Pact! THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem, Oregon In The Valley Edlte. y MIKE FOKBES Odd Fellows, Rebekahs at Sweet Home Seat Officers Sweet Home Ciena Well and Frank Berfer were installed ai noon grand and vie (rand of tha I OOF No. 244 and Mr. Edith Rinker and Mr, rraneea Sonera took oHice aa noble grand and ice grand of the Sweet Horn Bebekah lodge in joint instilla tion ceremonifl Mid here lait ' week. Falls Ciiy FALLS CITY Frank Hyde and on, Ralph Hyde, bow ol Al bany, were Sunday vmtora at the home ol Mr. ana Mr. Jics Straus. Mr. Strain i a niece of the senior Mr. Hyde who formerly re- , aided at rnnomatn. 1 The Fall City grade (chool team played the Vletx grade school teanu in tne gym rriaay evening. Fall City girl volleyball team won, and our Dasxemaii u team lost The Fall City grade basket ball "A" team won with a (core f 39-21. . Jim Bowman i coach. To those who wish to know the new address of Mrs. Junius Ward, it is: 272V West 12th, Eu gene, Or. The Friendship Club met with' Mrs. John Teal Jan. -12, with a pot-luck luncheon which was fol lowed by a business meeting and a social hour. Present were Mrs. James Dick fnson, Mrs. Eva Powers, Mrs. John Gilbert, Mrs. William Po land, Mrs, George Kitchen, Mrs. Flovn lonea, and the hostess. Mrs. Teal. Mrs. Maggie Loftu, the eighth member, is in Klamath Falls. Word received from the Port land Medical School this week, report that out of a freshman class ol seventy-four men, Don Bowman of Falls City, received one of the only 2 "A's" given in the course in "Anatomy. Other I OOF officers invested were Floyd Farlow, recording secretary; Jack Stevens, treasur er; Orville Weaver, warden; Dean Keeney, conductor; Harv. Davis, chaplain; George Ellis, RSNG Richard Anderson, LSNG Charles Jennings, outside guard ian: fred Shives. inside guard ian; Willie Weaver. RSVG: Lyle Moss, RSS; John Woodin. LSS. Other Rebeksh officers In stalled were Mesdames Margaret Ulberg, recording secretary; Fre day Davis, financial secretary; Daisy Weaver, treasurer: Maxine Cox, warden: Verline Teem, con ductor; Norma Wolfe, chaplain. Mesdames Msrie S w a n s o n. RSVG; Rose Marie S waccr. LSVG: Genettie Farlow, outside guardian; Eva Bordune, inside guardian: Estrelyta Mourner, mu sician. Mesdames Pauline Banta and Celeste Pappan. altar bearers: Donna Lutton, RS chaplain; Jane Parsons, LS chaplain: Bernice An derson, LSPNG; Doris Harvey, RSPNG; Vera Cox. flag bearer. Installing officers were district deputy grand master Willie Wea ver and deputy district president Doris Weaver, Lloyd Swanson and May Ingle, deputy marshslls; Mel Ulberg and Gladys Wilson, deputy wardens: Fred Shives and Leora Layton. deputy chaplains: Iola Weaver and Ray Riggs, dep uty secretary; Marie Swanson and Elmer Deaver, deputy treasurers; Mae Cross and Ira Rinker, dep uty inside gusrds. A highlight of the Installation was the presentation of a corsage to the incoming Rebecca Noble Grand Edith Rinker by her great granddaughter, Sally Smith, of irawiordavllle. Entertainment of the evening consisted of severs! musical se lection by Dick Meyer and Walt Saily on the drums and accordion; musical pantomime by Mike Thometz and Trudy Heseman; or gan music by Eltrylta Messmer: and aeveral numbers by the high school girls chorus under the di- DeJong Cows High Producers BALLSTOV Cows belonging to the De Jongs of Ballston led in the Polk county milk produc tion for the month of December. The top producing cows were Clara owned by Jack D Jong, producing (38 pounds of