Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 16, 1954, Page 9, Image 9

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SaJem, Oregon. Saturday,
. 1Af.ter brushing the mow off my typewriter and notes. I find
Jl 2?i.,Ultf JTk ta bowI,n- BiRt new. of the week wu
the night enjoyed by everyone in the Majors Wednesday nil. Out
01 156 games bowled, 52 were over 200 and there were 11 800 series.
Biggest effort of the evening wu turned ia by Dune Cask
Ban s Marten Hotel ft Car Parks team as they all bat blistered
the alleys turning in a 4277 series after opening up with a
1165 game, both of which were high for the evening of the
season. Lesdini the attack was Duaae with M, closely sup
ported by Dick Morris with 808 and Harvej Page with 802.
Their game and series erases the old marks of 1162 aad 4167
act only last week by Brennan Tree Service.
Almost unnoticed bv the rest of
the bowlers was Gardner Grocery
who clinched the first half pen
nant by turning back Gerlinger
Carrior Co. 3 to 2 in spite of the
828 by Dean Henderson. Gard
ner's won -the bunting by one
game of the Car Park outfit Big
guns for the Grocerymen were
Tony Prudente with 858 and Bob
Ryan with 828. Gardner's hit for
1151 and 4215 for the evening and
also turned in the high scratch
game and John Glodt checked in
with a 285 to lead single game
efforts, both dark men automa
tically qualifying for the 260 club.
Steadiest bowler of the week
Is the tall thin man from Bine
Lake, Bob "I'm nsing a new
four step approach and do I
love it" Langhoff. Bob shot
games of 208-201-201 for 61
Monday nite and Uien fired
222-202-205 for 831 Wednesday
aite for 1 Bice strinoof seven
Is good la any league. Consistancy is the trademark of a good
bowler and It looks to as like Bob has made the grade.
$ther maximum efforts for the week were Mike McFarlane in
the Classic with 634; Dean Henderson with 619 in the same league;
John Bone of West Salem Machinery joined the carbon copy club
with his 189 triplicate series; Salem Hardware in the same league
almost joining the club as a team when they fired games of 844-844-845.
Willie West was the dog who got too many pins with his
last ball in order to get his team out of the rut Bib Eckstrom
finishing fast for 807 in the University Commercial No. 1; Gertie
Carr shooting a stairstep, almost, as she rolled games of 122, 121,
123 for a 366 series. Big counts for the Majors were turned in
by Tony Prudente 856; Benn Valdez 840; Bob Langhoff 833: Bob
Ryan 828; Dean Henderson 828; Ed Logan 816; Larry Oslund 814;
Duane Cushman 809; Dick Morris 808; Ev Clark 806; and Harvey
Page with 802.
Winning the mixed doubles at the U-Bowl Sunday night were
Edna Hopfinger and Bert Carr with 1170 for 810.40 Xsy and Ed
Krejci with 1163 for $6.00 and Gertie Carr and Jack Hopfinger with
1134 for (4.00 Receiving the booby prize (it must hav been for
terrific shooting) were Ellie Luti and Lee Morris who received
three free lines of bowling from the house for their efforts. Kay
Krepci led the gals with 532 and Art Upston had 548 for the
stronger side.
Of special interest to the women Is the fact that the North
west Women's Bowling Championships will be held in Boise,
Idaho, April 17th through May 16th. Women from Washngton,
Oregon, Idaho, Montana, British Colombia, and Alaska will be
participating for the championships in four classes, A.B.C, and
D. Trophies, as well as cash, will be awarded the winners in
each event Entries close on March 15 and now is a good time
to start planning for the trip so as to get preferred times.
Veva Lemon, Boise Women's ' Secretary, is handling entry
applications and these have been forwarded to all alleys. An ex
tensive social program is being planned h;- the Boise gals so that
every one visiting the spud state will have a memorable time.
Top ten in the citv finds Dick Phipps still leading the pack
with a 200 average being distantly pursued by Pinky Hartwell 194;
Larry Oslund 191; Tom Brennan 189: John Glodt 188: Dean Hen
derson 187; Frank Evans 187; Bob Ryan 184: Tony Prudente 184 and
niiane fiishman 184.
