: i t 5 i 1 ! ')'' -1 Page 12 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL,, Salem, Oregon Tuesday, January 19, 1954 Sheridan SHERIDAN The Sheridan branch of the U. S. National bank reports deposits of $3,106,245 at the end of 1053. Loans and dis counts in Sheridan, as iu the oth er branches, increased, and now total $1,489,691, Cliff Bride, March of Dimes chairman for Sheridan, has ap pointed as as committee chairman to assist him in the 1954 drive James F. Rose, grade school Frank W. Smith, March of Dimes cards and hinh r:hool activities Roscada Hacnny with the FL club in charge of the Mothers March of Dimes; Chief Police Earl Suhs In charge of coiin col lectors: Art Hebert, business and .special guts. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Com merford, Grand Ronde, are the parents of a son, born Jan. 13 at the McMinnville hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sackett are the parents of a son, Jonathan Kent, born Jan. 8. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Leland Sackett of Sheridan and Mrs. Roy Slocum of Missouri. Rev. and Mrs. Robert Cox of Los Angeles are the parents of a daughter, Ann Marie, born Jan. 9. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Cox and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brandt of Sheridan. Walton Fisher is in Seattle, where he is stationed at the U. S. Naval Air Reserve Station, lol lowing a 30 day leave spent with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Raines in Sheridan. The Red Cross Bloodmobilc will visit Sheridan Monday, Jan. 25, and hopes are to collect 100 pints of badly needed blood. The unit will be at the American Legion hall from 2 to 6 p. m. The Hi-Way Theater In Sheri dan is installing a new curved wide angle screen, according to W. H. Hibbcrt, owner of the the- . ater. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Shriver of Twin Falls, Idaho, visited at the home of Mrs. J. C. Stevens last week. A rally of the Ninety and Nine Men's classes in Yamhill county was held Monday evening, Jan. j-8 at the Sheridan Christian church. The Sisterhood of the church served dinner preceding the rally. Rev. George W. Sprin ger of the Woodburn Church of Christ was the main speaker. Link Spooner celebrated his seventh birthday with a hobo par ty in the Methodist church base ment. Movie cartoons were en joyed after a knapsack dinner. Vickie Mcncfce, Debbie Parctt and Nancy Burdock were award ed prizes for costumes. Other guests were Scotty Wells, Dennis Marceaux, Pamela Pointer, Shar on Roberts, Charyl McClure, Joh nny Surrclt, Mcrilyn Bride, Lar ry French, Vickie Burch, Patrick Markcc, Naydinc Hydcr, Susan Thompson, Richard Berkey, Ar vid Ekman, Billy Stuck, Linda Holmes, Jimmy and Lorctta Fish er, Betty Lou Bauman, alt of Sheridan; Carol Dent, Willamina; Dana Spooner, Alice, Carol and Sara Cummins, McMinnville; Pamela Mehlholf, Yamhill; Rich ard and Roberta Cummins, Carl ton; and several adults. p Anm PROGRAMS Koa N.w. 