.1 ' Par II THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Oregoa Saturday. January 1. w BRADLEY'S BICICII k POET SHOP Formerly Moorek 237 N. High Ph. 1-4844 BETJTLER-OtlSTAD Ul Ce. "Everything to Build With" 483 Wallace Hd. Ph. 8-8181 RUSS PRATT CAPITOL OH TRANSFER Moving . Protected Storage Expert Packing Agent fcr Mayflower Nationwide Furniture Mover Phone 2-2438 230 So. Front St CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO. Typewriter! . Adding Machine Accounting Machine Calculators Letter DeLapp Transfer-Storage "Local and Nation-wide Mover" Ph. 21750 UlSN.CommerdaJ ELECTRIC CLEANERS 685 Highland Ph. 2-4821 C L. ELF8TROM CO. 280 S. Liberty FEDERAL OREGON AGENCY. Insurance All Type 565 M. Capitol Ph. 42201 T. T. GOLDEN MORTUARY 803 & Commercial Pn.42257 HENRY'S PHOTO SHOP Things Photographic 46S Stat St. Ph. 24505 HOTEL MARION Coffee Shop Open 1 a m.-B p.m. Special $1 60 Sunday Dinner Noon Till 8 p jn. HOWELL-EDWARDS FUNERAI HOME Acrou ('rum hear 543 N. Capitol HUTCHEON PAINT STORE Paint Varnishes Wallpaper Ph. 3-6687 162 N. Commercial LUMBER DIVISION OREGON I'ULP it PAPER CO. Quality Material Courteoui Service Front & Kerry Ph. 2-2421 DICK MEYER LUMBER CO. One Piece or a Truckload 1775 I ana Ave. Ph. J-4938 SELECTED BIBLE PASSAGES BY SALEM AREA PASTORS MATTHEW 5-16 Let your light so shine before men thot they moy see your good works, ond glorify your Father which is in heoven. W. T. RIGDON CO. Funeral Director! 208 N. Cottage Phone 8-3171 Jiff' X . ?i II w til r:'v. A ft' V vf.rt n 7 miim& world m .i? in Alf r trouble mi yi&'siPihc-h $ r ; f; w y I sr?r ROBERTS BROS. Department Sun R. E. LADD Electric Wiring and Repair Conitruction-Commercial Residential Phone 4-2543 RL 4. Box 308 SEARS ROEBUCK t CO. Senator Hotel Coffee 8hop SUPERB SUNDAY DINNERS UNTIL 8 P.M Court & High St.. Salem Pb, 34151 SILVER FALLS ELECTRIC Owned & Operated by L.H Campbell 8650 Silverton Rd. Ph. 4-1886 What has happened to this marvelous world of ours in this twentieth century of God's grace? Mankind seem to be passing through a sea of troubles which has no counterpart in human history. There are wars and rumors of wars among the nations, and many of the nations themselves are split into warring factions, each faction striving for supremacy, and each intolerant of the views, hopes, and rights of others. The great trouble with the world is that men have forgotten God. They no longer seek spiritual guidance, but follow the vain ways of the modern world. We have become a cynical, materialistic generation. If this drift toward world tragedy and chaos is ever stopped, the churches of the world must do it. The world's hope our hope is in God and His Church. He alone can save mankind from a sorrowful fate. The Church seeks to turn the hearts of men from the ways of war and fear and hate to the ways of peace and love. TWEED1E FUEL OILS -Oil to Burn" Ph. 2-4151 1174 Edgewater West Salem 'Ac iron, COlj r 01 -rwr ih, 1J L - OH. HI..J." OOM Ur?h. Qrtk . "Ay & "' I u, I vu THE VTRTx MARKET Conjpi. . i enter 3045 S. Conunercial UNIT ED TITtfATRF TORP. Elsimtrr Hint"' (.rand Liberty - StaU Drive-In MASTER BREAD Brought to You Fresh Dally By Your Grocer and Cherry City Baking Co. MITCHELL'S RADIO AND TELEVISION Complete Television and Radio Sales & Service "We Give ZfC Green Stamps" Phone 3-7577 1880 Stat MONTGOMERY WARD Department Store MAYFLOWER MILK Phone i20i LES NEWMAN'S Men s Weai and Shoes 178 N. Commercial VALLEY TELEVISION CENTER Salem. 2302 Fairground Road Woodburn, 171 Grant Motorola RCA-Victor. Dumont Hoffman Television Complete Sales and Service PAY LESS DRUG STORE "Pav Less Has Everything" 484 State St. Phone 2-3654 VALLEY TRACTOR COMPANY Ford I -h u - Service 34ft Silverton Rd. VALLEY PACKING CO. "The Home oi Famous Cascade Hams. Meats, Bacons" 2805 Valpak Rd. Ph. 3-4158 OTTO J. WILSON CO. Authorized Bulck Sales Service 388 N. Commercial Ph. 2-3621 j THIS SERItS OF ADS IS BUNG rUILISHID tACH WEEK UNDtR THI AUSPICIS OF THE AMEHtCAN SIILI SOCIETY AND IN THE INTEREST OF ALL SALEM AREA CHURCHES. AND IS SPONSORED IY THESE PUBLIC SPIRITCO, I j CIVIC MINDED BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS f !l 1 1 1 t V i I I