B ft B BANTER Leading the
ninl Smith 159! Fred Haase
Davis 154; Les Dolge 153; Glen Blanton 153; Herb Neinast 153; Mcl I
Neinast 151: Keith Kaye 151 and
the gals is Alma Penny with 153: Mary Polinski 145: Maxine Frey
142; Ella May Scharf 130: Martha Fejes 140: Gladys Wood 132;
Dee Gsuthier 127; Alvina Haase 124; Shirley Barnett 123 and
Helen Handle 117.
Big games for the week show Mel ''The Thin Man" Neinast
with a huge 248 game in the Commercial League Wednesday nite.
He also led the league with 519 for his Erickson's market team.
Francis Miller of Quality Used Cars rcgisterea s ia. game ana oiary
Polinsky of Dyer & Sons Insurance rolled a 550 series, the highest ,
of her life. Mary will be remembered by Journal sports fans as j
the little gal wno won tne iirsi annual vapiuu juurui-vH"'
Alleys women's singles title.
The annual vendetta between the duck-pinners and the big
ball artists is shaping up for a week from tomorrow. Two teams
will be making the trek out to the duck pin palace at that
time to take on the little ball men. Those who would like to
shoot, please sign up with Dick or Dusne at the Capitol Alleys.
Tom tells me he would also like a women's match. Any ladies
interested in a home and home match with the midget masters
let me know sometime this week. Sam the Bookie will be at I
local restaurant frequented by the bowling bugs to take all wagers
on the outcome.
Borcher to Address
Salem Breakfast Club
iw-hT in hi. third in.
son as University of Oregon bas-
ketball coach, will be a speaker
Mondav morning for the Salem
Breakfast club at the Senator
With Borcher will be Bill
Bowerman. a.wiJtant grad u a t e
manaccr and track coacn. uor-
rher is expected to evsluate theiford in 1B38 for nine ye.T where
Northern Xifion race and have; his track teams won eight Hay -
some comments on O egon.ward Relays and tnree .tale
He also will show a baskctbsli
Borcher. whose Ducks finished
second the past two seasons, mree siaic
came to Oregon in 1951 to re- p
place John Wsrren. He started Yflkima ADDOintS
his athletics st Norlh Bend high! I OMIUM appwsissa
school, went to Sacramento Ju-1 Dflpref. fft Jftk
nior college for two years and DQTreil
trsneferrH to Oregon, playing, YAKIMA I Ttie l akima Val
forward for Coach Howard Hob- iey Baseball Club. Inc., Friday an-
i. ioin .nrl 1941. , nnunced the appointment of Dick
After serving in the Navy from (Kewpiei Barrett as business man
.oi.,t?.n, hired as ager of the Vnna. entry in the
cch at Mh,i,,d, ... y i
there six sessons in tnai ni"
of and placing among
ment five times. His qi
he Ore eon chsmpionsh
Sets lack loato
January 16, 1954 Pag 9
erar.4 Mm
. . paces with 800
204 same for the mk kirk
city duck-pinners in averages I
156: Arnie Meyers 155: Jerry I
Harold Johnson iou. leaning
Durini his reign there. Marsh-
field collected a victory string of
,37 games.
Bowerman has been at Oregon
(jnce 1948 and is known for his
I avid use of the movie camera
to study techniques. He began
: coacning
st Franklin high
in 11)35. went to Med-
j He also coached football atj
I Mentord. nis teams winning t,
1 losing 8 and tieing 3, inciuoing
J Vurn '"'
, . miUl IK,
, P"'"'
I "
u - i won taking over the WIL franchise for-loprick. Don Stafney. Henry Krae -
' "i" i. iMiimerir held by Frederick MercylnW. Rus. Anoerson and Gary
mpionshipin 1947meriy neio 'iHaynes.
rim IB lfro. v1
Lava Bear Guard Hits
23 for Point
Salem high downed the Bend
Lava Bears 71-51 in Big Six play
nere last night as the Vikinis
took an early lead and led the
rest of the way. The two teams
resume play tonight at eight It
broke a three-Rx lusing string
far Salem.
