Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 16, 1954, Page 10, Image 10

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    Part 10
Saturday, January 16, 1954
' .
Willamette 'Beeircab
Try to Hold
Loop Lead
Kwrtkwr CatmM
wmaaetu i siaascef I I I
L o t i mi wiiiMM
L,l nkchl't aearae: Call..
SS, Whll-
S. Paellte 17) Uwle CUrk
a It.
Coach John Lewtf considers to
night's Wllalmette univeriily came
al Linfield a more decisive t of
how hit Bearcat will read to con
ference games on the road.
At home Willamette has felt
comfortable, taking a quick 4
lead in the circuit by edging
whitman twice and trampling Col
lege of Idaho. There remain, bow
ever, eight garnet away among the
12 remaining and it U well known
how rude home teanu are to viai
tort, Linfirld, for example, split with
Portland State and with Oregon
College of Education and other
win have proved redhot and luke
warm at varioua times. Always
there are at least three threat
Dave Sanlord. Carol Cable and
Ray Olson, who rale among the
top nine in the conference.
Pete Reed leads Willamette scor
ers in the first IS, with 173
points. Dick Hoy is next with 160
. and Tom Gooding third with 160.
"We've come a ways in the last
two weeks," Lewis said, and will
have to keep improving to stay
near the front.
Starling lineups:
Willamette MafirM
Pete Reed F Ray Olson
Dick Hoy F Carol Cable
Tom Gooding C Dave Sanforri
Dunne Shield O Ad Rutschman
J. McCallister 0 Al Tarpenning
Saddler Stops
Bossio in 9th
NEW YORK Ul-Sandy Saddler,
the featherweight champ, goes to
' Ft. Jay Monday to work out his
last three months in the Army con
fident he still can handle anybody
In his division.
The lanky S-foot-T New Vorker
gave little Billy Bossio, a 5-foot-l
halfplnt, a solid going over last
night in , hit first start in 22
Saddler, sleek at 1304 pounds,
topped Bossio In 2:39 of the ninth
round of a non-title go at St.
Nicholas Arena after dropping
him twice for automatic eight
counts in the third and ninth. The
second knoexoown actually waa
more of a push than a punch,
Both Judges Frank Forbes and
Charley ShorteU had Sandy pitch
ing aa - snutoui going to ina
ninth and Referee Barney Felix,
who stopped it, bad Saddler on top
-3. Felix gava Ui first, second
and eighth to Bossio, a game
fighting barkeep from Hartsdale,
N. Y.
"I wasn't sharp, I guess," said
Saddler. "But it felt good t be in
there again."
At 13l 1 pounds, Sandy was only
44 pounds over the clan limit
Bossio weighed 128
Bossio, a I to 1 underdog was
the peoples' choice with the crowd I
of 1.902 who paid 44,224 to see the;
nationally televised bout.
Valsetz Trims
Falls City 59-44
FATXS CITY Valseti trounc
ed Falls City 9H-44 here last night.
The Cougars led slmnst all the
way and held a 28-18 haiftime
lead over Falls City. Stan Poe
had 24 for Falls City to nab hi eh
point honors. Cowan had 19 lor
me winners.
vaiseti won the JV game, 51-32.
Valsels III) (44) Fall. Oty I 1. Herman IS) . T ... Ill McLarren
Bolllot l) r U4I PoelWIM 14) . T .... ilti Driver
Bell IS) F 111 Oraham I K Herman III . f" . IS) r.lWv
Koloen (SI C 161 Palmer I Morell 131 . O 1131 Cole
CVDay 1101 ..0 Ul Btimpter
Cowan 1 1S) 0 17) Murphy
RrHrvM rortnf VlHtiHstmor
IS. Fallt Ctly MrFall 1. HIH1m
corf: Vl.f!f 3. Tl City IS, OI
firtaU: Rftvn and Mrr.
Cat Tops Indians,
The University of California, un
defeated leader of the Pacific
Coast Conference Southern Divi
sion basketball race, takes on Stan
ford at Berkeley Saturday night
after defeating the Indians 84-6
at Palo Alto Friday night
At Los Angeles, the USC Tro
jans overcame a strong, final -period
rally by UCLA and salvaged
a 63-65 victory Friday night. The
teams meet again Saturday night.
