Thursday, January U. 1951 CHECKINQ THE GERMAN UNDERGROUND i C nn I ,..3, 1 i : I I II .W: r H V . friff iSSrU0,,rt0Ur bTie (n at Mooen, in northern Germany. (AP Wirepboto) New Orders on Perfidy Charae WASHINGTON Ut Tht SUte apartment said Wednesday it hai rc" uMUTicuoni to fanmun Jom on whether toe United States should insist on a retraction of Red China charge of "perfidy." Special ambassador Arthur H Dean walked out of preliminary talks on a Korea peace conference last Dec. tt in protest against the Communist accusation. He said then be would not return until the Communist took back the charge. However, new talks have been cncuuiea to set a date for reop ening these broken -off preliminar- aenneui roung, Deans aide arranged these talks between liajl son officers. Suydam said Young had been notified "in a message sent during the last 24 hours." - North Marion High Activities HUBBARD-lFriday and Satur day, Tom Brumbaugh, band and chorus Instuctor at North Mar ion, will attend the state music conference at the University of Oregon in Eugene. The Band-Chorus Parents club of North Marion union high school is sponsoring a benefit performance of the University of Oregon band for the North Marion band and chorus, Feb. 4 at 8 p.m. Advance ticket sales will be by members of the band and chorus. Friday evening, Jan. IS, the North Huskies will meet Yam hill on the North Marion court in league play. Monday evening, Jan. 18, a Yawama League meeting will be held at McMinnville at 6:30. Tuesday evening the North Marion Huskies will go to Amity for a league game. The North Marion wrestling squad will tangle with the Scap poose squad at North Marion, Wednesday evening, Jan. 20, at 7 o'clock. Sheridan Dates NewSewerVofe SHERIDAN sk.j.. in ui j.o. iti ior we third time, on a munif-inal uhm -.-.. - i disposal plant. Under the proposal which will be voted on, water users will nav a sewer rental rata ni to - month for 500 cubic feet of wa ter, consumers using more than 500 cubic feet will pay 20 cents per 100 feet above th flat .h.... Large consumers will pay 10 cents per 100 cubic feet over the 500 mark. During the summer months, Ihe consumers will pay the eight month aver, .a f mm CanUmiu riuuvi to June. Under the last plan the voters rejected, the consumers would have Daid a flat S3 nar mnnlk charge, plus an ad valorem tax. csumiica ai approximately five mills. The charm of fiv mill ! timated for the new financing pun, in aoaiuon lo tne water users charge and the $75 'hook up charge. To finance the $350,000 bond issue and operate the system for 9.1 VMM kkni.t W1 AHA la ...k u.. Vka ... -(..mi- H IVfllVH Gfll. 1 IIC IHCI, tlWIa Hill raise about $24400 and the bal ance wouia come irom tne ao valorum tax, Nimifz Gives Trophy To Portland Reserves PORTLAND UB Fleet Adm. Chester Nimitz presented the Nim- itz Trophy to Portland s reserve , submarine division 13-7 before a crowd of 2.200 here Tuesday night The trophy is awarded annually by the Navy Department to the outstanding U. S. naval reserve submarine division. Nimitz praised members of all naval reserve divisions, declaring? "We are a maritime nation and our future depends on our sea pow er and the ability to immediately seize control of the seas, without the reserves this would not be pos sible." I SWANK SWINGER SAUSALITO, Calif. (UP) Mrs. Rudy Samson, an ardent golfer, really cares for her clubs. Their hoods are made of sable, stone marten and mink. SPRING VALLEY FU SPRING VALLEY The Spring Valley Farmers Union will meet at 8 p.m. Friday, Jan. 16, at the Spring Valley school. Guest speak er will be Jack Wells of Indepen dence who will show slides of South America. CLEARANCE WE'RE CLEARING OUT OUR '53 MODELS Packard-BeH, 2821 Maple, 21" Combination - Packard BeH 2723 Man. 21" FnU Dow Admiral 222Dx4t Maple, 21" FuU Door Admiral 228DxlC Man. 27" FuU Door. Admiral 321Dx2, Mab, 21" Combination R. C A. 21T314, Mahogany 21" R. C. A. 