Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 19, 1954, Page 11, Image 11

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' Tuesday, January 19, 1954
Paw 11
'y y r . u
t iti I ' :
Salem Marine recruiting office Monday afternoon sent 28
young men on the first lap of their trip to the San Diego
Marine recruit training center, where they will receive their
training as the Second Oregon Beaver Platoon or, the Wcbfoot
squad, an auxiliary squad to the platoon. Pictured on the
steps of the post office prior to their departure are: Left to
right iirst row, Robert Nule Chandler, Salem, Peter Charles
Meyers, Salem.. Lee Roy Alton, Salem; James Edgar Friese,
Salem; Fred James Coker, Salem; Tommy Gene Dickinson,
Aumsville, Richard 'Lee Hornaday, Bonneville, formerly of
Salem. Left to right in second row ore Virgil LeRoy Earls,
Brooks; Jackie Junior Chapell, Salem; Roy Edward Cuff,
Brooks; Howard Joseph Messmer, Salem; Marvin Warren Both
urn, Dallas; William Jerry Million, Salem; William George Sig
loh, Woodburn and the platoon's sweetheart, Barbara Ander
son. Third row left to" right Richard Virgil Nelson, Salem;
Robert Omer Bunnell, Salem; William Lester Robbins, Jr.,
Salem; Loren Bruce Cooley, Dallas; Kenneth Charles Klopp,
Salem; Donald Wayne Arnold, Dallas; Edwin J. Schroeder, Dal
las; and Staff Sgt. Robert Wilson, Salem Marine Recruiter.
Fourth row left to right, Ted LeRoy Swensen, Dallas; Bruce
Landers Sjolund, Dallas; George Willard Curtiss, Dallas; Rich
ard Merrill Smith, Dallas; Dennis Kent Garland, Salem;
Charles Hans Jepsen, Dallas; and Ralph Louis Peterson, Salem,
leader of the platoon. Sgt. Wilson is to accompany the platoon '
to San Diego, winning the honor by being the top recruiter for
the platoon.
SILVERTON Mrs. R. A. Fish,
hospitalized for treatment for more
than two weeks for injuries receiv
ed in an automobile accident in
Portland, is reported by members
of her family as making satisfac
tory improvement, with plans for
her. return to her home this week
to complete convalescence.
Official reports of the condition
of Walter Geren, prominent in local
civic work, a patient for some time
at Silverton hospital, indicates
The case of Miss Silvia Hacre,
who sustained serious burns a fort
night ago at the family home when
her bed clothing caught fire from
an electric heater, and since then
has been a patient at the local hos
pital, is said to have been slightly
improved Sunday, but the extent of
body burns show a "critical" con
dition. Mrs. Leo Steffen is under treat
ment at Silverton hospital entering
Saturday evening suffering from a
severe cold.
Lester Standard has returned to
his Church street home following
major surgery at the Portland Vet
eran facility to complete convales
cence under the care of a local
Standard is making satisfactory
Harry Walker, also a World War
I veteran, is being retained at the
Portland hospital for more com
plete treatment. Walker is on the
regular list for treatment as he has
service connected disability.
Wiliam L.' Murphy, Silverton
RFD 2, has informed his family
that he will be able to return to
his home from the hospital during
this week following several weeks
At the Sunday evening Chris'ian
Endeavor election of officers for
the First Christian church young
folk Norman McCullough was chos
en as president; .lum Beard, vice
president; Miss Frances Fox, sec
retary, and Miss Sharon McCul
lough, treasurer.
V.'ILLA.MINA Jan. 19 at 8
p.m., is the date set by the city
council for the next step in the
plan to pave 43 blocks of city
streets. A public meeting was
held last week, when 80 residents
nrnrl nut to voice favor of the
$140,000 city wide plan. Officials
are now wailing lor more signa
tures on the petitions now in
circulation, before taking further
St. Paul Flax
Plant Auction
ST. PAUL The St. Paul Flax
Growers Co-operative Association
of St. Paul, Ore., has elected
Walter Smith, Joseph Zorn and
Peter Bernard as a liquidating
board of trustees to dispose of
the St Paul .'lax plant and prop
erty. Tentative plans are to hold a
public auction sale sometime in
the spring of this year unless
a buyer for the entire plant is
found before that time. The plant
operated for a number of years
and for the past few years has
been closed.
The property consists o 49
acres of good land and 60,000
square feet of buildings. The
buildings have iron roofs and
concrete floors. Numerous pieces
of equipment also will be sold
including 20 motors and switch
es, a 15-ton scale, an 80 horse
power boiler, a tractor, office
equipment including a large sife,
water pumps, hydrants, fire figiht-
ing equipment, blowers and dust
catchers, wagons and other flax
processing equipment.
