Wednesday, January 20,' 1954 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Page 11 OPERATION QUICK SWITCH IA v ,,f L id If 1 1 i i j wi French Ships Sent to Morocco PARIS U"i France sent a squadron of warships Wednesday to the Mor-El-Kcbir base in Al geriawithin easy . striking dis tance of Spanish Morocco to back up her warning against any move to split the Madrid-ruled protectorate from the realm of the Sultan or Rabat. The naval, array, Including a cruiser and an aircraft carrier, was ordered to the Mediterranean base after the French foreign min istry announced Spain had been warned France would resist "with all means at her disposal" any attempt to divide the Sheridan empire. - - This "empire" Includes both French and Spanish Morocco and the international zone of Tangier. ' The Sultan, whose -palace is in j Rabat, hi the French zone, is the ' spiritual ruler. He also is nominal ly a temporal ruler but actual au-1 thorny is exercised by the French and Spanish officials in the two North African protectorates. Spain has refused to recognize the new sultan, Mohammed Ben Moulay Arafa, named after Sidi Mohammed was deposed. Rep. Condon to Face Probe WASHINGTON Wl - The Senate House Atomic Energy Committee has scheduled a public session Tuesday to hear Rep. Condon ID Calif) reply to charges he attended a closed Communist Party meet ing five years ago. Rep. Cole (R-NY), the commit tee chairman, said Tuesday the hearing was sehedulat Condon's request. : Condon was barred from last spring's atomic tests in Nevada on what he later told the House was "hearsay" information sup plied to the Atomic Energy Com mission, lie denied Communist Party membership. Middle Grove MIDDLE GROVE Two commu nity meetings for Middle Grove residents were, held at the school house. Friday night a covered dish sup per was held by members of the community club. The final vote was taken for the incorporating of the club for legal purposes, and it will now be, "Middle Grove Commu nity Club Inc." An invitation from a committee from the Evangelical United Breth ren church to serve their annual "Sweetheart" dinner was accepted and Mrs. Norman Fletcher and Mrs. Ray Darland will serve as the planning committee. The committee members in charge of the evening's entertain ment were Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rey nolds and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roberts. Mothers club was held at the school house Monday night club will be open to both fathers and mothers. Mrs. K, Gordon Scott, represen tative of the school on the Salem Council of Parent School Organi zations, reported on the last meet ing and that "Safety on the Roads" will now be the special project of the council. Mrs. Joe Slimack reported $51 cleared from the club's Christmas project, sale of greeting cards. Mrs. Vernon Glass will be chair man for the community's "Mothers March of Dimes" drive when calls will be made at homes having porch lights on. The attendance award for par ents present at meeting was given to the first grade room of Miss Eleanor Burton. Guest speaker was Mrs. Dyck mann, field representative for the Camp Fire Girls groups in Marion county. Hostesses for the social hour were Mrs. John Everhart and Mrs. Ernest Crum. New pupils at Middle Grove school following the holidays were Diane Brown, first grade; Evelyn Brown, second: Donna Brown, third: transfers from Liberty school, Jimmy Connor for the third grade; Paul Connor the fourth and Danny Bevens the sixth. The L. M. Galvin family moved from the community taking Phillip and David from the school to Mt. Vernon, Wash. DALLAS Students and faculty of Dallas high school joined Monday and Tuesday in moving lock, stock and barrel from the old building into the new one in East Dallas. Top photo shows Rufauna Lofton, Janice Radke, John Bollman and Rich ard Evans preparing to place school's numerous trophies in case. In bottom photo Principal Carl E. Morrison, students Thelma Ferguson and Laurice Dashicl and his secretary, Mrs. Leighton Dashiel. unpack office supplies. Miss Dashiel is hold ing a roll of football tickets. School will open in the new building Wednesday. The Junior High School will be moved Unemployment Total Million WASHINGTON Wl Labor De partment figures just out indicate that unemployment may be well over the two million mark. The department's bureau