It Capital Joanud. galea. Onto, Tritey, Sul IS, 1M4 , BOO Real folate " t 00 Real EiUte "" 800 Real EaUte 800 Rral Estate 800 Real Estate R."0 Antomotive 852 Usaxl Can For Sol 800 Real EaUte POO Real EaUte tM Houm Fee Sola M How Tat Bid AK CKOVK SETTINO HurlW ValMt Hu Unk kll.M. barme. plus plajrroom. hdwd. fin., fireplace, lot Uvatarv In hath. Tool aasl AMD freeta res. vi levator, in hath. Tool as SW.B la hum. This u buy-M. lo aefcact eoaors aaw CALL BICHARO X. CKABINHOIUT. tHAKM-PM50KAUTY-rOHrOHT-W7 above ." wMMM- bdrm .. He. wa!-l rloatu. liv. rm. and sua. to. with ""' fireplace. (II Dirt kitchen and nook l. utility. H, '',: raff extra lse. over-sued oU forced air lumac to csro lor ajiy AJlr oodlUoA, exccUeal vlaw oi BnounUUu and vslley. CALL J. X- law. M ACM locatad In rMnele District. Price Pill. TEA Ma. CALL C. H. M OT CL HIGHWAY K-kvn Units plua room tor four additional unlu. Completely tarnished. Owner a quartere. Ck-a-lr. to " 'TV tauiuu. Will consider trad tor Incsrne or resldentlsl property. CALL U. K. LAYMOM. rOR KENT On txtrm smstl. clean houaa - HSM par mo. CALL C. X CSABENHORST, JR. GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 S. LIBERTY PHONE 2-2471 tveednfa H K Lsymon 1-lin KENT'S NEW HOMES M, -Hm'i l buy lor you Brand now thre. bad room homa. automatic hMl. hardwood noon, apaclous kJtrh.n and dinlnf ar... laiw rai. located lit food rMidanual dlatrlct South Your, for only is Mo 00 with II .000 00 down and vary raaaonabla monthly pay mania. Bauer aae this today. Hd. I Have you bran wlihlnf you had new throe bedroom homo with Oriptace? We think U.l la one or the moat attractive homes In town In this price range. Lare hvlnf room with Roman brick fireplace extended to the celllnf. nice hath, double (arsis, food sized bed rooms. Reasonably priced at lll.MO.00 with food terms. Bf0 l Only it 280 Of for a dandy three bedroom home. We have three of these In Mood locations. They have well arranged living rooms, good dining area, oil heat, hardwood floors, attached garage. The bul der has asked us to submit him sn offer on the down payment. Call ua (. stow, these may be Just whst you sre looking lor. C. V. KENT & CO., REALTORS Mortgage Leans Construction Financing M NORTH CHURCH FHONE4-H? vaa end Sunday: Keens t-flt. Parsons 1-ltOs. Anderson HIH, Kent -rio aTOeR WITH Incoma, large Ilrlnf room, dining room. oeoroom. breakfast nook ' Ac kitchen. Baao rnent Besutlful ysrd, furnished spt. upstairs. S7.QO0. Tel. i-sata. J3 MISSPIUNT Priced for quick SJis. new s-oarm. noma, s an., s UP. Att. garage. la.uo. $7,ooa losn available to buyer. See at 2SJ0 Brown Rd. Owner at Miff Auburn Rd. I-BDRM. nse. In Keller DIM. 17x21 liv. rm., nice kitchen .utility porch, II floor furnace, att dble. garage. largo lot, 1 blks. to school, s.100 down, rull price M.SOO. Ph. 1-71171 af ter 30, I BEDROOM, furnace, fireplace. Basement. Newly decorated. Clean. South 11th. Price H,7i0. Terms. Phono 1-44M. bIOUSE AND LCI. barn. Equipped with furnace, power, phone. Salt able tor rabbttry, hatchery. er light Industry. Ph. 4-UU after t r Bun. I5T Bulnw OportmiHi RICHFIELD Oil COR?. goffers modern service atatlon or Jease, Monmouth, Ore. Partial fl aanoial. aasistaoc to quailfled par ty. Ph. g-M33 days or J-OWl eve ainfi for details and appointment. EXCLUSrVE distributorship full or fart time with National Trading limp Co. Which Is nation's fast est growing Co. Operate own busi- n, IMKt eiv.uu on ejl u Hw. $1.00 override on all reorders. 4700 N. IfOmbard, Portland 9. Ore . RESTAUKANT tfoat and clean, doing good business. Well equipped, man and wife ran handle. Good buy for $.1000. Can for appt ALSO taker? and lunch counter In small Valley town with good business. Living Quarter Included In rent. Priced $4500. C. W, Reeve, Realtor IMOWttlrrn St. Ph. S-4M0. eve. APARTMENT HOUSE One of the best, gross snnusl in com, 19700. Net $1000. Aged owner will take 163.H00 with good terms and residential trade. CALL DICK SEVF.R1N Art Madaen Realty Ph.l.5910 Eve. 4.J611 rOR RFTNT offices or other busT- neas. Upststrs living quarters or 2 fsmtlT home Locsted Ml N. Front. Ph. eve. !