Pact IB THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem, Oregon Friday. January 15. 1954 Bearcats Go To Saturday, Try For No 4 Willamette university weuld like to ksve eoafereBce victory Ne. 4 Saturday night at Linfield college befere taking a Is-der rest Mora iu Best fanx- . A. lead o early in the team doesn't count much, Coach John Lewis observed today, fr there ara 12 (antes U ao and eight of them wUi be on the road in unfa miliar ayms. "Ws'll know mora alter this week-end," Lewis added, whea results ara In oe the WU- Umette-Linield. Lewis k Cla WhHmaa, and Padflc-Collefe of Idaho games. This will be a one-night stand at McMinavUle. The Bearcats wUl host Linfield February 18 and go ever there February Ml to complete their three-jams assignment. Linfiald has three players among the nine leading scorers for the Northwest conference. Dave Saa ford is second with 203 in 13 MARKET QUOTATIONS limes; Carol Cable is secants) .and Pete Reed. with 140 sad ftsy Olson, the tack Is converted into a forward, isi ninth with 134. Linfield beat Whitman and di vided with College of Idaho. Lewis was te drill the Bearcats this afternoon to meet Unfield's fast breaking unit, and indicated he would stick with the starters who launched the IM points that sank the Coyotes last week. They are Tom Uoodinf, Jerry McCallister, Lefty Shield. Dirk rly PORTLAND un Buttorfat Tentative, subject to immediate change Premium quality, Western Pro All-Stars One TD Favorites Sunday Portland Grain . PORTLAND S - No bids. Friday's car receipts: wheat 16; barley 1; flour 4; corn 1; oats 1; mill feed 11. L08 ANGELES l - The West-t ern Cotii Irenes all-stars may be at least a one-touchdown favorite for Sunday's fourth annual Pre Bowl in Memorial Coliseum but Earl (Curly I Lambeau. coach of the Washinftoa Redskins, is pick- ing the Eastern Conference squad. Lambeau, who has Just complet ed U years la the pre game says the East squad is ''simply terrific and I don't see how anybody could round up a bettor set ef defensive men; I know because my Redskins had to fsce most of these fellows at least twice during the season. The West lias been established as the favorite chiefly because ei its ban carriers and a passing auact that may Just about match that generated by Otto Graham of Cleveland and Bobby Tbomasoa of the Philade Dhia Eaales. Detroit's Bobby Layne has two brilliant alternates for the quarter back nosition. Norman Van Brock lin and Y.A. Tittle, and a set of runners that Includes Doak Walk er. Tank Younfer. Dan Tow lor, Joe Perry, Hugh McElhenny and other backs. 35 Cornhusker Gridders Petition Coach to Resign LINCOLN, Neb. - Thirty five University of Nebraska foot ball nlavers. a major segment of ,the material tor next fail's Corn husker football team, have called for the resitnatioa of Bill Glass- ford as Nebraska's bead coach. Their names were signed to a statement (ivea newsmen Thurs day aight. The players said they feared ridicule, embarrassment er threats of losing their scholarships from Glassford. SCORES In the Alleys Basketball Scores ly THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Tkersaar's