Pat THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salens, Oregoa" Friday, January 15. 19S4 Some Notations . . . A in of $100 or mora 0I t realised from th silver tea of Sa lem General Hotpital auxiliary oa Thursday afternooa and evening, It la announced by the very weary but happy co-chairmen, Mia. Earl C. Lalearett and Mrs. William C The very successful affair. tractlnf hundreds of Salem folk throughout the afternoon and eve ning, was arranged In the beauti ful new hospital building, the first puDlic viewing of the edifice. By closing time, mora than 1900 was counted, and many of the eon tributions mailed in have not been tabulated. . . . Also, many auxil iary member have not returned their tickets with contributions. All three floors of the building as well as the Basement were open for the Inspection. . . . The foyer and offices ss well as other rooms were colorfully decorated with bas kets and arrangements of early spring flowers, msny of them sent especislly to mark the tea and first opening at the hospital. . . . The tea table was set up in the staff lecture room in the south end of the basement. , . . The table was covered with a handsome, full length cutwork and lace cloth over a turquoise one. . . . The center piece was a large silver bowl filled with yellow and white snapdragons and red anthurlum. ... At either aide were tall yellow candles in large silver candelabrums, the service all la silver, too. . . la the receiving line for the tea were Miss Uillaa McOeaaM, superintendent of the hospital; Mrs, W. C. Dyer, Sr., from the hos pital board; Mrs. George I. Heff aaaa, Mrs. Rex Klmmcll. Mrs. Rob ert r. Waif, Mrs. A. W. Unci, all representing the auxiliary. . . Kiss Jeaephlas Baamgarlner showed a aeries of color slides of pictures she took while on her European trip this past summer for the Zorts club meeting last eve ning with the comment aha was amy an amateur photographer and decided tr take a camera along raiy uunnf ins last aour preced ing her departure. . . . Well, after song ino pictures, we wonder now an expert could do any better. . . . Ana some oc me experts at- unaing also are wondering . . . , The pictures represent soma of the most interesting and unusual ones Bv M.L.F. we have seen in a bag series of travel pictures, not only for their photograpfay but for their subject matter. . . . Miss Bsumgsrtner has the knack of finding the un usual in traveling. . . . And speaking of the Zontians, ih rrouD was very ha dot to St at-; ti-nd the Salem General Hospital tuxillary silver tea Thursday and see how beautiful is their children's recreation room set up as the Helen Yeeaey memorial at the hospital . . . The room is at the south end of the third floor, and is especislly colorful and attractive with alts emphasis on yellow ana blue. ... All the furniture Is de signed especislly for juvenile tastes. , . . The club built up a fund of 110,090 for the room as a memorial to Miss Helen Yeekey, a charter member and past prest dent of the dub and a former dis trict governor hi the group. Another note about the Zon- tisns the club members certainly like the name Mary. ... There ars now seven members on the club roster bearing the name Mary. ... Of the four new mem bers Initiated last evening, two sre Marys Miss Mary Bowman and Mary Tlndali (Mrs. James Tin- Sail) . , . The other five in the club are Mary Bartea (Mrs, Raymead Barton); Mrs. Mary Lachelle, Mary Miller (Mrs. Howard F. Miller); Miss Mary Larson, Mrs. Msry Thomas. . . . Besides Miss Bowmen and Mrs, TindaU. two other new members Initiated were Miss Jane Emerson snd Miss Esther Faenalng. Miss Lena Belle Tarta was in ducted as a past service mem. ber. . . . Long active in the club and serving It as a-past president. Miss Tarta retired this past year irom active work in her music