i ; Pig 2 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Ortfoa Friday, January IS, 1954 In The Valley Edited by MIKE FORBES Presbyterians Plan Program WOODBURN Th Prc.br- terian Aid society met VYednes- eay afternoon In the church so cial room with Mrs. Alfred Moor, presiding over the buunu meet ing and Mrs. Robert E. Van ia charge of the program. Mia Bowena Cole led the devotional service. Roll call was answered with acriptur Terse. Repnrta of the secretary and treaiurer were givea, with Mrs. Harris Nelson acting as trees orr in the absence of Mrs. H. F. Butterfield, who is la California. Mrs. L. 1 lfochel, who was present, was made an honorary life member of the society. Oth er new member received were Mrs. Roy Adamson, Mrs. Warm Donner, Mrs. A. K. Guild, Mrs. A. ft Keami and Mrs. Clinton puck. Guests were Mrs. Ralph Pickering, Mrs. O. K. Randall, Mrs. Alice Htifhes. Mrs. Levi Hopkins and Mrs. Roy Groasen. Mrs. W. B. Dunn was appointed pianist Mrs. Earl Allison, Mrs. W. B. Dunn and Mn. . C. Peyton were appointed to investigate the purchase of drapes for the crwrch. A committee waa appointed to have charge of toe arrangements for the potluek dinner which will precede the annusl congre gational meeting on Wednesday evening, Jan.- 20 the dinner to be served at 8 JO am. Mr. War ren Donner, Mrs. O. L. Withers and Mrs. Ralph Pickering will have charge of the dining room with Mrs. George A. Rogers, Mrs. E. C. Peyton, Mrs. Alfred Moon and Mrs. Clintoa Pack as the kitchen committee. The program waa ia charge of Mrs. van. Refreshments were served af ter the meeting by Mrs. E. C. Peyton and Mrs. Prank Wright The next meeting, Feb. 10, will begin with a no-host luncheon at 1 p.m. Mrs. William Pelti and Mrs. Harris Nrlson will be in charm of arrangements for the luncheon. Miss Martha Black will lead the devotional service and Mrs. R. L. Anderson will have the program. Biiena Vhta BUKNA Vim - Rosalia Mullar ot Washington, B.C., spent a few days at the Perry Weils home here alter she had been at OSC for a time or (MU log an Alumni of I P.I E l Jack Weill took her to Portland Thursday when she start ed back to Washington, D C Mr. and Mrs. Gail Prattler were dinner guests Sunday of Mrs. Georgia Prather. ia the atarasoa they called on Mrs. Addie Harmon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Witbrow spent Sunday with their sea-m-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bacon hi Albany. Grace Holcomb and Mrs. George Laubaar of Albany were Sunday guests sf Mrs. Addle Harmon, also Gene iWoveall and dauahtar af Mrs. Willard PraieU attended the State planning P.T.A. ceovea- Imss Friday ia Salem. Roa PraieU attended the basketball (am ja Corvallia at OSC. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Wells were Mr. and Mrs. Eira Harris of Suver. A largo number drove to Inde pendence Friday evening and charivaried Elmo and Beverly Prather in their new home. They I have established aa apartment in tne narry Day Dome. Wednesday at the community hall, the women's club mat f or the first meeting of the year whoa the new nresMent. Mrs. Mar Drazdoff caueo. me meeting to order. uair u racer read a ooem for the program. It waa announced mat the county Federetioa meet ing will be m Dallas Jan. 10 aa all day meeting. Next meeting of me tocai ciud will De Feb. 3, an afternoon meeting with Faya CaJ lies, Henrietta Busby and Bessie Hall as hostesses. Mrs. Woods win have a program of "Famous Mea." Merger Said Of Benefit Albany Proposed merging of the Mountain Slates Power and Pacific Power i Light com Denies at deeigaed to benefit, not to la- lure, the areas served by either company, Al Trimble, (resident of the MSP Co, assured mem bers of the Albany Chamber of Commerce with whom he Wednesday algbt at tae Albany hotel Ia fact said Trimble, the fa- eilitiea which would be placed at the disposal of the Mountain States company will, by insuring a constant and ' depeadable source af power for 1U system, probably attract new industries lo tba area. This Trimble axalained W eh. lag tba fact that the Pacific Pow er & Light Co. owns and operates siieable generating plants, includ ing tba Merwin dam and tha re cently completed Yale dam oa the Lewis river in Washington: three steam generating plants af which two are at Portland and one al Astoria, and prospec tive