Resells FAR WEST Utah State 73, Brigham Young ft Colorado Aaaf U, Denver II Adams (Colo) st. Eastern New Mexico tl Puget Sound at, Pacific Lutheraa Csnlrsl Wash. at. Seattle Pacific It ' EAST Columbia M, Pern 14 Temple M, Lehigh tl (three over times) Man U. Boston Univ 4t Vermont tt, Mtddlebury 11 SOUTH Miss State Tt, Georgia Tech 74 WmtMery 71, Virginia Military 47 MIDWEST Crelghton tt, Omaha 17 Marietta M, Younistowa Tt Otterbeia tl, Ohie Wesleyan II Ball State 73, Indiana State 47 SOUTHWEST North Texas 73, Wayland Midwestern II, Trinity ITx S3 Arkansas AM K, Southern State Tl PRO BASKETBALL Thersdays Resalts New York S3. Philadelphia 71 SyrvniM at, Minneapolis 71 f ort warns , Baltimore 74 Boston St, Milwaukee 74 OCC in 1st Full Round This Week PORTLAND Isv-Tbe four teams of the Oregon Collegiste Confer ence meet to basketball games this weekend Oregon Tech at Ore gon College of Education, and Port' land Stale at Eastern Oregon. It will be the first full round of play this season. Eastern Oregon and Oregon Tech have fplit a two game series but Portland Slate snd Oregon College haven't had conference games yet SNIDER SIGNS CONTRACT (Sty United Prewi Duke snider, the Brooklyn Dodgers' star southpaw slugger, signed the fattest contract of his life today with the fervent wish that he'll get "mother chance to beat those Ysnkees." Portland Eastside PORTLAND tilt turiipa talS aiaaUr M I.1S-IM Sua Farmaft' rlrt loa with fan an latUftc araund Ma 4wi for laaehad; bancbtS baati fold at Mc a I. MB i taaaaaa aed callflar arlrsa bale analuMaS. mum to M to eae per cat acidity, delivered la Portland, M-71 lb.; first quality, IMt; aecatvd quality 6447. Valley routes a a d country points I cants less. Butter Wholesale, f o b. bulk cubes to wholesaler Grade AA. 13 scare. MH B; H scare, eaH; 10 scare. 1414: tt score, S3. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalars--Oregoa singka. 45 lb; Oregon M loaf. 414-11. i Eggs Te wholesalers-Candled eggs containing no loss, cases itv eludsd. f o b. Portland A grade, large, 31-UVt; A medium MH I2H; A grade, small. 4H-4m. Eggs To r ateliers Grade AA. Urge, 57-JI; A large, U-57; AA medium, U; A medium. U-14: A small. 4t-M. Cartons I cents addi tional Live chickens No 1 nualitv. pan luraipa wu. , . . - ' kw ma nut'i 's- pianis rryers ji; roasters, quarters. U.out.ot; chucks. M.OO ; ribs. Park ruts Leans, choice. 1-12 Km tJMSJo: shoulders, it lbs, 41JS- 45.00; sparer lbs, 09-Se; fresh bams. U-14 lbs. UM&M. (il riJ ii A BICTC i market ruotU 90 higher; choice JMLClYl yiMAfXC I J i iau-z k hatches 27 5av.S0. neg M IW H -" Ml " al raeatal JaaMaS raaSar. tBaviaaS Sail.) atal fat TrUm; naatal rIUIa ISS-lt. Sael. Veal aad calves, all ; Y.Y i-i. vatgata.; cerarnerciel, u.i,, i4 - uji-jo .se-ts. sm.i H1M-4M ias wi... rawntr eariae rutaa colarea uarra. Obituaries Mid Willamette Nellie Belle Rogers AMITY Mia Nellie Bella Rogers, tt, lata of died Jan. 11, al Manor Mouse 1 33.00-2t.oD. convalescent home. Grand Rondo. A former resident of Hopewell and Amity, she had lived at Oceanlake the past three years. She was bora Jan 