450 Merchandise 4SS Hsehold Goodi For Sal CRIB AND MATTRESS. elec. ranite and refrlg., 3-pc. sectional, oil cir culator, cht, 9x18 rug. breakfast act, gas range and refrlg. 2610 Portland Rd. CAS water heater. Like new. 1040 Hunt St. Ph. 3-5463. I-PIECE sectional bed daveno, 749 S. Com'L 4S6 Wanted. Hsehold Goodi SB F ear gpg CASH TpDAV Good used furniture or wiu sen on consignment rn. a-powa sutneu a Auction. WANTED USED FURNITURE TOP PRICE Valley Furn. Co, 2-7472 458 Building Material! METAL FENCES Permanent. No upkeep. Free esti mates, 36 mos. to pay. Borkman Lbr St Hdwr. Phone 3-3701. 2460 State St. ROOFING AND REPAIRING KIRFFR ROOFING CO-Phone 2-5M8 BUILDING? New bath tuba complete ... $50.30 as gal. water heaters .. $89.50 Plastic, dralnbd. covering-(.30 sq. ft Hdwd. plywd.. ideal for paneling or cabinets rh.an Loose Insulation per bag si "Q fiberglass roll blanket Inaul. Cheap js-z eiec. wiring 12-2 elec wiring - S'.ic Nails $8.74 & (8.93 keif , .. u,a i.r j. New doors, aU sizes $5.50 Used windows 30" x 43' -42.50 100 used doors with framea New toilets with seats $24.30 Double kitchen sinks, complete $41.50 eu gaj. eiec. water neuters Laundry trays, pipe, basins Bargaln too gaL steel septic tanks $62.30 - case iron sou Pipe 75c 4" solid Orangeburg pipe " Roll roofing, large supply , I tab comp. roofing Cedsr shingles, 4 grades . New Galv. iron roof 9 $7 55 .Cheap --....Cheap Plywood, new carload . Bargains New picture windows New weather striooed wlndowa 114.20 I Cedar renca posts Cheap New plaster board 4x8-. f I'm I 0teel carafe doors, complete -J44.00 Over-head farafe hardwarafl3.99 C. G. LONG & SON Ptl. 4-50S1 1 ml. N. of Ketzer ALL NEW lumber, ahlplsp 30.00 per M and up, 3x4 and larger $29.00 per M and up. Soma lumber $15.00 per M delivered. Phone 1-2042. 460 Mueleol Initnunento NEW SPINET nana. Phone 4-4746 evenings. BALDWIN Acrosonlo piano. Phone a-eeoi. 462 Sports Equipment lM JOHNSON outboard motor. 10- hp. 8IW N. 20th. 80 06 RIFLE, with scope, 860. Rt. 3. Box 8.11-E. Salem. Inquire at Rob erts Market. .KEW 30-30 Winchester carbine, Ph. 4-4935. 167 For Rent, Miscellaneous MeCULLOCH chain saws and post hole augers by day. Towne Equip, ment Co. Ph. 4-1541. FOR RENT or leas. Iga. warehouse space cement floors, brick blrtr. down town. Inquire) H. 1 Stiff rur.u 1-8189. 470 For Sale, Miscellaneous 50 BULOVA wrist watch. Silently shopworn. Closeout price 924 99. Hsrtman Bros.. 399 state. SMASJNrtJCEsIrsBarn. LATE model Kirby varuum cleaner, 839 50. Inrludlni all attarhementa waxer. Ph. evenlnea 4-MK4. LADY'S fur coat Sire 14.Can't tell ever been worn. 1500 value. Cost murh more. Traded In on Isle model car. Sell for $29300. terms. Ie's. 240 N. Church. roi.DINO baby tnisjgy andTolrHir earl. Phone 2-05O4. BROwfTMaple dtp leafTahle.'T'lad derbck chairs; 3 c. green chrome set. Must sell. 3-71BB. DISHF.S, TOOLS, rlose-out. Bargain Barn. 4 ml. N. 89E. 42S Auction Sale BARGAIN BARN 4 mil. N. of Sslem on KT. 1. EVERYTHING MUST GO. 2. NEW TENANT MOVING IN FER. 1ST. 3. LOWEST TRICES. 4 ALL SALES FINAL. OPEN WEDNESDAY i DAYS WED., THUR., FRL, SI N. 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. QUITS Oil 2 Linoleum rugs .IBS 1c Flate glass mirrors l 89 600 Oak arm chairs ... 3 SO jV Nw 2 pc. davpno sets.. 09.00 Rpg. price $159 50. It New swing rockers ... jlr 20 large chest drawers . 1r Dining tables from ... it Dining chairs from if Electric washers IS 00 ! 13.50' 2.00 1 .50 i 2 501 5.00 Electric ranges New chrome dinettes .. 59.00! New mattress and , box geti 35 00 Oil stove from Used interspring matts. 20 Restaurant booths Dinette tables 5 00 4:50 BOO 4 50 Kitchen cabinets from . 7 0. Large work bench 3 00 Davenport sets $35.00 to S.oo Davenos low as Club chairs low as New 6-way floor lamps . Used 3-way floor lamps . 4 501 2 50 7.88 I 1.89 i Over 1,000 items, must sell at once. No reasonable offer refused. Satan, Or.. Wd Jan. 20, 1954 450 Merchandise 470 For Sal, Miscellaneous Vacuum Cleaner Kenmore cleaner, regular 177.43. Slightly used. (1S.95. sa.uo down, (5.00 month. Sears Koebuck & Co.! 830 Capitol St. Ph. 3-9191. 120. 35. NORGE Refrigerator, 6 ft., good con dltlon. $25. I'h. 3-7471. FOR SALE, equity Jn 1B54 Arvln console set, with 20 ft. aerial and antenna, (40. Inquire at 1765 Ever green Ave. alter a p.m. 9x12 LINOLEUM rugs. 83.93. Wool 329.50. Cotton (24.50. Bargain Barn. Closing out. USED TRAILER oil heater. Also panel ray heater. 