faeiltle elsewhere. Furthermore, said Trimble, tha financial advantages offered by the consolidation will make pos sible eenstructioa of mora ad equate auxiliary generating plants Is tha future Una would bow be possible. As to tba Albany office Trim ble said that no perceptible change will be made. Albany will remain regional headquarters tor the area now served by tha MSP Co., he assarted, and oaly a few of tha local personnel, including himself, however, will be trans ferred to Portland. Oa tha other hand the larger field of operations wiU increase opportunity for advancement of present employes without curtsll- meat of tha local payroll. Jefferson ire Baby Derby Lacks Woodburn Winner Losses Zero SUBLIMITY Robert Ingle was elected president of tha Sublimity Vriiiiiiir Fire Caanimae at anew I rusting Monday cvntaf, Jaa. n. I uiner eieciea ameers are sec retary, W. F. Ditterr treasurer, A. J. Scbrefva; chief, E. A. Ditter; 1st assitant. Al Hartmaa; and as sitant, Clarence Eck. A total af 11 calls were anawered In 131: three in town, six in the Rural Fire Protection District and two mutual aid calls. There were two standby calls. No loss wss reported ia tba three town calls. Fire loss in the Rural District amounted to txaat with the J. P. WOODBURN No rUlm.nl. claimants appeared this week for tha prizes offered by Woodburn merchants tn tha first baby of the year born to parent residing wlthfn Woodburn city limits. Aa a result the deadline for reporting eligible births has Deen extended to next Tues day, Jen. 1. Winner in the rural area was Randal Keith Brack, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Brack of Woodburn Rt 1, bora Jan. 1 at a Silver. ton hospital. Sweet Home Pastor Paroled ALBANY Over-disciplining of his 12-year-old son Mon day placed the Rev. Stewart Baker, pastor of "The Church at Sweet Home," 12th and Q, St., Sweet Home, under Juris diction of the state parole the board for the next year. The Rev. Baker pleaded guilty to an assault and bat tery charge In district court Thursday on complaint of Dis- Zena ZENA Mrs. W. W. Henrv opened her home for . ri.rt lunrneoa for spring Vtlley Home Missionary Society, at the Jan uary meeting for which Mrs. W.U ter Brog, Mrs. H. Burns and Mr. Joe Shepard were hostesses. Mrs. Ben McKlnnev oresided at the short business uuinn )hen plsns were completed for a JEFFERSON Charles Henry Tudor and Miss Jeanne Bogart, both of Una county, were quiet ly aaarried at tha home of Judge sod Mrs. Hutcbings ceremony on Friday evening, January & Mr. and Mrs. Howard Davis witnessed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Phelps, Mr. and Mrs. Princes Phelpe and daughter, Liada, motored to Port land Sunday and visited Mr. aad Mrs. Clair Phelps. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Phelps are entertaining Mrs. Earl Lyaes and Miss Josephine Get bell Mrs. Mary Ammo waa hostess to a group of fhenda aad rela tives at her home recently. Gweeta were Mr. and Mrs. John Grens, Jr.; Mrs. Lee Amnion, Ready, Christy aad Betty Lee; . Mrs. Harry Stupka af Staytoa; Mrs. Bill Grens, Mrs. Oria- Smith and Mrs. Lloyd SchmMasyer.' Fire Chief for WoodburnSoon WOODBUR! A alaa was an- nonnced at a special meeting of ine rrooaotrm citr council this week to employ a full time fire chief for the city af Woodbnra and the rural fire protection dis trict Applications are being sought from trained firemen for the position who are to apply In person at toe wood Dura lire hall the afternoon aad evening of Feb. 13. The decision to hire a fall time fire chief for the desartment serving oota tae city and the aisinet was evolved last week end by representatives of the two groups and then accepted by the council and the board of direc tors. Present plans call for the new chief to take over March 1. The new chief would have full charge of the fire department ana uts tne puce of on of three paid drivers presently operating the dispatcher system and main taining equipment The proposed salary of $4000 a year would be divided equally between the city end the district At present the fire chief ia oa a part time basis. The council alao accepted the bid of Jeske Bros. Construction company sad Coast Construction and Excavating company of Junc tion City for excavating, pipe, manholes and other requirements for the sewer system in the northwest