The Calilornia Bears, winners of
.hrM itraiMht sames. ;
....nk ;M a..ri., . tk. mA
laujtll. ill w sscai is in vs i- nmvini
nhiiH nul vIKuallv maalrd to vir.
j)ry over me sneroy dui inesprn -
m-eo I.idians. It was California,
7-33, at haiftime.
1 1
avw -
0F. e
IN A Few
Pf up TUf
n.v. HOrrtH..
Mill City Stops Nearest
Contender in Marion B
Mill City leads by two games
1 1. th Mirioa County B Leaf
M , ,l, lmt .
m Scio. The Timberwolves now have
a 7.0 mark while St Paul. Scio,
I - j ?.-,! all kav (L9 mark.
St Paul defeated Detroit Sl-39
for the highest score of the night
in the league. The other winners
were Gervais, Gates, and Sub
Next Tuesday's schedule: Sub
limity at aGtea, Mill City at De
troit, Jefferson at Chemawa, Ger
vais at U S D. and St Paul it
Gates Rally Tops
Chemawa 59-54
GATES A fourth quarter
rally gave the Gates Cougars a
59-44 Marion county B league
win over Chemawa here last
night Gates now has I 4-3 league
Gates led 13 11 at the end of
the first quarter and 31-20 at
hxlftime. The Indians came into
the lead in the third period and
ltd 44-41. They held the lead un
til the final minutes of the gsme.
Herb Romey had 20 for Gates
to take honors for the
night His teammate Bob Barn
hart had 17 while Tellier had 18
for the losing Chemawa team.
There Wat no junior varsity
Umptuch IS) ..? (II Bamhardt
Ochora (4) T - rto Homey
Telller (1SI f , 131 Davtne
Implant ITI G - 111 Larson
Galllneau (41 G (10) A. Vail
Reserves scoring: Chemawa Azure
t. Morln . Galladher 1, twltiler S.
Rare florae J. Qatea llavn S. Halt
lime acore: Gatea 31, Chemawa 30.
Officiate: Let and Slanehlk.
Mill CitRepels
Scio by 62-41
Min City-Mill City left a little
doubt about Its intentions to retain
the Marion County B league title
here Friday night by beating run
nerup Scio high school, 62-41.
The Timberwolves were out in
front the whole gnme, holding com
fortable quarter time leads of 14-8,
24-14 and 39-28. Elton Gregory
North Marion Takes Over
Yawama Lead All Alone
North ifsrion' ft all alone in
first place in the awama League
after the Huskies downed Ysmnill
47-31 last night North Marion
now has a 4-0 mark to lead over
Yamhill by a game.
Banks dropped back to a 2 2
record last night as they lost to
Dayton 56 31. In the other two
games Wlllsmina best Sherwood
Rft at1 amj4 Atnllw Kake. Ctinrirlsn
Uiy-iv as nil nillllj mai mbssjs man
56-38. Ranks, I)yton. Amity, and
Wlllamina all have 2-2 records.
w s . s 11
IN Oft n VlOriOn
In . w
Dcsrs lamniii
North Mbrion hlrh school
The North Marion Huxkiri heat
Yamhill 47-31 here last ntcht to
move into iimi piacp mu aiune
-HI. f....r An. whll V.mhlll
has a 3-1 murk
North Marion built u p an
early lead and then conslcd in
for the win. North Marion's
v.tu n,lUD- k.l t ia n.- ih.
, i-J , V, K .u
winners The Huskies won thf
iunior varsity game 39-31
vamhii I. on t4 no. marion
Swain 141 .. O Ml Friend
I Hcervca .poring: Yamhill lm.en
Kvr 1 . Conk 1 North Mation
Irwin 1, Brrhev 3, En Men I. Hulfllmt
ctrf North Marion 21. Yamblll 15.
