Friday, January 15, 1954 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregt Pac S House Group Loaded With 'Grass Roots' Views MEMPHIS IH The House Ag riculture Committer headed back to Washington Friday, briefcase loaded with "grassroots" opinion and a Republican headache in the arming The GOP members were obvious ly worried about strong opposition to the major plank in President Eisenhower's proposed farm pro gramflexible price supports. At present, the price level is a rigid to per cent of parity, a for mula designed to fix a "fair" price for certain basic crops in comparison to prices the farmer Snag Falling Contracts Lei Oregon's forestry department Thursday awarded six contracts for the falling of snags in the Tillamook burn area, with the total price for all of the contracts tll.723.3i. Sixteen separate blocks in the burn are included in the coo- tracts which call for the falling f 23,478 snags. The successful bidders include C. F. Laughlin Logging company, Yamhill, $3,118 for filling 2,761 nags in five blocks; Savage, Lewers and Smith, Yamhill, 83,328 for falling 8,473 snags in four blocks; Lecner and Oaks, Yamhill, $1,937 for falling 3,992 anags in three blocks; Jones and Mass, Gaston, $1,609 for 3,323 anags in two blocks: Jones and Brown, Gaston, $623 for one block of 1,308 snags; and George Brown, Gaston, $1,019 for 1,621 nags in a single block. Vance L. Morrison, executive assistant with the forestry de partment, said that the falling of the .snags is part of the state forestry departmnet rehabilitation project on the Tillamook burn and is the first step in the con struction of snag free corridors as part of toe protection effort Completion of these contracts will represent about 225,000 nags that have been fallen since the rehabilitation program was started July 1, 1949. must pay for things he buys. store man anything else, the parity issue popped up in esti mony in some 30 commit! hear ings held during a 20.000 mUe tour wiucn ended hers Thursday. On the flexible scale, basic com modity price Loots would be low ered when surpluses dvelop and raised in time of shortages. The President said the end result of such a program would assure farmen of "a higher and steadier financial return" a viewpoint which ran beadon into ibarp saepucism in most larm areas. The issue is touch one for Republicans. It involves large blocs of nervous voters. There s presidential prestige to consider. Congressional majorities may hang in tna balance. Ren. E. C. Gainings (D-Ark re flected the blithe Democratic at titude by predicting the flexible parity issue hasn t a chance. Rep. u. u. Hoeven (Kiowa) act ing chairman at the Memphis hearing, declined any prediction. He noted that sentiment seemed to be divided on a geographical basis. i The New England area, where relatively few of the basic protect ed crops are grown, favored flex ible parity. There was favorable comment in California, too. But, going by testimony, there appeared to be solid opposition in the farm belts of the West, Mid west, South, Southwest and Mid- south. Awards Made to Boys Of Cub Pack No. 10 Cub pack No. 10 met with the parents Friday night at Knight I Memorial church. Rev. Louis H. White gave the in vocation. Cubmaster Aldon Addie reported on how the Cubs helped a needy family at Christmas time. Entertainment was provided by Mrs. Cimes anc Mrs. Lien's Den. Edward Prtore played several iKssLers on the accordion. Cuba earning the