2640 Portland Jtd 5-PC. BEDROOM set, $65. Elec'mlx er. $10. Ph. 2-4035 after p.m. Sewing Machines Trade in Clearance Late model White Rotary elec, console $39.95 Late model electric console $49.95 Singer round bobbin portable. Very good condition $49 50 1 lute model Kenmore portable, new euaranlee. - Verv reasonable. Liberal trade in allowance on old mi chine. Balance $5.00 month, bears KoebucK & Co., 530 . capitoi. rn, 3-9191. $5,000 NEW STOCK. Closeout. quit img. jjargain Bain. SEAT COVERS slashed! Buy 'cm now at close-out prices l Chectt tnese plastic auilt-trim . . . gooa seiec tlon . . . res;. $20.95 . . . now just 123.50 woven plasties, leatherett trim, reg. 2Q,$Q . . . reduced to 116.50 (just a few of m) a few tea. 119.95 woven Dlantli. leather ette trim. Many other bargain. All seat covers sold ins tailed rKr.iv Easv hudeet terms. Green Stamps. Pay $1.00 $1.25 per week. Master Service Stations, Inc.. In Salem, SANITARY COT $1.50. Bargain Barn. CHEST OF SOLID eastern mawe, 938.30. Hogg Bros, usea store, im s. commercial, COLEMAN oil circulator, 3 yean old Pipe and 2 oil drums included, $H3. Phone i-Mwa. BAFIGAIN BARN closing out Wed Thur., rn.. sat,, sun., ju a.m. 10 p.m. STORE SAMPLE: 5-tube radio, com plete with ton, control. phone-)acK for record player, built-in loop an tenna. Was (.18 95: sale (28.88. Mont- Komery ward to., Appliance Dept., Phone 3-3191. U. HORE POWER nalnt sprayer, band saw, wood lathe, rollaway bed. 2-5952. I HOUSEHOLD foods for sale, also i 1035 Terraplanc. pap w. winter. OFFICE CHAIRS $3.50. Bargain Barn, closing all stock. SINGER SPECIAL Electric port ables from $24.50. Tresaies rrom $0.05. Treadle combination electric from $29.50. All machines A-l con dition and guaranteed. Include free sewing lessons. Singer Sewing Cen ter. 130 N. Commercial. MANGLE Thor Gladlrnn $43. Llsh washer Kaiser Standard $40. 2-5566 alter 1 o'clock. SOLID EASTERN inan'e booki-ase, headboard. 124. Hokk Bros. Used ' PAINT $1.99 GAL. Bargain Barn, ZENITH radio-phono, comb., swlnn rocker, end tsDles. sao. i'n. s-ojoj. 860 S. 14th. MINK-DYED muskrat coat. Slia 14. Ph. 3-6353 alter 4. WOOD CIRCULATOR for 24" wood. Good condition. 825.00. Valley Furniture Co.. 2I N. Com'l. ADDING MACHINE. I column, 45. ElecthC 9J. Ph. 2-5375. BEDS $2.50. Bargain Barn. fLOOR , SAMPLE: Oil circulator. eo.iuv ai u, oeauiuuj ximui win. very rew acratcnea. eg. eai.vs. aala 849IUI. Montgomery Ward Ac Co.. Appliance Dept.. Phone 3-3191. SOUd"eaSTERN maple dresser. This Is new and a real value. Hogg Bros. Used Store. 137 S. Com'l. PORTABLE radio, AC-DC, conven ient and well-nulll case, tine tor hunting, picnics and parties, was $28 93. sale $14.77. Montgomery Ward 47 Co., Appliance Dept., Phone 3-3191. BEAUTIFUL knotty pine bar. cost $;ioo.ool Closeout. siiaruu n. nam. 3-PC. VANITY suite, walnut vanity. bed. bench. $59. Hogg Hros. used Store. 137 S. Commercial. BELCREST Burial lots. Cash of terms. Phone 4-4367. NEW DARK gieen Forstman wool coat, . price. New mown rorsi man wool dressmaker suit, price. Both sire IB. 3-3818. AUTOMATIC wssher, wllh suds-sav er, rug 8 x 12. refrigerator, dining room set. writing desk, swing rock er. Portable washer. Ph. 2-8H36. CHEST-O-DRAWERS $3.30. Bargain Barn. J-loslngut. CHARlSfoundMlnn"g1rdles, bra. Ph. 3- 5918 or 3-5072 MaryE. Bales. BATTK.RIES All cars. 8695. 87.95 $6.95. exchange. 12 mo. guarantee, l.vllr's Tire. N. Com'l It Pine. 4- 601.1. BEDROOM FURNITURE 3pc. limed oak bedroom suite, dou ble dresser In solid oak llmerl fln l.h, matching bookcase, bendnoard. Used a short time. Metal bed frame Included $129. Ilngg Bros. Used Store. 137 S. Commercial. 5-I'C. TWIN bedroom set, $49 JO. Closeout. Bargain Ham. HOSPITAL BED for saleVr rent. H. I. stiff Furn. Co. Ph. 3-8183. 42S Auction Sale .10 gallon oil drum 50 i Cabinet radios . $ 3.50 llf Phonograph records ... .08 Skill saw 3000 50 extension litcs 2 98 Wheel barrow 4 50 Keg. $289 bedroom suites 149 00 Reg. S159 bedrm. suit" . 89.00 Reg. $159.00 bedroom suites 89 00 Reg. $26.75 occ. chairs . 12 50 25' Knotty pine bar ...100.00 10 meat case 75 00 Twin box springs ..... 4 95 Piano 75.00 House paint (gal) 1.99 New lamp tallies 5.88 Kirby 50 Mill, cleaner . 45.00 New $49.50 desks 34 88 New 9x12 wool rugs ... 29.50 New 9x12 cotton rugs . 29.50 Dishes. Tools. Misc. 450 Merchandise 470 For Sal, MUcellaneoui FOR SALE new Mayflower forced oil itirnace. i;omiiete witn duct. worn, controls. 275 gal. tank, Half price450.w.pnone2-4ooj. RHCAPS $0.95. 600-10 & 870 sizes. Nationwide guarantee. 100 - void rubber. Lylle Tire, N. Com'l & Pine. ANTIQUE CLOCK closeout. (8.50. Bargain Barn, 4 ml. n. & 472 Wanted, Miscellaneous TREE SPRAYER Not less than In. pressure. Ph. 2-7522. Logs Wanted Good 2nd growth loga. Prem, paid for No. 2 logs 28' and longer. Also 8' itud loss or mulUpea ot ' plui trim 6" to 16" dlam. BUHKLAND LBR, CO. Ph. Turner 1125 Even. 2503 Turner or 3-7826, Salem. 