-5. COMBlNr.D grocery and cafe for lease, nrce locstlon between Wll- hmlns and Sh.rlrian. Writ Soen' eer Smith, Rt. 3, Box II. Sheridan. Oregon. 104 Suburban i-ACHE, Pen-4 Cor. bus, Lincoln school, box. 14a, talesman-Jour TOO timnlft 707 Houiai Tor Rant CLEAN 1 bdrm. houne. North, floor oil furnace. Also. 1 bdrm. apt. nice Iv turn., hardwood floors, elec. heat. Inquire 3SI0 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-iim. i" RM. UNFURN. cottage. Elec heat' elec.range. 744 N. Capitol. j-gbM. ONE-BEDROOM cotUje", attached garaie. Phone4-52ai. rtTRN. SINGLE A double Apt. 44 N. Collage. Ph. 2-M1. VaTH AND STATE furn. houne. S bedrooms, adults, 130 Ph -70. j MICE I'NFtRN. 1-bdrm court ctit- tage.range. walking dtt. Ih. 3-i2 ! NEAT. 1 bdrm home. Furnished, M, I Adults. Phone 3-lU9. I rUBN. , 1 or t bdrm. duplex apt , ta 4 N. Winter. Ph. .i-khbo. IXIB. I BEDROOM house in court. Water furn. Hti Market. GOOD 1-bed room, gja flrxr hirnai-e. gas raruie, cloae In. M. t'bone 3-gi0. ?Q9 Wanted to Rtnt Vf ANTED OuUUrJIng Auto from Salem would like to Club tf nl Ms club houxe and work hop Rfnt mutt be reasonaol. Phonr 1-1065. aak for Gary. 710 Wanlod to Bml How I OR 4 bedmom house bv tdulti Writ box 141 co Statesman-Jour nai. BUSINESS executive and family ned 2 r 4 bedroom home near Cap itol Shopping Center reb. 1st. Ph. l-lti FtCMtVt needs clean 3-hdrm. houe. close to grade school by reb, lit. Call 714 Busing Ron.oir gpACV HI M . ,Jw try, tfwp 14 a ins etc, l-ixn. eoropleUoa IseeoOo-ii Boms. "! K. M1H ........ 1 - Ir oil heat, dble. trees, nn. jfkved sliset la j,c2? Paved road Nice htilldlnl alia. CRAUINHOKST. JR. Sundays call talesmen J. I Law J.31IJ 2V ACRES .Price reduced to IttOO) TMa fin Jittl acrtage is located minutes from 3 super markets. Lovely tress and shrubs, chicken house and 16 varieties of fruit tree. I'm garden soil, plenty of water. Horn has bedrooms. Downstairs Is perfect. Upstairs needs $30.00 worth of wall paper and you will Increase the value 9000. Owner will trade for home without acreage as health forcing aale. Priced ftUOO. Will take flBOO down. $t0.O0 per month. Ask for CLYDE FOULK, saleiman. EVE Phone S-3826. it no answer dial l-vut or J-WM. fk PHONE 4-32C4 1 J? ROY TODD REAL ESTATE 2 BEDROOM 'Don't pass up this reflnishrd t bdrm. house, all new floors, heat ing plant and plumbing fixtures. Two blks. from Richmond School. Insulated celling. $7000. VISTA VIEW PROPERTY S bdrms very largt liv. rm., din. rm., kit. and break, nook. 2 fire places. Inside utility rm. Lot 73x330. A very god buy at $10,250. DO YOU WANT TO TRADE? We have 1 god farms In Eastern Oregon around Redmond to trade for Salem property. ISO Acres, $23,000. 100 Acres, $50,000. 10$ Acres, $35,000. INCOME Two houses on large lot with room for more. One house ts almost new. In No. 3 zone and located close In. Good rental location. Only $t800. Roy Todd, Real Estate 119 State St. - Office Phone 2-a.Vll Evenings call: Vandervort z-flzra; Simpson 3-lt; Huch 27111; Ellinger 4-9'i.a. 2BF.DROOM home, 3 yrs. old. Laric kitchen ana DrcuRiast room com bination, din. rm , large bdrm. and closet, oil beat, hardwood floors thruout. 1 blks. to school and shopping center, 1t blk. to bus slop, blacktop pavement. Lame lot. can be purchased with furniture or without. New Friatdaire appli ances, atove. .refrtf ., auto, washer. BO) Dearborn iKeiier District). Ph. 4-4UBT. FOR SALE. Furnished t bdrm. house. small aown payment. i'n. 3-7Uta. BY OWNER Very nlcerm. home. Wall-to-wall carpeting. 1 extra lot. Fenced In yard with sprinkling system. 