Wold Gold Ar row were: David Hilton, James McCandlish and Dale Addis. Wolf award and Wolf Silver Arow went to David Hilton. Bear awards to Gerald Stubblefield, Randy Wil liams and Kent Evans. Bear Gold Arrows to Gerald Stubblefield and Kent Evans. The Silver Bear Ar row went to Eugene Flesch. Lion Gold and Silver Arrows to Jtaroio Krueger. Stephen Carpenter was awarded the Denner Stripe. Year Pins were awarded to Stephen Mc Callister and Jimmy Krueger. Whitman Story to Be Heard Over KSLM A script featuring important; incidents from the lives of early northwest pioneers Narcissa and Marcus Whitman will be pre sented on "University Theater" over KSLM, Sunday afternoon at 12-30 o'clock. Written by Barbara Ruhle, Willamette sophomore from Sa lmi, the broadcast will star Miu Ruhle as Narcissa Whit man- Donald Ross, freshman DArtiamt Dr. John Mc-' ehlin. and Robert Putnam,!! university drama director, as Marcus Whitman. "University Theater' is pro duced by Herb Smith. Mrs. Newsom - 7 Sackett Drops Suit Against LA Publisher LOS ANGELES I-A J5.600O00 i rji rnntmrt suit that Ore- eon publisher Sheldon F. Sackett i:ia Robert L. Smith, lor-: mer oublisher of the Los Angeles k.' h been dismissed. . Sackett charged in a Superior Court suit that Smith repudiated ..mnt for sale of the news paper last Oct. S4 but Smith re plied that Sackett failed to comply nf the atreement. , Smith sold the paper Dec. 24 to riinrnn D. McKinnon, Democratic psrty leader and former congress man. wivisTFRS WILL MEET n. cum Ministerial ssso- cistionwill mer. st 10.n..Tu dsv. January 19, st Grace Loth .k..h Sunnvview and Tncraii iui.. Lansing avenue. BetterCoueh Relief M. new orufJ or old f.a .o help . S MU dos t tlT. nil. pro". """ riws. It S 10 .wtllT wader. K nbnuKS. Gum- yJI'.-.: -,,ub of wcr. Corbet f fo Run For Legislature PORTLAND 11 Alfred H. Cor- bett, the Democrats' candidate for U. S. representative from Mult nomah County in the last election, said Thursday he would not run lor that office this year. Now a state representative, Cor bett said he would run for the Leg islature, but did not say whether he would be after House or a Senate seat Corbett was defeated in the 1952 election by the incumbent, Rep. Homer Angell, Republican. Farm Boy Killed By Fire in Home TILLAMOOK If A U-yesuvold farm boy was killed Thursday by uames alter awakening otner members of the family and end ing them outside to safety. It was not until the other five members of the family were out side that they realized David Doty, U, was not with them. By then it was too lata to go back in after him. The body waa found in the ashes latiir. The father, Roy Doty, said he awoke to find the farm cottage burning and heard David in an adjoining bedroom urging 11-year- old and 9-year-old sisters to wake up and escape. The parents picked up a 1 (-month-old daughter, and escaped too. The cause of the fire was not determined. Mrs. Newsom in Bridge Lead Mrs. Charles Newsom. team ing with Mrs. N. E. Boring to finish high in the second tourna ment, went into the lead in the seven-week series of the Sslem Elks Duplicate Bridge club to pick representatives to the re gional meet in Portland next month. Closely following art Mrs. Donald Huff and Mrs. R. L. Park. Nearly 100 members are competing for the 20 top places. High scores In this week's com petition were nude by Lin Miles and Mrs. W. F. Lieske, and Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Hutchinson