1 FX if ' n i... i i Friday. January 15, 1J54 THI CAPITAL JOCRNAL, Salon. Or. 165 Attend Banquet Of Nurses Th "kick-off banquet for die Met No. X Ore eon State Nwm association, at Um Senator hotel. suesoay evening, wu attended ay 185- Thie affair was the far the state aasociation ki a atrtei of nleeratioas observing tk 90th aenrrersary of tlx Oregoa State Nurses association. Seated at Iht head table ware tha put president of district N 3 and fhe president of tha Oregon Sate Nanea association. Miss Hearielta DohX dsreetor of mining education at University of Oregon school of mining. Port- land. Othara at tha labia in cluded Miae Esther Berger, out going president, and Mn. Ernest Araesea, newly elected presi- dent of district No. 3, and tha following aast president Mrs. Praaeea BoMoa, at tie SaV na Hilmer, Miss Lillian McDon ald. Mrs. Bemiece Yeary, Mrs. Wash, Mrs. Olga Macy, Mils Grace carmen. Several aiusical numbers ware sang by tha student nurse e herns frera tha Oregon State hospital, conducted by Herbert Brewer. Reminiscing of nursing In Sa lem and neighboring commun ities 40 years ago were given by Miss Grace Taylor and Anna Dverksea Harvard. Miss Isabelle Louise Xing, one of Salem's pioneer nones, alee was honored. Miss Dons installed the newly u electee otrieers tor ins tor 01s- 1 triet No. 3 as follows: J President, Mrs. Arneson; first I vice president, Mrs. Eva M. t Campbell; second vice president, , Mrs. Murell Caples; secretary, i Mrs. Edith Haulmaa; treasurer. i. nn, Auaiu iiciur, mi a. muuicu Powers, Mrs. Gladys Clark, Mrs. Agnes Larson. Mrs. Pearl Hall, ,: Miss Marjorie Walters, Mrs. Ben - Wolz. Mrs. Etta Mae Determg. ', Miss Donna Monkman, execu- t live secretary of the board of nurse examiners, and her assist ; ant Miss Virginia Hildebrand, - both lrom roruana, atienaeu me j banquet ' As an expression of appreeia- 5 tion Miss Esther Berger was pre- 1 - " sentea a gin ny mrs. jvwesom irom memDers 01 aisinct no. Mr., Mrs. Yoder Anniversary Feted AURORA Relatives and - friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Yoder in Canby Sunday in observance of the couple's 25th wedding ami- V '?- if IA f V i - J A it i-7 v 1 y sap". k 1 ... I T'' hi ' vi' -- tlw-'a " -' sv wafc Wed Reeeatly A recent wedding was that of Mr. aad Mrs. Arthur R. Dkkey fNancy Jana South). Tha bride is the daugh ter of Mr. aad Mrs. HaraM a Smith aad Mr. Dickey at the son ei Mrs. Sophia Pearl Werner at Clues, Calif. The couple live In Salem, (MeEwan studio picture) V 18 LA -V-.'v- a if Del aw. Miss McGrath Rainbow Head . v -j Wood burn Mtae Jane McGrath, . daufjMer at htr. aad Ma..Kea !''' neth Mrtetk and a atnior - a Woodborn high arhaaa. waa elar : ed aitay adiiaat ad Xvergreta , , , aanmary. N u, taraar 01 tne Rainaaaa fea 6arm at the retalnr meetasa) Weemeasay aajht Other '.J ' i.l,ri - .ra Mix Sua rxiaHe, aaniiita worshy aaV viaer: Miaa lhai'aa Gataria. char ity. Miss Una Petarsaa. hope: Miss Joanne Gaatem, mithc hhaa Peggy Daarflar. asmtny and Miaa Kathrya Theanaean, treasurer. Maw MrCraah snasajnetd the following, appatntiee officers: Missea Hattt aVaa Chwh, caaaaam; Sally DiAraaaad. dnB leuVar: Judy tchtud. aaaastaad dritl read er; Pat Bear, love; Deaethy Bea ter, nBgtont Rarrtet Haopar. aa- Bet. aMnortailtr Delene Soak. Wto: Isaaat Berry, patrintiBm; Sharlay Moara, service; Jiasta BaiHac Inner ob server; Career Lea Faster, mm siciaa; Barbara Miaaiar. chair di rector: ColsO aax jeaee Carver, pagea; atartlaa LaBarr. bartarhn; Carol Aaa Liaeaay. riwaoaia: RocheDa Ptaafe drill team cap tain. Installation, aaaa to tha pahlst, will be at tha aaa