Tuesday, January 19, 1954 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Page 13 - U CLE- 3 Radio - TUESDAY ON KPTV: What' Cooking? 10:30 Barbara prepares savory sauted mush roomschocolate coconut crispies. Dione Lucas Show, 12:30 Adventures in cooking. Matinee Theatre, 1 "Doomed to Die" starring Boris Karloff. Marjone Reynolds and Grant Withers. Liberace, 7 Selections include: "Lover," "Grcig Medley," "September Song," " Cumana," "Intermezzo," and "The Old Piano Boll Blues." Milton Berle Show, 8 Variety show starring Milton Berle with guest stars. Fireside Theatre, 9 "The Insufferable Woman" starring Wil liam Bakcwell and Eve McVeach. Story of an advertising execu tive with theatrical ambitions who has to use the untalcnted wife of an important client as a lead in an amateur play. Nite Owl Theatre, 11:05 "Skybound" starring Eddie Nugent, Lloyd Hughes and Lona Andre. TUESDAY ON KOINTV: 3:15 p.m Armclir Theatre "Faces in the Fog" starring Jane Withers and Paul Kelly. 6:45 p.m., Jane Froman Show A western dude ranch and can yon trail from the setting as Miss Froman renders "Ridin' High", with the quartet; "Twilight on the Trail", "So in Love", and "Changing Partners". This quartet docs "Ricochet" and "Ranch House Square Dance." 8:30 p.m., Red Skclton Show Red follows up on his new characterization, Lord Beaverhead, mush-mouthed British news commentator. Red's second skit features Freddy the Free Loafer enjoying the food and comfort of a hospital after being hit by an automobile. 9:30 p.m., Suspense "The Scrap Iron Curtain", documentary drama based on the escape of a small group of Czechs from be hind the Iron Curtain in a homemade armored car, will be pres ented. 10 p.m., Danger "Sudden Shock", a drama of a conflict be tween a librarian and a self-made writer. 11 p.m., Showtime on Six "Ghost Train," starring Wilfred Lawson, Richard Murdoch, and Carol Lyn. . WEDNESDAY ON KPTV: What's Cooking? 10:30 Barbara prepares frankfurter macaroni and lazy daizy cake. Matinee Theatre, 1 "Wagons Westward" starring Chester Mor ris, Anita Louise and Ona Munson. Name's the Same, 6 Robert Q. Lewis is emcee. Coke Time, 7:30 Eddie Canton will be guest of Eddie Fisher. They will present a program of old-time song favorites. Songs in clude "Mandy," "Ida," "I'd Love to Spend One Hour With You," and "Stranger in Paradise." I Married Joan, 8 Joan and Brad Stevens suggest that they visit their respective mothers but both mothers-in-law arrive to visit them. , My Little Margie, 8:30 "Vern Retires' Margie finds her time filled trying to amuse her father when he quits his job. Kraft Theatre, 9 "The Thankful Heart" starring Florenz Ames, John Stephen, Grace Keddy and Lcora Thatcher. Story of a country doctor whose success is based on his human approach to his pa tients. His son, a successful city doctor, challenges his methods. Cavalcade of America, 10:30 "Smyrna." Nite Owl Theatre, 11:01 "Romance on the Run" stars Donald Woods and Craig Reynolds. WEDNESDAY ON KOINTV: 3:30 p.m., Armchair Theatre "Country Fair" starring Eddie Foy, Jr., "Big Boy" Williams. 