Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 19, 1954, Page 2, Image 2

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    Pace 2
In The. Valley
last week and showed pictures on
"Picturesque Sweden," including
places he and his wife and daugh
ter visited while there last year.
This coming Thursday Garfield
Voget, ex-mayor of Hubbard, will
talk on his recent trip to Germany.
AURORA Community club
officers elected at the regular
meeting were John Drell, presi
dent; P. H. Peterson, vice presi
dent; Mrs. Arthur Mills, secre
tary. Programs throughout the year
will be charge of Arthur Mills
and Lou Gicnnu.
Mayor A. J. Zimmerman and
three" Aurora ministers have been
r.amcd as a committee to welcome
new people to the community.
Aurora American Legion post
sponsored a stag party in the
Community club rooms, culmin
ating a membership drive. The
women's auxiliary met at the
home of Mrs. P. F. Sayre, Sr.,
and enjoyed potluck supper.
At a meeting of the Aurora
PTA Friday evening, Arthur Mills
presided. A - committee was ap
pointed to have charge of the an
nua! talent show to be sponsored
by the PTA., Those serving will
be Howard McLaren, Walter Keil,
William Wenzel and Floyd McLin.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert jeskey of
North Marlon entertained rela
tives and friends at dinner in
their home recently.
Covers were placed for Mr. and
Mrs. George Weber and family
of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. A. M.
Ross of Colton, Mr. and Mrs. Wal
ter Martin of Hendley, Neb., Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd Weber, Mrs. Lyd-
ia Mead of Monmouth, Dcihcrt
Martin, Spokane; Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Martin, Butteville; William
Brucning, Portland; Andrew
Martin, Hendry, Neb.; Miss Mar
lene Drievcr, Donald; Miss Mar
jnrie Jeskcy and Ronald Jeskey.
Mrs. Bertha Scholtz, late of
Portland, is recuperating from a
recent eye operation at the home
of her son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ehlcn in
Mrs. Percy Will is serving at
the Aurora telephone office,
On account of the snow Saturday
the scheduled "Mile of Dimes" by
the Cub Scouts was postponed until
next Saturday, Jan. 23, at 1 p. m.
(weather permitting.) Cubmanter
Dr. A. K. Guild and Dr. A. B.
Willcford will be in charge, assisted
by a number of Jaycecs,
placing Mrs. Roy Kruckman (Vir
ginia Singer).
Mrs. Belle Snyder of Aurora is
expected to undergo major sur
gery Wednesday in Portland Os
teopathic hospital.
The Ninety-one Co-G e 1 1 e r s
Livestock club met recently and I
elected Teddy Miller president;
Larry Yoder, secretary; Prentiss
Hanson, vice president; Everett
Shipley, reporter; Arlie Lcnhardt,
yell leader; Ronald Plantz, treas
urer, and Jim xroat, program
The next meeting on Jan. 20
will be held at the home of jJm
JEFFERSON Nine tables of
pinochle and four of Five Hun
dred were in play at the card
party sponsored by the Altar so
ciety of the Catholic church re
cently. Mrs. Hazel Hinsdale and
Ed Gils(!orf held high score in
pinochle and Francis Grenz and
Mrs. Scott Hawk low score. Jn
Five Hundred Mrs. William Grenz
and Art Page held high score and
Fred Fery of Stayton and Mrs.
Art Page, low. Art Page won the
special prize. The next card party
will be held in the City Hall the
evening of March 9, and the last
one on St. Patrick's Day evening,
March 17.
Paul McKcc and A. B. Hinz left
Wednesday morning for Port Or-
ford on a stcelhead fishing trip.
Thcv plan to be gone three days.
Mrs. Nila Settle bought the E.
Isaacson house back of the city
hall and has moved it to Main
Street, which she is remodeling.
making it a modern five-room
home. This is to be a surprise
for her brother, A. W. Elderton
and Mrs. Elderton. who are com
ing to Jefferson from Tulsa, Okla.,
to live.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hadlcv and
re- Mr. Hadley's mother, Mrs. George
Pemberton of Albany, were call
ers on Mrs. Ada Young, Mrs. Nila
Settle, Mrs. George Mason and
Miss . Virginia Mason in Jeffer
son Sunday recently.