1 block to bus. Price g9,300. I $2,000 down, easy monthly pay ments. Ph. 4-nftg after :30 a m. BY OUT-OF-TOWN owner. J bdrm. house, nearly new, double garaie, nice rrncr. Law a ri ovmi car. Drive by. 111S Wallrr. If inter eted call Alhanv, J-.TVU. SALE or trade by owner, attrarttv modern 2 bedrtu. home In Manhrln Gardrn. lw down payment. Bal ance 4'r hwn. 1'h ,1-B.UO. BFOR furn. or iinfurn.. iut.ii. Utindiy. Reasonable. 381) Foitljnd Rd UKK1 BY OWNER Is this what you are looking for In a home? 2 bdrm. Fenced yard. yrs. old. 3 bdrm, wtth extras. New. 2 bdrm. with full bunt.. Nfw, These houe are well constructed with (trrpUrex .forced air heat. r--S ulsed rm. Your tnnpectlon is invited. All locsted bmt Manbrm (isrdrns 554 Larry Ave Phone Piieel0.900 to 512.500. APARTMENT for lent. I.W4 Che mekcta St NEW 1 Itl-M.RM Haen.ent. 2 "fire places. Pi baths. Ii:i4 Icel Court. Uust ufl l St., NKW i bedritoin home. Plasterfd. forced sir at, ftieplsce. Urge utility, lame lot. Walnut and pear trres. 8erord pved St . Kant nf Kelirer nchool 11 1. .W0 PHA avail able See -mtime. By builder. Phone '-3383 ATTRACT1VK modern fhe room j I hoi lite Ketier dlf (Israie at tecned rirfplsce. Two bedrooms ' Uwn Rrdrn. Tlow to whool, , floret and bus. Call ?-052;i. , i FAIRMOUNT HILL i ' J-Rdrm. home. Liv. rm. with fire place, nice dm rm.. kit , bkfut room Extra room ftnivhed In full I cement basmt. Oil furnace, corner lot Price only tll.noo. Denton & Denton REALTOR M4 State St. Phone 1-3663 evesVuorhee 2-400? SALt OR TRADR Attractive J bdrm. Keirer nome. 1 acre, small barn, chicken house, trade foe 1 bdrm. within cttv limits of M. Sa lem. 4 -SI SS I WILL. TAKE trail! houaa mm down I naemeni en small, suburban. Pk. 4-atm. tear iiti sd WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES riOEKAL GI rHA MTOfL 5 BEDROOMS This Is really a hot buy. ! Bsie menu Modern clean home. Very well located. Fur host. Bus by door. Garage. Pvd. St. 1201 s. ft. floor spscr. I iuUirooms. The price has been reused to IM00. I call for M. HAftaV eve. nn. 1-Mil 21m l NEAT AND FRESH Just like new. Spacious weU lo csted home. Sep. utility room with w tuner and dryer. EUgstono patio Circulating flreolace. Nice lawn and shrubs. Full price only $11,250. Lots of built-in. EHA terms If delred. (Call lor RAY CRM METT. eve. ph. 2-U?$ Sim.) Lovely Hill Top Home Extremely modern design. $1500. Wall to wall carpet In living rnnm. Wonderful den. 1 Elrenlaces. Tile bath, buulated. Weather stripped. Just like new. Taxes on thla lovelv home are only $140. Lou of shrubs and flowers. Full price $19,000. Owner will trade for a farm. What haw you? (Call for HAY GHlMMavn, ova. i-ioia sun.; SWELL KITCHEN In this home. It has formica. A res liv fine clean smaller home. You 11 love it. Oil heat. Wired for drver. Fenced vard. Covered patio, Tile bath. The price Is onlv $8990. (Call ror hat uniMMavi i, eve. ph. 2-7679 Sim.) BUY OF YOUR LIFE Juit like new. Owner leavinr citv. Extra good surroundings. Oil heat. Lots oi bullt-lna. insulated. Att, garage. Inside city. Lawn and shrubs. 7 by 107 lot. Good soli. A real buy for $9300. Terms. (Call for MR. HARE, eve. ph. J-MM Sim.) REPAIR SHOP A well established business. AU tools, stock, equipment plus get ting the business thrown in for Jood measure. Priced at only $7000. lent on bldg. only $40 per mo. (tall lor N. G. "DAN" 1SAAK, eve. ph. 4-3333 Sim.) TAVERN This is a full package. Bldf., real property, nice living quarters. All equipment plus a very good well established business. That's really a money maker. Full price for evtrythinv 122.500. (Call for N. G. "DAN" ISAAK. eve. ph. 4-3533 Sim.) 19 PLUS ACRES Near Salem. Out of city owner Is very anxious to sell this property. The price Is reduced to only $9930. No wasteland. Modern house. Ma chine shed. Barn. If you want a farm with not too large an Invest ment, nee this. (Call for MR. CRAWFORD, eve. ph. 4-5020 St.-.) 10 ACRES With a completely remodeled mod ern house. Insulated. Plumbed for automatic washer. Garage. Barn. Chicken house, 'i Acre strawber ries. 6t A. fescue. 