Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 16, 1954, Page 6, Image 6

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Faculty Club
Event Thursday
January meeting far the Willamette
university Women's Faculty club will be
next Thursday afternoon, January 21. at
the borne of Mrs. Maurice Brennen, 2580
Alvarado Terrace, at 2:30 o'clock.
lira. Carl Hall is chairman for the after
noon and on her committee are Mrs. Marvia
Buckem, Mrs. Robert Hartman, Mrs. Rob
ert M. Gatke, Mrs. Norman Huffman, Miss
Lois Latimer, Mrs. Ralph K. Purvine, Mrs,
Inn Lovell. Mrs. Ralph H. Dobbs, Mrs.
Donald DeLisIe, Mrs. Thomas Joseph, Mrs.
Edwin Butler. ' ,
-V. - at, tt
- .-
TirHE six local chapters of P.E.O. Si.
" I terhood will observe founders day
JIL with a banquet on Friday. January
22, at (:30 o'clock in the Gold room of the
Marion hotel. Mrs. Ralph Noblgren, P.E.O.
council president, 1 general chairman for
the affair.
Mrs. A. E. Gilmore. Portland stata
president, will be the honored speaker and
other state officers will be present Any
unaffiliated P.E.O. in Salem interested in
attending may call Mrs. Lynn Switzer,
2-5318, for reservations.
Several dates are on the calendar for
Governor and Mrs. Psul L. Patterson next
On Tuesday evening they will be in Dal
las for the First Citizen banquet there,
Governor Patterson to be the speaker.
The Pattersons will attend the Salem
First Citizen banquet on Wednesday eve
ning, Governor Patterson as apeaker.
Later In the week, the Pattersons will
hive as guest, their grandson. Tad, from
Next Saturday, the Pattersons will be In
Eugene, the governor to be speaker at tbe
annual Dads' Day Week-end luncheon on
the University of Oregon campus, Mrs.
Patterson to be guest at a luncheon meet,
big for Eugene branch of the American
Association of University Women in which
she is a aula board member.
Entertaining her knitting group next Fri
day afternoon will be Mrs. C W. Paulua.
gjgma Kappa Mothers club M meeting next
Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. V. D. McMullen
and Mm. Brace Crandall to be hostesses to
lb croup at th McMullen horn. Dessert
will b at 1:90 o'clock.
Kappa Alpha Theta alumnae will meet
next Thursday evening at the home of Mrs.
Charles D. Wood at o'clock with Mrs.
Victor Murdock as co-hostess.
Hostess to her bridge club on Thursday
evening will be Mrs. Douglas Clumbers.
Week-end bouse guests at the home of Dr.
and Mrs. Floyd U Utter are Mr. and Mrs.
George L Forge of, Seattle, formerly ot
Salem. The Forges are en route home from
two montia la the Hawaiian Islands.
Ms Kafoerfne Bain of Lebanon will speak
to toe Insurance Woman's association on
Thursday at the S JO p.m. dinner meeting of
th group at th Marion hotel.
Mrs. John J. Griffith is to be hostess to
her bridge club next week, entertaining the
group on Friday Instead of the usual Wed
nesday, for luncheon and cards.
Altrusa meeta for dinner on Monday eve
ning at 0:15 o'clock in the Golden Pheasant
The spring fashion show planned by the
four Salem chapters of Beta Sigma Phi,
cultural and educational sorority, has been
set for Friday, April 2. at the Marion hotel.
Fashions for both men and women will
be shown by Lipman Wolfe and company of
Portland. Mra. Tom Deal is general chair
man from the Beta Sigma Phi groups (or
tbe show.
Among dancing parties on the lste Jii-s-ry
calendar is the annual "sweetheart
party" of Salem Shrine club, the affair to
be at the Manoa hotel as a formal din
err dance.
Claude It Pun n rneril chairman
lor tbe party. WJluts Newmver is pres
"m of the eras. Juto Graybill the first
ore prendret, ri4 ftiilua Lewis the rajah
bi .1 i Lwiirhters. plans u
meet oa Uwxr ntr. a: 7 as y clock st Uw
S has fix wnji
Kingwood taut. Union nuiU-
ary, plana t w. v, vvcrvlay nilin,
tbe K:nrod Ajuentatt Lrom hall. Mrs.
Guy Hastings axrt sfr. fcuubeth Hoffman
will serve refretaatmu
Capita! unit No .n- uIn lu,.
Iliary, will meet oe H:tor, UM at the
Woman s club bout iw a Pan American
program directed bigri it Lnvrik.
