichael, Mrs.
E. Comstock and Mrs. Webb.
John Ruble has returned home
after spending the Holidays at Hun
tington Park, Calif., with Mrs. Rule
and children.
Mr. and Mrs. Orley Brown have
moved into their new home on their
farm here.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kaufman
are visiting his son in California.
Mrs. Peter Diehm of Falls City
visited her daughter, Mrs. Z. Bar
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Ingrim,
Phyllis and Philip visited friends in
Dallas last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Kelly of Ly
ons were dinner guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sco".
in Mill City Wednesday evening.
Additional guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Toman Jr., and sons,
Steven and Bradley of Mill City.
Mrs Scott and Mrs. Toman are
daughters of Mr. and Mrs. W. R.
Stevens and the occasion honor
ed Mrs. Toman on her birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Wal
worth of Salem were Lyons cal
lers Wednesday enroute to their
home from California, where they
had spent the past month with
relfatlves. The Walworths are
former residents of this commun
Miss Edith TieU-e has returned
home after a three weeks trip
to the eastern cc-tst. She visited
various places of interest, also
at Philadelphia and Pittsburg.
Mrs. Louise Irving of .Madras,
was i Mondry night guest at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, Wilson
SUvens. Mrs.' Irving, associate
grand matron of the grand chap
ter of Oregon, was instructor for
the annual school of instructions
for the officers of Marilyn Chap
ter of OES at Mill City Monday
The Lyons Garden club met at
the home of Mrs. John Neal on
Wednesday afternoon, with Mrs.
Otto Weidman, president, precid
ing over the business meeting,
and Mrs. Alex Bodeker secretary.
It was voted to have only one
flower show this year, with the
major show in the fall.
Mrs. Orville Downing was ap
pointed the program chairman.
It was voted to amend the by
laws so that the election of offi
cers comes the first of January
instead of the first, of July.
The next meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs. Fred Stlen-
felt the second Wednesday in
Present for the meeting were
Mesdames Phillip Pietrok, Or
ville Downing, Henry Holzfuss,
Alex Kuiken, Fred Sticnfelt. Ot
to Weidman, and the hostess
Mrs. Neal.
jkffkkson At the meeting of
the Jefferson Woman's club Wed
nesday afternoon at tne imrary
rooms, Mrs. E. C. Fisher of Al
bany, was guest speaker telling f
her trip to the Holy Land. Miss
Mubcl Robertson of Salem was also
a guest. Hostesses for the occa
sion were Mrs. Alfred Powell, Mrs.
C. .1. Thurston of Scio, Mrs. W. A.
Stephenson and Mrs. Edwin
The club will celebrate the lootn
year of the city hall building at
their next meeting on January 27.
Mrs. W. F. Gulvin will lead the
program on Jefferson as it was
100 years ago. uuesis are wel
come. The high school and the grade
school bands will give a concert in
the high school gymnascum, Thurs
day night, Jan. 21. The public is
invited to attend. Eric Filzsimons
is director.
Wlckett and Dimmick are now
located in the Mai ion Linn county
store having moved their televi
sion antenna manufacturing busi
ncss from Gleason service station
Cheater Burbsnk recently spent
the week-end at the home of Gus to provide more room (or increns-
Burbsnk at Pecdee. I Ing business.
vernon ronie nas Decn anscm mm .ticinu umktwvih surgery r :,iiw. n,.,n iv., k..i. Vr..
from his employment at Camp i at the Santinm Memorial hospital Lloyd Free, Andrew Sicg. Eugene
LYONS Installation of officers
preceded all other business at the
regular meeting of Faith Rebekah
lodge held at the hall Wednesday
evening, when Zona Sischo, district
deputy president and staff, install
ed the new officers, Garnett Bas
sett, noble grand; Roberta Long
necker, vice-grand; Helen Ander
son, secretary; Helen Johnston,
treasurer; Bonnie Wagner, war
den; Norma Pennington, conduc
tor: Rosa Berry, left supporter to
noble grand; Mildred Carr, left
supporter to vice-grand; Blanche
Wagner, color bearer; Jewell Hart-
roll, chaplain.
