Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 14, 1954, Page 5, Image 5

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    Thursday. January 14. 1954
Ftf I
local Paragraphs
Talks ra WUIsC. William
Dobaon, local attorney, will
apeak on the aubject of "WUla"
before membera of the Salem
Board of Real ton durinf their
weekly luncheon meeting at
the Senator hotel Friday noon.
Ceuerrattea Meeting The Mar
ion County Court attended Wednes
day'! meetinf of the Santiam Soil
Conservation district held in the
Ankeny Grange building. Approxi
mately 100 persons, interested in
the control of the Santiam river
. were present .
Interim Meetinf The legisla
i five Interim Tax Committee's
next meeting will be held at 10
a.m., Jan. 18, at the State Office
Building in Portland, Sen. How
ard C Belton, Canby, announced
Building Permits John How
ard, to build a garage at 1062
Third, $750. John M. Doerfler, to
alter a garage at 840 South 13th,
$150. A. O. Fluitt, to alter a two
story dwelling at 1547 Sixth, S300.
, C. R. Smith, to alter a one-story
dwelling at 690 Missouri, 1500.
Trial Opens The suit of Olen
E. Browning and David V. Ran
dolph, doing business as Brown
ing and Randolph, contractors
against the Phoenix Indemnity
company in which the plaintiffs
seek a judgment of $5,809.71
against the defendant concern,
opened in circuit court Thurs
day before Judge George Dun
can. The contractors seek the
Judgment as compensation for
extra work which they claim
they performed in connection
with the contraction of a sub
station of the Bonneville Power
Administration at Port Angeles,
Fireplace Mantel Ablate
Heat and flames from the fire
place set the fireplace mantel
ablaze at the Walter Babson res
dence, 1286 South ISth street,
Wednesday night, oadly char
ring the mantel and smoking up
the house but doing little other
damage. City firemen who were
called to the scene at 10:35 p.m.
said Babson had beat out most
of the fire himself by the time
they arrived.
Tank Drained The gas tank of
his car has been drained bout ot
the past two nights while the
rir was narked in the employees
parking lot at Salem General hos
pital, Leslie Chandler, 3008 Fish-
.er road, reported io cuy pouce
Wednesday night The filler pipe
was pulled loose from the tank
each time, ne saia. .
Arrested for Deaver Ray Boyd
Turvey, Route 4, Box 714, Salem,
was arrested by a Marlon county
deputy sheriff Wednesday night for
Denver county, Colorado, authori
ties on a charge of nonsupport He
la being held in lieu of bail. '
lnfernuvtien Officer An
nouncement was made by the
Coast Guard this week of the as
signment of Lcmdr. Robert T.
Noma aa public information of
ficer for the 13th Coast Guard
district N orris, who cam to the
13th Coast Guard district in Sep
ten.ber, 1952, aa assistant search
and rescue officer for the dis
trict, will also continue to serve
in that capacity.
Leg Permit A permit to haul
logs over nine market roads of
the county has been issued by
the county court to Vernon John-
CeasmlUeea S b ) e e t Interim
committees of the Oregon state
legislature were the subject of a
talk by State Representative Lee
Ohmart, Salem, at the Wednesday
meeting of the Salem Exchange
club at the Senator hotel. He de
scribed the organization and func
tion of each committee that serves
while the legislature is not in session.
Tools Stolen About $50 worth
of tools were taken from a
power plant and a tractor at the
Breitenstein Brothers . Lumber
company north of Sublimity Sun
day night, atate police reported
Wednesday. Tbey are investigating.
Pre-acheol Conference Set for
Wednesday, February 20 at the
West Salem city hall between the
hours of 1 p.m. and 3 p.m., is a
pre-school well child conference.
The clinic is sponsored by the
West Salem PTA and is under the
supervision of the county nurse,
Mrs. Jsne KomkowskL Dr. John
Rttchey will be the physician.
Parents may call Mrs. Herman
Boese at 25279 or Mrs. Harold
Elbert at 22392 for appointments.