OftlcUli: DeLorrttn nd McCnUit
ter. Dayton Beats
Banks 56 to 31
. nA,YJ5j;-The piT!i
defeated Banks 58-31 here last
night to give Dayton a 3! Ya-
wamal.oa.uerrrc.rd II aUn tivra
the losers a 2 2 mark fur leagur
Jim Williams of Dayton topped
all arnrrra uiith 1Q noinla lahilr
v.n!T.h i4 .? n-I ia
tt?u! Bar, TJTtte
prelimin.iry contest 2MB.
i,,tHon n . r . m Tompmna
i?i wii!ian,
I Nutthtwli
'. ("re
, .'.-- -t. . - L" !
I thatv a is
1 uavmn umin t. una i
jj, D"'" " n"k'
Ofllrlalv Anrimrn anil Herder
M MA... IK .-ftkJ
, m.. r ,.
IM i W L Pet IM
sirs cur i.Nmtw J .
In, I S .111 Subtualtr t 4 -4
Oerrala t I .IIICMUil I I W
St. Faid S S Jit Delrelt I S .14 j
ohm I -in o. a. . e m
PrUer reealle: Mia Cltv as. at an
fMrtu Sf. Jetteraea SS ieertlel
etui si. oetreit Mi suMiamr i o-ajx
Hi Oataa M- cuai.i St.
notrhed 11 points for Mill City and
Al Ward scored 14. Scio'a leading
producer was Gordon O'Reilly with
Mill City jayvees won the pre
liminary, 44-32. Don Lcmxe nit
l for the Tunberwolf cubs and
Thursday 10 for Scio.
OKellljr (14) T (IS) El Gregory
Bad(er (41 T (1SI Ward
Oaln (S) C (1) Carey
Slovtr III O . (II Malting
Gibson It) G (SI Cook
fteeervas scoring: tcio Jacobeon 1,
Wlikiier 1. SUwart 7. Mill City
Croaaler T. Halftlm scon: M'E City
IS. tela IS.
OIllcUls: vakltt ana wooes.
St. Paul Tromps
Detroit, 81-39
ST. PAUL All five St. Paul
high school starters got into the
double-figure column as the
' BucU M'!ndlj' d'e1
troll, oi-av, rnuy uigui., m in
Marion County B league.
Again it was Sam and George
Smith, the unrelated namesakes,
who led St Psul, Sam getting 20
and George IB. Sam made 11 of
Slfi.;. q "l
The Bucksroor held quarter
time margins of 22-7, 44-17, and
61-18, holding Detroit to one point
in the third period. Lee Hopson,
9-8 guard, wis tops for Detroit
with 11 points and Gerald View
ers added 10.
Detroit took the Junior varsity
fray, 04-20, with John Coleman
hitting seven for St Paul and
Watkint 16 for Detroit.
Detroit (3S) (SI) St. rani
Hopaon (7) T 111)) a. Smith
Vlckars (10) T (IS) O. Smtlh
Bowers (4) -C-. (9) Vandamrtk
Lady (Si " (Jl 'lrth
Snyder (t) O (10) Klrich
Jleaervea acorlns: Detroit Ketchum
t SU Paul Wolf 7. 10,
Marten I!. Haiftime irore: St. Paul
44. Detroit 17. Officials: Cooper and
W L ?rl. WtM
H. UftlitW 4 1.000 AmltT I I JN
TssifihlU I 1 .TH Wlllamfnt I I .MO
fttiki I I JM Bhrwood 1 1 ,)
Dirtoa f S ,KWBhrlJa 4 .409
Frkltsr rtMolU: North Wtrlan 4T. Tm
tltll Sli AmltT 14, BhtridfiB 31: Dtrtoo
l, Banks 31; Wlllaml&ft U, inrwootl M.
a a. I
I " .
Sheridan 56-38
SHERIDAN The Amity War-
rlors used a bin fourth nnartnr ;
to subdue a fighting Sheridan i
team, 96-38, in a Yawama contest
here last night It was the fourth !
league in at many starts for i
; 0 jg g
Amity MM a first stanza lead
Ih" '5 "JlZrSi V.
' 7T """"'" "r0" "I
9V1Q rA taaoss lAaae4l.aaw la 1-i .4
line stan oi me latai nnai canto.
The Warriors hopped 20 while
Sheridan could only get five, to
sink any hope of a rally
. . . . . .
