Bfonday, January ig, 1594 THE CAPITAL lOt'PVAT. Salem. Ortvm iw 11 Ft ELE - n D.j:. a Hi MONDAY ON KOIN TV: I:M -o-. Armchair Theatre The Trespasser" starring Dale Evans. Douglas Fowley and Adele Mara. ""101 iie 1 p-nu, Studio One Television comic Jack Carter hat the itar ring role of a bu driver who tirei ol hii humdrum existence and takes to the open road in one of his company's vehicles in "The Runaway." f " and All Shew Grade hatches a plot with Harry Van ZeU to make Harry Morton jealous when Morton be- . . . J" " nl wl " (:J0 pjn, Adolph Menjou vorue .jury 01 me worm Beyond'' about a miserable, filthy cubbyhole serving as hospital ward for three bedridden CI prisoners in Germany. .,?-..I,.UIe L"T Ricky convinces Lucy to let him take care of the baby, but his attention is diverted by TV and surprising things happen in the episode "Ricky Minds the Baby". Lucille BaU ana vch aiuq bust. 1, V&. Steel Hour The Incomparable Tallulah Bank head will appear in her first dramatic role on television in Henrik Ibsen classic play "Hedda Gabler", the powerful psychologies study of an explosive womsn and the msn who stood in her way 11 p.m., .owtime 01 Six "Border Renegtde" starring Alan Ladd and Victor Jory. . MONDAY ON KPTV: What'i Cooking- 10:J Barbara Angell prepares French rolls and Minestrone. This Is The Life, 12:30 'The Jealous Heart" the story shows how "trying to keep up with the Joneses" puts a marriage to its severest test Matinee Theatre, 1 "Queen of the Yukon" starring Charles Bickford, Irene Rich snd June Carlson. Bar Corral, 5:30 Features Heck Harper Serial: "Oregon Trail. Badge 714, 7 A terrifying sionai Kuicr 10 murucr ms wile. Voice of Firestone, 1:30 Operatic soprano, Lois Hunt is guest Robert Montgomery Presents, 0:30 "A Case of Identity" star ring Robert Ellenstein and Florence Anglin. A bizarre, true story of a man accused of crime he knows he never committed. Case occurred in January, 1953, and was the subject of a photo story Jn "Life Magazine." Nite Owl Theatre, 11:01 "Wagons Westward" starring Chester Morris, Anita Louise and Ona Munson. TUESDAY ON KPTV: What's Cooking? 10:30 Barbara prepares savory sauted mush rooms chocolate coconut crispies. Dione Lucas Show, 12:30 Adventures In cooking. Matinee Theatre, 1 "Doomed to Die" starring Boris Karloff, Marjorie Reynolds and Grant Withers. Liberace, 7 Selections include: "Lover," "Greig Medley," "September Song," " Cumana," "Intermezzo," and "The Old Piano Roll Blues." Milton Bcrle Show, 8 Variety show starring Milton Bcrle with guest stars. Fireside Theatre, t 'The Insufferable Woman" starring Wil liam Bakewell and Eve McVeach. Story of an advertising execu tive with theatrical ambitions who has to use the untalented wife of an important client as a lead in an amateur play. Nite Owl Theatre, 11:05 "Skybound" starring Eddie Nugent, Lloyd Hughes and Lona Andre. TUESDAY ON KOtNTV: 3:15 p.m., Armchair Theatre "Faces in the Fog" starring Jane Withers and Paul Kelly. 