17T318 110 Mahogany 17" R. C A. 21T217, Walaut 21" R. C A. 21T218, Walnut 21" R. C A. 21T218, Mahogany 21" . Reg. Special KS0M $450 9M $320 $4s. $35900 '8703.08 OJQOO '84W.J5 8J30QOO unst $36o0 8319 93 $270O '$38950 $250 MiMt $300 ' wii $300 WARREN'S SALES AND SERVICE, INC. IOOI fair-round Id. Phone 3-7611 Strive to Make REA Political MIAMI, FU. ID A Republ) can cangreasmaa Wednesday de nounced What he called drtartnlnari cnona 10 make a political football ut of the Rural Electrification Aoministrauoa program. o ooresa ac tne annual con- venuoa or tne National Rural Electric Cooperative Assn. Rep. individuals and groups. ' with authority to speak for neither of tne major political parties, have tried to make it appear that the present administration was talking ""turn in cneea- wnen tt drafted a Dartv niatfiam ih.i pledged ha continued support for uj, crcuweauon. ' "The REA nroenun. thaaa u appointed spokesmen hava said, is oeuii -ecutued. The farmers, they nave said, ara Mm nM -i the river. ' " What are ttia fart.. Tk- .: Pie, straight-forward fact is that during the past 1 months, under uie present administration, the Hook, Ed Piennett, Joseph Er KtA program has been strength- west, Anton Engelhart, Sammy ed and improved and carried Fennimore Jr, Bill Hulras, ', ""n fresh vigor and re- George Hoffer, John Amann and newed detenninaUon." Joseph Messman. . THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Ortgoa , Coffee Hour fo Aid March Op Dimes WOODBURN Sunday, Jan. IT, Father Rubis Courts Knights of Columbus, is giving the entire proceeds of the "coffee hour" at St Luke's hall to the "March of Dimes" fund. A coffee hour is held each Sunday after aU mas ses. For tne past two years the men of the Knights of Columbus hav ing been Holding these "coffee hours" after eaca mass oa Sun days. Members era appointed to prepare coffee, not chocolate and doughnuts in cafeteria stale each Sunday for a social hour between masses with the proceeds going to tne aeoi oa st. iuae s school Pat, BACHELOR'S PARTY MOUNT ANGEL' Mr. and Mrs. Ira Herrif ord entertained at a "Bachelor Boys" dinner in their home Sunday afternoon. Covers were placed for Frank Gamble, Tony Schmidt, A. L Sutter, Mike Kleinscnmidt, Bill Ricbter, Jim Barrett, Bob Haffner, Marion WE GIVE AND REDEEM $H GREEN STAMPS ROBERT BROS. AND GENERAL ELECTRIC mm MCES REDUCTIONS FROH $35 To $60 rr 1 n..:..'ri I , .i liberty street - cMrt tre-et ' -""'''I 1 . . .... , 1 11 1 Crojr Stamps ) . l-J 1 mm waeaw . vnirvH W MliriilUM f fJkitki I ' ft3T mil ci v '."-r-:? :;: -'- I s . I n . IIP ' cjm n-. I . icu, duiu mi itiT ' . ..-s .,: m I Mnu UAIC DDirci ' &f&77fr?r I a ar ww I Mki rviii - ... . tow f. I;,:-;; - ..p.; ;-;y:rr-,:- &Mffis& VSV1 ','' ' ,' ... 137 Individual, wusHnf thet'esl lb 1 : sou i.W.niy aC:?J(jik X , I ..... , : . l,rto. wv to, HsWaa, 'ffjii I Jk r, ' T1m4 Mlae MoT erarnM Urr "Jff 1 fr Kf e nanonee rar wsy iwmmsj ' Jt J F Ss fjF" JT f . ' vents to fcoeti and alreel . ' 'A-JJ JP ': l . ' aV Bk. -1. fJeaaMw" T M : , af '-..'., 1 W ' aW . FOU SIZE SET AVAILABLE FOX $15 .TSSj rf ADDITIONAL ' . " " ' I I I chrome dinettes " MODElNoTil M0 1 4 21" Mantel TV. 1 I Regular i I' Black face picture tuow, j SL. O tic Cqb'"'t' f ""F i ct is " 1 Jlf;K,f- ft I Regular 359.VD f , 1 MANUFACTURER'S CLOSEOUT OF . . . LIMITED QUANTITIES ? . WIDE VARIETY OF STYLES AND COLORS BUY WHAT YOU NEED TABLE, CHAIR OR SET TABLES REG. SALE Oval. 4-leued plastic top table. 12i4". 7a AC AQ QC Extends to 6" long ,a'ar "''' Duncan Fhyfe pedesUl, i46"l closed. 79 gij 9.95 64.50 Oval-style, Duncan Phyfe pedestal base. AA QC 8i48", eitends to 60" 99.9 CHAIRS Deluie model. Fesm rubber seat. 17 QC chrome with no-mar back and handle Deluxe chrome with foam rubber seat, IQ QC ao-mar back Chrome with padded seat, ao-mar back 10 QC with hanHIa 19.99 Furniture Second Floor 10.95 12.95 9.95 Open Dally a. m. to 5:30 p. m. Open Friday. 9:00 to :00