r S(nrdr. January 1. 1951 Pace! FIGHT FIRE ON BROOKLYN WATERFRONT Date Set to CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL Break Ground Construction work on tb Ser- rt Catholic high school oa a 33 acr tract of land near tha junc turo of Lsncastcr drivo and O street, will b gitd impetus Sun day, Jan. 24, when ground-breaking ceremonies will be held at : a ' ' ' " ' 2 in an ii ii i i m a . ,- i. i - , , , . , New York, Jan. IS Denu smoke rises from four historic warehouse! alonf the Brooklyn waterfront here today as spec tators, left, watch firemen pour itream of water into the itrueturea from tireboat The warebouaea once were used as ammunition depots in the Civil Wsr. Twenty-one flromen were Injured, most of them by filling debris when a wall gave way. Damage was estimated at $3,000,000. (AP Wlrephoto) Local Paragraphs Club f Meeting-Central Town send Club No. ( will meet at 1:30 Monday afternoon at 269 Court street. Corporation Formed Incorpora tion of the Salem Bible church, route 6, Salem, was included in the filings made with the Marion county clerk. Signing the articles of incorporation were: Walter Woodcock, Route 1, Amity; "Ed mund Clark, 746 Cummings lane; Arthur Oldenburg, 1885 Chemawa road; Floyd Musgrove, Dayton; Martin Suess, 162 College drive; John Buchanan, 1125 Claggett street, and Ernest Campbell, Route 6, Salem. Officers Meet-Sheriffs, chief in police and other top law enforce ment officers of Marlon and Polk counties met for their monthly dinner meeting Friday night at the Marion hotel. About 30 offi cers from city, county, state and federal offices discussed locsl law enforcement problems and viewed a film on the prevention of nar cotics trade. Falls on Stairs A three-inch laceration on the top of his head and minor bruises and abrasions w.re .uffered by W. W. Winegar, 475 Locust street, when he fell down the stairs at his home Saturday morning, city first aidmen report ed. The fall occurred about 11:40 a.m. First aidmen treated the wound and Winegar was taken to a doctor for further treatment. Fire Boras Wall An overheated stove pipe caught the surrounding wall afire and did minor damage at the home of Earl Ruttan, 130 North 24th street, about S p.m. Friday, city firemen reported. MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS Saturday and Sunday, January 16 and 17 Naval Air Reserve tquidron AAU 892 at Salem Naval Air Fa cility. Monday, January 13 Organized Marine Corps Re serve at Naval and Marine Corps Reserve training center. 9414th Air Force reserve squadron at USAR armory. Oregon Mobilization designa tion detachment No. I, at USAR armory. . . Company B, 162nd Infantry regiment, and headquarters de tachment, Oregon National Guard, at Salem armory. SHOOP IN KOREA KOREA Master Sgt Vincent W. Shoop, Rapid City, S.D., whose mMh.r Mr. Viola M. Cleveland, resides In Sslem, Oregon, st 5S kwih 10th afreet is th first sergesnt with company B of the 824th transportation railway optratlng battalion here. The ser geant has been In Korea tine December. 1M. He has the World War II Victory medal and the UN and Korean service rib bons mmtmm Births SALEM MSMOB1AI, '"". , BEATT To Mr. and Mra. cat, liat P. Wrarw at, a Ilrl. Jan. "tatsswT. Mr " "rv,.1,,T'Wfc ine E. naral Ave., a ot. Jan. U. . . . u ..... . . BHiartTAL MoIoAlV-T. Mr. and Mra. t Mar fan. a Jd at.. ai". J" KINNUNEN-Tt Mr. and "f, Kinnnnan. Ha. I. Baa let-A. Jeffwee. a, alrL Jan IS ... EICHELBaiOEn-Ta Mr. Adrian EicbelMraer. BL I Mra IIS RAMEV-Tlr. an M a, ut w. waaainartae u alrt. Jaa. an vrn ton itoapnAj. KOENSl-Ta MT. and Clonal a fin. Jan. It. Mra. Olffard Sloper Secretary District Judge Val D. Sloper of Salem was elected secretary of the Oregon District Court Judges Association which held its annual meeting in Portland Friday, judge Glen Hieber of Washington County