fat, Susie Grade Holstein owned by Dick D Jong 83 pounds of but terfat and Gertie, a Holstein, also owned by Dick De Jong, 78 pounds butter fat The De Jongs are member of the Polk county dairy herd im provement association which is supervised by Dick Hughes. Ballston iWoodburn WCIU To Honor Founders Adult Classes for Ml. Angel Scheduled MT. ANGEL Adult classes' for interested student, teachers, or others who wish to advance them selves will be offered again during in secona semester at Mount An gel Women college, provided a sufficient number register for each course. The following clasaea are sched uled beginning the first week in February: Speech fundamentals by sister nary Margaret, O.S.B., on Tuesdays from 7 to t p.m.; English composition by Sister Mary Berna dette, O.S.B., Wednesday evenings; modern Russia, Sister Mary Alber. ya, O.S.B., Thursday evenings; and ceramics, rrlday evening, under the direction of Mary Joe Alhrisht oi lorvama, wmcn is a continua tion of the first semester course, but open to beginners as well. The ceramics class will arrange an exhibit that will be open to the public the evening of Jan. 29, and during the day, Jan. jo and 31, in the college art room. Mrs. Donald Ferguson drove to Dallas Wednesday afternoon and rection of Mrs. Myrtle Gates. " n. - HMraihmntil Mimmilfu mm. hers were Mrs. Alma Chastain, father, J.- C. March home from the Bartell Hospital. Mr. March waa taken to the home of his son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr, and Mrs. Chauncey Fer guson. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fletcher visited st the C. W. Rysn home Tuesdsy. Mr. and Mr. Ross Bowman were Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin narnnart of Dallas. Mrs. Thomas (Shorty) Smith, wno naa oeen quite ill Is well again. Magnolia Rebekah Lodge, num ber 140, Falls City instslled new officers and their subordinates Wednesday evening, Jan. 13. installation work was done by district deputy Doris Joslin and her staff, Lillian Kitchen, Nell Westbrook, Mildred Wiay, Rheta Strauss, Shirley Dickinson and Ethel Guthridge. . Seated for tha following year were: noble grand, Mrs. Lloyd Ames; vie grand. Mrs. Jamea Roger; secretary, Mrs. Clifford Neel: flnsncial secretary, Mrs. Floyd Nelson: treasurer, Mrs. Ed (Gunds) York. Apointed by Noble Grand: right supporter, of N. G., Mildred Wray; left. Mrs. Andy Gllmore; warden, Mrs. Art Mark; conduct ress, Mrs. Orlo Frink; color hearer, Mrs. Eva Travis: outside guardian. Mrs. Doyle Lorimor; In side, Mrs. Jsmes Hunter; musi cian, Mrs. Richard Murphy; chap lain, Mrs. Clstr C.oodell. Vic grand's appointees were: regulsr supporter. Mrs (nr Kitchen; left, Mrs. Charley Man- CrUII, Kva Travis, Violet Mack and lma Nelson wer In charge of "'""hmenls and plar selling vitills. , Jerry Rowmsn Mrs. Lucille Cogsdill, and Mrs. raye Wllderaon. Hubbard HUBBARD Mrs. Floyd Domin ick was elected president ot the St. Agnes Altar society at the last meeting held in the home of Mrs. C. J. Posllewait with Mrs. E. h. Koenemar. presiding. New vice president is Mrs. John Doubrava with Mrs. Edward Koutnev. secre tory, and Miss Mary Bronec. treas-1 urer, both re-elected New plumbing for the church has been purchased and will be installed as soon as It arrives. A progressive dinner is being planned fur the entire Hubbard par ish by the Altar society Sunday, Jan. 31. The first course will start at 6 p.m., at the Koeneman home, from there to the Dominick home, then to the Mike Bronec home and dessert at the George