Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 15, 1954, Page 12, Image 12

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Woodburn Pastors Choose
Modernized Sermon Topics
will W th wraMB tunc of mm.
Robert (. Vaa at the Woodburn
and Bethel chu gundaa
Bvoeaiags Jaa. IT. Th rvic la
at 10 am. at the lethei chunk
aad at 11 aav at the Woe
church, Sunday achool ia a B e
at Wood hum aad follow th
church earvu at Bethel A natr.
cry for matt children it provtoV
ao at th Weedhura chuck at
the 11 aav rvtee. Young people
will neet at Woedhura at :
p.. la dtMuea th topi "Whit e
Comiag Next?" an at tna ora
Bin ehurch aervie at 7:10 p-m.
Rev. Van wiU ipeah oa "The For
given ot Sim."
Th Waal Tim Religion" will
be the topic of Re. Arthur Gohle
at the Founquara Community
Grcce Lciherons
Slcta Activities
nrtlciilna rocelvbu special at
teatioa at Grace Lutheran church
tfaia week Include acrvicc and
reception, lor new member, th
annual meeting ef th congrega
tion and the monthly film ierv-
AduK confirmation and bap
tism aarvieee wUl be held- Sun
day at the morning worsnip. s
eraun of me in ben wiU be rc-
aatisart tkMiueh letter cJ trana-
ler. FoUowing the aarvic a fet-
Uuenhin dinner in honor 01 au
member received int th con
gregation during th past year
will he a erven.
- Th monthly film arrvic will
feature two picture: "Forgotten
VaUv" and "Aranaoa Awaken,"
th latter la color. Th aervie
will begin at 7:30 p a. Sunday
Report el IMS activitiet ia
th congregation and M ergani-
nttoas will be ntad at th
nual meeting Tuesday, Jaauary
19. There will alio tw election
f einccn and adoption l the
1954 budget Henry Storlic, coo-
sregatlan president, will preside.
Mra. Henry Torre od ia ehairaau
M th nomiaating eeannultee.
Capital Baplisfs
Will Hear Boyle
Service at the Capital Baptist
Church, 300 Lansing Avenue, will
be under th direction of J. Carey
Moor, chairman of deacons, in the
abeeac of James K. Frost, pastor.
The speaker for th day will be
i Rev. C. Erwln Boyle, Assistant Ex
ecutive Secretary et Southern Ban-
tieta ia Oreaon and Washiuton and
Editor al the Pacific Coast Ban-
tist. Special music fa the morning
hour wul b give, by th Giiia
Vuanet. ne. ayi aae had aev
. ral years f aerviee hi th North
west, first aa Miaaonary, the as
paster and aenomuiational taadnr.
Ha will pMaeh at II a.ia and 7:49
Tueaday aveniag at S M, th
Hen t avethcrhood of the church
will Save jta first meeting. Rev.
Paul UcCasland of Portland wul
be special guest for that occasion.
Special anuaie by th Male Quar
tet of the First Baptist church will
be give. Men and beya above th
agee of 17 ar especially invited.
Installation of
St. Mark's Sunday
The Annual installation service
will be conducted ia St Mark's
Lutheran Church at the 11
o'clock hour Sunday. Church
ciuncilmen who have been re
cently elected will be formally
installed by the paator. th Rev.
John L, Cauble. Newly elected
oftieera of th various or sanita
tion in the conarefatlon will
also present themselves for in
etaltation. Church councilman who were
elected at the aaual congrega
tional meeting recently ar: ur.
H. D. Vkree, Rex Ohmart, V. J.
Oake, and "verett Btenhlem. Of'
ficers of the congregation are:
O. K. Niebea, viee-pretldent; Rex
Ohmart, Secretary; C. K- Jaqua,
treasurer; L t a I Trommlitx,
Building Fund Treaiurer; V. J.
Oake, Financial secretary. -
Gunther Opens
Sermon Series
Rev. Psul W. Gunther. nastor
ef the Chrlstiaa and Mtsrionary
Alliance Church, has announced
the themes tor two sermon aerie
which be is to begin on Sunday.
At the It a.m. lervlce he will
preach en the aubject, "After thi
Manner Pray." This will be the
first ia a aerie of tour Sunday
morning sermons oa the message
of th Lord' Prayer. Sunday eve
ning at 7:30 o'clock he will peak
on the subject, "The Incompara
ble Chrlit, a described In the
Book of Hebrew 1:1-4. Thi will
be followed on Sunday and Wed
nesday night by other itudlcj in
the Book of Hebrew.
Down Town the Till White
Spin With th Chlmst'
Sunday lrvst
t;30 and 11:00 a. m.