15, 1887, at Warner, S. D. Her husband. John E. Rogers, ied at Amity is 1841. i Survivors sre one son, Wil liam E. Rogeri, Cutler City, Ore.; , one daughter, Mrs. Esther M. Henry, Fall Brook, Calif.; five grandchildren; two treat-grand- children; two brothers, Frank S. , Msbood snd John Ma hood, Am-, Ity; two sisters, Mrs. Mamie A. j Yarnes and Mrs. Amy'V. McMa-i ban. Amity. Funeral services were held at i Maty and Son dispel Thursday, Jan. 14, with Rsv. Richard Cra der, pastor of the Amity Baptist church, in charge. Industry Re- bekah lodge No. 95, of which she wss a member, participated in the service. Interment was at Hopewell cemetery. John Edward Goffena AMITY John Edward Coff- ena, 75, lste of Amity, died Jan. H at a McMinnville hospitaL Born Nov. 2. 1879, in Ver sailles, Ohio, be hsd been a res ident of Amity for s number of years. Recitation of the ronery was Jan. 13, 8 p.m., at O'Malley'i Memorial chapeL Mass will be offers st St. James church Friday, Jin. 15. i Vault internment will be in it James cemetery. Survivors are two sons, Norvsl of Amity snd Cyril of WilsaL Mont, snd a daughter, Mrs. Lsw- rence Nnffsinger. Amity. V: heavy hens, 35-24: light hens. 15-17; old roosters, 14-U. Rabbits Average to growers Live white, I fc-t lbs. lt-33; M lbs, XVzt: eui does. 10-11; few higher. Fresh dressed fryers to retailers, 17-60; cut Up, U-St. Wholesale dressed aseais: Beef, steers, choice, SOO-700 lbs, 30O-tl.O0; good, etCSMt.OOiCom mercial, U.00-31.00; utility, 31.00: 34.00; commercial cows 26.00-31 00: Larnhs CWs-pruna 31 at-U to; goad. W eel Create basis. Willamette Valley medium. 1144 to. Eajtera Oregon fine and half blood. IMt: Willamette Valley lamb waot. 41: 13 rneaith weei. 4Mt. CmUy tremt aaua, UJ. Pefttoad: Beet-Cows, utility, Xt-a lb; caaMave-csjtters, 11-11 V sal Top quality, lightweight. U-14; rough heaviaa. 14-31. Hogs less blockers. 17-31; sows, light. tl-. Lambs Beet. 34-34 Mutton Beat, ts-U; cull -utility, M. Fresh Pre ten- Onions n sacks. Wash, yel ws. mad., l.Ot-U: large. 1 10-M; Idaho yellows, mad..; large, l.Tt-l.M: whites, 125-to. Potatosa-Ore. local Long Whltea, 1.00-H; DeschuUs Russets, No. I. 1 15-31; size A,; If lb sk.. ta-to; It lb. mesh. 4C-U; paper. 30 33; windows, ; Ne. 1. It lbs. MS; Wash. Russeta, No. I-A. 1 ta M; Idaho, !.!!. Hsy-U. S. No. green alfalfa, mostly Jl.on.30nO; deUvered car and truck Iota, f o b. Portland snd Seattle, Fllbertew Wholesale selling price nTT.-i.C- .:i-.' e Ii. irT ""l u"' i i o.d. uregon plants, no. 1 jumbo Ocesnlske, utility. 25.O0-28.0Q; canners-cuttors i Barcelona!. M lb: large. 17: Beef cuts (choke steers) Hind quarters, 47 00-51.00; rounds, 44.00 41.00; full loins, trimmed. 71.00 80.00; triangles. 2t.00-M.00; (ore- medium. n WalnuU Wholesale sailing prices: First quality Franouettes, -33Uj lb; light halves. 