BOO RmI Estate ROO Real Estate ROO Real Entate SO Automotive R-'O Automotive 8."0 Automotive Capital Journal, Salem, Ore-, Satnrady, Jan. 18, 195i 15 ITEAT COZY-Ie thai I bdrm horn with dax finished bdm. or dm over fare. IJv. nr... din rm, kitchen with ntinl spao. bath with how.r lull O. L Lou to b aaeumad. CALL i. t LAW. HAKBRIN GARDENSlmmedlat Possession 3 bdrm.. full bunt., spa eioua Uy. rm. with fireplace din. rm, very convenient kitchen with wki. are. Lit. beautilul yard. Terra. CALL GRABKNHORST BROS. ONI OF SALEM'S BEST look at thia 1 bdrm. home with extra lie. aU Purpoae room la knotty pine. I fireplace, 11. rm. and Jin. rm. wall to wail carpet. ti comer lot. pavement tn. avid, planter front, auto-oil heat -Owner nut of town and will sacntlc at but loot CALL RICHARD K. CRABENHORST. LARGE BUSINESS LOT-11C x 135' o eonter. Located North. H rm. cILVaENHORsf ' JB 0'"C " '" Prlc "so- CALL O. H. RESIDENTIAL COURT-S unitf. All brick construction. Corner lot in loc;Uo"- A" un" " too condition. Monthly Income over 900.N a month. Shown by appL only. CALL H. K. LAYMON. H. K GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 S. LIBERTY PHONE 2-2471 Evcnlno Laymon I-S1B3 GORGEOUS HOME $16,900 W Just listed the prettiest and beat built horn that wavo teen (or a lonf time. Located high on a hill In South Villa. 9 bed room home, haa beat of every thing full dining room, luxury bathroom, breath-taking kitchen, t ear garage lota more, too II Ask for Ted Morrlaon to ihow you through it wont last long. LEI ORMART BEAUTY SHOP A REAL MONEY MAKER In suburban shopping area, nice booths & equip., rent only MO 00 per mo other overhead very low. price 13200 no tele, info, please must be shewn after S pjn. Call L. Lorena for appointment. SUBURBAN 4 ACRES EXCELLENT SOIL Comfortable 1 br. home, kitchen and nook is exceptional) nice, large utility room. 30 x 28 chicken house. This la dandy suburban property and owner ould consider 2 br. Salem horn In trade, for further inf. call Henry Torvend. FOUR BEDROOMS ENGL E WOOD SPECIAL Lota of home for the money. 2 large bedrooms down and I up. In first clans repair, fireplace, basement, close to school and stores. Call Ralph Idaddy for appointment OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 4T7 Court St. Phone 2-41 IB. 1-4111 Eva Salesmen Ted Morrison 1-5048: Henry Torvend 3-3631 Ralph Maddy 2-34B8: Louis Lorenz'3-5590 COLBATH'S REAL ESTATE ATTRACTIONS PARDON US, MR. WEBSTER but we have a new definition for the NORTHERN SECTION OP KEIZER children. Epur bedroom home witii . on main floor, fireplace, urge garage, trees, nign ana ary. uver ii acre, of choice (oil, fruit and nun all QUALIFY THIS ONE AS DEFI NITION OF A REAL "HOME." Total price .11,500. TERM. Xvt. ph. -oa. A HERMIT'S RETREAT AMONG THE TREES AND ROLLING HILLS. This 8'j acres la Just the lace to make your strike. located near PEDEE, Total price is Just 18M and the term $150 down with EZ monthly paymta. Iv. Ph. V-S714. OWNER HATES CASH Burin this home Is as easy as falling off a ltig. You must see this attrae lv. twn Umnm RUMf.ALnW home. Not over 8 VearS Old. Big and roomv larase with utility. Excellent east of the Swegla school on GARDEN ROAD. TOTAL. PRICC 4W0, TERMS $500 down. Eve ph. 4-5494. FOR LEISURE LIVING THESE IS NOTHING COMPARABLE cory two bedroom horn, garage, road. Located between Middle urove ana swcgi. . .... 