. ' T" 11 T1 "--'111. I 11 ' '" - JUturdty, January It, 1954 . - " " Queen Sought For Mf. Angel MOUNT ANGEL Five prin cesses who are in the' running for the title of Queen of the Win ter Carnival of Mount Angel Preparatory achool, Jan. 23, have announced the namei of their escorts, one of whom will be honored in being the erown prince, eicort to the queea The candidates and their ea. corn are, princess Marlene Diehl, escort Thomas Traeger; princess Laura Schmitz, escort James Fessler; pnncesa Veronica Frank of Silverton; escort, Dar- rci rerscnwener ol Gervais; princes Anita Wilde, escort Dale Looney of Brooks, and princess mariene rrosser, escort Konald Harris. ine queen candidates are members of the Mount Angel preparatory Booster club, and escorts are selected from the Lettermen's club of Mount An gel preparatory. . Voting for the queen candi date is done by the sale of tick ets. . This year's affair is the 6th an nual winter carnival sponsored by the Parents club of Mount Angel preparatory school, a fund raising project to help with fi nancing the school's sports pro gram. The carnival is scheduled for Saturday evening, Jan. 13, in the auditorium of ot Mary's school in Mount AngeL Mf. Angel Legion Makes 1954 Plans MT. ANGEL Members of the Mount Angel post, Ameri can Legion, held their, first meeting of the year Tuesday evening in the Legion Memo rial Hall. Two future events which lo cal members will attend in clude the District II conference in Silverton, scheduled for Feb. 7. with an afternoon business session and a social hour and banquet in the evening; also the Marlon County Council slated for Friday. Jan. IS, at the Women's club In Salem. Edgar Fennimort, James Drysdale and Roy Sharp, mem bers of the local post, are co--fined to the Veterans hospital. A contest is being held to complete the membership drive and meet the quota in record time. War II veterans, under the leadership of Adjutant Clarence Ebner, challenged the combined War I and Korean Veterans to a race to sign up half the remaining 44 members needed for the quota. The los ing group will treat the win ning group to a chicken dinner. The drive must be over by March 1. and the quota is 170 members, with 126 signed up to j date. The Pearl and the Price Most people know the parable of the "pearl of great price," and the man who sold all that he had to buy it (Matt. 13:46). Have you ever asked yourself what it meant? The "price" is our surrender of the afflictive human thinking onalns our troubles. How to give up these human fears, how to ; grasp and find freedom would indeed be "the pearl" The way of this liberating un derstanding is explained fully in the Christian Science textbook, "Science nd Health with Key to the Scriptures." by Mary Baker Eddy. Whoever will put "? ments to the test will find this great Science of Christianity to be demonstrable. Science and Health rosy he read or obtained at all Christian Science Reading Rooms The coupon is also for your use. Christian Scienc Rtading Room 113 N. High St. Salem, Oregon f Enclosed Is S3 for a cony of -Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. Name . Address , THE LAt-lTAL, JULK.NAL. Salem, Oregon - p. . pRlKirrwrc vie crin nurri.,, ; : . : l- If Ml L LMiiol MT. ANGEL One of these five princesses will be chosen queen of the ML Angel Preparatory School Winter Carnival ta be held Jan. 23. They are: Top row, from left, Veronica Frank, Marlene Prosser, and Anita Wilde. Bottom row, from left, Marlene Diehl and Laura Schmitz. (Jesten-Miller studio Photos) Silverton Calls Discuss Union SILVERTON Dr. E. L. Henkel. chairman of the school board of district No. 4, has called a meet ing for 8 p.m. Friday, January 22, at the Eugene Field school for dis cussion of the' Union High school proposal for this area. James L. Turnbull. building con sultant for the state department of education, was present to an swer questions at a Wednesday evening meeting at