"Dei't let H O Outr
reeks H. Mra
.. . Minister
-L u C.,.JU mt 11 a m At 7:48
' - ... . .
pa. be wiU apeak o -unewr
Beaatrs,'' Sunday acKeol la at e-4f
sav. aad th Crusader and Cadet
meetings ar at p bl
Rev. B. Brcadler, paster el th
Bible Baptist church will have for
has topic "Steward for' Ged" at
'th 11 am aanrk ea Sunday. In
the erasing be will speak ea "Th
Lard's Prayer" at T 4 P m Sun
day achod ia at :4I a m aad the
young people meat at vaa r
Servkee al St afary'i Episcopal
ehurch on Sunday will begin with
omnuiaioa at 1:49 Holy (uchar
iet, church achool aad twnsop will
be at 11 a.m. Th annual meeting
I th church was held Thuriday
night beginning with potluck
supper at a w p-nv
A "Bescued Soul" will be the
aarawa topi el B. J. William
Carlsoa, pastor, at the Ioananuel
Lutheran church suaaay at i a.
m. Sunday school at at IS
aad th Luther League meets at
T p m. ia th pariah hail.
Th itrati topic of lev.
George Springer, pastor of th
Chrialisn ehureh, at 11 am Sun
day will he "In Dim Season W
Shall Reap." Suaday school ia at
10 a.m aad th young people
meat at T pox Topic for th eve
niag service at S o'clock is "The
Conflict of th Ages.
Regular icrvicei will be held at
th Woodburn Assembly at God
church Sunday with the patter,
Rev, Km eat Ilium speaking at 11
a.m aad 7:30 p.m Sunday achool
is at 9:49 a.m. Th young people
meet en Thursday at 1:30 p.m.
More thaa 30 ministers were pre
sent for the Section Fellowship
meeting of Section II of the Ore
gon district held at th local
church last weea ana approxi
mately 190 seool were served
at th supper preceding the ev
ening meeting.
A west sneaker from Portland
will conduct th 11 a.m and 8
am. aervie es at th Woodburn
Church l God ea Suaday te th
abac so of th pastor. Rev. Ed
ward H. Baldwin, who it conval
escing at his home here. Sunday
achool is at 10 a.m. and the young
people meet at 7 p.m.
"Jesua, the Coneervativ Radi
cal," will be the sermoa topi of
Mem. ormal a. Trick at tea u a.
m. aervie Sunday at th Wood-
bura Methodist church. At 7:30
p ra. the motion picture, "Wheels
Across Australia," will be shewn.
Sunday School
Convention Dut
Th Mario County Sunday
School voaventioa will b held
Saturday at th Kvangeliiti Tem
ple, Market aad rare; streets.
This Generation end Our Re
sponsibility" will be th theme of
the program that will start al
a.m and a eoaeitmeaj at m
Re. L. A. Laraoa will nave
charge of th prayer sesaioa at t
am and Rev. R. Rreadler will
direct th devotions Harry Turn
bull will bring, th Sunday achool
message. Workshop group will
bo under the direction at Rev.
Thornton Jansms, Roy Ferguson,
Rev. Ernest Trembley, Rev. Del-
mer C Randidell and Mrs. Alex
Th program will be continued
following lunch with Rev. Sauer
wein, the principal apeaker.
Chapman Speak
To Salem Friends
Rev. and Mra. Ralph Chapman
will be speaker at the Sooth
Salem Friends Church, Sunday
morning at 11:00 o'clock.
The Chapman have recently
completed two terms aa mleaiuo
arlea under th Oregon Yearly
Meeting of Friend Church. Their
field has been near La Pas, Bo
livia and their work la generally
at an altitude at 12,000 feet.
close to th Andes mountains.
WOODBURN Th high achool
discussion club ot SI Luke'i Cath
olic church ia ipnnaoring a film
on "The Mass '.h Eternal Gift"
at the parish hall Monday, Jan.
la, at 7:30 p.m Tha holiness of
th solemn high mass is depicted
in thia film, produced by the Ser
vile Father of Chicago, narrated
by Blahop Fullon J. Sheen and
with music by th Chicago sym
phony orchestra and tha Grego
rian chanters.
Great Bible Prophecy Rally at 3:00 Sunday
Uundor f th SLAVIC
world uvreach for Slavic
Marian aad Liberty
aa ss.rk'. Latneraa Canrce) S4J It.