field and qualified for past serv ice membership. ... The meeting vu at the home of Mrs. veraea Wlscarsea with Mrs. Pall BrewaeU, Mrs. Naomi Masses and Mrs. Margaret Rssecrans as co-hostesses. . . . IeNsrly 40 at tended the meeting. . . . Announcement was mads of a joint meeting for all women's serv ice clubs of the city n February IS with the Altrusa club at the Marion hotel, the groups including Altrusa, Zoota, Soroptimlst and Rotana clubs. ... AT WILLAMETTE DeMolay Mothers Meet at Luncheon DeMolay Mother club met at the. Masonic temple on Thurs day for a Joint luncheon and business set joa. Flans wan discussed tor a father and son banquet, the data to ba an nounced later. General chair man for the banquet la Mrs. Mors Stewart. Those working on the committees are: Publio ity, Mrs. Emery Wood; decora tion, " DtJ" 'attics and Mrs, Cecil Hiuauserr fable ung, jer. emery wooa and Mrs. B. A. Martin; setting tip dining room, Mrs. R. N, Payne and Mrs. Herman Feitebon; food, Mrs. Mors Stewart, Mrs. Francis Col-i fan, Mrs. Boss Harris; serving, airs, warren Baser; program, Mrs. Harvey Glbbens. Members present were Mrs. H. M. McDsnieL Mrs. Lloyd Hughe, Mrs. Ray Rolow, Mrs. Emery Wood, Mrs. J. C. Renault, Mrs. Thelma Southwick, Mrs. Herman Feitelsoa, Mrs. M. A Pekar, Mrs. Jules Jacobson, Mrs. Olga Ogleibee, Mrs. Leonard Rowan, Mrs. B. A. Martin, Mrs. Francis Colgsn, Mrs. Warren Bsker, Mrs. Ferdig Hall, Mrs. Dale J'-','.:Ui, Mrs. Cecil Hun saker, Mrs. Fred Schrecengost, Mrs. Mors Stewart, Mrs. Frsnk Crsil, Mrs. Irene Bachle. Mrs. Ruble, Mrs. LeRoy Stewart, Mrs. rsui nsaer, Mrs. Ross Harris Mrs. E. H. Anderson, Mrs. Har- r uiooens, Mrs. R. N. Fsyne. Mrs. R. B. Sipprell. Chairmen for the luncheon were Mrs. E. H. Anderson, Mrs. Paul Bsker snd Mrs. Ross Harris. Today's Menu ' - , J Men usually go for cole slaw prepared this way. FrMav Fare Fish Fillets Mashed Potatoes Carrots Savory Cola Slaw Bread ana Butter. Fruit Gelatin Beverage Savory Cete BUw Ingredients: to cup undiluted evaporated milk, tt cup sugar, tt teaspoon salt tt teaspoon pepper. w cup ewer vinegar. J cuds final? cm green caooage. jueutoa.- mix evaporated milk. sugar, salt and peoner and let stand about 9 minutes to dissolve sugsr. Gradually stir in vinegar. Chill. (Makes sbout cun dress ing.) For salad mix Vi cup of dressing with cabbage, chill un til ready to serve. Mskea 4 to 6 servings. Finals Due Soon, Study Time Upped By BARBARA JACKSON iruiiil Jaanal Cerresosadeat) Finals face Willamette university students this month and next week there will be "dead week" in prep aratioa for the examinations. The library is full of students prepar ing papers, reports and starting to study for finals. Baxter hall elected officers for the new semester in their meeting this week, and Bob Taylor of The Dalles was elected president As eiatin him will be Bill LaFoUett of HUlsboro as vice-president; Tom Raitt of Ventura, Calif., as secre tary: Bob Chidester of Klamath Falls ss treasurer, and Paul John son of Albany as student council representative. - e A party for prospective Willam ette students has been scheduled for seniors of Salem high school, Monday. Counseling conferences will be led by faculty members in the morning, and a musical pro gram and a film on Willamette will ba presented. Musicians from the campus will appear Wednesday evening at the Salem First Citizen banquet They will be Sally BoUiger of Portland, violin: Margaret Huson of Med- ford, cello: Lisbeth Shield of Cas tleford, Ida., piano, Clorinda Top ping of Salem, soprano; and Mel vin H. Geist, tenor. Gayle Burdett School, province president of Pi Beta Phi. visited here for three days this week. While at the Oregon Gamma chap ter, sh talked with officers of the chspter, the dean of women, and alumna groups. Donna Cheney of San Mateo, Calif., was