THE CAPITAL .OTJRVAL. Salem, OrefM Tele -Views Radio-Television KPTV FRIDAY PBOGIAM: What's Cooking? 10:SO Bsrbars Angell will prepare broiled fish fillets ind fruit upudedowa cane. Matinee Theatre. 1 "Shadow! of Chinatown" atari Belt Lugoel am! Bruce Bennett Cavalcade of Sports, T-sndy Saddler of New York n. Bill Boaaio of Pittsburgh in 10-rouna lesinerweigni ooui mirwi uvw from the St. Nicholas arena. Iuer Sanctum, g:S "Lost in the Dark" stars Everett Sloane, Judith Braun and Murray Hamilton. Story 'of a wealthy man who ia losing his sight and attempts to regain It through the eyes of another. Heidelberg Wrestling, It Local live wrestling originating from the Portland Armory. Nile Owl Theatre, 11 "Sign of the Wolf" starring Michael Whalen and Grace Bradley. niDAY PBOfiBAM ON KOIN-TV: 1.-1S p.SL, Armchair Theatre "Klondike Fury" starring Ed snund Lowe, Lucille Fairbanks and Balph Morgan. t P.hl, Playhouse of Stars Badman Zachary Scott Is the object of a boys hero worship in -reari nanaiea uuoi on wiume drama half hour. 0:10 Our Miss Brooks Eve Arden finds herself involved In a hassel with the principal and faculty members of Madiun High over the will of mysterious Mr. Casey. The cast includes Gle Gordon. Robert Rockwell, Dick Cranna, Gloria McMillan and Jane Morgan. It px, My Friend Irma Comedy series starring Marie Wilson. 11 pjn. Showtime on Six "Below the Deadline" starring Cedlla Parker, Russell Hapten, ana ineoaore von uu. o SATURDAY ON KPTV: Saturday Matinee, 12:00 "What a Man" itars Johnny Downs and Wanda McKay. Snpermaa, :!. "Semi-Private Eye." A private detective is kid iudmI and Jimmy Olaan borrows the detective's trappings to solve the crime without help. - Life ef Riley, 7:00 "Riley the Worrier." Riley fixes his daugh ter up with a blind date. Ethd and Albert, f:30 Albert's attempts to Impress his neigh bor's youngsters with his wUardy at mathematics falls somewhat short of success. 1 I Led Three Lives, 8:00 Starring Richard Carlson as Herbert Fhilbrick, undercover men for the FBI in the Communist Psrty. Your Show of Shows, 0:00 Sid Caesar and Imogene Coca star In master prnfluetion. Your Hit Parade. 10:30 Ton tunes of the week. Greatest Fights ef the Century, 11:00 Gil Turner vs. Johnny axton In fight of June IS. 1953. at Philadelphia. Premiere Theater, 11:15 "I Met My Love Again" starring Henry Fonda and Joan BlondeU. , SATURDAY ON KOIN TV: 2:00 p.m.. Armchair Theater "My Dog Shep' William, Flame (1949 release) and starring Sabu. 0:00 p.m.. This b Show Business Jayne Meadows, actress and permanent panel star on Television's "I've Got A Secret," joins regulars George S. Kaufman and Sam Levenson as guest panelist ' Clifton radiman la host and emcee. 11:00 Showtime on Six "Charlie Chan at the Olympics" tarring John Eldridge and Katherine DeMille, SUNDAY PROGRAM ON KPTV: Sunday Matinee, 11:30 "The Jade Mask" starring Sidney Toler and Mantan Moreland. Wedding Belles. 