sewage collection dis trict. Bids were celled for furnishing gasoline and diesel and atove oil to the city, to be submitted Jan. Auxiliary Dines With Legion WOODBURK The regular meeting of Woodburn auxiliary of the American Legion opened ran a no-aoat dinner for mem bers aad families at aVM e ra. Wadaeeday night, Jan. 13, with anew an attending. Mrs. U B. Detweiler presided over the business meeting which followed. Mrs. Albert Rhein boktt, rebaMHtatioa chairman, reported aa the wrapping of gifts by several members at the Vet erans" hospital for the Christmas ssaaon and plana for the annul poppy sale hi May were reported bp Mrs. Kenneth Yoder. doopt chairman. The sua ef SIS waa voted to the "March af Dtmas" fund and Si to the "weode cbarch era ssde" the project of the National president for the year af 1(94. - It was announced that the aux iliary now has a wheel chair for use of any eae la the weodmn-a res, which is sponsored by Cart No. lie of Salem. A district conference was an nounced to be held at Sitvertoa Feb. 7 at 9:30 pa which win be sttended by Mrs. Detweiler, Mrs. Walter Miller, Mrs. Edward De Haan and Mrs. Hartley LeFcbvre, and the county council to be held la Salem Jan. IS wrth Unit 1M as hostess. The Woodburn anit now has a total of 75 paid up members on a quota of 86. The next sewing meeting will be Jan. 27 at the Home of Mrs. Walter Miller with Mrs. Adrian Schooler as assisting hostess. Work for the evening will be making ditty bags. Mrs. Amos Bonacker won the hat in the "dutch auction." For the next meeting, Feb. 10, the Legion will serve refresh ments. Middle Grove trict Attorney Courtney Johns Lg aner naving oeen iirst appro- Tht dy retorder w imitaeU hended by Sweet Home police lt6 t0 itt tne southern Pacific on a complaint aigned by Dale Murray, 143 G St., In city court According to the Sweet Home police report neighbors' bad complained to Sweet Home police. Chief ef Police Roy Clover contacted the boy and found be had been beaten with a large stick by his father. The chief called a physician who examined the youth, pull ing a large silver from his back and treating many cuts and bruises on the child's back and arms. Wendell Tompkins. company for information as to why the crossing at the foot of Hayes atreet has been closed to traffic. The crossing "baa been open for many years and its clos ing is aa inconvenience to the public. t Ik. D. V. II . I ProZy protoctod on fir. call, " Y.'nd'Z .oSL",' In both Sublimity and the District I t!?u totalled approximately M3.S3.. in ffiVTS&ol'' One hundred twenty two man hours were spent in fighting lircs and patrolling fires. A member of the department will attend the fire school at Alhanr I wan. is to 23. silent auction to be held sf ih. February meeting and announce- JUQ,& told ibe Rev. Stewart ment made of two speakers from th,t abould he violate his pe ine health department to give i role he will be returned to Dimes Sought At Woodburn WOODBURN The Wood- district t burn Cub Scouts will conduct court here for sentencing. Unionvaie The department takes an active part in the Marion County Fire Fighters Association of which Dei bert J. DiUer is secretary. An instructor from the State Vocational Education Department will conduct a pumper school Jan. 2-fl. TRACTOR KILLS FARMER TILLAMOOK (UP) Funer all services ware to be held her today tor John Schlld, 77 year-eld Tillamook farmer who was killed Wednesday when hi tractor railed on him. A native of SwMserland. Schlld had lived in Tillamook since IBM. UNIONVALE Honoring I George Strawn who was S4 Wed nesday, jan. ia, a family ainner was served at his home at noon Sunday. Attending were the honored guest, hia. wife, his son. George strawn, jr.. nil son-in-law and daughter, Mr, and Mr. Bernard Trunk of Dundee; bis brother and sister-in-law and their three sons, Mr. and Mrs. John Strswn, John Jr., Robert and Larry Strawn ot Hubbard. Mrs. John Strawn and amall daughter of Hubbard were un able to attend. Wheatland NOW SHOWING OPEN : "MOGAMBO" la Technicolor Clark, Cable, Ara Gardner Special Feature!! "CAMP JAMBOREE" HOLLYWOOD KIPS MATINf K Tomorrow - 1:0 to 4:9 P. M. I CARTOONS SKRIAL Special Matinee restore: "LAWLESS COWBOYS" Whip Wirsec Faery KnlgM its easea't Blrthdsy Csk far Eva Ellis, Billy Clayton. Shar on Decatur, Jamea Mount Dirk Eceliton. S ilnto