of Corvallis, while second positions were taken by Mrs. Walter M. Ciine and Mrs. Harry Wiedmer, Glenn Hall of Corvallis and Mrs. Milton D. Parker, Mrs. E. E. Roth and W. M. Cline, Mrs. D. Huff and Sidney Schechtman. Junior winners this week were Mrs. Victor Collins and William D. Albright, Mrs. Albright and Roy Tokerud. V. Collins and Wally Wilson, and Mrs. Frances Hamilton and Mrs. Gus Wallia. In the mid-week tournament at the Woman's club, Mrs. Wesley Ritchie and Ray Kemp were high, followed by Mrs. Paul F. Burris and Mrs. Cecil Rhoades, and Mrs. Myrtle Watson and Mrs. Carroll Ford. Election of the committee and officers to serve the Elks Bridge club during the coming year will be held at the club rooms next Final Rites Saturday ; For Dr. Hollingsworth PORTLAND m Funeral serv ices will be held here Saturday for Dr. Carl J. Hollingsworth. 4, member of the state medical school staff, who died here Thurs day. Survivors include the widow sod (Uuxhur, Mrs. Jean Nohlgrea, Salem. Rescue Effort : For Miner Ends RAVENSDALE. Wash. Ill The remains fo Harry English will rest forever where they were buried when he was caught in- a coal slide 400 feet beneath the surface Jan. . Rescue workers who had tun neled ceaselessly since the ss-year- old miner was caught by the slide were told Thursday to quit their dangerous task. Officials had de cided the workers were in peril of further slides. The chute in which English dis appeared will be sealed off and will not be used again. An acre of ground on the surface above the mine will be cleared and deed ed to the English family. A me morial marker will be placed in the cleared spot Work will be resumed Monday in other parts of the mine. . Bar Examiners to Lunch With Faculty Members ef the Oregon tSete i Willamette University Law School Board of Bar Examiners will hold faculty Saturday oe the legal a joint luncheon meeting with the group holds its annual meeting here. , . The pons iiicbeon will be held at the Marlon hotel. The bar examiner wul bold a dinner meeting with third-year stu dents of Willamette's law school at the Senator hotel Saturday eve- HUBBARD MEETING HUBBARD The Hubbard Ex tension Unit will meet for an all da session on "Simple Home Re pairs" at tha Rebekah Hall, Wed- neday, Jan. , at io:w a.m. Mem bers will bring a sandwich, coffee and dessert will be served. Project leaders for the day an Mrs. Floyd Dominick and Mrs. John Doubrava. The meeting is open to anyone, M. Cline. The second , January master point will be held Sunday afternoon. RADIO ART LESSONS OREGON COLLEGE, Monmouth Mrs. Pearl Heath, associate pro fessor of art and head of the OCE art department was one of four Oregon teachers selected to pre sent an art lesson over KOAC, as Monday evening, January 18, ac- part oi a year long series. I cording to co-chairman Walter MUSTEROU Aso::ra::s Runs .(Aimmms Hospital testa proe Musterola gives high-speed relief also greater ease In moving. Musterole's great pain -relieving medication creates needed concentrated heat right where you hurt, bringing amazing relief. If pain Is severs, buy Extra strong atusterole. W Civsj & Rttdcwm Grown Stamps A liberty street -court street - AO, US MEN'S NYLON, ORLON, DACRON SHIRTS SPECIAL PURCHASE OF A FAMOUS BRAND'S SECONDS IN SYNTHETIC DRESS SHIRTS SOLD REGULARLY FROM 7.9S TO 11.95 SPECfALLY PRICED Handsom? trr long weeing Nylon, Orion, ana Dacron dress shirts superbly tailored by one of America's foremost shirt manufacturers, tnoico of dressy white end solid colorf. just wash and hang to dry! Need no ironingi some nave sngm imperfections that will not in any way affect the wearing qualities. Many have not. Sizes 14 to UVi. Sleeve lengms to oa. HtrV-S $0 MEN'S LONG SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS 09 Regularly to I.9S This same manufacturer it closing out sec onds in better sport shirts- All famous easy-to-launder rayon, cotton, and synthetic fab rice. Silt equivalent to . 