Bend guard Bob Bonsell took
the spotlight as be sank 23 points
in less than three full quarters.
Bonsell nabbed high 'point honors
tor tne game and at one time in
the second half all tut ten of
the Law Bear's points.
Harold Hauk's Vikings were
behind at the start on three points
by Bill Ciltner and one by Bon
sell for Bend, while Gordy Do
mogalla was bitting a field goal
and Wayne Ericksen a free throw.
Bob Wulf's free throw tied it up
at tour ail out Bonsell made it
6-4. Ericksen and Wulf banged in
neia goals and Salem was ahead
Domogalla Leads Early
Bend never did catch-up as Do
mogalla led Salem to a 21-9 first
quarter lead as the Salem guard
had eleven points. Bonsell had
six of the nine Bend first period
points. Giltner had the other
The Vikings kept the same lead
in the second period as Salem re
serves made it 36-24 at halftime.
Bonsell once again kept the Bears
in the game as the sophomore
made nine points.
Salem began to move away
from Bend in the third quarter
with a 17-point surge. Bonsell hit
5our field goals for eight of the
ten Lava Bear points and the
Vikings led 53 34.
The final quarter was played
on fairly even terms as Larry
Springer and Herb Triplett hit a
total of 13 points for an 18-point
Vik fourth period. Jim Crowell
had eight of Bend's 17 points.
7th Loss for Bend
It was the seventh straight loss
of the season for Glen K'nnev's
Bend squad while it gives Sa
lem a 5-3 season mark and .2-1
in the Big Six. Salem had 26
field goals to 17 for the Lava
Domogalla took high point hon
ors for the winners with 13 while
Larry Springer had eleven and
Wulf had 10. Crowell had ten for
the losing Bears.
In the preliminary game the
oar.-n nign junior varsity was
beaten 5642 by the Salem varsity
third and fourth string. Gary Pat-
erson had 13 for the winners
while his teammate Stan Pawlev
had 14. Dale Jones had eleven for
tne losers. -
Mack-y.f 0
G.ltnr.f 1
4 o pirK'i.r i
4 T Brick.. 1
5 3 Wulf .0 S
1 10 Dom..r 8
S 23 Kn 1
0 2Cr'ri.f J
3 1 Btirk J S
1 1 Wht'e.c 1
0 J Trfp't jr 4
3 I Sp-t-r.! 4
Parti e,c 0
Crow'l.f 9
Bons'l.s t
And'r'n.f 0
Blev'ns, 0
Olson. f 0
Slatcf 1
0 10
1 is
1 11
Chitn.f 0
Tob '7 17 i V IP ?4 71
rrtt tnrowg rr i.ev, Bim pisKfna
Oi. Burklanrt fit. Rrlckwn 131, Croth-
crs 11). Wulf ?i. Whttmlrc Done
tails 1. ant) 8prlnft?r 3. Bend
Marker 4. Anderson ). Olson lit.
Otltnrr 3. PMna i4. ChrUtenaon 111.
Bonsell iSl.
Officials: Netnon and Brown.
Score by quarter;
Bend IS 10 1731
S-lrm 21 15 17 1S-71
.,,m ,y, (i
(M Varaltw Kcverrta
r (lit Pa it r ton
Pliliey if) P i Pan In
Jones Mil C 'it Mathers
Tom O 14 Pawley
Lubr tj. O 10i Sc he Kiel
Reserves scorlmr JVs Srror (It.
Mich if lis S: Varsity Rhine 3.
Halftime score: Salem Varsity Reserves
i24. flaiern JV'a
Offklals: Anderson and Gibson.
Verboort Fn!l$
To Prrvdale
rEItliYRALE The Perrydale I
Pirates sank Verboort, 53-34, in
a Hill River Valltey game here
lest night Perrydale now has a
perfect league record of three
wins and no losses.
After the score was tied at 10
all, the Pirates just kept pulling
away. The quarter score were
1910. 28-16. and 40-20.