Grimps home. The Feb. 1 meeting will be at the Koeneman home. Jensen Again Head Of Faith Lutherans ALBANY raith Lutheran cnurcn ai its fourth annual meet ing re-elected Dr. Arne S. Jensen as president for the coming year. Donald Halter was elected to the board of trustees and George rcrry was re-eieciea as deacon. Mrs. Jsmes Griffith was chos en for the board of education ana mrs. iiyai Lreswell was named secretary. netumca to ottice Tor a sec ond year were Paul Noble, trea surer, ana Mrs. Harvey Sclvog, financial secretary. The church council wss au thorized to raise funds for an organ during the year, as the first goal outside of the regular budget BALLSTON Th Ballston Community club met Friday night, Jan. , in th Community hall with th vice-president, Mrs. El win Small, presiding. Mrs. Robert Patty given a vote of thanks for nuking the new curtains for the stage. Mrs. Robert Slovik of Toledo was a recent visitor at th bom of Mr. and Mrs. Charles KadelL Mr., and Mrs. John Hobson have returned bom following two months spent at th home of their children, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Evsn of Mountain View. Calif.. and iir. and Mrs. Ray Hobson of Klamath rails. Mrs. Roma Brown ol Willamina spent seversl days lait week visit ing at the bom of her brother, Joe carroL Mrs. Fred Edson and Mrs. R. H. Brooks spent Tuesday In Sher idan assisting with the cheer pro gram. They have recently helped pack TS boxes of food and clothing for the needy In the area of Sheri dan, Willamina, Buell and Grand Kond. . Mr. and Mrs. J. Manendi liv ing east of Ballston are announc- ing the arrival of i aeven pound son at tneir home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Turner of McCoy are maternal grandparent. Future Teachers in Monmouth Meeting MT. ANGEL Attending th ro gional Future Teacher of Oregon WOOD BURN The regular! n"1" at Monmouth Jan. it, . ,i U....JI. wer 11 members of the local St Z Zl " V. VuTJ , B' rtapter from Mount An- - -""" '""i""-: gel women s college. .K. iui wu neiu rrraay an-. The evening meeting centered moon at the home of Mrs. Fred around two main theme. "Organ Anderson. Mrs. Ivy Doner pre- j iing FTA Clubs in High Schools" sided in the absence of th presi-l nd Cen FTA Do for Be." dent Mr. A. D. S arouse. uoroiny nuoer, ML Angel, wu Plan. . m.a. . h-: eWct1 .chairman of one of the Sweet Home Lincoln Fruitland returned Sun- j "Pi FRUITLAND Mrs. John Shamberger waa hostess to the Fruitland Home Extension Unit at her home for an all day meet ing recently. Mrs. Ads Cooler and Clara Fischer were project leaders for simple home repslrs. Mrs. Shamberger is chairman of this unit. House guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs George Kleen are their daughters, Mrs. J. N. (Grace) Allen of Modesto, Calif., snd Mrs J. F. (Nellie) Huchin LINCOLN The Lincoln Good will club held the January meet ing at the home of Mrs. E. F. McKinney Thursday with Mrs. Loren Swenwnld and Mrs. S. A. Hackett assisting in cerving des sert luncheon. Conducting the brief business session was the president, Mrs. Jefferson Williams. Mrs. H. D. Jlurns led devotionala. Present were special guests Mrs. Joe Camillo and Mary Lynn, Mrs. Chris Ball and Dianne and Loretta Swenwold. Members pres ent were Mrs. Edward Schlegel, Mrs. Franklin Douglas, Mrs. Sar ah Feller, Mrs. H. Wsrd Ash- ford, Mrs. H. J. Neiger, Mrs. Wal ter Brog, Miss Jcannie Smith, Mrs. Lloyd Hoxie, Mrs. Rose Wat kins, Mrs. Robert F. Yungen, Mrs. Lois Crawford. SWEET HOME Bob Brandt. local real