Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 18, 1954, Page 14, Image 14

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    Par n
Monday. January IS. 1954
! . ..,.. , HM
Milk One Cent
Lower in Eugene
EUGENE Ul Milk win cost
one cent quart lea beginning
Feb. 1, Eugene producers and dis
tnbutori derided feturday.
The reduction, which would result
in milk costing 23 cents in stores
and 23 Vx cents per quart when
delivered at home, was urged by
William Weidel. stale milk market'
Ing administrator.
Weidel said the present price
"reflects unfavorably against the
marketing administration and the
industry." The state established
minimum for this area u 22 to
cents a quart in stores and 23
cents for borne delivered.
If the reduced price works a
hardship on the producers and
distributors, they can ask a hearing
on having the price increased,
Weidel said.
AUMSVILLE This dump truck driven by Hubert DeLapp of
Salem lost a rear wheel on Highway 22 just east of Aumsvillc
Thursday with above results. Truck skidded, overturned end
broke off a utility pole. DeLapp walked away with only scratches
and bruises.
Secret Committee to
Tackle Memorial Job
The City of Salem is again tack
ling the problem of what to do with
the fund left by the late Carroll
Moores to give the city a memorial
to Oregon pioneers.
This time it is being done through
the medium of a committee ap-
Ejinted secretely by Mayor Al
oucks, and identity of which the
mayor says is going to remain
Ml. Angel Aids
Dimes March
MT. ANGEL Don Orange has
been named campaign chairman
to head the IBM March of Dimes
drive, which is under the spon
sorship of the ML' Angel Busi
ness Men's club.
Contributions to the Polio fund
may be left at any business es
tablishment, where "test tubes'l
replace the traditional iron lung.
The American - Legion Aux
iliary will raise funds for their
contribution by holding an auc
tion at the unit meeting.
Members of the Young People's
Sodality of St Mary's pariah will
be In charge of the house can
vass by conducting a "Mother's
March,' Thursday evening, Jan.
Mr. and Mn. Ted Lacy of the
Mt. Aiiael Bakery are helping to
raise funds with their "March of
Dime" sake. The peraoq who
ttU fiMi nearest toe amount of
money wnien win aecorace tne
-Marco of iiimet' ' oenent eaae
on Feb. 1, at the Ml. Angel bak
ery, will be given a crisp new
two dollar bill anil five silver
dimes, and the second prize will
be a $1.75 decorated cake, which
the winner may order any time
when he or she has an occasion
to use it
Everyone is invited to help dec
orate the cake with money of
any site.
All the money will go to the
Polio fund.
secret. All the mayor will say is
that it is a five-member commit
tee. The committee was appointed a
week ago and has had one meet
ing. All that has leaked out is
that there is talk a nationwide
contest might be set going to ar
rive at something that would be
suitable as a pioneer memorial.
The experiences of two previous
committees haven't been such that
make membership on the commit
tee an enviable job. The first,
appointed by former Mayor R. L.
Elfstrom. was Chandler Brown,
David Duniway and Carroll Meeks.
It asked the public for suggestions
and the public came up with about
IS, and a suggestion that the me
morial be original statuary created
for the purpose was given top rat
ing, but nothing came of it.
Then a second committee took
over, one appointed by Pioneer
Trust Fund, which is custodian of
the Moores fund, and two by the
mayor. This committtee was
Chandler Brown, Pietro Belluschi
the architect, and Charles A.
Sprague. It came up with a rec
ommendatoin that the fund be used
to buy Auguste Renoir's Venus
Victoneuse in the original, which
was available. Public reaction
against it was so severe the proj
ect was dropped.
The Moores fund now amounts to
about $33,000.
Wafer Rates
(Continued from 7K 11
Urn County Pays
For Slain Steep
Linn county sheep, I
Junior Red Cross
At Dallas Honored
DALLAS Members of the
Junior Red Cross at Dallas ju
nior high school have received
special commendation for their
Christmas project for the Veter
ans hospital at Roseburg, accord
ing to a letter received by Mrs.