743; shell ed light amber halves, Tt-71. Sc! aid raaiaata. liai aaSaaaS loa4. taat lasborn jowl, IScl ealarae taealera. Saa. Cariae rrlMa Klta, A A. c: lam . iS'iac: madmm AA. tlai aiadluc A. JHJt: tauii SK. Cua. veolaaaJa wlaal ewCI 5.00-t.OO, laaaraur S-7 aasfa) HkeAtr titan arlcaa aaota: larea frada A aanardlly euaitd at Sir; madlusu at Mc. aatttiaa-B?aM srlad: riaBklia. n II canu: Ha. I, II -al C4u'.; Xa. a. Mc Wheat sold an after the U.U btst then esoat - - bgisto kta a 6MS; heavier aad had lap again. Maay grain aau hghuv weiejsu sweetly tL50-26.5a,b'SU thossga taa ataiasticsd pictsve few to 27.00; choice 325-530 lb sows for wheat was lute bullish, with 23 ift-S4.5ti. the geraiBeat owning tauch ef Sheep s a I a b 1 e for wee z.wa; we uxai supply. market aclwe. inoatiy so sngner; seme slaughter lambs 100 lap caa sidersag quality; asOacerime wooled lambs lui'4; good-duace 1100- 19 50; ed-citeice feeders 11.50-15.50; geod-cbewa slaughter cuu-uuuiy H Wheat ceases) V. mmtr te , higher. March 110 4.-4: corn M. changed to lower, March IJ2 etcs - tower, March Tl ; ne a tower to H higher, March 1 20 H-m soybrene H-l tt rngtsw, Jan Uj-4, and lard 10 centa loiter to 11 easts a huadred ptasnds high er, Jaa J4 S6-K 37. Portland Livestock Cikicago Creia CHICAGO un - "ad lor;,. . wheat quickaoed ea the beard ef XFUC0Q0 UlUOnS u-aoc rnoir ana uie oimu , - . t J . .Ll a! an Athf-ruric . , . " " PORTLAND IA-USDA Cattle '.hueish grain market. awt aeiu: h o. a i g, salable far wee4 34110; market; Tarly buying ef wheat wn';"! "' JS" J" acUve; good-choice fed steer. 50 ' V ripTrts West Germany j t'"c"o riaTiaaV JSiS. higher: other grades steers, all ' mht envar the market sooner than 1 1 amkaa irramu,, other classes steady-strong except elcted for American w h e a t. j a- "r,OM '" -04 cbo. canner and cutter cows closed LsrtW it was reported this buying j weak -50 lower; truck lot choice- j y,ud develoD only if West Ger- many could not obtain her require- A whale cannot breathe through rnents from France and Turkey. IH mouth. prime fed steers 25.00; bulk choice loads 14.aa.7g; good fed steers 2250-2154; eommerciai-low good ahortfeds W 00-2150: utility steers 13 to-17 to: few good feeders 17.58 II ft; good fed heifers II Se-lt.00; ! commercial 11.10-11.40: utility heif ers down to 12.00; canner-emter cows 1 00-10.00, early to 11.00 with sheila down to 1.00 and under; i utility cows 11.00-13.00; commercial ,; few young fed cows. carrying some Betters; uUlity-commercial bulls 14.00-lf.50; individual heavy bulls 11.50-17.40. Calves salable for week 515; vealers active, strong to as much as 1.00 higher; heavya calves alow late, mostly steady-weak, spots 1.00 lower; good-choice vealers 20.00 24.00; prime to 27.00. one head 21.00; good -choice slaughter calves 11.00-21.00; few good stock calves; choice te 20.00. Hogs salable for week 1.IM; Oearge WITH FARMERS INSURANCE Auto-Truck-Fire I 0SK0 INSURANCE AGENCY IMS N. Capitol St. PtlMM 2U66I mi liB Between Hood and Shipping Sts., en Hiway Going North DEATHS Fights Last Might fly THE ASSOCIATED PRESS WORCESTER, Mass. Curly rMunroe, 139, Worcester, and Ausie Salaiar, 131, San Francisco, drew 10. SAGINAW. Mich. Kenny Lake 134 4, Muskegon, outpointed Jes se Underwood. 1M l.. Detroit, 10. NEWARK, N J. - Johnny Di gilto, 140 Vj Bavonne. outpointed Larry Baker. 143, New York, I. g PALL H1VER. Mass. Gene I.eDlsnc. 