I ... . Jt . . ..4 . u uuml aMHivanee
-yjj TimTi m li . i
Jbn L. CMe. InUraueiate LnUm
Uurue ami at I J
M :. ,
Caaual njartbt ckerek atMUa-
.j?, aaaCer acfcael U
mt w.riP. h. C. hrwlli twru e(
pVllM4. nxakat. tM m m., tiala
laa Unum. 7 pai, Inut war
eJa, nv. Parle.
rueia aag-
aanuarr u.
m. at tn aaiera wmwi
tag H. Cotuse St.
KuliM Mnurlal CtriU.l
Ckerb-ftt Soulh iMk Pcraet, UuU
a Wfclte. mtnutw. JM ,
dsr idwiaL bv. g. C. StlUr taaehei
ai ynceSlr CUm tor a4ulla. MM
aa. aienung voMblp. iemw b
the moeuur, "TM, ' "J"
rruit." I pa. Pilsnm FtliowHUp
ear Baaa CkrKUaa ckarch
teas Market lllitl. U II. Camp, min
uter. M BlbU acheai, Cee. B
wiisnt. aupi. ii:va worwup
sermon: w i
:la ajn.. Junior and Youth
reuowihips. 1:30 pav, (veams arrv.
lee. Sernuai; "Maeaurwg Ine Courc."
Cslrary Bsetlrt Camrh aoutk
Ubrrty at Milbr . Omar . M-rtK
paator. am., Bible tctuuA W O
a a.. Dr. Oereoa Praiae, suert apaak-
ar, trem Untlald CoUrse. BroaaWaat
over KGAE-1430 kc. f x p.m.. AU
Youth Croupe, f :30 p m., "The Great
Hieuariea.- air. Hears, rea.
Prae fetheelet Ctenh Market
ad Wlntar atreeta, Bav. M. C. Mil
r. mUuater. S:l am., (iindar
ikaal. 11 ea la. Wonhlp-Kvaasel,
lat Lee Baaer speakies. t:U pm..
Youth yalleoihlp. 1:30 p m.. Closing
tervte mt Uta apeetel meatlns.
Caart Btraat CkrUUan Ckarch
Court atreel at 17th. w. Harokt Lr
man and O Philip Hurd, mlniatere.
1:3 am. Blkle School eaaamblr.
1 J a m.. Morning weranip. sermon
kjr W. Harold Lyman. "God la A Me
le tnarerae Our faith." 1:30 p.m..
Group meettnla. 1:30 p.m.. gvanfne
wefahlp. germon by O. Philip Hur.
Pint ekrlttlea Chareh Marlon and
Cottage. 1:4 a.m.. Church achool.
w:s am., aiormnB wvaii
semmnnlon. Partnl-Chlld Peaiaatloa
earvlao. germon tor Donald Payne.
9:30 pm.. Youth Groups. 7:30 p.m.,
KuanlB worihio aarvlce. Sermon by
Don ale Payne- Special music.
The Bethal Bastlat Ckorea Hrth
CotUec end "l" streeta, Jlav. Rud
olph Work, paato. is a m., Bun
day ackool. li e a.m.. Worship aarv
Ice. the paetor preaching mm "A Good
right. Fellowship dinner following
tha moraine service. 1:30 Dm.
Church Annual Bual'nae martins 7:30
pm, Sound-movie i.. . "The whole
rhrlrt Lntharaa Cknrck (AXC
ISth and State Streeta. f. M. Cab-
hard, parlor. I t! and 11 am., Wor
ihlp aervteea. sermon by the pastor.
music D7 ine junior ana aamor
choir. 1 a.m.. Sunday achool. p.m..
Junior Luther Laasue. M pm.. Sen
ior Luther League.
aStaeweod SMkle Ckarch till Elm
!., Bav. Henry Hooge, supply pas
t. 9:49 a.m.. Sunday Siiiuui. 10:ta
a.m.. Worship service. 7:30 p.m., Eve
ning Gospef service. Hearty song
service, special number.
as. Saamk's CatkeUa Cknreh Che-
meketa an Winter, Rev. Joe. R. Van
aaraeck, paator. Sunday Masaes: , V.
s, s:i, iem enn ii:s. t;onieasions
Sadtrder! 13 t I M and l ie t .
lekeak C
laaHP nmreh a.
aeaaoJ. 41 pm.. Jualers maet. 7 41
Ku. Soda! kaur. Preaching fcp pas,
at II em. ami at f -M pm.
a o.m.
Jaiaa Lee MeaaerkJ Metkaellit
Chareh Corner at jeflersoa and
Winter gts., gracst Presto Goulder,
minister. 11:0 am.. Divine wosshlp
aarvlce. Serman subject, "Oivins Ood
a Chan." I e am. Church school.
MetankTsisal Center HS U. Cot.
tare. Dora Nelson, in charge. Tuos.,
Wed. and Frl. I to S. Thurs.. 11-9.