6:45 p.m, Jane Fro man Show A western dude ranch and can yon trail from the setting as Miss Froman renders "Ridin' High", with the quartet; "Twilight on the Trail", "So in Love", and "Changing Partners". This quartet does "Ricochet" and "Ranch House Square Dance." g:30 p.m., Red Skelton Show Red follows up on his new characterization. Lord Beaverhead, mush-mouthed British news commentator. Red's second skit features Freddy the Free Loafer enjoying the food and comfort of a hospital after being hit by an automobile. v- 9:30 p.m.. Suspense "The Scrap Iron Curtain", documentary drama based on the escape of a small group of Czechs from be hind the Iron Curtain in a homemade armored car, will be pres- ""lb p.m.. Danger "Sudden Shock", a drsma of a conflict be tween a librarian and a self-made writer. ,h..j 11 p.m.. Showtime on Six "Ghost Train," tarring Wilfred Lawson, Richard Murdoch, and Carol Lyn. Killing Responsibility of Ike's Job Given by Aide SOUTH ORANGE, N.J. I Bernard M. Shanley, special coun sel to President Eisenhower, Mon day pointed a word picture of the "killing responsibility" of the President's job. "He is aroused at all hours of the night and bothered at all hours of the day with crisis after crisis from Korea, East Germany, the Middle -East." Shanley told Seton Hail University students in a pre pared address. "The President's main com- Special Sunday School Meetings A special Sunday School con ference for inspiration and in struction in Sunday School prob lems, methods, and activities has neen Diannea oy ine .nin" Missionary Alliance Church. Sf" and Gaines. The contcrence wil he divided into two ic., ''r0vidcs an invaluable chance fori three sessions each. The lirst ( sU(( to over day-, three sessions are scheduled tor . ta,ines in(j -put the pieces to Wednesday through Friday, Jan-1 jness "o P - uary 20 to 22. and the second , -d navv ,tvle napkin three sessions for February 3 to f Kt mptyti "the White ! House Mess," but pointed out to The leader of the conference ; good democratic friends in will be Rev. T. W. Chapman of tn4 audience" that the military Albany. Mr. Chapman is district ,erminoloRy is a carry-over from Sunday school secretary of the ! previous administrations. Christian and Missionary Alii- Alter morning meetings at 0 30 ance covering the three states of ; a m. and noon each day ol the Oregon. Idaho, and Washington. , veek are over. Shanley said. He is also a Sunday school con- i visitors, meetings with congress fcrence speaker and leader forlmen, meetings with staff mem the National Sunday Schoof as- bers. swearing-in cereminics. bill sociation of Chicago. The con- jjgning ceremonies, decorating ference will feature messages by heroes, meetincs with associations Mr. Chapman, discussion, open j and groups of every description. 1 1 ;n.... 1 ,..nkMn with staff mem- Rev. Psul W. Gufither. nastnr nf ka fktitvh wrllt mmAm All nessioni will be oppfi the public. to NOR B LAD RECOMMENDS BANKS P. M. I WASHINGTON (JP Appointment ) of William Crxrwther as postinasterj at Banks, Ore., has been recom mended by Rep. Walter Norblad iR-Ore. I ORANGE ".-sTA.FM FLAVOR ACCURATC Ml CHIIOW" DOSASE DfOWl mm. t mm W for cMUrwa. w. VlEWS t.i derision P P" liracie an extended visit Adolph Menjou nsrrates the fa story of a man who hired a profesj plaint is that we don't give him enough time to think, as he puts it." Shanley said. "Finally we had to set aside a half an hour in the morning and the same time in tne afternoon, in order to give the President the time he requires. "Just Imagine the President with the problems he has on his mind having to beg