474 Miscellaneous BEE-HIVE TRUCKS U-DHIVE MOVE YOURSELF SAVE 'i CAR RENTALS - STAKES VANS TEXACO STATION 619 COURT ST. PHONE J-1931 PAGE STEVENSON and AL AIEFORD DENTAL PLATE REPAIR J-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SRMLER," DENTIST Adolph Bldg, State & Com'l. St. SALEM PH. 3-3311 476 Fuel Pickup Your Presto-logs Briquets and wood at 1S8 f. Cornl St Phone 3-7721. Highway Fuel Co. Clean sawdust, wood, green or dry. Stove-Diesel oils. pn. 3-D44 West Salem Fuel Co. Tube or Push Out Sawdust Ash, Maple and Oak Wood Green, dry slaD, Pinner Ends 1325 Edgewater Phone 2-4031 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loan AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 182 South Church Parklry; a-Plenty Ph. J-21.17 Lie. No. M-50. S-154 Consolidate All Bills Twenty-five years ago General Fl nanca Corps was organized by Sa lem business and professional men to give you a loan service, W have lent millions. TRY OUR SERVICE Y&u can repay anytime to reduce costs. No endorsers or help from friends longer time to repay. Ph. first for a one trip loan. Loans $23.00 to $300.00 on signature, furniture and equipment Loans to $500.00 on cars, trucks, and tretler houses. Free customer parking et "Marlon Car Park": across from office. 136 S. Commercial St. Lie. No 513B and M33I sTsTrT vestmants TTTMS.i 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted WANTF.n-Full time and part time mut !! ruvu ,r ,iu know the city, l'hone 3-4151, ask for Mr. Melhenv. BOOKKKKl'F.R -CASHIER under 35 rs. Work Sunday. No phone calls. North's Jlestaur.mt. 1170 Center WE ARK now taking applications tir Paper Routes at Carrier Divi sion. Statesman Building. Boys nvist be 13 years or over and have the written consent of their par ents. If you have already applied kindiv do so acaln. THE OREGON STATESMAN 604 Help Wanted. Male OFC. MGR. BKKPR. Fjp. 23-45. Ap ply Com'l. Placement, 411 Ore. Hldg. 4-3351. SALESMAN for well established Real F.tte office (10 years In the same blnrki. Ileal Estate Expert enre Not Neres.arv. See Rurt r,rh. Realtor. 37 N. High St. 2-4W1 PART TIME JOR-rill.L TIME PAY Tot yrninn mn antd 17 to Jd't. On nifhi racn urck. Bffltnnmit Mlary of fi.76 hour. Only a few applt rant will bt arrrpifd at this Umt. On the Job train. nt;. Som of th many poMttonn offfrrrt an? for; Communications rrrnonnel Clrrk Supply Prrnonnel Truck Dnvrrs Applications will be takrn thtt com tng Thursday from 7.30 to 9 30 P. M, Servt your country at home In on of Its finest orttanlrations. Your Nat l Guard Hdqs. Co. U. l2d Inf. The Armory. Salem. Ore $1.76 HOUR Tor young men aged 17 to lB'i. F.ifthtrcn applications only will be accepted at 1 hm time. You will be trained on the Job In one of many field iuch an rommiintraTtonti. tmppliea, cierU.il, tiuck driving, or ntheijv Appliditons will be tnkrn thi com in Thursdav at the S..lrtTi Ar inorv from 7 '50 to 50 P.M. If vou qualify, ymi run erve your nhltuaiton to your rnuni rv' at home in one ot it i finrt .M-gun Iration. your Ore Natl Guard tmiiro. n, i?d inf. USELD CAR Mletman, near Salem. r.rrellent fiprcM-timitv. Write Box ' 149, r-o Statesman-Journal. f REAL ESTATE LOANS I f I COLONIAL INVESTMENT CO. J ROBERT W. GORMSEN. PfltS. I i f 687 Court sr.acs 4-2283 I PRIVATE money to loan. Ph. 2-0794. 600 Employment 606 Holp Wanlaxi, fma atr LADIES with pleasant personality SLEEPING ROOM, kitchen facilities. ana car, placing tnree. .11. ...... .UU nianlfi.rf i?"? .n0UM Mil'ng No p'11" - 15 AAA ATTENTION LADIES If you have a phone and are in tcrested In earninn $0 to $9 a dav from your own home. Phone bftwMn 4 and 6 D.m. Wed. Thur. and ask for Mr. Stanley. PART TIME or full t Imft work. Manv housewives earn up to $2.00 330 hour. Just send ui new or renewal lin-s The Saturday Evenin Put. iaaies Home journal, country Gentleman, Holiday, Jack & Jill. Start today to add to your family income write ior actaus ana sup plies: Write Box 152 Statesman- Journal. EXPERIENCED kitchen help. part time. LeGaries, 453 Court St. 610 Sales Persons Wanted OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITY We need a few capable men who can manage a Dullness or tneir own and art bondable. Sales or ma ehmery repair experience helpful, but a willingness to work hard and a desire to make more money are more essential. Protected territory. Car necessary. Box 158 Statesman- journal. 612 Work Wanted. Male 19 YEAR OLD expectant father needs work Jrlycr'i license. 