5:30 p.m.. Kit Carson Kit Carson and El Toro save an in nocent man from a murder rap in "The Cache," the half-hour ad venture thriller which stars Bill Williams in the title role and Don Diamond as his loyal friend, El Toro. 7 p.m., Motorama of 1954 10 n.m.. Wrestling from Hollywood The first event features midgets Vito Gonzales and Pcowee James. Strong man Raphael matches mat strength with Bonito Gardini in the Semi-Main Event. Vying for victory in the Main Event arc Wildman Red Berry and The Great Bolo. 11 p.m., Showtime on Six "The Man About the House" starring Kicron Moore and Margaret Johnson. fast Salem EAST SALEM Only one ex tension meeting is scheduled for , East Salem this week. Edina Lane unit meets at the home of Mrs. Vernon Gilmorc, 2030 Park Ave., at 10 a.m. Thursday. Sim ple home repairs will be the project. Merry-Go-Round club meets Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Clayton Gibb on Hollywood Dr. Lansing Neighbors Home Ex tension Unit January meeting was held Thursday in the Grace Lutheran church. Project lead ers for the demonstration in simple home repairs were Mrs. A. E. Moon and Mrs. J. W. John son. Attending were Mrs. J. M. Best, Mrs. Lowell Holtc, Mrs. William Kuipcr, Mrs. Gus Lor mon, Mrs. Mocn, Mrs. W. E. Sc bern, Mrs. Zina Scharpnack, Mrs. Irvin Sion, Mr6. Gerald Van Hess, Mrs. Joe Zajic, Mrs. John ton, Mrs. Henry Raaen, Mrs. Maynard Treet, Mrs. E. M. Mc Kcc, Mrs. Sam Eschlcman, Mrs. E. S. Meade, Mrs. Vincent Krcm er, Mrs. E. D. Lawrence, Mrs. James Vittone and guests Mrs. George Kauper and Mrs. Glen Myer. Garden Road Neighborhood club January meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Paul Lynch ' on S. Commercial St., in Salem. A luncheon was served to Mrs. A. R. Tartar. Mrs A. C. Schaffcr, Mrs. William llaillcy, Mrs. Jess Hatch, Mrs. Mary Swingle, Mrs. Richard Wicklander, Mrs. Earl A. Wood, Mrs. Harry Jennings and the hostess. Special prizes were given Mrs. Schaffcr and Mrs. Hartley. A member of the club Mrs. Ralph Werner, in the hospital for major surgery, was reported to he at her home. Merry Minglers' Club met at the home of Mrs. Leonard Malm on Silvcrton Rd. with Mrs. Anna Jess assisting hostess. Tlans were made for the club's annual win ter family parly in March. At tending were Mrs. Ernest Bar ker, Mrs. Ernest Butler, Mrs. Wade Carter, Mrs. Covil Case, Service Co. Highlv Trahied Technicians Rest Electronic Test Equipment Bonded & Insured Co. TV Service Co. 1410 S. 12th Ph.4-5512 VICW5 Television $165,204 Is County's Cut in Motor Revenue Marion county received $1Gj.204 as its 19 per cent of state motor vehicle revenues collected during the last three months. A total of $2,G29.fti9 was distributed to the 36 counties of the state Monday. The stale's collections in that period totaled $8,758.0."3 in gasoline taxes, $2.143,8f2 in motor vehicle license fees, $2,682.82.5 in tax on trucks and buses and $108,203 in fines for motor vehicle violations. This adds up to J13.792.945. Polk eou ity received $29,641: Linni $96,60r, Yamhill, $60,70fi and Clackamas. $132,088. DALLAS FARM MEET DALLAS Polk county farm ers are reminded by N. John Hansen, county extension agent, of the farm storage building meeting scheduled for Friday, Jan. 22, at 1:30 p.m. in the Dallas city hall. Mrs. Clyde Colwell, Mrs. Albert Tabry, Mrs. Robert Fromm, Mrs. E. A. Jaackson, Mrs. K. l,orrton Scott, Mrs. Henry Sprick, Mrs. J. I. Wagers, Mrs. W. S. Wit tington, Mrs. Allen McCain and the hostesses. GU1SSES Sf, CREDIT f $mlr gives you the Credit you need and remember, you Don't Hove To Pay One Extra Penny for the