Study and reading privlleces. Class
lopiai Truth.
Beorraaleed Chareh al Sesns Christ
and Chemeketa Sta.. Georce W.
ef Latter Bar Saints Seventeenth
nor. :4i a.m.. cnurcn
school. It am.. Morning worship.
Moore, speaker. Kventnn war
ship. Bag. a. Clark, speaker.
Central letheran Ckerca sf. Can-
ttol and Oalnes Sts. Q. B. Butid-
trom. pastor. 8:30 a.m,. Central Lu
theran Hour, koco: a:sa a.m., sun-
achool. 11:00 a.m., Morning wor
1:4 p.m.. Evening services.
Sraee Latkeran Chareh fILC)
Sunnyvlew and Lanains Avenues.
:a am., sunoay scnooi ana niDie
cteae. 11:00 a.m.. Divine worship.
Servtee for new members. HecepUon
will tnllow morning worship. 1:30
i an., rum aerviee. i w. tsoiie, paa-
St. Vina tat ae real Cathatle Col
umbia and Myrtle Streeta. Maaeee al
e. i:m. a:aa. te ann ii:is a.m. uoa-
leaelona Satutday, 4 ta I S and 1
to I S p m
rtrrt Church at Christ, acleattst
Liberty aa Chemeketa atresia. 1
i., aunnay acnool. ll em., ana I
em.. Cnurch services. leeon-ser-
mn subject: "Life." Wednesday eve-
alns aerviee. p.m.
St. Jaknl Latheraa ckarch (MO
araaei Court at 14ht ata.. H W.
Gross, paatar. Bervlce at lt:3S Sua
ak school. I II. Bible class, I as.
Sales Tratk Cealer Ml Chemek
eta. 10 a m.. Sunday school. II am..
Service. Topic: "The law ot Com pen.
sauet" Rev. Ohve Steveaa.
Pint Salrttaalla) Charcb-lsa Mad
ison St. Circle and acalins aarvlce et
S:30. Re service at 7:30. Speaker,
Rev. Maalae Roberta.
Christian and Mlialonary Alliance
rhnrrk No. sth and Gaines. Rev.
Paul W. Ounther. pattor. 1:45 a nv,
Sunday aehHl. ll -00 am. Momlns
worship, aermon hv pastor. "After
This Manner Pray" las pm. Alli
ance Youth yellowahlp. "fnetaltatlon
o( Offtccre." 7:3 am., Rvenin ser
moa oa Hebrews 1 1-4. "The Incom
parable Christ."
St Peel's Salaeeeel rkarck-aoutk
Liberty and Hlaa al Myers, the Rev.
lliOO a.m. aad) shews
atortlinf, picturei at rfce
7:30 arvlce!
SUNDAY 1:00 A.M.-;30 A.M.
Catholic Daughters Hear
European Visit Details
Pamian Jentgea, O ld, abbot of
Mount Angel Abbey, who re
turned recently (rota trip U
Europe, told of asm ef th in
teresting place be triaiud, te
the Catholk Daughter ef Aaurv
lea members Mundsy evening.
Father Abbot spok eUjriag
tha regular buaiseee auatlng
held ia at. Mary achool, wakh
was attended by nearly 100 mav
bcrs. Abbot Dajaiaa went to
Rome in August to eUend th
World Congress of Abbots, and
to visit Benadictia Abbeys in
Europe. '
Mia EusUU Bauaun, grand
ragsat, praidd during the busi
ness ssMioa, whsa plans war
outlined for future event. "Con
vert Night" will be th them
of th February meeting, and th
Barth Attending
Mission Meeting
lev Omar N. Barth left tbii
week for New York, to attend
meetings of the Board of Manag
ers of the American Baptist For
eign Mission society. In his ab
sence from the pulpit tbi Sunday
Dr. Gordon Freu will be the
speaker at 11 a.m. Pr. Frazee is a
?rofesor sad director of toe
own and Country Department at
Linfisld Collage.
Ia th evening Henry I. Fox
will bring th message. Ms, Fox
is completing II months service
as director at ChrUtiaa education
and youth work is the Calvary
naptist cnurcn. ui uv va iu
month he will tske up similsr
dutiei, a well a becoming direc
tor of music in the First Baptist
ehurch ef Roseburg.
Calvary church is looking for
ward to the coming of Rev. and
Mrs. Emil Gsverluk for a 10-day
period ef special evangelistic
meetings Jan. 14-Feb. S. Mr. Gar-
erluk. besides being a dynamic
preacher, is an outstanding chalk
artiit and an accomplished violin
Bethel Baptists'
Business Meeting
The members and friends of th
Bethel .Baptist church, North Cot
ta:a and D will gather in th
church parlors for a no host dinner
immediately alter .the morning
service Sunday, at 11 o clock.