for an hour's time in all during the day to think. This terrific schedule goes on un til six o'clock at night with never a day without a crisis. No one will ever die of monotony." Shnnley, who is No. 2 man on the White House staff behind chief assistant Sherman Adams, said: "The day starts at eight or be fore as the President arrives in his office about that time." he said. "It is heralded by a buzzer which is similar to reveille at West Point." He said about 100 papers re auire the President's signature i . . i a taff meeting is held at .:. 1m "mess ' k.,. notentaties. ambassadors. advisors and conRres?men. ne "Evenings, he added, "are often' taken up with form1 dinners, and many nights are spent on the writing oi speeches. Zemo Great For KchySkin Rash Ztmx dMtor'i formula, prompt If reltrwe HcJiihb M tori ace kit rar"-N rrirttu, fiickij heu aiblrtf'o 7.tmw )tp tcrstr hint spiI j r..esr nanns ins e"' " - healing n4 ck-anng. nut cstrm On Television KPTV (27).KOIN-TV(6) UHF , VHP Does TV Hurt Your Eyes? THY HOFFMAN PHONE 2-111 2301 Fairgrawdi R4. Volley TV Center Sales Service - ImtaUatioa Open Till t P. M. DaUy Sunday from lUtP.M. MONDAY , la-at . a. rm-Dtna Dene akheel BU K1TV-What'a Cookl&ft lt:U KPTV-Wh,t Cooklnart KOIN BrilbMr Da? H:t KPTV Ha wkltu PsUb - KOIN It HI If KltH 11:11 .. KPTV J SUM U Hum a.. KPTV Friend at Ptniij -il KPTV Frwmd of raailj KniM m.....i 11:0 aoon KPTV Brtoi .ntt Oroott KOIN-BU Ft,yoft 11.11 p.m. KPTV Th Bennetts KOIM-Bit rrif U:St pm. KPTV-Tbu la tht Ufa KOIN Bob Cross? VM p.m. KPTV-Matlna Thuur KOIN Lot of Ufa l:U B B. KPTV-llftUOM KOIN-ftrcii Tonorra 1:1 rPTV Mat ion KOIN Ouldlnt LUbt M p.m. KPTV Ma tinea KOIN Vailcni Lap 100 p.m. KPTV Ma tinea KOIN Doubla NotblDi U P-m. KPTV on Yonr Account KOIN-Btriki u Rich I H p.m. KPTV Kia Bmltb KOIN Omrrp Uoor p.m. KPTV Katt amllh KOIN Armchftir Tbtitat 4:00 p.m. KPTV Welcomt Travclcri KOIN Armchair Tbattac 4:M p m. KPTV-ToTmakar KOIN Mr. Uoon : p.m. KPTV Tor maker KOIN Cartoon Ttaa ... . , :M p.m. KPTV Howdy DoodT KOIN Saddle PU 1:1 p.m. KPTV Bar 21 Corral KOIN Laurel and Hardy 4 M p.m. KPTV Wild Bill Hkkok KOIN MUter WeathermaB ;1 p.m. KPTV-Wild Bill Hick ok KOIN Phot) Quit J P.m. KPTV Mill Knda KOIN Doue Edward! I ll p.m. KPTV World On View KOIN Oreateit Drama 1:N p.m. KPTV World en Via KOIN Studio Ona 1:M p.m. KPTV Arthur Murray Dane KOIN Btudlo Ona t: p.m. KPTV Newa Caravaa KOIN Studio On' 1:00 P.m. KPTV Name Tnat Tuna KOIN Burn and Allen 1:10 p.m. KPTV Volet of Plrutono roIN Adolph Menjou 1:00 p.m. KPTV Dennla Day KOTW-I Lov Lucy t JO p.m. KPTV Robert MoDttomery srriTM di 10:00 p.m. KPTV Robert Monttomarr KOIN TI 1 ).) Un.. 10:30 p.m. KPTV Talent Patrol KOIN Talent Patrol 11:M P.m. KPTV ink Hour Newi 11:01 p.m. XTTV Kit Owl Theater TELEVISION Sales Service Installations MITCHELL RADIO & TV 1880 STATE ST. PH. J-7577 TUESDAY 1:00 a.m. KPTV Dim Donr Bchool -30 a.m. KPTV What' Cooking 0:45 a.m. KPTV Whafi Cooklai KOIN Bpotlllhl Revua 1:00 a.m. KPTV Hark in Palla KOIN KOIN Kitchen 1:1S a.m. KPTV 3 81cm to Heaven KOIN KOIN Kitchen I; JO a.m. KPTV Friend ol Pamlly KOIN KOIN Kitchen 1:4) a.m. KPTV Friend of Family KOIN Newireel I 00 noon KPTV Bride and Oroom KOIN Big Payoff KOIN Bti Payoff M0 p.m. KPTV Diona Lucaa ho KOIN Bob Croiby 1:00 p.m. KPTV Ma tinea flhow KOIN Lova