Sam Stewart was hitting a good
percentage of his shots ss he
and team r.ate Larry Massey
dumped in 16 as thel led the
Pirates. Marvin Delplsnche and
Jems Robinson each hit 11 for
Vandehey scored 11 to lead the
Verboort Juniors to a 31-18 win
in the J.V. game. Marvin Rempel
was hiph for Perrydale with six.
Delplance till . F . Bi Hemnle
Petepe (4) . F (11 Mclntneh
Rablnson 111) C .... . II) Cooper
Barrow (41 G ... 1271 Slewart
K-mper (31 C 1141 Master
R-nrvrt arorlns- Verbo"-1 Vanau-
i Jr'""
haeeen 1. Hainime ecore: Perry
Verboort IS
Official: Emleh and And-rwnn
li Jl fl.'mJ
, W Wm t'
a j. fly,tt
WOODBURN Twenty-t h r e e
members ot the 1953 woodburn
Bulldog football squad received
ineir leiiers at ine Huaem asscm-
blv Friday at Woodburn high
1 1 1 1 . t; :
allium nana, r.ii-umii nusuv uic
presentations, as follows: Gene Fl
ee, four year award. Three year
awards, Gary Raid. El wood O
trom. Dick Alexander, Jerry Plank
and Richard Lee.
Two year, Don Enyart, Sid
Clack, Pom Garnero and Royal
One year. Ray Eskelson. Bob
Dryden. Frank Colburn. Bob Sea-
1 1, Roh Perndne. Ron Woll Rill
ulveraten Ken Gates. Dean Bish-
Wii: Colum
Basketball Scores
(By Ttst inarm Praaa)
Par Waal
Sovtbera Canlernia SB, TJCLA M
California S3. aUaaiortf M
Orwoai II. Waahtnitoa StaU t)
Montana It, VukM
Orttan atata M. Washington 4S
Oolorado Stau SI. Colorado Collet ft
Seattle TO. at. Mary's (Calif. I
Wbitvorta . Wasters. Waanlnatoa M
CoUaaa of Idaho St. Partite Unrrarslty
SI , -
Oooaaca U, Port and
Partite Lulaaraa M, Central Waahtac-
too M
Montana SiaU S3, Colorado Mlnoa M)
Collest of Pacific II. Boa Joe Slat H
Nevada 11, Humboldt Slat 13
Orek. education 14. Orexon Tech
Oeorio Pot am. Concordia iOre.1 SI
XasUra Oroson S4, PerUai.4 State H
British Columbia J, B as sua Washing
ton 41
Lewis dark SR. Whitman 14
Notre Dame 13. Holy Ckross St
Prlnretom lot. Brown SS
Pordham S3. CoUalo Ml
Army 11, Dartmouth II
Maryland 41. Oeorie Waaolnrton 41
South Carolina U, Cttmaon II
Florida 71, Miami (Fla.l II
The Citadel 11. Mevbarrv as
iiaw eat
Toledo 14, Ohio University aa
North Dakota, SI. South Dakota State
North Dakota Btate M. ateatk nkat
Teiaa 14, ftlet S4
Texas Christian 4. Teiaa AM 19
Hardin Simmons II. Nt Mexico A AM
Sam Houston 14. Bat Ross it -
Rlem 11. Bend II
Stav ton 63, Sacred Heart SS
Caicads 34. Salem Academy 44 -Central
SC, Philomath SS
Gates 39. Che maw a S4
St. Paul II. Detroit 3S
Gervals S3. Jefferson &S (overtime)
Sublimity 74. OSD 44
Mill City S3. Scio 41
Canby 52, Sandy 48
Estacada 4i. WooCbur.l SS
Dallas 41, ML Anel 44
SUverton 40. Molalla 38
Amity 56. Sheridan 38
North Marlon 47. Yamhill SI
WilUmina 63, Sherwood SB (over
time) Dayton 86, Banks 31 -Valaetx
58. Falls City 44
Perrydale 83, Verboort 34
Albany 72. Sweet Home 44
Greham 57, Tillamook 39
Corvallla 81. Lebanon Si