2-9928. WANTED Bulldozing, land clearing. etc. h. v. stoops, n. g-att). PROFESSIONAL upholstering done in my nome, Kcasonaoie. ricK up & delivery, can z-zw. TAX RETURNS prepared in your home at reasonable rates. Phone 4-2033. HEDGES and shrubs trimmed, yard cleaned up and trash named, z-7464. CEMENT work, all kinds. Ernest Drake. Phone 4-5128. ilea s, ntn. WAWIAU: Bunaozmg. lana Clearing. aro worK. etc. k. v. bioops. vnona 614 Work Wanted, Female MIMEOGRAPHING, typing, reason- able. Mrs. Poe. 665 N 16th. 3-3643. HOUSEWORK or cooking company meals, rnone j-nuw. 615 Situation! Wanted DRESSMAKING and alteration. Sat. lsfactlon guaranteed. Judy Pols ton, Ph. 3-5877. EXPERIENCED comp. opr. wants permanent position. Ph. 2-4479. INCOME TAX blanks prepared rea- lonapiy, pnone a-btn EXPERIENCED clerk-typist, ship ping clerk, desires steady job. Ph. Z-74H1. WOMAN wants job housekeeping for widower, write box Jtu statesman- Journal. YOUNG, clean, neat, ambitious Kor ean Veteran wishes full, part-time employment. Own car can be used. You can bent $.10 week, please Ph. Silverton 3-4274. Mr. Albert A. Jalrl. Kt. 2. Box 96, Silverton. Ore. FOR PRACTICAL nurses or domestic help, phone 3-5072 or 2-0636. WE SPECIALISE In repairing dry rotted houses. Ph. 2-1459 or 2-1842. TREES topped & removed. AU work guaranteed, rn, a-iwz. j. h. Davis. i HOUSEWORK or Ironing by the day. $1 hr. Ref. Ph. 3-7695. DRESSMAKING, alterations. Drap ery. 2nd floor. Roberta Bros. Pat Smith. PAINTING and oaotr hanelna. Y-O-U-R S-A-T-I-S-F-A-C-T-I-O-N spells "my success. X. F. Waters. tn. a-iuvo. PART TIME bookkeeping .either In ii nil or noniF, rnuni i-fw. i GENERAL handy man. Flxlt, consid er anyming. rti. i-ati7. LANSCAPING, com. lawn, garden service, .service center. 4-3573. PAINTING, Pa per hanging. Free ei timatea. Don Lucero. Ph. 3-5522. CARPENTER work. New or remod- llnK. Free estimates. Ph. 4-2.121. BABY SITTING by middle-aged woman. Anytime. 2-ouui. PAINTING Ac decoratlnir. Ph. 3-7.V.2. 25 yrl. exp. In Salem. Free esti mates. ' GENERAL cleaning by the hour. Ph. PAPER Hanging and painting. Jerry jonnson. fnone a-u4. ROOFING, new work or repair. All typei roofing. Call Ktefer 3-5908. Free estimates , anywhere. TREE work, topping, trimming, re moving. Insured. John Payne. Ph. 3-0385. PAPER HANGING & Painting. Jerry jontison. rnone z-uiv. GOOD CARE for your rhlld. Shipping St. Phone 3-9924. TREES TOPPED, trimmed and re- moved. Free estimates. Ph. 3-7464. N EW Construction, remodeling V repair. Free estimates. Dal Biles. Phone 3-6091. PATNTING, PAPF.RHANGING. Con tract. amaH jobs welcome. Phone 2-7692. QUALITY wood work:n home cab inets, store fixtures. Dick High berger. 3-8904. HAVTNGAtrrO RADIATOR TROUBLES? ViMey Motor Co. experts will solre four problems and save you money, rea estimate, speedy service. Center and Liberty. RELIABLE baby sitter. Will go riaya or nights. Phone 2-9964 or 3-5323. LIGHT crawler dozer, dirt leveling, grading. Phone 3-3220. CARPENTER. New. remodeling or TflpalrContract or time. Call 2-5025, CARPENTER WORK. Any kind. Rea sonable. 4240 Macleay Rd. Phone 45961. CARPENTER work of aU kinds. 01 TO Livingston. 2-1M2, 2-1459. 616 Employment Agendaa OFFICE JOBS fife us for nullity jobs. Benefit bv our knowledge of employers and by our experience In the com nuinltv. Hrentfr tortav. COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGCY. 494 State St. (Oregon Bldg.) 4-3351 700 ltrntnU OFFICE He warehouse space for rent. up to 2.5 sq. tt. Arrangements ran be made for taking calls A: or ders. 3053 Portland Rd Ph. 1-7642. LARGE warehouse ipace for rent or lease. Cement Moor, brick build in. IVmn town. Inquire H, U Strii Furniture Co. rtione 3-9163, 702 Sleeping Rooms, Board HOU5KKF.GP1NR rm. Private bath. entrance, lut floor. 30. Ph. 4-.MW3. RM. WlTHbath. close In. Gentle man. Telephone 3-47U1. ATTF.NT.ON Students or employed men. Nice room readv tat you, cmly $1 mo 5.14 NW inter. WARM ulrrping room. 2M Center. 3 ROOMS. pri ate bath, fc0 'month! 2770 N. Front. LARGE. dwe-ln aleeping room. Gen llcmaivM N. JVtnterPha-MS WARM, attractive room. Gentleman. M5 N. Summer. Ph. CI.F.AN, quiet, near atate building, ahnpning dlit. Breakfast privilege. Ph. 11449. ,700 Rental 1 702 Stepping Boomi. Board to i for l or I 1H terry at. I - 703 Wanted Rooms, Board FURN. RM.-Lifihi cook. oh. use. emp. elderly lady. Non-smoker. box jdk. siaiesman. 2-BW5 and 705 Aparttnnt Tot Rt! an PRIVATE 3 room, bath, all elec. range, refrlg. 14M N, Summer. ay' ?gJ teTry- run", a.iracuve roomi. uvn, oin, u unites, private. 330 M ission. 4-46S1 3 ROOMS furn private entrance and oatn. newly decora tea. near cap itoi DIOf. IMO Mill. FURN. 1 bedrm. apt. All electrlct tiosc-in. Bio in. tomi, COMPLETELY turn. apt. Close In. wu farriin. FOR GENTLEMEN Completely mm. l at z-room apta. ZMjjenter. CLOSE IN Clean 1-rm. furn apt. uunties. 7M wanon. 2 CLEAN, well-furnished apts. Steam heat and water furnished. Holly wood Dlst. Very reasonable. Phone 4-1720 or 3-M4B. FURNISHED 3 rooms, $30. Private oath. 1968 North com'J. 3 LARGE room apt., nica and clean, good location, utilities lurn. Keas v nabi e.f h. 4-B55I. NEWLY FURNISHED one-bedroom apartment, lota of closets, ceiling lan, aouoie tinK, ample cupDoaroa, large sunny room, narawooa noors, handy laundry, parage. W. Salem, 3-ROOM lurn. apt. Prlv. bath. 705 N, Liberty. Ph. 2-6947. LEE APTS. Salem's Most Distinguished Address, for people who desire better living in aalem. it s The Lee. one-bed' room units from $92.00 and up Bachelor units as low as $59.50, Inspection invited. 