Page 12 THE CAPITAL JOURNAt SaUin. Ortgtm Saturday, January 16. 19S4 STEVE BOTEI RADIO PROGRAMS MONDAY P.M. 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 HSLM Top Tradta KOCO World News ntl Noon Newt Nw tCi? Wt Sieita Melodic lMldO)T HUM iMiaajy Ml (Hilchw I Cniifr ISnirfu ICihiIm ISpidcr 1 Knidsrr 3KOIN Com Ct ft Houm Party Houm Party SOW Archer. News IRoad of Life Peppar Younj He opt net KMX fui Harvet Noon Edition m Bayt The Todd ftgl.M Better f hopper Musk Room iMusle Boom Music Koom KOCO Mafie Metody fMifie Melody IHegie Melody i Marie Melody SCAB Newa pack UacK Horner (Jack Horner EUIN Hiliiup Route Arthur Godfrey! Arthur GodfreylArthur Godfrey G Beckitaae Wife's ill Dallae hWldder Brown Woman in Hat IS Kjt Weet IKi Weil Ka West Ka? West fcSLJi News IStar Time (News (Band to Remea OCO Mane Melody IMaftc Melody tMagic Melody lMagic Melody BOA! News ISpider ISpider (Spider ROIN Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Curt Maasey ROW Just Plain BUI P. P Parreli l Lorenzo Jones I Pays to Marry SIX Martin Block I Martin Block Martin Block I Martin Block fcSLM Hufhes RecJ fTello Tert I Kirk wood IKirtnrood I ROCO Aftern'n News iTune Tun I Piano PatUrn tteeeaxcn ROAR Newa (Spider (Spider (Spider f KOIN wuard of OdasiMake t'p nuio moot, q. uwu tTuneruiiy yours ROW wer ; Travelers Dr. Paul ILife Beautiful RIX For Glrkt (For Girls I for Girls (For Girls RSl.M Fulton Lewis Hminrwav ROCO Music U Want IMuslc U Want LRGAR News Diak f Needl I ROIN Klrknam News 'Berch Show ROW Ray Anthony (Music Box RKX Afternoon Edit auirrJ Caffe I Curt Masaey (Music U Want iDlak Needle A:-t Klrknam t Music Bos SquirreJ Cafe (Sam Haves Music U Want tSign Off lArt Kirk ham 'Art Baker & Hour of Stars i RILM Babby Benson iBabby Benson I Wld Bfl Hlc'ok fWM Bill Hlckok ROCO Show Time Show Tuns Second Look iRtasYved for U iROiM E. R. Murrow (News I World Today CouNtwi ' ROW Bill Stern I Archer. News I I Reports on Am. HEX Hour of Stars (Hour of Stars I Hunt lev Newt Bot Csrrea , RILM Gab Heater Perry Como IVtrfil Plnkley I Sam Haras ROCO Candlelight ICandlellfht (World News M Kcyi ROIN Radio Theater Radio Theater Radio Theater Radio Theater ' ROW Relax Music (Relax Music ICan U Top This Nation's Busns REX Home Edition Bill Stern I Sports Edition l nappy lime KSLM The Falcon- ITht Fslcon ICud This Be VICud This Be U ROCO Rosary i atari Sing iMualc IS ports Report ROIN Camel Caravan 'Camel Caravan! Talent Scouts Talent Scouts ROW M'Gec & MolirlAlex Drelcr IStevena Show (Stevens Show RX Lone Ranter Lone Ranger i Henry Taylor Headl. EdiUon KSLM Memory Room (Memory Room i Let Geo. Do It I Let Geo. Do It ROCO Trsck 1490 Track 1490 Track 1480 (Track 14W ROIN Movie Theater Movie