estate and insurance agent, aold his business to Don Carlon and Stan Soli here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan Arnold. Mr and Mrs. Alwin Blankenship and Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Evans attended the convention of Churches of Christ and Christian Churches in Eugene last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brandt, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reed, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Whith attended the arson trial of State versus Kermit and Neva Mollitor which was held in Albany. Brand, White and Reed were witnesses aa Sweet Home Volun teer Firemen. Sweet Home Cub Scout Pack No. 31 was well represented in the District Council meeting which was held in Lebanon at the Green Acres school. Those at tending were Cubmaster Roy names, committee Chairman AI Crawford, District Representative Hobart McQueary, Institutional Representative Clifford Dewey and the following Den Mothers; Mesdames Clifford Dewey, Altha Carrol, Ethel Bell Vallad, Bill Reed, Ralph Smith, and Mrs. Hobart McQueary. Willard Moore was surprised by several member, of his family and friends on his birthday an-j niversary last week. Those attend ing were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan Arnold and Sandra, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Reed, and Mr. Alford Arnold and Bobby Smith. The party was at the Moorse residence on Ninth Avenue and Mrs. Moore and her daughters were also present. ' ine (tremens banquet origi nally planned for Jan. 28 was scheduled for Feb. 23 in a recent meeting of the firemen. Bill Reed, Sweet Home build ing inspector, attended a meeting ot ouiiding inspectors in Salem Friday. Plans for the coming Blue and Gold banquet which will be held Feb. S, were completed in a re cent meeting of adult leaders in the Cub Scout Pack No. 31. The meeting was held in the home of Mrs. Ralph Smith on 7th Ave. The Rev. Charles Scott Neville, rector of the Church of the Good Frances Willard and Lillian Ste phens day, founders of the or ganization, at the next meeting, Feb. 20, which will be held at the home of Mrs. S. Nelson with Mrs. Dorothy Smith of Gervai a hostess. . It also was planned to have Rev i nrs. Koxeiia uougiaa of Dallas, formerly of Woodburn, to speak and show picture at a meeting toon. Mrs. Warren Donner wa elected a program chairman for tha month of February. Refreshments were served after the meeting by Mrs. Anderson. sectional group, and Donna Wol fard, Silverton, acted a secretary ut we outer. Pratum PRATUM Pratum Women' Society of Christian Service spon sored a shower for bride-elect mi Nita scbaffer Wednesday night at the home of Mrs. Harold : deVries. After opening of gift! the women spent the evening' nemming aisn towels Jor Must schaffer. Samaritan in Corvallis, was the speaker for this week' meeting of the Sweet Home Woman's club. The Rev. Neville chose for his tipc, "A Brief Look at Our Re ligion.' The pot-luck luncheon meeting wa held in the Community Church, Methodist The Caacadia Community club bad for a speaker Miss Elizabeth von Treuenfels, a native of Schleswig, Hostein, Germany. I Miss von Treuenfels L a national i Grange Youth Exchange student and ia a senior in the Siuslaw high school in Florence. She is a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Welty, of Siltcoos. Mr. and Mra. Jack Saubert at the Cascadia Ranger station had her for their guest at this meeting. 