chosen co-ed for the month of. January by the associat ed women students cabinet. Miss Cheney has done outstanding work aa treasurer of the student body, and has been active in her soror ity. Delta Gamma. She was awarded a small gold trophy in convocation Tuesday. Willamette Lodge Country Club Meets Wallace Road Willamette Lodge Country club met recent ly at the club rooms with the committee composed of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Hunley and Mr. and Mrs. Glesson Young in charge of the supper and bridge. At bridle Mrs. Albert Corjen- haver received the award for women and A. E. Utley for men. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Sloper, Mr. snd Mrs. W. D. Henry, Mr. snd Mrs. Ira; Darby, Mr. and Mrs: Guy Doan, Mr. and Mrs. J. o. Russel, Mr. and Mrs. Burton Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Peterson, Mr. snd Mrs. f Capital Women Edited by MARIAN LOWRT FISCHER Bs awn Officers For Club Mrs. A. "Z. UUman was elected president of Salem Toastmistress club on Thursday night at the Senator hotel. She will be in stalled on Jsnuary 28. Other officers elected include Mrs. Marion Wooden, vice presi dent; Mrs. Robert Morrow, re cording secretsry; Mrs. Ethel Mies, treasurer; Mrs. Edward White, corresponding secretary. The local speech contest will be sn event of February 28 and eontestsnts will include Mrs. George Beane, Mrs. Donald Mad sen, Miss Ada Ross, Miss Myrtle Weathernoit, Mrs. James tiaruey. A panel with Miss Alberta Shoemake was conducted and Mrs. Eugene Blush won th Os car for the evening. Cosmopolitans Are Entertained Mrs. Paul L. Patterson, wife of Oregon's governor, was a special guest at the meeting of Accent chapter Cosmopolitan Associates, Inc. on Tnursasy went at the Loren Hicks home in Turner. Mrs. N. Bishop waa also a guest Pastries from England, Scot land, Australia, Ireland, New Zea land, Germany, Austria, Yugosla via and Canada were served. The group is for war brides from oth er countries. The February meeting will be at the home of Mrs. L. E. Watson with Mrs. T. W. Coin as co-host ess. A white elephant sale will be observed. see At Sojourners New member welcomed at So journers club Thursday were Mrs. O. R. Roberta and Mrs. w. M. Huxtabl Guests at the meeting at the Woman's club house were Mrs. Edward Clark, Mrs. A. T. Gslli- Mrs. Wheeler Rucker, Mrs. Edward A. Thistlewaite, Mrs. Gail Blake, Mrs. Marvin Bennett, Miss Anna Becotte. Honors at bride went to Mrs. Dale G. Parker, Mrs. Ferd Huen eke, Mrs. Everett Day, Mrs. Ed ward A. Thistlewaite, and at can asta, to Mrs. Wheeler Rucker. HOME from three weeks in Cal ifornia are Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Parker. They spent the holiday period with their son and daugh ter-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. William Parker and children at Sacra mento, and with their son-in-law and daughter. L. and Mrs. tier aid M. Robison and children in uas They also visited relatives W. L. Lantls. Mr. and Mrs. Harrr I in Loa AsreJes and went to Tia- iTawiorn, air. and Mrs. Harry juana. Miller, Mrs. Louis Flack, Mrs. In lata January. Lt. and Mrs. Pearl Grote, Mrs. Addie Pettys, Robison and children, Kathleen Mrs. J. S. Smart, Miss Laura Clare and Richard Manley. will Elms, Mrs. A E. Utley, Albert arrive for a visit at the Parker Copenhaver. home here. Betrothal Told At Supper Event Th engagement of Misa Delores Pkha, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Burt Picha. to Stanley Neoerud. son of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Nep erud of Silverton, waa announced Sunday evening at a waffla sup per at the Chi Omega soroiity at Willamette university. The news was revealed through a play put on by Miss Elizabeth Loving and Miu Donna Brandt Th wedding is planned for next July. Th bride-elect is