Theater Lowell Thomas Family Skelton ROW I Man's Family INaws of World' Railroad Hour Railroad Hour RSX Symphonett jSymphonatte (J. Vandcrcook IFav. Music Mut Newsxeel (Platter Parade Harry Wlsmer (Track H0 Track 1490 INIfht News Paul & Ford I Suspense Suspense IPhone rinur Bandwagon (Bandwagon ' iHoUywd. Tbtr. IMuslc jMualc - Platter Paradt I News Platter Parade Nocturne Nocturne Nocturne iCook Guest Bk (Chmbr Forum Chmbr Forum spurts final lLait Man Out (Last Man Out Dane Tims I Danes) Tune I Dane irat Under Arrest (Nocturne Record Show (City Council I Dance Xime Midnight MclodiMidnlght Melodl t Nocturne I Nocturne Record Show 111:55 News idly Council IClty Council I Danes Tune I Dane Time porter; 3:15 Music of the Masters: 4:00 Adventures tn Research: 4:15 On the Upbeat: 4:45 News Commen tary: 8:00 Children's Theater: Jerry jl the Circus: 5:30 Industrial Safety: 5:00 News and Weather: s:15 Tom Roberts. Organist: 5:30 Flying Time: 9:45 Let There Be Light; 7:00 General Extension Journal: 1:15 Evening Farm Hout: 5:00 Univ. of Oregon: 9:00 Music That Endures: 9:45 Eve ning Meditations Rev. Ed Svendsen. Grace Lutheran Church: 10:00 Sign Otf TUESDAY 6 A.M. to 1 1:45 A.M. 00:30 00:45 ft. ELM News Summary Music Tlmtkon News ROCO Early Worm I Early Worm ! Early Worm turn, moon IKoin Klock (Dave West (Ore -Farm Hr, IRrk. Nook IKoin Klock I Dave West I Ore .Farm Hr. March Time I Early Worm IBrk. Nook Koin Klock (Dave West 'Ore Farm Hr. Break. Gang Break. Gang (Newa (Early Worm F.arly Worm Early Worm I Br. Nook Brk. Nook Brk. Nook Macleod News News I Babbitt Show (Country Editor IButher's. News I Knox Manning Im Asronskv iBobGsrred (Bob Haxen - i ' , rMMFJCTUM6 A HfrOC DOtyr f I TV VV7! HA3 ) BUT M? FLfBCtj JSKi X A 6OO0 NCW Jj ' - MiliiJlil - '''im uavc vai Diru.. suit HiiuCAwucqRcno arroa.v ua.n ccu fconuibciinii Knac1rAU iRnonm I ( Uf Stm coatmuM his MlLUE AND ME D069 N0 HI6H PBES9J8E LINDA OH TV 1D00 CUJS t80M MBsJ fT OH THE SHtWll ksIIm n liicva FlfMrir r WE OWED THE KiO A J SALESMEN i r-kK CU &2EWSTEB ABtf" THAT Wt B&NG IN S r k-Klun.- ICHANCa nS ' - V HE A FAKET t 1 MTTKiVthE MONEV, J i.WfiZ I IHi:! l!l rjr,Y&if II JB-T3 - BCJ O U 'i I..L VM ,. I rooo ' L- JI mmJmivw., roto.J kgiMiOFOth tok Vtouu hma nmYZXfmuM - w ivl tvto m a I IHSyllHOHftAMl aUNPFBtPTHTTOtfUII JWTMICOWIC Wl.m iwmw I WIV V lJUlMi OSPHAN ANNIE I otjcvt nm miqhtv T l f rtJLXS (we HTTY DtOBIT I cmlEi Iachcoof I OOQ ON THE FARM- I f I I MWWLKtWHraiMaM I SHOCKS- I I MHO WM0HBWTO 7t00W 1 OUK OWt I OLD TOWSW-BUT 1 f Lja TWW K&ANOftBKJ, f I DUHHCbkl Ma jkITii ' rf H6 CXEO LAST PALL- J . QJr '1mB&Smm q l-f if 11 1 IX J JL At II II VC-if U ruaiKiiuon i SV4W-Awda. .ii fc"ia- a. sbvsjbbs sssbssj v veaas BsaHBasasavsai- sjs ssnssswal ssbsssbjb ssSHBsSBBBBr ajjfr LIL ABNER m ftflL.M Under Arrest I mt jsrawoaoffy scare CaXnJ -,f Ty?rS wlf '1AJC I'VITW "Sri. ' UMVAWrtfXJflC':: Kf4ZZ Espcilly for Women: 10:30 Horn. y 'JJ'S1,! -f-a-T" ii-tmii i - - v j- i HOUR 00:00 00:15 sSSaaBBSsawanBETcLKi-."