Enrollment Forecast For Elementary Schools THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sakta, Orrgm Frisky. January 15, 1954 A digest or iarefaat nf aallmt and teacher need in the elemen tary department of the Salem pub lic ecnooU a prepared by Harry Johnson, assistant to Superinten- oem waiter Snyder, indicates registration of S6S pupils in the ecnoois lor we 1854-55 terra. Twelve additional teachers will be eeaea to handle the added load. The prediction is based upon a school census, but does not take Into consideration any shifts in pop- miauoa in or out oi Salem. A summary of buildinf and teacher requirements which are not necessarily final, have been suggested by Johnson. In five in stances no changes are contem plated. These include Halls Ferry. Mountain View, Roberts, Rosedale and Zena-Lincoln. The summary of the other schools consist of: Auburn Projected enrollment 112. New building planned for 1954-55 with a minimum of mix classrooms. If building not ready by fall one teacher will be assigned to noover and pupus transported. Baker Projected enrollment 102. Second and third grade pupils from Baker area who are now attend ing Bush and McKinley will con tinue there. It may be necessary to move additional pupil to those schools. Bush Projected enrollment sss. Croup of fifth grade pupils living letter Advises Bean Growers A letter tit hiiMm, L. mailed to bean growers by the ? market information committee of the Oregon Bean Crowers as sociation. The letter says: .i' " eome to our attention , that some of the canners have been signing acreage on Proces sor's Market Price contracts. "It Is our firm i-nnvWlnn . the onlv nosaihte nmlt , Mt, contracts, it successful in ob- """"n urge percentage of the acreage would be to artl ficially depress bean prices for the coming season. "Contracts have been offered in Grants P&m mt imi M - field run. The net cost of beans will be about 13S per ton at the cannery. Xibby, McNeil and Libby have signed Washington grow ers at 5190, $160 and $90 deliv- ared to the processor. "Contract were written In California last year at $140 per ton field run, and will be avail able this year at the same or higher price. This makes us won der why Oregon growers have rn-riveu tower prices. "W, UI Ah- .1 w .uvi. jniunnr Hon wiB be of value to you in making a business-like decision vu juur own Denn nininnj. "We recognize that those of juu woo are coop growers are ui ujrccuy aneciea. since, now ever, your canneries must sell cumpeauveiy, mis matter is as vital to you as to the cash grow- east of 12th street will be regis tered in one room and will be asked to attend Richmond. Englewood Projected enroll ment 568. On room of fifth and sixth grade children will be asked to attend Hoover. Four Corners Operating to ca pacity. House developments in the area, hut may not affect the school in 154-55. Nine teacher needed. Garfield If boundaries remain unchanged there should be no problems. Seven teachers needed. Grant Eight teachers needed. bringing building to capacity. Hayesviue Projected enrollment 141. Either transport one room to Middle Grove or increase class size to 90 and have split sections. Highland Adding an extra sec tion each year. Sixteen teachers will be needed. Hoover Hoover will not lose teachers as a result of the Auburn budding. Ten will be needed. The capacity is 12. Liberty Problems here. One solution would be to require pupils living on Albert and Lansford drives, back of Dickson's store, to attend Morningside. If this were done, Liberty could get along with eight teacher. McKinley Ha a normal capa city of 13 teachers. Now has 14 by utilizing the office as a class room. Will need 15 for 1954-55. The Candalana school would help. If this is not done, one grade section i v m. .ttr m m. j - m. Mm- 7- av t -mm m mm mm. .