of Ufa 1 : It p.m. KPTV Matinee KOIN Search Tomorrow 1:)0 p.m. KPTV Matinee KOIN Ou id ins, Lllbt I: p.m. KPTV M a tinea rom Valient Lady 1:00 p.m. KPTV Maitnet Theater KOIN Oarry Moora Show 1:30 p.m. KPTV On Your Account KOIN Strike It Rico. 1:00 p m. KPTV Kate Smith KOIN Carrr Moor 1:11 pm. KPTV Kate Smith KOIN Armchair Theater 1:00 p m. KPTV Welcome Traeelera KOIN Armchair Theater 4:10 p.m. KPTV The Toymaker KOIN Mr. Moon 4:41 p.m. KPTV The Tormaker KOIN Cartoon Time 1:00 p.m. KPTV Howdy Doodr rOIN Baddle Pali t SO p.m. rPTV Bar 3? Corral KOIN-ddlt Pali 1:00 p m. KPTV TBA KOIN Muter Weathermaa 1 11 p.m. KPTV Telanewe Weekly KOIN Photo Qute I p m KPTV fttranea Adventure KOIN Douc Edwardi News I IS p.m. KPTV world on View KOIN Jina Proman Bho 7 00 p m. KPTV Liberace KOIN Ranca Rider Why Suffer Any Longer When other fall, um our Chlnett remedle. A ma tne turcesa for WOO veara tn China. No matter with what ailment i you are af flicted, dlaordera, alnualtls, heart, luniti. liver, kidneyi. ffai. ronatU pat ion, ulren. dlatsete. rheuma tism, nail and bladder fever. kin. female) complaint CHARLIE CHAN Chinese Hern C Office Hra. t to S rue A Sat. only 2M N. Com. Phone J-IM0 SALEM. ORE. Do TV Prices Have You Worried? Hit STREAMLINED i iu in W mm9 i.i .J i . f .- . " ' ' . , ., fc.Ja .was est. ietsssaea Automotive glamor is evident In tne streamlined styling and low silhouette of this 1854 Oldsmobile Super "88" Holiday coupe. With a road height of only 59 inches, the Super fW" Holiday offers the ultimate in luxury and ultra-modern design. The chassis has been completely redesigned to assure adequate road clearance. The panoramic windshield, inspired by cus tom s ports ear styling, provides full forward yision without any obstructing cornerposts. A graceful dip in the body belt line where it meets the door opening is another sports car flair. Total glass area is 221 sq. in. greater than the comparable 1953 model. The low contour hood covers a more powerful 185-h.p. "Rocket" engine with 8.25 to 1 compression ratio. Hydra-Matie Drive, power steering, power brakes, are optional. 1 l s.m. KFTV D1u ftfcort KOIN DlD.ll Bhort t: p al. KPTV New. Clinu S;00 .a. KPTV Mtltoa Brk KOIN wiiert. R.rmeiidf :N . KPTV Milton B.H. KOIN Rt4 Skrlton S:W 9 M. KPTV-nruldi Ttn.Kl KOIN Ctpturtd l:IS p.m. KPTV-Clrcti TbttUr roiN auipcBM IS:S p.m. KPTV Judxt For TourMlt KOIN D.nter lt;3 p m. KPTV Bl meters KOIN U.kt Room tor Daddr ll:st pm. rpTV-ri.r' nit, KOIN Sliowtlmo on au U:l p.m. KPTV Weotli.r Von. 11 1 p.m. KPTV-NIU 01 TUoUr TV TROUBLES? Technicians on Duty Till 9:30 pJO. Dally TELEVISION SERVICE Co. 1410 S.Uth Ph. 45511 Atomic Fuel for Nuclear Reactor WASHINGTON W - The Atomic Energy Commission Monday ap proved use of atomic fuel for a low-powered nuclear reactor to be built at Pennsylvania State Unb veraity. AEC said the "swimming pool" reactor so called because its uranium fuel is suspended In a pool of water to shield radiation will be constructed on the Perm State campus for research and student training. School funds will pay for its estimated $250,000 to $300,000 building cost. AEC said experience since 1952 with a tCst "swimming pool" re actor at Oak Ridge national lab oratory has shown that "this type of reactor is inexpensive, safe toi operate and easy to