Members are to row errued in South
American style. Relrtin)nu will be
Bethel No 4A Jih rusM(T. will meet
on Thursday st 7 30 orl. it ltw
tish Rite temple.
The Jaycee Ettes will not meet on Mon
lsy night, but will install officers at a
dinner meeting on Saturday. January 30
tt the Blue Note. Mra. Maurice Conn will
y? installed aa president.
Mothers club. Bethel No 35. Job's Daugh
ters will meet for lunch st noun Thursday
at th Masonic temple.
Mrs. Jo Bourne is chairman lor the day
and will be assisted by Mrs. Jack French,
Mrs. Elmer Amundson, Mrs. Howard Rob
erts and Mrs. Sephus Starr
A 12:10 pm. no-boat luncheon is set by
!h American Gold Star Mothers, on Tues
tav, at the home of Mra. Edward R. Cook.
I1JS Myrtle street. Mra. James Cogswell will
be assisting hostess.
' 1 ; ;
II.' ; 1 k;a
CHAIRMEN for th women's division and "Mothers March." a highlight of the
yearly March of Dimes campaign for the poll funds, are pictured above, Mrs. William
Crothen, at left, and Mrs. Robert White.
Boisa-Bozorth Wedding Today at
Episcopal Church in Oregon City
A wedding of interest to a large group
of friends in Salem and valley points took
place this afternoon in St Paul's Episco
pal church, Oregon City, when Miss Janet
Bozortb, daughter of Mrs. Squire S. Boxorth
of Eugene and the late Dr. Boxorth, was
married to Evan Breyman Boise, son of
Mr. and Mrs. R. Breyman Boise ot Salem.
Officiating at the impressive 4 o'clock
service was the Rev. Hal Gross, rector of
St Paul's in Oregon City, assisted by the
Rev. George H. Swift, rector of St Paul's
Episcopal church in Salem.
Soloist was Mrs. Scott Adams (Elizabeth
Nelson) of Portland, who sang The Lord's
Prayer. Acolyte for the service was the
bride's brother, Squire NewUnd Bozorth.
Church decorations were white chrysanthe
mums and candles.
The bride wore a beautiful wedding dress
of imported lace and net The bodice was of
the nylon lace, the very bouffant skirt ot
Imported net and extending into a train.
The fingertip length veil of imported illus
ion net was held in place by a Mary Stuart
nylon lace headpiece trimmed with pearls.
The bride's bouquet was of white flowers,
lilies and other blooms. K. Morris Hoi
' man of Oregon City, uncle ot the bride,
gave her in marriage.
Mrs. Vernon Johnson of Portland was
matron of honor, Miss Flnnrda Bozorth of
Eugene, sister of the bride, the maid of
honor. Both wore ice green net frocks de
signed with very full bouffant skirts, and
January meeting for Salem alumnae of
Theta Sigma Phi. national journalism honor
ary for women, will be Monday evening at
the hunie of Mrs. Robert M. Fischer, Jr.,
lm Fairmnunt Dessert will be at i o'clock.
Wendell Webb, managing editor of the Ore
goo Statesman, is to be guest speaker.
Alpha CM Omega alumnae plan their reg
ular sjtnrtmg for Monday evening st (
'Wt at lb bom of Mrs. Ralph Smlther.
Mr fimt Vrnvmr. Mrs. James B.
Ywnsj an Mrs. Roy Rie. Jr., are co-host.
(JIM.lllr itudu strttrt)
THE RF.TROTHAt. ef Miss Carolyn Real,
above, daughter ef Mr. and Mrs. Donald A.
Real, to llarland Pale Brock. sa ( Mr.
nd Mrs. llarland C. Brack, was announced
dertnt th m week-end bv the bride
e left's pgi rents.
r-.,.., .... .. .-.-.. rr- ' ,.'; K.v- .;--,.,.,:;, "fJ-rRWmyr.'iia i-.! 1 in
(JMtta-Mintr itndt pietvn)
matching slippers. Both carried bouquets of
golden bronze carnations with matching
Newbury Close of Salem was best man.
Ushering were Scott Adams, Portland, Dan
iel Fry, Jr., Robert Steeves and Ernest H.
Miller, all of Salem.
The bride's mother wore a light beige
faille suit with powder blue hat and gloves
and corsage of tiger lily orchids. The bride
groom's mother wore a charcoal shantung
suit with white hat and accessories and
corsage of orchids.