WOODBUHN Peter Deyneka,
missionary evangelist, General Di
rector of the Slavic Gospel Associa
tion, who recently returned from a
round-the-world missionary survey
trip, will speak at the Woodburn
Presbyterian church Friday eve
ning, Jan. 22, at 7:30 p. m. "Con
ditions and Need of the Gospel
Around the World," "My Visit Be
hind the Iron Curtain with the
Three books were recently pre
sented to the Woodburn public li
brary by Dr. and Mrs. K. Dc
Sehwcinitz in memory of the late
Blaine McCord, who was a brother
of Mrs. DeSchweinitz. Dr. De
Schwcinitz is a professor at the
graduate school at the University
of California. The books presented
include "Growth of American
Thought," "Spirit of Liberty" and
"The Great Rehearsal."
The annual congregational meet
ing of the Woodburn Presbyterian
church will be held Wednesday j
evening, Jan. 20, beginning with a !
pot-luck supper at 6:30 p. m. A j
movie, "Two Brothers Have 1" will
be shown preceding the business
Mayor Elmer Malison was pro
gram chairman at the noon lunch
eon of the Woodburn Rotary club
AMITY Installation of offi
cers for Canton Yamhill, No. 6,
Dayton, Capitol No. 11, Salem,
Washington No. 14, and Tilla
mook No. 21, was held at Day
ton I.O.O.F. hall, Thursday ev
ening, Jan. 14.
John Van Dorn of Forest Grove
was the installing officer. Major
General, Roy V. Terney of Pen
dleton, Department Commander
of Oregon, was guest of honor.
Ladies Auxiliary, Yamhill No.
6, patriarchs militant, held its
January meeting at the same
time in the lodge dining room.
Mrs. Eugenia Robinson presided.
New officers were installed for
the auxiliiary.
Mrs. Laura Stockton, past pres
ident of the group, assisted by
Lady Viola Jones, Lady Cora
Sherwood, of Portland, and Lady
Ida Terney of Pendleton, install
ed Lady Hayle Gibbs, Amity, as
irosident; Lady Ncta Stauten
nirg, Carlton, secretary; Lady
Florence Brown, Newberg, treas
urer; Lady Eugenia Robinson,
McMinnville, junior past presi
Appointed officers installed
were Ladies Pernilla Ditter, offi
cer of the day; Olga Lewis, offi
cer of the guard; musician, Cora
Newman; sentry, Clara Slruhlc:
right aide to the president, Olive
per is very ill at the home of her
son, Chester Harper in Butte
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gosser of
Portland were guests in the Phil
Hathaway home Sunday. They
were neighbors when both fami
lies livd in Salem several years
The Butteville Women's Fel
lowship Kroup met at the home
of Mrs. Ray Martin Friday af
ternoon, Jan. 8, with Mrs. Ray
Yergen presiding in place of the
president, Mrs. Dan Clark, who
was absent. The building com
mittee consisting of Mrs. L. G.
Yergen, Mrs. L. 0. Johnson, Mrs,
Glenn A. Yergen and Mrs. W. 0,
Lindquist, gave a report on the
The annual election of officers
was held with Mrs. Dan Clark
being reelected president, and
Mrs. Ray Yergen being re-elected
vice-president. Mrs. Eddie Jones
is the new secretary and Mrs,
Erma Leek is the new treasurer,
The next meeting will be at
the home of Mrs. Fred Dentel on
Feb. 12.
St. Alexie Rebckah lodge had
its regular meeting and installa
tion of officers Thursday even
ing, Jan. 7, with Mrs. W. O. Lind
quist, district deputy president,
and Mrs. W. G. Sample as Mar
shall acting as installing officers.
Mrs. James Wallace was in
stalled as Noble Grand; Mrs. Rob
ert Maitland as vice-grand; Mrs.
Clifford Blake, Secretary; Mrs.
W. 0. Lindquist, treasurer; Mrs.
Fred Dentel, chaplain; Mrs. W. G.
Sample, warden: Mrs. Ben Epp-
ers.. conductor; Mrs. Harold
Reed, musician; Mrs. W. 0. Lind
quist, right support to the noble
grand; Mrs. Ben Quinn, left sup
port to the noble grand. Right
support to the vice-grand is Mrs.