Evergreen school, when 12 rural districts were in session to encourage a duo-vote on (II whether Silverton might participate in a Union High School move, or (Zi u tne vote of the rural schools on a union high move should exclude Silverton. Since Silverton in first class district, Turnbull advised that "prompt action" be taken by the Block of Dimes At Silverton Today SILVERTON Leonard Kep- hart, March of Dimes chairman, appointed the members of the Lions c i u o to sum me ursi "block of dimes" urogram for the polio cause, with Cliff Almquist as chairman of planstheir work to be Saturday, Jan. re. Mothers March is dated for Jan. 28, from 8 to 10 o'clock, Mrs. Charles Cross, chairman, and Mrs. Allan Foster, Parent-Teacher association president, direct ing the plans and appointment of workers. The Moose lodge, Bob Landers, governor, is to sponsor a talent show, all proceeds to go for the polio cause. The Moose lodge raised more last year per member than any other in the state and rppcived the Dr. faui Hoiman award for this effort. They, "plan In unn atfain liuiai J planum, v dimes Jan. 23. Chairman is Dr. Robert Mallory. Thermo-Rite -GLASS-Fireplace Front CLEANLINESS No More Smoke and Soot Smudges on wails, rugs, drapes snd upholstery! COMFORT No Floor Drafts just evenly radiated heat through GLASS to all parts of the room. PROTECTION No More Fear of Spark Fire Hazard . . . Retire in Perfect Safety! ECONOMY No More Expensive Furnace Fuel going up the Chimney! r.uarantred to Beautify, Satis fy! Send Fireplace opening width and height for price and tker complete details. ZUMWALT EQUIPMENT CO. 1260 Wood row - Salem Ph. 3 3821 Meeting to High Plan Silverton district in the vote, be cause of the time element, in making ready for the coming fall term of school. Silverton must vote for or against participating with the union high proposition. In 'the previous expressions of Silverton by ballot, consolidation with rural districts was favored, and votKt down by the rural dis tricts. Representing the union high move outside Silverton are Victor Kadiey, Silver Crest; Oscar Loe, Evans Valley: Robert Humphreys. Victor Point; Edgar Tweed of Mon itor; John Seims of Central Howell and Joe Burchold of Mt. AngeL The Silverton board of directors (district 4) are asking rural folk to be present at the January 22 meeting in Silverton. Represented at the Evergreen school which was attended by Turnbull as speaker, were Willard, Pratum, Monitor, Crooked Finger, Silver Crest, Mt Angel, Scotts Mills, Butte Creek, Bethany, Victor Point. Central Howell, Evans Val ley, Brush Creek and Evergreen districts. Missionary Will Speak Sunday Miss Verna Hertzler, mission ary to Japan, will be speaking at the First Evangelical United Brethren church, Marion and Summer, at 7:30 p.m. Sunday. Miss Hertzler has just retired from active missionary work af ter spending most of her life in Japan. For over Myearj slie , has been with- the Evangelical and Evangelical United Brethren church work in that nation. She will also speak to IheWom- en s Society of World Service meeting which take splace Thurs day afternoon at 2 in the home of Mrs. Max Kleman, 390 West Chemawa Road, Unlike many other wines, cham pane is bottled before it stops fer menting and completes fermenta tion in the botCe. CLOSING SERVICES win, Rev. Lee Ensey Sunday tt A.M..-7:30 .M. Don't Miss Hearing Him! Free Methodist Church Mirkif i Wirritr Sh. First Church of the Nazarene Cantor crt ThlrtMnth Solem s Singing Church Air Guard to Be Recruited Oregon's Air National Guard Friday started a 80-day recruit ing campaign, aimed at filling all existing vacancies in the Ore gon air units. The state's Air Guard has 13 units, all locate at the Portland Air Bate, and present strength of the unit is b2i officers and airmen. Vacancies exist now for 62 officers and 006 airmen. This state's drive U being con ducted in conjunction with a nationwide recruiting campaign designed to