4'r'4' MARTT.YN MONROE DOESN'T UVB ON MONROE But the PERMANENT RESIDENTS THERE DO APPRECIATE THEIR NICE IXKJAIION. Here we have on acre with charming two bedroom home, fireplace, oil furnace, nardwooonoora. Ranch stvle fence. This one is only 19950. Will make you a perfect buy. GOOD TERMS. Eve. PH. 4-2714. BIG DREAMS AND LITTLE P0CKETB00KS a ,.. . u. ..mi. .e.m. nn.tnrv tirw two bedroom home, ,11 hardwood fir. on heat. .Ingle rm. Total price Is only W, "'" .T'""" SELLING BELOW FHA APPRAISAL. Eve ph. THIS IS LIKE GOLD you-ve looked and .looked for a SIX imrn TRADE for THIS FINE BUY. OR SELL FOR H950. THE SIRES TMR.r?Ti-'inTH FOR THE CAUTIOUS BUVER. EVE. innc 10 juii w PH 4vnTT'T T. NP.VKR And voull be proud to entertain your nVrn, "Hot waier heL 2 fireplaces, floor space, aen. i oeort" Double garage ano acre ui wu OF $2950 down or less Eve ph. 4-2. H ,. 12 ACRES $1500 DOWN BEST OF SOIL WITH IRRIGATION RIGHTS Small modern two home. Barn and garage. This is choice location on North River FARMERS TAKE A LOOK Manv out buildings. 23 head caitle. mostly Holsteins. 2.50O IS THE PRICE. Eve. ph 4-2714. .p. RENT Large garage building on Cherry Avenue. RENT $57.50 per i"" rV'hZ;rCenrr'S."Td;.T .or" Mlk. or busine-. Locate 1U3 Center. Rem T"nl": .,nm aip HERE IS A HOT ONE rm ACRES-JUST MILE SOUTH OE SUNNYSilaP ere In ', rvr ph S-ROfiJ. Even in e phones Kit" Ktgglns-4-MM Mrs. Oglesbee-2-5373 T. l- Anarrion 11-UNIT MOTEL One of the bet motel Nation, tn! B-lem Owner qua ,;1(tn!; Two bedrooms, nice Hvmf room ,"",7' double. T V. In fie Salesman. F.VE BEDROOMS DOUBLE BATH FULL , BASEMENT see call Chet RawUns, Salesman. ENGLEWOOD SPECIAL fine two bedroom home hrart of with attracuve f. rep see full sink and ku 01 nir. halhroom With . Vr wood lloors lust refmi rl.hl at I1IJ00.OS. F.H-A. or OX for .Doolntment to Me. tuoff VPAR OLD 2BEDROOM $5,250 $500 Down, $50 Month THRF.E YEAR UL1J i D"""-' "T' . B ,ce livln room sou can moy, rui.t '""'"'. "B""T,"''bedrSm. Good ..r.e Cke and dinlnf room L.r. JZKn plaster, only 1's years to school east suburryin. Hirdwooa uoor n.t. y old. Csil Jim Rawlina. RAWLINS REALTY - , ..("."JW00D or 4..W Ivenind CM R...m. HM rred R.wllr. tjmX zuv S3wt, undaya call Saleamea 1. E. Law J-S11J RUDY CALABA word "HOME " In the ever r popular, ON N. RIVER ROAD. Sate for living rm, dining rm. 3 bathroom water system. Only on block with this 1 acres for MvSO.Nic water system, utility houeved garage, birch w-ood kitchen l dining A "- CO'.' WANT TO MOVE friends in this .attractive double here ..over . ' - vVnv C.OOD TERMS of Salesmen: a m . ;wlc7 hen wtth'corner Jtmnj room, cuie roomI verr AU newi decorated and bard .Lkl ..'inh This house priced flinisneu. imm. . B-u,.in- Realtor. term.. - Phones: 3:m Rawlins 2-S572, IMIIIMII MUSUItl MIIUIUUtlUtH wmiiiuim SELL MUM SULLIVAN 13,MO-4 yr. old. 3-BR home, north, piua urge parry room, separate DR. 32xlftit LR with heatolator fireplace Approx. 150 aq. ft. Ut this excellently constructed home Rice, evea S-4te, Englewood Pun basement with ex tra an. s-waun furnace, fire- Elace. 