!1 iv-eeo(itMTViijijr i Utbasob.! f r""Ti beiki a" IL Wf to ioae u aww kjoh te mciewt W-wwta! sow h tw puwno na it.' abound Hee,ANo' S? SrJ"mHr Ma 0B6WS.' MS W WTOJO HESS TO TBkPVi(X POM . VADfl I'M BCOMHiNS TO KioreJrwmm few, . . JTXy ir vae86, 7Ra?Ss: I tifiZZLZ . 1 jfcWlI 'If- lecV IS'CIS yThS"1' I KOIN Kom Klork l- ?' MUTT A JEFF 'yJ , 1 LTLawo " I WELL. vou 1 1 f me took a i s wny Vo o boob, yen, it did.' . 1 rMUTT.VUCETAA-lJ 1.1 !?Ll I 1 HALF 0F A ' THAT WOULD JUT HE NEVER 1 I LOT OF HEADACHES' I 1 f u 6lASS OF -IB II KILL HIM' at SOT ANOTHER J O I 1 KNOWH0WyO0y-IJr:pllrTlP HEAPACHEl Ttn I " Ch.t HunU.ylT.U.TWl ITru. 81. ITru. Storr i at!Lp dr5 headache.ti K?. i f IVt-Jo 1 1 oco Sfijwss ipSsu ias? i;r.nR'" i i inw IL. --inT' I I .LJ 1 OF A &LASSI nSfafc 'C IIJT.rTS I I . I I Kcm ISnid.r Soid.r ISDld.r 'I . , ' J Jllli o'mrys h?k f h ASlC:wh ' tI' KEX MORGAN. M.P. li,hl on Atla: t IS On th! Upbeat: I A aOUtTUMS -TELK 1 fc jl' L Lg' -l' WlUUWrtl I J 1 'T H ' " P""lc P"""': ' " Ch.ldr.n-. C 1 I J H THAT OtAg AtflggT ( I fJV N S " KW0 I TO SSK TOMS . ! PMFfcSSSdS cCIBjSS I'The Messiah' Due Al Dallas Sunday oTir iL!Z1 r i &r&'&A6f'w?in baulk- s 1 wlZ s Ivx Prnfli I tre,t when ,he Nebcrg com-! ,TJ"y3j , f ( I W ATrif ! tVJff I jJlj! fr I munity chorus, with orchestr JltyW -'Ct7 I JTpj I I y Tv x-s7 J ) 5 V! V V j I accompaniment, will present I V&V V l?Ai -ijfl frVy j8fr Im !-r N V' "lVVff tiSSiJ Messiah" Sunday, Jan. 17. at 3jrR. PKAFL TO TALK TO GOP " .VXATS W1f 7-J-l 1 IX 5 "Vl BK l ll'KSJI I p.m., at the high school auditor-1 PORTLAND William A. J VfflAftdHt III S- Vtl I IT ium- 1 Pearl, new head of the Bonneville Jr XJlV XJrJif,fgl II 1M inKril F' 1 l 1 ? Tne cnoru ' composed of 130 Power Administration, will be prin- r SSA X lTLyir. 3 f (DCt rl Vi-- 1 m. J 1 1 l-f" residents of Newberg and vicin-!cipal speaker at the Jan 27 meet- ri 1!aixiCSjBI6m'' itmmm Bawsa LmF'mirAiM. tmAlLJLmMk Wka7aVi ""' th' orrne,,r numbering ing of the Multnomah County Re- 41 DONALD DUCK 25 pieces likewise is composed of publican Club l 73 p5S TOgfMOSa fi Ml ILfld I I ICr?) " HENRY ' dy C.rl AndTjTn r MAR WORTH ' I 7 tV v.'ii'ii "wL'JlrtJ, 4f5 OJA,M AiOUT to IAU ON A AST,c ,'' ')A2yA2i acpmivutakx! vSf-0 ' -- yqntT l Javcees Install At Silverfon SILVEHTON With 011 Paulson. Jr.. toastmaster, and Jin Jones in charge of the pro grain, an installation dinner at the Methodist church social 2843 sizes ' . VI tfLflLft It's . really a one-piece dress with contrasting top and a won derfully flared bolero to add for a more dressy effect There are beautiful new fabrics to tew this young-timer's fashion-wise en semble in; and any of them will make this her favorite! No. 2843 is cut in sizes 4. 