'H f. nirvcT ..,, Shoooer Music Boom IMu.lc Bm ...... Star Time i""" J!rTr God,rf, iVrt God,r iy".""1 Mr.rlm'Btock IM.rt.n Block Ktrk'am Newi'J.PBereh Show IKIrkharn Chr&n. L!!'B ScTc.. Anrnn. fcaiupu un""'" " - itiiII Ul..lrnlr B-Bar-B Songs IB-Bar-B songs in... "V-r""k ShowTirr.e Show Tin,. Ed B Murrow INw worm Sporls Editor INuvs Hour i Uncle Bob lUncle Bob IChet Huntley G.b.lleatter Perry Coma (V.PinK"y Candlelight Candlelight ,N'ttS, , v "ime rhotog. Icrlmc Photo, hchoob fc You t.-i..- i niav Music I College yuiz MnmVEdi on IB..I Stern I Spoorts Edinotv Jlendllne IStnrsSIng ISvncopalKin I Alex Dreier ILone KanEer .... t...... iT.rmnnalrts Sac Ht -Casc'deSnc. Ht -Case. Sac. Ht-I-asc. FBI V.B.I. lLowelThomu 1 Man's Family News or ora """'" Symphonetlt ISymphontttc I Vandercook Lovely to Look At! The swirly skirt is important in this two- piece; to is the doll-waist jacket! Finish as a town and country cotton or "silk suit-dress with your choice of sleeves, collar or collarlcss neckline. No. 2589 is cut in sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size 16: Short sleeves, 5 '.4 yds. of 39-in. Send 30c for PATTERN wilh Name, Address, Style Number and Size. Address PATTERN BUREAU, Capital Journal, 652 Mission street, San Francisco 5, Calif. Patterns ready to fill orders Immediately. For special han dling of order via first class mail include an extra 5c per pattern. 9 Just off the p'ess! The brand new 1B54 SPRING - SUMMER FASHION BOOK is agog from cover to cover with exciting new season stylos and ideas for easy sewing and smart going from breakfast until bedtime! IN COL OR, this book includes up-to-thc-last-minute fashion forecasts for every age, every size, every oc casion. Yours for only an addi tional 25c. r.len Hardy Mutual Nwswk ISweet S swins Sac Ht.-Casc. ISac. Ht.-Casr. iSac. Ht.-C.asi. Beulah Wilfc Ford ITh.s I Brl.eve Ciruiicho Mara IGroucho Marx I Bandwagon Mystery Thtr. II Mystery Thtr, llOhsesslon KSLM Fulton Lewis IPlatter Parade INews KOCO Nocturne iNocturne ,Il0 . n, n- KOIN tar '".oal IGuesthook Insert Inn Or. KOW Bchfld Bepfr Pports Final I Rocky Fortune KEX r .iial Edition IDanca Tima IDancaTlma KSLM Deadline IDeadline I Melodies KOCO Nocturne (Nocturne Nocturne KOIN Becord Show IBccord Show Record Show ROW News ICilv Council Inty Council MX Dance Tima iDanctTlma I Dance Tlma KOAC 10:00 a.m. The News and Weather; 10:15 Especially for Women School of Home Economics Staff; 1:00 Oregon School of the Air: 11:15 Concert Hall: 12.00 News and Weather; 12:15 Noon Farm Hour: .V00 UN Story: 1:15 Proudly We Han: 1:45 Hob Roberts Sings: z Especially for Women How Strong Is Their Conscience: 2:30 Memory Book of Music: 2:45 Oregon School of the Air Mackerel for Breakfast: Jane: 3:00 Oregon Beporter; 3:15 rTimekreper Early Worm IBrk Nook KOIN Klock I Dave West I Ore. Farm Hr. ROOM & BOARD By Ahem MY LIFE IS IN DANGER. WITH THAT WRESTLER. MISTAKING ME FOR SOME GUY HE HAS SALTED A GRUDGE OM.'