1 BRa, separate DR. Home i excellent condition. Owner ma consider trade on larger home tUeMW. Rica, erea. J- HJ.ftOO PHA financing available. w . -io- u waan. sen Forced air oil heat. Til in kitchen and bath. Storage galore. Thia la an EXTRA house. Complete fur nishings available. McFarlans. eve. 4-2M3. Cory One -BR home with full base- mem, close to Capitol Shopping Center. Oil heat Make wonderful home for anyone working In the tat buildings. Davis, tvei. J-2791 23-yr. F.H.A. loans, 10 DOWN, and u-yr. o.i. loans b'fc lxjwn. avail able to qualified buyers for con struction and existing property Construction money available to builders. ROBERT B. SULLIVAN. REALTOR 3365 Portland Rd. Phone 4-8933 $43.50 PER M0. Buys a brand new 1 bedroom home wnn a very reasons Die down pay ment Plastered, all hardwood Coon. Inside city limits with city water and sewer. 25 GOOD ACRES $1500 down for a farm with food Doiiom sou. Neat and clean, X bed room home with utility room. Dou ble garage. Barn, chicken house and other buildings. All paved road about 20 minutes to downtown. COZY FIREPLACE That needs onjy your favorite chair ior complete comion. siuuu a own will handle this lovely S bedroom home, built about 1 years ago. Spa clous kltchn and dinette. Separ ate utility, attached garage. Bal ance like rent. Inside city limits on paved street. Kl South High Street. Phone S-MOS Phone evenings and (Sundays 4-1761, S-SUa, l-7, 4-1319, -3264 Nob Hill Colonial Three large bedrooms, den, well arranged llvlna? room with fire place, dining room, full basement, oil furnace, double aaraae. This Is an excellent family heme In the popular McKlnley dtttrlct of fered for only $15,000.00. Good terms. Need More Room We have a nice two bedroom home with unfinished attic, fireplace, dining room, large lot In good district. Owner will accept lesser 6 need property ior nis equity, nly HIT 500.00. Call Mr. Anderson, aajesmsjia E. Lincoln St Here Is a three bedroom home In the area you like. It has a large living ana dining room combina tion, tare kitchen, utility room. double Rarase. This is a lot of house for only I.9M.O0. Owner wants offer on down payment. Trade For Acreage Three bedroom home In Keizer dis trict, il heat, large 1(4. priced at S10.50OO0. Owner wants 1 to 10 acres with S bedroom home. Call Mr. Keene. salesman. C.V.KENT&CO. REALTORS 4M N. Church Phone 4-2293 Sves.: Keene 2-607H, Parsons 11508 Anderson 2-1744 806 Houses For Sal APARTMENT for rent 13M Che- mekeu it. . NEW 3 BEDRM. Basement. 1 Ore- places, 1 j oains. ma icei t-our. (Just off P St.) NEW 3 bedroom home. Plastered. forced air neai, iirepmce, wrm utility, law lot. Walnut and pear trees. Second paved St., East of KeUer school $11,500. FH A. vail ab. See anytime. By builder. Phone 4-23B2. WILL TAKE trsilei houie as down ; pavment on small, modirn house suburban. Ph. 4-,-tl39. HOME WITH Income, large living room, dining room bedroom breakfast nook ec kitchen. Base ment. Beautiful yard, furnished apt, u pstalr1J7.000. Tel. 2-MS2. BY OWNER? bedrms.. fireplace, at tached RJraRf. eieciric ne;u. 1 v aerial. Completely furnished. W,0f0 down. Ph. 4-5390. 1730 S. Summer St BY OUT-OF-TOWN ov.ner. 2 bdrm house, nearly new, double garage, nice corner. Low down pymt or car. Drive by. 1715 Waller. If Inter ested call Albany. 