privilegtt QUICK SERVICE! (Masses made to exact prescription of yeur Registered Optometrist, mmw. OHH OAUT I J JJIlWatm kU i ill wll On Television KPTV (27) - KOIN-TV (6) UHF VHF TUESDAY 10:00 a.m. KPTV Dim Dost School 10:34 an. KPTV-what'a cookinir KOIH Spotlit. Hua 10:45 a m. KPTV Wha: Cooalr.1 KOIN-Koln Kitchen ll:M a.m. kPTV-l:awlns halla . KOIN-Koln Kitchen 11:11 a.m. KPTV Three Stepa to fctarrn K01N Kola Kitchen U:SO a.m. KPTV Friend ol ramilj KOIN-Koln Kitchen 11:45 a.m. KPTV Friend ol Family KOIN Newueel 11:00 a.m. KPTV Bride and Groom KOIN-BU Payolt H:IJ a m. KPTV Bennetti KOIN-Blc Parol! 11:30 p.m. KPTV Dl-rie Lucas Show KOIN Bob croabr 1:00 p.m. KPTV Matinee KOIN Love ol Life 1:11 p.m. KPTV Matinee KOIN Search lor Tomorrow 1:30 p.m. KPTV Matinee KOIN Ouldlni Lliht 1:45 p.m. KPTV Matinee KOIN Valiant Lady 1:00 p.m. KPTV Matinee KOIN 1 11 BUT That 3:30 p.m. KPTV On Your Account - KOIN-fitrike It Rich 3:00 p.m. KPTV Kate Smith KOIN Garry Moora 3:15 p.m. KPTV Kate Smith KOIN Arm Chair Theater 4:00 p.m. KPTV Welcome Travelers KOIN Armchair Theater 4:30 p.m. KPTV The Toymaker KOIN Armchair Theater 4:43 p.m. KPTV The Toymaker KOIN Mr. Moon 1:00 p.m. KPTV Howdy Doody KOIN Saddle Pala 1:30 p.m. KPTV-Bai 37 Corral KOIN Robinson Crusoe 6:00 p.m. KPTV TBA KOIN Mr. Weatherman :!5 p.l. KPTV TBA KOIN Photo Quia 6:30 p.m. KPTV itranac Adventure KOIN Doua Edwards 6:4S p.m. KPTV World on View KOIN Jane Froman Show 1:00 p m. KPTV Llbcrace KOIN Ranee Rider 1:30 p.m. KPTV Diana Shore KOIN Hollywood Musle Hall 1:49 p.m. KPTV News Caravan KOIN Hollywood Music Hall 100 p.m. KPTV Milton Berle KOIN Where's Raymond 1:30 p.m. KPTV Milton Berlo KOIN Red Skelton 0:00 p.m. KPTV Fireside Theater KOIN Captured 0:30 p m. KPTV circle Theater KOIN Suspense 10:00 p.m. KPTV Judue For Yourself KOIN Dancer 10:30 p.m. KPTV Bis; Flcturt KOIN Make Room for Daddy 11:00 p.rr.. KPTV Foster 'a News KOIN Showtime on Six 11:13 p.m. KPTV Nile Owl Theater WEDNESDAY 10:00 a.m. KPTV Dim Dona; School 10:30 a.m. KPTV What's Cookinir KOIN Snot IK Revue 10:45 a.m. KPTV What'a Coocln KOIN Brlchter Day 11:00 a.m. KPTV Hawkins Falls KOIN-Koln Kitchen 11:15 a.m. KPTV Three Steps to Heaven KOIN-Koln Kitchen 11:30 a.m. KPTV Friend of Family KOIN-Koln Kitchen 11:45 f m. KPTV Friend of Family KOIN TV Ncwsreel 12:00 a m. KPTV Pride and Groom KOIN -Bit Parol! 13:15 pm. KPTV Bennetts KOIN Bit Payoff 13:30 P.m. KPTV TBA KOIN Bob Crosby 1:00 p.m. KPTV Matinee Theater KOIN Love of Life 1:15 p.m. KPTV Matinee KOIN Search Tomorrow 1:30 p.m. KPTV Matinee KOIN Ouldlni Llthl 1:45 p.m. KPTV Matinee KOIN Valiant Lady 3:00 p.m. KPTV Matinee KOIN Double or Nothlnt 3:30 p.m. KPTV On Your Account KOIN strike It Rich 3:00 p.m. KPTV Kate Smith KOIN Oarry Moora -. 3:30 p.m. KPTV Kata Smith KOIN Arm Chair Theater 4:00 p.m. KPTV Welcome Traveler! KOIN Arm Chair Theater 4:30 p.m. KPTV The Toymaker ' KOIN Mr. Moon 4:43 p.m. FPTV-Tne Toymaker KOIN Cartoon Time 3:00 p.m. KPrV Howdv Doorry KOIN Saddle Pals 1 30 p m. KPTV Bar 31 Corral KOIN Kit Carson 6.00 p.m. KPTV Name's Same KOIN Mr. Weatherman 6:15 p.m. KPTV Names the Same KOIN Photo Quia 6:30 p.m. KPTV Piano Porter KOIN Doua F.dwarda 1 6 45 pm. KPTV World Review KOIN This Is Your Musle 1 00 p m. KPTV Bishop Sheen KOIN Fish's 1:31 p m. KPTV Coke Time KOIN Flshta 1 11 p.m. KPTV News Caravan KOIN FishtB 1.00 p