"."..WM 4iu
'n tniers aaaec 1J
... iui u iu.. n,v..
' . -- r -
S ia 8
Amity won the J V. gime,
A ml If (M
Eilrrt 111) . T ...
Tifr (t . . r .
0 Mhrrtdan
i5 Tn
(Ot Clark
HOt Green
KiiRrllcnd I If)
Ltptn ill . ..
G ...... CUt Berkey
Cnmptnn tl) .. C
ivi ! pin
Amttr Stevem
FM4rvM icorln
1, Shields S.
Sheridan Bailer 2.
Haiftime iwore
Amity , ftherldan
10. OfdclaU: Mathewi and Harding.
IWillamina Wins
With Overtime
,,.,,,.,. .,., . .
WILLAMINA-Willamina edg-
! nerwooa, OOOll. in an Over
lime I amawa league game nere
I last niohL
' ' " V"'" .""" ' " ? ,nI
" . uaiiinx l ine quar -
,or ""P- 7'4- 24-"' ,nd 39-30'
' Jr b"7.,he UMi bn"
when Duane Johnston made a
Liv-ln In lie th arnra at AfLAH
I n ,h ni.riim. mhi L-ill.
hit five points before
, ShiTWiKxl could score. The game
i larlin hul had (a.t
' inH ....tin. t,...k
Shrrwoo.'" s Hill Shrpnard
ed 18 to be hich for the a
vrt, iats ws ll be mutOh
TOVOfllcV, ASP so WILL A,.p so STEAK.
r MfM
in -Brit
Gervais Scores
Overtime Win
GERVAIS Tlx Gervais
gars edged Jefferson 62-58 in an
overtime game here last night
!t aa the fifth Marion County
B League win for Gervais.
The Cougars led 11-S at the
end of the first Quarter and led
29-M at haiftime. They moved
farther out la front 61-43 at the
end of three periods and it wis
36-56 at the end of the regula
tion game.
Don Reiling led the winners
with IS points while his tesm-
mste Gib Thompson had II. For
the Lions Bill Marlatt had 21 and
John Wright bad 20. The Junior
varsity game was won by Gervais
JefferM (SS)
Marlatt 111)
Wright ISO) .
Meyara 14)
t Oerrala
T (4) N.Kapplnger
T (It) Belling
-C (4) Laoey
iia) Ynompaon
Cotman (7) a (1)
fteeerves scoring: Jeffenonv Weill
I. Nell 1. Gervale . Kepplnger 13.
Schlatter 1. Haiftime score: Gervais
SS, Jefferaon 34. Olflclalll UondrU
and McNata.
Sublimity Nips
OSD, 74 to 64
SUBLIMITY The improving
Sublimity Saints won a Marion
County B league game here Fri
day night at the expense of the
Oregon School for thiDeaf, 74-94.
The Saints were having t good
night for team work, and passing
and both teams were hitting well.
The Subs' fast break accumulated
quartertima leads of 19-18, 32-29,
and S2-3& Sublimity played its
reserve! In the fourth quarter.
For OSD, Davt Maynard scored
28 points for gsme honors and
hit teammate, Roy McCann, was
good for 20. Ronnie Bentx had 22
for the winners, supported by
Davt Parrish with 1 and Vie
Frank with 11
Sublimity jayvees won, 83-28,
Tom Christianson making 19 to
lead the winner.
04D (44) (74) Sublimity
McCann (JO) . r (21)
Thompson IS) M.r 16) Parriah
Maynard (Ml C III) Frank
Lewln III 0 (S) Sullivan
Heath 14) O.- 14) Uewli
Reaervea acorlns: OSOWhlttle S.
Sublimity Doerfler 4. Relaterer 1
Welter 4. Bell 1. Halttlme acore:
Sublimity , OSD 11. Officials: Dyer
and Kawllna.
Woodburn Lists . ,
City Recreation
Games of Week
Woodburn Schedule for basket
ball games in the winter recrea
tion league for next week will be:
Monday, Jan. 19, 4:45 p.m. St.