maintain." j WIDOW OF ITALIAN I WAR HERO DIES j GARDONE RIVIERA, Italy Wl j Maria D'Annunzio, 94, princess ! of Montenevoso and widow of It- j aly's World War I poet-soldier , hero, Cabrielle D'Annunzio, died' at her home here Monday. Getting Up Nights U WOTTiea tjj too irvftarnt, sfurauiK mm Itrblat arlDitlen, Otttlnf Dp NltBti, ( Btccschc. Prrnuri Tir BUdJr, r Btronc Cloud? UMn. dot t ntaer Kldntf tnd BlRrtdrr Irrttttlort. ttk your druiilit bout U'U1 prompt, pllititlTf rellff from CY8TKX. 00 million CY8TXX tRbletf tjiM In put 2f T prort Jifctf ad tuctiu. ! Don't Waut) time. AJk elrufrllt fJt ! YSTKX udtf vootr-toMk funrutM. More Comfort Wtarinq FALSE TEETH Here li t pie writ wy to wreoaw Ioom plat dtocomrort. f ASTKTH, tn improved povdr, spnnkltKl on upper and lowrr plates Holds tnrm firmer so that the? '1 mora com lonabla. No f-ummy, eooey. pasty taste or ftellrm. Its alkallna (nos actdi. Does not sour. Cbecka plat odor"' idrntiirt breath). Oet TAB' '1EI.TM today at any drug counur. Thousands With Insomnia SHiHL? Sound All Night-Awoke Fresh Users of new safe Dormtn Sletpmf Cspaules have found as you cm blessed sound steep. Dorm in has been clinically tested for safety and is tuaranteed non-habit forming. The world of medicine procreates so why tolerate a sleepiest night that makes you tired and worn out tht nest day. Now for only 6Nie per capsule you can find the rest you want. Dormtn cost but $1 25 for 3ft capsules so safe no prescript ton ia needed and Dormm mutt help you of your money backi Accept no substitute. Ther No Sub$titutj For D0.1FMJ SLEEPING CAPSULES Trader Louie will solve jroor problem with ease so that yea can own a beau tiful new . . . . Raytheon- Practically Anything Taken In Trade TRADER LOUIE Una Ave. Phone 1 MSI OLDSMOBILE SUPER 'Mac' Violated Law, Says Paper TOKYO 11 The newspaper Sangyo Keizai said Monday Gen. Douglas MacArthur used Japan ese Coast Guard minesweepers in his Korean War landing opera tion at Wonsan, North Korea, on Oct. 3t, 1950. Sangyo Keizai cuoted a former . top commander of the Japanese j Coast Guard as saying he feels it "violated international law." The Japanese constitution re ! nouncea war. ! The national daily with about one million circulation, said the incident has been kept secret and NEW EXPANDED TV AND Oregon's Largest and Finest Equipped. This la the Serv ice Department for Holder's Solos Outlets located at 1120 Cantor SL. 428 Court St and 395 N. High St. Helder'a hare been In Salem for over 30 years. (Adv.) ''aWsMMMgaWsiaMsMsMsMsMM i Reg. $1.00 Evening in Paris LIPSTICK Brilliant, Ruby, Celebration Pink, or Cerise Shades $1.69 Set of 3 Pair Adult or (hilds Snap Lock Trouser Creasers Trousers Dry Perfectly Created Reg. 79e Hair Brush Hill lowuj 49c 49c Kolynos Toothpaste 2 69c 25c My Te Fine Fruit Cocktail 16 oi. Tin IB Hjtt Ret It . . "88" HOLIDAY all members of the Coast Guard were told to say nothing. The paper said a memorial was dedicated in June, 1951, to one Coast Guard man ImIIjmI in ih operation. Sangyo Keiial said MacArlhur asked the Japanese Coast Guard to sween mine, 'n Wmtl. D ... (or the U.S. Marines' amphibious operation. - . - After champagne is bottled, it develops an unpleasant sediment which is removed by collecting it in the neck of the bottle and then freezing the wine