New Trial Ordered Circuit
Judge George Duncan has issued
an order for a new trial in the
damage suit brought by Frieda
Guthrie against Kluth S. and John
W. Muller at the request of the
defense counsel. Mrs. Guthrie
sued the two men who operate
Chuck's Steak House for several
thousand dollars and a jury re
turned a verdict in her favoi
She claimed injuries when struck
by a falling table.
New Avalanches
Hamper Rescue Work
FTarrW 'yV-t 'FT'' ,!.(""!
i 'i i i- '
Jt.s,' r .
jajSsxa-iiiUaft -vi xea
New Snow on
Cascade Passes
The Cascade Mountain passes
were covered by new snow
Thursday, the Oregon Highway
Commission warned.
Chains are required at Timber
Use, which had 0 Inches of new
snow; and on the East Diamond
Lake route.
Chains should be carried la the
Government Camp, Warm Springs
Junction, Santiam Pass, Chemult
and Austin areas.
The commission reported icy
spots at Bend. Willamette Pass.
Bly, Lakeview. Ochoco Summit
Brothers, and Baker.
Other points reported' sanded
packed snow or bare pavement
Donald Ritchie, ker witness in the Ambush shooting ot union
leader Walter Reuther six years ago, covers his face as he
is led into police station at Preston, Ontario. Ritchie surren
dered to Canadian police and agreed to return to the United
States. He fled "protective custody" in Detroit Jan. a. (UP
Teiepboto) - . ' : ' .
2 Is
.f i 1
lkr "A
Cordon Seeks to
Deepen Columbia
WASHINGTON U) - Sen. Cordon
(R-Ore) Thursday asked Congress
to approve a project to deepen the
ship passage through the Columbia
River mouth.
The project, recommended by
Army Engineers, would provide a
channel 4i feet deep and at least
s half mile wide. It would cost
,S65.000 with an initial expendi
ture of X2.S9e.000 for dredging. -
Construction of a spur' jetty, coat
ing t5.657.0Oo, also would be au
thorized under the senator's bill
but would be built at a future date.
Stpwm- ; ; . '.-fry a-f.; 'p-
'f I i v
Lw A; r aWkViL -J
- Sidney Boise, active young
Salem citizen and Junior
Chamber of Commerce mem
ber, who was chosen Salem's
Junior First Citizen for 1953.
... . y, i
Philip M. Hawley, who will
be general merchandise man
ager for Lipman'a of Salem
Department Store.
Thursday. January 14
Organized Naval Reserve sur
face division at Naval and Marine
Corps Reserve training center.
D battery. 722nd AAA, AW bat
talion, Oregon National Guard, at
quonset huU on Lee street
Company D. 162nd infantry regi
ment, Oregon National Guard, at
Salem armory.
Friday," January IS
fi..hM reserves at Naval and
Marine Coips Reserve training
Saturday and Sunday,
January 1 and 17
Naval Air Reserve quui....
AAU 892 at Salem Naval Air Fa
cility. With Cembat Teant
DcuDii lman Pvt. William V.
Kergil, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Kergil. route 1, Salem. Oregon, u
Urvine here with the 187th. Air
borne Regimental Combat team "
. .inn,n in rnmnanv L. The aa-
i entered the Army last
February and was stauoneu
Fort Benniog. Ga., prior to arriv
ing overseas In December, 1953.
In Korea
cently arriving here for duty with
this division was rvt. ueorge v.
Hildcbran., son of Mrs. Martha
Hildebrand of route 1, Dallas. An
engineer, Hildebrand entered the
Army in June, 1953, and completed
his basic trai.iing at Fort Leonard
Wood. Mo. In civilian life he at
tended the Dallas high school and
was employed by the Crown Zel
lerbach paper mill at Camas,
VIENNA (fl Alarms of new
avalanches, plus fresh snow and
ram. hampered rescue
Thursday in snow-buried
vallevs where m Deraona
known dead. There waa little
hope for 2 others still missing.