2-X13J. SALE or trade by owner, attractive modern 2 bedrm. home tn Manbrin Garden. Low down payment. Bal ance 4 loan, rn. 3-mu. 1 nrnn um. or unfurn.. garage, laundry. Reasonable. 3845 Portland Hd. 1 roKt RV OWNER U this what you are looking for in a homf , . , . 2 bdrm. Fenced yard. S vrs. old, s hrirm. with extras. New. 4 ivtrm urith f tilt hmt . rvv hotiiw are well constructed with fireplaces .forced air hat. rood stred rms. Your inspection ts Invited. All located near Manhrin Gardens. 525 Larry Ave Phone 3-38n:i Price 110.900 to f 1 2.500. NO MISSPRINT Pried for quick ala Nw a-bdrrr home 2 an up. Att. gsrsge. t.M 17,000 losn available to huver Ser at 2W0 Brown Rd. Ownct rt 39)0 Auburn R1. 2-HORM. hse In mr Dlst 1722 llV. rm . KlKl.tfn .Ulllivjr pwmi oil floor furnace tt. dble. gara larfe lot. 1 DIRS m khwii. down. Full price M.300. Ph. 2-7078 after j jo. I BEDROOM, furnace, fireplace. Basement, newiy aernrairu. irn. South 13th Price .7. Terms. Phone J-4434. HOUSE AND LGE barn. Equipped with furnac. power, phon. Sell able for rabbitry, hatchery, or Utht industry. PI". 4-K33 sfter or Sun. BYbWNFR Very nice i-room home. Wall to wsU earpctlnf. Work shop. Out door fireplace, prlnkltnf syi lem. 2 extra Me Yard all fenced, i, Mock to bus. Price Ifljoo 2 nno down Easy monthly payments. Ph. 1 4-17M after a.m. 651 0txJ Cm Fo Sol SSI T 10 OFF!! 10 THIS WEEK-END GIVING 10 OFF USED CAR BUY ON OUR LOTS, IF YOU BUY WITH NO TRADE-IN. SAVE MANY, MANY DOLLARS ON THIS DEAL NOW! FOR EXAMPLE 'S3 DODGE V4 4-DOOR CORONET, RADIO, HEATER, S-TONE PAINT, TINTED GLASS, GYROHATIC TRANSMISSION $2,195 YOU SAVE A BIG $219.50 REMEMBER, NO TRADE-INS ON THIS DEAL WE WANT REPUTATION FOR EXAMPLE: ; '48 Studebaker Commander $595 Hat overdrive, perfect motor. Excellent condition throughout '49 Mercury Sedan '.. $895 Hal radio, hetter; it'i tope throughout. KELLY OWENS CO. SO Jt. LIBERTY PHONI J-41U Ml Real Estate 806 Houses For Sal t-BEDROOM home, t yrt. old. Urfi .icnen mna orcuuii room com bination, din. rra, Ur(t bdrm. end clout, oil hiat, hardwood floors thruout. I blkt. to school and shopplnf entr, blk. to bus stop, blacktop pavamtnt lTf lot. can ba purchased with fufialturt or without. New Prifldalr appli ances, stove, refrlf., auto, washer. Ms Dearborn (KeUer OUtrtet). Pb. 4-4067. rOR BALK, rurnlshed t bdrm. ho'ise. amau oown peyment. m. 3-toib. ROY TODD " REAL ESTATE - 3 BEDROOM Donl pass up this re finished 1 bdrm. nous. aU new floors, beat Ins1 olani end clumblne fixtures. Two blks. from Richmond School insulated ceil inf. 97000. VISTA VIEW PROPERTY 3 bdrms., very larn llv. rm din. rm., kit. and break, nook. 3 fire places. Inside utility rm. Lot 78x390. A very sou ouy ai siuov, DO YOU WANT TO TRADE? We have I fod farms in Eastern Oregon sround Redmond to trade for baiern properiy. 160 Acres, 29.000. 100 Acres, $.10,000. 106 Acres, KiS.OOO. INCOME . Two houses on large lot with room for more. One house Is almost new. In No. 3 zone and located close in. Good rental location. Only 6800. Roy Todd, Real Estate 3.119 State St. - Office Phone 2-11391 Evenings call: Vandcrvort 2-fi2bB; Simpson 3-8239; Ruch 3-7915; Elltnger 4-5m SECLUDED 100x100 ft. view lot Inside city hrtm. 2 fireolaces. 