6, 8, 10. Size 8: 3H yds. 35-in. for skirt and bolero. Contrasting top takes only 4 yd. 35-in. Send 30c for FATTERN with Name, Address, Style Number and Size. Address PATTERN BUREAU, Capital Journal, 652 Mission St, San Francisco 9, Calif. Patterns ready to fill orders Immediately. For special hand of order via first class mail include an extra 5 cper pattern. Also available the 1953-1954 FALL - WINTER FASHION BOOK, beautifully illustrated in COLOR and presenting over one hundred new fashions to bridge the seasons. Easy-to-make prac tical pattern edsigns for every age and type of figure. Order your copy now the price is only 25c. rooms was held Tuesday with Bill Hanson inducted as presi dent of the jayceee for the coin ing year with William Iron, speaker, and R. A. showing movies of a recent transconti nental trip. . Other offxers installed assist ing Hanson, are Dick Hartley, first vice president; James Nel son second vice president: Lar- . ry CrenneU. secretary, and Bill Ford treasurer. CAROL CURTIS Low'y, delicate flower-garden "pinks" are done in the dye-fast, two-color process which requires no embroidery whatsoever! Flowers are in pink, leaves and stems are in pale green. Charm ing for ironing directly onto table mat sets, dainty aprons, blouses, housecoats, dressing ta ble skirts gift for trosseaux! Bouquets measure 8 inches: there are 2 flower borders for use on guest towels. 'Send 25c for the GARDEN PINKS in COLOR (Pattern No. 443) transfers, complete instruc tions on transferring and laun dering. YOUR NAME, AD DRESS, PATTERN NUMBER to CAROL CURTIS. Capital Jour nal. 652 Mission St., San Fran cisco 5, Calif. Patterns ready to fill orders Immediately. For special hand ling of order via first class mail include an extra 5 cper pattern. FamllT Altar Reit H.vtn Rest Haven Early Worm I Early Worm (New. ISDlder ISpider Spider KOIN ;onsum. News IVslle News Morn Varieties IRosemary HOW The Old Sonmirhe Old SonfS'Old Songs fold Rons. K1X Bre.t. Club Brean. Club Breaklait Clubl Breakfast Club RSLSI News ICap. Jomment IPastor's Call IRargaln KOCO Ray's Records Ray's Records IRay's Records IRay's Records KUA news mpiaer piaer .-.piaer KOIN Wendy Warren I Aunt Jenny lllrlen Trent leal Sunday KflW News, Mua. BoxIFor You IWnm. In Love Woman in Love KIX News IStars Today IDbl. 