At 2:30 o clock in the afternoon
the nwrriberi ef the church will
conduct their annual business
meeting. Reports will be made
and several advisory board mem'
bar will ba elected.
In th evening at 7.M e-elck
tha sound film, "Tha Whola Ar -
mor," win be shown. Thi film
aaanra uay aa m taw ail among
Mrs. Aldrich Will
Be Here Jan. 72
Mr. Willard Aldrich, of the
of the Mixing Bowl" fame.
peak at a tea honoring the moth
er ef the boys and girl who are
memtwra or the Good News-Joy
Club sponsored by the Child Evan-
ttelism Fellowship of Salem.
The tea t which everyone In
terested is invited will be held in
the lower Fireside Room of the
First Baptist church, Marion and
Liberty Streets, on Friday. Janu
ary b, at l:W o'clock. Mrs. Aid
rich Is ia great demand a speak
er at mother's banquets and gath
erings throughout the northwest.
She is the wife of Dr. Willard Al
drich, president of the Multnom
ah School of the Bible, Portland,
and the mother of nine children.
Georse Herbert Swift, BD, rector.
i:m sm.. Holy communion. : am..
ramlly service and church achool.
1:30 a.m.. Nurserv In rirenlaf mnm
11:00 a m.. Prayer acrvtcc'cr Euchar
ist. 11:00 a.m.. Nursery in Fireplace
room. 1:30 a m , Midweek Commun
ion IWednesdoy). 0.SA p m.. Youne
,-ewi.m s reMsrwenia tia aciSOQt MU
Ckarrk ef lesas rkrlrt ef letter
uay aaiara msrassi-etn ana Mad
ison Sta.. John E. danebury, blahop.
1:00 in. Priesthood meeting. 10:3
am., aunaay scnooi. 7 m pm., sacra
ment service.
Firs etetkeaist rkarcn Brooks ft.
Moore, DD. minister. 1:10 and 11:0
am.. Morning Servians, aermon:
"Don't Let It Go Dull"
Pint Baptist Church Marion
l-ioerty. ur. Lloyd T. Anderson, nas.
tor. Rev. Thornton Jaaaina. asaisunl
pastor. 0:41 a rn.. Sunday achool. 1100
a m . Worship. "The Christian Re
sponsibility Before God." Rev. peter
Deyneka. 3 Ml pm.. Afternoon Rlhle
Prophecy rally. I'M pm.. Service,
featuring colored snovln pictures of
the Russian field.
rur Corners Baptist Church State
and Kima Streeta. Rev. Victor L.
Louris. pastor. 1:41 a m.. Sunday
school. ll:0O am.. Pastor speaktruj
130 pm. Young People's ni crimes
1.30 pm.. Gospel service.
This it year opportunity
r hear lifil head th
geaditiont ef behind th
Iran curtain and Russia
ia alibi Prophecy.
Dr. Lloyd Anderson, Past
Rev. Father Johassav, aavtter
St. Louis Catholic
peutea wtil
lb fueet aoeakar. Convert
bers will be givew spans! teeners.
Mrs. N. C. Mkksd and Mrs. Taul
Stiff have feeea aarnad refreaav
meat boat esae
All anemfcer of the parish are
lerited to participate ia trie pub
lic Noveaa te Our lady of Leairv
dfs, sponsored by the CPef A.
which will begia in St. Mary,
Church Feb. S aad aad Fab. tl.
The eerritt. held ia bonar et
Marian Year, will begin each
evening at 7:30 p.m.
The aaUoael court COW A b
sponsoring a errs Live poetry con-
teat with a -Catholic Theae."
Th local court will TMrtuipale
in th twtrtest, and Mia PatricU
Ceaaell has been appointed
chair dmh. First, second aad third
cash swards will be give is
three divisions, open to both
grade and high school students.
Kctrii must be submitted by
MsrCi 13, and winner In the
local contest may compete in
the atat contest
Mra. Alois JCeber, Relief for
Peace chairman, reported receiv
ing letters of thank (or cloth
ing sent to'Variou needy institu
tions in Europe. Mr. J. A. Kais
er. ick-visiting chairman, report
er, metneer who were ill dur
ing the past Riooth Included,
Mr. . C. Wagner, Mrs. Jos.
Otter, Mrs. Wiiiiam Bean sad
Mrs. Robert Zollner. Mrs. E. A.
Hsauner, Home end Fsmjly Life
chalrnun gavar a report.