anating, Jan uary 2T. at pa. with Mim Phyina Boftsrta. taw retirma worthy-adviser an metalling of- New Farm Program Continues Support Prices WASHINGTON lit - The Ebeo- bewer aanunistration is satisfied with present farm programs for and dairy products. Its proposed hs tarna aragrana weahi cealina them. December Wedding Married! on December U were Mr. ana) Mrs. Leslie Jaaaa Thiems (Maxina Uarla Davenport). The bride is the deaghtar of Mr.aad Mrs. Gleaa L. Dareapart and Mr. Thteaas is the sen of Mr. aad Mrs. Henry Tfetcma of Dover, Okm, (McEwaa aradio picture) vacv . ficer. A . The affair waa arranged by the rnncla'a anlr daughter. Mrs. t Ravmoa C. Dobyns. together with i Mrs. Yoder-s brother, J. a Kive- nes of Molalla. and her sister 4 in-law, Mrs. Marie Rivenes of 1. KtlvuHnn. t Mm Jaek Kent niece of Mrs. Y Yoder, made and deeorated the i silver-ornamented three - tiered : h mniianin rk CUt by Mrt. $ J. C. Rivenes of Molalta. The ci lace-covered serving table was tort bv an arrangement of white and pink chrysanthemums, ' i guarded by pink tapers, f. Mr. and Mrs. Yoder were mar 'i ried January 10, 1929, in Si! 'verton. Joining the couple for the afternoon and evening were: Mrs. Judith Yoder, mother of Mr. Yoder; Mr.' and Mrs. ' William Wenzel, Howard, Janice, Beverly and Gloria of Aurora, Mr. t and Mrs. Jack Kent Mr. and , Mrs. D. A. Yoder of wnisney ' Hill, Mrs. Marie Rivenes and Ar . mand Lee of Sitverton, Mr. and M Wrs. C. H. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. : V. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. K L. Dobyns, Mr. and Mrs. Menryn Rivenes and Adell of Rainier, ? Mr and Mrs O. M. Rivenes and ; John Paul of Woodborn, Mr. and " Mrs. Jack Gregory, Douglas and . - Judy, Molalla, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rivenes, Teddy Lee, Jacque, - Lou and Jane Kent Ronald Lee and Randy Dene Lee and Dale Yoder. Mrs. Irving at Silverton Meeting Sirverton Mr. Loutef Ir'.iag of Madras, associate grand ma tron of the Order of Eastern Star, wis guest of honor at a special meeting Thursday eve ning oa the occasion of her pre siding at the school of in-true-bon for officers, pages and com mittee chairmen, of Ramona chapter No. '58, in the fireplace room of Masonic nau. A buffet supper was served preceding the business of the evening. Mrs. Irving waa arar- night guest at the Pine street home at Mr. and Mrs. W. Dale Lamar, recently Installed as wor thy patron and worthy matron of Ramona chapter No. SS, OES. Mrs. Felix Wright was supper chairman. Mrs. Wayne Weeks, aisociats matron, presented Mrs. Irving with a gift and a corsage for the evening. Present for the evening and instructional program were Mr. and Mrs. W. Dale Lamar, Mrs. Wayne 1 Weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Harrv KiehM, Mrs. Austin Sen fnrH Wm. Ran Raeoa. Mr. and Mrs. Marian Loe, Mrs. F. E. Syl vester, Mrs. Charles Leonard, Mrs. W. H. Woodard,' Jr., Mrs. Norman Nyhus, Mrs.. Wilbert Pernn. Mrs. Wayne Lovre, Mrs. Ronald Aaboe, Mrs. Bea Sprick, Mrs. W. P. Scarth, Mrs. Cornell Woodall, Mrs. Edmund S. Jack son, Mrs. Felix Wright and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Tinlay. Polio Emergency Volunteer Group Organizing Here Plans for organization of 1 group of Polio Emergency Vol unteers got underway with a meeting attended by county and city health officials, hospital ad ministrators and officers of the Marion county chapter of the National Foundation for Infan tile Paralysis, this week. Mrs. Grant C. Rogers, chair man of women's activities for Marion county National Founda tion for Infantile Paralysis, has Guild