4 A. bottom land. Family orchard. Full prlre $7300. (Call for MR. CRAWFORD, eve. ph. 4-S020 Sim.) 70 ACRES . Priced at onlv fOOOO. Young Cher ry orchard. Some bottom land. S Good snrlnn. Well. This farm n be adapted to a sheep or cattle farm. Good view. Owner mar con- alder trade for city property of eousl ENS. uat value, (can for mh. luv eve. ph. 3-473S Sim.) 40 ACRES v Of AmUv aoll. Close In north. Nn wasteland. This farm has lots of possibilities. Besides being a Rood farm it has a good set of bid. Modern ' good . bedroom house. Barn. Mog house, cnicnan house. Machine shed. Garaa. Lota of farm machinery. The price Is only .,. (cir ror jkk. luvkhs, eve. nh U1.U Slm.l IHA A Conventional Mitt.. M Year Federal OI Mies., 20 Year Licenced Also In Wash. aV Idaho AL ISAAK & CO. REALTORS Office Phones 4-X111 or 3-7120 3U1 Portland Road 1-4TU. 4-3131, 4-90HI. 1-71TO. 3-H5J If no answer, call 4-134 Nob Hill Colonial Three large bedrooms, den. well- arranged living room with fire place, dining room, full bpsement, oil furnace, double garsxe. This Is an excellent family home In the popular MrKlnley district of fered for only 115.000.00. Good terms. Need More Room We have a nice two bedroom home with unfinished attic, fireplace, dining room, 'arge lot in Rood district. Owiwr will accept lesser priced property for his equity. Onlv $12.500 00. Call Mr. Anderson, salesman. E. Lincoln St. Here ts a three bedroom home In the area you like. It has a large living and dining room combina tion, lane kitchen, utllitv room double ssrase. This ts a lot of houe tnr only tf .950 00. Owner wants offer on down payment. Trade For Acreage Three bedroom home In Keizer dis trict, oil heat, large lot, priced at $10.300 00. Owner wants 1 to 10 acres with S bedroom home. Call Mr. Kerte, ; C.V.KENT & CO. REALTORS 454 N. t'hurvh Phone 4-2W3 Eves.; Keene 2-Wlti, Par-tins 3-14011 AndeiMon 2-1144 mist is i is MSSIIW Ultltfl fSimissaa S4SI4IUM seMtissis MlltlllU buy emmttsitsiisa sell Itlllllllttll SlHUiittt'titittas MM IMM St ltltlllU UMIIII SttS easag is asssM M SULLIVAN 113.5003 vi old. 3-BR home, north, plus large vaitv room. e pa rate DH. LH with heatolator firepUce Approx. 1MH q. ft. In thu rceinily nsflstructed home. Hire. eves.. 2-480S. Englewood Full baaenienl wtth ex tr.i ItR Siwtlusl turn.irr. Ilre pUee, TtKa, separate DR Home in excellent condition Owner may ron-ider trade on Issuer home liJ.fWO. Rice, eves. 3-4Wi. 13no FHA flnsnclns available 1 "0 q. rt Cloe to Waih. Sch Fored air oil Tile tn kitchen and hath Storaie galore. This ts an FXTRA houe. Complete fur nishing! available. MrFarUne. eves. 4-2344. Coiy-One-BR home with full base ment, close to Cspitol Shopping Center. Oil heat Make wonderful home for an v one working in the state buildings. Davta, eves. 2-2791 2J-vr. FH A. loans. We DOWN, and 13-yr. ul. loans in-ww. avau able to qua U f ved buyers for con struction and extsttni properly Comtructtosi money available to touustott. ROftXRT . gt'l.UVAN. ftRALTOI 2 PerUaM Rd. Phone 4-M 2T fftAtm . MCUflTT CAt Pf 1 fhT rti" i Time; 8 ACRES Ideal locatloa 4 miles from downtown. four years old. Oarage witn workshop, chicken house. Full price $9,000.00. For appointment to ace Call Dale Ray bum. Salesman. LARGE THREE BEDROOM DOUBLE LOT. $13,200.00 Exceptional floor plan, big living room, aim tig room, nice Kiicnen wim on neai, roomy oaui wim tun aoa anower, ooudio aiiacnea garage, lots of storage apace. Best terms. Call Jim Rawlins, Saleiman. 1 BEDROOM. TRADE FOR FARM Cute one bedroom on $4 x 300 lot south to trade for farm up to $10,000 00 or iiJ.ow.w. rnci at only aP.wo.uv. Rawlins, Miesman. NEWER PORTION well designed larger than average mately 1100 aq. ft. Living room piano, full ilxed dining room, large double cioteta. forced air oil neat, mediate possession, F.H.A. or GJ. Ka.;or, zor appointment to ace. RAWLINS REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT REALTOR) KM N. Capitol Street Office Phones 3-4664 or 4-1711 Evenings phone: Ch.t Rawllna. 