The reception was arranged in the Uni
versity club in Portland following the serv
ice. Invited to pour were Mrs. Herbert J.
Darby, Mrs. Ralph Burgess, Portland, Mrs.
Edward Wittmann, Seattle, the bride's sister,
and Mrs. i".obins Whittlesey of Vancouver, B.
C, a cousin. Assisting were Mrs. Newbury
Close of Salem, Mrs. William Barerre, Miss
Caroline Bozorth, sister of the bride, Mrs. R.
Morris Holman, Oregon City, aunt of the
bride, Mrs. Norman Schoonover of Boise,
Idaho, a cousin. The bride's table was all
in white with white chrysanthemums and
other flowers on the cake.
For traveling (he bride selected a blue
wool dress with black and blue velvet hat,
black coat and accessories and corsage of
whito orchids.
Following a trip to Sun Valley. Idaho, the
couple will be at home at 1045 Bellevue,
Salem, after January 25.
Word comes from Crescent City, Calif., of
tbe birth of n daughter, their third, to Mr.
and Mrs. C. W. Lurvey, on Thursday, Janu
ary 14. The baby has been named Susan
Lynn. The older sisters are Thais Ruth and
Teresa Loraine. Grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. L. A. Poindexter of Salem and Mrs.
Edith Lorvey of Seattle. Mrs. Poindexter
has gone to Crescent City to be at h?r daugh
ter's home for a time.
City council of Beta Sigma Phi is meeting
next Wednesd , evening at the home of Mrs.
Howard Post.
AMONG betrothal aenouacements made
during tbe holidays was that revealing tbe
engagement of Miaa Carol Streblg, above,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Waller F. Strebig.
to tarry Keppinger. saa f the flee Kep-plagera.
THREE OF the colonels In the
seated, Mrs. Philip Blake, standing
already have their division workers
eOSMIS club's January dance is plan
ned for next Saturday evening, Jan
lary 23, at the Labor temple.
Dancing begins at 9 o'clock. On the com
mittee are Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Luhr, Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Witenberger, Mr. and Mrs.
Marvin Stuhr.
Mrs. G. Herbert Smith left today for Ath
ens, Georgia, to visit at the borne of her
son-in-law and daughter, the Rev. and Mrs.
George W. Gunn. Dr. Smith already is in
the east on a business trip for Willamette
university and will meet Mrs. Smith in
Athens before he returns west. Mrs. Smith
will be at the Gunn home for a month.
Theatre Arts group is to meet next Tuesday ,
at the home of Mrs. Charles S. McEihinny.
1658 Court street, dessert to be at 12:45
Mrs. Morris Crothers is to read the play,
"Seven Year Itch." by George Axel rod.
Kappa Kappa Gamma alumnae will meet
on Monday evening at the home of Mrs.
Charles Mills at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Roscoe Wil
son and Mrs. Donald Rasmussen are to be
Chapter G of P.E.O. Sisterhood meets
next Thursday afternoon at the home ot
Mrs. Floyd K. Bowers at 1:15 o'clock with
Mrs. Ellen Godfrey and Mrs. Lana Bcech
ler as co-hostesses.
Hostess to her bridge club on Wednesday
evening for dessert and cards will be Mrs.
Paul W. Harvey, Jr.
Sigmas are meeting Monday evening at
R o'clock at the home of Mrs. Winstanley
Jenks. New officers will be installed. Co
hostesses are Mrs. Otto J. Wilson and Mrs.
Sam Haley.
Mrs. James Armpricst is tc be hostess to
her bridge club for luncheon and the aft
ernoon on Tuesday.
(Mttaa-MOlte stasw stcim
ANNOl'NCFD this week was the engage
ment f Mis Muriel Marie Bawaavr. Bales,
abave. daigkter at the Rev. and Mrs. Paul
F- Bocmer f ladepradesire. to Midshlpaaaa
Henry A. Proctor, soo f Mr. and Mrs. Jha
FrMrr l ladepedesrr.
SB. sas T--.'
women's division for the annual polio drive are pictured above, Mrs. Keith Dyer,
at left, -and Mrs. Maurice H. Saffron, at right Mrs. Vhite and Mrs. Crothers
lined up ready to go.
ANL Dance
Next Saturday
"Plantation Time" is the theme for the
annual winter formal dance of Salem Wom
en's Army and Navy league next Satur
day evening, January 23, at the Izaak Wal
ton league club house.
The social hour is at 8 o'clock, the
buffet supper and dancing between 9 and
12 o'clock with Stubby Mills and his or
chestra playing.