2:30 Ted Bruno, campaign chairman for the Multnomah County March of Dimes, is the special guest The fashion portion of the show shows how to have a quick but lovely lormal weddinii. Life Begins at SO, 1:00 Joey Faye, veteran of 30 years in ahow business, will be featured ia "Flugel Street," lively humor of three Rtaan nu. - Kuala, ins and Hie, J.JO The KuMapolitan players present their version or toe "Atia-aao. Roy Rogers, 4:00 A merchant refuses to believe that his wastrel son has become a robber and murderer. Zoo Parade, 4:30 "Birds of Flight" Discussion of birds' airborne abilities. Hill of tame, :oo "Tne St tiouo storm.- story oi jane drey Swisshelm, the first woman to edit a newspaper. Dorothy Greene stars. Victory at Sea, 1:00 "The Killer and the Killed." U. S. Navy films showing the actual capture of a German submarine by the carrier Guadalcanal. The episode also portrays the culmination of World War II anti-submarine warfare in the Atlantic. Mr. Peepers, 1:30 Mr. Peepers receivea quite a jolt when he tees his aunt riding around Jefferson City in her Reo. Colgate Comedy Hour, 8:00 Starring Abbott and Costello. Frank Sinatra is the guest Bing Crosby golf championships. Television Playhouse, 9:00 "Here's Father" starring Cyril Rich ard and Van Dyke Park. Story of a separated couple and their young son. Letter to Loretla, 10:00 "Secret Answer" stars Loretta Young and Paul Langton. An inquisitive husband discovers that even in a happy marriage there are questions better left unasked. Man vs. Crime, 10:30 "Terror 12 Stories High." Mike Barnett uncovers murder and saves a would-be suicide. On Television KMTV (27) UHF , KOINTV (6) VHF starring Tom Neal, End of the River" KOINTV SUNDAY PROGRAM: 12:30 p.m., Contest Carnival Thia weekly half-hour circus vari ety program "designed for kids from six to 96," will premiere on the CBS Television Network. "Contest Carnival" will maintain a weekly carnival theme with Gene Crane as Barker, Phil Sheridan and Harry Levan aa clowna "Kernal" and "Carny" respectively, and Joan Conle as "Puff. 2:00 p.m., Omnibus with Ailstair Conke as emcee. Features "The Duchess and The Smuga," drama; a documentary made for TV Radio workshop by Captain Jacques-Yves Cousteau, underseas ex plorer on discovery and recovery of Greek Art treasures sunk off the coast ef Marseilles 2200 yeara ago, and "Traffic Control," with Dr. Henry A. Barnes, director of the Department of Traffic Engi neering, Baltimore, Md. 3:30 p.m., See It Now Edward R. Murrow presents an on the scene television report from Hong Kong, listening post between the West and Communist China. 4:30 p.m., Annie Oakley Gail Davis stars as Annie Oakley in "Annie and the Lily Maid." 6:00 p.m., You Are There The now legendary attempt of George Herbert Leigh-Mallory and Andrew Irvine to scale Mt Everest's awesome eights will be recreated for viewers when Walter Cron kite and the "You Are There" cameras return to June 8, 1924, to report "Mallory's Tragedy on ML Everest." 7:00 p.m.. Jack Benny Show Liberace, noted television pianist, will be a special guest of Jack Benny. The fiddler from Waukean ana me irom .Milwaukee will get together in sketch that promises high notea in both harmony and comedy. a:ot p.m.. Toast or the Town Willie West and McGinty, panto mime comedians, will be guests of Ed Sullivan. Other guests in clude: Joyce's camel animal act and Vocalist Dolores Gray. 0:00 p.m.. Fred Waring ShowIn a special tribute to the ladies, Fred Waring and his I'ennsylvanians feature a program of songs named in their honor, from "Ramona" to "Mamie." 