Luke's vs. MacLaren school: 7:45
p.m. Jaycees vs. S. P. Mart; Thurs
day, Jan. 21, 45 p.m. Free Meth
odist vs. Capital Journal Carriers;
7:45 p.m. Valley Mfg. Co. vs. Four-
square church: 9 p.m. May Furnt
,ure vs- LDSchurch. I
In the senior division last Thurs-1
day the Jaycees won over Four-
square church 43-29 with Bob Saw-
telle high for the winners with
is points. Schmidt led Foursquare
r'w.i.'J. Etui's? .F"rnilu
tnrlHA th. .lU.. : a-
"." "'"r game Hi ;
. r. Mart, ln the junior division
! St. Luke's upset the defending
champions Free Methodists 35-25.
j Monday night Valley Mtg Co.
, oeieawa lus 70-12 in senior
. division game with Shrock aa hieh
, sm w m onroca as nign
ewici iui me winners ana j. vin-
"nt hiRh for LDS- In lhe
game the Capital Journal Carriers
came from behind to defeat Mar-
Larcn school 25-20. Pickering was
high (or the Carriers with 1 points
and Lay for the school wiUi in
In a practice game Mt. Angel beat
SP Mart 48-11.
BOSTON (U.B Olympic mile
champion Josev Barlhel, "the
Luxembourg Limited." waa fa
vored tn ranturr th!..
mile In his American ebut to-
night st the 28H annual Knihi,
! of Columhua irark mi . i
! Inn IIarHn
, " - - - - -
, virinr. ,
Willamlna won the J. V. gsme, '
l"-35l:.." Bob Fowler hooped 17 ;
lr Wlllamina and Vernon scor-:
i ed nine Inr Shrrur.tnH'a JiiniAH
' SHRHWflfln flat (U, aiitivi,.
??". ., ' - I
Jov 1101 '.
Kmcaar 141
c . isi rannon
G .31 rn,lM
. Mnrdock 3I
C. IISI lltiuk.
Ke.ern arnrme Hherwnocl Sny.
ii-r 4 Kiiatmm wiiiamim-OLearv
She,. 14. Wulamlna 17.
1. OfmV 4. El 4 Hnlrtln.A w... .
Of final: Pnwell and nvmn.
By Ham Fisher '
paj'ECT him
ft US.
tload Tesit at- Linfield
Records Spoiled for Holy
Cross, George
NEW YORK -Kentucky. Du-
quesne and Western Kentucky, the
nation's last unbeaten major col
lege basketball teams, had fair
warning today: It takes more than
perfect record to crack a tough
Holy Cross and George Washing
ton learned that fact to their sorrow
last night as both went down to
their first defeats of the season.
Holy Cross bowing to Notre Dame
1341 and George Washington to
Maryland eu-41.
The story was the same in both
cases: too much defense. With Togo
Palazzi missing IS field goal at
tempts In the first half. Holy Cross
found itself on the short end of a
34-23 score. A collapsing defense
thoroughly shackled Palazzi and his
mates, who were ranked sixth in
the country and had won 11 in a
George Washington's streak
Soldo! Gorky,
To Get It Off
Soldat Gorky and Tony Ross-
meet in a main event at the
local armory Tuesday. Ross and
Gorky mixed it up iast week but
Ross was the official and Gorky
the wrestler. Gorky charged that
Ros pulled a quick count.
Gorky, 219 pounds, and Ross,
205 pounds, meet in a match that
will go 45 minutes or 2 out of
three falls. Gorky and Ross are
on a triple main event card.
In another event The Great
Yamato and Kurt von Poppen
heim go against John Henning
and David Jons in a tag team
match. Henning, a frog man for
the nary during the war is popu
lar in Salem.
Ivan Gorky meets Uvan Kam
eroff in the wind-up main event
Kameroff looked good in hold
ing Popnenheim to a draw last
week. Chester Wallick will prob
ably be the referee.
Football Ends
Sunday With
All-Pro Bowl
fnc a " tk. twa.
football wart; lopping over just a !
bit into 1964. finally come to an
.nH KtmHnv whrn Ih. finrt nrn-
fessionals of the National Football 1
League encage in the (mirth an
nual Pro BOWL GAME IN Memori
The contest, expected to attract
upward of 35.0DO tans, pits 31
selected players of the Western
Conference against a like squad ol
tbe Katem Conlrnc
Th Westerners, with a three
' decker passing stall of Bobby
Layn. Norman Van Brocklin and
Y A. Tittle and a brilliant array of
receivers, plus a seemingly superi
or ground attack, is favored to win
by at least a touchdown.