Vatrtn, Joyce Edisen, Dianne Pilletle, Beverly Haaen, Cary Warner. Richard Jones, Donny Toilet son. Char tee Barber, Sue Mus ser, Shirley Wshl. Jo Riley, Donna Morse, Clifford Hsrrls, Rlckef Nle hole, Larry Bear ens. lisle Gesner, Michael hn caster, Msrgsret Prsnge, Jim Wheatland Lynel Braat 13-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Braat of the Wheat land district, haa been in the Salem General hospital since Monday, Jan. 11. Her illness has not been di agnosed. She waa ill for several days before being taken to hospital. Her condition was slightly im proved Wednesdsy morning, Mr. Bruat announced. Calvary Lutherans Select Officials SU.VKRT0N The annual meet ing of the Calvary Lutheran con-j gregation was held In tb church parlors Tuesday evening. Church officials elected includ ed: president, Paul Almquist; vie president, Joseph LeRud; secre tory, Elvin Almquist: treasurer, Mrs. Lester A. Standard: Sunday school superintendent. Miss Olga Johnson; assistant S. S. superin tendent, James Johnson; deacon for the term of three vears, Mag nus Christenson; trustee, Waldo Rue; ushers, Lester A. Standard, Cliff Almquist, Joseph Stanton, Gerharl Olson and Amos Fincher; caretaker, Axel Johnson; auditing committee. Cliff Almquist, Mrs. Victor Grossnickle; organist. Miss Marie Brye; pianist. Miss Bessie Gregerson: alternate organists, Mrs. Arvid L. llokonson. Mrs. El vin Almquist; honorary deacon, Mr. Ole Bry in recognition of his many years service faithful to the church, with this his 85th year of age. Deacons held aver for continued office are Jamea Paulson and Paul ! Almquist, continuing as trustees are Lester A. Standard and John Hoggs. Iter. Arvid L. Hokonson, pastor of the congregation, was granted a bonus for his car expense for toe past year. their annual "March of Dimes' drive here Saturday afternoon, January 18 (weather permit ting), to assist in the local cam paign to raise funds to combat infantile paralysis.- Two bas ketball games between the Woodburn all stars and Wil lamette University freshmen and the Woodburn high school Silverton Church Names Committee SILVERTON The members of the executive board of the First Christian church, of which Ira Loren 1 chairman, invited a complete list of mem bers to attend the meeting at the church social rooms, Wed- esday evening, Jan. 13, with Rev. Newell Morgan, Eugene, director of stewardship and a member of the Oregon State Board of Christian churches, the program speaker. A reading and study of tha church constitution and by laws was effected explaining to the congregation that the MIDDLE GROVE Tha reg ular January meetings ot all 4 H club in Middle Grove community have been held the paat week-ends and this week, i The Sugar and S p 1 c a 4-H cooking club with Mrs. Melvin Van Cleave leader met at the Van Clear home. Member brought biacuit for tb judg lng and the demonstration by Jean Schafer and Carolyn Crura was the making of cream tomato aoup. A portion number were played by Gaylen Van Clear. Attending war Wilda Blan kenship, Jean Schafer, Donna Roberta, Karen Peterson, Caro lyn Cmn, Gsrlen and tb leader. The nest meeting will be with Jean Schafer. Tb boys Spoon and Kettle cooking club mat for a special meeting at tb horn of their leader, Mrs. John Cage A re quirement i for a tea or lunch eon to be served by th mem ber and meeting at 4 o'clock tha boys prepared a luncheon with popovers, scrambled eggs. apple sauce, ham cookie and cocoa on th menu. It was prepared by Don An- glin, Dennis Scharf. John An- glin, Michael Van Dusen. Ta ble setting and all work waa don by the boys. A regular meeting was held at th horn of Don and John Anglln with the making of cookies the dsmonstration and lesson In Judging.. The girls cooking class of Mrs. Cage met at the home of Mary Lou Surgeon. Milk and its use In diets waa th lesson subject with cocoa being made by the hostess and custards the girls had brought Judged. A contest between th two club of Mrs. Cage. Spoon and Kettle and Busy (lookers ia be ing conducted. For recreation a game planned by Mari Scott waa played. A field trip to a gro cery store to get costs of foods if planned for this week. The Triple F livestock club met at the Thomas Doty home. This club ha two new mem bers, Harry Lee Scharf and Edwin Anderson. New record books were the lesson discus sion by the leader, Mrs. Vera Bassctt Attendine were Sam Myers, Richard Moorman, Gary Doty, Ed Page, Ronald Moorman, Edwin Anderson, Cherrill Doty, Harry Scharf, Mrs. K. Anderson. Mrs. Bus. naming of personnel for a Put pit Committee, was authorized e" and Mr. and Mrs. Doty.' in tne rules. Ttin committee was appointed to Include as chairman, Lynn Neal, and as assisting committee members, representatives from adult members of organizations of the church, Mrs. Ben Glfford, Mrs. Gus Herr, William Bunt ing and James Bonner. )JP $aving Centers al lie fool of lbs Briijt Wert Salem Vi Mile North f ike Uiitrpss Salem Open Every Day ... 