bring all of the Air National Guard units of the United States to full strength. The nationwide drive was started January 2, when Col. Willard W. Milliken broke the existing Los Angeles to New York jet speed record in one of his unit's F-86 Sabrejets. Milliken's unit, the 113th fight er-bomber wing. District of Col umbia, Air National Guard, uses the same tvpe ot olan with which Oregon's 123rd fighter intercep tor squadron is equipped. In announcing the start of the recruiting drive, Oregon's adju tant general. Mat. Gen. Thomas E. Rilea, note Uthat Oregon has the largest i'r National Guard organization of any of the north west states. Four groups, eight sauadrons i ana two attached units, all lo cated at the Portland Air Base, comprise the Oregon outfit The training program covers such fields as engineering, aircraft maintenance, food service, medi cal, automotive Maintenance, air police, supply, and road and run way construction. Your 1953 Income Tax NO. I How to Fits Tour 1953 tehm The Three Type af Betans In an effort to fit the tax returns to the differing needs of the more than 50.000,000 persons who must file them, three types of returns have been provided Form 1040, Short-Form 1040, and Long-Form 1040. The law expects you to pay your correct tax no more no less. It will pay you to think for a moment which of these three types of re turns is the best and easiest form in your case. To do this you need to consider the site of your In come, the sources of your income, your eligibilty to deduct travel And reimbursement expense from Wages, and the sue of youi non business deductions, such ss con- tributions. medical expenses, etc. The tax table used in computing the tax on Form 1040A and Short- Form 1040 automatically allows you approximately 10 per cent of your income to cover your nonbus ness deductions. . Income Less Thai $5,000 1. Form 1040A This is the sim plest return of the three. If you file this form, you do not need to figure your own lax. From your answers to the quetsions, the dis trict director of internal revenue will figure your tax for you, and send you a bill or a refund. You may use the Form 1040A if your total income was less than $3,000 and consisted entirely of wages re ported on Withholding Statements (Form w-21, or of sucn wages ana not more than $100 total of other wages, dividends and interest, all of which must be entered on the tax return. V ou may not use Form 1040A but must file your re turn on Form 1040 if (1) you had any income from other sources, such as annuities, rents, royalties, a business or profession, farming. transactions in securities or other property, partnerships, estates and 1 1 1 urn, " I "i i m I ha t a I : I a . h ,1, of , househoid. or ,j, vou wjh t0 deduct travel OT reimburf, , , fnm your wagP. IT. " - o-ul - is simpler than the long form. It differs from Form 7040A in that a you must find your own tax; 6I you may include income from- sources not eligible for reporung on Form 1040 A; and c you may deduct travel and reimbursed ex penses from your wages. There fore, if your income was less than $3 900 and you do not desire to itemise nonbusiness d e d u ctions (contributions, interest, etc.), find our tax from the table on the back of the form, tear off the first sheet and file it as a Short-Form 1040. 3. Long-Form 1040 If your non business deductions are more than 10 per cent of your income, you will ordinarily save money by itemizing your deductions on Long Form 1040. You will then figure your tax according to the computa tion on page 3, and file the entire form, which is called a long-form return. If your nonbusiness deduc tions are so close to 10 per cent that you are in doubt which is the better form, try both the short iorm ana ine long iorrn 10 mane sure. The address of Your District Di rector of Internal Revenue is 201 Post Office Building, Salem, ore. His tetepnone number is J-2n2. 