The (rand regent presented
tl00 check to Abbot Damian for
the Seminary building fuad,
which were the proceeds from
the benefit movies shown her
in December.
Rev. Cyril Lebold, OSB, chap
Iain, spoke briefly, and announc
ed that the Uoanga University
Glee club of Spokane, will give
a concert in Mount Angel Tues
day, Jan. IS, at S e'clock. in the
St. Mary' school auditorium.
Members offered spiritual bou
quet Tor the lster of Mrs.
Angela Griesensuer, end for the
sister of Miss Clara Duda. Mrs.
Joseph Walker receive the at
tendance award.
A social for members will be
given oa Monday, Jan. 23, with
card and refreshments. Hostess
committee in charge are Mixs
Elizabeth Kcbcr and Mrs. Joseph
L. Wachter. co-cbsirmen; sad
Mr. Hugo HenMbora, Mrs. 0. J.
William, Mrs. Alfred Bernt,
Mrs. Mark Purdy, Mis Irene
Suss, Mrs. Robert Zollner, Mrs.
Earl Manning and Mrs. Al Lulay.
A social hour followed, with
Mrs. E- G. Unger and Mra. Fran
cis C. Schmidt serving refresh
ments. ... .
f nqlCWOOd 5l0tl
1 -. ,7 , -..
Billy GrOnOtTI riliTt
The Billy -Graham film. "OIL
town, U.S.A.." will be shows
Sunday ovarii ag at tha Engle
wood Evangelical United Breth
ren Church.
As a aequel to "Mr. Texas.
the picture it filmed against the
background of the world' moat
fabulou city, Houston, Texas. In
breath-taking color "Oiltown,
U.S.A." tells the gripping story
of one man's experience with
bis God.
Amity Churches
Mat! WUbtud OTsvdtT. BiiUr, tun-
4y Kliool U n Morolu vorrhii 11
a.n Junior HI BIT 1 34 p.. Bttriilni
Serfvlcs p.m.
nurli f Chrtol Ulnlttff, Jimn
Hatttuw AUpt D D- BIMaf tchaMl U a m.
Urolnt worship 11 .in. CbrUUti. En
aUavor 1:30 p ti. Bvcnlnf tttrvlc 1:3$
p.. Choir prutUa H p..
IMhatttw McCoomI!. VlntstePP.
S anal A .WaaaMl It -M. UOTaVlOp WOTaaiip
11 .. YOUth MsOTemaiP P -
Otvh Grt riiairl Brurt MfCoonell,
minittpr. Mornlnt .worship 9 At an.
BiMtUT fch( u u
td 0-4-Frank E. Mapaa.
pastor. Bunilar aaihaya. It a Morniaa
vtwiAlp U :m. Vombv paottiaa matt!
1:11. BvMlaVf wrrlM l p m.
' 130) North Sm at Deities Street .
1 1 A. M. - ".unrlie Ovr Sahara"
I P. M. - Th Sun Sett d-
71 .SP.l ,ns.,h "!!' ? modern, prophetic preaching
needs? Pr rptUI', " me" th mn',
LyfWf )
mWtm) Arch Bailey C. S weT
1 MM ) Friday Evening January 15, at 8 P. M.
Tint Church of Christ, Sci-nti.t, Salem, eordi.lly Invited you to attend.
This lectun "Ul be broadcast oter Salem radio , Lat, on KOCO (1490 he)
Aurora Women
Elect Officers
AURORA Newly elected of
"cars ia the Aurora W nam's
Aaasnatfion an Mra. Harriet
Ehtta. preside!; Mis Hilda
Reaaer, litre aeidaat; Mrs. Marry
Vaa Andale, eeantery. aad Mrs.
P. 0. Ottaway, trnaaMrrr. Outgo
ing gwaMdeat is Mrs. Joha Ea
- At the fterwanWr meetiag, a
fareweil est ceded to Mr. C.
M. Moffitt sad Mrs. aUdaey Mof
tltt who are leaving eoen tor
South Carolina to make their
Th Young Adult Fellowship
met Sunday night, Jan. 10, in
the home of Howard sad Loyd
Alice lowrie.
" Dttriaf the fsutuh et Decem
ber, the following were received
into th fcUovnbip ef the Aa
ron cJMirch: Mr. sad Mrs. A. F.
Hs worth, Mr. aad Mrs. Eugene
Cole, Larry Cole aad Barbara
The annual mecUnga were held
la the Aurora church oa Monday,
Jen. 11, end in the Butte vi lie
church oa Tuesday, Jka. 12. Both
began with potluck suppers at
6:30 p.m.