of em ployment security reported Tues day that 467,500 workers filed job less pay claims during the week that, ended Jan. 9. This is the larg est weekly total recorded since This ' August 1945. ine oureau aaia worn crs were claiming unemployment compensation benefits during the week ended Jan. 2. It added that the new batch of claims could not be added to this total because some of the claimaints usually find new jobs. Keizer RNA at Woodburn Elects New Officers WOODBURN-Mrs. W. M. Burke of Woodburn was elected oracle of the Royal Neighbors of America at the annual election of officers re cently at the home of Mrs. Charles Dean. Mrs. Charles Tyler is past oracle. Other new officers are Mrs. George D. Jones, vice-oracle: Mrs. Lester Rosburg, marshal; Mrs. Al White, recorder; Mrs. Ivan Byers, ! receiver: Mrs. Dean, chancellor; Mrs. Rose Gibbens, Mrs. Pcrle Gib bens and Mrs. J. E. Mills, man agers. District Deputy Mrs. Mabel Miles of Salem Was present with six members from Salem It was an nounced that tjc district delegates on the planning board will meet Friday. Jan. 22, at the home of Mrs. Tyler, beginning at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Burke will be hostess to the group at the next regular meeting Feb. 12 at 2 p.m. Pains, distress of "those days" stopped or amazingly relieved in 3 out of 4 cases in doctors' tests! Here's wonderful news for women and girls who each month suffer the tortures of "bad days'' of functionally caused menstrual cramps and pain headaches, backaches, and those "no-good," dragged out feelings. It's news about a medicine famous for relicrins such suf fering! Here Is the exciting news. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound gave complete or striking relief of such distress In an average of 3 out of 4 of the cases in doctors' testsl Yes! Lydia Pinkham's has been proved to be Kientificallv modern in action.' This news will not surprise the thousands of women end girls who lake Lvdia Pmknam s regularly ind know the rrilct It can bring. And It should enroursje you (If vou're not taking Lydia Pinkham'M in see it vour experience doesn't match theirs ... to see if you. too don't avoid the nervousness and tension, weakness. Irritability How Lytfla lnklwm'l warkl Ft has a "calming" and loothtna cftct on the utrrus... quieting the contraction ee the chartl thit so often rntijc mcn.tmal pain, cramps, other distress. and pain jo often associated with "those days"! Remember Plnkhnms. too if vou're auflrrine the "hot flashr" and other functionally-caused dis tress of "rhanee of life," Oct Lydia Pinkham's Compound or new. Improved Tablet with added Iron (trial Hire only iit). Start Uklni Pinkham's today KEIZER Miss Judy Veju lepk entertained at a birthday party in honor of her 10th birth day, it was ncia at ner nome January 14. The Keizer Ladies Sewing Club will meet Thursday, Jan. 21 at the home of Mrs. Roy Mogstcr, 605 Chemawa Rd. Members are to bring baked foods for a sale with in their club. It will be an all day meeting. The Firemen held their annual dinner in honor of their wives at the Fire Hall, Saturday at 7 o'clock. Mrs. Oscar Liudahl cook ed and served the dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Teeter, 4940 Wolf St., entertained at a pinochle party, at their home, Saturday evening. Those invited were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Norcn, Mr. and Mrs. William Valentine, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Haines, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Tects and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Collcttc. Brownie Troop No. 31, elects officers every month. This term officers are: President, Sharol WaHing; vice president, Judy Lockling; secretary, Judy Gcil; treasurer, Nancy Jenny; and news reporter, Kristin Hansen. The Keizer Firemen have com pletely checked the Keizer School building. They are mapping it out so that in case of fire they will know just what to do. They learn all the entrances, openings to at tic, etc. They also are checking a way to get more water to the school location in case the need arises. A similar check will be made in the near future of the Hayesville school. The Rev. and Mrs. Milo Ross were honored at a surprise house warming party at their newly built residence in the Keizer Dis trict on Maine Ave. Two Sunday School classes from the