685 N. Winter St. CLOSE IN lar furn. - room ., ir d;.; .7; . ;r. ,,7 rerrea. 4jn iv. winter. CLEAN, close In 3 rms. furn. utll- nies paia. n, z-go&i. 1 3 RM. APT., newly decorated, furn, l diock xrom ous. fn. z-i070. FURN. 2-rm. court apt. Available Feb. I. 1065 Madison. 4-4754. NICE 3-RM. furn. apts. Close in, Private bath, $35 to $55 per month. inq. lpiia n. louage. 2 ROOMS Private bath, entrance, refrigerator. Adults. Reasonable, 735 S. 13th St. MODERN, nicely furn. 2-rm. apt private cam & entrance, ihm n. Winter. Phone 2-3747. Ambassador Furnished apts. 850 N. Summer PARTLY FURN. 3-rm. apt. Private entrance, neat, water lurn. Ph. 3-8953. FURN. 3 rms. private bath, utilities. 450 s. lapitoi. FURN. BACHELOR apt. Warm. ground floor. Private entrance & bath. Near 17th & Center, t.'if). Ph. .1-3000. fitrn apt within k kitv. town. Modern eouiooed. 444 N. Col. tage. BACHELOR apt. furn. Within S talks. aowniown. Moaern equipped. 444 FUIJN. apt. Capitol Shopping Center. mm wu.i.. v.iuae m. et-u.n. ;-ROOM furnished apartment, second noor, ior l or z women. $28. util ities pd. 1580 Center St. FURNISHED small apt., private bath, a it electric. 194 a. cottage. MOD. UNFURN. court cottage, walk ant., available 18th. Ph. 3-5211. FumiShed COUft Apt .m. . - wnn garage, aaa. uiose in On HO, Com'l. Ph. 2-Bri4B or 3-6644. 3 RM. FURN., 2 rm. urn. Clo?e In. rnvaie entrance, bath. 3-6768. PRIVATE 3 room court aDts. Clean. lurn., aia. Aauus. jm Portland Rd. 1-BDRM. modern furn. court apt rn. i-i ioi. I RMS. furn. Utilities paid. Women preierrea. laaj aiaif. 1-HDRM. apt., iinrurn., steam heat. w. rn. -ii3 aiier 4 p.m. 219J . worn I. St. CLEAN 3 room furnished apartment. Private entrance, bath. Utilities rurnisnea. 41V s. 19th. CLEAN 1 rm. furnished apt. Util ities lurn. 827.90, Ph. 3-8084. 2261 Hazel Ave. FURN. small basement apt. Holly wood. 828. 3-8042. IPSO McCoy. FURNISHED apartments. Close-in. pn. J-8HU. sis s. Winter. 707 Houses For Rent l-BDR. unfur. home with att. ar. $55 l-BDR. unfur. home with att. gar. 8-tS a-uuK. iiat. atove ana refrigera tor furnished, close In north $.15 Se JOE U BOURNE, REALTOR, n.u Ft. tftruuu rn. s-iuis. 2-BDRM. 4 yeara oldri6o"!rWthTGa rale. Ph. 3-5115. UNFURN. 3-bdrm, house. $40 mo. Call 3-4008 eve. 4-BBDROOM furnished house. Auto, oil furnace. Close to shopping cen ter and town. Adults. $65. Ph. 3-4937 after 5 pm. NEWLY REDECORATED modern 3 bdrm. unfurn. home. Garage, nice yard, bus by door. $60. Ph. 3-9634. 1-BDRM. COTTAGE. EleTTstOTeToli atove, refrlg. $:l5 month. Renter pays utilities. 1(192 Eighth St. Fac ing McNary Ave. LARGE 2-bdrm. new house and ga rage, hardwood floors, fireplace, oil furnace. 2 miles out. To re sponsible early. Phone 2-2673. SMALL MOD. home and acre, close In River Road North. Garden spot, on bus. Ph. 3-1268 eve. Ft'RNISllETJ small 2-bdrm home. $37 month. Inquire at 2130 Brown Rd. (near Swegle School). NEAT. CLEAN, lovely, 1-hrtn. home. $W.rh. 3-71M. VERY NICE 1-hdrm. duple. Partlr furn., auto, launrlrv. Garage. TV antenna. Ph. 4-8.17 or see at 32M LivinsMon. CLEAN, 3 bedrooms, unfurnished. wirrn ior range. 2217 iee. 2-98B8. JUST REMODELED. Nicelv fur. nlshed 2-bedroom home. Electric neat. Norm salrm. $73. Ph. 2-7787. $40. FURNISHED. 1 bedrooms. Also, a oearoom unfurnished. Phone 3-B731. CfaTsAN. Fl'R.V. cottae. garaee. util ise furn., 43. Ph. 2MM. 2261 Hazel Ave. 1-BDRM. HOUSE $45: and 3-bdrm. home 9A. Ph. 3-34M. 1 BEDRM, duplex "with store room. No children. North Dist. H5 per month. Ph. 4-1761. FOR RENT A selection of 2- and 3 -bed room nomea f:ir rent. Some with option to buy, Relmann Real Estate, Phone 3-9:i1. 1-BDRM. furn holme. Couple only. No pets. Ph. 2-182 or 2-2.192. ONE-BDRM. furn, clran ferent. Inq. 147 N. luifi. ind (Itf- 2-BDRM. unfurn. older h.v.ir. $47 50, No petsJnq.Mj) N. lJtth. J-BDHM. hoime Everything fur nhhrd. Monthly or weeklv rates. 3-72:i. 3 BDRMS Stove A- refrigerator furn. $73LCall3-7M7. MODERN one-bedroom houwv at tachrd garase. Newly painted, psrtlv furn. South on 99E to Bax ter Rd . left on highway, 3rd house on right 700 Rental 70? Hmiae Foi Fsurt MODKRN lriedrom court, adnHs preferred. Ptoe and refrirerator rurnibhed. fnone iTboPM." house Clean. Sohurhan V,4i s lease. 8"S. C. X. Andrew, 4WKI N. Uinoaster r. 3-RM. FURN. house. 84. Counle only Year's lease. C. E. Andresen. 4tW lJincaster Or. CI.KAN 8-bedrm. unfurn.. oil heater, hnrdu-d. floors, alt. garage. Avail able Feb. 1st. Ph. 1-J59. FOUR-ROOM hse. 1240 Clearvlew Ave., Salem. Ph. Albany 14MJ; HOUSE AND J.GK. bam. Bgutrped with furnace, power, phone, retng eratfon. Suitable for rabbltiy, halrherv, or lieht industry. I'h. 4-5233 stter v Sun. UNFURN. S-rm. newly decoraled house In F-ast Fnelewood. Reason able to right Darly. Call evenings. 