1 lr lee. bdrm.. 2 smaller brs. 14x20 reenhouse. Moving to Canada Price mm LEAVING CITY Just listed. Attractive 3-bdrm home. Extra fm. over garage for a shop or the kids. flO-ft. lot with lee. trees. S68O0 4". loan. Price - S9.500. VrW TRADE Take your contract, small house or oiner equities in on this lge. 3-br. ranch home with 2-car ga rage. Best offer takes It. SMALL ACREAGE SOUTH Just a cheap little J-br. placo with lh acre pring water. Only $2J00 full price- 5400 dn. W. MUSGRAVE REAIyTORS 1111 f-1t.walr, 1-SI08 tv 3-9B38 WE BUILD ON YOUR LOT GI-FHA NOTHING DOWN AND ONLY 14S0 ON YOUR LOT. WW sno snuu r n down on our lot. 4 town CI. Kirnnmi. B87 BO. ft. Ultre-modern features, such as: Birch kitchen. tuD ana snower wun me. six foot wardrobe closets In all bedroom, thrre-way dremnir mir rors in ha'h. and many others. You make the comparison Open Eveninks Till 8 p.m. PHONE 2)971 S350. DOWN I9.WC. 174 wf month. JtiI7 Vaufhn Ave. One blk. from rich er Rd. on Sunnr-view. Ph. -2 On Wallace Road 2 Mi. from city. A'trsctive 7 room home, lull basement, city mail del., 2 Aires fruit. Shrubs, flowers, a cinir. h.m with all cit v advan- Ufi M ono 00 dn Full pr 111 500 00 Call Ralph Shepard. Sim. ve Pro 2-7774 JOE HUTCHISON. REALTOR aai gdttwater OWNFJl transfrrrrd. 4 bdrma. S bathi. t lirepiacea, knotty pine playroom, doubi arst. lew Cash, Usde or terms. -44. Xfi Can Tot Sal 10 OFF!! OFF!! ONLY WE ARE ON ANY CHOICE, YOU TO PRICES QUALITY .10 Keul Estate 806 RoutM For Bala Enriewood Ntc (mlly horn with I bdrmi., flreolsc. hardwood floors, and un finished upstair. Beautiful lot and ahruba. Quick ..1J.1M Good Terms 1625 S. Church St 1m. L, and D. rms tlrepl., one l(. bdrm. down, t up. Two baths, le. kitchen with nook. Bawmffni with oil PA heat. Beautiful lot J.L. HIMMEL REALTOR 80S No. Capitol St l70 Pit Kemper 2-5297 (Sim.) H. Peckenpeugh S-M13 (Sim.) -BEDROOM oldar style. 1 lots. 1XU n-nn a... s diock oil s ., Hoyt. Mate, offer. Ph. -733. OWNER M1TST SELL t bdrm. home. Fireplace, near hus and school. A buy at M190. Ph. J-4706. 3 Rentals. 1 Floor t fum. 3 rm. ants, and one S bdrm. apt. .Lot tb x an. juoveiy dock yara This trl-plex is about 7 yrs. old and very weU built. North of city. 914,900. 2V Acres East Older 3 bdrm. home. Barn, chicken house ana orooaer. " greenhouse. Plenty of wster and best of ground. 10,500. Call Art ART MADS EN REALTY 1328 StSte St. Ph. 3-5580. 1-3811 $700 DOWN! Two-bedroom home on 1 acre north. Living and dining room commnro. Kitchen wllh eatmf B-ec. Garafe. fruit and nuts. Price .0O. Home and 4 Lots Two-bedroom home fully furnished. Home not large, dui very nvamr. Bus past door. M.OOO. Take in any thing but a home. RAMSEY, REALTOR 10M North Commercial. Office 4-6211 (Open Saturday :00-4:f0) Evenings: 1-7M or 4-16W I BEDROOMS Thre years old. Fireplsc. car pctlni. vsncttan blinds. Consider S bedroom near state hospital. SEAL REALTY Day, anrt fv Phnne 808 Lots For Sals BY OWNER. Choice lot on oak St he: ww Librriy and Huh. Phone yv nr i.r.-r. 810 Farms. Acrcaqs For Salt ii, A ALL in filberts. R yrs old. 1 if. mi. m. OI Aurora on vi. w.'- 500 mortease. About 7M) ft. frontajte. 