was elected president. Camera Taken A 35 mm camera was taken from its display box in Henry's Photo shop, 460 State street, sometime in the last week, It was reported to city police Fri day. The camera was valued at 83S. Battery Stolen The battery was stolen some time this week from a car parked in his backyard, Harold uuaes, 1430 Norm i7tn street, reported to city police Sat urday. Car Raided The spare tire. Jack, tire iron and a pair of sunglasses were taken from his car Friday night and the car was moved from where he parked it, Ed Armstrong, 117 Seventh street, reported to city police. He believed the car had been driven quite a distance as it was found only a half block from where he left it in the 400 block of Center street but the gas gauge was down a noticeable amount. He had left the key in the ignition, he said. Servicemen Retaining Pfe. Charles W. Ertelt. Mt. Angel, and Pfc. Herbert B. Sibley, Sweet Home are among the men due to arrive in San Francisco Tuesday from the Far East aboard the transport Gen. Gordon. Well Child Clinic I Wood bum Fifty-two children were examined at the well-child health cltnic held this week at the Woodburn library. Dr. W. J. Stone was me pnysician in cnarge , assisted by Mrs. Harmon Yeary and Mrs. Mary Testerman, county health nurses. Volunteer assist ants were Mrs. Lloyd Froom, Mrs. Dean Bishopries:, and Mrs. Edward C. Coman. The next local conference will be Feb. 9. Rummage sale Sat 4915 N. River Rd. 9:303:00. Kcizer Lioqs Aux. Paint with glamorising Treasure Tones. See our outstand ing wallpaper collection. Chuck Clarke Co., 255 N. Liberty. Marshall's now open for lunch 11:30 a.m. Sundays 2 p.m. Dormsnt spraying time now. Supplies available st Middle Grove Nursery- 4920 Silverton Rd. World's finest pianos. Kimball-Jsnssen-Gulbransen. Salem Music Company, 153 S. High St Phone 2-8708. Date Prunes, 15c ( pound. Vsl ley Farm Store. Deliver. 4-4824. . . j Clearance Sale on all merchan dise at Lormans. 1109 Edgewater. Open UU 7:00 p.m. Fresh V'.l'ed turkeys. 39c a pound. Orwigs Msrket 3975 Sil verton Rd. Phone 4-S742. Accordion lessons. Instru ments rented while you lern Wiltsey Music House. I860 State. Ph. 2-7188. Learn knitting. P.M. 341 State St 1 W to 4:00 Phone 1-5654. WiD make $20 rent allowance on a 880 first floor turn, apt Close in, to right couple for cars of lawa and automatic beat Ph. 1450S or 2-5272 ere. COURTS Circuit Court R. L. FhlUlM aa ngtrcl.u. af Jsunaa PhUllM Mitti n T. M. oroaaar: Jon ardlei m favor al a-fanoaat. WUriay DaaltUe ti !Uymeml DtaUI too: Ordtu of dtUalt tDltrtd ualiut ttowMlMt, twiurd O. Bockler n Bttu Tax Com. mlHioo: Suit to dctcrmlM amount t mu panooal Idcoid tax plalotllt aj- mcm paia u asks rtluo. Ttarl Lola Boeklar fttMla mtt r CommlwloB: eutt to dttrmlnt amount of aaeaaa panonal lo cocao tax plaintiff al Jetea paid and ska refund. Oeorga H. Bnrkltr vi Stat Tax Cora iulon: fluit to dttralna amount of cmcu taxa paid alltitd fcr plaintiff ana axa rtiuna. Otortt H. Buckler aa admlnlitrator of Ptarl LlUlan Bncklar Btata Tax Commlaaton: Suit to Uttrmlna amount ai sxeeH perionai tax paia ailKad mj piainim ana uti rtiuna. Ooortt B. Bttcklar company ts SUta Tax Com minion : Suit lo dtrm kna amount of taxai paid alltttd by plain- tui ana uii rtiuna. Vernlo Breljrn itacf i Oala I, ataor Dlverca aomplalnt allialna cruel ond innuman uaatmant. Harnacl at Dauu, owns. ij. naaxi raiioruian oi formar noma of Wordeaw B. X. Sttwart Va Robert Lrnna Clark: Plaintiff reply to defendant'a anewer a-tini for relief demantiea In nls com. plaint. John O. Uper Mono Piper: Dl toko complaint, alleilni anttl and In human treatment. Married at Rocebura. Auc. T, lMt. Plaintiff aiki poawision of per tonal property, lnuudlnf an auto mobile. Connie IFlflirhhauer va Iverett and Marrla L. Nicolal: Defendant'! aniwer aaklnf