147 4, Fell Kiver, out pointer) Don Souther. , 143 4, New port, R.I., I. ESUseeee D 4 I latlllllU lMVII Copitol Alleys 1 LADirs cm i.iaout SJALSM AUTO FARTS III BTlcl. Ity 3SS, ChamfctrlAla 3Jould 4M. CoMn 40, Thorooaon 4S4. GOOD KOtlSEK EKPINO til Oloay 4SJ, Al brlcli 404. Gardner 4U, BUrd 420, Porhl 4W. , CUPBOAKO CAF (II Vlltone 441. HalMr 484, Dyar 151. Pe 3. citrtt 4no. arjtAfoa hotei. i- Scolt 40U, Laird I2S. Blind V. Up line 391. Muellhaupt 4TJ, SALEM KAVIOATtOI (It Felln ky Ul. Mlllr 411. OsllAtln 4JI, Markav 411, Pannv 4SS. CHUCKS STEAK HOUSE (1) Krajel 4SS. Curry tss, NalJOO I7t, Uark 451, GarbaHno 91. is. k.n. ruaNmiRK id curus 1.11. Smith 443. KlUmlttar 173. Ada 401, Doarfltr 43S. HANDLE OIL (II Ansove 414, Brundldna Ml, Hull 161. Slaldar 40S. VanDrll 405. PLANKS CON8TRUC-TION (II P.tnk 3D. Hopliniar IBS. Murray 401, Gunn 35S. Carr 408. BOB LAW LESS MASONS (3) Llrhard 4.14. I.awlrs 4S7. Whcrlay W, Rlchaa 190, Vandvrhoof 401. I8AAKS PA LTV (4I-Slattlr 414, Kvana 410. Blenly :ul. Black M. KnnKy 412. MASTER BREAD (SI Mrrrall 3S3. Monnar 411. Hiyne WS, Ralnka 351, Hrrman 3S3. Hlsh team aarlaa and same: Chucki SUak Houaa 2MI and SlU Hlult srrls anrl yama (Individual) ' 1-iiyiiil i.uiry aja an iwn. Ril iinuatl, University Alleys Vfttrcrtlt rmMtiUl N. 1 VliU Msrkel (4 WfUh 371: AnirM)t. tlM fMantoa W. Ren &. WlUlami 4,. rtoUr llrtvl fttt? tft) How.l 3: Strani 404; KftuU 434. Anton 44. Lifk 4&1. MrUa' Vlftt U.-RlM 111. I" 3t, Roundt 4H. KlUlnttr Ml. Ctmltlt 46t. Br('i AIUdr 4h1. Jotttt 3 St. Drtet 400. Ltold 401, D. UtMld 411. Vmtt rt (IV diKkiilb4T Ml, Bui if l 4H. frtit 419, Horn 471. tltion X V.r.W. (It-Foiirtar 106, RuRiupIt 3, llbo4 . Urtti 4t)4, WodMod Ky i 4 rsrMn RkbfUld (Ji Cit 4(t. Uoori 45 flUl Trrs, Arlr ! -!. cmmiiona ihoultl b rtrtllfnt tht lrlnf JM. BMhvrr HI. Hnntw 411. . MMl9riA (,r OMn, tM tMl. Btfkr 431. Wotltj 340. hatva tuMm M JD. U bttov muutl atf Hllh IncllTirarj.l Id of th ApP,r,tt, r .,, try APPkgttl. via Mint i. ni . rlftr V to atilh tf W ll In mi rtk nun maiviauRi wriii - a """" Illinois rlftr prolucinf to f Vuu Uftrkft, iJI. .... nri nift) Turn Otrne VHU Mrki. 061., rarrni Nni m.r t. mMA urtfstv. Jan. 16. at 3.00 n.m.. Rtv Huh Ttim BcriM Ry Four Corntra i forujnicni tirriBt. Anirrs mrt hartar ! R'rnttt olficuung . Inttrmtnt at City ' mi Iti4t m ff.. BtHrtfl aiitHna m J th:u iMiiaa ! Cnlnaiftla me vol. CMsiarll tataaa Xa. 1 NORTH. 8T Strflhvad ruhlnff ilow I'nttcrtUr Bawl I mi saatr Orantla RanAa and Itaaahi atai Iran Warka (11 -A Cordlar MS. I man. Fair ta load faunas kalAi BAd I lUrtman III, I. KolUr 40f. H. ' n thf Irvrr tlmttl'la and tn Columbia Ubtrnunn 111. B. Prlra 011 TaHad rr- bvlaw UrNary nr Ivpai al gaar. narclal Tratal ( 1 W Doma 401, A. Mialil aranlar and orawiu ara Uktnt Henri 413. J Strom 419. H Btront 339. fiih alount aith unual drift lurt Watir r Wallan 401 laan.llltaiu ik1 Narth fark Jakn IHr Mlka Braa. 4 A fl'h 401. T 1 rlftr tiry imO on aaia and daratittit Bmlth ft 30. 