Hazel Ncal, musician, and Jean
Roberts, past noble grand; Eva
Bresslcr, right supporter to noble
grand, and Reulah Lewis, right
supporter to vice-grand, who were
unable to attend will be installed
at a later date.
Eva Bresslcr was re-elected a
trustee for a term of three years,
Hazel Lewis, Roberta Longncckcr
and Mable Bass were appointed the
examining committee; Mildred
Carr, Rosa Berry and Lois Myers,
finance; Alta Bodeker, Eva Bress
lcr and Blanche Wagner, publicity:
Alta Bodeker, Celene Taylor and
Gertrude Weidman, floral.
Jean Roberts, retiring noble
grand pin, who in turn presented
her outgoing officers with a gift.
At the close of the meeting a pot
luck luncheon was served. At the
next meting, January 27, th com
mittee in charge will be Rosa
Berry, Mildred Carr and Norma
The Altar Society of the St.
Patrick Catholic church met at
the home of Mrs. Lavcrn Bch
ems Thursday evening. Plans
were made for repairing the Cath-
olic community building.
Attending the meeting were Mes-
Wcstern, near Valselz, the past
week due to influenza.
The baby son of Mr. and Mrs.
M. V. Sample was taken to the
Dallas hospital Friday, having a
high temperature.
He is better at this time.
Mrs. William Beard Is feeling
much improved in health at this
Mr. and Mrs. Junior Fobert of
Woodburn visited at the A. L.
Fletcher home Sunday.
Bobby Fletcher has spent a
few days at Woodburn visiting
his grandparents, the T. L. Work
mans, and other relatives.
Mr, and Mrs. Carl Barnard and
family were Sunday night supper
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Ryan, the occasion being the
birthday of both Mrs. Barnard and
Mr. Ryan.
An apology is extended to Bill
Wagner as he was the playing
partner of Gertrude Hotchkln in
the shuffleboard tournament and
helped win first prize, but I mis
take was made in the first report.
Mrs. A. E. Smith held a three
minute conversation with her son
who is stationed it Yokohama, Ja
pan, Friday.
He is Cpl. R. L. Smith.
at Stayton last Thursday, lie is re-. s,,eVle. Keith Zimmerman". Charles
nivi-img m ins mime mar ji-m-r- Houche, Merrill Brasslirld, Fred
A 1 o'clock dessert luncheon was
enjoyed by the Past Noble Grand
club in the I O O F. hall recently.
Hostesses for the club were Mrs.
George Mills and Mrs. C. M. Coch
ran. Installation of newly elected
officers took place following the
luncheon. Officers are Ada Wells,
president; Keilhrl Smith, Vice
president; Netli Hawk, secreiary:
Neva Kester. treasurer: Bertha 1 Girl Senilis.
Lindcmann. Ed Castle, George Van
Agtmael, Phillip Pietrok, Pat
Lyons, Jim Phelps Leo Wagner,
Father Dernard and the hostess,
Mrs. Behrens.
The Msri-Llnn P.T.C. club held
their regular meeting Tuesday
evening at the school house, with
Mrs. Hnseoe "onle presiding over
the business meeting followed bv
a short program presented by the
DAYTON Mrs. Kenneth Paris
was honored with a pink and blue
shower last week at the home of
his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Edgar Tribbctt. Mrs. Lloyd Ew
ing, Mrs. Leonard Roth and Mrs.
Clarence Covington were the host
esses. The table and other decorations
were carried out in blue and yel
The gifts were presented to the
honoree in a bassinet, which was
a gift from Mrs. Ila Paris and her
daughter, Stella. - There were 20
present to enjoy the evening. Re
freshments were served by the
Mr. and Mrs. Orange Willard
had as dinner guests Friday eve
ning, his mother, Mrs. Lena Wil
lard and his brother, Mr. and Mrs.