0:30 p.m., Man Behind the Badge An uncanny memory for atolen gems enables Detective Earl H. I.ennie, chief of the pawnshop detail of the New Orleans roliee Department, to round up the Silk Stocking Bandits, in "The New Orleans Story." 10:00 p.m.. The Web A stage star's conniving understudy finds the plot of "lledda Gabler" a perfect setup for carrying out a scheme to further her ambitions, in "Enough Rope " msur iee a.m. snrr-otM dom srooai : sua. iutv wneta ceesins EOIX-eUeUKS U:aS S& KfTV-TIl KOH SUaMUOV 11 :t aa. icptv j ateae s Kom HMttlAUU Ihh list a-m. mri-nau KoiM-aapiuiiir " Has ta. eptv prions tt ramus- KOIN Newtfeol IS t MM KPTV BrUU ul OrMB koih an rui 11:11 la. KPTV-TBA KOI BK rio ll:lt see. kftv TBI KOU Boa CreoW l ot p.m. KPTV wum Tneeler 1:1S a m. BPTV-metiner Theeur KOM-ScereA Tomorrow 1 P M. KPTV Metlnee Tneelor KOIN Ouldlno Uxtll 1:41 a m. kptv mmum Tneeler KOIN Valient ldv S St a n. KPTV MetUMO Tneeurr KOIN Doehle or Notnlas IS p.m. KPTV-oo Your Aeeeool KOIN Strike It etlaA 1 St IB. KPTV Kale Bmltn KOIN Oorrr Moor S:1S P " KPTV Kale BmlUl KOIN Armchair Theater 4:St .a. KPTV Wclcoma Traveler KOIN Armcaelr Tneetef 4:IS wm.. KPTV Tormeker KOW Armchair TkeaMT 4:41 IB. KPTV Tormeaey KOIN Sir. lleon S.-W 9-m. KPTV Howdy DoodT KOIrt Saddle reia S:S SB KPTV Peenut Circus roIN Saddle Pale l a p.m. kptv tur Kins KOIN Weatbermea S IS 9 m. KPTV Okr Kins KOrN Photo QUI! : l.oa. KPTV Don ColllOJ KOIN Dour Edwerde STCwa I 41 p.m. KPTV World B Vlrw KOIN TSA 1:W IJL KPTV aporu Calvalcado foin Muk Afccuno snow l:aa p.m. kptv aporta c.nlcM, KOIN osalo and Hmtl ItAI .au KPTV Nw, corsvsa KOIN-Oil4 ADS Horrl IN p. a -KPTV DSTia osrrowir . KOIN Amos and Andy S:3S S.B1. KPTV lnnor aAOCtuai KOIN Topprr tm 9m. kptv an atorr Konc riArhotiH t aura I N 9 m KPTV-csmpbau eouod auas rem-Our Win Bimis um p.m. KPTV WrtolUnc KOIN sir prltad &M1 M:SS I K KPTV WruUlu KOIN PUm Jalrrrp Sous U:W P.M. KPTV EOT tnth Hoor Nan KOTN flricw TUu aa SU 11:14 p.m. KPTV Wuthtr Vau U:1S P.m KPTV HIU Owl TIMAUs aSTCBOAT 10:01 LB. KPTV PlATDOOM 11:00 a.m. KPTV Ed UeOonnoll 1: A-m. KPTV Tormakar. Prlaads 11 04 oor KPTV TaJanl Patrol 11 p a. KPTV Balurdar UaUnaa 1:00 P a. KPTV Satordap aiAtlaM KOIN BU Plctm 1 IB. KPTV Batordar alauiao KOIN paca Patrol 9:00 pm. KPTV Saturdai icatlnaa KOIN Armchair Thaatar 1:11 p a. KPTV atranicr Than Plctlon , KOIN Armchair Thaatar S:N p.m. KPTV Lena Ranker KOIN Armchair Th,tf 4:00 11 KPTV Johnny Jujltcr . KODt Armchair Thaatar :S0 IB. KPTV Captain uldnltht Kom Armchair Tneaaar 00 IB. KPTV TBA KOIN Roller Derby :N IB. KPTV Bupermaa koin pikhuns Leaioa 00 p.m. KPTV-CoL PlACk KOIN Thl, T. Mhnw W...t,tu. o;aw p.m. Kri-v Treaaura Hunt KOTN Beat the Clock i:we p.m. nr-j v ute OI HUey KOIN Medallion Theater ' 1:10 IB. KPTV Ethel and Albert KOIN Ufa with Patbar 00 IB, KPTV Bplka Jon,, KOIN Jackie Oleaaom :t0 I.B. KPTV Amaunr Uout KOIN Jackie Oleaon S.