Entertained Silverton Mrs. Harry Vetter entertained at her home for the members of the Junior Woman's m.iiH nf the First Christian church, Monday evening. Mim Mareuerette Hallock arranged mi announced the program. Devotions were directed by Mrs. Bill Bunting. nurine the business boor, hi charge of the president Mrs. De lene FISH, ana ar "a j, Mrs. Jack Morton, plans were made Irr a rummage sale during WaKrnar. and IOT BODOT iroop to start preparing articles for the annual baxaar and for display at the August, va Centennial. Mrs. Merle Jones accepted the nobtieity charrmanshtp. Mrs. C B. Ciiklns assisted Mn. Vetter during the social hour. Star Chapter at' v Silverton Meets ' ' Silverton The first meeting of the year of Ramona chapter No. 58, Order of Eastern Star, was Tuesday evening at Masonic hall. Mrs. W. Dale Lamar, wor thy m; tron, and W. Dale Lamar, worthy patron, presidiss, and annoancinc their skHtaa for the sessions: -Alt Aboard tor 1164 ViaHora aoaered were Mr. ana Mrs. Perry MerreB of Century chapter No. 60 of IsaquaH, Wash.; Mrs. Andrew Peterson of KUdeer haoter No, 89 of Kildeer, N. D.; Mrs. Clarense Lysne of Sisseton chapter No. 8. Siasetoa, S. D.; and Mrs. Marion Pruett of Ains worth chapter No. 176 of Salem. Installed as treasurer xor me coming year was Mrs. r. c Sylvester and as organist, Mrs. W. H. Woodard, Jr. Mrs. Lewis Irving, associate rraad matron, save a report on a school of instruction earlier in the month with all officers ano committee chairmen, wno are to assist Mrs. Lamar for tha com ing year, present for the instruc tional program. Ramona clun meeting wae i ported Tuesday afternoon at the Lloyd Lanea noma, an. nr lea Leonard and Mrs. E. A. Fin lay assisting. A benefit card party was planned by the dob fa? satnraav evening. earimj 13, the Masonie tempie wnn Mrs. K A. Epeneter and Mrs. Homer Rand aa co-chatnnaa. Daring the late social aoar, rcarda were played. ' Installattoa at young of the Ramona assembly. Order f Rainhow for Utrn, waa aa- nounced for Monday evenaag. January IB. -KV Boots and Spurs By CHARUEN WOODS . This time of year, the barn gets pretty cold, but that doesn't keep people from coming out and riding. Last Wednesday night, the whole drill team, all -30 of them, was out in full force, and after drill practice they pre sented a birthday cake to Floyd Seamster, on the occasion of his ? hirthdav. Cake and coffee were served by Juanita Stender and everyone seemed to have ,. Vilfttna- Flnrlt. Because it has been so cold, m i.f (he elub members have been laid up with cold. Al In- glis, who was reponea w nay, the flu, is up and about nd was seen exercising his horse last Monday night Mary Mollert is another one who it back with oa after fighting a ease of peno-monia. appointed Mrs. Ted Jenny as PEV group chairman. The fine results achieved by the formation of PEV groups in other communities, most not ably in treatment center areas, are a direct challenge to tha citizens of Marion county. With the organization of a PEV corps nere, we win have at hand trained workers to do a score of professional ' bat essential tasks ia the event of polio out- Breaks la this county, Mrs. Koa era sew. Poiw Emergency Volunteers. Mrs. Regera explained, aid doc tors, nurses and physical therap ists by taking over routine aa- signments in hospitals, clinics. or homes, releasing professional personnel to devote more time to the highly skilled duties inv txed In tha care al pots pat ients. In creating shortage of nrsfeisUakal warkera etea up the need for greater naxaUMta ot eot- nial 1 1 PEVa, tint ergiamiwl in WtS to meet the suddea