Wendell Willard, Sr. The dinner
was in honor of Orange Willard's
birthday anniversary.
Later in the evening, Mrs. Vefliih
Willard and Sylva, and Mr. find
Mrs. Loren Clement came in for a
game of pinochle.
As a return courtesy to the
members of the Kroweldecn club,
Mrs. Harold Frink? entertained that
group for dessert and bridge at her
home Thursday evening.
the prize for high score was
won by Mrs. Oscar Dower, con
solation went to Mrs. Charles Carr.
Additional guests for the evening
included Mrs. James Penland,
Mrs. Lloyd Shawver, Mrs. flare
lleider and Mrs. Charles Newman
of McMinnville.
Officers elected at a mcetine of
the Dayton Buckeroo, held Monday
evening are as follows: Les Leach,
president; Harold Frink, vice-president;
J. S. Imlah, secretary
treasurer. Dick Rockhill. Keith
Coburn and Bob Stilwell were
elected to the board of directors.
Mrs. John Noble, Salem, and
Mrs. Carl Rasaka were hostesses
for a bridal shower, honoring: Mrs.
Jack Wiser, in tlio home of Mrs.
Catherine Oaks, on Friday. Janu
ary 15. The guests were old school-
friends of Mrs. Wiser.
Mrs. Noble showed colored slides
of trips they had taken during the
BROOKS Jess Varbel is in the
east visiting with his son and
daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Varbel, and to see a new i
The executive board of the
Brooks PTA will meet at the
home of Mrs. William R. Tfau
Thursday, Jan. 28, at 8 p.m.
HOPEWELL Revival services
will begin at the Hopewell EUB
church Tuesday evening, Jan. 19
at 8 p.m. with Rev. W. C. "Dad
dy" Graves as evangelist, and
special music by Leo Thornton,
trombonist and soloist.- There
will be no Saturday evening serv
ice but the services, will continue
through Jan. 31.
The most serious effect of the
breakdown of electric service
last week was a fire in the attic
of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Beaty. Mrs. Beaty discovered
the smoke in time to call a pass
ing motorist who took Fred Wit
hee to Alderman Farms to get the
fire apparatus, and Harry Confer
of the Wlllamson State park, who
brought fire extinguishers. The
bed and bedding were a total
loss, but smoke and water dam
age 'was slight.
Friday afternoon, Jan. IS, the
Hopewell Garden club met at
the home ot Miss Virginia Mag
ness for a social afternoon, and
study of lily culture. Those who
attended were Mrs. John Geisler,
Mrs. J. S. Gilkcy, Mrs. John Fu
qua, Mrs. Eugene Wilson, Misses
Bertha and Virginia Magness.
Gene Jaenickc of Portland
visited his mother, Mrs. John
Geisler 'on Friday.
The first meeting of the 4-H
Cooking club of the Hopewell
school was held at the home of
Mrs. Glen Harris, and officers
were elected. Barbara Sahno was
elected president, Jacqueline Bu
cher, vice president, and Wanda
Irwin, secretary. Members of
the Cooking II group are Bar
bara Sahno, Jacqueline Bucher
and Sandra Clow. Members of
the Cooking I group are Wanda
Irwin, Sharon RelsL Nancy and
Linda Stacey, Norma and Joyce
Stogsdill, and Carol Hershe. Mrs.
N. O. Pearse is the leader with
Mrs. Harris as assistant. The
club will meet each Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Withee
are the parents of a son, David
Fred, born Jan. 14 at the Salem
General hospital. He weighed 7
pounds, 7 ounces. Mother and
son are doing nicely. Mrs. Withee
and son arc expected homo in
about a week. Mrs. Fred Withee,
Sr., is caring for the Withee chil
dren at home.