Vernon la 89. Neahkxhni 50
St. Helen 73. Clatskanle 55
WEaat 48. Columbia Prep (Port-
land 37
lone SO, iirrieon SB
Central Catholic (PorUand)
Park Rom 41
Monro 35, A! sea 33
Grants Pass 71. Medford 4t
Lakevlew 68, pTinevllle 44
West Linn 59, Orefon City 88
The Dalles SS, La Grand 51
Seaside 42, Scappoose S3
Rainier 64, Vv'arrenton S3
Harrlsburs; 53. Brownsville S3
Shetfd 58, Halacy 42
Portal Orova 11, McMInnvlllo SS
Culver 4S. Maunin 38
Corbett 70, HIU MlUUry (Portland)
Hilliboro S3. Tlffard 44
Klamath Falls 53. Ashland ST
Eucene 68, Oakric 60
Creawell 66. Pleasant Hill 56
St. Francis. (Eufcntf m. Junction
my m
Redmond 70, John Day 42
Roosevelt 83, Cleveland SS
Lincoln 66. Grant 63
Franklin 56, Jefferson 84
Benson 44. Washington 17
Lake Oswego 53, Concordia (Port
land i 3i
THIamook Catholic 67. Jewell 40
McKenzle 85. Crow 57
North Powder 84, Elfin S3
Mytrle Creek 83. Phoenix 34
Milwauki 59. Astoria 44
McLaren Boys' School Wood burn)
57, Colton 48
Pendleton 45, Milton-Freewa ter SI
Golds Win
The Salem junior high league
basketball race opened Friday
with wins by the Leslie Golds,
the Parrish Cardinals, and the
Parrish Pioneers. The Cards
topped the Leslie Blues 46-19.
The Golds beat West Salem
38-36, and Pioneers beat the Par-
rih Greys 37-34.
Russell and Kitchen each had
12 points to lea the Cars to a
one-sided win o' er Harry Mohr's
Leslie Blues. The Cards led 27
12 at halftime as they led all the
way for the win.
Dale Brooks had eleven points
to les the Pioneers to a 37-34
win over the Greys at Parrish.
Don Harris had ten for the los-
era. In the other game, Loren
Blnco's eleven points and Bob
Gates with ten led the Golds to
a thrilling win over West Salem.
Scott had 13 for the losers.
In the preliminaries, the Blues
edged the Cards 21-20, the Golds
beat the Giants 13-10. and the
Greys edsed the Cards 32-29.
Bl.mS (If) (44) CARDS
Coon III . ... F (21 Kinx
Rouen (21 r (7) "ntlon
Bavn 12) C (121 Rue-ell
Robinson ISl . . O .... '71 Sheldon
Merk (31 C (121 Kitchen
Reserves scorlns: Blues Mellinfer
I. Peters Cards Buchanan 3.
Moore 2. Wessner 3. HsKtlme score:
Cards 27. Rlu-s 12
Official. Powers and Klpp.
Drake ill)
Brunclle ,Si
! Sr-'non
:n -
JBurkhard" it)
I Morean Cl .
( to
. iji McKce
(41 Bitrn'o
iD-irham (St
Reserve" ecorln-
Ptooc-rs VMlii.
I i7smi'meGscrpToncr? ' '.' Crew is!
officials: vewet ana mcn.roson.
'LH, ,, ,m w,
Loren Blaco (111 r ii i-use
H.mmerstad 121 r 70.
Foxlev ll ... C . 121 Smith
Cst f10( Q (4) Goerlren
Thompson (Si G .
Reserves acoring: None.
score: IS-ll
OMcUle: laeland and Evens.
Univemitv of Kansas
Charles (Chuck Mather, coach
of Masflllon. O high school, as
1 head
football coach Friday.
Msther will replace J. V. Sikes.
iwho resigned u' nreasure trie
I dsy of Kans..' final Big Seven
I game of the i953 season.