The overall avalanche toll in the
Alps of Austria. Switzerland, Ger
many and Italy reached IS dead
and at least M missing. The latest
rind outside Austria were to little
! girls, whose snow-smothered bodies
were uncovered near iremo, norm
ment of Mrs. Ethel Le Gault as
postmaster at Arch Cape, Clatsop
County, Ore., has been recom
mended by Rep. Norblad.
Hawley on
Lipman Stall
"Kicked Out" You can take
n- nrt nf this stock of furniture
at savings to 50 and 70. To
mk it easv for itou we will be
open nites until 9 o'clock, bring
the family. Credit too, you don't
.l reariv cssh. Capital Hard-
I ware and Furniture Co., 294 N.
Fresh killed turkeys. 39c a
pound. Orwigs Market, 3975 Sil
verton Rd. Phone 4-5742.
Will make $20. Rent allowance
, ton First floor furn. apt. Close
in, to right couple for care of
lawn and automatic heat Ph.
2-4505 or 2-5272 eve.
Accordion lessons. Instru
ments rented while you learn.
Wiltsey Music House. 1860
State. Ph. 3-7186.
nviii u TT.wlf-v Is- to be the
general merchandise manager for
the new Lipman'a of Salenf de
partment store, " , j
today by Harold F. Wendel,
president of Lipman Wolfe oC.
The Salem store is now in the
process of construction, and the
opening is planned for sometime
in midsummer of this year.
Hawley is a native Oregonian.
His business experience includes
several years with Merrill Lynch.
Pierce, Fenner and Bean, brok
erage firm: and operating his own
ice crM: business, owning two
retail stores. He joined the Lip-
msn's organization in "u..,,
1952, as assistant to the general
merchandise manager. He later
was promoted to hosiery and
glove buyer.
Chamber of Commerce direc
tors voted Wednesday night to
eliminate tht office of assistant
i manager effective March 1 as an
1 economy measure designed to
' balance the organization'a bud-
The recommendation was pre
sented by the executive commit
tee of the Chamber which had
studied the Chamber's organiza
tional setup and finances. It waa
pointed out that some of the
Chamber's work has been taken
; over by the Salem Industrial De-
) velopment Council. -
The position has been held
tor ine past two years by ira
Moore. It was emphasized that
the move was no reflection
whatever on Moore s work, on
which there waa no criticism
whatever. To be retained will be
the manager and two clerical as
The directors authorized the
first audit ot Chamber books in
several years, to be made by
Berwyn K. Biaxwel'. Frealfient
BiU Hammond announced that
attendance at the last two noon
lu DC neons was 17T, and 183 r
apecuvely. ' '
The recent addition of
members wss announced.
Extension to
(Continued tram Pssi It
House Group
(Continued tram Pag 1)
Circuit Court !
Dlm J"
J.n It. ISM. AU eiuuxlT t "'
c"ldr """ """"rl
BttIT J. CUrS SUntord A. Clirkj
DKore, conaMiai. '"" ,T.m
,B.m.n lr,.tB.M. M.rma SM
Ptb. 11, ,
enu no aioaiatt iuppo'I.
inhumui lr..tmtnl. a. Ui
!;mi" ri.wt' ln
cbUd to M Porn.
499 Motorists Paid
$4500 for Parking -
PORTLAND m In December
49t motorists parked between. 4
p. m. and e p. m. in iwo-aw.j
zones and paid. more than 14,500 to
get their cars back.
Lt. Jonn nuenger, in nuusc
police records, said 72 of the towed
cars were from out of the state.
The average penalty of (9 was di
vided about half to towing charges
nd half to narking fines.
So far this year the daily aver
age of towed can oeen ii.
(ConUnued Uom P 1)
At present, the first $3.M of in
come is taxed. The rata this year
went up to 2 percent It had been
1 H per cent on worker and em
ployer. 1 v .
The President set forth six-
point program for "improvement"
of the social security system:
1. Expansion of insurance pro
tection to about ten million more
people not presently covered in
cluding self employed tanners
many mors farm workers and
domestic workers: doctors, dentist
lawyers, architects, ccountana,
and other self employed profes
sional people; membera ef state
and local retirement systems and
clergymen (on a voluntary basis)
and several smaller groups.