emergencies of polio epidemics, have expand ed tneir range oi services ra in clude numerous year-round ac tivities, Mrs. Rogers said. The corps has grown from an initial groan of 3000 to a national volun teer army, now numbering more than 45.000 .women, Mrs. Rogers reported. Mrs. Verlecfc to Head Ablqiu Club - Silverton Mrs. Nefl Verbeeh was installed aa president of the Abiqna Ladies Social efcib, Tues day, at the aLVday nvtctmg at tha home of Mrs. Floyd Staiger with Mrs. Lamont Dunagan as assist ing hostess. Installing th new affkart were the retiring officials of the past year, Mrs. Clyde Stai ger, president Mrs. Joaa McKU- kBs vice prestdeat; Mra. Richard Sitter lee, secretary; and Mrs. Paul Mann, treasurer. Officers mdoeteel to assist Mrs. Verbeck are: Tie presi dent, Mrs. John Miller; secre tary. Mrs. Verne Hiskey; and treasurer, Mrs. Daa Doreaa. Mr. Vernetk named lor th sunshine committee, Mrs. Frank Shepherd and Mrs. Ben Butler, and as reporter, Mrs. L. r. Oehler. Present for the day were 15 members, two children aad two apectal guests, Mrs. Otto Andre ssn aad Mrs. Aveho Mugtsy. The Feeruary naaeUna, will w aa the home of Mra. Clifton atraaa. wtt tne new nnetaent. Mrs. letj ferbeek, aasistinf hoa- Present law i ports for beef cauis, caj, shea lambs and hog as wei aa ear is. tha secretary That of agricahura aaaa nrevine auseorU not ia excess Slayer Suspect OregonResident; OKLAHOMA CITY U) The seen tar Otte A. LaaU fryearoM Syracuse, N. Y. man charged with the brutal Knif e-si eying of his 31-ycar-ont ttavchng compatuon ht a tourist xourt here Sunday night Stretched from New York to Rose burg, Ore., Friday. But Laws en arm we la alao tha net.- . Officer found the scantily dad bed al Mrs. Euaaheth Jeanne Henderson, pretty Compton, Calif. . housewife and mother, in the motel Wednesday. She had see dead antra Sunday, they aaat Aatharitie sand bar death waa the work of a "maniac,1 They said Mrs. Henderson probably was tor ot ft) par cent of parity ha m. or none at no. Parity, a standard far sniaaw hag farm pricaa. hi dacsared by law t h aair I farmer ha Illation to pricaa twy pay. Pisa aayaort ear deary proDuos aaa M cant al parity. They m near Mat f wu. liara Mark Saissn. founder ei Rainbow, woo died December 20. 1SS3. at MeAlhatsr. Oka. Gueeta haaarad wet airs. Mark Thompson, worthy ass tron of Evergreen thnpler. Orear at the taseern star, aaa Mass joaaa SchmM. gresd tevJuttUtlTe of the Canal aaaa. A skit waa given by the (iris honoring Mim Roberta and she waa presented with a gift from the assembly. Following the meeting th girls enjoyed a "Dutch treat" at toe Coney Island restaurant. death. At Roseburg. Ore, Mrs. Loci told state police aha had no idea where her husband waa. She aaid was a telephone call Jan. a. Rainbow Assembly Installs on Sunday Lebanon Installation was in tha Masonie hall Sunday after for Miss Joanne Johnson, new worthy adviser of Marguer ite assembly. Order of Rainhow for Girls. She waa erownoa ay bar lather, Robert H. Johnson, erha is district deputy to the grand master of Masons tor Oregon. Other new eieeuv csucan seated at the open caraaioay Bridges Seeks Vole in Election SAlf FRANCISCO -X Barry Bridges' Li lag ibsi an tea's Union Friday aaeMiaaa tha Kaaienal La bor Relation Board la ha mciadad in th Feb. M eject lea lor repre sentation of West Coast maritime stewards. The NLRB caused th election as tlw result el lengthy yariaatctiea- al eianuia bslwsan oas Art, Maraea Cooka asm Slaw aaaa Uawa and tha uirtijaaiait timiaaal tftaaa eg Ma- raw cases Thtaraday Lonesumass man a uaaaA aaaa av the NLRB In be ksduded on toe