-4S IB. kptv anew r awoae y-OrNTwo far the Wonap S:M am KPTVabaw u,... KOIN Sly Invorlta Hiubeaa iv:ew W-m. artTHWn or Shews KOIN Oeorce Jeaael 10:10 IB. KPTV Hit Parade KOIN Roy Boleer aluw 11:00 p.m. KPTV Oreateat Puthu KOIN Bhowtlma an KIT 11:11 P.m KPTV Prelmer Theater koin ahow Time aa an , , SUNDAY S:ll a.m. m ReeMflns PunrJee 0:10 a.m. KPTV The Pastor 0:40 a.m. kptv Christopher 10:00 a.a. KPTV What's Tour Trouble 10. IS a.m. rPTV Reluioaa PUm 11:00 .m. KPTV Pacta Porom II 10 am. KPTV Sunday matinee 11.00 noon KPTV-undey maunec koin Adventure 1:00 p a. KPTV Industry on Parade KOIN Juvenile Jury 1:1 in. KPTV Industry Parade 1:10 IB. KPTV Your Oarden KOIN Lamp Unto Sly Peet :00 IB. KPTV Bob Conaldlae KOIN Omntbua l it p.m. KPTV Art LlnkletUr KOIN Omnlbue I:S0 P a. KPTV Weddlnc Bella KOIN Omnlbui 1:00 p.m. KPTV Lite Beauaa at (S KOIN Omnlbue I SO i n. KPTV Kukla. Pran, OUIe KOIN-Bee It Now 4:00 p.m. KPTV Roy Rocera KOIN eunbeam Theater 4:10 p.m. KPTV Zoo Parade KOIN Annie Oakley 00 IB. KPTV Hall el Pama KOIN-Ovne Autrey 0 IB. KPTV Hall ol Pama KOIN Comabaek 4:00 p.m. KPTV Victory at Bea POIN Ton Are There 0:10 IB. KPTV Ule with KUsabetB KOIN Pride ol Pamlly 1:00 p.m. KPTV-Wlnchvl! Aj Uahoney aum eeca Benny a-go IB, KPTV Comedy Keur KOIN Toaet e Tews S.SS IB. KPTV TV inerhaeu KOIN Pved Warm, a-as IB. KPTV TV Plapnooeo XOIK Maa Behind cdwa ' 11:44 IB. rPTV Letter so Leraat KOIN The UJS aa. KPTV Mas ea. Cytms KOIN Peter Potter II. wl B. KPTV aaoH the Prowl POIN Peter Potter U:N SB. KPTV wa Sa U aiiaa MONDAT 10 00 OB. KPTV-Dim Dmi ekkaol X4 jl ob. KPTV wnai'a cookma KOIN Bpetuu Reeve 10-41 a a. kptv aenat'a Cookuas koih BrUbtel Pay 1I;S0 aa. KPTV auwklna Polio KOIP) auui oiivn 11-11 SB. KPTV J Steps to navea KOIN KOIN Kitchen U St OB. KPTV Pr lend ol PamB! KOIN KOIN Kitchen 11:41 ob. KPTV Prlend ef PamSy 11:10 aaoa KPTV Bride oaa oreem KOIP ejHf rerwu U1S im. KPTV Bennetle KOIN Bit refefu U is iB. KPTV This la Vovr Ufa aula ewe t.reeBV ion I -SO e m. KPTV Matinee Theatav KOIN Love of LUe 1:11 p.m. KPTV Uatlnee Toeater KOIN avjarch Tomorrow -SS p a KPTV olatraoo Tbaotar koin Onidlna Usht 1:U p m. KPTV Uatlnee Theater KOIN Valiant Lady S:0S p a. KPTV Matinee Theater KOIN Double or Nothtns t JO pa. KPTV On Your Aoeouat KOIN-atrUta It Rica 1:00 ia. KPTV Kate smith KOIN Oarry moot M p a. KPTV Kale Smith KOIN Arm Chair Adveotnvo l:tt a.m. KPTV Kate SmlUl KOIH Mr. Mooa 4:40 p a KPTV Welcome TrnyeUaa 4:10 p.m. KPTV The Toymaker 1:00 p a KPTV Howdy Doody roiN Saddle Pau 1:10 p.m. KPTV Bar SI Corral 00 IB. KPTV Wild B1U Hick Ok KOIN Muter Weathermaa 4:M IB. KPTV MID Bade KOIN DotUT Bdwarde . S:a l.a.KPTV World on View roiN Oreateet Drama 140 P a. KPTV Badoo 114 KOIN etudlo One 1:M la KPTV Arthur Murrey Deaae KOIN Studio One TM l.a KPTV Newa Caravan KOIN Studio One S:0S p.m KPTV Name Thai Tune KOIN Sums and Allen SO p.m KPTV Voice ol Plreetosa KOIN Adollll lienloo 1:00 IB KPTV Donnle Du KOIN 1 Love Lacy 14 p.m. KPTV Robert Monwoaorr auirt nea auttene 11:00 IB. KPTV Arthur Murray Dana koin o. a. suel Hoar 1S:M IB. KPTV BIS Pletnro KOIN o. a. stool Xoerr U:W p.m rPTV lltk Hour Hawa KOIN Showtime on Blx 11 H I B. KPTV-Rlto Owl Theoter TWO HOSPITALIZED PORTLAND (UP) Two men wen hospitalized last night after a house under which they were building a new foundation slipped off jacks, police said. Howard O. Green, 39, received