Retirement Test
2. Liberalization of the present
"retirement test" to permit retired
workers to earn more at regular
part time joba without disqualify
ing themselves for social security
benefits. . .
At oreeent a man or woman
over as vear of axe land under
TS cannot oraw social aecurcr
payments If earnings are , more
mu Tm impm.
Tlus opersies to discount them
from tskina Dart time work.
Similarly, a widow of an insured
worker , loses, nor payment n sne
takes joo and earns mora mu
$75 a month.
After axe 7S. there la no restric
tion at present aa to earnings.
Th increase in the monthly
benefits which Secretary Hobby is
to detail later.
4. Broadening of the current
base of the social security tax
that is levying on the ursi
of income.
In the first year, taxpayers
would be allowed to deduct from
their tax bill I per cent of their
dividend income. This would be
fbereaaud to 10 per cent the sec
ond year and 15 per cent the third
year. : . . -.
From Tax Faymtnla ,
The deduction is from the actual
tax payment the taxpayer would
face under nresent law not fmm
his income to which tax rates are
applied. Thus, in effect, much
larger percentage of dividend in
come would be free of taxes.
Still before the group are staff
recommendations for bigger deduc
tions for medical expenses, new
deduction for cost of child care
expenses to working widows or
widowers, and a provision permit
ting taxpayers to count aa de
pendents some persona making
more than 8600 annually.
Stockmen lor:
I Flexible Price'
5 The American National Cattle
, man's Assn. Thursday endorsed
the administration's flexible price
supports program "with the nope
that it will eventually lead to com-
Nt The cattlemen's convention
.1 which Wednesday applauded Sec
retary of Agriculture Benson aa be
MltlinMl th rm nmorpm Thnpp.
! day adopted the following reeotu-
i tion:
"We commend President Elsen-
bower and SecreUrr of Agriculture
i Benson's new farm program . re
cently submitted to Congress as a
step In the right direction toward
bnngn j the nation s farm econo
my back to a sound basis, but we
reiterate our old and Ions eatah.
lished pr.llcy against price sup
ports and we endorse this program
with the hope that it will eventual
ly lead to complete decontrol."
Benson told the cattlemen that
variable price supports "promote
shifts in production and supply to
meet changes in demand they en
courage more production ricn
more ia needed and tbey put on
the brakes when supplies are bur-
India to Return
(Continue1 tram Pas t)
STRASBOURG. Franca lit Jean
Monnet chief executive of the
Schuman plan,' Thursday pledged
a helping hand to West European
workers displaced by 'technical
progress in the steel and coal in
dustry. Ha told the community's
common assembly that be ia set
ting aside seven millin dollars in
the next six months to finance the
transition of workers into other in
Dr. Will J. Thompson
Examination in Afternoon or
Eve. ky Appointment
Far Appointment Ph. 44051
ThiraaUa said the prisoners
would begin leaving their com
pounds at 8 a.m ttm. 20.
Gen. John E. Hull supreme
V. N. commander in the Far
East, said the United Nations
waa prepared to receive its pris
oners snd would send them on
their way to freedom - within 48
hours. s
Beds Get 348 Men
No official word was received
immediately on what the Reds
plan to do with the 348 prison
era who elected to stay jrith the
Communists, including 21 Atsr
icana and a British marine.
The Indian general said he
took unilateral action "because
I can neither retain custody of
prisoners of war nor further Im
plement the terms ot reference
nor release them." .
Thimayva also' sounded the
death knell of his commission,
which does not expire officially
until reb. Z3, by admitting it
wss not competent "at present
to 'declare release' tram prison- -
er of wsr status to eivilion atav .
tus of the prisoners in its cus
tody aa the procedure prescribed
preceding such declaration have
not been Implemented."
By returning the men to their
former captors before the end
of the scheduled 120-day period
ot neutral eustody, Thimayya
sought to leave the prisoner is
sue to further negotiation be
tween both commands. -
thousands of
For croupy
mothers hail
PERTUSSINS fast-arting formula
works ixUnuttf) to relieve eougha of
eoldswd loam sticky'aao
safe and effective thousands ef doe
tors nave prescribed PIXTVtUUM.