8 a. m. to 10 P- PRICES 600D FRIDAY-5ATURDAT-JUXDAY ORE. KO. 2 DESCHUTES (Potatoes 50 59' LIMIT Snoboy Navel ORANGES Home-Toler Bag You Fill III UMIT IMPERIAL VALLEY LETTUCE Per Head LIMIT SunbiH 46-Ounce Tin Orange Juice 25 LIMIT Grand Island ii HOUDAY Albany Orders Sale $125,000 in Bonds ALBANY Sale of $125.- 000 worth of municipal sewer bonds, remaining unsold por-; tion of the $73,0OO issue au-jTOWN HAS NO PRISONERS thorized by the people In 195J COPAN. Okla. llThi. al,il for sewage disposal system and I Washington County village o( 500 GRAND ISLAND Mrs. Russell 1 Sergeant entertained with a dem-; orairaiion party at her Grand Island home at 10 a m Tnrf Mrs. Russell Hedge of Salem was in cnarge. Attending were Mrs. HaroM Culp, Mrs. Harold Chandler and I two children, Mra. Victor V. Scog-! I .no uaugmer,- Mrs. It. R. Rockhill, Mrs. Charles Sargeant, and Mrs. Russell Sargeant and two daughters. Margarine 300 SHEETS other sewer construction pur poses. Is authorised in an ordi nance passed by the city eoun-1 10 J'3"- is tearini down its tail Thar hasn't been a prisoner in it for YES Tissue freshmen and th Washington i cil Wednesday. school team are scheduled for j Proceeds of the sale are to Tuesday evening, Jan. 1 at the : be used in finishing up odds Woodburn high school gymnas-, and ends of the disposal ays lum as benefits for the fund. j tern and in the construction of Other events being Dlanned I .n - )u ... are the annual "Mothera' March wwer in th tvenl , nn Di-1 1 e" I ha aartraani nf Tan t ... ..... " " , area oi nazeiwood addition be- a Jaycee sponsored ., i.i,i uhi- k. i... v. ih. im.:. r limits to permit laying of the sewer entirely within the city limits. on Polio 28 and dance at the armory the night of Jan. 30. The "Mile of Dimes" by the Cub Scouts will be conducted on Front St. in the block be tween Hayes and Garfield streets. The members of the five dens will be divided into two teams and will seek to ob tain sufficient contributions for a block long line of coins. One team will start at Hayes and team which obtains enough coins to first reach the half way point of the 19 foot block. All Cub Scouts are asked to report In uniform at the scene of the contest not later than 1 p.m. Dr. A. K. Guild, cubmas ter. and .Dr. A R Wiiwr,i work south and the other will will be In charge of the event begin at Garfield and work assisted by a number of Jav north. The winner will be the , cea members NOW PLAYING! AT REGULAR PRICES! iVAoisj " -sr i. reams a-Mf Oc Till .VM Richard Wldmark Karl Maiden tn "Tk th Hlfh Ground" AIM Rosa Ford In Project Mean Base' New Mal.! "VICE SQUAD" F4. O. Rebraaea a Jaaaes Craig TORT VENGEANCE" en s.4er ion m mr Tomorrow at 12:1 SPECIAL KIDS' SHOW See . . . Great Adr.ntare ef (astst (id: and t Color Carte Al -Richard Wldmark In "tiu m M MOUNT Alt Rm pent m 0JKI MOON UK" LIMIT Pkg. 1 HORMEL'S SLICED BACON LIMIT I-! Pkfl. Smoked Pork Loin . 59c Ask the Butcher About LOCKER BEEF "DlitlnguitherJ . . . powerful . . . unforgettable I" lMriA 0.irf "A great film ... superior In all reipectt!" -kcih. "Brilliant... it could harslly beiurpouedl" - r "I A remarkable fllml" CMms. l-rm "Stunning... thrllllngly pre tented I luther emerges as a titan I" InUT ItHtOIEl JT x nil. nttiiBHi fr Tl iTIXIUTIOIUl FUN rwerw-?V. 1 ffSTIMl Hi) I W" -fttj- V J "A major motion f 'tf'yf,- -5 ' 1 picture event!" U Im -ClnMihiwIlnNi I "Distinguished... A Vjaf I force and LaaMSssaaS I dignity I" fr,".".i''"""' U STARTS SUNDAY! lean M CaMrra it rTJTsm",'n Tvcn'lni: I C ' 1 mmA II I I fl OLD-FASHIONED Head Cheese lb. 23' Pork Sausage 33 Eastern Oregon Baby Pure Ground Beef 29c Chuck Roast 33c Rib Steak n33c c Short Ribs , 19c my Litcniiein.