Judament atalnit plaintiff for eoeta a,nd dUburaemenU- Uabel Shea Chapman atate Tax Com minion of Oreton: Complaint leak ing determination of txcculve amount of persona! Income tax plaintiffs allele thvr have paid. Seek return or iuch xceulf payment!. Urt. LaaUr B. Ann C.l Aoderien Stale Tax commiiiloo of Oreeon: Com plalnt aecklnx deUrmlnallon of axeca tlve amount of personal Income tax plaintiff alleles has been paid and return of said payments. Blmeoe Chapman e a talc Tax Com mUalon of Orefon: Complaint seeklni determination of exeeasiTe amount of personal Income tax plaintiff alleges has been paid and asks return of aatd payments. Vn. Thomas L. I Max thai Taylor s State Tax Commission: Suit to deter mine excessive amount of personal In come taxes plaintiff alleles has keep paid and seeks return oi same. n. I. Chapman ra stata Tai commli- Ion al Oreton: Sull ta determine aa- caul! amount af Derionel Income tai ; plaintiff alleaee haa been paid and seeka return of eama. Paul a. Wolfe e Alfred w. Burtorne; Defendent'e demurrer to complaint al leslns uuufflclent facte. Charlotte D. Peerenbeom vi Eileen and Marvin Tolland: Defendant'! aniwer aiklna that eomDletnt. Involving auto mobile accident of Not. . 11 be die ealeaed. Morriooe Licenses ALBANY Jemea CRouke. 31. ens Manna M. Price.- M, both of Kugene. Howard P. Lorlmor. Is, Ba-eet Home, and Aryln J. Pulbar. IS. Portland. Elvln Nolilcir. It, Lebanon and Pan ale Tutale. 4. Albanr. Melfla Alfred Hermann. 11. truck kAW th Splmdar ..On Drama ..OitHtuHofi ft motioh nrri' r m a iifjii 1 era tini . . . nraai m west craaNT UiOdpUji! toe sit. . . Announcement of the program was made several weeks ago by the Franciscon Fathers of toe Province of Santa Barbara, as sisted by the Franciscon Sisters of Lacrosse, Wis, Rev. Kevin Murphy. O. F. M.. member of the order is a teacher at Sacred Heart academy. Scheduled for eomoletion next fall are a residence hall for fac ulty members and an eight class room builuing. Later it is con templated a chapel, administra tion building, science hill, gym nasium, athletic field, two 18 classroom structure- and a sis ter faculty bouse will be con structed. - ' The entire project will cost In the neighborhood of 12,000,000. A. N. Hinden of Portland. who built the new St Joseph's church in Salem, is the con tractor. Architect is John Ma loney of Seattle. Special Council Conunutd from Pat 1) ers are known. Their names have not been disclosed to the city. Should the deal be made the city has. tentatively in mind the transfer of the water department ouice rrom the present small building on Trade Street to the Capital Journal building, and the transrer to that building of the police department from City HaH, including the jail, for which there is ample space in the base ment This would release for other purposes all the space now occu pied by the police department on the first floor of City Hall, and some oi n probably would be used for storce and vault in stallation. City Hall is now short oi storage space. Also tentatively in mind is con struction of a new building on property owned by the water de partment in the city shop area on 20th Street south of Mission. Thl. would be moved the water depart ment's laboratories and other ac tivities of that department aside irom omce operation. Malnwaring has offered the city a five month lease and ontlon on ine property in oraer to aive it time to complete arrangements for the purchase, without obliga tion to the city except to pay In terest property tax and fire In surance on the property during the period. The city has the right to terminate it at any time if it aeciaes not to ouy. Snowfall Lighter . To East and South Apparently the snowfall in Sa lem was grester 'nan In the hills to the east anj south, Judging by reports reaching the county court