3-M36 Jim Rawlins. 1-6.V1I Pale Hsynurn, l-KHl COLBATH'S REAL ESTATE ATTRACTIONS LEETLE RANCH0 GRANDE Locsted close In suburbsn esst. Two Large lot 70x300. Several fruit fruit trees, small chicken nse. all nicely furnished. Total price for all this ONLY M300. Terms HOOD down, bsl 150 per month. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Ask for "K1G" KK.GINS, eve. ph. 4-54H. sun. NEW CASTLE FOR WISE OWLS TO ROOST TO WHOOT This includes nest of LITTLE OWLS. All ktddinf aside this is a sure buy lor tnc WISK BUYER. We run without words to describe thla new rustic home with S bedrooms, living room, dining rm, french doors to covered porcn witn DreatntaKing view, now. xirs. nrepiace. me oam wun sep arate shower rm, wonderful daylight basmt with bedroom, bath, part rm with flrelar. nil IhirnMc. 3 lartf itnraee rmi. THIS PACKAGl Oir RnnnNKM in .mt 9 hiv tmm th new Morni reside Sch. SELL ING BEI)W REPLAC EMENT SIDER TRADE. SEE MRS. OGLES BEE, eve. ph. 2-5373. aim. DREAM COME TRUE MANY AN INVESTOR WOULD JVMP 1 MraMn mnbrn hnm. with rm. work shop, garsge Alley In HECAUSE OF ILLNK5S. StLLinti HMI inr. UJ" ..ow. Paved St. IN THE CITY. CALL "HIG" KICGINS. eve ph. 4-MM, ilm. LET'S MOVE TO HAYESVILLE WHERE IT IS QUIET. PEACEFUL LATE BUILT HOME Wll.l. 1 Mmi. luun suuu. xwu khiwu". newly finished oak floors that shine, llreplace, lovely kitchen with large dinette, oil furnace, utility room. 1 car garage, 'i sere corner lot. LOOK AT THIS. ONLY 16S30. WILL MATCH TERMS TO BUYER. SEE BEN COLBATH. Realtor, eve. ph. J-0314. aim. 6 ACRES WITH TWO HOMES BOTH ARC TWO BEDROOM HOMES IN POOR CONDITION BUT LIVABLE. acres In cult. Locsted in tne neirer aisirici. loiai prii-v Sown. Terms only 11100 down. SEE T. T. ANDERSON, Istm agent, eve. ph. ""jjjg FARM W1TH gg ACRES NICE MODERN FOUR BEDROOM HOME with hardwood floors, over 1BO0 square feet ot floor space. Large barn and machine hed. a r( hen houses. Spring w.)ter. variety irutt. 40 acre in cult. Balance panture, aome timber. IT YOU WANT A GOOD HOME AND FARM SEE THIS. Total price 15.000. TRADX CONSIDERED. SEE T. T. ANDERSON, farm agent, eve. ph. 4-2714. slm. EVE. PHONES 3-9373, 4-5494. 4-2714. or I -MM YOU CALL WE'LL HAUL YOU TO SEE ANY LISTING IN OUR FILES. NO HIGH PRESSURE SELLING OR OBLIGATION TO BUY WANTED 10 to 30 ACRES close to Salem for Subdivision. Have buyer willing to pay up to 40.000 for such property. WANTED AT ONCE, three bedroom home, should have basmt. In food location. Fay up lO siz.uuu. i nai wuu aown pijmtni win nanuic. CALL ME IE YOU HAVE ONE FOR SALE. Ben Colbalh. Realtor. 806 Houmi Tpt Sal TRADES NO. 1 Lovely three bedroom ranch riri..h",'. ',MuJ,l..Sn5?i two fireplaces. Englewood riia- irici. neea smaller nome NO. 2 Well located triplex and 2 bedroom home, late built show ing a good return. Owner wants two or three bedroom home 111) health). NO. 3 Industrial area 100 x 117. north, income 120 per mo. plus Jiv ing quarters. Want two or three bedroom home. SPARKLING NEW Plastered two bedroom home with attached garage. A very well built government approved FHA home for onlv $M50 wHh easv term. $2500 FULL PRICE 2 bedroom home with attached ga rage, near high schol. a good in vestment. $400 DOWN 45 per month for this three bed rourn home with ganige Re smait, set a start and quit paying rent. 14240. JOE L BOURNE REALTOR inn N Carillol Ph.l-Hll.eye. S-WI DON'T LOOK Don't look at this mnmfcent home unle vnu are prrpired to buy We thu because this home will fctcal your heart The l?x20 living room has a full wall in plate glass looking out on the Datio. '1 he ha-ie of thr window has a full lenflh I planter tKx with plants INSIDE jour living room. 3 larie bedroms 2 uti Rnuote control lighting with toaster twitch in master bed room over-tire 2 car g.iraee 10x12 dininn room Entire home l un uuallv d'ffereot and