ballot eriviat eastward lagether en a share-the-ex Dense basis. She in tended to visit ttr jstHix:. Helen Com. at Newark, Ohio. Loel had been reported an rout to Syracas I vkht his eetmiged wife Then ft waa learna mra. Loel waa in Oregon. Hillmanto Speak Monday being supported at the ; lavei, But direct suaaarts hove never been provided cattle ar for sheep aad I aba. largely because there has er been a atroad producer demand for them and also kicanaa mast sect etas las at apt culture have saat there ia no ef- fectiv saeeaod at sapaarung vhsaa yices- . Dunne woru war u. prices oi poultry, eggs and koga were sun ported through gmoininent pur- or aremea psanry, oxiea These purchase had efleet off rednxsnai naarhot sapenten and thus bolstering prices. Bat thee parte war as upas samu an or th war waaa am aeeeramerd had attiwvaty winjisaai ef tha products, even at a lass. . SyyPrco On Hew Schools WASHINGTON III Th Eieen bewer ateiniaUatiea waa reported Friday preparing legislation I a thoriza a federal-state study af tha . need for new seheaa? acres th aatieo. The pragrant, Informed sources said, will aot ncenutsand any specific Iron re) ant program for by Con- res in ua Stat or th union Bee sage President Elsenhower said tha nation "aa a whole is not pre paring teaeaera or aaiwina Kboala test eaoagh ta keep up with th increase ia ear aofnnt tion. The aaaatiaa at laderal aid for educatioa haa bee a ewarUaa pa litkal ceatraveray. For tha anal tare yean, the aamaiasnant aaa naaiteet naaoctai aeip which tadarai artivisy t Grover Hillman, president of the Cherry City Baking company, will be the speaker at th Mon day noon Mneheea meeting oil the Salem Chamber of Commerce. I The speech will he about the! hakina- industry and win be ftlun-I trated with a rum. Toe rum, in technicolor, was produced by the I bakers' yeast division ef the Aa- been gtvlaa 1 heuser Bush Company and haa Ik. rmm been shown many tunes to ear-1 haa ovetioaded exist in schools. ice clubs ana cnamner oi vora-i vagiaketwo an tna aiDieo merce meetings throughout the . w. SsssU mmin aw a Uatted Scouting Program Topic at Meeting Sifverton Mrs. Tad Hobart of Salem was the naeaker at tne Friday afteraeon meeting ia the Eugene Held Robin Hood room, urging more interest in th pro gram for Girl Scoot organisation fat the Silverton area. With 142 paid np Girl Scoots, the directors of the local scout program are in need of work ers, and definite organization of troops was ssked ot the moth ers and other worxers at me meeting: ... Mrs. J. S. Starrett, district chairman, and Mrs. W. 0. Scsrth, secretary, are urging attendance of adult workers at the Monday evening meeting, February 8, of the district aetgnnornooa oi Girl leoat cvaariL Mm. Mtfbe weadard, volun teer ttwtractor for Gtrl Scout workers' beak training course, la opening bar bom for three- knew events meetings, from 7:30 to 10:30 o'clock m a 15-hour eeurse. This course is to begin study eve- The award's ill ail as sat k--t mar and aaw caaina rearesentation of a majority af West Coast stew ards. An ILWU aUtansenl aaid that if it ia allowed t anrticapate in the election and rases, it would support the victorious anion in bargaining with tha Paeifl Maritime Aaaa., but if denied paruftpalien in the election, the ILWU wilt art stew ards net la vet for either ef the other UBkme. Calvary Baptist church. Both Jeannkt and George ar aetiv In the elub, and are alwsyt found around where there are -norse doings." Following s honeymoon to the coast the couple are now at home in Salem. Ursula Mathias rial been burn ing a light Into the wee hours of the