Fellowship Will
Hear Smithson
Mrs. Lens Smithson, superin
tendent of HUlcrest school for
Guis, will speak before the Sa
lera Uaitarian FeUowship at it
legular meeting Suaday, 10:30
a.m., at the Women Club, 460
N. Cottage St Her subject will
be "The Cause, The Cure, end
The After Can of Juvenile De
Mrs. Smithsoa has been work
ing in the field of care for ju
venile delinquents tor the last
tea yeart, hiviEg been auperin-
tendent of me state Training
Schools (or Girl in Missouri
prior to coming to Oregon four
years ago.
Everyone interested is invited
te attend. Coffee will be served
following the service.
Silyerton Pastors
Will Elect Jan. 25
SILVERTON Th Silverton
Ministerial Association met Tues
day morning ia the Immanuel
Lutheran church office with Bev.
Joseph G. Lutbro, president, pre
siding. Monday, Jan. 28, was set
as the date for the annual busi
ness meeting of the Week Day
Bible Class AssoeiaHcs.
Officers will be elected st thia
meeting and plans laid tor the
coming year. The meeting will
be held ia the Washineton Irv
ing Building and will convene at
A church survey of the city
will be made the week of Feb. T.
The urvey under the auspices
of the ministerial association
will be directed by Bev. Arnold
W. Nelson with the churches of
the city supplying the needed
Peter Deyneka
Salem Speaker
Rev. Peter Deyneka, founder
gnd general director of the Slavic
Gospel association, will give
three addreue at the First Bap
tist church Sunday and a fourth
St Salem Height Baptist
church. He eill speak at II a.m.,
3 and 7:3 p.m. at the First Bap
tist and at t):30 at Salem Heights.
Dr. Deyneka, an extensive trav
eler with Slavic background will
be here in the absence of Dr.
Lloyd T. Anderson, Firt Baptist
pastor who i In Lo Angeles,
where be is participating as a
speaker at the Torrey Memorial
Bible conference.
Christian Science: The Joyous
1954 Responsibilities Seen
In Silverton Sermon Theme
cit vfrvoM New official In
stalled in the local church and
wsgsted plan for their tS4
respensibilitie are suggested ia
tha tnnir-a of sermons Sod yOUIUJ-
foik reeeiietiofts' lesson themes,
en the second 6ndy after fSpt-
phasy, Jaa. 17.
ae:rteton hv Faith Alone
and th Universal Priesthood of
the Believer,- I in mornins
armo tooie of Bev. Joseph.
Cooper, of Christian and Mission-
ary alliance. 'Jesus rorssrisis
tuna,' is ta lu a .so. stsauay
school lesson topic. Discussion
topic for th Alliance Young
Folk. IM sat., is "Uf end
Times of Martin Luther." Eve
ning sermoa by Pastor Cooper it
th tapir: "For By Grace ar Yt
Saved Through Fsttta."
Bev. Arnold W. Nelson, pastor
of Immanuel Lutheran congrega
tion, will speak en "Living
Water'' as hi sermon aubject
topic Jan. 17 for the 11 e'clock
worship hour. The newly elected
officers of trie congregation wui
be formally installed at thi ser
vice, l-uuicr sjcokuc; acre as
tm. Family Night at 749 i to
i pocsored by ta Sunday
school teacher group as a Sunday
School Parent-Teacher meeting.
"Congregation Work in Focus,"
ia the Sunday 11 e'clock sermon
theme oa the second Sunday after
Epiphany, by Paator Joseph A
Luthre, Trinity Lutheran church,
the reference to the congrega
tion's annual business meeting.
Luther Lesgue 7:30 e'clock dis
cussion theme ll: The Lord is in
Hi Holy Temple."
The devotional worship theme
for the Calvary Lutheran church
Sunday at 11 o clock, Rev. Ar-
vid L. Hokonion speaking, is
"Sermon of the Living Water."
Evening worship t S o'clock.
Wednesday Bible study and pray
cr service, 8 p.m. Confirmation
cuts, Saturday, t a.m. Thursday
cusir rehearsal, 7:0 p.m.
"Stewardship of Influence''
the second in the stewardship
sermon series (or the Rev. Joha
R. Rice of Pilgrim Holiaesi
church, at the morning worship
hour Sunday following the t:45
a.m. Sunday school period. One
hour of fasting and prayer, Fri
day, 12 noon to 1 p.m. Wednes
day evening, 7:80, Bible study
and prayer. Pilgrim Youth
service meeting Sunday, 6:45
p.m., Mrs. Price directing.