Hoping to upset such calculations,
however, are such equally excel
lent stars of the Eastern team as
passers Otto Graham and Bobby
Th0""". "ld receivers as
Pe Pihos. Dante LavelU and
i r-lbie Nickel.
Leading ground gainers for the
West include Joe Perry, Dan Towl- j Meiiert 371. Marion rreamary 2
.r. Tank Younger. Hugh McEl-l'Si. Cu'"'
n""y '"T; I
llir r ail can unci SUCn runners '
as Kay Renfro. Harry Jagade. i
Lynn Chandnois. W sreVi
and Frank Gilford. I
The West, handlrd bv Buddv !
r. , . ... , -
Parker, coach ot the champion !
Detroit Lions, will be seeking its
third straight victory
Tl.. a-... n...1 r.
. ."" . "iPhllllpa JIS. Blue Lake m-Slnnetl
itmiiiihik iub itiunn year I
in the came, won the first of the
L i . . .
7" . '"r urn"
i i. nr. wmir rvi.inn, idiis.
fighlS Last Night
NKW YORK 'St Nicholas Arena)
- Sandy Saddler, ISO 4, New
Yorg. stopped Billy Bossio. 12S,
Hartsdale. N Y.. . (Nontitle.
Eddie Spnnger. 160. Duluth. Minn,
outpointed GARY Simon. 157, New
Glasgow. N.S.. 10.
Grten Mint,
Chocolatt Chip
ill i. liberty
stopped at 11 when the previously
high-scoring Colonials couldn't solv
Maryland's defense. George Wash
ington, ranked seventh, trailed by
14-9 after 10 minutes and never
got started after that.
Kentucky, No. 1 team in the
Associated Press poll, should im
prove their 10-0 record against Tu
lane tonight. But neither Duquesne
nor Western Kentucky needed any
kind of warning about their
Duquesne plays Niagara at the
Upstate New York school, remem
bering their tight squeeze over
Niagara in the Madison Square
Garden Holiday Festival and also
the Purple Eagles' reputation for
being tough on their home court.
Western Kentucky plays Eastern
Kentucky, bitter cross-state rival
that upset the favored Hilltoppers
exactly a year ago tomorrow. Second-tanked
Duquesne has won 14,
fifth-ranked Western Kentucky IS.
Tony Ross
Their Chests
By 74-59 Tally
MONMOUTH Frank Grove hit
13 of 14 free throw attempts for
Oregon College as the Wolves
broke a losing streak and topped
Oregon Tech, 74-59.
It was the first Oregon Col
legiate conference game for OCE.
Grove was high with 25 points.
The clubs well meet again here
OTI SS) OCE (71)
it ft of to It ft nf tn
Wyatt.f 6 1 4 IS Cmbrln-f 3 S S IS
Hubble. f 1 1
Edsren.c 3 4
Sutp.n.i S 4
Dorn.s 0 1
Sauaser.f 0 3
OvennJ 0 0
Schlinj) 0 0
Tmpsn.g S 3
Cnghm.K 4 0
Garcla.g 0 0
Rtinen.g 0 0
0 4 Grove. I 613 4 2S
3 10 Pranti.c S 0 I IS
S 14 Plttlon.l 2 1 0 S
1 1 Divuu 4 3 4 11
3 M'Knze.f lilt
4 0
0 0
3 S
1 0
t 0
Total Sill 23 S9 Total 25 24 IS 74
Free throwa mlsaed: OTI 10. OCE
10. Haiftime score OCE 34. OTI 2B.
Olflcials: Kolb and Wlckart.
SEATTLE Joe Pehanick
dumped in 20 points Friday Bight
as the Seattle University Chief-,
V?!ihr i
tains rolled to their 13th straicht
the season, whipping the
Gaels ot St. Mary's,
5NW sPrts sn524
16 '
Twelve members of
i State's Rose Bowl football squad
j have competed eligibility and
! won't he around next fall.