2-B8M. NORTH Completely furn. 1-bdrm. home. Ulilllv room, nasemeni, mr- n.f. ,iri. nice shrubs. Lease Reference. S63 a mo. Inquire 2A5 Center. Ph. 3-328S. FURN.-unfurn. 3 rm. Laundry, ga rage. Reasonable, 38.43 poruanq jta. S-ROOM home, located close in North, 853. B. M. Mason. Hit. let s. com i. 4 RM. UNFURN. cottage. Elec. heat, elec. range. 744 M, Capitol. l-aeaz. FUHN. SINGLE & double Apt. 44 N. Cottage. Fh. 2-1887 13TH AND STATE Furn. house. 2 bedrooms, adults, 830. pn. 3-4:1,0. NICE UNFURN. 1-bdrm. court cot tage, range, walking dlst. Ph. 3-5211 1 BDRM. house furn. basement, fire place, garage, 865. 1920 Maple. Call after 8:30. ATTRACTIVE 1 bdrm. house. Clean. nicely furn.. good surroundings, off St. parking, utilities furn., ex cepting electricity. Walking dis tance downtown. 745 S. Com'l. 1-BDRM., modern, range St refrlg. lurn. S45. pn. e-roi. FURN., 1 or 2 bdrm. duplex apt., ga rage, wy n. winter, pn. j-hhu. BDRM. house. Elect, heat. Near shopping center. Adults. No pets. Ph. 4-3433. BEDROOMS. Close In. Shopping and school. Carpeted. V. blinds, range. $60. 1164 S. 12th. 2-372R. MODERN 1 bedr. house furn. Yard. suburb, south. Ph. 3-6247. UNFURN, 1 Ige. bdrm.. electric heal. a.ia. pn. 3-36U4 after 5. SEPARATE entrance. 3 rm. duplex. special rates. Ph. z-3325. UNFURN. 1 bedrm. New. modern. walking distance. Ph. 2-0310. I BDRM. house unfurn. Water furn. 1795 Market. ONE bedrm. house, newly renovated, auto, neat, garage, next to busi ness dist. Fruit and garden space. 843. Water and garbage oald. Ph. 3-6408. CLEAN, furnlsned 1 -bedroom house. garage, 850. 4135 Portland Rd. FURN. 1-bdrm. stucco cottage with garage. Near sears. Adults only. No pets. Call after 10:30 a.m. 930 Garnet St. Ph. 3-7645. NICE clean 1 bdrm. house In court. Att. garage, hardwood floors. Elec. heat, stove and refriaerator furn. $55 per month. 1846 N. 5th, or Ph. 2-7430. 708 Farms, Tracts For Rent 240 ACRES of land with about 1 mil lion ft. timber, good house, barn, grass for about 30 head. For lease reasonable. 20 A. 6 rm. house or 2 A. with 3 rm, house, 24x40 chick en house. For rent or sale, easy terms. D. A. Fish, 1488 S. Commer cial. Ph. 3-4706. 709 Wanted to Rent WANTED Outstanding Auto Club irom aaiem wouia lixe to rem double garagt or good barn to use as club nouse and work shop. Rent must be reasonable. Fhona 2-1065, ask for Gary. 710 Wanted to Rent, Housss 2 OR 3 BDRM. house in Wnodhurn or vicinity. $40-$53 mon. Call Dallas 3039 collect or write Rt. 1, Box 249, Dallas. 714 Business Rentals LEASE BUILDING 4.000 sq. ft. on corner lot 70x100. 2195 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 3-7124. FOR RENT Two business buildings, one 21-ft. front bv 50-ft. deep, for $100 per mo.: also one 18-ft. front by 45-ft. deep for $R5 per month. Located at 1141 and 1145 South Commercial St.. which also Is High way 99E aouthbound. More than 10,500 cart dally average pass here. Plenty of parking both on and off street, free. Free parking lot 75 x 150 ft. next to buildings. Clayton W. Jones, 1147 S. Commercial St., Phone 3-6735. Salem, Oregon. WANTED TO RENT-Building suit- ante for machine and welding shop. Prefer North Salem. Francis Nya, Ph. 3-8144 or 3-9019. POO Real Estate 801 Bulni OportuniHen - RESTAURANT $500 DOWN OR TRADE Will take car, trailer house or real estate. Equipped and ready to go, onlv $1950. AI.l.EN C. JONES. REALTOR 331 N. High Ph. 3-5&U Eve. 41659 or 1-0IMS WANT party to take over ao.ooo-cap. sawmill operation In Willamette valley: some timber goes with op eration, lots more avail. Whole op eration can be taken over on prac tically a pay-as-cut proposition. I. E. Klumpp, 3055 Portlsnd Rd., Ph. 2-7642. RICHFIELD OIL CORP. Offers modern service station for lease. Monmouth. Ore. Partial fi nancial assistance to qualified par ty. Ph. 3-9533 days or 2-076! eve nings for details and appointment. 806 Housea For Sal 10 DOWN Brand New home, S nice bedrooms and Innlde utility rm., auto, oil heat, FHA inspected. elo?e to school and bus. There 1 loads of comfortable living In this charming home. Don't wait, see tt now. Call Ph. 4-335.1. Powps Ar Wood, Realtors, eve. 2-0422. 224 North High. $.150 DOWN l, ACRE CLOSE IN. City water, x tra well for Irrigation, lirga 3. bdrm. remodeled home. Close to city bus. school, shopping district. 