a freshman at Willamette. Mr. Neperud is a senior at Willamette. . Committees For Carnival Committee chairmen for the first Grant school carnival on February 9 at the school were appointed on Thursday afternoon at the Grant school Mothers club meeting by Mrs. Jamet Gardner, general chairman for th affair. Chairmen include Mrs. Gilbert Stein, fish pond; Mrs. Henry Mor ton, grab bag; Mrs. Jsmes Waits. make-up: Mrs. James Nicholson. Jr., dart games: Mrs. John Gra ham, cake walk; Mrs. Claude Nel son, candy; Mrs. Melvin Kelly, popcorn; Mrs. Dwynn Miller. men's style show: Mrs. Helen Mc- Leod, fortune telling; Mrs. Ken neth Morris, freak show; Girl Scout troop, Hawaiian work; Brownie troop, carnival hats; Mrs. D. W. Jory, genersl finance; Mrs. Lauren uaie, publicity. During the business session of the club on Thursday, Mrs. Helen Addison, Englewood school, spoke on the conference method of grading. The fourth grid mothers served refreshments and Mrs. Henry Morton won th special prize. Meeting Tuesday Salem Heights Mrs. Robert Hartman will entertain th South Hills Garden club on Tuesday. January 19, at 8 p.m. at her home on Mohlgren avenue. Assisting the hostess will be Mrs. Ralph Msuoe. On the program, E. J. Harms of the Green Thumb Florist will demonstrate arrangements in dif ficult containers and materials for winter arrangements. Mr. Harmes will use these containers in his demonstrations. Engagement Told j Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Cooper an nounce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Glenna Belle .Coop er, to Sterling W. Martin, son of Mrs. Geo... Blake. An early spring wedding is plan ned. Mr. Martin is in the navy and is aboard the U.S.S. Satire now in Japanese waters. , Guests at ' AL Unit Three guests were at the bnsi- MMa mtina ij InunM, r auxiliary unit No. 134 on Thursday amm, wnen we past presidents were honored. Guests included Mrs. Ridgely Miller. Mrs. Marvin lSrnin uM Lee Fallin. Past presidents hon ored included Mrs. Bert A Walker, Mrs. Theodore Ullako, Mrs. Jos eph De Fillipi. Mrs. Jack Simkin. Mrs. Walker announced that two new wheel chairs had been realis ed from th recent magazine drive no nave oeen placed. It was reported that the Junior auxiliary will Hnnat VaUntln books to the Veterans' children at r airview nome. Th IMifi rmm will ma am January 19 at the home of Mrs. varrou tvninson n 10 a m. Five dollar mi vnlaH In Ik polio fund. On January 2S the group will observe a birthday pony. New committee chairmen In clude, parliamentarian, Mrs. Har- old' Streetap mavavinj, ,k,inn,n Mrs. Joseph DeFillipi; scrapbookj,' airs, uatn savis. On January 2, the charter mem bers will meet for dinner a Chuck's and then spend the eve ning at th horn of Mrs. Edward KipperL , Hostesses on Thursday were Mrs. A. B. Chapman, Mrs. Don ald Van Hesa and Mrs. Frank Mo Kinney. Eta Chapter At the meeting of Eta chapter of Beta Sigma Phi Wednesday eve ning at the horn of Mrs. Herbert Dalke, plans were made for the group's coming activities.' The chapter will participate with the three other chapters in presenting th spring fashion show, April I. The annual "sweetheart ball" of the chapter is slated for February. Next meeting of the chapter comes Jsnuary 27 at the horn of Mrs. Robert Bailey. 