The flax plant is located one
mile west of the city of SL Paul.
At the time of its burial in a
volcanic eruption in 79 A.D.
Pompeii was six centuries old.
For Relief of Itch
Druggists' Prescription
When your skin is irritated
with pimples, red blotches and
other skin blemishes from exter
nal causes, you're crazy with itch
ing torture, try Sanitonc Oint
ment. Itching stops promptly.
Smarting disappears immediately.
Sanitonc Ointment is also won
derful for itching feet, cracks be
tween toes and Ahtlcte's foot
For Sale
State at Liberty Phone 3-3118
u'imiiHiti 1
tilttilirl --
y, KnvtiTyt O
Ntklo Tl M.lotii
Petty Thieves
Hit Lebanon
LEBANON A rash of petty
thefts, mostly from cars, were re
ported to police during the week
end. Sometime Thursday morning
bumper guards and license tags
were removed from the car of
Dick Chesher, 90 Williams St.. It
was parked downtown.
Darold Powell told police
Thursday that cream-colored fen
der skirts were missing from his
auto parked at the high school
work shop.
The same evening a coat was
stolen from the youth center.
Mrs. Burch, director, reported
that in addition to the coat, light
bulbs had '.been taken, there had
been trouble in the rest rooms,
and mail had been torn up on
various mornings before the cen
ter opened.
Saturday night a spare tire and
wire spoke wheel was removed
from the car of Jack Hales. It
was parked downtown near the
Park theater. That evening, too.
Your 1953 Income Tax
' No. 4 :' .
Should Msrrltd Ptnoiu File Joint
tr Separata Roiurnsl
Lake Community church will
have its regular monthly polluck
supper Friday, Jan. 22. On the
program committee are Mrs. Mas
see and Mrs. Myers. A feature
of the program will be pictures
of Germany shown by Flora Taylor.
If you were a married person
on December 31, 1953, you are
considered married for the entire
year 1953. If youiwere divorced
or legally separated on or before
December 31, you are considered
single for the entire year. If your
wife or husband died during the
year, you are considered married
for the entire year.
If husband and wife have separ
ate income (for example, if both
work), they may file sheparate re
turns or a joint return. A separate
return accounts for the exemp
tions, income and deductions of
only one person. If married per
sons living in community property
states file separate returns, each
must report half of any commu
nity income. A joint return must
include all the exemptions, income
and deductions of both husband
and wife. A husband and wife
may file a joint return even though
one of them had no incom. A
joint return may not be filed if
either husband or wife was a non
resident alien at any time during
the taxable year.
How to Make a Separate Return
To file separate returns, husband
and wife must each have income
under the laws of their state and
they must fill out separate forms.
The "split income" provisions of
the federal law do not apply to
separate returns. When filing sep
arate returns, the husband and
wife should each claim the deduc
tions for those allowable expenses
pain wun nis or ner own funds.
(In community property states, de
ductions resulting from payments
made out of funds belonging joint
ly to husband and wife may be di
vided half and half.) If one item
izes and claims actual deductions,
instead of using the tax table or
the ' "standard deduction," then
both must itemize and claim actual
deductions on Long-Form 1040 returns.
How to Make a Joint Return
You can make a joint return bv
including all exemptions, income
and deductions of both husband
and wife. In the heading of the
return, list both names (for exam
ple: "John H. and Mary D. Doe").
Both must sign the return.
Advantages of a Joint Return
The present law usually makes
it advantageous for married
couples to file joint returns. The
law provides a "split income"
method of figuring the tax on a
joint return which often results in
a lower tax than-would result from
separate returns. If you make a
joint return on Form 1040A, the
District Director will figure your
Cockroaches are found among
the most primitive of fossilized
forms of winged Insects.
Promotion for
National Guard
WOODBURN Sfc. Robert A.
Kraemer, member of the Wood
burn National guard unit, re
cently was honor graduate from
the tank leadership course at Ft
Knox, Ky. His parents live on
Rt 1, Woodburn.
Recent promotions receelved
by members of the local unit are
Samual D. Anderson from ser
geant to sergeant first class and
Bede L. Sticka irom corporal to
sergeant Anderson has been a
member of the tank company
since July 7, 1947, and is in his
third enlistment
Six new enlistments in the
company are Victor Danskcy of
Woodburn, Rt I, Vincent C. Du
man of Mt. Angel, Lloyd L.
Young and Allen G. Sutherland
of Gcrvais, Charles R. Mann and
Robert J. Ray of Woodburn.