11 Poolr 4tl. Blind 404 T Ut arra b from ray la Manuaifnl. KllUtfl'r ttralrrn raer (aatftllni i0tU. Hirnta 470. L I iuim rl 471 Kuabltr M. T Andraaan 474. L. Roablar 4.J. Corrnan 403 rrrl 4fl4 Caa 0M J CHKAOO Hff fBinfd 25 O.irl 4U arl MalM tbavran Rtatlan to 50 CPtllS KrulnV. Most CfVOiCf tliI Malm 451 K Dimbft 447. C. ton to .mA hntt hr anIH al Arthur Fretf Zltionhaiol At Lodt Calif., Jan. 11. Late real drnt of 2410 Laurel Ave., Salem. Survived by wlla, Gertrude Ziecen hagel, Salem; daughteri. Miaa Inei Zieffenrmfrel, flnlem, Mrs. Betty Lou fftrroll. Moroe City. Miaaouri; aon Aldan Ziehen liaiel. Salem; father. Ired KleeiihaKel, Lehr. N. Dakota; listers, Mrs. At ma Dawaon. Loe An lelea, Calif.; Mn. Jacob Flechtner, Lehr. N. Dakota: brothers. Jake Zie- j eenhasel. Nevada City. Calif : David riefenruffl. Leiir. N. Dakota; two irandchlldren. Services will be held ! In the Virgil T .Golden Chapel Tue Anv, Jen It. at i on p m. Interment at City View Cemetery. WUHara White Late rcntdent of 103 Marion It . Inn II. Survived by wile. Hael While, Salem. Announcement of serv teei later by Virjftl T. Golden Co. Mn Hubv MrClelUn At a local hoapital Jan. 13 late reMilent ot 1UR S. 3rd St.. Sale n. Survivrd bv huaband, Glenn t. Mc CleUitn. Salem: niters. Mrs. Llllle Muhs. Vancouver. Wash.. Mrs. Roae Kinnlev. Sa!em. Mm. lnea Armstrong. Saa Jos. Calif. Bervtrea will be held i portIsAud vu auaiMaa ;m the vtrgu t. uoiden t napei bat alow to tood la etoat aaru al Ort-irn. )art. Id, at 100 p m Interment at the liata name CwatUtloo ald ladar Blervat Memertal Park, la lta tekly rteart. NORl II WEST' Ft'hlne alow In Bandy Robert Renfrew rlvtr. Stealbaad antllnf lair ea narth coaat wtia at leaxt a lav lu& taint taken from rnoit straaffli Anrttnc good In Til la meek aeuqiv ttraaeti entil tht itarm It U doain t rain. Itttilni tlionld improva tn the nat dan amthvad lUhine fair in Lincaia ruuntr. BOUIHWKaT' Kwuh rivr Iilr Ttn mlla It km aulUt and lewer Utnpotta rlvar ale. Antlera having food twfk thruuilx'ut ntUl til a and up war titniMina rUer ertaa. Vartana larai ara ue with Late resident of Tt 1. Box 15, Turner, at a local hospital Jan. 11 at the age f to vearo. Bervieee will be I .-l.t T- rhenel i taat. Jan, If at 10 M am Dr, Mew Ion Poling officiating Cnelidmg tervivea at City View Cemeteiy. .Chicago Livestock Marv -lane Iavidion Late resident vf UiH N 4th St.. al t local hospital Jan II at the aie af j veai. Survived by daughter. Mr. Fmma linoa. .ilein. Wra. Liltv Mae Hates. Vancouvir, Wh, Mitt I'narl Hampton, Howhurej: tons. Abel Htmnhlv, Oavton. Ore . Rov Doughty, r.nldendale. Wash., Alfred Diughtv. The Dalles. Ore Member of the catches sn iFrtend Church Services will be held in trie nowiu-wiwiro' inipai rrii I View Cemetery. Albrrt Michael Hummel Late reel dent of Grants Pais. Ore . at a local hoepital, at tht age of tt. (survived br daughter. .r. Eva Vtterman. Announcsemnt of .aervtre will be made- later by the rfowell Kdwaida Chlcl lOBiea A. gaallfe Lata resident of Jelfenon. Uregon at a local hospital Jan 14. el the ee of U yra. Survived by on aon. ) antra BmMh. Jr. Annountvnient of lerMeea will be mad later by the HHellKdwardi Co. Walaaejatt'a lit HaUtntJi 443, Hoi wiiwur aw to man J4. J. Jnv.i.r lit. R. Mberu 43i, pound sowg ruched $21 2S to J Brown ftfl3. Wlllatsa4ie I etd'A fa. 13' jj 25 J.r?"