8 A. Wells. Ri. 2. Box 6, Aurora. Ph. Needy 14F3 . J FERTILE acres. Nice mod. 4 bdrm. home wlln uuiny i in.. ftuit rm. 2 laraxrv. new barn. 2 chicken houses, pif house, other births Good well. Bfrries. fruit and mil iters Ne;ir school Paved rd. Price M.M0. Terms. Murt nove. Mrs. Earl Pooler. Prat urn. Phone 812 Exchonoe Raol Estalo FOR TRADE or sell. I room house. lots. miles North of Salem. Ph. 2 -5 120 FOR SALE or trade. 7.5W. B-unlt molfl ptuii J-bedroorti home. plu rilr park on 31 acre-- locatco at Hermilnn. Oreton. Will trade .. wtllamotlt valley farm. Give loratmn. description. 1pe of mil and ptice In first letter. Write Gene Bovntnn. 941. N Pacific Hl way, Wbodhurn. Oreton. LRii a BF.DR house. Klntwoon Heights ror small nouse in oawm. Ph 3-Mtt before 1 00 p m ABOUT ft A. cio In with nice 3- bdrm. nome. oernes iruu. nui by d'jor. Take vtm. trade. -UNIT Apt. hou clo In. I fum Private baths, newly deer., take some trad JOE NOONCHFSTFR Real at.t I5"i N. Cottrr (''I'l dar or eve (18 Wontsd. Rsal tslol WANTtD by vrtvat o.rty. bdrm hm. Will pav cash for equity. Bos 143 SUtmn-JournL 852 Um4 Can for Sal BARGAIN!. IB C'REVROLtT 4-DOOR StOAIt, TOPS. WITH LOW MILEAGE. 1 LOCAI. OWNER. $995 KELLY OWENS COMPANY I N. Llbtrty Phen I-41H Eisner's TOP VALUES VUt MKBC SPT. CPt ndio ana hmii. FORD SUPER t ooor, siaaw sua sisaw. MM BUICK SPECIAL tsou, BaOlo. HHUtv IMI STUDE. CRAMP. f" Radio. MHIST, U.U. 141 PLYMOUTH. Lata wriM .a9 4 door, Radio and Htr. iMTPONTIAC. 4-DB. ' Rl Sharp. 1M HUDSON SEDAN .OM Radw and hatr. Good motor. ELSNER . MOTOR CO. Ill N. High . SaUm, Onfon PACKARD WILLYS 11 Bulck Super Sedan. Dyna flow, radio, heater, ona own , or. Purchased from us, serr tced by us, record avallabla lor your inspection. Perfect condition. ! , ftaaa '10 Bulck Koadmaatar Sedan. ' Dynaflow, radio, heater, ona owner. Mid-Century white . walls. Derforma baautltul- ly. - -- -tlSW 4t Chevrolet tfeetllne Sedan. Radio, boater, excellent whltawall ttree. oerfect In terior, good oondiUon attft M DeSotO Custom Sedan. Auto matic transmission, deluxe type heater, very clean and tn fin eondltlon. Shows at a glance quality ars .. -..$1309 FOR THE SLIMMER PURSE '49 Mercury Club Coupe . - AM '49 Packard Braan - n- snzs 47 Bulck Sedan fB9 '43 Nash Sedan - HH '48 Ford Sedan . fans '49 Nash Sedan $299 47 Kaiser Sedan 9195 '41 Bulck Sedanet It Bulck Special . . (190 You tet A Better Used Car From Yojir Bulck Dealer 1 . OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY OREGON'S NUMBER ONE DEALER COMMERCIAL AT CCKTIll P1IONB 2-2623 A HONEY ! ! 41 WILLYS JEEPSTEH. IT'S IN PER FECT SHAI't. HAS uvumvi RADIO. HEATER. $495 KELLY OWENS COMPANY WM) N Liberty Phone 1-411- SEE THIS! 4S PONT1AC. RADIO. HEATER; ITS IN TOP CONDITION. C. RADIO. op conditi $495 KELLY OWENS COMPANY mo N. Liberty Phone --411- NOW Available! MM PONTIACS. IXEC'tlTIVES- AND HOUSE CAKS At im-flf.- u'a rjIscolTrlTS. CArinr rs.v WARRANTY. 1IFRF.S YOUR NEW CAR AT A USED CAR PR1CEI KELLY OWENS COMPANY MO N. Liberty Phon t-4111 I041CHF.AP Willys Station Wagon. Oood cond. I3M. Ph. -l'J. 'M0 N 20th 49 BUICK sedanelt. I.OW mlleaie. prrlect cond. RAH 1WI N. Mrd W11X 8KI.I. or trade equity in l!M Hornet tor rheaper car. 2335 Maple: r9So"onn V.ll , Inn piikiir miles. Iiaj. 1MJ Plymouth Subur. ban. 2.VW) miles, overdrive, neater. tz.otio. Owner phone 1-7704. lftlft FORD de luxe, partially cus- timed, siro. Phon 3-3U5. M6 S. till i HUDSON bualnea coup, with healer very clean wun new uir. and acceaaoile.. Ph. 2-50H6. 