minor leg Injuries, and Phillip E. Bar ber, 29, suffered head cuts and shoulder injuries. Ycur 1953 Income Tax M. I aw b fit raw IWJ Mm. wis. vm nu Erwry litiua or rintkieist sf the I'nited Statoewwhetber aa adult or minor-who had pSOt or snora gross Income in 161 roust file aa income tax return oa Form 10W or 1040-A. Most of your tu ia withheld from ycur wages every payday or paid Decuu-ations ot uumaiea tu every quarter. However, the law requires you to file an annual re turn to datennine whether you owe mora or you should get a refund. When to File Between January 1 and March U. 1054. Try to avoid the last- minute rush. Those few individu als who keep books on a fiscal year basis msre. file by the 15th day of the third month after the close of their years. Hww U Pay Any balance of tax shown to be Fridaw, January IS, 1954 due la item T, page 1, of your re turn on Form 1040 must be paid ia full with your return. Yob may pay cash, or by check or money ormeK. Checks or money orders should be made payable to "District Director of Internal Revenue." Bow la Sga You have not filed a legal return unless you sign it If yon and your wife are filing a joint, re turn, both of you must sign. You do not need to have your return notarized since your signature has the same level effect as swearing to the trutMiilness of your return. Where to Get Forms anal Help As far as practical, the district director mails forms directly to taxpayers. If you need additional forms you can get them from your district director's office, and also at most banks and post offices. Many employers alas keep forms for lbs convenience of employes. The address of your district di rector of internal revenue ia 101 Post Office Building, Salem, Ore. His telephone nurnber fat S426X. After reading the inatructions your own return, unless you had you should be able to prepare need help, you tan get it at youf complicated firoblema. If you do idatriet cUrsctor's office. A more detailed publication entitled, "Your Federal locome Tax," may be obtained for 25 cents from the Superintendent of Documents, Goernment Printing Office). Wash ington 25, D.C School Set up For Diplomats WASHINGTON in The State Departneent has devised tight in vestigative safeguards to keep any one ef suspicious views from ex- ' WIKDOW SHADES UriTtt SUM 4 DWBT VM 240 S. lid Si. Mono 4-1154 pounding them to VS. diplomats at its Foreign Service Institute. it is aimed too at assuring thai guest lecturers da not coma into possession ef secret lnformaUoa. The instituta is in effect a school within the departrne for training fledgling diplomats and giving ra fresher courses la veteran ones. U.H I Uokii ui. a. cau Mil DU. CHAN . . . LAM CHINES! NATCXOPATBS Cssnalra, Ml North Warty Office aaea Sotnrwap omly. M a-a. to 1 aa, s ta I in. CoeumUAOeo, UswS and pjlno ooao am trow wf eaarsw. Planned ataeo tail. WrtOe far ootratuio stM. Ho PRE OMMKDJMisALE UL4 125 N. Coml. ILQ!