14 through 18. Some in sleeve lengths. MEN'S - MAIN FLOOR We Give A Redeem ZTK Green Stamps 5B 0 Liberty Street-Court Street ' ROBERTS "5LUM3E8 MAID" MU5UXS ' 130 white muslins; made just for us by. Spring Cotton Mills. Perfects. 1x108 72x101 42x36 .." Reg. 2.15 Rej. 1.99 Re. 46c 1.77 1.66 37c i R03ERTC "CAST IROr MUSLIM Long-wearing, type 1 44 whit muslin fins for e erydoy use. Perfect quality. 11x101 ' e 72x101 . 42x34 Ree. 2.69 ' Ree. 2.49 . Re. 57 129 , 1.W . 45c . Roberts "Slumber Queen". Percales ' Luxurious silky-smooth type 186 whit percales. Made by Spring Cotton Mills. Perfs.-. .: 1x108 72x108 42x36 ' Ree, 2.99 Ret. 2.79 Reg. 59c 2.49 2.29 49c i CAKXON'S WHITE MUSLIMS Type 130 white muslin. All perfects. Choose from flat, fitted bottom or top sheets. . , 81x108 flat; fitted bottom, dbl. size, . , reg. 2.69 :. ,-....,'1.99 72x108 flat; fitted bottom, twin size, . . size, reg. 2.49 1 .19 90x108, reg. 2.99 .2.49 .63x108, reg. 2.29, 1 .79 42x36, reg. 59c 49c CANNON COLORED MUSLIMS Type 130 muslin in rose, green, blue, lilac, yel low, pink. All perfect quality. 81x108 flat; fitted bottom, , dbl. size, reg. 3.19 2.79 72x1 08 flat; fitted bottom or top twin . size, reg. 2.99 2.59 42x36 c6ses, reg. 69c 39c CANNON'S WHITE PERCALES World-famous, luxury Combspun percales at low price. Every one perfect quality. 81x108 flat; fitted bottom dbl. size, reg- 3.59 2.99 72x108 flat,- fitted bottom, twin size, reg. 3.29 ...2.79 90x108, reg. 3.98 '. ...3.19 42x382, reg. 84c 69 C PEQUOTSERYItt MUSLINS Noted for their fin wearing qualities. Type 1 44 white muslin . . . A-l quality, too. 81x108 flat; fitted bottom, dbl. size, ' Reg. 3.19 ....2.69 72x108 flat; fitted bottom, twin size, reg. 2.99 .....2.49 90x108, reg. 3.49 -3.09 63x108, reg. 2.79 2.29 42x36, reg. 69c 59c CAKKON COLORED PERCALES Type 186 Combspun percales in. rose, pink, green, aqua, blue, yellow, lilac. Perfects. , 81x108 flat; fitted bottom, dbl. size, reg. 4.39 -. 3.39 72x108 flat; fitted bottom, twin size, reg. 3.98' .......3.19 42x38 Yi cases, reg. 95c.. i... 79 c save biro toujeDs ALL FAMOUS CANNON, MAKE ALL PERFECT QUALITY I CANNON'S "SPECIAL" VALUE SAVE 20 . . .CANNON'S "STARLIGHT" thirsty towels . ., wonderfully soft, mervelously .r rAettunvweloht turklshtowellng In these i 10 colors) vWte. yellow, pinK,-.Tiamingo, numvr, tun goia, mvvm, v,ww"r"w7 ."". -. . - . Thick, ebsorbentl Choose from' whlti ; eque,. greensprey. BATH SIZC '. V BAND MZsW 10x40 - 16x25 . Xeg. 19t e. 4e , 2for$I 3 for $1 WASH CLOTH 12x12 . See '' 6 for $f WASH aon 12x12 ; ,. Be. Me I9c SAVE 17 CANNON'S "PINWHEEL" One of Cennon's most popular patterns. Twrxolor jecqiiard design . . . choice of flamingo, peach, blue, greenspray or yellow. BATH SIZE HAND 8KB 22x44 . Hex. 1.1 , 99c 16x2S Rex. sc 59c . WASH CLOTH 12x12 Rex. 2e 25c - atar( pink llshtnlnq, ... BATH m A BM 81XB , , - 22x44 ,, ., 12 , - Meg. Ote -. Jn - . Meg. U i" 79c ' --49c ' ' SAVE 20 ... CANNON'S "EMPRESS" .Heavy