In the Alleys
Capitol Alleys
Dlrkton'i Market (4 Mehan 3Mt,
McMorna 293, Hirom 243, Mather 245.
Chancy 3. Federal Ore. Af'ey (
Blind 303. Blind 300. Blind 273, Esch
257. Graf flu 394
Wilrox Cafe J Wilcox 447. Case
129, Jen kin 40ft. Hemnnen 30. Shadd
427. Cascade Mead (I) Adamt 3fil.
Voft 324. Amunda 317. Manner 405,
Hout 352.
Jleiy r.reer (t Pavlov 323.
Scott 437. Hewitt jm crdnar
r.s Nub. (st - Turnbuii
354. Oouaharlr 303. Blind 309. Mer-
Bureh Ml ir itric 14)
jSXh W"
LaW Markrt (j)-Hannum 474.
kfn "'.w"".r. - Mri'y sue.
iWilkaltl 331. The Hnk (II Amen 3D).
Miiaaui -tji. ih una
DeCrrr 333. field. 35s.
i. i,oian jo, ad-
nry 379.
I W. C Iljrer a Son ()-Davla 380.
Smit 3S. A Davia 387. Dver 313.
Ki. tinman Iflll. c.ever 301, Slolten-
.125. Bowe-a 203.
Hifh team aerlea Snider Electric.
1961. hih tenn rme Snider Elec
tric. Ml; hih Individual aerie M.
Hoover, 474. F. Hannum. 474: hih
individual fame r. Hannum, 1IK.
Ml ill Cfeaai MO
I'pttaira, 141 North Liberty
'"! an Satvraas atilT It a at
l I aa. I la I pa Caaailutlaa.
ShM4 artaaera aa4 ana. terti aa
rrea a4 ckarft PrartlraS alnee
HIT Write fne anraettva rlfl Me
Ducks in
Top Spot
Oregon and Oregon State shared
top spot in Pacific Coast Confer
ence Northern Division basketball
standings Saturday after a suc
cessful Invasion of Washington
Oregon State, hotter than a July
afternoon despite below - freezing
weather outside Seattle's Hec Ed
mundson Pavilion, Friday night,
romped by the University of Wash
ington Huskies, 41-49, behind the
uncanny shooting of Tony Vlasteli-
Orceon, trailing most of the way.
staged a fourth Quarter rallv to
edge a surprising Washington
Mate college team at Pullman,
The fifth member of the North
ern Division, Idaho, drew a bye.
The wins by OSC and Oregon
gave each a 2-1 loop record. Idaho
is in third place with a 2-2 mark
and Washington and WSC share
the cellar with one win and two
losses apiece.
Washington was somewhat of a
threat to the Beavers until late in
the fourth quarter as the Huskies'
Dean Parsons did an excellent job
In holding OSC's high-scoring Wade
I Swede I HalbrOOK tO 14 points. hlS
low socring effort of the season,
eni n ..a
miaway ln tint period
were never seriously in danger,
although the Huskies keot the pres.
sure on OSC all the way. Vlastelica
came into th game late in the
second and hooped eight points in
........ ... ... ...V
two minutes. Vlastelica got three I Fl"t consreotiomi
more field goals in the third period j JSiS
for a total of 14 points. Sl. M.r LutMrao
Washington State, figured as a school
surprised the visitors with first- i"."'" "
half sharpshooting and left thest Mart in'ther'aTi"!
floor at the Intermission on the 1 Pntiooo iub ....
io end of . 45-38 score SS., ::::::
The Ducks fought bock through pint chrwi.n ...
the third and went into the lead T"" '",brterup ..