(((1 ll(aliIjtll? ((as 33 25 50 OFF 37516 t TELEVISION Sales Service Installations MITCHELL RADIO & TV 810 STATE ST. PH. 3-7577 Does TV Hurt Your Eyes? THY HOFFMAN Kit." PHONE X 1913 2301 Fsirgrounds Rd. Valley TV Center Sales Service Installation Open Till 0 P. M. Dailv Sunday from 1 to t P. M. MARK RADIO S TELEVISION TV Sales Service Installation Open from s a.m. to t m Ph. 1-1(11 J14S 0 Coml Kalem's First Trlevlovan "lore "Audio - No Video" These are technical terms which technicians use fre quently and are a nice addi tion to the layman's vocabu lary. However, It ia usually helpful in reporting trouble on your T.V. set to simply say. "I have -sound but no light on the picture tube," or "I have picture but no sound." or "I have light on the pic ture tube but no sound or picture," or "I have sound but the picture rolls." Sim ple words give a clear state ment of your trouble. Such information makes for better service to you in repairing your T V. set. For factory trained tech nicians, csll 4 5312 TELEVISION SERVICE CO. 1410 8. 12th t A. M. ta P. M. Daily Announcing The New MaiACU PPER The new Packard CLIPPER Pmnm tlaHleprpiK Sportiest car in tho now CUPPER lino. Js 'jfc' - ' i '' y'V " V ''' Jyj ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmjljjll G-a-ma-m' r?-W JPj3l Soo irw 19S4 fmcktrd Una af your doalor'e bognning Friday, Jmrtutrj ISlK Americas Newest Medium -Priced Car! Luxury al a lot less.. .because Packard builds it A year mgm the Packard CLIPPER was introduced aa America's newest mediuT -priced car. I And men who know were quick to aay: "That's a lot of car for the money!" And it er as a lot of car for the money. And it ia a lot of car for the money. Because Packard builds it power, fine-car ride ... (the high-price features everybody wants) , . . and yet at a popular, medium price! We havw buirt a finer car for 'S4 be cause experience in 'S3 proved thai there are many thousand ot American who want a true luxury car in the fliedriun-prroa range. PackarH fOCKET So tho arttn sprtad! And in 1954 the new CLIPPER brings you flne-car luxuries, fine-car CL1PP1P. SPECIAL CLUa SEDAN Most cars in the medium-price field are simply big brothers of smaller cars nude by the same company. These cars may offer the modem gadgeta and the .t. i i. t.. . . . ewr. wi uiw Dig cwr, UUt in mOST , -mVcaaa their basic eflgtnfwing is still influenced by small-car engineering. "P-tVard-buiir aMkes tho Afferesc No feature or claim will ever give you a more powerful reason for buying a CLIPPER than the name Packard. I YouH find the reason when you take command of a Packard CLIPPER and put it through its paces over a road of your own chooaing. Make that date with 'Packard-built quality at a popular, medium price" very soon . . . wcelt you? Youll get luxury for a lot lets in a Packard CUPPER. i- P . " v i'evS tSimmmmaT- at Did yon know you can buy a SO 0 ( 4 Packard CLIPPER for as little as Z 0) 4 ?T7kmm J" Hoc ywa eaet toet tho raw Packard CLIPPER at the famous Packard Prow. rnt Ground, wot tho story, fact by tact, on tho pockwt provint ground at your doev r'o. But doei't stop then! For tho rwal thrill, etrrew a CLIPPER. M-isao . . . Pfue arete and torel tnace. h any. Pat Clipper Spervel Club Sedon Onuerreted a left). Opttonol erjuipmem. IncKallrel wnite Mdewell Hree. extra. Pnea map wary ihchrlw n neerbp coaanaiuea See to ehiipins Delivered la Salr 352 N. High Street ELSNER MOTOR CO. Salem, Oregon