9:45 Church School 10:50 "0n Worthy of Honor" 6:30 Youth Hour 7:30 "Tho Master Colls for Help" U'llll- Da. Mints! NATIONAL GUARD JET One of the new F-86 Sabrejets of the Oregon Air National Guard is guided into parking position by Tech. Sgt Edward Pietka, crew chief in the 123rd fighter Interceptor squadron. Portland. (National Guard Photo) Coast Code With Local Amendments The Oregon Chapter of the Pacific Coast Building Confer ence, at a session in Salem Fri day, indicated it probably will stay with the coast buildini code. but with the privilege of making ucai amendments. This preference was expressed rather than formulate a new code that would divorce the Pa cific Coast Building Code. Among those attending the meeting in Salem was Arthur Hofer, chief of the building de partment of the City of Spokane, and immediate past president of the Pacific Coast Building Con ference. He said, among other things, that 489 cities now use the Pacific Coast eode and that 't has been translated into foreign languages, including the Japanese. Representatives were here ' from 22 cities of Oregon, com ing Irom as tar south as Med ford, and H. E. Madkie, Medford building inspector who is presi dent of the Oregon chspter, pre sided over the meeting. No Ore gon cities east of the Cascade Mountains were represented. There was general discus sion of the coast code and its application to Oregon cities. Hal Boyle fContinued from Page 4) ure they have already learned that butter won't melt in a Rus sian mouth. It can't be given away to the poor because that would be gal loping socialism. He t be given to the rich because that would :be special privilege. It can't be plowed .under, because any plow would skid on all that butter. ' So Congress., hems and haws, and the butter piles higher every night the cows come home from the meadow. What can be done with it? Well, here are a few adventu rous possibilities: 1. Load it on navel vessels and sail around the world until it wears out 2. Washington has a memorial to everybody but '.he American farmer. Why not build a tremen dous monument to him, carved from 131,000 tons of butter? It might show a gigantic cow ten- terly being milked by a faithful son of the soil in patched yellow overalls. Surrounded by plastic. this butter memorial would en dure forever, and provide the capital with a tourist attraction rivaling the Washington Monu ment and perhaps outweighing it, too. 3. Offer it to the Soviet govern ment for nothing if each Russian peasant and bureaucrat got a free one-pound block of butter labeled "gift of the U.S.A." This would set more Russians to pon dering the virtues of free enter prise than 131.000 tons of paper propaganda. There is no better propaganda than the visible fruits of prosperity. 4. Congress wants to get a raise in pay but is bashful about vot ing itself money. Country doe tors often take their fees in farm products when farmers are short pf dollars. Well, why not give congressmen a flat bonus in sur plus butter instead of crass cash? "That is a generous, heart welcoming proposal," said one legislator. "But if you divide 131,000 tons equally among 531 Senators and Representatives, each would get 500.000 pounds of butter. What would I do with 500.000 pounds of butter?" Simple. Since politicians al ways butter up their constituents in an election year, they could wrap a couple of pounds of but ter in their latest speech and mail a package to every voter in their district That may be spreading on poli tics a bit thick, but I know (hst as a taxpayer myself I wouldn't rcwnl thj gtur, The main thing Is something has to be done snd done soon. They sre running out of itnra'M .pace. Come summer if all that buttrr melts, Congress is going to have a real emer gency a new flood control problem. Hear R. G. Schaffner Sunday Night Jan. 17 -7:30 P.M. In Th Johnson Memorial Church N. Summer it Hood Stmts H Will Answer th Ouestlons:- Can tho Saints in H.aven Converse with Sinners In Hell? Will