?.' il T '" '"j Stendy prices rre paid for cattle a,.. ' wiia' mi wnh.rt 4.ln the week end clran up trade. o null ill. L. Dur in. a lrtund utility and commercial cows j c.1.1. .ii. d ou I arouKhl 11 oo to Commer toe. S Alhlr III. L Mi.rrli fit. SSilaa TraakIM a-a. 1114. HIM. 417. A. Claa.frrn 111. D Qltr.fl 111. H. An dffaon 4H. D. HUlirkh 101. Mat IJI B. SrUtroia an. A AM 44S. J eianKr C. SlataaSat 1. M. ewhou SIS Rlth Individual Clamt Strlaa- a. K't'Uom Mooa. India. 3JI and aal Htvh Tram Oamf-Unl4.ltr Bowl. i clal snd good steers were at 17.00 I to MOO. C.od to prime wooled lambs soid st II M Is tl.K. Salable receipts were estimated si S.'M hogs. 1.000 cattle, 100 1 ralvr-s end MM sheep Nub Tiaa Sn-Sl ltae Weill t'. Ktrlckly speakinr. coal is not a lrn'w!, but a rock. Bva Tavlar tal rtsld.-nt of lOM Mill SI at a hospilal. Jan 14. at Iht aca of al vrs. Mr,ihr of lha r.njnrwoort rTvaneallcal Unit.4 Rrathrrn Church HrvitM will ha hald Baltirriav. Jn II. al IM pm al lha Hrmrll-14-warda (hapl. Rav. Lloyd llfrker. nffinalins. Inlarmtnl tl Cllr Vltw Catnalarv. Jahn A. Slam Al local hoapltal lan IS. lata raaidenl lul Holaale SI.. Silim Sur Ivtd h wlfa rjlan Haasan. Salen dauihtrm. Mrs Hannah Anderior Mr Minnie Trtvilk, Un. Alha'i Mllkll Mn Clara llullwrt. Mr Mrs ivra nilhart. Mn. Lane KV1 Mr- Fvchn (ilan'.i. all ol Sakn Waltfr HiflMW. Oaear Manane. Hanrv Itjiwin. and Alharl Hanm" all of Salem. II rrandcMlilren Miveral nlavr. and nanlirwa An.-nmint-artant f aarvleaa lalae aa Viiaii T. iiv'niae inal. The Greatest "Dollar lor Dollar" Honey -Saving Event in Salem! at I I aW BD 0 SO In spit of the tremendous response of our many customers who have benfitted by this semiannual clearance we still have a large selection of sizes and patterns from which to choose - all from our regular stock of name brands. SUOTS & TOPCOATS Not all sizes in each lot but all sizes in tjie groups- M75 V-l a. BflOO Ol. TO JU 375 aceoo Wss aa aa Vai. to Many Here Hems Too Numerous to Mention 75 Vol. to 7500 Throughout the Store Hart Schaffner & Marx Hollywood -Michaels -Stern -Curlee-Cloihcrafl Due to Bishop's reputation for fine merchandise and fair dealing for over 60 years you can choose from the largest stock of name brands in the Willamette Valley. slacks smomrs SHOES 1,95 2 Pair for 25.00 SWEATERS 100 Imported Lcrmbe Wool And Cashmere Blende 795 All the Popular Styles A Colore PAJANAS Group lir 3.95 Group2" 5.S5 OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS 111 9:00 P. M. White - Plains Fancies. The Most Fsmeus Names in the Shirt Industry Values to S.00 Florsheim Freeman Imported irogues 9 Values to 15.95 14 95 Values te 20.95 Bishop's Boys' Department Boys Topcoats 9.70 18.75 Values to 25.00 Boys Jackets 5.60 ,: 10.50 Values to 1X75 Boys 'Husky Suits $206 to$26 25 Values to 35.00 'Husky Sport Coats $1460 lo $17 60 Values to 23.50 SAltM'S OWN STORE SINCE 1890 Suae 4 to 20 Suits Vol to 35.00 Sweaters Pullover Vol. to 7.95 Sport Coats Sizes 2 to 20 Vol. 'o 22.50 11 2 Price A DIM! OR A DOUAR-EVERY IITTIE IIT HElS-OIVI TO THE MARCH OF DIMES I