quality terry towel with non-shrink dobby border. White, red, greenspray, petal pink, forest green, citron, sungold, flamingo, grey. ;, BATH SIZE HAND SIZE 24x4 lx2 Kef. i n Re(. fl 1.59 69c i Save 25 . . Cannon's "laurel" . . . neavy -piy Jacquard patternl Choice of hunter green, petal pink, green- spray, white, yellow, red, gray, aqua, chartreuse. BATH SIZE 25x4S Re 1.15 1.99 v HAND 8IZE KxSO Reg. f 1 89c comff off tiers - IbDcniroCxeO WASH CLOTH 12x12 e. We 29c WASH CLOTH 12x12 Ref. Sc - 35c REG. 27.50 - TAFFETA COVERED Plumpy tilled with airy 100 white goose down. Covered with down proof taffeta in these reversible com binations; rose -wine; lime -hunter; rwdust-wine; green gold; wine-gray. 99 a . . J4SF asi it Ra 14.95 Wool O'tho wot -ano-Mng Popular Hudson Bay type of blanket! 100 wool In 3tt-lb. weight; tyear mothproof guarantee. Bold red, green end blue stripes on white; wnip-t!t. ched edges. 72x90. REG. 3.98 - MATTRESS PADS Large, double bed size 54x76 box, stitched design eotton filled; easy wsshabillty twin siie $249. 2 99 REG. 12.95 -100 WOOL Soft, warm aU wool blanket In these lovely colors: pink, blue, green, darlc green, flamingo, gold, deep red. Shimmering 6'7 rayon satin binding. 5-year mothproof guarantee. .'FAIRBO" 199 REG. 7.95 -COTTON COVERED Wsrm, durable comforter for chil dren! Filled with a blend of 5 wool, 95 cotton . . . floral printed cot ton cover comes in choice of green, blue, rose or yellow print 72x84 sue. 99 REG. 15.95-100 WOOL PATRICIAN - j- v.. url iV iUm W start I f .lixur ious bUnket in aqua, pink, cinnamon, rl 4ET TO i aniH Hark eraen. char treuse, extra wide 8" rayon saUn binding. 5-year mothproof guarantee. REG. 2.59, IF PERFECT! SHEET BLANKETS Warm, white cotton in large double bed, 80x90 site minute Imperfections REG. 9.95 TAILORED CHENILLE Luxurious pinpoint chenille, handsomely tailored lor lasting good looks. Kull sli ce in white, red, pink, gray, hunter, gold, green, chartreuse, turquoise. t FOAM PILLOWS ZIPPERED COTTON COVER SUndsrd site pillow, white cotton cov. ered, iip on and off for essy Isunrler Ing. IOC natural latex foam is ever buoysnt, sllergy-free. 6 99 1 3 99 REG. 8.95 SHAG CHENILLE Attractive spresds launder essily, need no ironing. Rounded corners for smooth appesrance. Full sixes in gohl. blue, gray, green, white, wine, flamingo. REG. 10.95 BABY CHENILLE Graceful scslloped edges; lovely overUr pattern on these magnificent decorator colors: rose, hunter, aqua, white, green, yellow, red. Full sites. DOWN PILLOWS Rea. 12.95 Extra Plump Whito Down Filled 9.9B CS. rillfO lo in aeaui. 99 2 -$19 REG. 11.95 PLAYTEX OR GOODYEAR 5 F.speclally for those who like an extrs thick, extra-high pillow! White cotton cover has upper closing tor quick re movsll Perfect quality. . REG. 8.95 PLAYTEX OR GOODYEAR Regular height, these nationally adver tised pillows sre yours at a saving o( S4 each. Wonderfully comfortable; cool; odorless. .fl. 95 100 white goose down ... for sleep ing comfort supreme. Llneniied, down- proof ticking; corded edges. REG. 8.95, 50 GdOSE DOWN 50 GOOSE FEATHERS 7 99 ea. Extremely buoysnt pillow ... A generously filled with down snd feathers M . . famous for long-lssting service. (1 Testher proof, down-proof ticking. REG. 9.95, REGULAR SIZE DOWN-FILLED 8.99 ea. Standard fill . . . ltot. of gray duck feathers make this pillow medium- I for firm. Covered with linenited, down- M proof blue striped ticking. for $15 ED : $13 CREOMUUSION