-I'M NO MATCH FOR HIM, EVEN WITH A CLEAVER. IN EACH HAND THE EARL IS A VIOLENT GUY 1 WHEN HIS TEMPER COMES TO A BOIL, AND I CAN ONLY HOLD HIM IN CHECK WHILE HES HERE IN THE HOUSE BUT NOW HELL LAY FOR YOU OUTDOORS -SAY. HERE'S AN IDEA-HE DOES WRESTLING TRAINING IN A GYM TOMORROW MORNING UNTIL QVtS NOON-AND THATS V 'XV YOUR CHANCE -"VY TO LEAVE TOWN I X x. rikk Tniilnrwn I I i CbPI 5s?0 MORNING UNTIL ) I W&l AX( NOON-ANDTHATS J Q V' YOUR CHANCE t- iVH V TO LEAVE Jp V l I RIGHT AFTER. tHml'i V) ' kLysf ACROSS 1. Heavy cord 5. Age 8. Appends 12. Russian sea 13. Self: Scotch 14. Midday 15. Kind of rubber 16. Instrument for making eyelet holes 18. Gray rock 20. Kind of yam SI. Stitch 22. Rigor 25. Bird of the cuckoo family 27. Sea cagie 28. Kpic poem 32. Withdraw 34. Betoken 36. Pitcher 37. Measure ot length 33. Parcel ot ground 39. Fuel oil 4.1. Timber tree 41. Lease 47. Wraps 50. Where ex cess water escapes from dam 53. Certain 54. Rodent 55. Greek letter 56. City In Pennrylvanla 57. Cook slowly 58. Morning moistiite 89. Break with out warning DOWN 1. Knocks 1 Spoken IPIOITIAITJOnOIRmGI I IN AVAL OInIiB E F5JR E. p.E L A YHsMa S SHO S Hr t sBcie.n TnTirj T IaiTdia iRiTjnfsi 1 1 InC; PtR U KieDB A TITIL EL 3a CieB(so fvtB'f SI wA i THfo p;e nda C I A DfcBfs P AIJRUA V EH T OHlTl E Snl MEND E RIAIS E PfffAdV E RS d WElSICIDiAUULlstsiEINl Solution et Yetttrday s Punl 3. Hanger-on 4. Pud up 5. Knglish letter 6. Come back 7. rroof of boinf! else where 8. One: Scotch 9. Small round marks 'It .; , J 6 7 3 I ' I I ' ., .j. ie , l-v " 7T " . "q$ 5J" 57 V37 1 10. Love over much 11. Crystallized rain 17. Kindled 19. Alwavs 23. Before 24. Japanese coin 25. 100 square meters 26. Of recent origin 29. Disease ot tobacco 30. American Indian 3!. Complete collection 33. Weary 34. Dow ry 35. German river 37. Revolve 40. Addition to a building 41. Marry again 4 . Organs of srent 43. Serpents 44. Stake for roasting meat 45. Tramp 48. Silkworm 49. Oore 51. Statute 52. Steer wild V ftfMfM STEVE ROTEB ll-Jai1 I'M SOCRV MBS. TWO OVi AFFOCO THE IT THEN WHV 1 l GAN.'wm HSCE-S TO VOU0 HVSSANQ S , 1 ' '''' " BSEWSTER BUT YOU'RE LOSS BUT FLEECE 15 A. CAN'T YOU VOue"HELP.' MBS. BSEWSTE8,WH0 IS ABOUT 'MI ROPER I'M V BEING GIVEN A FINANCIAL CCB9INS SCORES OF NICE EXPOS r ATO MEET WITH A VERY PAINFUL KTUHMFf)) 1 TUniC-Mr---, DCY-TJ FAUIUfi t r PFnO F WUVO iDC I'D Vf ukA f I f . 1 1 VI t ACODEHTIl Sa.r HsZwmSr irfSm wm 00T00 0015 K?!) a t I" v i-. r' .'t i- XAJVy LI J WiSs 'RtPJffH aWll I V -V ' tMLa!- H koco i - ii - - iMn w it i i - - - . iMTv . mm m ': !,rtrft ,-.r -J u r u i I - TAn ,, ., . . ,-g I W I V - T J I THBkB THCBEi j jcAH.TASfA WHOOKI I? V P?W W.W?'' r ,. Hu.hHl 1 . i -i Y: 1 i 1 wv wi inm rv www. i I i?n i uvr l J I V "'-wr I II Muwniwp.u wM L i w sum nui.u W ,r aWT V I .. I f twekt.fwe tfwowiTrwr-8TJ I ha-ha! vbs. indeed- Sr I -7 J" gSS"M I W-iV I I I5.Pi.ANO ' "i, 1 I ITH0USflN0OOLUS-V A REAL I I NOT MAHY FOLKS OUR I AMD THAT'S 1 1 SSlN Sy"opntlon IjllkWTWvvi I I SOLO THB FARM, VI WHflT WE 1 I I V" tN CftSHl II BUNDLE- J 1 IA A5E GOTTHOT MUCH, M MOT rtLL J I KGW Fibber McGe. Iil SfX-V-VW -4 I i I LOCK. STOCK. AND H GOT FOR IT. KJ 1 Vw. S " IU. RET- 71 KEX Lone Ranser -m kXa i nam ..nnnei ' i i3s...An.n. i 'mm mr i i -v y n. a.-jra ?