An intensive recruiting drive
will be put on the first of Feb
ruary seeking a full company in
time for the annual camp. In
formation may be obtained in
person at the Woodburn armory
from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays
through Fridays or phone 2-1811.
A million dollars worth of gold
at $35 an ounce weighs slightly
less than a ton.
tax both on the separate and the
joint basis, and give you the bene
fit of the lower figure. If you file
Form 1040 either the short or long
form a joint return usually will
result in a tax as low as or lower
than the tax on separate returns.
There are some oases, when hus
band and wife both have income,
where separate returns result in a
lower total tax than joint returns.
Joint Tax or Refund .
When husband and wife sign a
joint return, each assumes full
legal responsibility for the entire
tax, and if one fails to pay, the
other must pay it. If they are en
titled to a refund, the check will
be made out to them jointly.
The address of your District
Director of Internal Revenue is
201 Post Office Building, Salem,
ure. ine teiepnone number is
Accepted, by the American
Medical Association Council on
Physical Medicine.
Senator Hotel
Grand Opening Jan. 22
Gould-National to
Sej up at Anfioch
. Gould-National Batteries, Inc.,
which operates in Salem, his pur
chased a site of approximately 20
acres in Antioch, California, be
tween San Francisco and Stock
ton, on which it will build a $1,-
000,000 automotive storage bat
tery plant
Albert H. Daggett president,
saia construction will start as
soon as possible and that produc
tion snould begin sometime af
ter mid-1954. The plant will be
the most modern yet achieved in
the storage battery industry, he
said. It will have a capacity of
300,000 automotive batteries a
year, plus a certain number of
industrial storage batteries he ad
ded. The Antioch plant, the com
pany's 24th, will be the second
for California; an automotive bat
tery plant is now located in Los
Angeles. Gould-National now has
Southern Beauty
(Formerly Keaiholdt is Lewis
260 S. 2(l St. Phono 4-1856
2 fori
Shoe Sale
Now in
Buy the first pair at regu
lar price get the second
U pair FREE!
22 automotive, Industrial battery, I and Canada. Construction hat
and battery container plants in I started on an auto battery ulant
operation in the . United States I in Houston, Texas,
"Your Prudential man is
devoting this month to
helping you check over
your life insurance poli
cies to see that they give
you the protection you
need under today's
changing conditions.
"Give him a call today.
There's no obligation!'
Kh , 7 At
The Prudential
Kidney Slow-Down
May Bring
Restless Nights
When kidney function slow down, many
folk! eomnlaln of ma-vlner harkarti KhiI.
ftctlM. dillinM and Inn if nrn anil mnmrm.
von i auner tmikii ntgnu with these tilt
comfort tf reduced kidney function ii tU
liar; yon down due to lueh common ciuisi
m stress and strain, over-eiertfon or expo
sure to cold. Minor bladder irritation, due
to cold or wrong diet may cause catting up
's ur unjuaii psuuases.
k Don't neglect your kidneys If tittstefmdl
.time bother you. Try Doan'a Pillnat mild ill.
trretlc. It's amazing bow many times Doan'a
RWe happy relief from these dlseomforta
elo the IK mile of kldtm iifca ! AIum
flush out waste. Ask for new, large, economy
.sue ana sere money, uet uoan's fills todayf
rjB.: S
UMf latUrktr . Je Wintsr .
WI-LU'l "J M yyp f yeS.j1K fV T"'-
mi yd kli
ritiirlt t. taillVi U. erttrt C. Cwirti
. t im mi mmm M
ir m. 'Life, jrvh
(T css ' press.-! sc r
L I s&c liij MM?' fg 2
uSi fi i $s'.; f yap I j
frar x mUsWH iy5 j
W - A T 1FT ft
i ' W ' ' ' ' ' ' '
It used to take this much equipment to
do the same job as the small unit the man
in the photo at the loft is holding.
New, smaller voice boosters take about
a twentieth as much space, mean real sav
ings in these days of high building cnata.
Such savings are helping us furnish good
service, more service, low-cost service to
you... and to all the West.
Making thing umailler tiHpn keep telephone. rie
down. As your voice travels over telephone circuits, it gradually
Rets weaker and must be amplified or "boosted" at intervals.
It used to take some rather bulky electronic equipment to do this.
But., today, a man can easily hold in his two hands more of these
voice-boosters than were once contained in each of the tall panda
pictured above. The smaller units are now in use in many places in
the West as part of a plnn we call "miniaturization." This is a pro
gram in which telephone people work to develop equipment that
takes less space, does a better job and costs less to install. Such
research has meant a lot in helping us fight today's high prices
and keep your telephone rates low.
Pacific Telephone
works to make
your telephone a
bigger value
every day
Floyd R. McNeil
520 N. High St