Highland Friends Church, arranged the af fair. A gift was presented the couple for their new home. Re freshments were served after an informal evening. New babies in Keizer arc: To Mr. and Mrs. Ruebcn Schneider, 4205 Cherry Ave. a daughter; and to Mr. and Mrs. John N. Howard, 1210 Alder St., a boy. A new kindergarten, under the direction of Mrs. Ruth Dompscy, began Jan. 18, at her home, one block from Keizer schol, 735 Chemawa Road. Owen Stockard. son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Schultz, 3315 No. River Rd., recently was pledged to Phi Beta Tau. social fraternity at Pacific University, Forest Grpve. Colleges grew out of the vol untary association of students and 'eachers at universities. Quick! Break Up CHESTCOLDS' painful local CONGESTION Rub on hlchlr irfdlrMrd. coflww tratrd Mustrrole. It tnMnffv tuft to relieve oouizhi. on ihmt nd hrlpn hrrnk ip lornl cmRctlnn. M tut r role erratM n wonderful protec tive rrmth on cheft. throat nd back! MllSTEROLE Demo Support Sought on T-H WASHINGTON W Senate Re publican leaders reportedly arc trying nard to attract southern Democratic support for President Eisenhower's Taft-Hartley labor revision program. Sen. Smith (R-NJ), chairman of the Senate Labor Committee, it was learned , Wednesday has been sounding out such influential southerners as Sen. George 'and Russell of Georgia. George said in an Interview he is not yet prepared to commit himself on any of the 14 Eisen hower proposals, but that the pro gram as a whole appears to war rant serious consideration. Only one of the recommenda tions has encountered serious op position from members of the La bor Committee a call for a government-conducted strike vote, among all affected employes' whenever a dispute enters the ' walkout stage. This has been de- ( nounced by labor union leaders as a "strike breaking device." Arthur Harms Dies At San Bernardino Arthur Harms. 83. a former resi dent of Salem, died Sunday in San Bernardino, Calif., where he had lived the last five years. While living in Salem, where he j lived on Hollywood Drive, he was an active member of the Baptist ' church. j He is survived by his widow, Ber- j tha; and two daughters, Mrs. 1 Elaine McBain of San Bernardino , and Mrs. Lucille Daun of Modesto, ! Calif. He was an uncle ef Herbert and Bernard Zohcl and Mrs. Roy 1 Blanchard, all of Salem. OARSMEN TURN OUT SEATTLE Wi It was below j freezing and little chunks of ice; kept floating by but University of j Washington F-f-f-f-reshman nnr. I men turned out in scanty attire I Monday to open this year s prac- lice sessions on Lake Washington, i vernight service to Southern Oregon Here's the easy, safe way to Aahland, Medford, Grants Tasa. Sleep a you ride in Pull man or in chair car with deep cushioned reclining aeats. Enjoy lounga car with anack refreshment aervtc. Iave In the evening; arrive next morn ing. Overnight service return ing, too. LrtW fares dally. C. A. Larson, Agent Phone 3-9244 v SHOP EARLY AND SAVE! OPEN FRIDAYS UNTIL 9 P. M. 300 NOTICES 310 MEETING NOTICES MEET at Hamilton any day for the next 10 days . . ' . to choose from hundreds of greatly reduced items in our Quality house furnishings January Sale. 312 LOST AND FOUND REWARD-$1 39.00 rewardl Allowance on your old Radio or Record Player regardless of condition on this New Blonde Admiral 21" T. V. Console with doors. REWARD-$ 155.00 rewardl Allowance on your old Radio or Record Player regardless of condition on this beautiful Provincial Dumont 21" Console T. V. FOUND Five Coil Springs and three Link Springs 4' 6" x 3'3" in our basement1 , . yours for 4.95 and 7.95. FOUND-Ten Cotton Felt Mattresses 4'6" size to go with the above , . , Regularly 19.95, now 9.95 each. . ' 425 AUCTION SALE 316 PERSONAL READER We'll make you forget your past and look happily Into the future if you will present your fam ily with a sofa or a chair or both from our slock of more than 200 upholstered items. ' Vi V4 OFF 408 PETS PEDIGREED Carpets-Look at these famous name brands of carpets represented in this sale. Lee & Sons, Alexander Smith, Firth, Mohawk, Hightstown, Aldon Mills, Karastan, Hardwicke & McGee, Salem Flax, Magee Carpet and others.