P J Toilet
; !' .1. iwisaTff.Ct i ':,-;w .
Clue Indicates
(Continued from !" 1)
' Rttgufar 25c
Keepe hair Is
Place, Adds
Oil to Scalp
2 for 25c
Big 24'
ft. 2.99
Information, John Carpenter, ra
dio, Arden X. Paugborn, Oregon
Journal. Robert Notson, The
Oregonian and Alton Baker, Eu
gene Register Guard: Public Of
ficials. Chief of Police James
Purcell, Portland, and Mayor
Loucks, Salem: Service and other
groups, A. N. weir, American
Automobile Association, James
Pruitt, Kiwsnis club. Walker
Reese, Junior Chsmber of Com-
n f c-:.l. Amsw.
p. vn or... c. v.n; mrarca merce an 1 oen o. r
I comprint, llnlas rn"' "'""'" , "'
T . v.lltins l.fii in 4 00 trlmni. . I nccai
io... ........... --.V rbiwita. SPi !"" '""""" , COrv nf
n , , r,.,. ci Dhnn, . .. . I 111,1. r.B- t,. . . . . ,
.rtf I
I r.Mu.ry 1.
In the clothing was a bill fold
that contained, among other
things, his social security num-
ber. This wss the same as that!
on the withholding Ux statement I
received by his father, indicating
that he must have app'ied for and
received a duplicate number.
For further contirmation mat
the man employed at Mercyville
Saniarium was the Oregon Pris
on guard, State police have sent
photographs for identification.
The only previous clue to Wil
liams' movements wss from the
driver of s bus operating east out
nf Port and. who identilied a pic
ture as a passenger who hsd been
aboard his bus. There was sus
picion here that Willlsms might
n in Forth Smith. Ark., and
contacts were made with police
there, but without result
The Portland story that Wll
Hams might have been murdered
Commerce Sin
clair V eeks is genersl chairman and thrown into a well in Polk
, . . vn,i ran take' . of the White House conierence, i county waa inc5ua": ".
Kicked Out SOU Can laac . .... .ndrrv Hutalnt: . , , . n , , i i... ik. wnmpn
.u:. ..!, -f "l","... ,r,l .1.(1 i StCO Dy KODert D. murray, r lice lunu.j
!.ny-f " . mST "and 70 To i ST!. . -a,;, ... ... undersecretary of Commerce for
mr e it easy tor you we win
open nites until 8 o'clock, bring
the family. Credit too, you don't
need ready cash. Capital Hard-
iware and Furniture Co., 284 N.
I Commercial. ,
.... ,hUm SM monWilr .upporl lor
,.ch h.itna tl s.nop. Wmo.
Transportation. Rear Admiral
Harold Blaine Miller, USN)
iri i. executive director of the
Maty B White va. Vernon T. oi injustry Information com
'SZJrtiSXTffi mittee. American Ptroleum In from narr.Min and mo- ,titute, was named by Secretary
int, pi.miiif and minor chiw Veekl director of the confer
curins lllla.tion.
who started the story was taken
to the scene. After 'he investiga
tion police said the story wss
without foundation.
n n. W.van 3fH
Rrtnrntng te SUtes I Live,iev Bldg. Ph. 3-36B3. Perms- j B-ie M. Dixon v. . Rohert Thornw p,, T, Mottntl
4JRD DIVISION. Gernuny-Rc- '1,0' Rulh Ford. Mgr. JJ nd.nt In s letter to the governor, he
turning to the Vnited States after n m ' ",in"1 President pointed out that "m
serving here witn mis omjion ia ; wjll mak(. $20 ,,, allrrwance ; " pi.iniiii ri'rinf I "resioem "
Cpl. Charles R. Carver, son of i
.. . . , uivorr - . tum "mnuniinii in i nf neain ana
Mr and Mrs. Fred Carver, route clo(f jn , rj)!nt f0upie for care ; freement r.i.a injury on our nngnwiya ion ao
1. Monmouth. Oregon. Carver, a I . automatic heat Ph. . .rl I reached a point of deep concern
l s i i rroooipj . to US all. II Sianas oeiore mer-
n rrankltn Tucker eiiate: rinai n t grMt ch,lenge human-
riflrman in the 172nd regiment s 2450S or 241272 eve,
comnsny E. entered the Army in
February. 1932, and arrived in
Europe in July. 1852. He had pre
viously been at Fort Ord. Calif.