m. KPTV I Married Joan KOIN Arthur Godfrey I 30 p.m. KPTV My Little Marrlt KOIN Arthur Godfrey 1.00 pm. KPTV Kraft Theater KOIN-Strlke It Rich 30 pm. KPTV Kraft Theater KOIN I've Oot a Secret 10:00 pm. KPTV This la Your Ufa KOIN Wreatllne II 30 p.m. KPTV Cavalcade of America KOIN Wrestline 11:00 p.m. KPTV 11th Hour News KOIN Showtime on Sli ll:IJ pm. KPTV Nile Owl Theater SLIDE CLOSES HIGHWAY Another slide yesterday closed the Ore. coast highway at Brigh ton, between Rockaway and Ncha lem beach. The highway department said a detour is available by way of Mi ami river, the same detour avail able when an earlier slide closed the route recently. Accidents killed about 94,000 Americans in 1953. OFFICES VM STATI t C0MMIRCIAlSa4,t N.Y. Woman lo Be Heard Here Mrs. Oswald B. Lord, New York, U.S. representative on the United Nations Human Rights commis sion, will discuss this subject Wed nesday. January 20 at 8 p.m. in Waller hall on the Willamette Uni versity campus. She is appearing in west coast cities by courtesy of the World Affairs Council of the Foreign Pol icy association. Mrs. Lord succeeded Mrs. r.lea nor Roosevelt on the U.N. commis sion. She has had a long and dis tinguished career as a social work er. She was assistant regional di rector of the Office of Civilian De fense during World War H. For some time she was chairman. of the U.S. Committee for the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund. She was co chairman of the National Citizens Committee for Eisenhower-Nixon in the 1952 campaign. Interested citizens in Salem, Cor vallis and Eugene are responsible for her coming to Salem, accord ing to Eloise Ebert, state chairman of the international relations com mittee of the American Association of University Women, who with Dean Robert D. Gregg of Willam ette University is .co-chairman of arrangements. Mrs. Lord will be introduced by Charles A. Sprague, former alter nate delegate to the U.N. assem bly. The public is invited. Salem Heights STLEM HEIGHTS The Boys Scout troop 19's Jay patrol spent this last weekend camping at Silver Creek Falls. First class advancements were worked. On the camp out were Jerry Burger, Olin Teston, Em mett Myers, Rodney Raymond, and William Rector. Adult super visors were Erccl Myers and Stanley Teston. The troop committee met last week at the home of W. E. Rec tor to make plans for the ex plorer group to take a ski trip on the advance program lor the Scouts. Present were Robert Nor ris, Stanley Teston, Bill Crandell, Frank Meeker, E. W. Rector and the scoutmaster, John Kinney. Bonnie Hudson of Madronna Ave., age 16, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ora Hudson, was taken to Salem Memorial hospital Thurs day evening. She has mcmngitiis. Her condition is reported to be good. The South Salem Suburban Chamber of Commerce will meet Wednesday, Jan. 20, at the China City restaurant for a dinner meet ing at 7:00. The Liberty Salem Heights Home Extension Unit will meet Thursday, Jan. 21, at the Salem Heights Community hall at 1 p. m. Mrs. Orvillc Raymond will be the project leader and will pre sent simple home repairs. Each member attending is asked to bring a hammer, screw driver, pliers and a couple of blocks of wood. HUMAN TOUCH WINNIPEG, VP) Teachers must know their subjects. But they should also know their pup ils, says