County Commissioner Roy J. Rice said that while two or three graders hsd been sent out no re ports of distress had resched him early Saturdsy. Indications were that the depth of snow in the Silverton Hills country was below that in Salem. j Judge Rex Hartley, who lives along the northern edge of the Ankeny Bottom country, stated that the depth of snow at his ranch was approximately two inches. J-mei Wxli cowaa. n. trufS armr. Bprlnitl-ld. Ore. and Kathlaan Kdmunda, 31. rectpuonlit. Xuiena. Marvin Ltwu. locacr, 4t. Waathcripoon. . waltraai. On. and Luttla aalli Illla. I t,Wt subllijiitT. and Jeanne Maria H9ltf ja clerk-lrplat. atayten. Allen J. Campbell, leaal. brand In apector. and DorotM Aleaander. horae keeper. both Portland. Clarence Cecil Pierce. II, TJ. B. arm. Hydeavlllo. calif., and Vera Mar:on Noah. 11. uihrrette. Broo-atvlUe. Probate Court lone Hepp eatate: Pinal order to be heard Pen. li. Cleavy Mile eitata: aupplemental ac count Marv Jana Hafamaa e.lile: Eitata appraliad al taiH. Municipal Court William J. Dawion. 13SS Boone Road, dleorderlf eondnct aharae dlimliaad on order of aourt. JURIS TOMORROW! apriafeaf - . - ' '. , . . 1 , . , n 'i'- :tf-r'ir;-..u.v4 ' iii. - - ,,.,., .... .... : . !! .;.-,,,;, ..;.. in--.-.' m Sweet Home Pastor Placed on Probation ALBANY. Ore. Ml The Rev. Stewart Baker, who pleaded guilty to assault in the beating of his 1J-year-old son, has been placed on probation for one year. rasur ot ine Sweet Home Church, the minister was taken into custody on the complaint of neighbor. Police Chief Roy Clover said he had called a physician to treat the noy ana remove a large splinter from his back. Clover said the boy had been beaten with a heavy stick and suffered cuts and bruises on his shoulders, arms and back. Lebanon Motorist Killed in Wreck LEBANON 9I Norman Vernon Tiber. 28. Lebanon. Ore.. was aiuea yesterday on toe Leb-anon-Scio highway when his car skidded on slippery pavement for 60 feet and then plunged off tne road and across a roadside creek. A passing motorist noticed the wreckage and notified police. Grid System Debate Scheduled by JCs The one-way jeii system will be the subject of a round table dis cussion Tuesday noon at the Junior unamoer ot commerce meeting. City Alderman Robert White will lead the progrid group and Attor ney Jason bee will lead the antl- gridders. Robert Seamster will act aa moderator. In the Middle ages, the lord often haa a chair at the head ot the table or on a dais beside his bed which served as a seat of authority similar to a thorne. Her is an architect's sketch of Serra High School, main building of an educational center to be bulK this year by the Franciscan Father on Lancaster Drive, east i Salem. John W. Maloney of Seattle is the architect 5 Inches Snow (ConUntMd from Pat I) There were 10 inrhM r nw snow on Santiau pass Saturday morning. At Timberline there were 12 'nches of new snow, making the total there 120 inch es. Astoria listed one inch of snow; Lakeview and Pendleton, in the eastern uart nf h four inches esch; The Dalles, live inches. Farther south, less snow waa listed, Eugene reporting but on inch on the ground. No snow wis listed lor the Roseburg are. JN WiOaepi (ConUnued from pas 1) The Communists were expected to oppose the Indian decision-sinc they want all prisoners kept in neutral custody until a peace con ference decides their fate. The Allies contend that under terms of the armistice ail unreoa triated POWs must be liberated as civilians at midnight next Fri day. For the united Nations com mand now to agree to further and indefinitely prolonged captivity of these prisoners of war would ne gate the very principle of human rights for which so many men of this command have fought and died," Hull wrote. 