THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Saem, Oregoa Monday, January 18. 1954 NT. ANGEL Hn. Jsmes T. Kirklin (PitricU Blsenius), abovt, married at a nuptial mm in St Msry's church here, Sat urday, January S. She ii the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Blsenius, and Mr. Kirklin ia the on of Mr. T. . Kirklin of Salem. (Madelyn Studio, ML Angel) Rainbow Installation At Dallas Reported DALLAS Miss Mary Bell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Bell of Rickreall, waa seated as new worthy adviser of Naomi as sembly, No. 17, Order of Rainbow for Girls, at the Masonic hall, Sat urday. Other officers installed were Misses Sharon Forrette, wor thy associate adviser: Ruth Carle son, charity; Jane Woods, hope; Gretchen Kitzmiller, faith; Mary Verne Allen, chaplain; Karen Johnson, musician; Pat Lundy, drill leader; Mary McCleary, re corder; Janet Young, treasurer; Lois Meeker, historian; Mary Jane Wait, service chairman: JoAnn Mary, love: Kay McWbirter, reli gion: Janie DeWitt, nature; Cora Swanstrom, assistant drill leader; Jeanette Rogers, immortality; Jay Ann Grooms, fidelity; Zada S (ra lly; patriotism; Joyce Kuiler, service; Ciydena McWhirter, con fidential observer; Dora sehier- man, outer observer; Kathleen Keiley, choir director. Installing officers were Miss C h a rlene Wiedeman, retiring worthy adviser, Mrs. Harry Demp- sey, musician. Miss Loma Law rence, recorder. Miss Phyllis Rui ter, chaplain. DeMolay members from Independence carried out the crowning ceremony under the direction of John S. Dickin son, Dad adviser. The retiring worthy adviser was honored by a degree put on by the retiring officers. Service bars were presented to Misses lone Cochrane, Cora Swanstrom, Ruth Carleson and Mary Jane Wait for outstanding service. The Rev. Fremont Faul deliv ered the invocation. Miss Loma Lawrence gave a whistling solo and George Thompson sang. At the close of the evening. Rainbow Girls and their guests adjourned to the dining room where refreshments were served by the Rainbow Mothers .club. Mrs. Charles Wiedeman assisted by Mrs. Carl Swanstrom, Mrs. Burton Bell and Mrs. Loren Chase were the hostesses. Plan Parties MT. ANGEL Mrs. Joseph Ficker will be ehaitntan of the hitstess committee in charge of the second series of card par ties sponsored by the St. Ann's Altar society, to be Wednesday evening, January 20, beginning at 8 o'clock in the St. Mary's school auditorium. Bridge, "500" and pinochle will be In play, and refreshments will be served in the dining hill. Other members on the hostess commuter include Mrs. Frrd Baumgartnrr. Mrs. Clarence u ner, Mrs. Clarence Browning, Mrs. A. A. Ebncr, Mrs. Anna Er wert, Miss Ann Erwert, Mrs. Carl Erwert, Mrs. Frank Esch, Mrs. Joseph Erpelding, Mrs. Robert Fsrnnworth. Mrs. Joseph Fsulhaher, Mrs. EHrsr Fennl more, Mrs. Carl Fewler. Mrs. Willism Fessler snd Mrs. Leon ard Ficker. ! I Rn.VF.RTON House guests in a reunion o( relatives recently at the ' home of Mr. and Mrs. John W. j Myers Included Mr. and Mrs. Ron- I aid Wood and David and Honda ! ol Forest Grove. Mrs. Georgia , Munch of Fstacada. and Mr. and Mrs P. V. Ilexford and Gary of ! Portland. I Gary Rexford is at the home of his parents on leave from his U.S. air bast location. Homemakers Club Woodburn Mrs. Alfred Klamp entertained the Homemakers' club Friday after noon at her home. Mrs. James If! Livesay presided and "New Year Resolu tions" was the topic for roll call Mrs. n'. B. Dunn was in charge oi the program which included a quiz on cancer with all mem bers taking