built in finest quality 1x.Mtcd in fined neigh borhood f Ak for FRANCES KNATP Silrwin. EVE. nhone 2- irw If no ansei rlul J.po.W or 3- 3JIW.. PHONK t.iw llUsVa.ljl TpTLTot.f' I : tflao ralrt round, R.iad HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT I HOUSSKS l I lot W, x.,km Close m. next tn bua stop srHrv cnurrti. I hkws Irom whora snl, .et Salem. Ph !. j.,, ter pm. 4-Ws.t. I Ft'RNWHFP .Mm hoi alem. Near hospital, r, Teat K1H SATISIACTIOM CLOSE IN Two bedroom modern home only with nice fireplace, large separate oreaKiasr noon, jsig uumy rorcea air ror appointment to see call Chet OF ENGLEWOOD two bedroom homo with aooroxl- that will accommodate your grand beJroomi with cross ventilation and nrepiace. Laoveiv email vara, im terms. 1 11.900. Call Fred Rawlins, bedroom homo with attached garage. MAMA OWL, PAPA OWL and the COST. EASY TERMS. WILL CON AT THIS CHANCE to buy this nice livin. m nlC. Kltcnen. DSIh. UIllllV back. THIS IS A SACRIFICE SALE AND THE WARMTH OF THIS COZY mum $500 DOWN J-rdroom home with lull bath. Cute honte only 4 vears old. on paved street in east Salem. Close to grade school. hts by door. Large lot wtth dole, garage. Pay like rent. 6 -ACRES Onlv IS30 with II Ooo dn. Excellent lorn t ion Just east of Lancaster. Ideal for home site or subdivision. Dollar for Dollar You can't buy more house than this lovelv 2-year-old 2-hedroom home. Dandy fireplace In living room. All hardwood floors, wonderful kitchen and dinettr. attached garage and utility room. Paved t. inside city in quiet neighborhood, AM this for , only 18.50, 11000 down will han- , die. NEAR ST. VINCENT'S Extra well built 3 bdrm. home, liv rm . din. rm A nook, flrepl.. full twmt , oil heat, gsrnge. Nice lot with costlv shrubbery t fireplace. Location Hazel Ave. $11.50o It ts considerably under appraised vaiue WALNUT PARK. 23RD NEAR CENTER I Lovely 4-bdrm. home with 1 com- : plete hath, expensive wall-to-wall carpets, large cheerful rooms. 1 (i rep I . auto. heat, full basmt. with recreation room, 2-car garage, wid ow will take modern 2-bdrm home to 214 0DO in trade at tlg.000. This fine residence is underpru-ed Call Dirk Severin on above Hidings. u ""K'M - i . 806 Housa For Sai SEE THIS!! rr, tr.,,. bedroom' home. Fireplace. Ciieenul kitchen. Nice living room. Garage. Englewood district Insu- , Uted 2 csrs old. 29 150. ' APARTMENT HOUSE Nine fully furnished apartments. Close in. Near school and bus. Net income for year over 13.000 Ask ing tlt.OOO Make offer Terms RAMSEY, REALTOR 2M4 N. Commenrlal Office 4-2211 (Open Saturdav tTO- 4 00 Kentngs 2-TMI or 4-IS9S 12 ROOM house HorneTNis' (Min come. M ono, phone 4-3MO EM!gIB HOW CAN YOU PASS IT UP? It's Dm sweUeat bona tor aosn. aava whs wants to Uv. b tha country you over aawll Then are two nice bedroom, with loads of bum-fas, Ur. Irvine room, full dinlnc-room. kltchaa with nook, a hufa utility room for sawing and Ironing, and all on a gorgeous 11x111 lot 1 1 You can't POSSIBLX beat ft for onlv IIOMII Ask for Ted Morrison. (c7 Ul CUMART ON YEW "'''' HL vary neat bedroom home with unfinished upstalra " w sua. t-au lmiu uirenx. IN BEAimnrr. lone nir vii t Ann afodern 4 bedroom home with 11 s r" ; .iimiivi auicnen, H 1 1DB Ml u weu landscape, were is an excellent home, f blocks from Englewood School 114. 500. Call Henry Torvend anytime. GARAGE AND STATION Trusts a deal for someone who wants naa living-quarters tor fsmllv. first class owner will seU for 113.000 Price Includes property. See Ralph Maddy. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 1-4111. 1-4111 Xva Salesmen Ted Morrison 1-3041: Henry Torvend 1-3631 Ralph Msddy 3-34M; Louis Lorenz l-a.190 SMITH'S BEST BUYS We're as close to you as your phone! THE HOME FOR YOU! New two bedroom home, brick front. Living room with raised hearth fire place. Delco forced air heat. Separate dining room with large picture window, modern kitchen with breakfast nook and modern bullt-ina. Inside untility room. Plastered fariga with pull down stair to over head storage. Nice lot 70 x 124 ft. Plenty of garden space. Only one block to Trans, and close to school and shopping. Priced at fl 1.900, amall down. Owner will carry contract. 