-rttt-S7 4 cP !J I iYes! Trade-ins Accepted vT::iiy I might be transported to Morning side. Middle Grove Capacity fonr i aafkara (ajtiisk wi 1 I Ha. haaIasI itavuvi m ttimvib wiu uw vcmcui First grade rather small, could ac cept overnuw iron nayesvme. Will have slight overload in fifth and sixth grades. Mnmtn0Ktde Ttlirtv.flva. Ninila listed for grade one. If number in creases additional teacher will he needed. Princla Fisrt ffrade will he haaw ISSi. If mnr. nwim in aH. ditional teacher needed. RtrhmnnitT!Bnarltv IS faaiihaaa Fourteen needed in 1954-55. One vacant room available. Salem Heights Operating with 11 teachers, one over capacity. Next year 12 will ha rnniiiraH nar. haps 13 if present trends continue. Solution would be to transport one or two class eectiona to Mnrnino. tide. Washington Haa aanaalHr af 1 teachers. . Kmirtaan tvtll ha iuU with all three first m-ari aartinn. enrolling over SO. Onlv solution annnrant wnnM ka . n .. .u m IO I r Jl fl irmrt ana ararim Mfltlm, - Hoover distance of about two miles. West Salem Hni IS laai-W. Fourteen will be needed. Building will be adequate to house the addi tion when the junior high division moves to Leslie. SODAUTT MEETING! MT. ANfiET Tha fir. a ries of instruction meetings for sophomore student who are pro bation member of the Young Peo ple's Sodality at St. Mary's parish, was held Monday evening in St. Mary's school. The meetings are held on the second Monday of ev ery month until May. The Rev. Clement Frank, O.S.B., sodality moderator, Is in charge. 2VC GREEN STAMPS ON ALL PURCHASES FREE DELIVERY CHAPMAN DRUG STORE 140 Candalaria Blvd. Linoleum . NATIONAL BRANDS CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS Z17 8. High Ph. 45751 Furs Exclusively For IS Tears LACHELLES 134 Ferry St Phone fflM H-1451 Sf 1 95 5. Commercial II the pKDlFtt BAKEBY ill I Bakers far har Ma laato I I I th HonsewlV II J I HVC Green Stamp III i ' t-rn J a i m li si i - -Am Vrorth.BJfB II rUEL UIL JJ I GEORGE CA DWELL I K OIL COMPANY J?5ttM5lil5t Mont 2-7431 1 1 DON'T I I Throw Yonr Watch Away W Wa Fix Them When oth.r. cant m THE JEWEL BOX f 4H stata, Saltm, Oretoa M opra rnar Nitht tu s p m. M Over $10( A Month? I Better Convert to m Continental Radiant m GLASSHEAT I 1540 Fairgrounds Road M , Phone 4-8263 C CAR t TRUCK m RENTALS I 394 North Church . ( Phone 3-9600 i J t 111 i jj.Mt'JgijtrjWitri I L. ,m? PH. 4 3333 L.I K Filframotic with finish Dryer -m mm clolhes-dryino sunshine in- lit. UZ" ""yime you , your clothes Ctorhe- Oryerl Take them ut minutes later-dry nd sweeMmaiHno Hara'a PrioltJairsj'a . bclusfVs) flltratar Keeps fint out of rooms reduces moislure-wimout vents or plumbing. Automatic time and ' temperature controls Interior Light Interior Oxone lamp Automatic Signal Light ALL YCIT HAVE TO DO IS TO COME IN AND REGISTER Built and backed by General Motors Brand New, Genuine FRIGIDAIRE The Refrigerator with New Ideas! INSULATE WEATHER STRIP Free Estimates No Down Payment All Work Guaranteed CAMPBELL ROCK WOOL CO. Phont 2-6282 Greatest Selection - Lowest Prices On Used Appliances ' In the Willamette Valley IB Gets rid of "deep-down" dirt ordinary washers can't touch! A FrlgMah-e Automatic Wash er doetn't fool with dirt. Surg ing Live -Water .currents oi hot, sudsy water, go through and through the dothet, flush ing out the grimiest, toughest, ground-ie dirt. ..yet to gently does H work mat eykxts, woelsni and rayons era serial Now fresh-water Hoot -over RimeRapidry Spin, tool FRIGIDAIRE WASHER FREE PARKING IN REAR! I vMi LHatisM PartsJoii finish f I tik TTIdfe 1 NO DOWN PAYMENT ' i H-229.95 lri ! Qulckube l Tray, 177 B l jsf-'lT I Ruat-reiUtem tnalv.i M SAVE ton UI lsr4s' UI I'l 1 f s sSmKf-, If Hara'i lh Mmorionol ronga Ihot w naw I Full-wldlh Chill Drawer f-, jpr JJ 5?lfs H lnordi el cooking convani.ro ... new Heldt 17 Ibt. trsien teeal V?Tl ' WLF&'!''' ' Wt, H wi mony naw dsluae faemreil H'l wa- . Hydr-ter heldi 17.5 VX-L Den DriCA t?70 0C Br JlZi H Pel tef amoH ipot., y.t givM you mony frultt end vaaablat Tj RCy. rlUB llL7,7J HI, LJ r .-j'-ii! of)hsllGodontoga, found only on higher IaNewaryHng-ln.id.aBd T7 SAVE $30.00 IB priced ronj.sl The Ftlgidolr "Thrifty. T em M tm dMdffOC r jZ'jL?X, , 30",", """"'-ond ifi i' (ulH end hacked by V - Ullsfl fb -lsasssJFl! tlrill Isfere yow buy any electric rongt be i General Meters Jj PR(E bUWPMF a h'9''''' 'r'3'" I 3 "'"Tafcsj lor I I SALXH cSSS. SILVERTOH 3S SALE PRICE ZlW I 1 4PaawaWa)ssss f