Peopl in H.aven S Sinn.rs turn in H.ll? Liked. But Local conditions, most of the re presentatives believed, made It advisable that the coast code should be amended to meet local conditions in many instances. W. E. Bohle Dies at Lebanon LEBANON William E. Bohle. well known business man snd civic figure, passed sway at his home Thursday. He was born March 2, 1889. In Johnstown. Neb., and married Miss Mildred Von Col, In Salem, October 1913. They moved to Lhfinm ms-vm-. al years later where Mr. Bohle and his brother. Ed Bohle, were partners in the Bohle creamery. In 1952 the men risposed of their business and since then 'William Bohle has assisted in th finhl Furniture store, a concern oper ated by his two sons. He waa a member of the Elks lodge and a past president of the Lions club and Santiam Wranglers. survivors are his widow; two sons. Loren and Harold, both of lbanon; a sister, Mrs. Rohal Groves, and brother. Ed Bohle. also of Lebanon; two sisters, Mrs. Bertha Graff of Mt Vernon. Wash., and Miss Caroline Bohl of Portland. There are three grand- cnuaren. Rites will be held at the Huston Funeral home Monday at 3 p.m. Rev. Harvey Schmidt will offici ate, interment will be in lOOF cemetery. mao Stamped bandit TAIPEH. Formosa mpi An American news magazine Newt- wees carrying on its cover a pic ture oi itea coma's boss Mao i se-tung is on sale in this capital of Nationalist China. Rut acroaa Mao's face on each copy has been stamped tne word "bandit" Although it stimulates the nervous system, coffee has no food value. DEATHS William Whit Late resident of 103 Marlon St.. Jan. II. Survived by Wife, Hacel White. Salem. Announcement of serv ices later by Virgil T. Golden Co. I Arthur Pred Zfegenhagel ! Al Lodl. calif.. Jan. 11. &ate resi dent of 3410 Laurel Ave- Salem. Survived by wife. Gertrude Ziegen hage, Salem: daughters. Miss Inei Ziegenhagel, Salem, Mrs. Betty Lou Carroll, Moroe City. Missouri: son 1 Alden Ziegenhagel. Salem; father. ' Fred Zfegenhagel. Lenr, n. uaxoia: dter. Mr. Alma Dawson. Lo An geles. Calif.: Mrs. Jacob Flechtner. Lenr, T. USKOia; oromers. siaae . genhagel, Nevada City, Calif.; David Ziegenhagel. Lehr. N. Dakota; two grandchildren. Services will be held in the Vlrgtl T. Golden Chapel Tues day. Jan 13. at 3:00 p.m. Interment 1 at City View Cemetery. Albert Michael Huasiael Late resident of Grants Fa, ure . at a local hospital, at the age or 93. Survived bv daughter, Mrs. Eva Sherman. Shipment has been made ; (o Lo Angeles for services and In terment by th HowtU-Edwsrds Chapel. lohn A. Hanson At a local hospital Jan. IS. late resident 1397 Hnlgate St . Salem. Sur vtved by wife Ellen Hanson. Salem: daughters. Mrs. Hannah Anderson. Mts. Minnie Prevllle. Mrs. Alberta Millett, M-s. Clara Hulbert, Mrs. Dora Gilbert, Mrs. Lena Klopp, Mrs. Eve lyn Glantz. all of Salem; sons. Wal ter Hanson. Oscar Hamon, Henry Hsnson. and Albert Hanson, all of Salem; IS grandchildren, several niece and nephew. Service will b held In the Virril T. Golden Chape. Monday, Jan. IS.. 1 p.m. Intermen' Reatlawn Memorial Park. Rev, P, W. Erirkson, officiating. fame Smith Late resident of Jefferson, Oregon, lit a local hosoital Jan. 14. at thn age of S3 yrs. Survived by on son. Jfttnes Smith, Jr. Announcement of tervk-et will be made later by th Him ell -Edwards Co. St. Mark's Lutheran 341 N. Church Rer. John L. Csuhle, Pastor A.M. Sunday School 11: A.M. Morning Worship S: P.M. Intermedial League (.30 P.M. Sr. Luther League All Are Invited First Methodist Pomeroy Night The Commission, o Education of F'rat Methodist church is sponsoring a "Pomeroy night," at 6:30 Tuesday, Jan. IB A no host dinner will be served in the dining room for final showing oi ine romeroy film in order to better acquaint members and friends of First church with the work of Dr. and Mrs. James M. Pomeroy, who with their three sons are serving at Clara Swain hospital, Barelly, United Pro vince, India. ; , . . The program