morning for the past few davs. nursina her filly. Lady Boo-Boo, back to health. At one time it was debated whether the colt would live, bat thanks to the care she received, the Lsdy is up snd kicking. Through your reporter. Mattie would like to thank all of the wonderful peo ple who helped her while her horse was sick by bringing her her me lis, hot coffee, snd most of all. a friendly, helping hand. vlvwti . . . Jean Davis and George Stender were married last Saturday at noon at the' An amusing incident: Last Sunday afternoon the calf rott en were in the arena roping calves, (odd!) and everyone was minding his own business, wnen all of a sudden one ot the fel lows happened to look np ia the stands, and there down at the n end of the arena, up In the grandstand, sioou a aussns hit as lite. How be got there, and just what he waa do ing, no one knows, out he axmea like he was enjoying bimseii. Notice! Board meeting next Monday night. Club Elects Mt Angel Miss Juliana Deb li wm elected nresident of the Mount Angel Garden club at the annual election Wednesday eve nine other officers elected were: Mrs. Bernard scnieoier, vie president nd Mrs. Ray TeW fer, secreury-trea surer. vii ing officers ar Mrs. Psul Slifte, Mrs. Ray Teller, and Mrs. George H. Olsavsky. The meeting was held in the Mount Angel hotel. Discussions on pruning and grafting will be the order of business at the (coruary iu meeting-, and members ar esm to bring Instructive articles which will be of help to mem bers. iii.a Jul ana Dehler were in charge of the social hour which followed tne ousineae nnuns Refreshments were served, and awsrds for games were given to Mrs. R. T. Ebner, Miss Terese Duda, Mrs. George Hnmpert Mrs. Volna White, Mrs. Bernard Duda. Mrs. J. L. Wachter, Miss Marie Traviss snd Volna 1. White. Mbaaa Beverly Johneoa. worthy associate adviser; Jeanwtt Dot son, Charity; Kay Pierce, Hope; Lnne Steamaa. Faith: Carolyn Bamnm, recorder, carotya Lao watt, treasurer, aad alardee Orovea. ehaolaln. Miaa Barnra Tcxx waa id- iTnaanav. January in. stalled aa mother adviser by tha lain hoar are alao aa January retiring ouieer, ssiae aaraaxa 31, uinrsaay; January day; January za, inursaay, wun one more meeting to ne acneu- aled. An attendant number must be at least or in excess of eight Mothers of Girl Scouts are especially urged to accept this voluntary course oi irauus. MT. ANGEL Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Annen reserved the 40th anniversary of their wed ding, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Hammer, their 31st wedding anniversary, at a dinner Satur day evening at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Annen. V MT. ANGEL Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Butsch entertained at din ner to compliment the Rev. Greg ory Frank of New Orleans, Lou- uutna, wno spent aewai wua i. Portland aad Meant Angel .itine with relatives and friends. Elmer. Mrs. Robert L. Hobbs, mother adviser for the pest three years, assisted with installation duties. She wss presented with gifts from the new officers and ad visory board. New members of this board introduced were Mrs. Carl Johnson, Mrs. Eugen Tan ner, Mrs. W. A. Sissoa, Mrs. Lovedy Burkholder, Jay Pierce and Ronald Gilson. A program of music followed the rites. Refreshments were served ia the dining room. Fear ing were Mrs. Robert Johnson and Mrs. Sherman Johnson. MT. ANGEL On the occasion of her 12th birthday anniversary, Liberty- with Mr, ansa TOc room mother. . Ijrri ftnorline waa honored with Mayor Jacob Berchtold and y, afternoon at her home, at which her mother, Mrs. Philip