-f fe itji tons i I ?i i JV J iTTSt If. s Jill TJ Hi nil 1 LtL3 I f-JII II II 111 i i i HI WUS.inJT WWW .1 kJI l LIL AB.NER I MADAME'-WHERE KETrMERE I HESE'; WFUFOMiMIMuun l !TSSi7srTWrr,"Sj ' I NEAREST AUTO RENTAL All THE CAP, J I AM.'.' HERES THE III 4!ak. -HE'S DRIVING 1 I I AGEMCV? NEED A S XfT IN l I C0-a--iJ 1 riFDrlCIT r.iuc uc HI ST c ,r- . y YXM II i is . i n v...-..' x v -.rr-" - " "tc k-y& I - "-iL -v IX J I I S . -il ' yTr-- I f fTT I wr Mrs. I -711 k4s,inr Kjr-rys vs9jkt l(J s UOPALONG CASS1DX , M, , . , - KSLM Morn. News - ' Pr:rMMMMMMMMMMMMMMTrg PUT UP TW09E UE'S OOT US, CALL WIS BtUFP FACE THAT OOOl L I n KOCO Early Worm GUNS.SeNTS. I CASSIDV.' AND START WAKING, SANDESOW! ) I fl KOAI Br. Nook I POUND A VaEO PABCHrfiNT IM TWS ABANDONED VOU'RE NOT 1 WMtT ARE W6 W6TW68 C NOT WE ALL GET OUT ,,VJ V Jfi' n.?w.r.!!n MINE, TULDNG KW TWEA?LV SPANISH BfLOCESS GOiNG TO A. GONNA CO?. OP HE ALIVE IS UP TO VOU 'IsKslS Vex Or VVrm Hr WOBiaNO HERE WERE UUED OPP UKE PLIES PHOA US THEM. X , " i : the POiAOKicma 3ses. the auasffBST SBe. coulo LA ffrs& . ksi.m iieminrwty MUTT JEFF I":" II 1 1; . U til II t t , II I I E N'Kt S N N 1 1 VOOOOULPNT V NQM'LoVE' M WOULD VOU VajaiaJ; I I W0OLDNT J 1 KSI M r WUTT.A WHV? OhVJ I LIVE WITHOUT WITHOUT VOU jl EVER MARR vjly 60 THAT I 1?C 1 SSSS 1 0ARUNS, HflDO'Elh ME.COULdA TD 60 VSAlN?- NUTS' Jf a flh 1 whv do lots of Hi I I Vou? Zs V N UTS 1 SrJ XJri T 0 V.; tC- ill I '-n A I PgU I '-U-- 'Jr. j R.dlo Boolohrll: i lpci-i:illv for! icsr m..., v. it i Women; J:M Memory Book o( Music; HEX MORGAN. W.I). ' 45 "on Srho.il oi the Air- r""""-AM55EO IT SOUNDED IKE ),Nsijfea f I 0 CN'T T HOW 15 AW WE, DCVT LW2R5-AV? . "V I Chant's: JOree Rer"r; 3-Ij if K A6AlNJ ff A CAR in THE CVSr EXPECT Oo ) ChARi?TTE?LAnC05 W BLDON5TON.' LASOR25 I J J V. I r IV-- PSivfwAy.' HOWE 50 CailED Avi? SA3 fl PwONSD LESS than "CjJ i X I AaM-TA-A tfk EARlv, w?. hE? CCNDTiCN a aj na AM... TJ DA,A rAJ ... i - J I I o. 1 rWT 1 Sri bjdonoton) was seacus i Kand su5c-s-d tat fj, K6C6SS LQ GQ On l h noNAi.i) hi ck . ' ; J 1 r i m i iv : , "n i 7 - , "J-v UL 0 I t AWE U - ' IT WAS 803S 1 N i C "HAN T'SEf?VE H HENRY E E5THiNK3) liOl StiTH ) VhLKTy gj, dewE siE SiO-lD Vv V tV -.r- OO OKAY FLIPPED E ( 1 f, ( HAS E KNOW M A V MARV WtlKTII ' "'' ' - rMM"'""TTMl I I0OWIH,M0Wt,rhAT rTt3 I WHAT WAS THAT ) I HWll '""Si l"i ; y . i'i'i rETT7S-T , " 1 I I 1 Ull I v,TfirywRiTtiitFTouTSOML .S.V 11 I Tl I I 'XiJlT II . WEDNESDAY P. M. 00:30 00:45 Siesta Melodies Ritchie Spider House Party lHapplness I The Todda Music Room Magic Melody R. Rendezvous Arth'r Godfrey IWoman in hsa. IKay West Bands to Rembr Maslc Melody Spider ICurt Massey IPays to Marry IMartln Block TelloTest Jack Kirkwood ?unST.mt Piano Patterns c.Her Spider Make Up Mind;Robl Q. Lewis iTravelers Dr. Paul Tor fhe Glrls for the Girls Jack Kirkwood Navy Show Spider ITunef'lly youri I Life Beautiful ITor the Girls I 'irr ea Music U Want Klrkham I Music Box (Hour of Stars Bill Hlckok IU.N. Story 1 3oss News I Peterson I Bob Garred rSam HaTcs 188 Keys I Schools & You ICollene Qull Happy Time Dr. Klldara IMusic I Svmphonetto Walk a Mile j Gainer Storm IDr. Kll'iara ISports Report Svmphonetta I Walk a Mile Headline Ed. Whistlin Tunes ISac. Ht.