part, followed by games. Winning prizes were Mrs. Thomas Engle, Sr., Mrs. E. C. Peyton and Mrs. James H. Live-say. Refreshments were served after the meeting by the host ess. The next meeting. February lt, will be at the home of Miss Mabel Jackson when officers will be elected. Mrs. Alfred Moon and Mrs. Myrtle Hall will be in charge of toe program. rOLK COT'.VTV Federation of Rural Women's club will meet Wednesday at the Dallas Chamber of Commerce rooms. The club members will be the guests of Mrs. H. D. Peterson with a no-host luncheon at noon. The program will begin at 1:15 with Dr. Earl W. Benbow of Dallas speaking on fun with roses and showing of colored films. 1 Pompeii was destroyed by an earthquake in 63 A.D, rebult, and finally buried by a volcanic erup tion in 79 A.D. ' Rural Women at ' Woodburn Meet WOODBURN The Woodburn Women's Rural club opened its meeting Thursday noon with a no-host luncheon. Committee in charge included Mrs. William Stange, chairman. Mrs. Albert Rheinholdt, Mrs. W. W. Sporal sky. Miss Mate! Jackson and Mrs. Anna Hempei. Twenty-nine mem bers and three guests were pres ent The guests were Mrs. How ard Monmer, Mrs. Don Bell and Mrs. George Pardey. Mrs. Delbert Seely, vice-president, wss in charge of the after noon business meeting in the ab sence of the president, Mrs. John Colemaa New members wel comed were Mrs. C. H. Pantle, Mrs. Genaro Ramon and Mrs. Frank Brack. During the program hour Mrs. Bell showed colored slides of pic tures she took on her trip to Mexico. An exchange of gifts by "secret pals'' was staged. A white elephant sale is planned for the next meeting, February 11 and the hostess com mittee will include Mrs. Charles Yursnek, Mrs. Jay Weber, Mrs. George Winnepennix, Mrs. Thom as Reiling, Mrs. Jeanette Schin dler and Mrs. Soohia Owre. Miss Burnett to Head Rainbow Group SWEET HOME Miss Sharon Burnett daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Burnett, was select ed to serve as worthy adviser for the Order of Rainbow for Girls in a meeting last week. Miss Barbara Weeks, was chos en to be associate adviser; Miss Carol Larson, charity; hope. Miss Christie Dayton, and faith, Miss Pst Miller. Miss Carol Bowser will be drill leader; chaplain. Miss Barbara Dishaw; musician. Miss Trudy Heseman; choir director, Miss Janice Calvert: treasurer. Miss Velma Anderson; and secretary, Miss Virgie Bonham. The color stations will be filled by the Misses Muriel White, Estelle Bonham, Jan Mulholland, Shirley Ferguson, Sherry Ander son, Joan Wright and Sue Gil bert Choir members will be the Misses Mary Dobs 11, Dorothy Abers, Carol Layton, Yvonne Goodwin, Eileen Sathers, La vetta Smith, and Lois Perkins. Public installation will be Sun oday, January 31, in the IOOF hill at 2 p m. Senator Steen Files For Re-election W. Lowell Steen of Milton Free water will seek re-election as state senator from Umatilla coun ty. Steen, a leader in agricul tural circles ol eastern Oregon snd former president of the Ore gon Farm Bureau Federation, has 'as his ballot slogan, simply: "Present incumbent" ft is the shortest ballot slogan yet to be filed with the State Elections Bureau here. i I DON'T Throw Your Watch Awty W Fix Them When Other. Cnt THE JEWEL BOX 441 flute, talem, Oregon THE PEERLESS BAKERY Bakers for her Majesty the Housewife HtC Green Stomps 170 N. Commercial Furs Exclusively For 35 Years LACHELLES 1J48 Ferry St SALEM VENETIAN BUNDS UWUSKiOHMlyEltSHOt iHnrmerlv '.e:nhoWI Lewl 2M I lid U. ksM 4 1154 mm Your Hair Is Precious ...Trust It Only to Experts Don't endanger the health of your hair by experimenting. Coma to us for skilled care and top styling. We shape your hair to conform to your features ... to bring out any suggestions of a wave. Make an Appointment NOWt Loveall-Miller Beauty Salon LtNNEYB You make a pretty picture in Penney's s M SALEM, OREGON STORE HOURS: 9:30 A. M. to 5:30 f. M. Friday Nights Til 9 f. M. SPRING FASHION FABRICS! p. 