i nrnvr. t i :-. a ..o
KfiTTrE1 To the 1.000 people ... 1 Itarian ana economic mo mii
who signed our grid petition, if Carl M.rtin Hamre 11mln-' be met by urgent action.
vn,f h3rt msiled vouV ballot to !" nrn 'J.1 tMU'" ' The President stated In. his ez-
the Statesman. Must be in Fri- B.mer 'Br'A
day. A. R. Meltord, Citizen i una , J'a,;;"",.;' H. Coppoc ap.
Problem hsir? W. sepci.lii. In - ' , I
il tvM nf hair eare at school i iarui ....rdun
BATHKtv To Mr. and Mr.. I prices. Modern Beauty College,, vi,Te.taie: P.uuoo
Uie. Boa 411. DalUfc a Dor. J.n f 'v . fc Bfc uui. . Kaftatliw Ma ai J,
CWYN To Mr. nd Mrt '"'!'
Gwvn. Bt 3. Boj SS, a girl. Jan U.
BaUike. Box 411.
WCXrviR To Mr. and Mrj
Don.ld WeUtver. Rt 1. 81 O-A.
Woodbum. a bor. Jan U.
ORLOrF To Mr and Mn. Jonn
Orlo. Rt. I. Bo 11-D. Turner, a
""hODCES-To Mr nd Mrs R"D
ert Hods... IMJ Warner St.. a srl
i.ULAY-To Mr and Mr.. Orvllle
tulay. Rl a. Boa St. Scjo. a dot
TONW-Tn Mr and Mr, Jprrj
a.ton. 141 Htnea St.. a girt Jan. "
for an order dlrecllns conveyance
real eatala oy inmiw,u,.
478 N. Church. Phone 3-8141
-KicKed inn -. -- Mu1.,io(l Co-rt
my pin oi im siw - ,
tattstflat In ."ill- MU IV ! e . . . . ,,
at savings to 50 and 70. To
make it easy tor you
open nites until o clock, bring
the family. Credit too, you don t
need ready cash CapiUl Hard
ware and Furniture Co, 24 N.
Commercial St
Ins. Pld SW fine. M. DeBow. drlrlnl while
Intoxicated, flned S230,
Morrieee License
AIJlAKT-.r"T D Ree apd Hen. V
eirvart. pots pf lei.
ler he had examined the ac
tion program for highway safe
ty," developed by the Governors'
Conference in cooperation with
interested organizations and pub
lic officials having Jurisdiction
nver hiehwav safety.
I "It is a sound and workable
program," the President wrote,
j "but ellective leauersnip is ami
ed to help you put this great
drt" crusade m organized action on a
Kale far bigger than ever De-tore"
Are Invited to
Attend "A 1-Way
Grid" Meeting
Friday Noon
Senator Hotel
S3.95 electric Regular 10c
. First Ouallty H C
C4)Cl) lock Knit ID J
MP.. q 03 m.
Control siaTJ Limit 5
Toiletry V'letl, '
$i.75Hudnut $7.95 Sun Volley
Home ktjkj
Permanent Fan 5L
69? Type j
ToTletry Variety
1 I 1
Good charcoal does not leave
more than three per rent ash.
HIGH-SPEED relief from
Honpltal teats prote Muiteroie
gives relief almost beyond belief.
Aim preater paae In moving. Htrh-
Ir medicated. Cotwmlrafed.. You
can rax Musterole work!
te 4.50e
Limit 4 te Family
$1.69 Certified
Fred Meyer Drugs
148 N. Liberty
We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities
. Reg. 85c
2 Layer CO
Serves 10 te 12 0V
' K ,
. ia
i t:
: '
: .r