Virgil Mayhew, and left support
to the vice-grand is Mrs. Bert
Solbcrg; inner guardian, Mrs.
Mac St. Helens; outer guardian,
Mrs. Louis Untcrschcr.
Mrs. Wallace took her station
and appointed committees for
the year as follows: finance, Mrs.
Bert Solberg, Mrs. Ben Eppers,
Mrs. Myron Anderson; visitation,
Mrs. Ruther Iverson, Mrs. W. O.
Lindquist, Mrs. Raymond Peter
son; courtesy, Mrs. Opal Reed,
Mrs. Ruth Blake, Mrs. Myron
Anderson: resolutions, Mrs. Fred
Dentel, Mrs. William Quigley,
and Mrs. Ruth Blake; Mrs. Louis
Untcrschcr and Mrs. Virgil May
hew, examining.
Mis. W. C. Lindquist and Mrs.
Raymond Peterson will handle the
publicity for the coming year.
Mrs. Myron Anderson was in-1
stalled in the past noble grand sta
tion and presented a PNG pin.
Mrs. W. G. Sample and Mrs. Ben
Quinn audited the books for 1953.
Mrs. Harold Reed and Mrs. W. G.
Sample decorated the hall and ta
bles with greenery.
The refreshment committee con
sisted of Mrs. Bert Solbcrg, Mrs.
Ben Quinn and Mrs. Virgil May-
After the installation, a miscel
laneous auction was held of items
donated by the members for the
March of Dimes fund. Over eight
dollars was received from the auction.
Mrs. Harriett Quimbv returned
lo her home Saturday after spend
ing a week visiting her daughter,
Mrs. Beryl Breitliaupt.
Mrs. W. E. Thayer has returned
to her home after spending a wee
in Hutchinson hospital in Oregon
City, as o result of the flu anj
Mrs. William Ryan, formerly of
Butteville, is in a Hillsboro hos
pital following a back injury re
ceived in a car accident recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Yergen
and started on its second, which
consists of making tool chests,
bookcases and saw horses.
The 4-H knitting club, the "Knit
and Ravel" club, is starting on a
new project, which is knitted begs.
Scoffs Mills
SCOTTS MILLS The Utility, and
Beauty Garden clubs met at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Till
Thursday evening. Oliver Brough
er is president.
Part of the meeting was conduct
ed by Mrs. Wanda Edlund of Mon
itor. The next meeting will be held
at the Marquam school house.
The Altar Society of Crooked
Finger held a card party at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Marion
Groshong Sunday evening.
Ivan Smith entered the Silverton
hospital recently where he will un
dergo surgery.
Mathias Bielenberg has entered
a Salem hospital for medical treat
ment. Mrs. Joe Bielenberg and infant
son, Mathias Bernard, are now
home from the hosp'tal.
The 4-H club girls iriet recently
at the Dale Slater horn;, Mrs.
Slater is their leader.
Mrs. Nell Williams entered the
Silverton Convalescent home re
cently. Mrs. Ralph Clem died at Provi
dence hospital, Portland, Friday
morning, January 15.
GERVAIS A large group of
ladies of St. Ritas Altar society
enjoyed a potluck luncheon at the
home of Mrs. Anna Kuscher (a for
mer member who is now living in
Ml. Angel) at her new home in Ml
Angel. A regular business meeting
was called in the afternoon, at
which all officers were requested
to continue for another year and
consented to do so. The next reg
ular meeting will be Feb. 10.
Marion county home extension
agents Ermina Fisher and Paul
ine Shaplowsky will be at the Ger
vais grade school cafeteria on Feb.
1 at 2:30 p.m. to discuss the organ
ization of an extension unit in
Gervais. Vt
All women interested in joining
the unit are urged to attend this
meeting Miss Jean Manning has
received word from the secretary
of the Future Homemakers of Am
erica .'of Gervais that she has been
elected honorary member of Ger
vais union high school chapter.
Miss Jean is a graduate of 1953
from G.U.H.S. and is now em
ployed by the state in Salem.
A large group, all faculty mem
bers of Gervais high school, and
members of square dance club
surprised Mr. and Mrs. William
Uppendahl in their new home re
cently and presented them with a
Mrs. Cora Van Zuyen and Mrs.