will begin at S p.m., and those persons who can not take part In the dinner are urged to attend at that hour. COTY INSTALLED PARIS Rem Cotv. a 71. year-old lawmaker from Le Havre was installed Saturday aa new president of the French Republic. Coty, an attorney who has been la French parliaments since 1931. was elected by parliament on Dec. 21 LEGALS ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS "A" Sealed proposals will b received by the clerk oi School DUtrtel No. 4-CJ. Yamhill Cm-r.tv. Amitv. Orrfon. al the AT.Uy Elementary School on r before S:u0 P.M. Standard time. Feb ruary. 1954, for the construction of the addition to Amity ElemenUry 9pened and publicly read aloud. I Bide must ba fn irrarrlinr with I the Plana and SpectflcaUoni prc- tMrro ny jonn i. smecn. Arrmtect, " 1313 8.W. Ba-aiur Blvd.. Portland . Ore son. ' Bids must be accompanied bv a 1 bid guarantee aa directed In Iivuruc- j Uona to Bidder In an amount equal m oi ine oia. Bide received after the above Urn ill not be considered. Any bidder may withdraw hit bid 1 either personally or by written re quest at any time prior to the time set tor the trid open inf. - No bidder may withdraw or mod ify nil bid after the time set for the bid openina unlesa the award of the contract t delayed for period ex ceeding M days. in uwner reserve ine rieni 10 reict anv of all bids, and waivs aU formallUcf la connection therewith. Plans and Specification! may be examined at the Office of the Super intendent of Amity Grade School. nmiiy. uregon, ana at ine Arcni tecfa office, and may be obtained at the Architect's office by prime oon- iracion upon ine aepoaii Ol S3Q.DQ for each set The full amount denoalted for two trts wiU be returned to each actual niaaer wunin a reasonable time af ter receipt of Bids, providing all seta ordered by htm are returned to the nrcniirci complete, in gooa condi tion, and by the time set for bid opening. Sets In excess of two mav be ob tained at the Architect! office for the actual cost of reproduction auch cost are not refundable. No bid Will ha ennldrd untsMi It contains a atatamant that In nar. forming me eoniraci. ine contractor will pay and cause to be Dived not less than the prevailing rata of wagea aa of the date of his bid In such county, per hour, per day. and per wiM, ior. ana io eacn ana every T-orsnnsn tvt.3 may 04 uniwyea in or oou mi panormance su nis eon . Attention la called to Bidders Pre- quanncations. section M-103 to sa. 105. Ore son Comnlled Laws Anno. tated. which mutt ha f11rfT with th Architect IS days -before, date opening or dios. forms may oe 00 U fned at the office of the Architect Mis afanuary inm, 111 wnmtf. aUra Kdtta imn 3.18.ZI.M Clerk " wmns auara HELD OVER.' Al Regular Pric ; 300 Personal SIS Lost dad Found AST Cray part ftniaa Mt. Has Hint buck urlDU. ChUd'i ptL IU want. Ph. S-Sltl. JUS S. CoatX , 314 Transportation-" WAUT pufwnger share apeiue to raft coast, reference. Prion S-SB71. ., . , , , 316 Personal READER Win tetl pait. present and future. Help to aolv your orotuwna. CaU for appointment. 4-38.19. Popular Piano Lanom A life time of fan. Our I oourt. baaed on 17 yrs. xp. offers valuable short euta that slv ll busy poopl the chane to know tht thrtli of Playing th piano. Bes or Adv. all ases. Par a per-; sonal meeuns rail Salem Music Co, I-S70S. Absolutely no Mira tion. ' 8APE. permanent removal of un- sunny racial hair. Erich of N Y. PALMISTRY RKAOINO J4 u Tells past, present and future, advtca n an matters. Will solve you Jroblem. This ad with one dollar, at five dollar reading. Open S ajn. to IS p.m. Hlway SS. next to North Salem Drive-in. Labish Gardens. MUSIC LESSONS, piano and violin. sisie accreaiiea leacner. Phone ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED ... Too Late To Classify. Bendix Duomatic The only combination washer dryer n mi worm, wi nava a numoer oi exceptionally good automatic wash-" era ana a lew aryera that have been traded In on 1 n tsena: indlx Duomat ic. It you are tookine for a real value in a used automatic washer or dryer shop at Ralph Johnson Appliances. s& Center St, Phone 1-313S. " Ralph Johnson Appliance ' Has the finest clothes dryer value' in astern, neguiar sus.w, or sitv.SS. 355 Center St. Phone 3-3139. B0 ACRES of river bottom land. AU can oe irrigated, call C. w. wes son at Bishop's nothing Store, or evenings 4-7070. IN KEIZER, lot. SI X 233 on Jarriea St. fn. 4-3063. BY OWNER, for sale or trade. 