1H.S3 FORD "" 2 door with radio and heater, m '.V muea. rii. Phone 2-2MO. 51 DODOE. 4dr.. radio, heater, ve -y clean, phone 2-OKI7, or see st (73 n i:,il: 818 Wanlsd. Rsal Eslof t NEED llitlnm creaes with or without Improvement.. Relmann Real Estate. 201 S. Huh St. Phon 3-V303. s o s .fork ol SOOil hOuM llt' Ines ne.rly oil sold out. Call, write or wire Colbath Land Co. If you wun to s.11 or trad. R"0 Automotive IS2 (Jtad Can For Sal 852 NOW'S THE TIME! IT'S TAX REDUCTION MOBILE COMPANY. SALEM AUTO IS OUT TO REDUCE ITS USED CAR INVENTORY BEFORE TAX TIME AND IT CAN AFFORD TO SELL QUALITY USED CARS ON A LOW PROFIT BASIS TO MOVE THEM OUT. N0WS THE TIME TO BUY THAT HONEST-VALUE, DEPENDABLE USED CAR AT SALEM AUT0 M0BLIE COMPANY . . . DURING THIS ALL OUT STOCK REDUCTION TAX REDUCTION SALE. SEE FOR YOURSELF 'AT SALEM AUTOMOBILE , COMPANY, COMMERCIAL AT CENTER, PHONE 3-4117. LEONARD'S . fit g. Lancaster I Blocks SPECIAL!! 1953 OLDS HOLIDAY COUPE, power iteerin power muxes, uko new rwe 1M Bulcks, super 4 -doors, R&H, new rings, etc. Your choice for only ., ,. fftj IM0 Nash Statesman S-4oor sedan. Overdrive, weather 070 MM IM9 Ford custom 4-door aedan, R&H, overdrive, new rings ttt 1M Chevrolet Aero sedan. A black -beaut" r . - - , , . . . tnt 1M Plymouth 4-door aedan; p real steal IMi Mash 4-door aedan. Say how about 19a Mash sedsn. Nice small car LMT Pontlao 4-door sedan. R&H. Hlca ear , tMT Chevrolet Aero eedan. R&H, two-tone bhw , 1M1 Plymouth aedan. R&H. New rings, etc IMT Nash 4-door aedan. Real (as mtleaf 19a Pord aedan. Good transportation , 19a Ford "' sedan. Ia this leader It . 1941 Dodge Convertible coup. "A complete motor overhaul1" 1941 Chevrolet special coupe Thia ts a popular dandy WE HAVE 30 MORE OF LEONARD'S PICKUP M TOIU 14-TOM ' PICKUP, NIW MOTOR; IT'S PERFECT THROUOROUT. $295 KELLY OWENS COMPANY W. Liberty Phon. 1-41H IMI BUICK Super Orri.n. R. k i owner, iszu buoi-wi. .-i-b. 13 rORO 4-door sedan. S0. PhoM J-tlM. 0. B. 0. ton BEST orFSR) 1952 FORD COUPE IB HP VJ Motor , , 995 ' 1949 MERCURY SDN. Radio. Hester. Overdrive , : . $545 1941 CHEV. COACH Good Transportation $65 1941 PLYM. COACH $35 Avnbee Motors S40 UNIofj P" ,J-?,M Nit. fnone -mw. .--v. 1S37 DODCC flat bed with rack. Best offer over iou. ioe f". 3 p.m. . COINO Into servlc 22i tor equltj 1090 Olds deluxe ciuu " owed on balance. Phone 3-J-5J or call at 480 S. CotUe alter iv m. MUST SELL-Cood 'SO Chev. Club COUPe. W. wail iu... f t ; beautiful Unlit blue color. See a 11W N. lth St. barrel McRae. WIU conalrler trade foi older car1j 60 OLDS. " 4-dr. SeU or trade Phone 4-38-1. SI PLYMOUTH Cranbrook club coup.. Fully equlpped-27.000 c tuaf on. owner miles. I.02S, ae. t Carl May Oil Co.. Dallas. rOR SAL or trade-My equity la 1M1 Fl Vtn Tord pickup. lent condition. Balance due 1810. Will trade equity for Jood car. Ph. 4-3182. 8;. A?ln: rCHEV. 4-dr. Radio, brater, A-l condition. 1150. Ph. 3-74:11. "il BUICK. Good condition. Sell $100 or trade tor electric ran., piano. what have your fnL3-s.'. rimvaTr. PARTY 53 Tudor Cranbrook Plymouth-low mtle.e. top cond.. excellent rubber-will trad lor older car. Pa. Statesman-Journal Newspapers 2110 NORTH STATESMAN 2-2441 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING laltn. 