- SPECIAL Prices? Yes; Many Specialsl All wool Broad looms starting at 5.90 per sq. yard upwards. Regu lar 40-oz. padding, 1.45 sq. yard, now .99c sq. yard. 455 HOUSEHOLD GOODS UPHOLSTERED Maple Daveno. Tapestry cover; mat ching chair and ottoman; coffee table . , , 4-piece set reg., 299.50-NOW 195.00. UPHOLSTERED Four Piece Sectional. French provin cial sofa was 419-00, NOW 295.00. BROWN Plastic Covered Daveno and Chair. Former price 249.50, NOW 189.50. 3-PIECE Sectional. Beautiful brown damask with green overlay. Was 375.00, NOW 295.00. i HANDSOME MorJern Pair of Chairs. Lime texture cover. Was 125 00 each, NOW 95.00 each; 2-PIECE Sectional. Cocoa brown cover. Formerly 365.00, NOW 275.00. PROVINCIAL Dining Room Suite. 8-pc. oval exten sion table, 4 side chairs, 2 arm chairs, beautifully carved sideboard, was 495.00, NOW 350.00. EXQUISITE Early American Maple Dining Room Group. Extension table, 4 side chairs, 2 arm chairs, china hutch. Eastern Hard Rock. Was 595.00, NOW 350.00. PAIRS of Host and Hostess Chairs. Fully upholster ed. Was 64.50 each, NOW 42.50 each. BLEACHED Mahogany BeHioom Suite. Bureau, Chest-on-chest, nite stand, and spotlite headboard- Was 375.00, NOW 249.50. FOUR-PC. Blonde Korina Bedroom Group. Double bureau, bookcase headboard, nite stand. Was 313.00, NOW 239 00. FINEST Quality Dark Mahogany 6-pc. Bedroom Suite. Poster bed, triple bureau, mirror, and 2 nite stands. Was 59500, NOW 449.50. SECTIONAL Bookcases-Mahogany, walnut and pine ...'! off. FULLY Automatic Keiser Dishwashing Machine. 6 only. Four different models, rej, priced 129.50 to 219.50. Highest offer gjven by Feb. 1st will take these dishwashers. You name the price. . 470 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS . AUTOMATIC Electric Blanket ... . r Specia( at 19-50. BABY Buggies from 2.4.95 to 79.50, NQW V? off, CLEVER Bric-a-Brac In the Gift Dept. .'a off. DINE1TE Set, 5-Pc, used . . . NOW 29.50. EXCEPTIONAL Savings on Secretary and Flat-Top Desks. ' FLOOR Lamps from 22.50 to 39.50, NOW Vi off.' . . GAS Ranges from 149.50 to 269.50, NOW Vi off.' HANGING Shelves at Vs and Vi off. ".'": INVEST in any, of dozens of Table Lamps. Va off- JUST 12 Foam Rubber Pillows to 12.95, NOW 6.95. ' KITCHEN Stools, ladder type, reg. 5.95, NOW 3.95. LINOLEUM Closeout, reg. 2.30 to 2.85, NOW 1-59 sq. yd. . - MANY Rug Samples 27x54, 3.95 and 5.95. NOW is the time to buy at Hamilton's. " OVER 20 Bedroom Suites at substantial savings. PICTURES-Any picture in our stock 's off. ' QUALITY Merchandise throughout this salel ROCKERS, reg. 22.50 to 79-50, NOW Vs off.' STRETCH your dollar in this January sale. T. V.-17" Table Model for 159.00. VACUUM Cleaner with tools, special 39.95. WASHING Machine, Automatic Demonstrator, reg," 349.95, NOW 249.95. EXTRA Special price on Odd Dinette Chairs. ' YOURS for 1 .00 ea. 6 Vanity Lamps or 6 Ash Stands. ZEALOUS efforts have been expended to give the most for the least in this salel 800 REAL ESTATE , . , - LOTS for Sale Yes, lots of odds and ends In broken lots of new bedroom furniture In traditional mahogany and modern bleached woods, NOW just "' o,f- '. :.' v 801 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES THERE are plenty of opportunities to save at Hamil ton's during this January Sale. In every department you will find markdowns up to 50 and more. Take advantage of these last 10 days of the salel 851 HELP WANTED WE need your help to reduce our Inventory on the following items: SO ODD Dining Room Chairs-Take your choice, two for the price of one. 50 LAMP, End, Step and Coffee Tables, just Vi off. ANY Hassock In stock . . . Vi off- 864 HEAVY EQUIPMENT YOU'LL need heavy equipment to cart away all the values you will find in the Appliance Department during the January a!e. FREEZERS-Refrigerators-Ranges-Washers - Dryers -Water Heaters. All famous name bands. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY NEW Kelvinator 30-inch range with 23" oven. For mer price 199.50, NOW 159.50. COMBINATION Chrome Dinette Table and 4 Chain. Reg. 145.00, NOW only 79.50. UPHOLSTERED Hollywood Headboards, twin size and full size. Values to 35.00 . , . NOW 9.95 each. 4 SLIPPER Chairs, were 49.50 each-NOW just 14.93 ' each. 8 CHENILLE Bedspreads, full and twin size. Rose, blue, white and peach. Were 14.95, NOW 5-95. k 15 down two year to pay. Hamilton's d e c e rating service cost you not i penny. We'll send an expert to estimate the cost ef carpeting your heme at no expense to you. II . 1 PARK FREE WHILE YOU SHOP AT - ft Xl If FINE FURNITURE AT POPULAR PRICES SINCE 1894 230 CHEMEKETA