Seventh Day Adventict wor
ship hour, Saturday, Jan. 16, fol
lows Sabbath school teschers'
meeting, Archie Bovee, superin
jndent, at 8:30 o'clock in the
Reiser Discusses
life ef Christ ...
"Whet Happened ia the Wilder
Bess" will be the second of a
erica of aermons on "Incidents in
the Life of .lesui" presented thi
Sunday at 11 a.m. in the First
Congregational church, Marion and
Cottage by Dr. Julias J. Kciser.
Sunday School Clasae for all
age groups, including adults, meet
at :30 a.m. and the High School
Group at 6:30 p.m.
The Huntington Fellowship, a
study and discussion group, will
meet at the parsonage, 7gs Stewart
Street, at I p.-,.
Wright Named to
Head Bible School
Georgke B. Wright, 42 24
Hager St. has been appointed
general superintendent o( the
Bible School of the Garden Road
Christian Church. In this capa
city he will direct the entire
euui-auunai program ot ine con-1
gregation. Two new Bible School
classes will be started at once
to care for the need of this
rapidly' growing Khool which at I
present has an attendance of
First Prtsbyterian
Chemeketa and Winter
"On Finding God"
John 14:8
by Dr. Poling
Tw Services: 9 4 J ft 1 1 a m.
KOCO, 10:00 A, M.
"1'1 isiiaii-in B
Fritter. iu7 1. 154
forenoon. period et Ceng wor.
ship led by Mrs. P. A. BMnnaa.
General worship topic: "Chris.
tianity and the Christian."'
ial Setarday agate: VsrtnUit
Late aad the aerviee." A district
peaker will bring the meiaest
Tuesday, 7:30 p a, study ot tat
Book of Revelations. Friej,,
7 p.m., Bible tvUsdy. Edwta D.
Hyatt, instructor.
Aaoottfiea4 by Charles W:!k-r
is the meeting of the First Bap
tist church oi ouvenon at the
Seventh Dy Adventist church oa
Sunday, at N. Second and Park
Su. Rev. Air under fiauerweia
will apeak. Suaday achool, 10
a.m., worship 11. Bible Proph
ecy class Thursday, 7:30 pra,
Jan. 14, 21, 28.
"Bora Anew" ii the topic for
the 11 a.m. sermon of Rev. Ar
thur Charles Bates of the First
Christian church. Christian En
deavor at 6:30 p.m. A study ia
the Pulms" ts th aermon topic
for the 7:80 pas. aerviee Suaday, '
The Church's On Founda
tion" is th sernwn theme of the
Bev. Paul v. Henry at th
Methodist ehurch for the aaorn.
ing war snip aour, ui service
following th 8:48 o'clock Sunday
achool hour. At 7:30 p.m., HYP
meet with Mr. ana Mrs. Mitt
Baui, yuth exwDseliors.
Payne Resigns
Local Pastorate
Rev. Donald Payne, minister of
Christian- edueatioa for the First
Christian ehurch of Salem since
January, 1BS2, and Interim min
ister for the past four and one
half months, announced his res
ignation at the meeting of the
oiiiciai board of the church.
Mr. Payne is resigning his post
here to accept a call to the pas-.
torate of the First Christian
church of Pendleton. The change
of pastorates will take place on
February IS.
Before bis coming to Salem,
Mr. Payne was the minister ef
the First Christian church of
Corvallis, Oregon, for three and
one-half years.
Luther Biography
Service Subject
''Here I Stand," a biography
of Martin Luthern by Dr. Roland
Bainton, professor of church
history at Yale university, is the
basia of the evening service at
Leslie Methodist church Sunday
at 7:30. The servtc will be led
by th epastor, Rev. Collii Blair.
"Letting God into Your Life
is the them for the moniy.
service. Thi is on in s serin d
service extending from Ne
Year's until Easter in th nation-wide
church attendance pro
gram o( the Methodist ehurch.
For this series the inclusive
theme is "Give God a Chance
Missionary Film
At 1st Evangelical
"Missions in Action." the month
ly missionary program ot th First
Evangelical United Brethren
church i presenting the tound
motion picture "They, Too, Need
Christ" at 1:10 thi Sunday eve
ning. January 17. This film con
cerns home missionary work
among Spanish apeakitig Ameri
cans, ana dramatically presents
the nieces of such work and the
need tor extended efforts in this
Christian ft Missionary
Alliance Church
North Fifth snd Cslaet
Paul W. Gunther, raster
t:4S a m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. "After This
Mannar Pray
6:30 p.m. A. Y. Fellowship
Installation of Officers
7:30 f. m. "The Incompar
able Christ"
Sunday achool Conference
Rv. T. W. Chapman, ladr
-j.M aa a' a u
Way of Love
..- -.