Fred Manning enjoyed luncheon
Thursday with Mrs. Uppendahl.
Mill City
MT. ANGEL A registered
Jersey cow owned by Rex Ross,
Mount Angel, Ore., has beei,
rated a Tested Dam by The
American Jersey Cattle Club.
The distinction was awarded Val
iant Rose of Rossmerc for having
three offspring ith official pro
duction records.
Tt:imcv- left utile. I.nura Stock
ton: press committee. Vernishia ! left Friday for a 10-day vacation
Newhry and Lydia Hirch. j to a.iacla.
Other officers and committees I The 4-11 woodworking club, the
will be named at the Fehruary j Slivers, of Butteville grade ictiool.
An evening bag was presented
to Mrs. Eugenia Robinson and
a compact to Mrs. Stockton.
Wednesday Lunch
In The
Capital Shopping Center
Hot Turkey
Dinner Sandwich
Whipped Potatoes
And Gravy
Cole Slaw
Fa -t Service ...
Delicious Fond . . .
Trv Salem's Rest Place to Eat
MILL CITY Mrs. James King
and Miss Virginia Bilyeu were
hostesses last Thursday evening
at a bridal hsower held at the King
home for Miss Mao Anderson,
bride-elect of Donald Sledge of
The wedding was an event of
Jan. 16. Present or sending gifts
were Mrs. John Anderson, Mrs.
Uarton Sledge, Mrs. Irene Hay
worth, Mrs. John Clarke, Mrs. El
mer Shaw, Mrs. Paul Jennings, and
the Misses Audrey Shaw, Pauline
Christenson, Roberta Loucks, Jane
Ross, Evelyn Johnson, Ardis
Meeks, Velma Show, Camille
Goble, Rose Fleming and Jackie
The Mill City PTA held its reg
ular meeting in the high school
auditorium Wedmsday evening.
A. E. Nesbitt presided at the busi
ness meeting. Plans were made to
hold a Saint Patricks dance Fri
day night, March 12. The school
board has given their consent to
use the gymnasium for this dance.
The possibility of having a kinder
garten made part of the city school
system was discussed. At present
the kindergarten is privately op
erated, Parent attendance room count
was won by Mrs. Loucks' room for
the grade school and the junior
class for the high .school. Refresh
ments were served by the fifth
grade mothers in the recreation
The February meeting will ob
serve Founders Day and will fea
ture a program by the Mill City
Camp Fire Girls.
Mrs. Harold Pound is visiting at
the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Ford Wilson, and looking after
property interests. The Pounds
plan to move to Cottage Grove
soon, where Mr. Pound has em
ployment. Mr. and Mrs. David Maxon and
daughter and Mrs. Will Williams
from Mountain Home, Idaho, vis
ited this week at the George Vete
to home.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Dart and
family spent Sunday in Sweet
Home at the home of her aunt and
uncle, the Frank Camerons.
Mrs. Nita Horner is recovering
at her home following a slight
stroke last week. Her daughters,
Lucille Horner and Shirley Laird,
are caring for her.
Mr. and Mrs. Dell Smith were
called to Portland last Saturday by
the death of his mother. They re
turned home early this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Lcnthel Ragsdale
are taking their young daughter,
Susan, to the Doernbecher hos
pital next week for medical obser
vation. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Hamblin
ore announcing the engagement
of their daughter. Geraldine Ham
blin, to Doyle McMillin, soq of Mr.
and Mrs. Harold McMillin of sil
verton. Miss Hamblin is a mem
ber of the class of 1954, Mill City
high school. She is also worthy ad
viser of the Marilyn Assembly Or
der of Rainbow for Girls. Mr. Mc
MMin graduated from Oregon
Technical Institute at Klamath
Falls in December nnd will enter
the army soon. No date has been
announced for the wedding.
The Gay Nighters Square Dance
club held their weekly dance ses
sion and short business meeting at
their hall on the Orviile Downing
ranch recently. New officers for
the current year elected were:
President, George Vetcto; vice
president, Orviile Downing, and
secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Arey Po-
The Three Links club of Santiam
Rebekah lodge held their monthly
meeting at the IOOF hall Tuesday
evening, Jan. 12. Officers elected
were: President, Mrs. Phillip Hess;
vice president, Mrs. Walter Bris
bin, and secretary-treasurer, Mrs.