E. B. Hamilton, Polk county
chairman (or the Junior Red
Cross work
goat and poultry owners who suf-
icred losses from killer dogs dur
ing 1953 will receive with few
exceptions full compensation for
their claimed losses for the first
time in many years
More than 100 st.-av does were
killed by Pete Feidier. countv
uug oiucer, during the year
throughout the county. Killing
of the wandering dogs, County
Clerk R. M. Russell noted, had
much to do with keeping down
losses. The court has allowed a
"Water supply and sewage dis
posal are the two most expensive
services expected in a newly an
nexed area, and are usually the
most pressing needs of the area.
Increase of the size of the city
will result in increased load on
all the other city functions such
as police and fire protection,
parks, recreation, library, etc.
"The essential services and
protections would be furnished
at once but increase in the ex
pense can usually be more gra
dual and can be offset to some
extent by increasing the amount
of taxable property by which
these services are supported. Ex
tension of the sewane system
into a new area must be financed
out of funds available far this
purpose. Extension ot the water
system must be financed out of
operating profits of the Water
Department. It is lelt mat tnese
two services should be financed
on a pay-as-you-go basis, by in
creasing the funds available for
these purposes and without re
sorting to special levies or bend
issues, except for large capital
improvements. It is also felt
that it is not realistic now to
require iew areas to provide
water and sewer at their own
expense. Such a burden wouia
probably defeat tne annexation
movement to the detriment of
both the city and suburban area.
Regardless of precedent, how
ever, any existing utility should
be transferred to the city with
out cost In the Water Depart
ment particularly the water sys
tem must be self-supporting and
should charge such rates as are
necessary to be able to extend
into a new area where service
is demanded, the same as any
other, utility. .
"In consideration of the fore
going observations, the follow-
ling recommendations are made:
I. that petitions for annexa.
Abductors Face
Kidnap Count
EUGENE lit Police rescued
Bobby Calvin Roberts, a 15-year-
old service station attendant, one
hour after be had been abducted
by a robber Saturday.
The car carrying Roberts. Robert
Lee Morris, 32. Florence, and
Charles Roland Kibbe. 27, Eugene,
was stopped by state police at
Corvallis after an unidentified wit
ness reported that the car driving
north on the highway and that
something apparently was wrong.
The boy said Morris took $52 50
from the service station alter
threatening him with a pistol.
Morris was booked on a charge
of armed robbery and kidnaping.
Kibbe. who Sgt. Vera Hill said took
no part in the affair, was booked
on a charge of being drunk on i
public highway.
Mrs. McHargue Is
Division Supervisor
Mrs. Ruth T. McHargue has
been appointed supervisor of the
obstetric division of Salem Gen
eral Hospital which will be in
full operation in the new build
ing about Febn"rv I. and her as
sistant will be Mrs. Elmers Rich
The appointments were announ
ced Sunday by Miss Lillian Mc
Donald, superintendent of Salem
General, during an open house
when more than 2000 persons
were shown the rooms snd fa
cilities of the new wins' that is
to be devoted to obstetrics and
The new bulldjng, first unit of
what is planned ultimately to be
a complete three-wing hospital, is
three stories of ultra-modern
equipment and convenience.
over 600 e l. of water used and
eliminate flat rate.
"(c) Increase the sewer service
charge for water user who is on
flat rate for water, from the
(ion should be signed by at least established flate rate of 75 cents
fifty per cent of the resident to a flat rate commensurate with
prope'ly owners in the area.
"2. That upon receipt of a
petition for annexation, it should
be passed upon by the Planning
and Zoning Commission as to
whether it is a logical addition
to the city, as to whether its size
und shape are such as to make
it the most practical unit in the
general area involved, and as to
whether its boundaries conform
the use of the sewer.