6 ACRES rhree-y ear-old, two-bed room home with floored attic room for third bed room. 20 ft. living room, kitchen with breakfast nook. New Iron Fire man furnace. Inside utility, double garage. 20 x 20 ft. chicken house. Plastered interior, bus by door, has over 1100 ft. floor space. AU fenced and has beautiful yard, flowers, and shruba. If you want acreage and still be on paved street and close to everything, "Thia is it." Priced at $14,800, SUBURBAN BEAUTY! rwo bedroom home, one Master size. Spacious living room with dining area separated by new type folding doors. Living-room has nice fire place. Kitchen with breakfast nook A No. 1 oak floors. Attached garage with storage space over garage. Beautiful shade, garden, almost full acre of Chehalis soil. Good well, plenty of water for Irrigating. This home has 1K9 ft. frontage. Just far enough out of city congestion and yet close in. Only l'j years old and priced at $11,000. 1 ACRE Beautiful to show this two bedroom home. The best of soil, nice garden, lots of fruit, flowers, and shruba. Located North and priced at (9.500. HIGHLAND SCHOOL DISTRICT One block to school, and bus. Two bedrooms, separate dining room. Beauti ful fenced yard with covered patio, and grill. An Ideal place for chil dren, inside utility. Lot size 30 x 120. Price $8,750. ILLNESS FORCES SALE Grocery store with living quarter. door. Gross income past six momns was si.ia wun one man operat ing. Fine set-up for couple. Stock and fixtures. Priced at $8,300. Owner will do soma trading on amall home. GIVE US A CALL AND LET US SHOW YOU ANY OF THESE "GOOD BUYS' SMITH REAL ESTATE Multiple Listing Realtor Tel. 3-7007, Day, Eve. and Sun. 3266 Abrams Ave. "O Automotive 852 0ad Can For Sal 10 OFF!! 10 OFF!! THIS WEEK-END ONLY WE ARE GIVING lOVt OFF ON ANY CHOICE, USED CAR BUY ON OUR LOTS, IF YOU BUY WITH NO TRADE-IN. SAVE MANY, MANY DOLLARS ON THIS DEAL NOW! FOR EXAMPLE '53 DODGE V-8 4-DOOR CORONET, RADIO, HEATER, 2-TONE GYROMATIC TRANSMISSION YOU SAVE A REMEMBER, NO TRADE-INS NO DOWN tOn approved credit! 1941) HUDSON CLUB COUPE Radio, heater, in excellent condition thru out 1948 BUICK SUPER 4 DOOR $750 Original finish, clean and in excellent condition mechanically. 1948 BUICK ROADMASTER SDNT One of the best buys you'll ever find. 1948 BUICK ROADMASTER CONVERT. Puo sportlltes, radio, heater, fog lite, a real buy 1947 MERCURY 4 DR. SEDAN This ear is in better than average condition 1948 KAISER 4 DR - 1941 CHEV. SPEC. DLX. CLB. CPE. h rnntnr. new Iires, new 1942 MERCURY 4 DOOR OLDSOOR ; 1939 P0NTIAC 4 D Kar above averace eondition looks like a 46 model. . 1 0'JO DAVTTT A TT Tt 1 ULA $1UU 1941 P0NTIAC CLUB CPE .$195 Far above average condition. 1939 PLYMOUTH PICKUP LEE'S FAIRGROUNDS RD. KUDX CALABA STREET a living-room, separate dining-room to work a going business close to Ideal location In city limits. Bus by K50 Automotive 852 Uisxl Can Fat Sal 10 OFF!! PAINT, TINTED CLASS, $2,195 BIG $219.50 THIS DEAL PAYMENT .$795! ..$695 ...$695 . .."$525: j ,.$29o' ..$345 paint, see this one. .$250 ' $100 X- A .$90, 20 no. rm ftrH ON NOW Available! iu pontiacs. ixEconvrs' AND HOUSE CARS AT TREMENDOUS DISCOUNTS. CARRY NEW CAR WARRANTY. HKRE S IfOUR NEW CAR AT A USED CAR PRICEI KELLY OWENS COMPANY 60N. Liberty Phone Hill IMf HUDSON business coup, with heeler. Very clean with new Urea and accessories. Ph. 1-S09S.. GOING Into service. UU tor equity ltttO Olds deluxe club coupe. $8jo owed on balance. Phone J-395J or call at S. Cottar, attar pjn. lKHDODGE flat bed with rack. Best oiler over 1100. 1119 N. (tn, alter 3 p.m. A HONEY ! ! U WILLYS JFEPSTER. IT'S IN PER FECT SHAPE. HAS OVERDRIVE, RADIO, HEATER. $495' KELLY OWENS COMPANY 860 N. Uberty Phone 1953 FORD "." 