'r N thln lD ble 'r N'thlna KSLM Glen H.r ITony Martin I Railed Box IBallad Box KOCO TV s Records Brad Reynolds :Rya Records IHav t Recurds KOAI News- Ma Perkins IMr. Smyth. I Mr. Smyth. KOIN RoadofLife Mr. Smvth. IDr. Malon nuirllne KflW Brad Reynolds IRay's Recordl I Strike It Rich Strike It Rich KKX Oict MunUey ITelloTest I True Story ITru Story IQueen for Day (Queen for Day inavsnecoros I nay s m ISpider ISpider Norah Drake Hrlahter Day lPhraae Pays (Second Chanca Barney Keep I Barney Keep Thealer: 3:30 This Week In Wash- I Inaton: S 4S OSC Air ROTC: 6 00 The : News and Weather: SIS Folklore of; Indiana: S:30 Tom Roberta. Onanist: 13:43 The Torch Bearers: 7:00 Oregon Milk News of the Air: 7:13 Evening Farm Hour: 8:00 Music of Czechoslo vakia: S:30 Electricity and You: 8:45 The News and the Weather: 9:00 Mu ilc That Endures: t:43 Evening Medl latlnn Baptlat Student Group: 10:00 I Sign Ulf. pnifrssional and amateur mu sicians of the Newberg area. Melvin Gilson, former musical director in Dallas high school, and now on the Newberg teach ing staff, ia the director. ROOM A BOARD Bv Aher? ' BUT JUNIOR. ARE YOU SURE "'FOGHORN' WAS THE FIRST MATE OF A FREIGHTER VOU ONCE WORKED ON? MAVRP VDII'VF GOT 'FOGHORN' MIXED UP WITH SOME GUY WHO LOOKED LIKE HIM' WAS THE NAME f rc Tuc I ; i LfKt;u ; CljiD? LCOKED like mm-y av. " ir'-i f.'.ts. I J.V '.J-. -- i '.' 1 FORGET - BUT YOU'RE THE APE WHO WAS FIRST MATE ON IT.' THERE AINTAN0THER GUV WHO LOOKS LIKE V0U NATURE DOESN'T MAKE ViTHE SAME ii blunder. Oj. v.v TWICE.'- ACROSS 1. Coal scuttle 4. Large: prefix 9. Swiss canton i: Epoch 13 Pertaining to birds 14 Writing implement 15. Move back 17. Lament 19 Costly 20. Steal 22. Finishes 23. Legally void judicial hearing 28 Serpent 28 Ornament atop a Bud dhist pagoda !). Is defeated 33 Patched 35. Exceeding- -. ly small 33. Clothe 37. Weep con vulsively 38 Uncooked 39. Gum resin resembling myrrh 43. Unoccupied 43 Cereal grass 46. Go up 49 Variety of cedar tret 51. Felt in stinctively 51 Aged 54. Citadels 56. Unit of work 57. Town In 58. Ringlet 59. Understand AMEiNiliTjASisit lAlGIOMrgTOTlinFt-l FrrNjNioiNirr'B7 MiELsMfSRlCpfiN DOWN 1. Difficult 2. S-shaped molding 3. Departed secretly 4. Angry 5. Warded off (.101 7. Jewish teacher i J I J J It 7 l In I. ':' ': 1 . ',' 1 1 7 Tf" . 7T " 7T " " " . rj U" 57" ; ( . Ur 7T y so 11 iu 7f '"rT" 3T53" ir rf- T - ," 7o 77 jT " " 77 , Ji , oiution tt Yestemay a Puaai I. United 9. On 10. Peruse 11. Taverns 16. Silkworm 18 Kind of Iruit 21. Seaweed -4. Horse 25. Excusa 16. Monkey 27. Transgres sion 30. Guesses 31. Greek letter 32. Stitch 34. Raised to the third power 35. Disturbs 37. Craftv 40. Mistake 41. Vaj. 41 Object of intens devotion 43. Cancel 44. Deposit of metal 47. Witiered 48. Rim 50. Behind t ressel 51 Engliib letter SJ. Concerniri