Reservations are being taken by Mrs.
Harold Fox and Mrs. William R. Schacfer.
Guests are welcome.
On the committee for the event are
Mrs. Fox as general chairman; Mrs. Schacf
er, Mrs. Victor J. Collins, Mrs. Robert L.
Irving, Mrs. Vernon D. Greig, Mrs. Cecil
Salem Woman's club plans its meeting for
next Friday afternoon, January 22, at the
club house, starting at 2 o'clock.
Miss Amanda Anderson of the high school
speech department is to speak on making
effective reports.
.Edward A. Anderson of Olson Florists is
to demonstrate flower arrangements.
Mrs. Jack Henningsen is tea chairman,
and Mrs. Earl T. Andresen is music chair
man for the meeting.
Salem P.E.O. Sisterhood city council is
meeting for its regular reciprocity luncheon
at the Golden Pheasant next Monday, Jan
uary IB. at 1:15 o'clock. All unaffiliated
P.E.O. members in Salem are invited especi
ally, and they may call 3-5316 for reserva
tions. Hosts to their birthday club for dinner
and cards this evening will be Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer O. Berg. Those to be honored
on their birthdays are Ralph Wirth, Mrs.
Charles Campbell, Mrs. Horace McGee, Mrs.
Maynard Shifter and Mr. Berg. Others at
the party will include the wives or hus
bands of those honored and Mr. and Mrs.
Russel E. Pratt.
A LATE saamer wedding Is planned by
Mis Naacy Jenks, above, daaxkter f Mr.
aad Mrs. Dick L. Jenks, her encasement
to Gerald layer, saa of Mr. and Mra. Al
bert Edward Urer of Neskewia. being told
daring the kalidara.
I rwipsafT.a am
(Jota-uuler itoiio
A WEDDING for February will be that
of Miss Joanne Holt of Salem, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Holt of
Scio, and Melvin A. Hartmann, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Ferdinand Hartmann of Sublimity.
The service will be st 10 a.m. in the Our
Lady of Lourds Catholic church at Jordan.
The reception following will be in the Sub
limity parish hall
Miss Carole Jean Doerfler is to be maid
of honor. Bridesmaids will be Misses Shirley
Weeder, Betty Courtney and Marian Pos
var. Thelma Holt, young sister of the bride
elect, is to be flower girl, Ronald Harksen,
the ring bearer.
Darrel Hartmann is to be best man for his
brother and the groomsmen will be Thomas
Albus, Bernard Ripp, Dwight Bradley.
A dessert will be served for members of
Chapter CQ of the P. K. 0. Sisterhood at 1:1S
p.m. Tuesday, January 19. at the home of
Mrs. Wayne B. Gill, 1760 Kansas . The
co-hostess will be Mrs. H. T. Heaton. Mrs.
Gill will direct the program.
Hostess to her bridge club next Thursday
for luncheon and the afternoon will be Mrs.
Donald McCargar.
Further plans are now being made by
the Salem Junior Woman's club mem
bers for their annual formal Valentine
dance. The dance will be at the American
Legion club Saturday, February 6, with
Ursule Wolfer's band to plav. Mrs. Ted
Tibbutt is chairman, assisted by Mrs. An
drew Foster, ctwhairman: Mrs. Clinton Ault
Mrs. Richard Jenning, Mrs. Richard Lan
kow, Mrs. Frank Ward, Mrs. Richard Klc
ver, Mrs. Floyd Brodhagen, Mrs. Francis
Waser, Mrs. Donald Gnswold. and Mrs. Don
ald Dougherty. All proceeds from the dance
will go to the philanthropic fund.
The Salem Junior Woman's club's rum
mage sale is next Saturday, January 23 at
339 North High street, from 8 a.m. to 6 p m
Mrs. Fred Joenhke is the chairman and her
committee includes Mrs. F.arl Hampton, co
chairman: Mrs. Gordon Graber, Mrs Tim
Barry, Mrs. Deryl J. Curric, Mrs. Raymond
Randall. Mrs. Cliff Bowder, Mrs. SS5h
Wait, and Mrs. Harlan Anderson. Profits
fund th" Wi" 8 10 th' phihmhr'Pi:
IKsaaW-EU, Mm
Jr.. Salisbury, .hove, dau hteV i
Mra. Clyde Salisbury.
Simaiom. sea f Mr. aad Mrs. w J
. Tarrlngtoa. Wye, . ,.JZJ,Wh at rTle,e WE?