Ned Underbill of Dufur, Ore.,
is visiting his brother-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Ross Rogers and other
relatives, and went Friday with
Mr. Rogers and W. B. Marley
to Ocean Lake to repair the roof
of the Rogers' beach cottage. Mrs.
Ross Rogers was a guest of her
sister. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Imlah of Salem Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Imlah, Jr.,
and family returned recently
from a month's visit with Mrs.
Imlah's mother in Glendale,
Mrs. Vera Babcock was a
week-end guest of her brother
and family, Mr. and Mrs. N. O.
Pearce. Thev were guests lor
Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. William Pcarsc and family
in Salem, Mrs. Babcock return
ed to her home in Azusa, Calif.,
on Monday.
The members of the Hopewell
Home Extension Unit who at
tended the Better Dress Work
ihop in McMinnville at the 4-H
building on Thursday, January
14, were Mrs. Eugene Wilson,
project leader, Miss Virginia Mag
ness, Mrs. John Fuqua and Mrs.
N. O. Pearse. The Better Dress
Workshop will be held in Feb
ruary. George Fraucndeiner, Jr., son
of Mr. and Mrs. George Frauen-
deincr of Wheatland who has
bee been seriously ill with com
plications following measles, was
brought home Sunday, January
17, from the Salem Memorial
hospital. He is improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Braat
brought their Iwhy daughter
home from the Salem General
hospital on Sunday, Jan. 17. She
had been suffering from an in
fection in her throat.
Mrs. Frank Hershe is greatly
improved following her fall, but
her mother, Mrs. Lane Davidson,
is still with her, caring for her
Oscar Latfcrty is gradually
Mining strength after an attack
oi flu and pneumonia. Neil Cur
rie is caring for his stock.
Mr. and Mrs. John Fuqua were
Sunday guests of his sister, Mr.
ind Mrs. Max Hurliman in Port
Mrs. Earl McKinney, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Kusti Setala, un
derwent major surgery at the
SU Vincent's hospital in Port
land last week, and returned to
her home in McMinnville on Fri
day. Kusti Setala received an air
mail letter from his brother in
Turku, Finland, that his moth
er, Mrs. Olga Setala, had suf
fered t stroke last week and was
bedridden, but improving some
Mrs. A. M. Vernon of Salem
visited her niece, Mrs. Howard
Stephens for a few days last
week, and with the Stephens' at
tending the funeral of their cous
in, Mrs. Agnes Hills at oceaniake
on Friday, Jan. 15. Mrs. Hills
died at the home of her daughter
in Calexico, Calif., a week pre
viously. Among those who attended the
funeral of Mrs. Nellie Rogers,
widow of Johnny Rogers of
Oceaniake, were Mr. and Mrs.
Rqss Rogers and Mr. W. B. Mar
ley, in McMinnville. The burial
was at the Hopewell Cemetery
an Thursday afternoon, Jan. 14.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Steph
ens went to Portland on Wed
nesday, Jan, 13, on business.
West Stayton
meeting of the telephone com
pany at the West Stayton School
It was voted to put in dial phones.
Officers and directors of the
company elected were: Leo Odcn
thal, president; Elmer Frey, vice
president, and secretary-treasur
er, Charles Frey.
The directors, who will serve
for three years are Fred Frey
and Seymour Stewart. .
The West Stayton Women's
Club is taking quilts for quilting
and comforts for tacking now.
Anyone who wishes this kind of
work .done may contact Grace
Friday evening visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Nye
were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Wright, Donna David and Dar-
reli of Sweet Home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Nye went to
Olympia for the week-end to vis
it a brother and a sister who live
at Tenino, Wash. Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Nye and family and Mr.
and Mrs. Forrest Johnson.