-Casc. IFamily Skelton ICildersleeve Favorite Music Harry Wlsner 1 Niaht News IDanceOrch. jnandwacon lobsesslon IPlatter Parade Nocturne I Desert Inn Rocky Fortunel I Dane Timt I Melodies INocturne IRccord Show ICIty Council I Dsnce Time Music of Masters; 4:00 Serenade In Blue; 4:15 On the Upbeat: 4:45 News Commentary; 5:00 Children's Thea ter 5:"10 Chicago Roundtable: 6:00 News and Weather; 6:15 Here's to Veterans: 6:30 Cuircnt Event Conver sations: 7:00 From Portland State: 7-15 Evening Farm Hour; 8:00 Radio Shorthand Contest: 8:30 Palrioscript: B:45 The News and the Weather: 9:00 Music That Endures; t):45 Evening Meditations Rev. Ed S v e n d s e n, , Grace Lutheran Church; 10.00 Sign Olf 6 A. M. TO 11:45 A.M. 00:15 00:30 00:45 News P;irly Worm IHrk. Nootf I KOIN Klock Dave West lore. Farm Hr. March Tim IFarlv Worm IBrk. Nook KOIN Rloei Dave West lOie. Farm Hr. 'Break Gang IKiirly Worm I Brk. Nook Macleod Newi County Edit. Break. Gani -News lEarlv Worm !F.irly Worm IBrk. Nook IBrk. Nook viotf News Babbitt Show iButherus, NewslKnox Mannln-f Bob Garred Bob Hazen KSLM Cecil Brown iFimlly Altar KOCO Farly Worm lE;irly Worm News i sp.acr Connumr News iValle News fhe Old Sonit (Old Sonji BreaK Dub Hteak Club lHaven of Rett (Haven of Rest IK.irty Worm I World News jspidcr I Spider iMnrn Varieties ;HoKemary 1 Old Songs ib Bieak club I Old Son si iBiran CJnb News iCommentarv Ray's Records R.iv's Records News I Spider Wendy Warren lAunt Jenny News-Archer I Mar lime (News (Ray's Records ! Spider !Hrlen Trent (The MarriHKe Stars ot Tod a? 'Mod. Roman. t Barm. Counter : Ray's Records ISpidrr IGal Sunday 17 he Marriage I Ever Since Eve. News ITello Test IStand'rd School Stand'rd School Pay's Records HaV Records t Hay's hecords lH.iv Rprnrrii nrwi inir. imiyine ,ir. rtnivine Road of Life Ma Perkins (Dr. Mainne Revnnlds snow t Reynolds Blow I Strike Rich Chet Huntley ILum A- Ahncr ITrueStory IMr. Smvthe IGuidini; Light iStrike Rich 'True Story KRLM Wonder. City Wonder. Citv KOCO Ray's Records H.tv Records Dinner Winner Spider 2nd Mrs. Burton' Perry Mason Roh Hope I P. Fredericks Whisperin Sis Girl Marries Queen for Day (Rav's Records Queen for Day Rav's Records iSpider Spider INorah Drake IBriRhter Day I Phrase Pays Sccond Chanct Gr. Cen. Sta. Gr. Cen. Sta. Music of th eM.tstrni; 4:00 ITniversHV Hour; 5:00 Children's Theater; 5:30 They Fought Alnne: fi 00 The News ind Weather: fi 15 OSC Department rf M'isir: K-30 Headlines in Chemis try: 6:45 Russian Area Studies; 7:00 Vou Never Know: 7:15 FemnK Farm Hour: H 00 BBC Theater- She Stoops to Conquer: fl:.10 The News ind the Weather: 9 45 Evening Med itatyms Rev Fd Svend-.cn. Grac? Lutheran Church. 10 Oil Sicn Off Kxamincr Kvcrrtt F. Hayrcraft said the hearing will be resumed Wednesday at I0 a"m. Forty three companies and It fishermen's unions have been charged with conspiring to fix prices for salmon. The charge stems from a longtime practice of canners and the unions of ne gotiating prices to be paid for fish. Rut canners and unions have de nied there is anything illegal about the procedure. By Carl Anderson