I 1
Fred Staab fright). Sacred Heart center, reaches
long arm for the ball sossjued bv Dan-ell Gahl
f Slaytoa In the third quarter
won uw capital league (am
Gordy Domogalla, Salem high school guard, goes
up for a lay-la after stealing the ball from Bend
momenta earlier. Bob Bonsell. Bend's fine sophomore guar
who scored 23 points, Is the defender. Salem woa 71-51.
: -r
II r.Jfl ' I Nr. I
riKn?'fp Ken Schreder (left in
; toes
nes ftf the brll held
ward. In a second qusrter action shot lt nithl. In hack, in
while, is Harold Allisler. Academy forward. Cascsde won. 54 44.
Albany Defeats
Huskies 72-44
Albsny The Albany Bull
dogs defeated the Sweet Home
Huskies. 7244. for their first
district win In two games here
last night
Coach Lee Cardon's Bulldogs
jumped to a 16-10 lead at the
i first rest period, impressed their
lesd to 31-20 at half time, ano
led by 25 points, 54 29, at the
start of the finsl stanta. Al
bany's subs took over in the
fourth quarter.
Pete W.lfert 62" lo wir
'canned 17 and teammate Da
amder the basket Gohl's team
at the Salem Armory, (5-55.
while), Salem Academy center,
bv Don Winper, Cascade for-
13 to
I Shelbv. 6'8 center, nil 13 to
jlcad the Bulldogs scoring Vrdt.
Birdsall counted for 13 to lead
Sweet Home.
The Albany Juniors walked
awav with the J. V. game, 76-43.
See Beets (441 m
Blrdtsll (111 F I"
Money 14) F
Illlott 171 C
(71 HsselwooS
(111 Shelby
Hi Sorenion
ISl Deirsh
Home Klkel lai.
NorauUt III u
Denials ISl O
Chsmoert Hi. Roberts ill. Itsiey. ai
bsnr HssUnd (3i. Moore (4i. ateaipe.
Smirions i7i. Surlora Hi. Abeiun ill.
RMinter 2i. Offtrlsls: Sortoa an. An
derioa. Six flsgs hsve flown over Mo-
bile, Als. Fcen.-'n, British, Span -
ish. United States, .epublic of
Alabama and Confederate.
. BBBHBnaf
3 Still Tied for WVL
Lead With 3-1 Marks
Dallas, Estacada and SUverton
Willamette Valley lean. Dallas
edged ML Angel 4t-4s Estacada
beat Woodbura 44-36, and SUverton
topped Molalla 40-31.
All three top teams have 3-1 rec
ords while Sandy. ML Angel and
Molalla are next with 2-1 records.
Woodbura if all alone in last place
with no wins and four losses.
Canby Topples
Sandy 52-46
CANBY The Canby Cougars
woo their first game in the Wil
lamette Valley league here last
night with a 32-46 win over San
dy's Pioneers. Canby held a 20-
1S halftime lead.
Sandy moved into the lead 37-
39 at the end of three quarters
but the Canby squad came back
to win. Arlan Bigham had 17 to
pace Canby. Saady won the JV
game 39-23.
Thornton 47) . a 43) Farmer
Ntyars iv) . w (si uieuon
Rohdt (II C (17) Bllham
Wesxllnk (10) ..O . . (13) Ravl.y
Pattrsea ( . C 4SI Knox
Rcicrves srorlng: Sandy Lawion
Nllstn 11. Skala S. Canby Wrrron-
mr 3. Brg 2. Halftlm acors: Canby
M. Sandy IS.
OflicUls: Scflvons and Beard.
Silverton Edges .
Molalla, 40-38
MOLALLA Sllverton's Silver
Foxes edged Molalla 40-38 here
last night to keep the Foxes in
a first place tie In the Willamette
Valley League race. I
Silverton led 7-5 at the end of i
one period and H waa 20-11 at
nauume. Tne Foxes led 2B-26
with one quarter left in the game.
Stan Childers bad IS points tor
Molalla while Roger TJmbenhow
er had 13 tor the Foxes.