Dr. J. M. Brown, Cur riculum Director of the Manitoba Education Department. If a teach er intends to teach arithmetic, she must know arithmetic, but she must also know John," he ' said. "And John in many respects is very unlike arithmetic." MARR RADIO & TELEVISION Sales Service Installation TV Open 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Weekdays Ph. 2 1611 2140 S. Coml. Salem's First Television Store Sub Has Come Long Way Since Alexander's Day By CARL J, Groton, Con. VP) Alexander the Great, who pined for more worlds to conquer, would gasp if he could be around here Thurs day to see what bis happened to subi .arines since his time. The world's irst atomic-powered submarine, the USS Nauti lus, gets its showers of cham pagne then from Mrs. Dwight D. Eisti.hower at the shipyards of the Electric Boat Division of the General Dynamics Corp. Willamina Accepts Bid for Pipe Line WILLAMINA Bids for the con struction of the overhead crossing of the Lady creek water line over the Yamhill river were opened by the city council Thursday and Thursday evening the bid of $850 for labor, only, submitted by the Gold Creek Logging Co., was ac cepted, j Construction of the steel towers and suspension cables will start immediately. The structure, is planned to carry a six inch and a ten inch water main, but only the six inch main will be laid at pres ent. . Originally the water main was laid on the stream bed of the Yam hill and the high water in Decem ber swept large boulders across the line, breaking it. Since that time the city has been supplied with wa ter by nearly constant pumping from vVillamina creek. St. Paul Will Give Dimes Dance Jan. 27 ST. PAUL A March of Dimes birthday will be given from 9:30 p.m. to 1 a.m., Wednesday, Jan. 27, at the St. Paul city hall, spon sored by the American Legion Auxiliary. Music will be furnished by Rex Teed and his modern dance band. Members of the committee in charge are Mesdames Jack Smith, and Ben Mitchell, co-chairmen, Tom Smith, Peter M. Kirk, Jim Smith, Elmer Ernst, Don Bernard, and Gene Smith. Southern Beauty OYSTERS 2 10ojln' 39c SAVING CENTER T0OO OREGON GROIJpTISlf jiff .MsmsffiF . 'Vn LIKE THIS PLAN OF &&id SERVICE BENEFITSy- The employes in more than 2000 Oregon firms have Medical and Hospital protection through Oregon Physicians' Service. This plan provides professional sert icrs in case of sickness or accident' not just allowances which may, or may not, cover doctors' bills. This same SERVICE PLAN so widely used among Oregon businesses is available for individ uals and for families. Please use the coupon for more information. Seasoned Travelers Choose S.Pe&SeRy. Yes, seasoned travelers appreciate the comfort of S. P. & S. Ry.'s reclining coach seals, comfortable Pullman accommodations and delicious dining car meals. They thrill to the beautiful iccncry of the Columbia River Gorge along S. P. A S. Ry.'s water level route. The next time you travel to Spnknnf nr East, take the advice of seasoned trav elersgo S. P. A S. Ry. r J. D, Surles, Oregon Electric Freight Depot Oeneraf Offices; American tonic tutlfflng Portland, Oregon SF0KAXE. P0I.TLM) and SEATTLE RAILWAY SYSTILH Ship and trove fht Northwtsl't own toilwoy LALVMIA Step Into the Electric Boat's library, reputed to be the biggest exclusively devoted to submar ines and you learn that recorded