Ann Crook.
Mrs. Lee Bassett reported that
a new lighted cross for use in tab
leaux work would be made soon
for the club.
Hostesses for the evening were
Mrs. Hess, Mrs. Brisbin and Mrs.
Stanley Vail. The next meeting will
be at the home of Mr. Claude
Bruder, club member who has re
cently moved to Stayton.
The school band concert will be
played at the grade school gym
nasium Thursday evening, Jan-. 21,
at 8 p.m. The concert is being
given to raise funds to help pay
for the uniforms for the advanced
band. Both the advanced and sec
ondary bands will play in Thurs
day's concert.
A large crowd attended Cascade
district church convention held re
cently at the Mill City Christian
Program for the day was in
charge of Glen Shelton, president.
The Mill City Christian church was
awarded the plaque for the larg-i
est attendance at the convention
and the Mill City Assembly of God
church' was awarded a plaque for j
scripture memorization by mem-1
The next meeting of the district
will be April 4.
Tuesday, January 19, 1954
Falls City
SILVERTON - Mrs. Ben Gil
ford, Mrs. Martin Hannan and Mrs.
Emil Loe were the hostess com
mittee entertaining the members
ol the Silverton Grange home ec
onomics club Thursday afternoon
at the Silver St. Gifford home.
Mrs. Roy Skaife was program
speaker, giving an instructional
talk on the culture of tuberous be
gonias. During the business session, Mrs.
Emil Loe, president; Mrs. Martin
Hannan vice Dresident: Mrs. Lial
McClure, secretary. a"d Mrf!
Charles Meyer, treasurer, were in i
change. i
RcDorted unable to attend the;
Thursday meeting was Mrs, Lewis
Mclbye, a member for many years,
on account of an injury to her hand
severing the ends of her fingers
when her right hand came in
contact with the motor of a power
The Feb. 10 meeting of the club
will be at the Fifth St. home of
Mrs. Conrad Johnson.
FALLS CITY Helen Mario,
Kathy and Linda Bowman, daugh
ters of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bow
man, spent Saturday evening in
Dallas visiting their grandmother,
Rev. .Mrs. Rozella Douglas.
Jerry Livingston drove to San
Francisco last week taking Gene
Luhdc, Bill Vogcl and Herb Fer
ris back to Fort Ord following
their visiting furlough at home.
Ray Morgan made the trip with
Livingston to help drive.
J. H. Bond, grade school prin
cipal, was a Friday evening din
ner guest of the Ross Bowmans.
Mrs. Carrol Rayburn of Bea
rcrton spent the weekend visiting
her grandmother, Mrs. Charles
Rep. Lenry Semon said today he
will file as Democratic candidate
for thf legislative post he has held
for 11 terms.
were led by Mrs. George Leffler. I
A silver tea and hobbyist (lis-
....... nlnn fnf Wnrlnocrlnv
afternoon, Feb. 24, at Fellowship
House. The public is invited.
New committee appointments
were Mrs. Flossie Billington,
aprons; Mrs. Winnie Mulloy,
National Board of Review
Selects "Martin Luther" as
one of the Best Films of 1953!
HUBBARD The first meeting
of the new year for the Ladies'
Aid of the Hubbard Community
church (Congregational) in Fel
lowship House was held Wednes
day. A no-host dinner at noon was
followed by a business meeting
conducted by Mrs. R. C. Mains. A
pledge of $200 for the church was
made and $50 voted out on the
same. Devotions for the afternoon
ENDS TODAY! Open 6:45
"An rxcrpliorul drinw ... powerful mil
unconitrumiiii(t'. Ii hi he fourth
ilinirn-iiin tif iiitrrnrtl"
kill1' . .v.
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LINroi.N The l.incoln-Zena
PTA will meet Thursday, ,lan. 21,
at the Lincoln school.
has completed its first project BHHMMHHBMHaii
Starts Tomorrow!
Ends Tonight
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Prefer Blondes"
Retlv Davis
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'ST fit !J E ' iTECHNlCQWn
. Also
as '
1 Stewart Ann
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