3 door with radio and heater, 13.000 miles. Price I1.4U. Phone 3-2880. 1M0 FORD coupe, W. S. W.'s. full cam., dual carbs Mfht flywheel, auburn clutch, R. fix H. See from 4-B p.m. 4,90 S. Liberty. '33 PLY. 3-dr. sedan. 950 or trade '41 Olds. 3-dr. sedsn. Hydrsmatle, 3100 or trade. Ph. 3-4933. 1791 Cen ter. PICKUP 39 FORD 'i-TON PICKUP. NEW MOTOR; IT'S PERFECT THROUGHOUT. $295 KELLY OWENS COMPANY 660 N. Liberty Phone 3-4113 1951 BUICK Super dynaflow, R. At H. 1 owner. 1520 Maoison. 1935 FORD4-door sedan. 950. P.'-one 3-5762. 800 Real Estate 806 Houmi For Sol On Wallace Road 2 Mi. from city. Attractive T room nome. lull DMCmem. ivjr h 3 aVre fruit. Shruba. flowers, a country home with all city advan tage!. M, ooo X da. Full pr. $11,900.00. Call Ralph Shepard. Sim. Eve. Pho. 2-7714 JOE HUTCHISON, REALTOR 983 Edgcwater OWNER transferred. 4 bdrms.. 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, knotty pine playroom, double (araRe, view. Cash, trade or terms. 3-444S. NEW SOUTH S-bdrm. home, beautifully deco rated, new modern design. Priced below today's market value at fl 100. Terms. C. W. Reeve, Realtor I860 Mission StPrJUSOT Eva. 395.'I6 $350. DOWN 99.500. 375 rtr month. 3027 Vaughn Ave- One blk. from Ftah er Rd. on Sunnwlew. Ph. 3-5739. 3-BEDROOM older style. 3 lots. 3335 Mason St.. I block off S Coml, at Hoyt. Make offer. Ph. 1-7233. CLOSE IN COURT Elderly lady wants to sell her 2- bdrm. home with,, 3 ntw nicely furnished cottages. $27,500. Art Madsen Realty 1328 State Ph. 3-3580, Eye. 3-9612 " NORTT1 21ST STREET Nice home with lge. living and bdrms., den. patio, extra hobby rm. tn basement. Close to bus 212.750. Terms. WEST SALEM Owner wants cash offer on 4 bdrm. house, baserrent. dbl. gar., corner lot. SUBURBAN EAST AND WEST One ..-bdrm.. one 4-bdrm., both with L.R.. D.R.. bath, utilities, fireplace, big lots. Either one priced at 211.150. Terms. NEAR NORTH SALEM HIGp SCHOOL Substantial older type 2-bdrm. home with apt., basement, dble. gar., oil heat. Priced low at $7500. Terms. Call Dom Heinz with W. Musgrave, Realtors Ph. 3-3109 : 3-442 Eve. 810 Farms, Acreage For Sale 5 FERTILE acres. Nice mod. 4 bdrm. home wlh fireplace, utility rm., fruit rm. 2 garages, new barn. 2 chicken houses, pig house, other bldgs Good well. Berries, fruit and nut trcesi Near school. Paved rd. Price git. 500. Terms. Must move. Mrs. Enrl Pooler, Pratum. Phone Saler! 4j!233. HIWAY FRONTAGE" 99-E. One mile South of Colonial Houc. 200 ft. front $6,000. 400 ft. front 1101-00. Or will sell full 3 Acres with 750 ft. front with all yenr creek at 222,500. All under cult. Eve. cell 4-3917 or 2-8704. Ed Lukinbeal, Realtor 4J3JT High Ph-2l5fi1 EXTRA SPECIAL Fxecllent 14 A. tract, close to Sa lem, some bottom lard. stream, fruit, timber. 5 room h'n barn, pasture? Bargain price $6500. $RM down. Call Ed Schreder, associate broker with B M. Miwn. 164 S. CnmmerciaJ. P!i. 3-8811, eve. 3-7BJ3. 186 Acre Farm" Chehalis clar loam, tn fruit and nutc. Barn. houie. tenant houne. machinery shed. Two live creeki. Close to Salem n excellent loca tion J. B. YOUNG, Realtor 4.T3 N. High St. Ph. 2-6680 812 Cxchanqa Real Estate ABOUT V, A. cloie in with nice 2 bdrm. home, berrtes tg fruit. Bus In- door. Take some trade. -UNIT Apt. houe close in. I furn Private baths, newly deer., tak some trade, JOE NOONfHFSTER Real frlMf 1SW N. Cottaae 4-fifi day or eve WTU. TRADF equity "in'nire2 bdrm' home. Unfinished upstair. Near Wash, school, for 2 to $ arret for m2 ""' Prff W K-t Ph' 818 Wanted, fteal Estott) 1 NEED Itstings acreages with or without improvements. Relmann J HeJl Estate. 201 S Mih Hi Pn -1-9203. wNTJPbr pnvat. party. I bdrm. ...... " m. t t-san ror equity. Box Ji!V"Salrrn an -Journal S o. s. rorhath itm-k ot foth hntisa ll.l. Inaa nearly oil sold out. Call, writ or wire Colbath I-and Co. It rou lah to aell or trade.