3 lineal "Weekday -Sundays per line, I tlm -35 M per line. 3 timet M or line times -...31W i oer line. I month . SS 00 (Incl. Sun I Classified sds will be run In ootn paper, to lv ine .u- vantaKes OI in. irenmw v -- power of 05.S00 combined clrcuu- ' Wher .n ad Is ordered thre or . I ...nrfav Is.ue IB In- eluded (for example: rrld.v. Satur. lay. Sundayl the lower Sunday jatea apply because only th Statesman ouhlishes Sundays. , . ...j -a. wilt .tart In in mornlnl Orejon Statesman, conclud. in th. evenlnl Capital Journal -But ads will he accepted for Sundr i.iMm.a only Th. dadlin for elasMflad ads I 1 n. - in- H . hefor Duniica- lion Emersency ads and amaU Una 850 Automotive Uid Can For Sal TIME AT SALEM AUTO USED CARS South of State 8t 4 Coroera . . -.3?P9 , thia one I , . THESE FROM $33 UP USED CARS CU08INO ESTATE 19S1 Mercomatle 8 paaMnter Bport Coup.. 8e at Marlon Car Park. Submit ofiar m ail orcgoa bios. Phono 3-9M1. 854 Tracks. TrgfleTs For 8al MM K- INTIRNATlONAL truck. L.W.Q. 1 n. fiat oea, ooa sium. Hamm'a Wrecker tlt Dalla Rd. Ph. 1-MM. , 1 FORD pickup with '40 motes Runa aood' Phon. 4-1TM. gSB Wond. Cars Troc1i WAMTED Kt InUrnetlonal truest, Eood cofd., rcMoaabl., Ions whssl ase. WIU pay saar. Rt. U -ndp-Bo pence, un, . - 862 Hous Trailers . 27 Ft $2495 A new beautiful 17 ft. Mobile homo, .Luxurious arm eompieteiy rurnisn ed. ol) heater, bath, efee refHff. So Much Quality at so low price. NAMUVA li.. . JAYHAWK M40 Portland Boad II FT. TRAILER bouse. -Equipped. Ice MX, ouiane stove ana neaimr. Sleeps 4. JOS Jersey, Sllverton. Ph. 737'. rx nni.T-AWAV.IbAdnom trailer house. Eleetrle reriff, and hot wa ter heater, inquire .nwTT ft. MODERN trailer bouse. IMS model. Reasonable. Ph. 4-415J or tr a ft .sir USE. M ft. Very xood condition. $1,300. Ph. 4-5833. For the bent In Trailer homes, new or used, witn leririn ivm. "'-? B8I Hsarry Ecftilpmsnl CAT for hire. Phon I-M4. WU- ll.m PbiUlpk 33M Abram. Business Director Btn.inoy.MO D-4. D-. crrylL V. Musny. rn. 1-JH. PAINTlNO Palntlni ft paner hanflni. 5T Shipping. 3-41 FrM estimates. 1513. PI.UMB1NO 34-HR. PUMP senrlc on U roaka water Byltema. Brownla Vald. 3-37M Plit'MMI 8PBAVINO Prunlnj A praln. Insured caj erator. L. W. Caudle. Ph. 4-1481. . SEPTIC TANKS Mike s Septic Service . T n I cleaned. D'rootr clean Mwm. drains. Phon 3-146. "Hamel s ptlc Unkf cleatud. Un ervlc. UuarantM1 work. Phon 7-7101. Z--07.4. CHURCH STREFT JOURNAL 1-3401 ada received after l oo pm. n sy he placed in the "Too Let To Clasnty" column for tb following morning. Th Statesmen-Journal Newspaper reserves th rlinl to r)ect que. Ilonable advertmnf. It furthr r. erves the rlht to place all adver mint under th proper classifica tion. Th. Sutesman-Joumal newipspers assumea no linanclal reaponstbiltty for error which may appear In ad eertlwment buhllshed In Its column and In cases where thl paper I t fault will rpnn . par. advertisement in which tn typo (raphlcal mlaUk ocur. A "Blind" Ad-n a eontainin Statesman-Journal Newspapers bos number for an address Is for tn protection of the advertljera nd must therefor he .nswered by let. ter The Stalesman -Journal New papers ar. not at liberty to dlyulf KlVrrnaUos a. to th. Identity Ut advertiser uslns "Blind ad.