Gooding, waa noa- teaa. During tha afternoon games TrZSr."" Ebn-.O-rl... f,0-S Those preeeot were the guest Hubcr. Joan Mane. of honor Jerri Gooding, ano ateua "". - S.rv J?in Schmitt Kathleen! nais. Kathleen Blem snd Judy Gsffke, Joyce Kimllnger, JeenlWaehter. Scoff Washburn On List of Speakers Frsnk (Scatty) Washbara. boys work secretary ot the Salem YMCA will be on of a group of discussion loaders who partiei nated in th workshop on camp leadership ana administration to be held at West Una, January 18 and 1. The workshop will be spon sored by the Oregon section of the American Camping associa tion and niaisasntetivet from camping (roups from paints in Oregon) and wasmngtaa wu at tend. . . Special speakers win Include G. H. Oberteuffer, scout execu tive. Portland area council aoy Scouts and Rev. Arne Christiaa- soa af Central Lutheran eharca, Portland. . Cordon Puts in Bill For Klamath School WASHINGTON Sen. Cordon (R-Orei Thursday introduced a bill to autherite appropriatioa ef fHtf.eM for eonstrwtion ef a poo lie school on the Klamath Indian Reservation at Chilequia. Pre. The money, which would ne spent by tha Klamath Ceonty achool district. wuld be used la build and equip a new elementary Grover HlUraan wae formerly I ot which Boa. Jeha B. snlsssaSiil Ua eaamaeej KyV aaaa a aaaaa aa watt a hihtaa. aaullawa:. . e isiaiiuoi Sba4 raaaa ... , , TnXAafOCaT u A liastui overturned and killed Jbaa aVWaL 17. ea hie tana aaar here i i.ibebty The Liberty Mo- there and Dad Club Beta an avenanai aneetina oa Wedneeday so the dads could participate in thair aehaoi arcetrain. Dr. Waller Bnytter waa tn a-ueat sneaker and he spoke on aatiaeaUon. tie loan OI ISO anaau. fleation aseaseary for a teacn er ta be eligible ta taaeh end what parents could do for their children at home. Mrs. LewU Clark presided at a short business meeting and Mrs. Ivan Royce and Mra. Fred Fagg. r la charge of the refreshment committee. Mra. Jin Verstecg of Turner presented a skit The attend ance award waa won by Mim Georgia Kaylort first grade. KOREU "Not a Bcdi Sis Baa a Ku sW LTTTLE FRENCH SHOT IIS North Wail TAIWAN PIANO. STORES SS.th. Salem WHY SUFFER? USE Sdsaefer's CORN REMEDY ai9C Mepay. , SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Opea Daily f:M A.M.-S P.M. Sundays,! iE-IF.E 13S N. Cammerclal Pheoe t lilt FAST SERVICE LAUNDRY!, Ul ue soKe your washing uahlaia. Al oa da Is lawns your wash auruB with o- wa a ttta roes, vvaanaa, ----' aat aaeth talaad ha rhra hour nacaatary. Cal 2-4US far further partta lart. lemember Vt fast and LAUNDERETTE 12S ferry Street Lovely Selection oi Infant! Sweaters PANDORA COME m SOON AND INSPECT THEM MARGWEN'S Capitol Shopping Center .llaT MAICO HEARING SERVICE OF SALEM Hearing aids In aU ri ranges Accepted by American Medical Assocla- Free trial to present bearing aid oaeri ' Free service within 29 miles of So iem SEE FLOYD BENNETT MAICO HEARING SERVICE of Salem SENATOR HOTEL BLDG. (Permanent Office on Meizanine) ornci oriN au day Saturday Csll Selem i-701 Floyt Bennett .SMIV trirji LOCKER KEIF f ACKlhK HOUSI WHOIUAII PRrCU rOHT I HAU 20c 25c Pooad I Feared v.... I tear lb. SOt SAIEM MEAT CO. 1325S.JStv rV 3-4131 SHOES rOR EVERY MEMBEX OT TBI FAMILY RacJ Cootw Far CbiMrea DANA'S BOOTERT raptlei gaewotag Ceatrr All PURPOSE CREAM l.yrJJP II J.l nr I I qrp w NOW. aarkhal mm 40.0M H5 f. IMU Car Mel tUltSHINf VITAMIN 0 . . . pftn rtMIN A Tha tanest furpsss Crsea see hj tclsatificaUy hytM with niamai aa) Isr Misaced tess cam. tha daily fat aastw, ibrtiit ceapleriea, Sn tat dilttrasoil CAPITAL DRUG STORE 40S state St. . wi rvi mh oRif n stamps