a F2-A0 on Bob Hawes field goal
with less than two minutes gone
in the fourth quarter. The score
went to 72-47 before the Cougars
started a rally of their own, tying
the score at 73-all on Bob Swan
son's field goat at the one-minute
Oregon won the game with ten
seconds remaining when Ken Weg
ne' hooked in a field goal and a
3 buer sounded
long WbC shot went wide as the
Th same ouo meet ain Sa'-
... , f'L'f ouu" m
i u n,,u-
WSC 73) Oreion 7S)
Btnlnk.f I 1 121 Hlbrrs.f 4 2 1 10
Be rry:l 4 3 4 11 Wntr.l S 2 4 IS
Rehdr.c 4 S 3 14 Anrsn.c I I 1 fl
j Klutk.4 111! Hage.f 4139
Snn.f 3 2 11 Hnlnri.f 4 S 4 13
Aiken.l 0 0 3 0 Hawaaj 3 13 7
Hanks.f 2 0 0 4 Ros,.g 3 117
.., . v a aiuui.i 1 u a 2
Poiy.s loos
Total 27 19 20 73 Total 17 21 75
Orepon 18 20 19 IB 75
WSC. 20 M 13 IS 73
Free throwt mikaed- Orenon An
terson 9. Weitner 1. Holland 1. Rosa
1. Total point! missed 5. Washington
Stattw Bennink 4, Berry 1. Render 2.
i i. KicHK i, .Nwansnn l,
roisy . Total point mlued 4. Of
ficials: McCullouih and Murphy.
Wash. (4S) Ore. State (1)
Olnen.f 3 0 1 Rmnof f 0 0 3 0
Bryan.f 1113 Hallffn.f I 0 410
Parns.c 3 10 3 16 Halbrk.c 5 4 4 14
Prkln.i 0 0 10 JArboe.c Ills
Tripp.g 2 119 Robinti.ic 4 3 3 13
VRllin.f 3 2 13 Whtmn.f 2 3 0 7 0 4 4 4 VIstlca.c 1 0 4 14
Patnoe.K 0 0 10 Toole.g 0 0 0 0
Coahw.f 0 0 0 0
Total 15 19 14 4ft Total 24 13 20111
Ore con Stat u 14 16 IS 16 Al
Waihington 9 16 12 1249
Snots attempted: OSC 59. Wash
lnton 57 Tree throwt missed: White
man. Halbrook 2, Robins. Jarbot? 2
Toole 2. 01en J. Voegtlin 3. Bryan
1. Pamnna I. Johnson. Offlciala: i
Llfhtner and Bill Fouts. I
a XZ.
K at a. VI m
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First Christian is all alone in
first place in the Senior Legut
schedule draw- near an end.
Englewood EUB has a 6-0 record
to lead the Intermediate A.
In the Intermediate . B loop
First Congregational and Evan
gcistic Temple are tied but they
meet this week for the title.
First Congregational has a 7-0
mark and Evangelistic Temple
has 64.
Calvary Baptist leads the jun
ior with a 5-0 record while Nsta
rent leads the junior A with a
8-0 mark. Schedule changes for
the final week of play are that
First Christian and First Bap
tist meet the 20th in junior A
and the Evangelistic Temple
plays Keiter Community the 21st
at nine in the boys gym.
Makeups Listed
All games that were scheduled
for December 23 will be made
up a down in the leagues. In
the intermediate B First Congre
gational and the Evangelistic
Temple were moved into the A
divition while First Presbyter
ian and Jason Lee were moved
down to B.
In junior B First Congregation
al, Knight Memorial, and Calvary
Baptist were put in the A and
Fint Presbyterian snd Firls
Christian were lowered to B.
Highland Friends will br the new
club in the B this next half.
I "'" L'V
Writ Chrlntlan ..
calvary Baptut .
Orare Lutherao .
stayteon Baptut
rrae Mtthodlit .
Flret Freibrterlaa
Knltht Memorial
rim SOB
IaterMeaiate "A
Enalewood BUB ,
Pint Upthodlit
Calrarr Baptlut
Bt. Paul EpIKOpal
St. Mark Lutheran
Pint Chrlitlsn
Pmt Baptut
Pint Preibrterlan
Jaion Lr
intvraaedlate "B" LtafW,
F"" Conareeallonal
l.'Vr"' V
OB I frit Bipuil
meiaer caiairoiw
First Mfthndlit
Smith Salfm Prtrndj ,
Knllrwood SUB
: Hainan u,m,
I "J'L.
I Knltht w,mn.
"Made by the Bakers of
Master Bread"
ttJlLbl iow in uioum