"(d) Apply and enforce the
present regulations and schedule
of fees for the sewer user who
obtains only part, or none of his
water supply from the municipal
(e) Increase the sewer con
nection fee, which covers only
the permit and inspection, to an
amount which will also cover the
cost of a portion of the lateral
sewer. Revenue from this source
will come to a large extent from
the newly annexed areas since
taking baskets of fruit, small
Christmas trees and other gills
to patients at the Dallas hospital
and the Kvans nursing home.
Hospital Tests Provg
give speedy relief from
Alto Greater East in Moving!
If yrju sulTcr Rftonizlng
pain from arthritis
rub on Mustrrole. It
brings spmiy loiig-Lnat-tug
rthet and greater in moving. He. pi
tai trail mov Una so. i
Must role's highly stimulating.
pinrrllrving mrdieutum crealra
ncrdrd vonv? nlratrH hrat nchl
lirre you hurt You can nx it
mrfc If your pain t tmmv-buy
Kura Strong Mustrrole
to a reasonable pattern for ex
tols, of $2,492.75 of the $2,559.75 l tension of the city boundaries,
claimed, lopping off only a total , -3. That the City Adminis-
01 rrom tne claim total. I trator should make a reoort to , ILI ;:;L iv: - "a"; "
1 '.I J48 Claims !f heep thj? tity Council as to the feai-jbeP o( new connections will be
loses, 19 for goats and 181 for bility of providing city services j made.
inuiury lows, were presentea. to tne area, estimates 01 costs. -That oneratina revenues of
Miggesi sing e claim paid was special problems involved, and the Water Department, based on
receivca ny iiienn r. and w. J. . financial ability of the city to
ifT"; i.k1 ,.H,,,e',, ,rnvi(,c ,ne required services. m6i be incroascd. An increase
eluding 17 lambs and one ewe, ,.4 Th, , ,h f .hi. .m.,, i. ,:j .
only to Iinance water distribu
tion in new areas, but is "also re-
quired to place the Water De
partment on a sound operating
as to whether the annexation is program and to provide for debt
lU'Hirauie and as to whether thelserviic tor large expenditures
city is capable at that time of . which must soon be made to in
furnlshinR the services required ' crease the supply of water in the
tor the area. I city. Annexations Jo the city
".Y That an area, upon ac-1 Wll naturally hasten the day
ceptance. he treated the same as hFn lh, present supply is in-
The members mad. Christmas "Xwed 18u Ita Wool b' """'" V Cou-
ivers (or the hospital and also " Drested a U0 dl in ,he liRnt of ,he plnninl
irried out a local thristn i i,!Trf l al"1 z,",inS Commissions and
rniect (or Junior Red Cross, by i;ff"J?v f J K City Administrator's report
the heaviest poultry claimant.
Hit claim was allowed in full.
any other part of the city and
that no special assessments be
made for improvements in the
area, other than those applying
to all parts of the city.
"ft. That additional funds be
Or 1 . I Last. II D Ot O Cnan. H D
I'mtalrm U Wlh (.iberty
Off sQ tf.trJ Mir It Sua
t) n, t t ta CnatmltsUMi
HIM pmniff snfl irint tr
re chsrtf rrsrue onr 1111
Writ fat ttrcm tin N all-tsttoa
Presbyterian Group
Meets at Mill City
I MUX CITY- The Presbyterian
Womens Assnciatum held their
business meeting Wednesday at
the home o( Mrs. James Swan,
president o( the croon.
i Mam business of the afternoon m'Ae available immediately for
was the appointment of the pro- iwa,,'r "G rrr " "Hi-
gram committee (or this year to "m" h,1(,w- 10 c,r ,,,r ,hp n(,,',,!1
outline the vear's work ! ,n"' vmrnX city, as well as
General chairman is Mrs. Swan'',!? ,)T"' "';'"
assisted by Mrs. Noble Mrceler, I r ,u,urP boi,,IW ,ur( ol ,hf
secretary o( Youth fellowship,. y"
Mrs. W. W. Allen, world service i "' Increase the residential
leader, Mrs. Ilaiph Knui:h, seere- sewer service charge,
tary of spiritual life. t "(b Increase the commercial
New olfirers elected at the last jbase rate, and apply the present
meeting to be installed at the ' rate of OS per 100 c f fur excess
next meeting are president, Mrs. "
James Swan: ice president, Mrs.