Christina Farrette, entertained
the West Stayton Birthday Club
at her home last Wednesday aft
ernoon with Jennie Shaeffcr as
Following a social hour and a
short business meeting with Eve
lyn Choate presiding, refresh
ments were sercved to Minnie
Dickman, Evelyn Choate, Helen
Gilbert, Edna Dowe and Kim
Violet Whitley, and Patricia, Elsie
Lakfey, Mildred Titze, Marie
Kale and Mary Hankel.
The next meeting will be at
the home of Mabel Odenthal, Jan.
Bethel Park ,
BETHEL PARK The section
Two Fellowship Meeting of the
Assemblies of God was held at
Woodburn Monday afternoon and
evening. Those from BctHel Park
attending were Mr. and Mrs. Har
old Marsh, Rev. and Mrs. Lester
Young and daughters, Sandra and
Rebecca, Rev. A. H. Jensen, Rev.
and Mrs. Edward Edmond and
children, Donna and Duane, Mrs.
Laura Goffrier, Mis3 Mary Gof
frier, Miss Ethel Berglund, Rev.
and Mrs. Casselman and grand
daughter, Janice White, Mr. and
Mrs. Rube Nelson, Rev. Flnley
and family, and Rev. Robert
Wednesday afternoon, Jan, 20,
the Women's Missionary Council
will meet at the home of Mrs.
Edmond, with the president, Mrs.
Rube Nelson, in charge. Chil
dren's dresses and stuffed toys
are being made.
Mrs. Kate Smith is visiting in
Portland at the home of her
brother. Her daughter, Mrs. Alice
Richards is visiting in Seattle.
Janice White visited her moth
er, Mrs. N. A. White, in San Diego
Calif., recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Rube Nelson visit
ed at the home of their grand
daughter, Mrs. Eileen Sullinger,
recently. They later had dinner
at the home of their son, Clar
ence. Both live at Willamina, Ore.
Rev. and Mrs. Lester Young
and Rebecca will leave Saturday
afternoon for southern Oregon.
Sunday he will minister at the
North Bend Assembly of God
Church, and will be the after
noon sneaker at the dedication of
the new church in Brookings,
where Rev. Spencer is pastor.
This service will be included with
the sectional Fellowship Meeting
of that district, on Monday.
Rev. George Bacon has been
on the sick liist for the past two
Mrs. Belle Munson of Myrtle
Creek has put her belongings in
storage at the home of her son,
and will make her home with her
sister, Mrs. George Bacon. Mr.
Munson died several months ago.
Mrs. Irvin Uptagrave and
daughter of Sweet Home visited
Monday evening at the Casselman
The Clarence Smith family
were in Albany Tuesday eve on
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Swink of
Ankeny visited Monday at the
home of her mother, Mrs. Mary
Ilium. They, returned home
Rev. Swope reports that ar
rangement are proceeding in
the purchase of two new lots for
the new church building . in
Brooks, and that building will
begin in the near future. Blue
prints are not yet complete.
The Hayesville district Sunday
school convention met Sunday at
the Community church at Nonh
Howell where Rev. Am is the
pastor. Dinner was served. The
Rev. Sanders of the Halbert Me
morial church was the speaker.
Rev. and Mrs.' Robert Swope,
Rev. Finley and family, Mrs. Amy
File, and daughter, April, Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Sullivan and Miry
Goffrier attended this service. .
Word has been received from
the Fred Snyders at Tecopa,.,
Calif., that his health is improv
ing. They left here several
weeks ago.
The Roy Sulllvans moved back
to their home at Bethel Park re
cently. He had been working for
several months at Gold Beach.
Mrs. Alfricda Martin of King
wood Heights visited at the Park
last week end. .
Miss Ethel Berglund visited
her sister, Mrs. Raymond Hill, at
Colton Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Marsh
plan to leave Monday for a weeks
visit with their children at Hood
ROBERTS Craig BiUgood, son
of Mr and Mrs. Glenn Bidgood,
was transferred to bt. Paul, Minn.,
by Northwest Airlines, where he
has a position in the Engine shops.