'Such unjust and unworthv ap ple, and is obviously unthinkable." lion is intolerable to any tree peo Hull's letter continued: "Return to the United Nations command of personnel prior to as January can only o regarded as a i allure by the neutral nations repatriation commission to fully discharge its duties, but this fail are will in no way, it must' be emphasised, affect the right of 3 . vi..-.'. irt .rr.'. ..t'IT""1 Ty-1 -a r v 1 , f taw aV, " y nTil awanneSaS TOMORROW .. . from 1 to 5 p. ra. . THE NEW OBSTETRICAL AND PEDIATRIC UNIT AT SALEM GENERAL HOSPITAL . . . WILL BE OPEN FOR YOUR INSPECTION AND APPROVAL The Board of Trustees of Solem Generol cordially invites friends ond well-wishers of th Hospital ... the general pub lie .. . and thos who contributed to th Hospital Develop ment Fund, to visit th new unit tomorrow. Regrettobly, circumstances afford just this on opportunity where all may enjoy o close-ronge, leisurely, top-floor-to basement Inspection of th many splendid focilities in th new unit. You are urged to cornel prisoners of war to become civil ians at that time regardless ' of their physical location. templet Release Plan Indian troops, meanwhile, com pleted plans for turning back the 22,400 unrepatriated prisoner to the Allies and Communists and In dian village near here took on a nouday air. u s like lb last day of school,'' i Indian major said. "Every one is going around with big smiles." , Witness Raps (Continued tram Pag 1) Gregory, who (aid be waa born in Bulgaria and became an U.8. citizen about 1U7. pleaded the first and fifth amendment refusing to answer on the grounds of free speech and self-incrimination. Never Saw Evil led In answer to questions. Gregory said "as far as I'm concerned I've never seen an evil Communist I never was h. contact with a vi cious Communist The persons I came in contact with were gentle manly and secret-minded, who wouldn't give away any informa tion. Pappas was ejected when' he re fused to answer the question: "Do you consider a man a traitor to his country It ha ba the names of Communist conspirators and re fuses to give them to law enforce ment officiala?"- BRITAIN NAMES ENVOY TO IRAN LONDON W Britain has nam ed Roger B. Stevens, former en - vuy to Sweden, aa ambassador Iran probably tne No. 1 Hot - spot for a- British . diplomat will represent Britain in a project' ed new round of negotiations aimed at seUlin' tha oil dispute. slit 'i ,aiiw h.TXm Worst Storm Continued from Pag 1) Holland's repaired dike with. , stood their first grueling storm test since their repair after tb '. great floods of almost a year ai-o. The last of 7 big dike breaches were plugged in November. Near ly 1.000 people perished when the , duces gave way on Jan. 31 and Feb. 1 of last year. Britain's worst gales in a half ' century killed four people during the night and lea tattered trail of wreckage strewn from Scotland to tne soutn coast winds whipping along un to an miles an hour blew down bombed out buildings in Germany, where . five persona died of norm injuries. Three were buried alive in wreck age In Hannover, a man was killed ' In Muenster by flying debris, an- 1 ether in Wandsbeck by falling power line. Fire, fanned by storm' winds, ' swept a metal grinding factory in ' Hannoversch-Muendea with loss ea timated at 17 SO ,000. Shipping ran for cover in tha Baltic and the English Channel aa storm-tossed aeaa lashed coast- ' lines. Defense built up after the disastrous floods of just year ago held out everywhere, however. Three small Islands oft the wast coast of Scotland Islay, Jura and Colonsey were cut off from corn munication with the mainland. SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of all kinds. Traroem, Abdominal Buppoii, inaatto Hosiery E pert . Fitters Private Fltttn ' . "Ask Tear Deetar" to Capitol Drug Store He 40S State St - Corner of Uberty at ana H Green 8 tarns