1 1 PMOfts a.a7 50c Till 5:00 Jane Russell Marilyn Monro in "Gentleman Prefer Blondes" Also Bette Davis in 'Tha Star" 0 j NOW PLAYING! n l.T-l J 1 C'l W I Prim this ensxemeat only! f I es. t Inn., adnlu Si. 2. . fHOHg a.aoeo (. I Wok-dajr mat., adulu M. I Children, any tune, M. aasawfrt, Louis de Roclwmont present Tlx man u htj: I JBLJCtXO. (hanged tht Vj I "fl jt,'Br fTH world! rkjjjr mCrJU A MAGNIFICCELTWSas-i MOTION PICTURE FOR OUR TIME ! National Board of Review Selects Martin Lather As One Beit Film of 1953! LOSES FINGERTIP SILVERTON Mrs. Iwls Mcll bye severed the ends of the fingers ol her right hand in ( painful ac cident during th past week. Mrs. Mrllbye waa turning off the motor ol a power mower when the blades caught her hand. NOW SHOWING - OPEN (:4I "JACK SLADE" Mark Steven Dorothy Malone Comedy Co-Hit -"CLIPPED WINGS" Leo Gorcey, Hunt Hall wrt In, or Wolves takr Ihsil roll at (H K this 1..I ,rm h , n P. A (general pairing aver- ''n l- " "" "A '" "" ' Visitor at Installation services of the fteheksh xl., , Mr and Mrs. M V. Wnlvertnn, Mr and Mra Wlillam Mack and Mrs J'Mls i Mover of null., .nd Mrs Guy Travis nf Independence ' ?, ; '. 1 ipris SV j... . , mad, l J I m wftia IMI.I.A WITH DALLAS The Dallas unit W(TU will meet st the home nf Mrs. Helma Henderson, Thurs day, Jan. 21, 2 pm. Itrv. Wil liam Cocik nf the Foursquare (ioapel churrh will he th. apesk er for the allernruiH, siruiding to Mrs W. H. McCormlrk, presi dent nf lh group Dr. R Reynolds Clink HEMORRHOIDS ( Fitiura Fiituta Prolapt Proritii (Itching) Stomach and Colon FREE Descriptive lookta Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic PmUlagnsI NstsnpaU 1144 Crater St . Rale V NOTICE! luy Tout Suburiptien Tkitt Now Im lh CIVIC DRAMA rppTiiia rtaiivML o On Sal st Stevens I Sen Sponsored by Salm 2030 Club Tuesday Lnnch AT NORTH'S kt to (tflKI Stieaeloj (tktr ViRtilMA RAKED HAM IMNSH HANDWICH Whipped Potatoes Cream Gravy Cranherrv Sauce 65C Fowl Raffrie lWHtt.a t4 . . . Try fcalra i sVra rtare a Eat T V tS35" As Much As V: 2 S A L E F Floor SampUs Somt Slightly UtecT SEE THEM AT . . . Heider's T.V. Center 1120 Canttr St. Salem's Finont SaUction of T. V. "30 Year In Salem Foe tK t Sarvko On Any Mak Call 4-5731 LAST DAT- Robert Taylor Deborah Kerr In "QUO VADIS" TARTf TOMORROW LOVE . . ; as Exciting as the Furious Mutiny From tha Adventure . loden Poges ol ,. tho Great Novet " by Ben Amos WitUamsf f ' t.CfusedH ;ScvSr I !w5vv Robert Stewart . Ann i TATLOB GRANGER BLYTH , ItttiST.O'ltoatTfrW.j SILVERTON CENSUS ' SILVERTON In the Silverton chool district No. 4, the census count totals 155. Mrs. Martin Han-1 nan, who ha served aa census; t.lra ln m - W -. ,wi wwiiwcr in years, aup- -i rum uw enure wars wiui only iew neipera, aoing tne entire district in less than three week. I Short Sobleets "WINTER PARADISE" and "LAURENTIAN SPORTS HOLIDAY" Jl Monday, January 18, 1954 $aving Centers ai the loot cf the Bridge West Salem Mile North of the Underpass Salem Open Every Day ... 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. PRICES 600Dt10N.-TUE5.-WED. ORE. NO. 2 DESCHUTES Potatoes 50 -LB. SACK LIMIT 59 Snoboy Navel Home-Toter Bag ORANGES wu,. 49c LIMIT IMPERIAL YALLEY 10 LETTUCE Per Head .LIMIT Sunbill 46-0unce Tin Orange Juice 25 LIMIT HOLIDAY Margarine 4 p,,,ndi 69c 300 SHEETS 19" YES Tissue Pkg. LIMIT HORMEL'S SLICED BACON Mb. Pkg. LIMIT Smoked Pork Loin .. 59c ' Ask the Butcher About LOCKER BEEF OLD-FASHIONED Head Cheese 23 lb. Pork Sausage i. 33' Eastern Oregon Baby IF Pure Ground Beef Chuck Roast Rib Steak 49 1 29c 33c t. 33c -19c Short Ribs