3 bdrm. hm. or will trade for acre age or small farm. Ph. 3-ottw. SACRIFICE iW down. 360 per month, on con tract 37,300 full price. bedroom modern home. Inside utility room atiacttea garaga. ran rimer Rd. CREEK LOTCLOSE IN It B.R's. In good condition, fireplace. oasc mem ana aimosi new on sum pace, a buy at S? .280. A good older home with fur. rents1., room tor mora on rat ioo x iw. Drive by SSft S. 38th. Call us to. show you through. ss.lBO. terms. . i- W. af. b LIVEN St CO. 347 N. High St. Ph. a-SSH. eve. 1-4TTC for 1450 DN S jr.. S Br flasa lnaul'n. Jiwd. He., oil furaea Tendnb firo- pic., att. sarafc. tinfur.-i 10,590 -T hq. . hrt. $779. mm Plym. .-' av Jiim.ri.rit f A S bedroom, double gm raja. Nam minciva aisuict in no. siMm. ' Uao wooddale Ave. S4SS No. Cat Avi, ph. 1-7 HO. rowing community rlfht hre In alcm. lots of fro Dark in room. new bulldinf. aiza 40 m SO, lot air ISO x 1ST ft- lock to fixture will Invoice about $13,000. at 10 walk In cooler, dal. truck, etc. Total ftrire $33,000. Will consider tome rade, inc. Jit mortff. or other ae curitJM. Contact C A. Miller Real ty. 470 K. Miller SU P- -S41T. BEDRM. house furnished except ntrtg. Clean .120 ft. lm - BASXMKNT aptH furn. PH. bath. Aaujis sm Bv, jjdi a. tomi. rn, J-S334. BEDRM. unfum. apt Jtnttt-e lower floor. Phone 2-0507 or 3-7493. IN KEIZER. Large apt. Carafe. Rea- rxmabie. fix, e-aow or a-iiw- FURN. 3 room apt, private bath. Close in. uaroasa disposal, water fum. 3-837S. NEAT, pleasant middle axed woman wmne to care xor agea cvupiw or lady. Live in. iw w. wiiaon. HOUSEKEEPER for elderly woman. Small modem bom, job mgn. u- - verton WEDGEWOOD combination fa range to omw. aim gu neater.) i-saai NtW AUTOMATIC WASHER Not a tripped down model but a reg ular wasncr ior s. RALPH JOHNSON APPLIANCES VA Center St Ph. 3-313B DUCK hunters and fishermen Inter ested in developing latta cjom w Salem call Smith 3-S017. LEGALS NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN tl)at the undersigned rlorence Biulnita , foster has been appointee, txecuinx f the estate of warn ilk H- l-- TER, rteceased. by order of the Clr. cuit Court ot Marlon County, Ore gnn, on the 2nd day of Januarv, ivm, ana any person naving ciaim cainst aam esta? i nereoy nou- iied to Itle and present the aame. properly verified, to the undersign rd, atlornev tor iid estate, at hta office on or before S months from date hereof. Dated at Salem, Ore- ton, thi 15th day of Januatv. mw. rI.Onr.rK R UIl.l.lHl.s r uri r EXfXHITHIX OF THE ESTATE Of WARNIC'K R. FOSTER FREn A. WILLIAMS Attorney for Executrix Pioneer Truit Building Salem Oregon J.MJSJO.rJ.la Tn the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion proniite Department NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT In the matter of the estate of lone H'pp. formerly Ion Ma u say. Oe ceased Notice la hereby given that the iindersicned, as administrator of here hove estate, haa filed hli final ac count In said Court, and that Mon day, the Iftth day of February. 1PM, at th hour of S IS a. m. and the court room of Mid court haa been appointed by aald court at the time and place for the hearing of objec tions thereto and the settlement i thereof. . . Dated and first published, January Last publication. February 13. 1M4. J. FRANKLIN WILLIAMS. Administrator WILLIAM H. BOLAND. Attorney for Administrator, I2A7 Public Service Bldg Portland. Oregon j is sue r 1.1). Call 2-2441 for Palling Power 1 ws . i