The Home Economics club of
the Roberts Grange met at the
home of Mrs. J. B. King in Salens
Thursday evening.
Due to the absence of Mrs. J.
J. Johns, chairman, Mrs. Denver
Young conducted the meeting, af-.
ter which Mrs. Cecil Kernes assist
ed the hostes in serving the dessert
' Later in the evening Mr. King
played several selections on the
violin accompanied by Mrs. King
on the piano and ended in group
Those present were: Mrs. Denver
Young, Mrs. Charlotte Jones, Mrs.
Roy J. Ricei Mrs. Frank Boehrin
ger, Mrs. G. S. Higgins, Mrs. Glenn
Bidgood, Mrs. Louis u. jonnsion,
Mrs. Glenn Spencer, Mrs. S. L. Mi
nard, Mrs. Cecil Kernes and the
hostess, Mrs. King.
Crystal Gardens
Old Time and Modern
Music by "Pop" Edwards
Grand Island
GRAND ISLAND Mr. and .Mrs.
R. R. Rockhill of Grand Island
were surprised when a group of
neighbors and friends gathered at
their large new home for a 6:30
p.m. supper already prepared Sat
urday. A gift for the home was pre
sented. Canasta was the pastime.
Attending were: Mr. and Mrs.
Curtis Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. Ron
ald Finnicum, Mr. and Mrs. Dale
L. Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. Ersel Gub
scr, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Loren-
zen, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sarge-
ant, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Scoggan,
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Tompkins, Mr
and Mrs. Cecil Will, Mr. and Mrs.
Worth Wiley and Mr. and Mrs. R.
R. Rockhill.
Curl, marshal: Lizzie Milts, chap
lain; Lillian Smith, correspondent,
A card party Is planned in the
hall Friday aflernoon. Feb. 12. The
club will meet again on Feb. t.
Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Porter will
be hostesses.
Leaders for the older Girls are
Rean Fletcher ami Jacquie Smith, I
Inlrrmedialrs, Helen Johnston
and Zora Thistle, Brownies, Beth
Prideaux and Belly Brittnn.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Stevens,
Mr. and Mr. Albert Slcvens and
138 S. liberty
" 'MODS -S7t
Robert Taylor Ann Blyth
Stewart Granger
Betta St John
Short Subject
"Laurentian Sports Holiday"
"Winter Paradise"
for th
A Subscription Series of;
3 Outstanding Stage PJayiJ
.19.1 8. 12th, Salem
WtH NICK WO HUNOSOMt (im!iaaiK:i
Starts Today!
ss JAMES -
n lion is in
M.CM tillMi ! TUu fc IMM-n . .......
S0c Till 5:00
e of the Grot Adventures oUUl Time I
&m ic- run-
cr"-c 1 knit M mmoimi inw ,
mlM mi Hum mrnt ful
ruuoun ricniti
mi m
, March 18th
,. Adapted by Joshua logon"
' Directed hv SnrUw Wnnlf '' !
linuary 21st
fibruary 18lh
'Th Broadway Hit Which IsT
tht sequel to Kits end Tell 1
and Junior Miss
fy: wiih'rFTr. I
P-!? - Wend.!! May.i -fft !
' ; ' Phyllit Manning Vc3 !
..'and All "Star N. YiiCastJa'
( ; Ag;
The Hilarious Comedy T
Subscription, $5.00 Inc. Tax
Available it Stevens t Son
Sponsored by
Salem 2030 Club I
Prices This Engagement Only!
Evenine;, Adults $120
Matinee, Adults ....90c
i Children, Any Time . . . . . i . . .50c
G ' LOU de ROCH EMONT present
This 'Martin Luther' is o titan . . . brilliant
. forceful . . . commands attention!"
3 loiter CnwHitr, H. Y. Timn
HFC Mogor'nt
"One of the surprise screen products
of the yeorl"
"-UnHi tint
-Cdfidion Sciinct Memtot
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7 ME A4o porta