Silverton now has a 3-1 league
mark and Molalla a 2-2. Molalla
won the junior varsity game 52
45. Sllyertoa (4S)
Copple It)
Wolf (71
(3S) Molalla
10) Dav
(3) Howell
Kaier IS)
C (10) Alexander
Umbnhwr (13) G (4) Freyer
Black (7) C (IS) Chlldera
I Reserves scorlns: Silverton Rob-
1 ins 3. Molalla Nayior , r-arxer 1,
AM a. vinciaw; mull ana nn.
Dalfas Squeezes'
. . . m - I Amea I I e w uornero
KAt Annal ARTn lD- Kisnnt ( ..r i bum
fflli WnuCI tUIU 1B. Klssena (S) r IS) Plank
. w ... u hh... .iUi n 1 1 . '
Mt. Angel Herb Branau o.... w Noini -
nude the ' last two of Us 19 hnervia arorlns: Cstaeada-Dmy
points the most Important as he tryk i. Woodburn Hissina 4. Bal
made a lay-in just before the rJShJrn a "COMi "
busier to give Dallaa high schoal t omclalaf Vandermt and Ireland.1'
Cascade; StaytonHold
To Capitol
Case ada and Stavton both won
in rniinl lM0tn nfav last niffht
to remain in a first place tie with
two wins and no losses. Cascade
downed Salem Academy, 54-44
while Stajton beat Sacred Heart
oo-oo. . !
In the otlter cuateat Ceniral hign i
beat Philomath ' (W-5J. Sacred
Heart and Central now are tied
with l-l records.
Stayton Stops
Cards, 65-55,
In Capitol Loop
Th Kscrrd Heart Academy
Cardinals took the .Sort end of
la 65-55 score from the Stayton
Eagles last night in tne aiem
Armory, to give them a 1-1 rec
ord in Capitol league play.
The Eagles, witn not oeienac
and shsrp backboard play, held
th hall must of the time and
took all quarter-time leads. 16-13, 1
34-24, 53-37, ending witn a len
point gap, 65-55. However, a 6
3" forward for the Cards, Jim
Morisrity, pushed through 16
points slong with snother 16 by
the shsrp shooting guard, Clyde
Fladwood. High men for Stayton
were Neitling and Mlnton with
20 and 14.
This game pushed Stayton to
first place in a tie with Cascade,
and set the Csrdinals in second,
with Central Union.
Next Wednesday, the Curds will
face the Cascade Cou'.ars at the
Salem Armory In an effort to
take tnem out of first place. Sa
cred Heart's Bee squad slo
howed out to the Ea-lr. AO-3"
Ssend Besrl Start
Moilsrtr.l lit 1 14 neltltnt.f a 4 4W
n-... f a a ) 1 NellMin f 4 I S f
i.., i i i in oonis a 3 i 7
PISOeMMf-C 7 2 14 Minion
oat i i in
' ' '
U.,1 14 14 Will'
Jo.-n f I I ' ! '
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1 r.oscaHe Shades
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S a le m Academy's . schedule
game tonight with Lebam, Wash.,
here hss been postponed tenta
tively until next Saturday night.
Coach Bob Funk said today.
Funk ssid thst Mate police had
advised the team not to make
the trip because nf snow on the
Lsst night the Crusaders ran
Into Cascade In a Capitol league
game and came out with a 54-44
defeat because of an early Css-
j cede lead ot 10 to 12 points. The
1 Academy closed the gap to three
1 points with two minutes to go
' hu the visitors connected and
WMIanlK VaKt? IwwM
w i rtt. . w t rt.
DUIm S I .IMSxadr I I JN
BitWMda 3 1 .TIS Ml. Ansa) S S J
UltrW 3 I .7MCubr I I M
MtUlla I I .MM viun s 4 ass
Fruir rttalu: Dallw 4S. Ml. Amnl
4S: EaUcaaa 44. Woodbura IS: aUwtaa
4S. Uolall 3Si Cubr SS, Sutt 44.
a 48-46 victory over Mt Angel
here Friday night ''
The victory permitted the Dra
gons to stay in a tie for the Wil
lamette Valley league lead with
Silverton and Estacada.