in the neck, removing the cork and part of the frozen wine and then re placing the cork. . . CAR 1 TRUCK RENTALS 394 North Church Phone 3-9600 RADIO SERVICE SHOP 2 ,.,99 3 p, 99 15c Nexemo Skin Cream n- 59c $3.95 Electric Heat Pad 6 for $100 limit Sh 1 OP. r w 1 111 M iftP! i I linC IVfl I irC WIMJ I Amfl VUIJ Go on Display Presenting the most advanced styling and Important mechani cal changes In recent years. Olds SiobUe's 1954 models go on dis play January 20 at Oldsmobile dealers throughout the country. "The new Olds mobiles set a styling trend for low smart Hum coupled with interior luxury and engineering improvements,' ac cording to J. F. Wolfram, general manager of Oldsmobile Division and vice president of General Motors. "These 1054 ears precedent in several resnMt style, road-hugging chassis, sym metry and line road perform ance comDinea witn economy." The new models, "W, Super 88" and "98 '. are a full ihn. inches lower than their predeces sors without sacrificing ground clearance. They feature such sweeping changes as an all new ; body by Fisher, a new wide, wrap-' iuuiiu, panoramic winasnield. new sweep-cut fender and door design and man; other styling innovations. Oldsmobile will nresent eleven models in three serKs for 1954. The sensational new Super "88" models will include a two-door and four-door sedan, Holiday coupe and convertible. The pop ular "88" series will feature a new model this year the Holi- MAICO HEARING SERVICE OF SALEM a Hearing aids in ail price ranges Accepted by American Medical Associa tion Free trial to present hearing aid users Free service within 23 miles of Salem SEE FLOYD BENNETT MAICO HEARING SERVICE of Salem SENATOR HOTEL BLDG. (Permanent Office on Mezzanine) OFFICE OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY 9A.M.to3P.M. Call Do You Live The slightest slip due to ii error in many professions. . i nan why regular eye ex aminations are essential. ' , USE YOUR CREDIT AND OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN i Optomttriitt At Sarins Optical Corner Or. E. B. Bertae- I Free Parkins' paeo $1.25 Balm Birr Hair-Do Spray Hair Net Now Only 69 Plus Tax Jut prest the button end sptoy Ktpt your wo"" ln 0,1 Ttilttry Stttinu Reg. $1.00 Barbara Gould "All Aglow" MAKE UP Letts all doy, end gives you that natural look. ' Six assorted shades. 79c Value PLASTIC Long wearing, easy to clean plastic. Assorted patterns and colors. 39c Certified MILK of MAGNESIA Helps relieve heartburn and Indigestion due to excess acidity. Pleasant tatting and palatable. FRED MEYER DXUG fkffM'PV51' Drugs Wt Rete rve the Right 'day hsrf top v twe-door and four-doc Id dan. In the luxurious "98" series, which will be available in carry reoruary, are the four-door se dan, the DeLuxe Holiday coupe, the Holiday coupe, and Start ire, I special and ultra-glamorous con vertible coupe. Cicero maintained a villa at the foot of Mt. Vesuvius. LEE BROS. . Furniture Refinlshing if WE MAKE 'EM I LOOK NEW! e DESKS e TABLES e CHESTS - CHAIRS AILWeeden Firnitore Repaired Reflnished Burnt and spots removed All WORK GUARANTEED Phona 2-7001 4020 State St. , Salem 2-0702 Floyd Bennett By Your Eyes? faulty vision can mean costly 12th at Center yeor doy- 49' APRON 33 29' pi. to Limit Quantities Or. Saan sense Ti ifM ins Rn m witita J