1 block from corner o Liberty Rd. and Salem Heights Rd. A real buy at 6.750 SUMMERS. REALTOR 1"2S State St. Ph. S-4K0J Englewood Nice family home with S bdrmi., fireplace, hardwood floors, and un fimsned upstairs. Beautiful lot and shrubs. Quick $9,250 Good Terms 1625 S. Church St t.g. L. and D. rms., firepl., one Ig. bdrm. down. 3 up. Two baths, ig kitchen with nook. Baement with oil FA heat. Beautiful lot .with greenhouse. Close to all schools. J. L HIM MEL REALTOR 565 No. Cspitol St. 2 6979 Tat Krmprr 2-5297 (Sim.) H. reekfripaugh 3-5413 (Sim.) STOCK, GRASS 74 A. all jrr. beautiful, nearly new 8 br. home, spacious living room, dining room plus nook, basement It furnace, S fireplaces, patio, Jove- view, also farm la now 4i nursery farm GOOD value tor $20,000. Will consider am. acreage, close to Salem In trade. Call Henry Torvend on this or ny fann property you are In terested In. LEE OHMART BUSINESS LOT ON LANCASTER DRIVE Near Market St. 116x125. a bargain. Call L. LorenV. i IT'S TRUE More for vour money when you go suburban, this 3 bedroom home In East Salem has oil heat, extra large lot, Imm, poss., will go GI, so call Rslph Maddy now. ' A $10,750. SWEETHEART Did you want a birch kilchenr This nearly new 2 br. home has that plus lots more all mahogany doors, roman brick fire place, lovely planter, beautiful corner lot, colored bath fixtures and so on into the ntghtll Ted Morrison wiil be happy to show you this new listing. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 2-4115. 2-tlli Eve. Salesmen Ralph Maddy 3-34B8. Louis Lorenz 3-5590, Ted Morrison 2-3046, Henry Torvend 3-3632 WHY NOT BE FIRST? to own this beautiful 3 Br. new home in South Village. Daylight base ment. 2 car garage. Oil furnace. Dishwasher. New District. $14,000. F. H. A. Terms. i A GASOLINE SAVER Close in 2 Br. older home, a short walk to town. Has dining room and fireplace. Sensibly priced at $5,600 with low down payment. S'. 0. S. TRADE . Do you need a good 2 or 3 bdrm. home In North Salem? With basement, and furnace; well-built and spotless. Lovely yard. Do you have a smaller 2 bdrm. home also North, with a fair-sized equity? GRACIOUS NEIGHBORS on N. Summer St. near Parochial, Jr. High and High Schools. 3 hdrma dble plumb. Tall trees, creek. Studio ceiling In L. room. Fireplace owner might trade for Portland home. We need listings on homes, farms and acreages. Give us a call, no obligation. A. A. LARSEN, Realtor 191 S. HIGH Evenings call 3-7163 806 Houses For Sal 2-BDRM. hm. ww carpeting In liv ing rm. Ic hall. Will take pickup or panel In trade. Call 4-4567. $6100 Be smart, get a start with this sound 1 -story plastered nome, wnn 2 bedrooms on the first floor, also Inside utility room. Room for ex tra bedrooms upstairs. Nice yard, garage. Easy terms, with low down payment, will go State G.I. if de aired. Owner may take In car on down payment. Quick possession. Low Down Payment On this 3 year old pb'tered clean ranch style 2 bedroom home with att. gar. south. Full price $3150, property FHA approved. Possible for the right party to get buy with $500 down. Monthly payments like rent. Be smart, get a start. TRADE Two bedroom home with full base ment, near the new high school. $9250. Want a two or three bed room suburban home. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. Capitol. Ph. 3-8216. eve. 3-7217 .$450 DOWN Full price only $3500. This nice one BR home on almost 'j A. of good soil, located North on good corner, good well, some extra lumber goes. RANCH HOME $11,500 for this beautiful home only 2't, yr. old with elegant view, 2 BR, lgt Jiv. rm, breakfast bar with chrome stools, oak fir., fireplace, pa uo, en :i a.. mosuy cn ernes, immediate possession, terms. BURT PICHA REALTOR 379 N. High St. Eves: 4-3152 Off: 2-4047 FIREPLACE Two-bedroom home In Englewood aisirici na nice living room. Kitch en, ainette. Plastered. Msulatcd Garage. 3 years old. $9,950. Trade in Your Car Clean, modern 2-bedroom home with jirepiace. iarge Kitchen. Big ga rage, rorcea air 011 neat. 18,750. Terms. RAMSEY,' REALTOR 2034 North Commercial. Office 4-H211 .eve. ai aoenaer. salesman. 2-7646 Eve. Jim Ramsey 4-1696 MONMOUTH, ORErTACRE" 2 -bedrm. modern home. furnihvi Including 13-ft. new freezer. Good puy. w,aw. jiu a. wroaa si. bNLY$200bbWN A real chance to get 1 start on a nome of your own. Neat, clean, well built 1-bdrm. home. Att. fa- rage, on k acre. Ph. 3-3769 or 2-5777. SPLENDID VIEW, large lot. Good nouse by owner, can 3-11534. 2-BEDROOM 4 year old home. Large Int. Suburban. $200 down. Phone 33934. ON PEARL STREET In the Englewood Dist. 3 bedrm ranch style home with entrance nan, separate dining rm. and in side utility, new wall to wall car peting over finished oak floors, we hope you like It, the price it riiht ai aia.Hou. ve. can z-svo4, 4-5917. Ed Lukinbeal, Realtor 433 N. HIGH PHONE 2-MM INCOME 125.00 Dr monthl Invest In a .1-unlt aparlmrnt hous. in residential area in tnglewnod dislrict. Tnp notch rondlllon. Slearlv renters. Tenants pay own heat and utilities. Priced to sell at SII..100. Ask for Clyde FOULK. salesman. Eve. phone. I no answer dial 2-P2IM or 3.0pm CI.IFP notVPER CI T lwo Fairr.ounds ttoad HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT LOVELY Bd. Rm. Home near Huh. land St. Vincent Schools. Dbl. Gar. Basm't. Near stores & bus. Terms arranged. JOE NOONCHESTER Real Estate lW N. Cottage. 