'if I (fejaflaijfXOD (JlKKraOcP J 1 W jn ' " B n y SPECIAL FEATURE! IS. sEEm ST) Hyc I Pijivale Corduroy Iff' ' f I I I J . rie'1' v'ron Sp"'B9 colors ffn fOl 5 tjv1 15X233." C33 J O J J VlJ ln Jrobla, luxurious S if S C C S t re , W-s. C -saaV J III ejuolify thof. o typicol Pen- rA ffi I Ft ' " JTV K r- Al nay accomplishment ot this J I W-J J I m . M ...36-wid.. - P.-tfify ?, jvVl Thrity, thrifty btry! Look! Gear, sharp, I Yd. fj 1 fcl in! Print in loU and lott of high I A MEZZANINE (M1 S&4. Ml TA SAVE! It just make good shopping aense I I evs&f&r" .-iiVHfC av SmirWl I Ti to diacver what wonderful Rondo can do I I i!5rs3?O0 W2sr wj?J I B make yur Spring wardrobe (and the Ir'T 4 k P' BVfcL fVJI 1 B family', too!) bigger, better, more beau- X' i ' 1 I tiful. Rondo prints are a unanimous choice ' t 1 a9 IVttVXj 1 1 for home tkcorating, too . . . for curuins !,. tnk0&Si L Tl i 'PW' P6 bedpread3S-36 r ; T ; - ijS&p ssf5-r '111'"""" IrWSSgl U J hMUJ ill WBaal NH1M' 'AJi J ' WH.TE. BLUE, (S SANFORIZED MISTY-TONED BROADCLOTH Misty -toned broadcloth comes in good-looking prints snd sol ids; is smart, practical and an excellent value at P e n n e y's pries! Sanforized t for permaiF ent fit too! Mix and mitch the solids snd prints for trim blouse and skirt combinstions, gay shorts and shirts! 35-36" wide, t Maximum shrinkage 1. MEZZANINE MIX'N MATCH COTTON DENIMS Now Low Price! Perfect for play togs, news In home decoration! It's Sanfor iied t cotton- denim in solids, stripes and plaids designed to "go together". Now it's simple for you to coordinate your room decorations, or your summer wardrobe give them a "fash Ion new", professional touch! 35-36" wide. t Maximum shrinkage 11. MEZZANINE Embossed Cotton With a Puckered Look! 6fc Take an excitinff new nurlcered cotton in many wonderful col ors trest it to an Everglaze (R) finish, and it's inspiration for msny new sewing ideas! Resists wrinkles and soil, is machine washable in lukewarm waterl and keeps that crisp finish. Hurry! ... see it soon! 3536" wide. MEZZANINE BUY ALL YOUR NOTION NEEDS FROM PENNEY'S NOTION DEPT. - MEZZANINE - 4 4$j W It EXPENSIVE LOOKING KYBER TONE COTTONS 79 Sanforised t, woven cotton with a new dimension ... a soft finish in dur able yarns! Exciting possibilities in the carefully matched solids and big and little checks! They are both new and thy make smart combinations for skirts, jackets, robes, home dec oration' Deep pastel colors at Pen ney's. 35-36" wide, t Maximum shrinks ge 11, MEZZANINE WHITE, BLUE, NAVY, PINK, MAUVE, RED, AQUA, TOAST, Shop around . . . compare ... try to find a bet ter buyl Here' that quick drying, no-ironing fash ion fabric ... in a high 1 24x96 thread count . . . in a fully shrunk quality weave that's crisp and fresh ... at the lowest price aavilable in a long timel Start sewing nowl 38-39" wide. MEZZANINE Penney's Famous Needle V Thread Prints The accent's on DrinU . In Sanforized t. Mercerized, high count broadcloth with the look, the feel of fahrir t much higher pricesl Try this ror gay summer drapes, skirts, blouses) Pennev's has nttm. and colors to suit every taste every tieed! 35". 4.0. 2ND FLOOR, MIUER'S PHONE 3-7870 t Maximum shrinkage IN. MEZZANINE