C R Mnsiin: corresponding, sec
retary, Mrs. Altha Crimes: re
cording secretary. Miss Paisy
j Members present were: Mrs
dames Floyd Jones, Mel Robin
son. Cora Goodman, James Swan,
Ralph Fough, Ida Geddes, Fred
Duffy, C. E. Mason, Noble Street
er. Altha Grimes. Floyd Fleet
wood and Miss Daisy Geddes
Here's what thousands of doctors
have prescribed for roughs of rolds
. . . fast-acting, plraant-tasting
PKRTTSSIN. it works internally;
loosens stirlfy phlegm; and thua
"break-up" roughing apells.
grand for all the family! rV
Get rtlfef with
SHtWM mill Iti cat attrf .-ar of (imp
Kkt. NrHiU't Mil" r1, - mlvivrd,
tf v kmt rw.ln., ftths, Otruna W II Mt H V
M HI. HO . lrwnk. 1. mnn Vm Hwl
in ( mil ii 10. pin rVl
rwrnmriilh rt1iwTl Pm ct lo iufofai,
itiSirtf mla llnrwirrrli tVlr
lfw e-..tiSr t lf !! 'ss nwrW "lf
pwttm v. rj. in jgMMijl nbt I
Salem Chiropractic
Dr. J. L.
Nerve and Rone
Phone 2 6820 Tor Appointment
Hours 9 - 6 Dally - Sot A. M. Only
1225 S. Commercial
Medium rp ff
Size ZD)
Mild and
kind to
your Hands
Mrs. Wright's
Whtot "OOT
Town House Brand
NoHirM 46-OX.
Parade Delergenl 59c liZ 29c
Soap Tide 'IZ: 67c 29c
Oxydol Delergenl ftr 67c VT 29c
'Soap, While King 4JK 53c 25c
Cheer Delergenl VS! 67c' 29c
Ivory Snow Soap
ivory Flakes
Lux Flakes '
DuzSoap Vt 65c 55- 25c
While Magic Soap PiV.01 45c rkV."" 23c
White Magic Bleach Quart '
(lorox Bleach
Purex Bleach
Paste Products Porte"
Bisquick For Biscuit
Fleet Mix For Biscuit
Pillsbury Cake Mixes
Wesson Oil
Cherub Milk
Skippy Peanut Butter
May Day Oil
Cottage Cheese Blossom Time
ox. Pkf.
os. Pkf.
Gropofruit H" 8 g 55c
Bosc Pears
Fresh Parsnips
Snow While
3 lbs.
Grand Flavor
U.S. No. 1 Premium
U.S. No. 1 Economy
U.S. No. 1 Waldorf
b 17c
ib. 10c
io ibs. 49c
io lbs. 35c
25 lbs. 87C
California Navels
Rich with Juice
Florida Beauties
Pineapple Variety
Round Steak
Top government grades of beef
Plenty of good eating for your money
Plote-Cut from
top grades of beef
Fancy - Cugar Cured
4 to 8 Pounds
Sirloin Tip Steak
Boneless Beef Stew
Ground Beef Pun ,nd LMn
Fresh Oysters
Salmon Steaks Pan
Fillet oi Sole
Select Sites
Bumble Bee
Beet Sugar
10 lbs. 25 Ibs. 50 Ibs.
97c $2.33 $4.65
id, Z-lh
U7V r
1 venire
Luncheon Meat
ST 39c 43c
Prices Effective Thru Wednesday, Jan. 20
oi. Jar 45C
.b. 98c
,h. 69c
.b. 39c
Pint 59c
ih. 59c
ib. 39c