history gives Alexander's name as the first to be linked to an undersea craft. But Nautilus standards, it was not much of a boat. The Greek philosopht Aristotle described it as a diving bell. It was built for Alexander 356-323 BC and used to repel a fleet attempting to lift the siege of tyre. The library staff, headed bv Donald Shepard, has come up with a lot of other Information pointing up the proud heritage that stretches behind the Nauti lus. . , . For example: Leonardo da Vinci,' the great Florentine inventor and artist of the, Renaissance, planned an un derwater warship. But he kept it secret because, he was afraid it would make war more fright ful. King James I of England re putedly took a short ride in one. It was distinguished by an oil soaked leather covering and pro pelled by oars. A Dutchman, Cor nelius Van Drebbcl, built it a century after Da Vinci's death. Americans made more subma rine history during the revolu tion. A Yale college student, Da vid Bushnell, discovered how to explode gunpowder under water. To go with his discovery, he built a one-man submarine a tiny oak vessel called the turtle. DISABLED VETS CHR1STCHURCH, New Zealand I Britain's Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh watched an armless man eat, drink, type and shave without as sistance Tuesday. They were at i disabled servicemen's re-establish ment league center in Christ- church city, where they are stay ing four days on their New Zea land tour. Doss TV Hurt Your Eyes? TRY HOFFMAN Fnn PHONE 2-1913 2303 Fairgrounds Rd. Valley TV Center Sales Service Installation Open Till 9 P. M. Daily Sunday from 1 to 6 P. M. ' ' N ' Albany Hosts Firemen's Class ALBANY Firemen' represent ing at least 14 Oregon towns as sembled here Monday for the first day's session of a fireman's school conducted under the aus pices of the Oregon Fire Chief's association, with Fire Chief Don Hayne and the Albany depart ment as hosts. Represented were Springfield, Oakridge, Coos Bay, Coburg, Hal sey, Florence, Monroe, Yachats, Salem, Eastside, Burns and Al bany, with envoys also expected from Mill City, Liberty and West Fir. Monday's program Included in struction in essentials of the Ore gon fireman training program, by Elmer H. Halstcd, state super visor of public service training of BE SAFE ALL WHITER! PT is Permanent Type amti-feeeze PROTECTS ASAlUST FREEZING ALL WlrJTER.. WOMT BOIL AVlAVOM WARM DAYS GUARDS A&AllOST RUST. THERt'8 MOTrllrJs BETTER THArl PT. GET PT ANTI-FRKZEtK AT YOUR TEXACO DEALER . . . -fftt bnt4rind your II L'1 II OREGON PHYSIC W SERVICE &tyMA BLUE SHIELD jMu J- Of iooh physicians' Slavic! :e s, w. iiaik, aw ion, ril.i6 rifau at iafeawilw akml r CI CI Out HAN HI"' at toil 6 NON OICHir lKd.n6.all - ftJoa". - P jiUVA UkV fill the division of vocational educa tion, Salem; ladder evolutions and salvage practices by Chief Howard Gill, also of the vocational educa tion division and ventilation prac tices by Edon Winkley, of the state fire marshal's office. - The school will continue through Saturday. Firemen from afar are being given accommoda tion at the Albany lire halL Locker Bee! Packing House : Wholesale Prices Front 200 Hall 250 Pound 30 Pound Young Steer Beef Pound . Salem Meal Co. 1325 S. 25th Ph. 34858 car has ever had' 7. O'teaa Wf DICAl tnd HCUIIM ItaVICI 1AN .malara t www oiwmuNa opticmns-.-