The score wu tied 46-46 for '
about the last two minutes be
fore Brandli, the league's third
highest scorer before the game, '
got his opening. It was a close
game all the way, with 33 fouls -being
called and each team mak
ing 16 free throws.
The jayvee prelim went to ML
Angel, 53-37. Ken Wacnter tal
lied 20 for the Angels and Long
16 for Dallas.
High ML Angel varsity scorers
were Jim Zauner 14, Toby Frey '
and Larry Gorman 10 each. '
Quartertime scores were 13-5 for '
Dallas, 18-17 for ML Angel and -36-35
for the Angels.
Dallas (41) (s ML Anol ,
:ay Dmhliky IS) F 410) Frer
Holmin 44) F (S) Traettr
Rex Dmhfuky (S) C (14) Zauner
Brandli 4 IS) -.0 131 Buchclt
Haldorl 14) O 110) Gorman
Reserves omiins: Dallas Read B. ' '
Ml. Anael Rue! 3. Officials: Ulrich
and Kellj. .
Estacada Beats
Woodburn 44-26
WOODBURN EsUcada's con
trolled fast break, rigid defense -and
rebounding added up to a 44- ,
26 victory hire Friday night over
The Willamette Valley league -game
found Estacada keeping tip
with league leaders with a 3-1
circuit arkm.
Marchbank got hot in the sec
ond quarter for Estacada and Del
Kiggans, game's high scorer Vith
12, vas- warmest in the fourth ,'
period. Woodburn. still in the .
gsme though trailing 6-10 at the
end of the first quarter, could
get but two points in the next
It was 214) at halftime and 32- .
IS at the third rest stop.
Woodburn jayvees won the pre- '
llm, 41-38. Dick Ahrena hit 15 tor '
the &!sserc ssd Lisa owie 13 for "
I . .
f vlp,l ' 'vl ew.
caw.. J smmm i i -
.fd m i i joa phiionaui asm
f Friday retolU: Central OS. Phnomelti
I ' -
went into an effective stall.
Cascade, reboundlni better fn
the first half, led 14-7. 30-22 and
42-33 at the rest periods. The
Academy began rebounding bet
ter in the second half and launch
ed a fast breaking rally which was
closing the gsp until Cascsde took
time out to calm down.
Neal Kinlon hit 14 for Cascade's
best, while Ken Schroder notch
ed 11 for S.A. cascade nanaeo.
the Academy Jayvees their second
lots in thr prelins.
Cascade (S4 (44) Sal. Academy
Mickey (B) F IS) Allliter
Wlppcr (41 F IS) Wallace
Kinlon (141 C (11) Schroder
Brown (II) O (SI Fadenrecht
Speer (13) G (101 Phlllipa
Reserves acorlns: Cascade Pflus
I. Winkle 4. Hallume score: Cascade
30. SRA 22. OOlclala; Williams and
Richardson. '
Central Knocks
Philomath 66-52
Central High School Central
high school went Into a tie for third
with Sacred Heart In the Capitol
league here Friday night, beating
Philomath 68-52. Philomath now
is tied with Salem Academy for
It was close until the end of the
third quarter when Central pulled
out in front to lengthen a 32-38 half
time lead. Gerald Freeman's II
points were game high for Cen
tral. Marc Nelson added 14 and
Gordon llrunk 13 for Central.
For Philomath, Cliff Leach and
Dave Vincent netted 14 each.
Central Junior varsity won the
preliminary. Central will play at
Slavton next Tuesday and Salem
Academy is at Philomath.
Pkllomalh 132) (4 Central iMI
F (SI Bartel
Lorain I II I
Vincent (III
Srartn 131
..F 1 131 Brunei
C (ISl Freemen
G . (141 Nelson
Kenp ISi
G. , . ISl rrauaa
Reserves scorlns: Philomairi
Means I. Central Ley 3, Alslp 1,
Dunn 1. Halftime score: Ceniral 30.
Philomath 20. Official.: tvana and
20c 25c
Pound I Pound
Young Steer lb. 30C
1325 S. 25th Ph.3-4858
snd wss runnerup in 1948.