4-.1M1 day or eve. No Down Payment If you build on your own lot. only s:io on our lot and 1450 down ww aown , h a. GI and FHA approved. 3 bedrooms, 987 sq. ft. Modem In terior. Stewart-Warner furnace, jirepiace and oversized garage available at extra cost. Look first and make your own comparison wiirt oir.er homes. Open Evenings Till 8 p.m. PHONE 2-0971 $350 DOWN 1 rm. modern hse. Large M, BUJt nne. nmr more, rrice s..3nn C. W. REEVE. Realtor 10 Jisston Si. Ph. SSM). Eve 3..VM t2SO DOWN PYMT. small modiri nout. tueurban. Phone 4-JO.U. fifK) Real Estate OR BERRY FARM creek, lots of water, 1 has small house- operated as berry RUDY CALABA PH. 2-4591 2-8628 2-3738 806 Houses For Sals TRADE FOR SUBURBAN Owners of this lovely 3 br. home with trees and 80 ft. fenced yard, want to trade their 32700 equity for a 3 br. house In the country. Their payments are only $51 per mo. 4 ACRES $4200 Brand new 1 br. beautifully furnish ed house. Located on Salem-Aums-vllle Rd. To settle an estate. Pay $1000 dn. and move In. GREEN HOUSE TOO Secluded late built 3 br. home. 2 fireplaces, 1 in master br. 100 ft. city view lot. Planted with beau tiful shrubbery. A flower lover's paradise. Price $10,000. FINEST IN CITY A real family home. 3 brs., 3 baths. 30 x 20 den. Full finished base ment. A fortune spent on the a acre view lot. Expensive carpets In cluded. Priced way below building cost. Call Bon Cleary. W. MUSGRAVE REALTOR 1211 Edgewater 3-5109: Eve. 3-9939 NOT SPECTACTJLAR Just a good 2 bedrm home. Approx. 5 yrs old. Nice kitchen, dining apace, insulated, dble gar., out side fireplace. Fenced yard. Priced at fair market value of $7,900 $1,000 dn or take car as part pay ment. C. W. REEVE, Realtor I860 Mission St. Ph. 3-4590, Eve. 3-95.1(1 2 BDRMS., basement, furnace, fire place, garage, redecorated, clean. 1175 S. 13th. $6500. Ph. 3-4434. HOME WITH Income, large living room, dining room, bedroom, breakfast nook & kitchen. Base ment. Beautiful yard, furnished apt, upstairs. 7.000. Tel. a-MM. NEAR ST. VINCENT'S Exlra well built 3 bdrm. home, llv. rm.. din. rm. and nook, firepl., full bsmt.. oil heat, garage. Nice lot wilh costly shrubbery and fireplace. Location Hazel Ave. (11.500. It Is considerably under appraised value. WALNUT PARK, 23RD NEAR CF.MTFH Lovely 4-bdrm. home with J com- pine pains, expensive wall-to-wall carpets, large cheerful rooms, fire place, auto, heat, full basmt. wllh recreation room, 2-car garage. Wid ow will take modern 2 or 3-bdrm. home south or to (14.000 In trade at 118.000. This fine residence Is underpriced. Call Dick Severin on above listings. ART MADSEN, REALTY 132 State St. Ph. 3-55D0 Eves. 4-2B33 Large 2 Bedroom Home l-ocated South, best of condition. An extra good buy at 7.950. Small SLm" paymen'' Ca" Carpenter, . ' ' MADSEN REALTY Vm State St. . Ph. 3-5580 or J-88U ? SHOES PINCH ? Step Into this transferred own ers shoes and own a home In on of Salem's loveliest districts. Own er called last night and said " Cut the price to (12.000 and give them Immediate possession. This beau tiful home has full basement with partly finished playroom, paneled living room, picture windows, pat io, plenty of garden space and the yard is landscaped to perfection. I large bedrooms snd room for a 3rd. Ask for CLIFF BOWDF.R eve. ph. 3-995H. If no answer, dial J-3825 or 2-6288. V PHONE 4-3364 iHtaiTW, 1SM0 Falrarounri. nn.H HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT T .R sale. Furnished 1 hdrm. house. - I'aMnem. pn. 3-7018. BY OUT-OF-TOWN ownerTVbdfm". nouse. nearly new, double garage, nice corner. Iiw down pvmt or ear. Drive by, 1713 Waller, if inter esled call Albany, 2-333J. 810 Forms, Acrsjqqe roTSalo 98 ACRES "'"'' In Cult. Ranch type hse. -. Rt .iun. fireplace. y.'r.'!,n'cr.n lumln feeding barn. Mx2'.. f bo,lom ln1 mostlV seeded to fescue and rve grass Can be Irrigated from Santiam River. Price onlv 113950 r. C. W. REEVE. RpflH 1860 Mlsslin St. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 3-9538 140 ACRES South, 80 cult., bal. paa ure. 2 creeks. Irrlaatlon V..Ph,. barn, excel, potential. Ph. J-0O81. ' 818 Wonled, Real Estat. If you want to SELL (not Just list) we are In need of list- inS V , 1 bd' h"'' lo apts., duplexes, motels , ttmi MADSEN REALTY St.,. c. JPhJ-JSMJBor 4-28.1.1 CLIENT will nav un in ,oi -irT or 2- or 3-bedroom homV w, m fireplace, no basement, close in north. or XE. Is a must! CsU Dirk . MAWF.N REALTY - ,X '' Ph .530. eve,. 4.XH s. O s , " J