1 :v -""',v-1 Are Goldenweds Mr. and Mrs. Seth L. Crites, above, observed I their golden wedding December 30 and were honored at a recep-. lion at their bom in Independence. (Jesten-Miller studio picture) MR. AND MRS. A. Denham, whose picture sppeared recently in the Capital Journal, observed their 55th wedding anniversary instesd of the 50th as announced. Their children are Burrell Den ham of Arkansas City, Ksni., Elmer Denham of Oklahoma City, Okie., Mrs. Mildred Rent age of Salem, Ralph Denham of Lebanon, Guy Denham of Sa lem. The coupls hsv lived in Oregon sine 1U28. At Art Museum Members of the Junior Wom an's club will be hostesses dup ing the opening of Salem Art museum, Bush House, Sunday af ternoon between 2 and 4:30 o'clock. The committe for the after noon is Mrs. Wallace Cowan, Mrr. Joseph Frsnko, Mrs. Margaret White, Miss Betty Jean Bergner. IALEM HEIGHTS The regular dance of the Bellea and Boa us square Dance group of Salem Heights is scheduled for Tuesday, Jsnuary 1. at t p.m. at the Sa lem Heighta Community hail. The club has invited any inter ested person in lesrning to square dance to attend. Pi Beta Phi Group Meets on Thursday Mrs. Csrl Butte wss welcomed i a new member of the Nancy Black Wallace alumnse club, Pi Beta Phi, when the group met on Thursdsy night for a dessert at the home of Mrs. Charles H. Huggins. During the business session, the yesrly donstions to Settle ment school. Holt house and the Emma Hsrper Turner fund were nude. The group will also spon sor a rummage sale on Wednes day, April 7, above Greenbaum's. It was decided thst the offi cers snd committee chairmen would meet the first Thursdsy of esch month for dessert and an executive board meeting. Mrs. Kenneth Potts, president, will be hostess to the group on February 4. Mrs. Msrlon Mulkey gave the progrsm on the set up of the of ficers, slumnse clubs snd sctive chip'rn snd the work done by esch. THE FOLLOWING valley res idents have rescrvstions st Sun Vslley for lste Jsnuary: Mr. snd Mrs. P. R. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McConnville, Mr. snd Mrs. O. R. Berry, sll of Sslem; Miss Elizabeth Russel of Cor-vallii. Hostesses for the evening eluded Mrs. Huggins, Miss Adele Egan. Mrs. Don Wilson, Mrs. C J. Hamilton. Mrs. Sidnrv Holf msn snd Mrs. Ije M. Bown LIBERTY - The Wee Weeders Garden club will meet Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Wilbert Kurth . i st 4123 Kurth street for I o'clock A unuiiHIMI, Pamela Jean. I dessert Mrs llinr While i lh was bora to Mr. snd Mrs. Jsmes Csrrett of Porllsnd on Monday, Jsnuary II, at Emsnuel hospital (IrandparenU sre Mr end Mrs. John Gilmer, Sslem, snd Mr. snd Mrs. Lee Garrett of Bend. Farewell Party -Liberty Mr. snd Mrs. Thomas Knnopa honored their son-in-law snd daushter. Stsff Ssrgesnt, sad Mrs. Merle Voosse:.. (Emily Gill) at a farewell party on Tuesday evening st their home on Kurth street Honoring the couple, who were married on December 31, were Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Kurth, Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Patterson, Brsdley and Joanne, Mr. and Mrs. Wsyne GilL Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kurth, and Mrs. Jesse Rose, Mike and Larry. Th eoupl will leave on Rat arday for San Bernardino. Calif., where be is stationed with the air fore sad will msk their torn there. I assisting hostess On the program Mrs. 0. E. llau- gen will present interesting and odd species of iris. CORRECTION WESSON OIL o,,59c At All Salem . IGA Stores semi-animal SPORT SHOES VALUES to 595 my TERRIFIC V D SAVINGS! 14 STYLES-SIZES 3 to 10 task's 176 N. Librty Opn Friday Night 'Til 9 FRIDAY FEATURE! Salem, Oregon SPECIAL FEATURE! BOY'S COTTON FLANNEL SPORT SHIRTS Now, in new, nat checks, s u b 1 1 1 plaids, bold blocks patterns .and colors to satisfy every youthful taste and whim! Sanforized for lasting fit. Good-looking for school; sturdy and warm for play, afterwards. Ex c e 1 1 e n t Penney value! MAIN FLOOR $ eTN. I V II I . JM Sim 411 m 11 bo o mo Special Feature! Sheen Nylo-Tow JACKETS $(0) (Q) OTHER STYLES TOO! Lustrous rayon-actot with nylon added for extra wear! itrs esitl Ha I tut. (M I Sins Ml 44! I MAIN FLOOR ;v i itirJf I i I 1 UY-AWAY j J PLAN! f Itihtt winds, water, Tliislti sen oily llsisi! Thick ines! lutlsa cum Isr imig fit! SMnsd slnllc back ansrei isva. tsnfertible on